Stars with curvy hips. Wide hips are in fashion! Mom with gorgeous hips

Many of us have a complex about wide hips. However, is it worth it? In my new article I will talk about celebrities with wide hips who not only do not have complexes, but have also made a pop cult out of their curvy hips. Let's get started.

1. Kim Kardashian, the owner of not only wide hips, but also a decent butt. Kim: “Self-confidence is the most important rule on the way to a sexy figure. Love your curves. And skillfully emphasize them, and don’t try to hide them.”

Weight: 53 kg, height: 157 cm, 99-66-86

2. One of the sexiest TV presenters is Anfisa Chekhova. She is not shy about her body and wears revealing outfits.

Height: 165 cm, weight: 69 kg, 100-76-108

3. Jennifer Lopez made her butt famous, so she is proud of her curvy hips and round butt.

Height: 167 cm, weight: 57 kg, *-58-96

4. Beyoncé does not suffer because her bottom does not fit into model size 38. "I feel great when I'm not spreading out and when I'm not skinny. Natural curves look much more appetizing."

Height:172 cm, Weight:62 kg, 88-66-98

5. Monica Bellucci

Height: 175 cm, weight: 64 kg, 89-61-89

6. Nicki Minaj flaunts her luscious size in every possible way.

It seems that the time of skinny models is passing, which is successfully proven by recognized beauties with very voluminous bottoms.

Hollywood sets the tone for everything, including shaping standards of sexual attractiveness and fashion for certain body types.

Many stars try to achieve the desired size zero (XXS), exhaust themselves with fitness training and pay a lot of money to personal diet gurus. Others, on the contrary, enjoy the forms given by nature and enjoy life. presents ten stars with curvy hips, who are not only not shy about this feature, but also emphasize it in every possible way.

Kim Kardashian

The gorgeous brunette of Armenian origin became famous after a very explicit video was leaked online. Ever since then Kim Kardashian she perfectly got used to the role of the temptress, fortunately her outstanding forms turned out to be just right.

The oriental beauty’s place in our top was secured by perhaps the most famous part of her body. Fifth point Kim Kardashian does not at all fit into the gold standards of Hollywood, which, however, does not prevent its owner from being included in the list of the most desirable women on the planet.

Although recently the Internet was flooded with photos of Kim Kardashian, who has noticeably lost weight and lost her former fullness. But we still hope it's Photoshop skill.

Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa always had problems with excess weight: since childhood, the girl exhausted herself with diets and even took diet pills. Nothing brought lasting results, and then Anfisa Chekhova I decided to stop fighting nature and left everything as it was.

According to unofficial data, Anfisa Chekhova's bust and hips reach 110 cm, which looks very proportional. Anfisa Chekhov skillfully emphasizes her advantages, without hesitation to wear revealing outfits. This girl proudly declares with all her appearance that there is life beyond the notorious model standards!

Jennifer Lopez

This beauty insured her butt for several million dollars several years ago. They even said that Jennifer Lopez managed to receive compensation because her once ideal figure suffered greatly during childbirth.

The actress and singer herself comments on such rumors with humor: “When this newspaper came out with a huge headline on the first page, I also thought: I should save the article for my children - they will laugh.” It doesn't matter whether it's true or just another duck, but one thing is clear: the hips Jennifer Lopez what is needed.


Beyoncé figure causes a lot of controversy: some admire her feminine forms, others believe that the singer needs to lose weight. Beyoncé admitted that she was not entirely satisfied with her natural characteristics: “I think that my butt looks quite natural. I like to have shapes, but sometimes they appear in the wrong places.”

Perhaps this is simple girlish coquetry, because her photographs adorn the best glossy magazines, and hundreds of men freeze at one glance at her roundness. Anyway Beyoncé does not particularly suffer due to the fact that her fifth point does not fit into US size 38. Her husband, however, is not worried about this either. Although for some reason the singer put a taboo on photographers taking pictures from behind.

Cornelia Mango

Smile girl Cornelia Mango She became famous thanks to her participation in the reality show “Star Factory,” where she stood out noticeably against the background of her thin neighbors on the set. They say that during the project the girl was even forbidden to lose weight.

The most colorful participant in the TV show has no complex at all due to the fact that her figure is far from the ideal of skinny beauty. The star regularly visits the fitness club, loves to swim and just loves to dance! Probably, swaying her hips to the beat of the music, Cornelia Mango makes men's hearts tremble. And let them be larger in volume than modern fashion requires.


Recently, news leaked to the press that Bianca, in the life of Yana Lipnitskaya, decided to undergo liposuction. Allegedly, due to a hormonal imbalance, the singer gained a lot of weight and stopped fitting into her revealing concert costumes.

It is unknown which part of the body the girl decided to degrease. Maybe after a while Bianca will appear, for example, in the ranking of the thinnest stars. But in the latest photo shoots and videos it is clearly visible that nature has not completely deprived Bianca of feminine forms.

The singer herself says that she got her rounded shape from her mother and grandmother, which she is very proud of. And why liposuction then?


