What the game lacks is completing all levels. Didactic game “Guess what’s missing? Game what's missing: a phone with a hole

Not long ago, another toy for Android from Alexplay called “What’s Missing” appeared on the Internet, which literally immediately broke download records, and, consequently, gained incredible popularity. It is a special type of quiz, the essence of which is to discover the missing element in the picture. Therefore, the task of gamers is to carefully examine the drawings that will be dedicated to parts of the body, countries and their attractions, various compositions, sports and other topics, trying to find the missing object on them. After this, you need to post its name using the suggested letters. All your correct answers will be valued with diamonds, which can be spent on hints, because certain pictures can confuse you.

This game perfectly develops attention and logical thinking, trains intelligence, and tests the level of knowledge you have acquired, which is a big plus. In addition, it is excellent entertainment, so completing the game What’s Missing will bring you a lot of positive emotions, especially since it has no age restrictions, so it will be interesting to both children and adults. The only downside to this toy will be system messages, but they can be easily and quickly removed from the screen.

Level 1. Horns (a hornless minotaur won’t scare anyone, and he doesn’t look like a bull without them).

Level 2. Stick (the main tool of any hockey player is not to hit the puck with your hands).

Level 3. Australia (at least it was discovered before Antarctica, and the map is empty without it).

Level 4. Paw (without it the king of beasts looks pitiful and he will not be able to get food for himself in this form).

Level 5. Screw (getting into a helicopter without this item is suicide).

Level 6. Eyebrows (even though women pluck them, a person’s appearance is completely different without them).

Level 7. Carrot (passing What's Missing will prove to you how ridiculous a snowman looks without a carrot nose).

Level 8. Arrow (if it is absent, it is unlikely that it will be possible to determine the exact time).

Level 9. Crane (without this object it will not be possible to complete a high-rise building).

Level 10. Basket (if it is not there, it is just a huge toy, not an air transport).

Level 11. Window (without it, the house is just a big kennel, but we, not dogs, live like that).

Level 12. Flame (if it weren’t there, the torch of the Statue of Liberty would look more like a hammer).

Level 13. Tail (after all, the distinctive feature of every pig is its nose with a snout and its tail with a hook).

Level 14. Star (without it, the Christmas tree looks a little different and not as festive as we would like).

Level 15. Headlights (without them, you won’t be able to use the car at night, at least without breaking it and injuring someone).

Level 16. Clock (you can immediately determine from it that this is the main attraction of London).

Level 17. Gun (without the long steel barrel, this is no longer a tank, but a very unusual all-terrain vehicle).

Level 18. Knights (this is the most original piece in chess, the name of which is also easy to remember).

Level 19. Enter (the most used keyboard button with an arrow and the inscription Enter).

Level 20. Mars (the mysterious neighbor of our earth, inhabited according to myths by little green men).

Level 21. Buttons (the game What's Missing increases its difficulty and now you need to strain yourself to find the missing buttons).

Level 22. Lincoln (the American memorial looks different without this president).

Level 23. Moon (its absence in the sky makes the evening gloomy and the path dangerous).

Level 24. Pedals (this is a kind of motor for a bicycle, without them even muscular legs will not move it from its place).

Level 25. Pom-pom (with it you will get a real Santa Claus hat).

Level 26. Ring (with it all your keys will be in one place, which will save your time searching for them).

Level 27. Buttons (if they are missing, a washing machine is an extra waste for the family budget).

Level 28. Ears (it’s not for nothing that the rabbit was called long-eared).

Level 29. Christ (the most popular monument of sunny Brazil, and in particular Rio).

Level 30. Ball (how will you break a triangle of billiard balls without it).

Level 31. Sword (this is the main tool of a medieval knight and without it it is problematic to destroy enemies).

Level 32. Sleeve (this item with a strange name allows you to save other people's property and human lives from fire).

Level 33. Lantern (this design of three lanterns looks more original, and can cope better in the dark).

Level 34. Flame (a burning candle is an original decoration for a festive table).

Level 35. Pipe (Titanic had four boilers, and therefore the same number of pipes).

