Conversation about clothes, second junior group. Clothes lesson plan (junior group) on the topic. Didactic exercise “Name the clothes and their parts”

Ulmeken Alibekova
Integrated lesson on the topic “Clothing” in the second junior group

Alibekova Ulmeken

Integrated lesson in the second junior group

Educational area: Communication, Creativity.

Educational activities: Speech development, drawing.

Subject: « Cloth»

Program content: Enrich children's knowledge about clothes and their types. Teach the correct use of words « Cloth» , distinguish between types clothes according to shape, by color. Enrich vocabulary, develop the ability to distinguish objects by properties, verbal logical thinking. Develop independence when performing gaming exercises (task). Develop aesthetic perception and imagination.

Materials: Toy cabinet for clothes,Pictures clothes, laces, mittens, dress, watercolor paints, brushes, water, napkins.

Move classes: (circle of joy)

Teacher: Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when meeting: "Good morning!"

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning to smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

Let Good morning lasts until evening.

Children with a teacher repeat the words of the poems.

Now sit back and tell me what time of year it is? (winter)

Why do you think that the time of year is winter? (the weather is cold, there is snow outside)

What should we do to stay warm outside? (dress)

Where do we get ours clothes? (in the shop)

Guys, today a saleswoman from a store came to visit us clothes.

(Children say hello)

Saleswoman: Guys, I came to test your knowledge and brought you several tasks. Do you want to complete them? (Yes)

1-task: A game "What's hidden in the closet?"

The teacher opens the cabinet and shows clothes. Children call clothes from the closet. (dress, trousers, jacket, fur coat, coat)

How can all this be called in one word? (cloth)

The teacher opens the bottom door and shows the shoes. Children call shoes from the closet. (boots, boots, shoes)


The teacher opens the top door of the closet and shows the hats. Children called: cap, hat, cap, earflaps.

How can you call all this in one word? (headdress)

Why do we need clothes, shoes, hats? (to keep from freezing, to make it beautiful, etc.)

Right cloth we need it to stay warm in the winter and in the summer cloth protects us from the sun. Clothes tailors sew and rent out shops.

And shoemakers sew shoes. Sellers sell ready-made items for us.

2- task: "Queue at the store" didactic game.

During the game, children stand in line and describe their favorite clothes and take. (children take clothes with correct description clothes)

3-task: Didactic game "Find a Pair"

The saleswoman asks to find a pair of mittens based on the drawings.

Music is playing, children are dancing, each has one mitten on their hands and is given a signal to run and find their pair.

Guys, what are laces for? (these are shoe laces)

Let's play with you.

Finger gymnastics "Funny Laces"

Up the lace

Down the lace.

And again, one more time.

And now it’s the other way around.

Here's the lace going back

Thumbs up, thumbs down

This one is up, that one is down!

This is our pattern!

This is the kind of fence we have!

(I. Lopukhina)

Children wrap their fingers and tie.

4- task: -Guys, the saleswoman said that these dresses have been hanging on display for a long time and no one is buying them. So let's decorate these dresses so that they are beautiful and then customers will immediately buy these dresses.

Drawing with paints "Let's decorate the dress"

Children decorate the finished drawn dresses with round, oval shapes.

Children hang their finished works at the board.

Saleswoman: - Well done, very beautiful, elegant dresses! Now customers will definitely buy these dresses. Thank you for your help, goodbye!

Guys, what did we talk about today? (about clothes, played, found a pair of mittens, drew)

Who sews? clothes? (dressmaker)

What do people need for sewing? (needle and thread)

Let's play a game "Needle and thread"

Progress of the game: One of the children will play the role of a needle, and the rest of the children will be threads, stand one after another holding hands.

Children run in group room from corner to corner without breaking the thread.

Publications on the topic:

“My beloved Motherland” (integrated lesson in the second junior group)“My beloved Motherland” (integrated lesson in the second junior group) Educator: Anna Valerievna Maximova. Goals: Education of patriotism.

Goal: Continue to teach children to color a drawing without going beyond the outline. Learn to use glue. Develop fine motor skills. Bring up.

