What to give a guy for his birthday. The best original birthday gifts for a guy from a girl. DIY gift ideas What to ask for a boy's 15th birthday

For any child, the age of 14-15 years is a turning point. He no longer feels like a child, but rather, on the contrary, an adult and independent person. Accordingly, a teenager’s needs are not at all childish. However, who doesn’t love a boy for 15 years to make him happy?

A little about teenagers

Time flies unnoticed, it would seem that yesterday we were covering the corners of the table so that he would not hit his head, and today there is an adult guy standing next to him, who is about to turn 15 years old. My head is spinning, there is practically no time to choose a gift, and parents begin to panic: what to give for the 15th birthday of a boy who has almost become a man? In order to choose a good gift, you need to think a little about who is standing in front of you. At the age of 15, teenagers feel quite mature and independent; any cooing leads to resentment, and lectures lead to anger. This does not mean at all that the child is bad or naughty. It’s just that at this time the hormonal background is “raging”, the world around us opens up in a new light, so many interesting and unusual things appear that this, in the language of a teenager, “blows the roof off”. In no case should a gift offend the child or force him to do anything, otherwise the teenager will completely close himself off from you. The educational moment must be postponed until later, and first choose a gift that will turn the head of the “little rebel”.

Range of interests

In order to easily choose a gift for the birthday boy, you need to be a little bit of a tracker. Of course, you won’t have to spy on anyone, but your powers of observation will come in very handy. It is very important to know what your child is interested in and interested in. For example, if he goes to any kind of sport, an excellent gift could be: clothes for training, sports equipment, for things, etc. Moreover, it is important to note that the child should really like the sport, because some children go there only because That's what the parents decided.

If a teenager spends almost all his time at home reading books, he may really like a new e-book or tablet. Sometimes it happens that a child is practically not interested in anything, then maybe it is necessary to interest him? You can, for example, give him a beautiful wooden chess set, suddenly he will become interested and he will sign up for a chess club, or a guitar - perhaps this will be the impetus for a new hobby.

Unusual gifts

Many people think about 15 years, when he already has everything. It seems that all the things that come to mind have actually already been donated, and there is practically no choice. From the point of view of an adult, this may be exactly the case, but the opinion of adolescents on this issue is completely different. For example, a gift such as a smart watch may seem like an absolutely unnecessary thing to an adult, but any guy will simply be delighted with it. Just magic - real mobile phone instead of a watch on his hand, the teenager will think. In addition to smart watches, a 14-15 year old child will definitely like: wireless headphones, a game console, a 3-D pen. Many cool and funny things will also make great gifts, because teenagers love to joke so much.

For fashionable teenagers

Some children do not go to any classes at all, but also do not sit at home. They enjoy hanging out with friends, showing off new things, and flirting with girls. What to give a boy for 15 years if his interests are limited to cheerful companies? Everything is very simple! It is necessary to give something that will delight not only the birthday boy, but also his friends. For such an occasion, the ones with funny inscriptions, jewelry (signets, rings, chains), and stylish watches are perfect. Also, every guy who loves communication will really like a good perfume.

Computer geniuses

Parents often have a question: what to give a boy for 15 years if all his interest is concentrated in the computer? It would seem that what else is needed: there is a PC, a mouse and a keyboard, too, nothing more is required. This is where many people make a mistake. IN modern world There are a huge number of additional computer devices on store shelves. If a teenager plays games, then, for example, you can give him a cool joystick, steering wheel, gaming stereo headphones, a helmet for 3-D images, a gaming keyboard and much more. In addition, a guy might certainly be pleased with a new, improved video card or a terabyte hard drive. Since at the age of 15 many guys begin to feel like a man, they are very fond of a wide variety of equipment: mp3 players, digital cameras, printers, scanners, stereo systems.