Level 36. Handle (you cannot drink hot drinks from such a glass).

Level 37. Engines (without them this pile of metal will not rise into the air).

Level 38. Sphinx (Egyptian wonder of the world, which became a majestic decoration of the desert).

Level 39. Poles (skiing down the mountain without them is risky for your own life).

Level 40. Handle (without it, the door is not much different from the wall, and is useless in the household).

Level 41. Microphone (this kid is going to show you his talent by reciting a poem or singing a song).

Level 42. Painting (another masterpiece of some famous artist should definitely hang here).

Level 43. Beak (the main weapon of any eagle is keen vision, tenacious claws and, of course, a sharp beak).

Level 44. Roulette (what casino would do without this type of entertainment).

Level 45. Ring (without it, it makes no sense for a basketball player to perform such spectacular feats).

Level 46. Spout (if you don’t have one, it won’t be easy to fill cups with hot tea).

Level 47. Eyes (an eyeless lemur is a terrible sight).

Level 48. Hump (this is distinctive feature all camels).

Level 49. Taj Mahal (this picturesque landscape belongs to a famous Indian landmark).

Level 50. Hollywood (who would have thought that without this inscription the world-famous hills look like an abandoned landfill).

Level 51. Teeth (a toothless crocodile is doomed to starvation).

Level 52. Palm tree (here the passage of What’s Missing can lead you to a dead end, because it’s problematic to see the palm tree in this picture).

Level 53. Peter (the well-known bronze horseman should stand on this pedestal).

Level 54. Antenna (the main element located on each roof).

Level 55. Column (this place is intended for another St. Petersburg attraction).

Level 56. Horn (without it, it is not a rhinoceros, but an unknown African animal).

Level 57. Pizza (here it is not only appetizing and tasty, but also original).

Level 58. Tower (who hasn’t heard about the Italian city of Pisa and its main attraction).

Level 59. Horns (without them, a red deer is just a large, hornless roe deer).

Level 60. Inscriptions (our police are known not only by sight, but also from behind, although they don’t even need documents with inscriptions).

Level 61. Wall (here should be the greatest and largest monument in China).

Level 62. Bat (the main equipment for playing baseball, but Russians use it differently).

Level 63. Board (a place of torture for losers and loafers).

Level 64. Wheel (the game What's Missing invites you to remember the first models of computer mice that did without this item).

Level 65. Mop (without it, the girl may face sciatica or joint pain if she mops the floor while squatting).

Level 66. Microphone (the girl’s task is not only to listen, but also to give an answer, and without it it is difficult to do this).

Level 67. Smoke (a steam locomotive without smoke is simply some kind of miracle and happiness for Greenpeace).

Level 68. Straw (the main attribute for cocktails, which will prolong your enjoyment of the drink).

Level 69. Sign (its absence can lead to tragedy, the place is unsafe).

Level 70. Trunk (leaves do not grow in the air).

Level 71. Ladder (this item will help you get out of the pool gracefully, collecting all the male gazes).

Level 72. Eggs (this is why birds make their nests).

Level 73. Hook (without it, the gun will turn into an ordinary scarecrow or toy).

Level 74. Paw (look how friendly the bear is).

Level 75. Canoe (this guy is clearly not David Copperfield, so he definitely doesn’t know how to walk on water).

Level 76. Flag (it flies on every government building and medieval castles).

Level 77. Floor (The Colosseum is a three-story building, so part of the historical monument must be returned to its place).

Level 78. Dome (the central tower of the cathedral - even without a dome, this is not in order).

Level 79. Wheel (a dizzying attraction that not everyone dares to visit).

Level 80. Cathedral (behind this fence there should be a building as beautiful as the local landscape).

Level 81. Sight (without it, hitting the target you need will be problematic).

Level 82. Peaches (if these fruits are missing, the name of the picture will have to be changed).

Level 83. Mustache (the painter Salvador Dali had the most original ones).

Level 84. Oars (without them, rowing competitions would turn into hard labor, not only for athletes, but also for spectators).

Level 85. Parachute (this guy is extreme, but not so much that he can jump without this item).