Integrated lesson in the second junior group “Journey to the autumn forest” Goal: Enriching children's knowledge about changes in wildlife in the fall. Objectives: Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Fasten.

Integrated lesson in the second junior group “Mysterious autumn forest” Integrated lesson in junior group 2 “Mysterious autumn forest” 1. Program content: teach children to recognize in images.

Final integrated lesson in the second junior group Municipal preschool educational institution "The Little Prince" Summary of the final integrated lesson in the second.

Tsybutsynina Elena Viktorovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, child development center - kindergarten No. 16 "Korablik"
Locality: Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region
Name of material: Summary of the open event
Subject:"Solving educational problems in joint activities on the topic "Clothing" in the second junior group
Publication date: 31.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Game "Shop".
O.O: Social and communicative development, speech development
Clarify and expand vocabulary on the topic. Develop dialogical speech. Develop communication skills. -"What do you want to buy?" - What colour? -What does your dress have? - Is there a pattern on your clothes? -What does your pattern look like? - What colour?

“What parts does it consist of?”
O.O.: Speech development, cognitive development Goals: To develop the ability to communicate with adults, to enrich the vocabulary: dress, shirt, shorts, skirt, coat, fur coat, jacket, overalls, boots, shoes, cap. Form an idea of ​​the parts of clothing -Name these pictures -How can you name all these items in one word? - Choose any picture you like and tell us what your clothes have?

Compiling a descriptive story about clothing according to the diagram.
O.O.: Speech development Goals: to develop the ability to write a descriptive story about clothing, to activate vocabulary - What is this? (for example, these are boots) - Are these clothes, shoes or a headdress? Name it. - What parts are they made of? - What material are they made of? What colour? - What time of year can you wear it? -Who wears these clothes?

"Cut pictures"
O.O.: Speech development, cognitive development Goals: to form an idea of ​​clothing; practice putting together a whole image from several parts; develop sensory perception and fine motor skills. - The clothes were torn into small pieces. Let's sew all the parts. -What did you get? -What colour? -Show me what your dress has? -What do you have? - How can you call all these objects in one word?

"Whose clothes"
O.O.: speech development. Purpose: To practice the formation of possessive adjectives, to learn to differentiate clothes for adults and children, boys and girls; - Whose trousers are these? -What colour? -Tell me with a complete answer: these are daddy’s black trousers.

"4 extra"
O.O.: cognitive development, speech development Goals: to activate vocabulary on the topic, develop mental activity, attention. Look at the picture and say - What is this? List -What do you think is unnecessary here? Why?

"Choose according to the season"

Cognitive development. Goals: Continue to teach children to differentiate clothes by season - Guys, we have pictures with different seasons. - In this picture, what time of year? How did you guess? - What do you think is the seasonal clothing to wear at this time of year? And if we wear it in the spring, what is it like? Choose cards and arrange them.

"Little Designer"
O.O.: speech development, cognitive development. Goals: to develop the ability to navigate in space; give the child the initiative to choose his own pattern; develop the ability to work individually. -What did you get? -What does this item look like? -How many circles does your pattern have? -What color is the largest circle? And the smallest one? -What color is circle 2? Compared to the green circle, is it larger or smaller? -

"Put it into pieces"
O.O.: cognitive development, speech development, Objectives: to practice classifying items of clothing: hats, shoes.
- Guys, what should be on the top shelf? - What will you put on the middle shelf? Answer with a complete answer. -Where will you put your shoes? Why? - And what shelf is the hat on? Why?
10. “Let’s wash the doll’s dress”
O.O.: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development. Goals: to develop the ability to perform game actions; activate the vocabulary: soap, wash, rinse, wash, rinse, dry -dry. Cultivate a caring attitude towards clothing; to form an interest in the work of an adult. Form an idea of ​​the actions and items needed for washing. - What happened to the clothes? - Why do you think the doll stained her clothes? - What can we do with such clothes? -What do you think is needed for washing? -What did I pick up? (soap) -What am I doing now? (lathering) repeat! -_Do I soap my clothes based on moisture content? - Guys, look, what formed when soaping? Repeat! - I soaped up, what are we going to do now? -What am I doing? Repeat - I did the laundry, what do you think needs to be done now? -What kind of water will we rinse in? - Tell me what am I doing? -I rinsed it, what should I do with it now? Repeat - What did we do now, tell me?
11. "Mend your clothes"
O.O.: cognitive development. Goals: To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, teach children to select shapes that are appropriate in shape, color and size. - Children, let's pick up patches and patch up the holes in our clothes - What does a hole in a jacket look like? What colour? - Find a patch for this sweater. What shape? What color?
What is missing"
O.O.: speech development. Goal: Develop the ability to find missing parts; develop thinking, attention, learn to make inferences. -What's missing from your dress? - What else does your dress have?

