How to learn a lot of material in 1 day. Exam on the nose. How to learn tickets in three days? Memory Type Determination

In this article, you will learn how to better remember information using reliable methods that have already helped many people with their studies, reading and learning in general.

Whether you're reading non-fiction to study a specific topic (say, investing or internet marketing) or to study for exams, there are a few rules that will help you consistently increase your ability to remember and recall the material.

Use these rules every day and increase your learning potential.

How to remember information better:

Rule No. 1: Quick reading first, detailed reading later

Usually people try to remember all the details from the material they read in one sitting, but The best way Learning complex information means dividing the reading process into two or three stages.

First, skim over the text you need to read (two or three pages will be just right), reading superficially. Don't force yourself to remember anything the first time you read it.

Now go back to the same material, reading slowly this time. Say difficult words out loud. Underline difficult words or key concepts.

If you still feel puzzled, go through the material a third time. You will be amazed at how much information fits into your head!

Rule no.2: Take notes

When learning new material (in a lecture, webinar, just reading something), take notes.

After some time, copy your notes into a notebook, collecting and summarizing all the information. You will notice that you probably wrote down some information or material that seemed very important to you during the lecture, but is no longer of interest.

Build on concepts you have written down but not clearly explained by writing down your thoughts. Look up keyword definitions and external resources. Write down the information you find in a form that is convenient for you. This will cement the information in your memory.

Rule no.3: Teach others

We remember best when we teach others. This is why study groups can be very effective if used correctly. Instead of using your group only to complete some tasks, ask your partner to “chase” you through the material you have covered, to force you to verbally repeat what you have learned.

Find someone in your class who is struggling academically and become an informal mentor for them.

If you can't find such a “student,” tell your partner or roommate what you learned in class. Don't repeat material you already know well.

Choose information that you have trouble understanding and force yourself to explain it to someone over lunch or while walking the dog. This will allow you to truly understand the essence of the material you have been learning.

Rule #4: Talk to yourself

Believe it or not, listening to your own voice will make it easier for you to remember new facts. Record yourself reading keywords and definitions out loud and listen to them later. This trick will make your self-study more effective. You'll use multiple senses at once—auditory, verbal, and visual—plus you'll be more attentive, since reading aloud requires concentration.

There is another funny trick. It consists of making a “phone handset” out of flexible PVC pipe that you could hold to your mouth and apply to your ear while reading aloud. Believe it or not, the concentrated sound of your own voice passing through this “phone” will be easier to remember than your normal voice while reading material out loud.

Rule #5: Use visual cues

Many of us remember everything through the visual channel. You can actually imprint an image of a formula, definition, or concept in your mind and be able to easily recall the information you need during a test or when needed.

Use this function of your memory by drawing pictures on flash cards or using different colored markers when writing down the information you need to remember.

For example, if you need to remember the Latin or Greek root of a word, you can draw pictures that symbolize the meaning of these words. The Latin word "aqua" means water, so you can write "aqua" with a blue marker and draw a drop next to it. The Latin word "spec" means to look, so you can draw glasses nearby.

Flashcards are also a useful tool for visual memory, especially if you use pictures and colors to make them. You may actually remember a word or formula simply because you remember how you agonized over whether you should write the definition in orange or green. Color can trigger your visual memory, which will help you access information.

Watch an interesting video about visual notes that help you quickly remember information:

Rule #6: Use a shocking stimulus

Have you ever felt while studying that you were simply unable to remember important information?

Believe it or not, using some shocking physical stimulus will help you understand and then remember complex material.

According to a study conducted on the topic: “How to remember better,” putting your hand in a bowl of ice water while studying will help you remember and then recall the information you need. This happens because negative stimuli activate the part of your brain that deals with memory (presumably this is to help us remember negative experiences better so we don't repeat them, but it works just as well for normal memory retention).

You can use ice water, something hot, or mild pain to help you remember difficult information. Try pinching your arm while holding an ice bag, or holding a cup of hot tea while studying to stimulate your memory. The main thing is not to really harm yourself!

Rule #7: Chew gum

Teachers may prohibit gum chewing in their classes because they don't want to have it ripped off from under their desks, but the act of chewing gum can help you study better and do better on tests.