Level 86. Skate (it’s impossible to jump like that without a skateboard).

Level 87. Mushroom (here the passage of What is missing will make you rack your brains).

Level 88. Leash (you can’t hold this dog without it).

Level 89. Board (only this item will allow a person to conquer the sea wave by riding under its crest).

Level 90. Bow (without it, this Robin Hood looks kind of stupid).

Level 91. Parrot (what pirate captain would do without a parrot).

Level 92. Rope (without it, he is no longer a tightrope walker, but some kind of magician).

Level 93. Rattle (the main thing is not to confuse it with a children's toy).

Level 94. Claw (he, of course, could have lost his claw in battle, but such lobsters are not served on the table).

Level 95. Pistols (these are no longer robbers, but two eccentrics in holey hats).

Level 96. Puck (as if the Reds’ goalkeeper now wished it weren’t there).

Level 97. Hose (its absence will complicate the process of filling the tank).

Level 98. Screen (this is no longer a cinema, but a waiting room).

Level 99. Pear (of course, we are not talking about a fruit or a light bulb).

Level 100. Earring (every girl should have jewelry).

Level 101. Scoreboard (it will allow you not to strain your memory remembering the game score).

Level 102. Traces (without them it’s not a person, but some kind of ghost).

Level 103. Checker (this Cossack already has a horse, all that remains is to add a checker).

Level 104. Burner (it seems that three burners have not yet been invented).

Level 105. Buddha (there is only a pedestal here, so you can’t do without this monument).

Level 106. Wand (without it, she is no longer a fairy, but just a beautiful girl).

Level 107. Sled (without them you won’t be able to slide down the mountain).

Level 108. Ears (without them, the giraffe looks stupid and will not be able to hear anything).

Level 109. Tattoo (others would decorate this part of the body with a chain and pendant, but this one would have a tattoo).

Level 110. Chandelier (without it, the ceiling now seems like a portal to another dimension).

Level 111. Banner (what battle would be complete without a standard bearer with the symbol of his troops).

Level 112. Libra (Themis cannot do without the main symbol of justice).

Level 113. Bottle (it’s really kind of sad without it, and the table is empty).

Level 114. Seeds (seedless watermelon is the dream of any person who is an admirer of this berry).

Level 115. Corkscrew (without it you really can’t taste the wine).

Level 116. String (this is a guitar, not a domra, so we don’t skimp on strings).

Level 117. Barbell (what this man is missing is a barbell, because he looks kind of stupid without it).

Level 118. Clock (you will have to suffer here, because there are already a lot of them here).

Level 119. Stamp (for the letter to reach, you need to add a couple of stamps to the full address).

Level 120. Swan (these are the most faithful birds, so he needs a mate).

Level 121. Knitting needles (without them, storing such a number of balls is impractical).

Level 122. Pipe (you can see from the old man that he is a heavy smoker).

Level 123. Meteorite (passing What is missing in this level will force you to use your imagination).

Level 124. Pens (without them there is no need for a piece of paper or notepads).

Level 125. Scalpel (the main tool of every surgeon).

Level 126. Lamp (where would a genie, even such an unusual one, be without a lamp).

Level 127. Pointer (for the sake of such a teacher, men would go back to school).

Level 128. Snake (naturally, this place is not a reptile, but a wind toy).

Level 129. Frying pan (the mother-in-law looks even more ferocious if she is armed with a frying pan).

Level 130. Arrow (without it it’s not a construction crane, but some kind of pillar).

Level 131. Tray (and now the guy looks like a magician, not a waiter).

Level 132. Explosion (with this answer you will have to strain not only your brain, but also your imagination).

Level 133. Speedometer (without it it will be difficult to maintain the established speed limit).

Level 134 ladybug they are required).

Level 135. Base (of course, it is worth keeping in mind not a construction term).

Level 136. Chopsticks (after all, this is a Japanese dish, not Indian, so you shouldn’t eat with your hands).

Level 137. Drill (without it, this little guy wouldn’t have caught so many fish).

