Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya. Child from conception to one year. Read online "child from conception to one year" Child from conception to one year read

Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya

Child from conception to one year

Universal benefit

A single monthly description of the development of a child from the moment of fertilization until he is 12 months after birth

This book is the first textbook in Russia on perinatal education. Much attention is paid to the description of the symbiotic unity of mother and child. In addition, for the first time a description is given of the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, presented as a single line.

The publication is addressed to specialists working with pregnant women and newborns, as well as those preparing to become parents.

Tsaregradskaya Zhanna Vladimirovna - a teacher by training (preschool education), an experienced breastfeeding consultant (14 years of work experience), holder of the exclusive profession of psychologist-perinatologist, specializes in raising young children (formation of the psyche and behavior from conception to 3 years of life), She is most passionate about the perinatal period and the first year of a child's life, the mother of six children, each of whom she breastfed until 2 years old.

Activity. Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya has been involved in perinatal education of a child for 16 years. She officially began working as a specialist and director of the prenatal training center in 1989. She devoted a lot of time not only to classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers (establishing breastfeeding, learning how to care for a newborn), but also to collecting material to prepare women for motherhood. A special topic of study was the formation of the child’s behavior and psyche, the patterns of his natural development at an early age (from conception to 3 years of life), as well as the correlation between the mother’s behavior and the needs of the baby. In 1990-1991, Zhanna Vladimirovna took an active part in preparing pregnant women for childbirth and provided psychological support to women in labor at the maternity hospital at the 70th Clinical Hospital in Moscow. During this period, assistance was provided to more than 200 mothers and newborns.

Research and collection of information in this direction allowed Zhanna Vladimirovna to create the program “Psychology of Successful Motherhood” and the three-volume work “Culture of Motherhood”, intended for training prenatal training instructors. Part of the program aimed at humanizing obstetric care and supporting breastfeeding began to be implemented in maternity hospital No. 6 in Moscow from 1995 to 1999. Classes were held here with medical staff, psychological support was provided to women in labor, which made it possible to minimize drug interventions during childbirth, and regular classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers in postnatal care units. Thanks to joint work, it was possible to significantly increase breastfeeding rates (from 10 to 35% in the first 3 months of a child’s life) and improve the condition of women and children in the first days after birth, as stated by obstetricians and pediatricians at the maternity hospital. The result of this work was that Zhanna Vladimirovna was awarded the exclusive profession of “psychologist-perinatologist” in 1998 and the title of WHO/UNICEF “Baby-Friendly Hospital” was awarded to maternity hospital No. 6 in 1999. During this period, more than 300 mothers were provided with assistance. In addition, detailed observations were made of the development of children in the first year of life at home using specially designed diaries, which made it possible to better understand the principles of child development and the formation of his behavior. In total, it was possible to conduct detailed observations of 165 children. In 1998, on the initiative of Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya in Moscow created the first public breastfeeding support group in Russia, implementing the idea of ​​helping mothers to mothers. The following year, 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed a course “Counseling on Breastfeeding Issues” for the training of public breastfeeding consultants. In addition, due to the extremely low health indicators of young children in Russia, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed the “Healthy Children - the Hope of Russia” program, approved by the Union of Pediatricians of St. Petersburg and taken as the basis for her work. At the end of 1999, under the leadership of Zhanna Vladimirovna, a group of breastfeeding consultants began providing extensive consultations to mothers in maternity hospitals. In addition, the Moscow support group holds monthly meetings with breastfeeding mothers to support breastfeeding. Publications. Zhanna Vladimirovna is the author of more than 40 popular science articles on motherhood, breastfeeding and child development infancy, published in parenting magazines, as well as in other periodicals. She is the author of the brochures " For the expectant mother about pregnancy and life before birth”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in the folk tradition”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in the Orthodox tradition”, “The world of feelings and sensations before birth”, “Successful breastfeeding”, as well as a textbook for medical and pedagogical schools “Perinatal Psychology”, the first in Russia and so far has no analogues. In 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna, in collaboration with pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.M. Fateeva wrote a training manual for medical personnel in maternity and childhood institutions, “Breastfeeding and the psychological unity of mother and child.” In this textbook, for the first time in the history of Russian educational medical literature, a section “Psychology of the newborn” appeared, where the born and newborn baby is presented as a being endowed with psycho-emotional life. Address for letters.

Publisher: Astrel

Year of publication: 2005

Russian language

Age: from 0 to 1 year

This book is the first textbook in Russia on perinatal education. Much attention is paid to the description of the symbiotic unity of mother and child. In addition, for the first time a description is given of the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, presented as a single line.