One study looked at the effect of chewing gum during a test in graduate students. A study found that chewing gum helped students finish a test 20 minutes earlier.

Another study was conducted on eighth-graders taking an annual math exam. The results showed that students who chewed gum scored 3 percent higher on the test than their peers who did not chew gum.

How does chewing gum help you remember information better?

Chewing gum stimulates blood flow to the brain and helps you stay alert.

Which chewing gum works best?

It doesn't matter whether you chew gum with or without sugar. It's the taste that matters. Switch to mint-flavored gum, as mint acts as a mental stimulant and will help you feel calm and focused.

Rule #8: Participate in class even when you feel uncomfortable

Having trouble with a certain concept?

Most of us prefer to sit in a corner somewhere and remain unnoticed in the classroom until all the material is sorted out for us. But this habit will always interfere with your learning process. Raise your hand, ask a question, or volunteer to participate in a discussion about a topic you are having difficulty with.

Don't you attend group classes? Find someone who understands the topic you are interested in and ask for advice or help. Let it bother you that you don't understand something.

The discomfort you feel while performing these activities will increase your memory abilities. You will receive answers to your questions and will easily be able to recall the material later, when you need it most.

Rule #9: Highlight and paraphrase what you read

When reading a text that is difficult to understand, it may seem to you that the letters are already floating before your eyes. Underline and highlight key words and concepts as you read.

Say the words or concepts out loud as you highlight them, and then write (and paraphrase) the material in your notebook. This will help you digest all the information rather than just skim through it.

Rule #10: Make up rhymes or songs

You won't need to do this trick with most material, of course, but you may find it useful to come up with poems, rhymes, or catchy songs to help you remember particularly difficult formulas.

You may find it easier to remember the formula if you come up with a musical setting for it.

How do formulas help you remember information better?

Many formulas do not make any sense to us. They look like a list of random numbers and letters, or they seem like a bunch of random instructions that lack a cohesive element.

If you turn a formula into a song or poem, you will become aware of what once seemed irrational, and this comprehension of the material will allow your brain to better perceive the information and store it in a way that it can be easily accessed later.

Rule no.11: Look for associations

Likewise, the association method can help you find connections between dates or individual facts that you need to remember in a certain order.

Find a way to connect the date and name so that it makes some sense, using numbers or words. You've probably done something similar before, when you needed to remember a password or phone number.

Find a way to connect the number to the name in a way that makes sense to you and the question of how best to remember information will not be so pressing for you.

Rule no.12: Take breaks while studying

If you study consistently over a long period of time, you may notice that your productivity drops the longer you study. Research shows that you should take a 10-minute break every hour while studying to maximize productivity.

Why should such a break consist?

Be sure to get up, go to the toilet, drink something or have a snack. It is best to leave the room you are sitting in and move around a bit to improve blood flow. If you have the opportunity, jump or stretch to get an adrenaline rush and perk up. After that, you can get back to work.

Rule no.13: Find a practical application

Having trouble remembering a formula or theory?

The problem is that you probably haven't found a practical application for this concept in life, so your brain still doesn't want to remember it.

Imagine how this formula or concept could be used in practice to solve a real-life problem. If possible, role-play or mentally imagine the impact of the problem in a practical way. This will help you understand the formula or concept and, if necessary, easily recall it.

Rule no.14: Create a Physical Image

Some concepts are difficult to understand until you see a physical image of them or an illustration of the idea.

For example, you can appreciate the importance of microscopic analysis by looking at an image of a DNA strand or the anatomy of a cell. If you can't create a physical image or picture, find an image online. This will help you visualize the problem clearly.

Rule no.15: Read important information before bed

Our brain continues to work even when we sleep. Read your notes again before going to bed so that your brain can better absorb the material while you sleep.

Don't read anything that makes you anxious or upset (you risk disturbing your sleep). Instead, use this trick to reinforce concepts and information you'll need later.

Rule no.16: Practice breathing exercises

Stress suppresses your ability to concentrate and makes it difficult to access information you've already learned.

This is why you can easily understand a concept in class, but then get stumped while writing a test. You know that information is somewhere in the back of your mind, but you just can't access it. This happens because stress shuts down your ability to concentrate on anything, leaving you with only the fight-or-flight response.