Level 138. Bonfire (it seems that we broke the rule - not to make fires in the forest).

Level 139. Sticks (they only hit African drums with their hands).

Level 140. Jump ropes (a favorite subject not only of girls, but also of gymnasts).

Level 141. Compass (it is not replaceable when traveling, at least it was before the advent of navigators).

Level 142. Fork (what will you eat, this is a restaurant after all).

Level 143. Mirror (if it is missing, causing an accident is a matter of two minutes).

Level 144. Flashing lights (an ambulance just needs a light signal).

Level 145. Feather (the game What's Missing has prepared another gift from the past for you).

Level 146. Suspenders (previously worn by men, now they are part of modern women's fashion).

Level 147. Cigarette (it seems that she is not yet aware that smoking is harmful to health and beauty).

Level 148. Tusks (such an old elephant without tusks is a mess).

Level 149. Handle (we have already tried pouring hot tea without a spout, now try to do it without a handle).

Level 150. Ball (playing football without a ball is complete nonsense, although for Russian football players this is what is needed).

Level 151. Globe (yes, it will look good here).

Level 152. Bucket (how can an excavator manage without its main component).

Level 153. Spurs (boots with spurs are the dream of any cowboy).

Level 154. Holes (this is what the ideal shape of donuts looks like, so you can’t go without a hole).

Level 155. Rolling pin (many wives meet their husbands with this very item).

Level 156. Test tube (the main tool of any chemist).

Level 157. Magnifying glass (the detective needs to carefully examine all the traces).

Level 158. Scythe (main tool for bony).

Level 159. Tower (now you will immediately understand where you are).

Level 160. Ax (without it you won’t be able to chop wood).

Level 161. Clothespins (without them you will have to wash your clothes, and it will be difficult to find them).

Level 162. Heels (passing What's Missing will make you take a closer look at the beauty of a woman).

Level 163. Antennae (if they are absent, the butterfly will not be able to navigate the area).

Level 164. Umbrella (an excellent accessory that saves you from both bad weather and heat).

Level 165. Fin (without it it will be almost impossible to spot a shark, especially for people).

Level 166. Stars (this is the famous Avenue of Stars, so they should be here).

Level 167. Order (every soldier is entitled to this award).

Level 168. Container (an excellent solution in the field of cargo transportation, because it saves unloading time).

Level 169. Snowboard (fans of extreme sports know what we're talking about).

Level 170. Racket (a tennis player doesn’t look good without it).

Level 171. TV (only crazy people look at one point on the wall, and this couple is not like them).

Level 172. Cherry (looks delicious, but it will be much better with a cherry).

Level 173. Tornado (these black dense clouds do not bode well).

Level 174. Fish (you can’t interest a cat in water that way).

Level 175. Ring (symbol of married life).

Level 176. Cross (this is what modern art looks like).

Level 177. Ducky (what would swimming be without a rubber ducky).

Level 178. Cannonballs (shells are simply needed for the cannon).

Level 179. Fans (this is the favorite accessory of every geisha).

Level 180. Mattress (without it you won’t be able to lie on the water, because this is not the Dead Sea).

Level 181. Saxophone (it is impossible to imagine jazz without it).

Level 182. Tent (an indispensable item for a tourist).

Level 183. Sail (without it, this boat has a different look, and it won’t be able to sail, but only drift).

Level 184. Syringe (it seems that someone will be hurt now, well, at least unpleasantly).

Level 185. Olive (what this martini is missing is olives).

Level 186. Nostrils (a person without nostrils not only looks ridiculous, but also cannot live at all).

Level 187. Skis (without them the snowmobile won’t move).

Level 188. Ribbon (one of the gymnasts’ instruments).

Level 189. Blades (without them the mill will not work).

Level 190. Horses (without them the Arc de Triomphe looks somehow different, but everything is clear).

Level 191. Ship (it will definitely decorate this seascape).

Level 192. Horn (without it, the gramophone is useless).

Level 193. Shoulder straps (distinctive insignia of the military).

Level 194. Udder (without this organ it is not a cow, but a bull, but for him this animal is too cute).