The publication is addressed to specialists working with pregnant women and newborns, as well as those preparing to become parents.

Examples from the book Tsaregradskaya Zh.V. "Child from conception to one year"

Developmental tasks for a child in the first year of life

When caring for a child in his first year of life, it is necessary to understand exactly what developmental tasks he is solving during this period of his life. The developmental tasks of the infant should include familiarity with their body, motor development, familiarity with the outside world, primary social adaptation, the formation of eating behavior and the establishment of control over urination and defecation.

Getting to know your body

A newborn, as we said above, does not know that he has a body. Initially, the baby is only aware of the presence of a mouth. As he develops, he finds his hands and begins to examine them, then he discovers his stomach, then his genitals and legs. The next step is to examine the head and face. Gradually discovering different parts of his body, the child learns to control them. When helping a child solve this problem, it is very important to allow him to get acquainted not with socks and overalls, but with his own legs and arms. It is important that parts of his body are imprinted in his mind, not items of clothing. The least hindrance to him from getting to know his own body is undershirts, shirts, T-shirts and T-shirts that cover the upper part of the body. This is due to the fact that the baby begins to become familiar with the chest and back after one year.

Motor development

The development of an infant's motor skills occurs in parallel with the process of learning and awareness of his own body. By the age of one year, the child should master the skills of independent walking. The stages of this path are mastering rolls on the stomach and back, then mastering the ability to crawl, sit up independently and stand without support. All these skills are necessary for the baby as preparation for independently maintaining balance when walking. In order for the baby to more successfully learn the skill of maintaining balance, it is necessary that his legs are bare. If a child's feet are covered with socks or boots, their dexterity and confidence in movement are significantly reduced. Through a sock and especially a shoe, the child’s foot does not feel the surface on which he is standing. This prevents the baby from balancing and maintaining balance, and disrupts the coordination of his movements.

Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya

Child from conception to one year

Universal benefit

A single monthly description of the development of a child from the moment of fertilization until he is 12 months after birth

This book is the first textbook in Russia on perinatal education. Much attention is paid to the description of the symbiotic unity of mother and child. In addition, for the first time a description is given of the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, presented as a single line.

The publication is addressed to specialists working with pregnant women and newborns, as well as those preparing to become parents.

Tsaregradskaya Zhanna Vladimirovna - a teacher by training (preschool education), an experienced breastfeeding consultant (14 years of work experience), holder of the exclusive profession of psychologist-perinatologist, specializes in raising young children (formation of the psyche and behavior from conception to 3 years of life), She is most passionate about the perinatal period and the first year of a child's life, the mother of six children, each of whom she breastfed until 2 years old.

Activity. Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya has been involved in perinatal education of a child for 16 years. She officially began working as a specialist and director of the prenatal training center in 1989. She devoted a lot of time not only to classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers (establishing breastfeeding, learning how to care for a newborn), but also to collecting material to prepare women for motherhood. A special topic of study was the formation of the child’s behavior and psyche, the patterns of his natural development at an early age (from conception to 3 years of life), as well as the correlation between the mother’s behavior and the needs of the baby. In 1990-1991, Zhanna Vladimirovna took an active part in preparing pregnant women for childbirth and provided psychological support to women in labor at the maternity hospital at the 70th Clinical Hospital in Moscow. During this period, assistance was provided to more than 200 mothers and newborns.