13. “Find a match”
O.O.: cognitive development. Goals: to practice comparing objects, to highlight the main features, to develop attention and thinking - Look how many different mittens and shoes there are and you can’t figure out which pair is which? - Help me sort the mittens and shoes into pairs? - How did you know that this one is suitable for this mitten? Why? Word games
Goal: to teach children to correctly form singular and plural nouns in speech;

“What is it made of?”
Goal: to consolidate the use of relative adjectives and methods of their formation in children’s speech.

"Pick a sign"
Purpose: to practice selecting adjectives for nouns.

"Call me kindly"
Goal: to teach children the correct formation of nouns and the formation and use of adjectives, diminutives; develop mental activity.

Oksana Milova
Plan of educational work in the second junior group “Clothing and footwear”

Target: Teach children to classify and distinguish clothes, shoes for the season.

Final event: Exhibition: “So different shoes» .

Tasks for the week, taking into account the integration of educational regions:

To develop the ability to recognize, name and classify « shoes» , « cloth» . Expand your active vocabulary by introducing adjectives "rubber", "leather", "winter", demi-season", "summer". Develop basic understanding of how to care for clothes and shoes. Arouse interest in researching subjects clothes and shoes, conducting simple experiments and experiments with various materials (wood, rubber).

Develops attention, fine motor skills, auditory, visual perception through finger gymnastics, didactic games. Build skills with teacher recognize by description friend's clothes and shoes(without giving a name). Continue to develop an interest in reading works of fiction. Develop the ability to listen to a friend and not interrupt. Pin in comparison of number of items (more, less, same) in two groups, develop the ability to identify triangles and rectangles (comparing). Develop the ability to assemble a whole image of an object from parts. Develop the ability to build from a large and small builder, work in a certain sequence, learn to decorate a building using parts of different colors, play with the building. Cultivate a desire to help those who needs it. Teach how to dress, develop the ability to fold clothes in a certain sequence. To develop children's interest in artistic creativity, the desire to make a collective work on the topic.

Exercise children in independent organization of play, bring up ability to establish role relationships.

Strengthen the ability to rotate the ball between your palms, roll the ball with both hands around the cubes. Strengthen the ability to draw oval objects by creating contour drawings, closing the lines into a ring. Practice sculpting plasticine products by rolling out columns between your palms with straight movements, connecting them into a closed ring.

Greetings, games for spending the morning circle:

Days of week Greetings Group activity Information exchange

P "Smile" Di: "Let's put shoes on our feet" Conversation: "Our shoes»

IN "Compliment" Di.: "Say it the other way around" Conversation: "Boot Clasps"

WITH "Ball" P/n "on a smooth path" Conversation: “What warms us on the way to the village”

H "Finger" Di "Legs-paths" Conversation: "Who is doing shoes»

P "Palm" Di "Fold the picture" Conversation: "If it weren't for clothes»

Our birthday people

Alina T. - 13.11



MONDAY Morning: Morning exercises

Conversation "In which shoes worn before

Looking at illustrations on the topic « Shoes and clothing» . Exercise, Ulyana, Vanya F. soap your hands until foam forms, rinse the soap thoroughly. A story about your shoes

Di: « We put on shoes and clothes» Contribute: illustrations D/ And: "Halves" Ask parents to bring shoes and clothes for development environment

Ask parents to bring buttons for collection to the center "The science"