Level 195. Markings (on the highway you cannot do without them).

Level 196. Heads (this is after all the Serpent Gorynych, and three-headed).

Level 197. Flag (with its help the judge gives a signal).

Level 198. Bag (who needs Santa Claus without a bag of gifts).

Level 199. Comb (this is the pride of every rooster).

Level 200. Keys (from here they will definitely not be lost).

Walkthrough of the game What's missing- This is a good option to have fun both alone and with friends. It is perfect for both adults and children, and you can play it anywhere.

The essence of the game is to guess the missing details of the pictures. This is not as easy as it seems at first glance, but for correct answers you will receive diamonds. They can be spent on purchasing hints that will help you pass a difficult level.

At the first stages, the game will seem quite easy to you, but with each new level the tasks will become more and more difficult, and if you have difficulties with any of them, then you can always find the answer in this article.

Level 1. Horns (a hornless bull is, at least, not serious).

Level 2. Stick (even with a strong desire, you won’t be able to play hockey without it).

Level 3. Australia (where would we be without the homeland of kangaroos and koalas).

Level 4. Paw (a three-legged lion, despite the fact that he is the king of animals, will not catch up with anyone).

Level 5. Propeller (even the bravest person would not risk flying a helicopter without a propeller).

Level 6. Eyebrows (to understand what is missing, just remember L.I. Brezhnev).

Level 7. Carrot (the famous nose of the snowman and, at the same time, the favorite food of all rabbits).

Level 8. Arrow (without it there is no way to find out the exact time).

Level 9. Faucet (not the one for water supply, but the one for construction).

Level 10. Basket (a balloon may fly without it, but you won’t).

Level 11. Window (only vampires would agree to live in a house without windows).

Level 12. Flame (with it the Statue of Liberty looks much more beautiful).

Level 13. Tail (the pig is certainly better off with it than without it).

Level 14. Star (the most important decoration of any Christmas tree).

Level 15. Headlights (not only does the car look ugly without them, but you won’t be able to drive at night).

Level 16. Clock (not just a clock, but the famous Big Ben).

Level 17. Gun (without it the tank will lose all its threatening appearance).

Level 18. Knights (precisely those knights that move in the letter “G”).

Level 19. Enter (aka Enter, aka crooked arrow).

Level 20. Mars (the mysterious red planet around which many theories are built).

Level 21. Buttons (now the passage of What’s Missing becomes much more difficult, because it is quite difficult to notice the missing buttons on the jacket).

Level 22. Lincoln (Mount Rushmore doesn’t look the same without this president).

Level 23. Moon (well, what would romance be without the full moon).

Level 24. Pedals (you can ride a bike without them, but it’s very difficult).

Level 25. Pompom (with it any hat becomes festive).

Level 26. Ring (allows you not to lose your keys. Or, if you lose them, then all at once).

Level 27. Buttons (it’s unlikely you’ll be able to do laundry without them).

Level 28. Ears (the pride of any self-respecting rabbit).

Level 29. Christ (few people do not know this landmark of Rio de Janeiro).

Level 30. Ball (the most important ball of all billiards).

Level 31. Sword (of course, there are skilled people who fight only with a shield, but it’s somehow more convenient to do it with a sword).

Level 32. Sleeve (fireman's sleeve, not the one on the shirt).

Level 33. Lantern (there are already two of them, but with the third it will be brighter).

Level 34. Flame (the warm flame of a candle is a decoration for any holiday).

Level 35. Pipe (with it the steamer looks much more beautiful).

Level 36. Handle (you can’t drink hot coffee from a mug without a handle).

Level 37. Engines (it’s better not to check whether the plane can fly without them).

Level 38. Sphinx (no one knows who built it, but without it the landscape does not look so impressive).

Level 39. Poles (don't ski without them).

Level 40. Handle (it will be difficult to open or close the door without it).

The game “What's Missing” will become your favorite time killer as soon as it lands on your mobile device. It was developed by the indie team Toolbex.

Game process

It's time to test your intuition and powers of observation! This game is designed for avid quiz lovers. More than a hundred exciting levels are at your service.