An old dream

Remember if your child had a dream? If it doesn’t come to mind what you can give a boy for 15 years, you need to think about what he wanted before? Almost every kid has always dreamed of a radio-controlled car, a children's railway with a train that rides and hums along it, a cute puppy or a fluffy cat. Of course, the child is no longer 10 years old, but some dreams last a lifetime, and perhaps it’s time to make them come true? Perhaps the teenager has a new dream, and you can help make it come true; you need to talk about this topic and find out what his priorities are at this stage of his life.

Friends and acquaintances

Sometimes you have to go to a birthday party for the children of friends or relatives, and certain problems arise with choosing a gift. Of course, we always know much more about our child: what he is interested in, what he likes. With other people's children the situation is completely different. What to give a 15-year-old teenager whose boy you don't keep in touch with? First of all, you need to ask the child’s parents what he really needs. If they don’t give a specific answer, then you’ll have to think for yourself.

And you need to start from what every guy loves? At the age of 15, as a rule, children are still studying, which means you can give something related to their studies. An excellent gift could be a “flying” or “running” alarm clock (how difficult it is sometimes to wake up teenagers in the morning, and this little thing will add a little humor to the morning preparations). Also, every student will need an electronic notepad or book, a tablet, an interactive globe kit, and a desk calendar-diary.

Gift certificates

Sometimes choosing a gift just leads you into a blind corner. for 15 years - a boy who does not talk about his interests and hobbies. There are very secretive teenagers from whom it is difficult to extract any information. In this case, you can try a gift certificate or membership. Let the child buy what he needs himself, because each of us has the right to little secrets. Of course, you can also give money. Every teenager probably thinks about how to celebrate his birthday with friends and comrades.

Original gift

At the age of 15, boys are in constant search of: interests, friends, priorities. Today he can be friends with some people, and tomorrow he can be friends with others. The same applies to interests. In order to decide what original gift to give a 15-year-old boy, you need to know what preferences remain unchanged at that age. First of all, teenagers are always partial to music. Of course, the style may change: today it’s rock, and tomorrow it’s chanson, but listening to your favorite tracks still remains a favorite pastime. That is why for a guy’s 15th birthday you can give him wireless headphones, an MP3 player, or a music center.

What you shouldn't give

In order to narrow the range of things in the question “What to give to a 14-15 year old boy?”, it is necessary to select those items that definitely should not be given. The teenager will not like things from casual wear, which his parents would have bought for him anyway (jeans, T-shirts, towels). An exception may be a mega cool sports suit that a child has long dreamed of. Also, you should not give those things that you would like for yourself at his age. The idea, of course, seems practical: if I dreamed of this at his age, then so did he. This is an erroneous opinion, because people change over the years, and in principle, what one person likes does not necessarily suit another. If, despite the above advice, it is difficult to decide on a gift, you need to personally talk to the child and ask what he would really like to receive as a present. Many teenagers believe that even though a gift will not necessarily be a surprise, it will be a really useful and necessary thing for him.

Today, young people of this age are quite demanding when it comes to gifts. At this point age period guys are very changeable in their interests. They quickly get carried away by something, and just as quickly give it up. So, if last year he was interested in astronomy, it is far from certain that he is still studying the stars. Be careful, do not buy anything without finding out all the details. It should be a little easier for parents and close relatives in this situation. After all, they will learn about the change in the boy’s interests directly “in real time.” So, if you are someone from the outside, either choose neutral gifts, or consult with the boy’s family before purchasing. Well, we have selected the most useful and original ideas What to give a boy for his 15th birthday so that he will be remembered for a long time, but not only the gift pleases, but also the presentation itself!

Top 25 gifts for a 15 year old boy

Buying a gift does not mean you have to spend a huge sum on it. There are many inexpensive gifts that will be very nice to receive. You just need to choose it correctly. To make the surprise for a boy's 15th birthday memorable for a long time, it is worth giving the boy an original gift for his 15th birthday, one that will differ from standard gifts, of which there will already be plenty. With a little effort you can always find such an option. The gift should not only please you, but also be the best gift for a guy turning 15 years old. You just need to know his hobby and you can easily go shopping.