Invite Nastya M.’s mother to the center "Mathematics"

GCD Speech development (LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS) "Our shoes» (surprise moment, conversation p/gymnastics d/i "What am I putting on my shoes)

Artistic and aesthetic development (IZO) (By plan head of art activities)/Cognitive (construction from building material "Shelf for shoes» (riddles, p/g, display, independent activity)

Physical development (By plan outdoors


Draw children's attention to leaf fall. Note that the wind is swirling the leaves. Let's help the janitor collect the leaves. P/n "Train"; "Get into the goal"; "Cat and Mice" Pin with Yaroslav P, Gleb B. names of trees birch, rowan Situational talk: “I played it myself, give it to someone else”.

Remote material: rakes, buckets, spatulas, molds.

Job Reading a fairy tale before bed "Miracle Tree".

Strengthen the skill of turning things inside out and carefully hanging them on your chair, put shoes under the chair.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Reading a fairy tale "Bubble, Straw and Shoe"» D/i "Call me kindly" Reinforce concepts "Times of Day" with Vanya F, Semyon D. Reading a poem by P. Voronko "New things". C/game « Shoe shop» . Application: various shoes, cash register, cards

clothes and determine the weather by behavior. Remember the names of the seasonal clothes. Clear the table and benches of leaves. P/n "Tram", "Take care of the object", "Geese-geese"

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners Group,

subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

TUESDAY Morning: Morning exercises.

Conversation: "Boot Clasps"

Di: "Say it the other way around";

P/n "On a smooth path" Exercise Vova V. to sculpt columns from a piece of plasticine, rolling them with straight movements between the palms. Situational talk: “We lace ourselves”

D/i “Pick up a doll shoes» . Application shoes Ask Makar Sh.’s mother to knit socks for the doll.

Individual consultation for parents Tikhon P, Svyatoslav S., Andrey S. “How to dress a child for a walk”.

GCD Speech development. “I’ll teach put on my brother's shoes» "(p. moment, reading, conversation, D\game « Repeat, like me")

Physical development (By plan physical education instructor)


Walk Observing passers-by. Conversation “Which shoes worn in autumn. Is it possible to walk in sandals? P/n "Carousel", "Find your house". Exercise Svyatoslav S. and Vanya F. to name the time of year. Situational talk: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk” Remote material: buckets, rakes, shovels for playing, bags for throwing.

Job before bedtime Reading a fairy tale of children's choice

Continue to strengthen the skill of being able to place sandals evenly, beautifully, next to their cribs.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking "massage" paths.

Breathing exercises Dramatization fairy tales: "Zayushkina's hut" Examination of fabric samples with Alina T. and Nastya. Pin properties "smooth", "soft","rough" Role-playing game "A toy shop" (we sell toys) (show, explanation, conversation).

Application: toys, display cases, wallets, bags, toy money, cash register.

Walk Observe people passing on the street. Try by clothes and determine the weather by behavior. Clearing the gazebo of leaves means working for everyone’s benefit. P./i "Run to what I call", "Find your house", "The Winding Path".

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

WEDNESDAY Morning: Morning exercises

Conversation “What warms us up on the way to kindergarten”

"The game is fun "Legs and Palms".

Consolidating a memorized poem "Mom was washing clothes"

Semyon D, Margarita S, Vasilisa P. Situational talk: “Where does mom buy us boots?” D/ And: "One-many". Application: pictures and images shoes and clothes; d/ And: "Guess and Describe" Individual conversation "Payment for kindergarten".

GCD Musical Development (By manager's plan)

FEMP (mathematics) “Reinforcement more, less, the same”. "Triangle and Square"(conversation, d/game "Pick up a patch", f/minute "Dress").

Walk Conversation, watching the wind. Walk with pinwheels. Hood. word "Breeze".

P/n "Aim more accurately", "The Birds Are Flying". Exercise Ulyana and Vanya to recognize and name birch and rowan.

Drawing on wet sand with a stick

Di: “Guess what I drew”, Remote material: turntables, buckets, rakes, shovels, bags, hoop.