To combat stress, do this for three to five minutes.

Find a quiet place, set a timer, close your eyes, and then focus solely on your breathing. Inhale as deeply as possible, hold your breath until you feel slight discomfort, and then exhale slowly until you feel complete relief.

Repeat in this manner, without worrying about anything and focusing all your attention on how good it feels to simply breathe, until the timer rings.

Try the above methods of memorizing information and find the most effective ones for you.

Good luck in learning new information!

This might interest you:

There's an exam tomorrow and you didn't prepare for it because you didn't have time or you put off studying for later? You can prepare for the exam in one day if you are disciplined and attentive. It is better to prepare in advance, for example, a week before the exam, but there are situations when this is impossible to do. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for the exam in one day.



    Find a suitable place to study. Nothing and no one should distract you - neither friends, nor any objects in your bedroom. Find a study space where you can focus on the material you're learning.

    • Study somewhere that is fairly quiet and peaceful, such as a private room or library.
  1. Prepare everything you need. Before you begin studying, have everything you need ready, such as textbooks, notes, markers, a computer, a light snack, and water.

    • Remove everything that will distract you.
  2. Turn off your phone. If you don't need your smartphone for studying, turn it off so it doesn't distract you from studying the subject. This way you can focus solely on the material you are studying.

    Consider whether you should study on your own or in a group. Since time is limited, it's probably best to study on your own, but sometimes it's helpful to study in a small group to better understand concepts and terms. If you decide to study in a group, make sure that it consists of people who are no worse prepared than you; otherwise, the effectiveness of group work will not be very high.

    Learn to work effectively with the textbook. You won't remember the material if you just read the textbook (especially if your time is limited). As you read the textbook, pay special attention to the chapter summaries and key information in bold.

    • Find the questions that appear after each chapter (or at the end of the textbook). Try to answer these questions to test yourself and see what you need to learn.
  3. Create a tutorial. It will allow you to better understand the material and quickly review it on exam day. Include the most important concepts, terms, dates, and formulas in your study guide and try to express the basic concepts in your own words. Formulating concepts yourself and writing them down on paper will help you better understand and remember the material.

    • If you don't have time to create a study guide, ask a friend or classmate for one. But it will be better if you create your own study guide, since articulating and writing down the basic concepts will help you remember the information better.
  4. Prepare for the appropriate exam format. If you are pressed for time, be sure to consider the exam format when preparing for the exam. About the format of the exam, ask your teacher or look in the syllabus, or ask your classmates.

Lesson plan

    Create a lesson plan. Include material that will definitely appear on the exam, such as important dates, certain scientific concepts, and mathematical formulas or equations. If you don't know what will be asked on the exam, ask your classmates. To pass the exam, it is important to know what material you need to study (especially when time is limited).

    Create a class schedule. Plan out the entire day leading up to the exam and determine the hours you will devote to studying the material. Don't forget to make time for sleep.

    Create a list of topics to study. Review your textbook, study guide, and notes and write down the topics that will appear on the exam.

  1. You can use the curriculum as you study the material. The information in the curriculum may be presented in a way that will help you learn the material. Use your study plan to look at the material you're learning from a different perspective and organize the information appropriately.
  • At the end of the exam Not Tell your classmates how you answered the questions so as not to undermine your authority.
  • Immediately before the exam, do not discuss this or that topic with your classmates. This way you will most likely only get confused. But you can ask them something you don't know.
  • You shouldn't study all night long. If you don't get enough sleep, you won't feel very good.
  • By studying the day before the exam, you will have to absorb a lot of information that you will need to remember during the exam. Remember that information that is being tried to be remembered in the shortest period of time is forgotten faster, which may negatively affect your future studies. Therefore, it is better to study the subject little by little and every day throughout the entire quarter or semester. This way you will better understand and remember the material you study.

Every person periodically faces the need to learn material of varying content and volume. This comes easily to some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The functioning of the human brain is still not 100% understood; we only know that we use a small part of the brain’s abilities. Psychological processes occurring in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will allow you to achieve success in any area of ​​human life; it will be needed in everyday life, study, and will easily increase your intellectual abilities.