  • You can also knit a sweater or scarf for a young man, but at this age it is easier to accept such a gift from close relatives.
  • Darts.

  • Personalized phone/tablet case. By the way, it can be tied.

  • A mug with a knuckle handle, a heated mug or with an indicator.

  • A T-shirt or sweatshirt with a funny inscription/pattern, or a new item - a T-shirt with an equalizer. A very original gift!

  • Unusual piggy bank.

  • Also quite an interesting option for a gift is the “SpaceRail Space Coaster” construction set.

  • An original lamp in the form of Tetris, a sandwich, a fried egg, a basketball and the like.

  • Certificate for paintball or karting with friends.

  • “Electroshock” or laser pistols for active games with friends.

  • First of all, consider gifts that correspond to the boy’s already formed hobby. Something sports (boots, kimono, punching bag, training mannequin, etc.), artistic or technical.

  • It’s also worth thinking about gift items that any fifteen-year-old boy would love. These are roller skates, a skateboard, a bicycle, a protective suit for a cyclist, a helmet, a pump for a bicycle, and the like.

  • A young music lover (and almost all 15-year-old boys are like this) can buy a portable speaker, stereo system, MP3 player, headphones, USB drums, tickets to a concert of his favorite band or the game Guitarhero as a gift.

  • Board games like tennis, air hockey or football are very popular gifts at this age.

  • An alarm clock can also be a good gift, but not a simple one, but a creative one. For example, a target alarm clock, a flying or running alarm clock, and so on, in general, there are many options.

  • Game console, tablet, phone or something for the computer. This gift will certainly interest a modern fifteen-year-old boy.

  • A camera is also a good gift, but quite expensive.

  • Homemade machine for making popcorn or cotton candy.

A buggy ride is a unique gift for a brave boy

Top 5 DIY gifts for a 15 year old boy

No wonder it is said that best gift This is the one made with your own hands, which is why we offer you the top 5 gifts for a 15-year-old boy made with your own hands. You don’t have to just buy a beautiful and original gift in a store; show your imagination and you will succeed.

  1. . The most banal and budget gift can cause wild delight. Even if it's just regular socks. The most important thing is to present the gift beautifully. To do this, you need to twist the sock, starting from the elastic band around the axis, into a tube. Bend the edges of the sock, in the form of blossoming petals. Secure the bud with a pin. Do required amount buds and insert skewers into them. Secure with tape and wrap beautiful paper for flowers.

What to give a 15 year old boy? Young people today are quite discerning consumers who are sometimes difficult to please. They are strikingly different from the previous generation of fifteen-year-old boys. They are more knowledgeable, technically savvy and ambitious, while they are still the same fast-paced natures as the generation of their mothers and fathers at this age. True, hobbies today are somewhat different.

Let's consider several successful options, presenting the two most popular categories of gifts.

Interesting games

Modern young people at the age of 15 play games that their parents have never even heard of. Deciding what to give a 15 year old boy Don’t pass by the fashionable Air Hockey today. Not long ago, gaming tables with this game could only be found in entertainment centers of large cities. Today it is possible to purchase a more compact version of Air Hockey. This game will capture the attention of the 15-year-old hero of the occasion for a long time.

A cool alternative to this game in the same series of gifts will be the Award Slingshot in a holster. Some people think that childhood ends at 15. Prove with this gift that the main thing is to be young at heart.

Another great gift for those who like to have fun and express themselves at the same time, as well as the answer to the question, what to give a 15 year old boy, is Express sculptor. You just need to touch this product with your hand to get a sculpture on the reverse side. The options for possible sculptures are limited only by your own imagination and ideas for creative implementation.