Job Before bedtime Reading a fairy tale of the children's choice.

Strengthen the skill of unbuttoning shirts and hanging them neatly clothes.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Breathing exercises.

Coloring with pencils with pre-applied strokes teacher. D/ And: “What toys can do”. Fix colors and geometric figures with Nikita L., Yaroslav P, Margarita S. Role-playing game "Family" Application: cloth, bags, dishes

Walk Draw the children's attention to the fact that it is getting dark early and this is due to the approach of winter. P/n "Cat and Mice", "Find Your Place", “It doesn’t fly. Exercise Andrey S, Roma Z, Zhenya P. in rolling the ball between their palms.

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group,subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

THURSDAY Morning: Morning exercises.

Conversation: "Who is doing shoes»

Di: "Which one, which one, which one";

R/game “My question - the answer came” Strengthen your drawing skills using stencils. Zhenya K, Zhenya Ch.

Board game "Puzzles".

Conversation “The soap will foam...” Application: toys, pictures and images

Di: "Which one, which one, which one"; "Finish the word". Consultation for mother Vanya F. “The meaning of sleep for a child”.

Ask parents to create a portfolio.

GCD Musical Development (By plan musical director)

Speech development (ecology) Looking at illustrations, talking about seasonal clothes and shoes.

Cognitive development (REENP) Experimenting with materials "Sinking, floating" (material properties)


Conversation, observation of mountain ash.

Examining a rowan brush.

P/n “My cheerful, ringing ball”, “Find the flag Exercise Andrey, Nikita to roll the ball with both hands between the cubes

Remember the riddles about autumn. Reading nursery rhyme "Three Magpies". Remote material: dolls dressed for the weather, buckets, rakes, brooms.

Job Reading a fairy tale before bed “Winged, furry, and oily”

Develop basic skills in carefully changing clothes and cleaning shoes.

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Breathing exercises

Di "Find a Pair" Strengthen the ability to determine day or night from a picture with Gleb B, Filya Ch. Role-playing game "Shop") (show, explanation, game itself)

Application: attributes for the game.

Walk Explore the areas around with children kindergarten. Mark where there are more leaves. Ask what does this depend on? "Mousetrap", "By the Bear in the Forest".

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners


subgroup Individual educational activities in special moments

FRIDAY Morning: Morning exercises

Conversation: "If there was no clothes»

Di: "Name the nesting dolls"; “Assemble a picture from six parts” Form with Roma D, Vanya F. the correct use of a spoon Situational talk: "After you've played with the toys, put them away after you"

Di: "Let's draw a picture" Application: D/ And: “You finish the word and all together repeat» ; "Who's doing what"; "Let's draw a picture" Individual conversation with Tikhon P.’s mother about the boy’s behavior in group

GCD Physical development (By plan head of physical culture)

Artistic and aesthetic development /art/ by plan head of art activities

Cognitive development (design) "Shelf for shoes» (construction from a constructor)

Walk Ask the children to describe the weather conditions, noting all the factors. Watch the wind play with the leaves

P/n "Sun and Rain", "From bump to bump". Exercise the ability to line up in pairs, walk in formation Eva, Lenya K, Serezha S.

View and compare shoes. Name what is common and what is different (sole, fur, color, lock, laces, Velcro) Remote material: bucket, shovels, rakes, machines.

work before bed Reading. n. fairy tales "Swan geese"

Strengthen the skill of taking off and turning out tights before going to bed

Evening: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths, breathing exercises.

P/n. " “My cheerful, ringing ball”. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly Vasilisa, Lenya K. Learning nursery rhymes "Shoemaker" Application: illustration attributes, shoes

Walk Bird watching at the feeder

P/n "Catch me", "Cat and Mice", "By the Bear in the Forest". Strengthen skills independently put on shoes with Roma Z, Semyon D, Svyatoslav S.



Program content:

1. To form in preschoolers the concept of the general word “clothing”. 2. Differentiate types of clothing by season: summer, winter clothing. Recognize and name items of clothing.