Research and collection of information in this direction allowed Zhanna Vladimirovna to create the program “Psychology of Successful Motherhood” and the three-volume work “Culture of Motherhood”, intended for training prenatal training instructors. Part of the program aimed at humanizing obstetric care and supporting breastfeeding began to be implemented in maternity hospital No. 6 in Moscow from 1995 to 1999. Classes were held here with medical staff, psychological support was provided to women in labor, which made it possible to minimize drug interventions during childbirth, and regular classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers in postnatal care units. Thanks to joint work, it was possible to significantly increase breastfeeding rates (from 10 to 35% in the first 3 months of a child’s life) and improve the condition of women and children in the first days after birth, as stated by obstetricians and pediatricians at the maternity hospital. The result of this work was that Zhanna Vladimirovna was awarded the exclusive profession of “psychologist-perinatologist” in 1998 and the title of WHO/UNICEF “Baby-Friendly Hospital” was awarded to maternity hospital No. 6 in 1999. During this period, more than 300 mothers were provided with assistance. In addition, detailed observations were made of the development of children in the first year of life at home using specially designed diaries, which made it possible to better understand the principles of child development and the formation of his behavior. In total, it was possible to conduct detailed observations of 165 children. In 1998, on the initiative of Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya in Moscow created the first public breastfeeding support group in Russia, implementing the idea of ​​helping mothers to mothers. The following year, 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed a course “Counseling on Breastfeeding Issues” for the training of public breastfeeding consultants. In addition, due to the extremely low health indicators of young children in Russia, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed the “Healthy Children - the Hope of Russia” program, approved by the Union of Pediatricians of St. Petersburg and taken as the basis for her work. At the end of 1999, under the leadership of Zhanna Vladimirovna, a group of breastfeeding consultants began providing extensive consultations to mothers in maternity hospitals. In addition, the Moscow support group holds monthly meetings with breastfeeding mothers to support breastfeeding. Publications. Zhanna Vladimirovna is the author of more than 40 popular science articles on motherhood, breastfeeding and infant development, published in parenting magazines, as well as in other periodicals. She is the author of the brochures “For the expectant mother about pregnancy and life before birth”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in the folk tradition”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in the Orthodox tradition”, “The world of feelings and sensations before birth”, “Successful breastfeeding”, as well as a textbook for medical and pedagogical schools “Perinatal psychology”, the first in Russia and so far without analogues. In 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna, in collaboration with pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.M. Fateeva wrote a training manual for medical personnel in maternity and childhood institutions, “Breastfeeding and the psychological unity of mother and child.” In this textbook, for the first time in the history of Russian educational medical literature, a section “Psychology of the newborn” appeared, where the born and newborn baby is presented as a being endowed with psycho-emotional life. Address for letters:

11152, Moscow, PO Box No. 27 or e-mail jtsaregradskaya@hotmailcom

Introductory part

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically.

K.D. Ushinsky

Education is the process of deliberate, purposeful formation in children of the desired personality traits. The process of education itself continuously accompanies the growth and development of any person who is not in complete isolation, but lives and grows in society. When talking about a child growing up in a family, the process of upbringing is usually understood as the organized joint activity of the family and preschool, and later school and out-of-school institutions. In a broader sense, education includes not only purposeful activities aimed at developing certain qualities of the child’s personality, but also his general environment, social environment, moral, ethical and religious beliefs, as well as the value system of the people around him, which influence indirectly. On the other hand, the process of purposeful formation of the desired personal qualities begins far from preschool age and does not end with obtaining a matriculation certificate. For example, the characteristics of the nervous system and the type of temperament are formed in the child in the womb, and their formation is influenced by the psycho-emotional state of the woman during pregnancy, her state of health, nutrition and much more. At the same time, an already formed mature person can deliberately form some qualities in himself, that is, engage in his own upbringing. If we take into account that a personality is formed under the influence of a set of objective and subjective, internal and external, natural and social factors, then it becomes obvious that education is a continuous process of purposeful formation of a personality, carried out first by the parents of this personality, then by them in collaboration with those existing in society the education system, and subsequently the individual himself. In accordance with age periods In a person’s life, upbringing can be divided into the stages discussed below.

Child development before birth


Pregnancy is the process of a woman carrying an unborn baby in her womb. It lasts from the moment of conception until childbirth. More scientifically, we can say that pregnancy is a natural physiological process of development of a fertilized egg, as a result of which a new creature is formed that can exist outside the mother’s body.

I’ll say right away that this is an ambiguous book. The tongue is a bit dry, because... This is more of a manual for doctors, but without too abstruse words, so that it can be read by an ordinary woman. At the beginning it was difficult to read, the chapters about pregnancy went diagonally, it was no longer relevant, but on childbirth and caring for a newborn and a child up to a year old, I dwelled in detail and took notes.

The book can frighten pregnant women, and even cause disgust with such moments. Perinatal matrix, for example... If the birth is not natural or something almost goes wrong, God forbid oxytocin, an epidural, or a puncture of the bladder, that’s it, the child is mentally disabled for life, mentally ill, almost schizophrenic. The mother's maternal instinct will no longer wake up and the baby will be unhappy for life! In her opinion, you become a real mother with your 4th child! Well, if only she had 6! What do we care about her? Enemas for children are low, candles too, diapers are evil, current to the clinic and on a visit, you CANNOT sleep in them! Otherwise the boy will be homosexual and the girl will be a lesbian