Unusual useful gifts

Fifteen-year-old boys are yesterday’s children, so along with interesting games, unusual things may be suitable for them as a gift. It’s good if they can be used in everyday life, but the gift itself has an extraordinary idea, which is what attracts you in the first place. Thinking about what to give a 15 year old boy From this category of gifts, we draw your special attention to the Flying Alarm Clock. Every teenager is familiar with the situation in which, stopping the alarm clock, he will continue to sleep peacefully and soundly. Having such an alarm clock, you will not be able to oversleep. The thing is that the signal of a working Flying Alarm Clock stops only when the propeller released by the device is placed in its place. So, before leaving the annoying trills, the owner of such a gift will have to properly chase the flying part. Thus, the last remnants of sleep will disappear as if by hand, you can trust us, we tested it on ourselves.

So, when choosing a gift for a young man of this age, you need to remember that in youth you are attracted to everything unusual and extraordinary, only in this case will you be able to find the perfect gift for a 15-year-old birthday boy.

9 months ago

The article will tell you what to give a boy for his 15th birthday. It presents gift ideas for boyfriend, son, brother and friend. There are also gift options for a teenager who doesn’t know what he needs. 15 years is a small anniversary, so you need to make your boy’s birthday memorable.

It is better to choose a gift that will surprise and delight the hero of the day

Gift from friends or girlfriend

If you don’t know what gift to choose for a boy’s 15th birthday from friends, then this section will help you. Choosing a gift for a friend is not at all difficult, because friends spend a lot of time together and know almost everything about each other. Friends definitely have common hobbies or just interests, so you don’t have to worry too much about a gift. In addition, you can always ask mutual friends for advice, or you can casually ask who decided to give what to the birthday boy, so that there are no misunderstandings. And you can ask the hero of the day what he wants; it’s usually easiest for friends to do this.

Often friends at this age are faced with the main problem - a limited budget. What to give a boy for his 15th birthday, if the budget is small? In fact, there are quite a lot of options, and the most interesting ones are presented below:

  1. T-shirt with original print or photography .

Of course, if you give an ordinary T-shirt, unremarkable in anything, it will be very banal. But a custom-made T-shirt will definitely appeal to the birthday boy. The T-shirt can contain anything: various inscriptions, drawings, a photograph or several photographs, and even wishes. By the way, if a boy is passionate about the hero of some film, some music group, a fan of a hockey team, a football team, or something like that, then give him a themed T-shirt with a symbol or image.

A backpack is an indispensable thing for a guy

Lacoste gift set - a gift for true fashionistas

Touch keyboard - an unusual gadget for advanced guys

  1. Interesting gadgets .

In the modern world you can find many original, but inexpensive gadgets. For example, flash drive in an unusual case, wireless ring mouse , which you need to put on your finger, sound amplifier stand or mini speaker for phone. By the way, such gifts are suitable if a girl doesn’t know what to give her boyfriend for his 15th birthday. It will be nice to receive any gift from a girl, but if it is useful, then this is especially good. Another fun, and most importantly, necessary gadget will be escaping or flying alarm clock . It is suitable for those who have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning.

  1. Puzzle Games .

15 years is the age when the brain needs to be intensively developed, so puzzles are the right gift. We are not talking about ordinary, boring puzzles, but, for example, about 3D puzzles, a neocube or a five- or seven-layer Rubik's cube.

There are a few more fun things that a teenager will enjoy, namely:

  • Fortune Teller Ball ;
  • Glow in the dark headphones or laces;
  • USB heated cup .

By the way, friends can get together and give one significant gift, instead of several small ones.