3. Encourage children to compare and generalize. Cultivate neatness and attention to one's own appearance.

4. Cultivate neatness and attention to one’s appearance, and careful handling of clothing.

5. Exercise and select a pair for an object, matching them by color and geometric shapes.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: conversation, questions;

Visual: showing pictures of winter and summer clothes; d/i "Shop" (ICT),

Practical: didactic game (with a ball) “What do you wear on the street”, game “Pick a pair”.

Previous work:

1 . Excursion with parents to a children's clothing store.

2. Conversation about the purpose of clothing.

3. Examination with children of their personal clothing.

Individual work:

Encourage Volodya Y., Varvara P., Nastya G. to verbally pronounce the names of items of clothing.

Progress of the lesson:

1. -Guys, look, the Katya doll has come to visit us. But for some reason she is shaking a lot. She froze! Guys, why do you think she was frozen? (Because she came to us in one thin dress) Is it possible to walk in a thin dress now? What time of year is it now? That's right, it's autumn outside. What's the weather like outside in the fall? (cold, rainy, strong wind blowing) That's right, guys. And soon winter will come, it will become even colder, and we need to hide our arms, legs and tummy under clothes so that the frost does not reach them. What clothes should you wear in winter? (warm). What is the name of the clothes we will wear in winter? (winter). What will we wear in winter? And what about the clothes we will wear in the summer? (summer).

– Is it possible to walk in summer clothes in winter? Why not? (you might get sick).

Guys, let's play the game "What will you wear for a walk."

Guys, Katya says that she doesn’t have winter clothes. How can you help her? Let's go to the store and pick out clothes for her to walk outside in winter.

2. Game "Clothing Store"

Here's a clothing store. Let me be the seller and help you choose clothes, and you will be the buyer.

Here we have a shopping cart, in which we will put the winter clothes that we will select for Katya. (All purchases are negotiable.)

Guys, while our purchases are being packed, you and I will go to the next department and pick out warm socks and mittens for Katya. Oh, everything is mixed up here! Let's put things in order and collect mittens and socks in pairs.

And here are our purchases! Katya is very grateful to you for helping her choose winter clothes. But we still need to teach her how to take care of her.

If clothes get dirty, what should you do with them? (children's answer)

(finger gymnastics “Big Wash”)

If clothes are torn, what should you do with them? (children's answer)

(finger gymnastics “Gift to Bear”)

If clothes become wrinkled, what should you do with them? (children's answer)

3. Katya, now you have warm clothes, put them on quickly, and we’ll meet for a walk.

What did we do today? Where did you go? What did you buy? What did you like most today?

Program content:To consolidate knowledge of Russian folk and to update knowledge about wild animals; learn to use non-traditional means of drawing (for example, cereals); stimulate speech activity; train in pronouncing onomatopoeias full of words; develop auditory attention, speech breathing, voice strength, articulatory, general and fine motor skills; to cultivate interest in folk art, productive activities (drawing), a caring attitude towards animals, as well as activity and initiative; promote the development of positive emotions.

Previous work: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok", dramatization of the fairy tale with bi-ba-bo dolls.

Material. Puppet theater "Kolobok", screen, chest with dolls, drawing materials (PVA glue, colored cardboard, cereal).

Educator. What a beautiful chest! Yes, not simple - magical! I wonder what's in it? (Tries to open the chest, but it doesn’t open.) Children, maybe there’s a fairy tale in there?

Did you invite me to visit a fairy tale, children?

Are you really looking forward to a fairy tale, children?

Guess the riddles -

The fairy tale will come to the children again!

The teacher asks riddles, the chest opens. The teacher takes out toys from there.


Deftly gallops across the lawn

Swift gray... bunny.

Cunning cheat

red head,

The tail is fluffy, beauty,

And her name is... fox.

He makes friends with the fox,

For others, he is very evil!

All teeth click and click,

Very scary gray... wolf.

He sucks his paw in winter,

He also loves honey.

It may roar loudly.

What's his name? (Bear )

Educator . Well done! All the riddles have been solved! How many wonderful toys the magic chest gave us! Now guess which fairy tale we are going to visit today?

It's mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round side, ruddy side,

What kind of fairy tale?