About GW. Feed up to 3 years. And if God forbid, you didn’t feed for a day, and even if not up to 1.5, then you can read between the lines - YOU ARE NOT A MOTHER AT ALL! Those. GW in this author’s book is elevated to an inadequate cult and smacks of fanaticism. The madam who writes does not give a chance to other hypotheses, theories, opinions, evidence, pursues her line, by the way, not being a doctor. Well, yes, she had 6 children and more than 100 children took part in the experiment. But! Her education is pedagogical, if I'm not mistaken. In general, the book is controversial and one-sided. It's still useful to read, because... She quite reasonably described the period of development of a baby from newborn to one year, apparently she was tired by the end of the book of scaring mothers with horrors :)))

About sleeping together, also PASSION! If the newborn doesn’t sleep with you, then it’s a disaster, this is why infant mortality occurs, supposedly it doesn’t hear the mother’s biorhythm, feels loneliness on a universal scale, etc. By the way, she insists on sleeping with the child during pregnancy. In general, girls, there are grains of truth there, but there are also excesses. Filter information! Don't take this book at face value. There is a certain zombie feeling there

I searched about this madam on the internet. And oh GOD, the same situation as with the “Lullaby” in St. Petersburg. I because My friend lived there and collaborated with this club in St. Petersburg, and heard about these horrors. They were there for water births. And here Tsaregradskaya is against this, but it’s too early for BIRTH AT HOME. So what’s wrong with her, is her entire family who founded this “Rozhana” sitting or have they already been released? What about “Lulbelka”, don’t you know? So is this mother of many children sitting?

By the way, home births are practiced abroad, but there it is on a different level. In the event that something goes wrong, the midwife takes you to the maternity hospital... But here in Russia, we are not yet ready for this, these clubs and their midwives, if something goes wrong, they simply screw it up and the parents are left to blame... In Tsaregradskaya’s book you can feel negative towards the medical staff. I agree with her that in maternity hospitals there is no orientation that childbirth is a natural, beautiful, natural process, doctors are trained in initially pathological childbirth and cope well if something goes wrong. Those. there, a woman in labor is initially seen as a patient who has fallen ill during childbirth, but a different approach is needed, not boorish, not rude, but helping. But, even despite this, you shouldn’t criticize the medical approach and their role in childbirth, these are PROFESSIONALS! There's a lot I want to say, but I'm quitting

Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya

Child from conception to one year

Universal benefit

A single monthly description of the development of a child from the moment of fertilization until he is 12 months after birth

Tsaregradskaya Zhanna Vladimirovna- a teacher by training (preschool education), an experienced breastfeeding consultant (14 years of work experience), holder of the exclusive profession of psychologist-perinatologist, specializes in the education of young children (the formation of the psyche and behavior from conception to 3 years of life), is most passionate about perinatal period and the first year of the child’s life, mother of six children, each of whom she breastfed until 2 years old.

Activity. Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya has been involved in perinatal education of a child for 16 years. She officially began working as a specialist and director of the prenatal training center in 1989. She devoted a lot of time not only to classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers (establishing breastfeeding, learning how to care for a newborn), but also to collecting material to prepare women for motherhood. A special topic of study was the formation of the child’s behavior and psyche, the patterns of his natural development at an early age (from conception to 3 years of life), as well as the correlation between the mother’s behavior and the needs of the baby. In 1990–1991, Zhanna Vladimirovna took an active part in preparing pregnant women for childbirth and provided psychological support to women in labor at the maternity hospital at the 70th Clinical Hospital in Moscow. During this period, assistance was provided to more than 200 mothers and newborns.

Research and collection of information in this direction allowed Zhanna Vladimirovna to create the program “Psychology of Successful Motherhood” and the three-volume work “Culture of Motherhood”, intended for training prenatal training instructors. Part of the program aimed at humanizing obstetric care and supporting breastfeeding began to be implemented in maternity hospital No. 6 in Moscow from 1995 to 1999. Classes were held here with medical staff, psychological support was provided to women in labor, which made it possible to minimize drug interventions during childbirth, and regular classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers in postnatal care units. Thanks to joint work, it was possible to significantly increase breastfeeding rates (from 10 to 35% in the first 3 months of a child’s life) and improve the condition of women and children in the first days after birth, as stated by obstetricians and pediatricians at the maternity hospital. The result of this work was that Zhanna Vladimirovna was awarded the exclusive profession of “psychologist-perinatologist” in 1998 and the title of WHO/UNICEF “Baby-Friendly Hospital” was awarded to maternity hospital No. 6 in 1999. During this period, more than 300 mothers were provided with assistance. In addition, detailed observations were made of the development of children in the first year of life at home using specially designed diaries, which made it possible to better understand the principles of child development and the formation of his behavior. In total, it was possible to conduct detailed observations of 165 children. In 1998, on the initiative of Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya in Moscow created the first public breastfeeding support group in Russia, implementing the idea of ​​helping mothers to mothers. The following year, 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed a course “Counseling on Breastfeeding Issues” for the training of public breastfeeding consultants. In addition, due to the extremely low health indicators of young children in Russia, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed the “Healthy Children - the Hope of Russia” program, approved by the Union of Pediatricians of St. Petersburg and taken as the basis for her work. At the end of 1999, under the leadership of Zhanna Vladimirovna, a group of breastfeeding consultants began providing extensive consultations to mothers in maternity hospitals. In addition, the Moscow support group holds monthly meetings with breastfeeding mothers to support breastfeeding.