Sweet gift for your beloved sweet tooth

Read also! Don't know how to wrap a gift to surprise the recipient? They will come to your aid

From parents and close relatives

If you visited this section, it means you still don’t know what to give your son for his 15th birthday. For a birthday, parents, as well as close relatives, should present something desirable and not exactly cheap. Close people must understand that this is no longer a child, but a stable personality. They must respect the preferences and interests of the teenager, therefore, when choosing a gift, they need to take into account the views of the birthday boy. Below is a list of the most anticipated gifts for boys:

  1. The most universal thing as a gift for a teenager is electronic equipment, for example, smartphone , tablet , laptop. Electrical engineering has long been an integral part. The life of any person, so there is no need to resist it, especially if the child is already 15 years old. If the birthday person already has the necessary gadgets and does not need to be replaced, then you can choose accessories for them, for example, covers , headphones and so on. True, such a gift would be more appropriate from a brother or sister.
  2. If a teenager is a creative person and expresses himself, for example, through photographs or music, then guitar or professional camera will be a practical and welcome surprise.

    USB flash drive Kryptex – for those who love riddles

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    Fitness bracelet - for athletic guys

  3. Cloth , accessories- these are exactly the things that puzzle not only girls, but also boys, and even more so in adolescence. It is important to choose high-quality, branded clothing. You need to accurately decide on the size, design, and brand so that the birthday person really likes the gift.
  4. Fifteen-year-old boys love to play with various toys on computers, so give the birthday boy gaming keyboard , powerful video card or special chair .

Sport equipment

If you still haven’t decided what to give a teenage boy for his 15th birthday, then a sports-focused gift is a great way out. Many teenagers play sports, and those who are far from sports will be able to reconsider this area if they receive a sports gift. What could it be:

  • Board. It can be either a regular skate or a flowboard, longboard or roller surf.
  • Balls. Maybe the birthday boy is passionate about volleyball, football, basketball? Then give him a professional ball, he will definitely need it.
  • Skis. This gift is especially good if the teenager has a birthday in winter.
  • Tourist equipment . Anything will do: tent, sleeping bag, backpack, ropes, etc.

Natalya Sukhorukova

Time flies quickly and now in front of you is no longer a baby crawling on the carpet with toys, but a completely independent adult personality. And, note that only you see in your own adult child that mischievous and funny child, he himself has a radically opposite opinion about himself. The question is what to give a 15 year old teenager? New Year baffles many parents. After all, if a train or a wind-up doll found under a Christmas tree a couple of years ago caused great delight, now It's time to take the issue of choosing a gift more seriously.

The difficulty is that now you will no longer ask your over-aged child to write a letter to Santa Claus, from which it is very easy to find out the child’s wishes. There is only one thing left - observe, delve into problems, interests and aspirations of the child, finally, just ask what he would like to receive for the New Year. If your son or daughter is passionate about some kind of art or sport, a gift for a child aged 15 should match his interests. For example, you can give an athlete a new stylish backpack or accessories for a certain type of activity.

For a musician and artist, new brushes, a bow, a violin case will be suitable, the choice is up to you and the child himself. It is worth thinking about changing your occupation. Maybe a person wants to learn something new. For example, enroll in a chess school, learn English language or engage in radically opposite activities. Perhaps this will be the beginning of a bright and successful path.

What to give a 15 year old girl for New Year?

What gift should I give a 15-year-old girl for New Year? Young people at this age, more than ever, strive to win their place among their peers.

It is very important for them to be individual, to stand out from the crowd, to attract the attention of everyone around them, especially the boy they like

Therefore, first of all, pay attention to decorative cosmetics or facial, nail, and hair care products. An equally desirable gift would be bottle of good perfume from a famous brand.

What can you give a teenage girl that is original and useful? The list of such gifts is extensive:

  • Gadgets. In this case, everything depends on the financial capabilities of the parents, although a suitable option can be found in the line of any electronic devices. You can give your child a tablet, computer, smartphone, iPhone or iPod, media player, DSLR camera, e-reader, game console and much more.
  • Sets of accessories for needlework. Most girls of this age are passionate about needlework. Some of them have long mastered the art of weaving bracelets from rubber bands and beads and are now keen on the techniques of decoupage, batik or kanzashi. If you haven’t heard these words yourself, buy a themed set for a young needlewoman and interest her in a new and interesting craft.