Children. "Kolobok"

Educator. That's right, of course, “Kolobok”!

Now let's close our eyes,

We'll invite Skazka to visit.

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Fairy tale, come visit!

You sit quietly

And look carefully.

Grandfather and Baba appear on the screen.


Grandfather and Baba lived - they were.

They decided to make a bun.


Oh, I wanted a kolobok!

Do we have butter and flour?

Would you knead the dough?

Yes, I treated the kids!


I will gladly get down to business.

I'll bake a bun for Grandfather,

I'll leave it to cool until lunch.

Educator. Children, let's help knead the dough and make a bun!

Let's interfere, let's interfere,

Let's ride, let's ride

And let's clap a little

Now let's shake off our palms!

Came out smooth, came out smooth

Kolobok, rosy, sweet!

Woman . What a beautiful bun it turned out to be, round and ruddy!

I'll put it on the window,

Let it cool down a little.

Oh, I'm old. Children, it has become

I'm really tired.

I'll go and rest.

(finger gymnastics “Granny”)


They put it on the window

Let it cool down a little,

Set it down to cool down

And Kolobok disappeared without a trace.

Kolobok rolls through the forest and sings a song.


I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mixed with sour cream

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

It's cold at the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I'll be leaving you, hare!

And he rolled down the road - only the Hare saw him!

Kolobok rolls, the Wolf meets him:

Don't eat me, Gray Wolf, I'll sing you a song:

I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mechon on sour cream

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I'll leave you soon, wolf!

And he rolled down the road - only the Wolf saw him!

Kolobok is rolling, the Bear meets him:

Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

Where can you, clubfoot, eat me!

I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mechon on sour cream

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

I'll leave you soon, bear!

And he rolled again - only the Bear saw him!

Kolobok rolls, the Fox meets him:

Kolobok, Kolobok, where are you going?

I'm rolling along the path.

Kolobok, Kolobok, sing me a song!

Kolobok sang:

I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Mechon on sour cream

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the hare

I left the wolf

Left the bear

It's easy to get away from you, fox!

And Lisa says:

Oh, the song is good, but I can’t hear well. Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my toe and sing one more time, louder.

Kolobok jumped up on the Fox's nose and sang the same song louder.

And Lisa told him again:

Kolobok, Kolobok, sit on my tongue and sing for the last time.

The bun jumped on the Fox's tongue, and the Fox made a noise! - and ate it.

Educator. Children, why did such trouble happen to Kolobok? Probably because he left home alone. And Grandma and Grandpa were very upset that they no longer had Kolobok. Let's draw many, many Koloboks for them.

On the tables there are colored cardboard with painted circles, children sprinkle them with various cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet).

Educator. Yes, we made a lot of koloboks! You and I will go to Baba and Grandfather

And we’ll bring them Kolobok.

The children are coming

to Grandma and Grandfather's house.

Grandmother, Grandfather (together ). Hello, dear guests!

Educator. We didn’t come to visit empty-handed: they brought Kolobok. And we drew a lot of little koloboks for you!

Grandma. Well, thank you! Very beautiful!

Grandfather. Well, Granny, treat your guests!

Grandma. I've prepared a treat for you! Help yourself, dear guests!

Grandma and Grandfather treat the children.


So we visited a fairy tale,

As best they could, they showed it to you!

The artists and spectators were great!

Let's clap for each other with all our hearts!

Tatiana Morozova
Summary of GCD in the second junior group “Our clothes”

Target: consolidate generalizing concepts « cloth» . Clarify children's ideas about clothes, about the purpose of things.


1. Develop children’s active speech, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions. Enrich your vocabulary

2. Develop children's mental activity.

3. Form sensory standards: children’s ability to differentiate geometric shapes, consolidate the concept of primary colors.

4. Develop fine motor skills.

5. Cultivate friendly relations in joint activities.

Previous work: review of the teaching aid « Cloth» , conversations about the seasons, looking at illustrations depicting people in different clothes, observing passers-by, children while walking,

reading a story by L. Voronkova "Masha is confused", tales by K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", modeling round objects of different sizes.