The essence of the gameplay is extremely simple: at each of the presented stages you will be shown an image. You can be completely sure that something is missing here. But what? This is exactly what you are about to find out. Having guessed which element is missing, you will need to add its name to the table below.

In case of an error, the letters will quickly return to their place. Despite the apparent simplicity of the gameplay, the game is guaranteed to captivate you for a long time. If the answer immediately comes to your mind, then do not rush to get upset. Try to think logically, in the end, just rely on your intuition, which will certainly tell you something.


This game is designed for attentiveness and logical thinking. It may be interesting for both children and adults. This is a great option to brighten up your wait while sitting on public transport or in line. The gameplay is accompanied by various tips and tricks, so you will always know what to do.

Age: 3-7 years.

Target: Develop visual attention, visual perception, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, thinking.


Introduce children in a playful way to lexical topics: vegetables, fruits, wild and domestic animals and geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle

Introduce children to the primary colors: red, green, yellow, blue

Develop fine motor skills hands

Activation of speech activity

Form a holistic perception of the subject

Form moral-volitional qualities, such as self-control, the ability to overcome shyness

Develop observation skills

Foster a caring attitude towards gaming materials.

Handout: a 3*3 playing field with images and empty cells) and cards for filling in the empty cells. There are 2 difficulty levels.

Difficulty level I - you need to close the empty field by selecting the missing picture.

Level II of difficulty - you need to close the empty field by picking up the missing picture, so that the pictures in the row are not repeated.

Rules of the game: The playing field is made in the shape of a square, each side of which consists of 3 cells. Depending on the difficulty level, “hint” images are drawn on the playing field. It is necessary to fill all remaining empty cells with the missing images.

In this article I will talk about the game "What is missing", I will introduce readers to the features of its gameplay, and tell the most impatient players the answers and clues to all levels of the game.

There are games that can be played at any age. These are games that develop logical thinking, train attentiveness and resourcefulness, test the level of knowledge, and simply bring a lot of bright and positive emotions. One of these wonderful games is the game “What’s Missing” for Android from Alexplay, which has already broken the 100 thousand downloads mark on the Play Market. Entertaining quiz

The game “What's Missing” represents the genre of quizzes and puzzles on the Android platform, and there is simply no age limit for it. This game can be played by almost any conscious player, of any age and gender.

The essence of the game is to guess the missing item in the given picture. This could be a part of the body, a country on a map, a missing item in a composition, and much more. Having found the required component, you need to enter its name from the letters provided below.

Such games are good for training attentiveness and the ability to notice details, improve analytical abilities, help broaden your horizons and develop your intellect.

How to play "What's Missing"

To start playing the game “What’s Missing”, just download it from the Play Market and launch it; the program itself is made for the vertical screen of your device.

After launch, the user will see the main screen, where the number of diamonds he has and the current level are indicated at the top, and at the bottom you can turn music and sounds on and off.

By clicking “Play” in the center of the screen, the user will see a picture in which they will need to find the missing part and write it with a word. If you encounter difficulties in finding the answer, you can always get a hint of one letter by clicking the icon with the letter “A” below (you will spend 50 diamonds you have on this). If you have spent all the crystals, click on the film button, after watching the commercial, the game will give you 100 diamonds.

The goal of the game is to guess all the answers and complete all levels. Try it, you will succeed.

Answers to complete all levels

If you get stuck on any of the levels, keep the answers to the first 20 levels.

Answers “What’s missing” for levels 1-20

  • Level 1 - horns
  • Level 2 - stick
  • Level 3 - Australia
  • Level 4 - paw
  • Level 5 - screw
  • Level 6 - eyebrows
  • Level 7 – carrot
  • Level 8 - arrow
  • Level 9 - faucet
  • Level 10 - basket
  • Level 11 - window
  • Level 12 - flame
  • Level 13 - tail
  • Level 14 - star
  • Level 15 - headlights
  • Level 16 – clock
  • Level 17 – gun
  • Level 18 - horses
  • Level 19 - input
  • Level 20 – Mars

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