Publications. Zhanna Vladimirovna is the author of more than 40 popular science articles on motherhood, breastfeeding and infant development, published in parenting magazines, as well as in other periodicals. She is the author of the brochures “For the expectant mother about pregnancy and life before birth”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in the folk tradition”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in the Orthodox tradition”, “The world of feelings and sensations before birth”, “Successful breastfeeding”, as well as a textbook for medical and pedagogical schools “Perinatal psychology”, the first in Russia and so far without analogues. In 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna, in collaboration with pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.M. Fateeva wrote a training manual for medical personnel in maternity and childhood institutions, “Breastfeeding and the psychological unity of mother and child.” In this textbook, for the first time in the history of Russian educational medical literature, a section “Psychology of the newborn” appeared, where the born and newborn baby is presented as a being endowed with psycho-emotional life. Address for letters:

11152, Moscow, PO Box No. 27 or e-mail [email protected]

Introductory part

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically.

K.D. Ushinsky

Education is the process of deliberate, purposeful formation in children of the desired personality traits. The process of education itself continuously accompanies the growth and development of any person who is not in complete isolation, but lives and grows in society. When talking about a child growing up in a family, the process of upbringing is usually understood as the organized joint activity of the family and preschool, and later school and out-of-school institutions. In a broader sense, education includes not only purposeful activities aimed at developing certain qualities of the child’s personality, but also his general environment, social environment, moral, ethical and religious beliefs, as well as the value system of the people around him, which influence indirectly. On the other hand, the process of purposeful formation of desired personal qualities does not begin at preschool age and does not end with obtaining a matriculation certificate. For example, the characteristics of the nervous system and the type of temperament are formed in the child in the womb, and their formation is influenced by the psycho-emotional state of the woman during pregnancy, her state of health, nutrition and much more. At the same time, an already formed mature person can deliberately form some qualities in himself, that is, engage in his own upbringing. If we take into account that a personality is formed under the influence of a set of objective and subjective, internal and external, natural and social factors, then it becomes obvious that education is a continuous process of purposeful formation of a personality, carried out first by the parents of this personality, then by them in collaboration with those existing in society the education system, and subsequently the individual himself. In accordance with the age periods of a person’s life, education can be divided into the stages discussed below.

Child development before birth


Pregnancy is the process of a woman carrying an unborn baby in her womb. It lasts from the moment of conception until childbirth. More scientifically, we can say that pregnancy is a natural physiological process of development of a fertilized egg, as a result of which a new creature is formed that can exist outside the mother’s body.

Pregnancy lasts approximately ten lunar months, or 280 days. Each lunar, or obstetric, month is four weeks. As a rule, the duration of pregnancy is calculated in weeks, therefore it is 40 weeks. Thus:

1 month - 4 weeks;

2 months - 8 weeks;

3 months - 12 weeks;

4 months - 16 weeks;

5 months - 20 weeks;

6 months - 24 weeks;

7 months - 28 weeks

8 months - 32 weeks

9 months - 36 weeks;

10 months - 40 weeks.

Ten lunar months correspond to approximately nine solar calendar months. Hence the idea that pregnancy lasts 9 months. But calculating the duration of pregnancy by solar months is inaccurate and therefore is not used in obstetric practice.

It should be noted that the duration of pregnancy is determined individually for each woman and depends on many factors. On average, the deadline is considered to be 270–290 days, or 38–41.5 weeks. Childbirth occurring during this period is considered urgent, that is, occurring on time.

Beginning of pregnancy

The beginning of a new life is given by the fusion of male and female reproductive cells. In their fused nuclei, 23 maternal and 23 paternal chromosomes meet, giving impetus to the development of a new human being. But the moment of fertilization of the egg (female reproductive cell) is not yet the beginning of pregnancy: fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube and only then the fertilized egg moves into the uterus ( rice. 1).

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