Material: ball, doll; pictures depicting summer and winter clothes, icons "snowflake - sun", a game "Mittens", silhouettes of coats of different colors, plasticine of different colors, boards for working with plasticine.

No. Organization Contents

1 Communication game "Let's say hello!"

Educator: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you all! Let's all say hello

Let's gather children in a circle -

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

I will smile at you, and you at each other

2 Riddle about clothes

Everywhere you see these things, because they are comfortable and warm,

And there are many of them in this world, but remembering them is difficult.

You need to know these things, play them well and sleep well.

Walk in the summer and in the cold, and even in the cold hide your nose.

Beautiful - just a sight for sore eyes, what is my poem about?

That's right, this is a riddle about a variety of things that can be called in one word - cloth.

3 Speech game "Beautiful Katyusha".

“Look, guys. Katyusha came to visit us (doll). How elegant she is. What is she wearing? Let's play with Katyusha."

A game: Children stand in a circle. They pass the Doll to each other, the teacher says the text. The one who has a doll in his hands last words text names any object clothes.

You run, run, Katyusha, quickly, quickly into the round dance. Whoever has Katyusha in his hands is the one will name the clothes

4 Classification winter and summer clothes“We have listed many different clothes. But we know that clothes vary: There is clothes for boys, but there is one for girls, it happens cloth and for different seasons. It's winter now, so cloth What kind of clothes do we wear on the street? (winter). When summer comes, we will put on clothes...(summer).

Let's take a closer look at that clothes, which is on the table and determine which one clothes it belongs to summer or winter, but they will help us icons: snowflake - winter icon clothes, and the sun - summer."

Children lay out clothes for summer and winter.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks questions: “What is this? What is the name of? This cloth for a boy or for a girl? Why winter don't wear clothes in summer, and in the summer winter?


1. The shaggy dog ​​brought warmth,

Hugs the owner, shelters him from the cold (Fur coat)

2. It’s not a tie, it’s not a collar,

And I’m used to hugging necks.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold (Scarf)

3. Houses for fingers -

Girls and boys (Gloves)

4. They gave the brothers a warm home,

So that five of us could live.

Big brother didn't agree

And settled separately (Mittens)

5 Game “Find a pair of mittens”“We put on one dress, one T-shirt, and one scarf. And what items clothes we put on ourselves in pairs, that is, two at once (mittens). Why?

Look, the mittens are all mixed up. Let's find a pair for each mitten"

At the end of the work - analysis of color and pattern.

6 Ball game "How to care for clothes» “To look neat, for clothes need to be looked after. Let’s tell our Katyusha how.”

Ball game:

"If clothes are dirty, then her... (erased)

If her clothes were wrinkled...(stroking)

If clothes torn -(sutured up)

If a button comes off, then it... (sewn on)

What to do with clothes when do you take it off? (fold carefully or hang)

7 Finger gymnastics "Dwarf Laundresses" Once upon a time there were little gnomes in a house

Currents, Peaks, Faces, Chiki, Miki

One two three four,

One two three four five

The gnomes began to wash:




Chicky socks.

Miki - he was smart -

He brought water for everyone.

8 Artistic creativity. Modeling "Multi-colored coat buttons"“Look, we have coats on the table, but they are missing something (buttons). Let's make buttons - shape them into neat little balls and glue them on the coat."

Questions for children “What color is the coat? What color will the buttons be?

9 Reflection What did we talk about today?

How did you play?

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson in the second junior group on patriotic education “Our Motherland” Goal: to develop moral and patriotic education in younger children preschool age. Objectives: 1. Summarize children’s knowledge about plants.

Summary of the integrated lesson “Our winter-winter” for children of the second junior group Prepared by: Shtefo N.V., teacher of the MADOU d/s No. 52, Gulkevichi. Integration with other areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”.

Integration of educational areas: “Social-communicative”, “Cognitive”, “Physical”. Tasks: “Social-communicative” - develop.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “Clothes, shoes, hats” Objectives: Educational: - enrich and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic, teach them to correctly name items of clothing, shoes and hats.

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