Gorgeous Colombian singer Shakira with an equally chic voice, she doesn’t think that she has problems with her figure. Who said that a prominent butt is a problem? Many men really like large girls, especially if they can dance as gracefully as Shakira. The singer even immortalized her luxurious hips in the famous hit “My hips don’t lie.” Shakira says her hips help her differentiate good music from bad. How? They start moving to the beat if the music is exciting.

Victoria Lopyreva

Beautiful American singer Alicia Keys does not consider the lack of large breast size to be a problem; it seems to her that her butt attracts no less admiring glances.

When choosing outfits, the girl does not avoid revealing necklines, short skirts and tight styles. And rightly so, many fashion critics recognize Alicia’s good taste. The lack of the Hollywood gold standard of 90-60-90 did not prevent the girl from winning 9 Grammy awards and 11 Billboard Music Awards. That’s really true - she’s strong in hindsight!

Monica Bellucci

This beautiful lady has long become a standard of beauty, an object of admiration for both men and women. Few can believe that the once sultry Italian Monica Bellucci she exhausted herself with diets, and modeling agents considered her appetizing forms too chic.

Ever since the actress walked through the Italian streets in Malena, swaying her hips, it became clear to everyone: the era of skinny clone models is over. Monica Bellucci showed the world new standards - hot Italian beauty, multiplied by femininity.

In many African tribes, large hips are considered the key to a happy family life; in ancient China, when choosing a bride, they always took into account the size of the hips and pelvis... Modern Western fashion dictates different standards - thin models with a boyish figure are revered, and those with an hourglass figure have complexes because of their parameters. However, this does not apply to 39-year-old Los Angeles resident Mikel Ruffinelli.

Mikel is simply delighted with her hips, which, moreover, are recognized as the largest in the world - their volume is 2 m 54 cm. The American has a loving husband who idolizes her, and four glorious children. Of course, her life is not without difficulties: for example, narrow doorways, a small selection of clothes or the high cost of traveling by plane (you have to buy tickets for two seats, which is quite expensive). Wherever Mikel appears, those around her do not leave the woman unattended - be it criticism, jokes or admiration. When asked if she would like to lose weight and get rid of her “flaws,” Mikel states: “I feel great in my body and don’t even think about dieting.”

(Total 9 photos)

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1. Mikel Rufinelli poses for a photo while sitting on a chair, Los Angeles, California, USA. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

2. 40-year-old Reggie Brooks measures the width of his girlfriend's hips. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

3. Mikel plays with his children. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

4. An American woman demonstrates how she has to negotiate doorways. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

5. Mikel driving a truck. There is not enough space for it in public transport and cars. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

6. Believe it or not, Mikel Rufinelli is a model. It can be seen in specialized magazines and websites about plus-size people. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

7. Family dinner. On average, Mikel eats 3,000 calories a day. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

8. Mikel doesn't wear a bikini, but that doesn't bother her. She already has a very flirty bra. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

9. The couple pose for a photo while walking along the Pacific embankment. (Laurentiu Garofeanu/Barcroft Media)

But not all men and women agree with these standards. We meet girls with wide hips in our photo collection!

“Wide hips and a thin waist are beautiful!” - and not a single man is ready to argue with this statement. In general, watch for yourself and enjoy.

Hips are considered one of the most striking indicators of sexuality, since looking directly at a woman from the front, appreciating the beauty of her neckline is a little uncomfortable. And nothing prevents you from looking at girls from behind. Beauty standards and fashion canons are constantly changing, while rushing from one extreme to another. But one thing remains unchanged - these are beautiful hips that attract, attract and attract men's admiring glances.

The world podiums are quite evoke for a long time Female and male society has the opinion that only long-legged, tall beauties are beautiful, with parameters set by fashion, in which there is no room for wide hips. But, despite this, the opinions of men in this case were divided. A tight little butt can be quite attractive, but at the same time it does not arouse any interest in terms of sexuality.

A girl with very narrow hips looks beautiful only if she has relatively small breasts and a very thin waist, in other words - proportional figure. But as studies show, most women with narrow hips do not have a pronounced waist, despite the fact that they are very thin. The majority of men agreed that women look sexier, if they have a pronounced waist, as well as proportionally beautiful, wide hips.

Wide hips primarily attract men because they have an association with a girl's puberty. A flat figure is more reminiscent of a child's figure, so not all men like such shapes. And even more so, *plank* forms do not cause much attraction. But you shouldn’t forget about the individuality of opinions, because you can’t say anything unambiguously.

Men generally try not to focus their attention on just one part of the body, but rather evaluate the overall silhouette. If your gaze falls on wide hips, then your attention is immediately drawn to how harmonious the hips look against the background of the waist and, of course, with the chest.

Average ratings, obtained through surveys and studies in which men of different ages, professions and nationalities took part, say this - seventy-five percent of all men surveyed prefer women with wide hips, a rounded, even slightly plump, butt, but without cellulite and hanging fat. Eleven percent prefer thin people and fashion models, another eleven answered that the shape of such a part of the body as the hips should be proportional to the entire figure and not have *ears*. And the remaining three percent assured that the shape of women's hips is not at all important to them, since they consider other parts of the body to be sexual stimuli.

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