  • Sporting goods and accessories. If your child is active and athletic, the choice of gift is obvious! Give skates, roller skates, a hoop, a skateboard, a hoverboard. In the same category, a subscription to a fitness room, swimming pool, skating rink, or dance studio would be appropriate.
  • Surprises and demotivators. For example, chameleon mugs with creative inscriptions, T-shirts, sweatshirts, posters, thought pillows and many interesting and funny trinkets. These options are perfect as a gift for your sister.

Finally, the time has come when the girl has grown up and is quite capable of caring for a pet on her own.

So why not give her a puppy or kitten of the breed she dreams of?

What to give a 15 year old boy for New Year?

The question of what to give a 15-year-old boy worries all parents of teenagers. What to do if a child by this age already has everything: a tablet, a smartphone, a computer, roller skates, skates and everything else. After all, today this is not a problem, and parents try to buy their child everything he asks for, even not on holidays. Therefore, try to make a really interesting and useful present:

  • Smart watch. Most likely, any adult will consider this gadget a worthless trinket. But for a 15-year-old teenager this will be a real surprise. “Magic”, omnipotent watch that can be worn on your wrist. They have built-in Bluetooth, wi-fi, speakers for phone calls, an alarm clock, and a port for connecting headphones and listening to music.

  • Watch. Yes, in addition to a smartwatch, your almost-grown man may need a cool regular watch. This accessory can emphasize (or show) brutality to a teenager and make him feel like an adult.

  • Cloth. At this age, not only girls, but also boys are very careful about their appearance and things. For a guy, it’s important to be no worse than others, and maybe surpass them in some ways. Let him be a three-time excellent student at school, the best player on the local football team, the first chess player in the republic, but among teenagers he must look the part. Therefore, go shopping with your son and choose a stylish sweatshirt, jeans, or those things that he likes most.
  • Computer gadgets. What should parents do if their teenager is not interested in anything other than the computer? Just to support his interest, perhaps in the future this hobby will develop into something more serious, for example, programming. On the shelves of modern stores there is a huge variety of devices and gadgets for computers, laptops, and tablets. A child may be interested in a gaming keyboard or mouse, stereo headphones, 3D glasses, a spacious hard drive, and much more.
  • Perfume. This is probably more of a good gift for a 15-year-old guy from a girl than from his mother. Young people know better what fragrances are in fashion now, so leave this option for the young man’s girlfriend.

The best gift for a teenage athlete

On this fabulous and magical day, you can give your child another drop of childhood. Remember what toys your son dreamed of, but you simply could not afford to buy them. Perhaps the beautiful radio-controlled racing car he once dreamed of will remain an unfulfilled desire.

Therefore, put a piece of his dream under the Christmas tree as a gift from Santa Claus; most likely, such a gift will be the most unexpected and desired

What to give to a 15 year old friend?

It’s very easy to find a New Year’s gift for a 15-year-old friend. After all, who, if not you, knows her character, tastes and preferences better than others. There are a lot of options for choosing gifts, you just have to try and you will definitely find the right one:

  • Slippers. Do you often come to visit your friend? Therefore, you know for sure whether she has slippers or not. Even if there are some, give those that she simply does not want to rent at home. For example, in the form of plush toys or boots, like from the fairy tale “1000 and 1 night”.

  • Accessories. You know very well the style of clothing that your friend prefers, so you can easily choose a scarf or small wallet to match her handbag.
  • For jewelry and cosmetics can be presented cosmetic bag or jewelry box.
  • An interesting option would be Christmas ball , packed in a box along with tangerines and sweets.

Show your imagination and the solution will come by itself. Please your loved ones with gifts while you can. After all, very soon your adult child will go to study at a university, and maybe move to another city.

December 24, 2017, 11:20 pm

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