To learn text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It represents the ability to remember and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. Some people find it easier to remember a text by saying it out loud, while others, on the contrary, learn it better after visualizing what they read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember required material V short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is consolidated in the mind. With rational memorization, awareness of the text read occurs and information is more easily perceived. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemonic memorization;

This is the most interesting way out of three. It helps to remember non-semantic information by processing it into images and associative connections. Mnemonic memorization is based on life experience, translating the text into images familiar to consciousness. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. These could be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps combat everyday forgetfulness by increasing the ability to mechanically remember things that happen.

  • Method of rote memorization.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, since it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. As we age, our rote memorization ability declines.

Memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate text, different memorization techniques are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors, for whom it is more important than anyone else to know how to quickly learn a text by heart.

  • First, we slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. It's better to read it out loud. When reading, you need to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the volume of material is large, we break it down into meaningful parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding the main words or phrases in them. This will help in the future to restore all the text in order.
  • After this, you need to rewrite all the text manually. This must be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember a moment, it’s better not to look at the recording, but try to do it yourself. You can peek only as a last resort.
  • Next, we rewrite a second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully re-read the text and retell it. It's better to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning a text word for word. It will help students, schoolchildren and anyone who needs to know how to learn a large amount of information in a short time. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for fast memorization

There are a few more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of our brain. To do this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary text. Actors thus highlight their lines in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This is a non-standard method of memorization. Having sung the material, it will be better embedded in your memory and you can recall it faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions that the characters experience if this is fiction.

  • After reading, you need to ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read out loud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right hand, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This tricky trick will force your brain to spend more effort analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

The actors rehearse in pairs, this helps in their work. You can also ask someone you know to test your knowledge of all the material. Learning by heart is more interesting and much easier in a company.

  • Record the text on a voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it throughout the day while doing your daily routine or while traveling. This will help you remember voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Memorizing information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If the information is needed, it will be easily remembered. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in humans; it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.

Bad memory? Are you forgetting something important? Need to learn something new quickly? Read how to easily remember large amounts of information and become smarter!

This article will help you quickly prepare for exams, easily improve your skills at work, learn new languages, or easily master any new direction. At the same time, your brain will remember large amounts of information better and faster, and your memory will automatically strengthen!

1. We remember information visually!
2. Why is it worth talking about the video separately?
3. Connect hearing and sensations!
4. Sleep and sleep learning!
5. How to correctly remember large amounts of information?
6. Connect new information with past experience!
6. How to learn to remember a large amount of information at once?
7. Exercise to improve memory!
8. Program for synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain!

We remember information visually!

Scientists have found that despite the differences in the representational system (as you know, there are auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners, you can determine your type), the brain of any person perceives basic information visually.

Moreover, vision greatly influences all other senses and often distorts the information received by them.

An experiment was carried out...

Wine lovers and connoisseurs were asked to recognize what was in their glass. And in a glass they served white wine, to which red food coloring was added.

Not a single participant in the experiment said that the wine was white, since it was red in color!!

How can you use this knowledge to remember large amounts of information?

The brain does not perceive any text as a stream, but only as a picture. When we read a word or phrase, we use our imagination to grasp the meaning. In other words, we translate literal text into visual text.

But this significantly reduces the speed and quality of memorization!

But if we immediately see a picture before our eyes, then its meaning becomes clear without “translation” and is remembered much better!

Therefore, every new thought of a memorized text should be associated with a visual image. These can be explanatory pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.

Why is it worth talking about the video separately?

Visual information is perceived especially well in motion. A static image is much less effective than a dynamic video. Therefore, if you memorize new information, include thematic videos in the learning process!

Connect your hearing and sensations!

Even if you are a kinesthetic or auditory learner, hearing and sensations will still be additional sources for you to absorb information. But even bright visual people clearly shouldn’t discount them.

The more channels of perception we use during memorization, the better the information is absorbed, and the longer it stays in our RAM.

Therefore, when memorizing the text, do not be lazy to read it out loud. Also use visual aids that you can remember by touch.

Sleep and learning in your sleep!

Sleep itself, especially before an exam or other important event when you need to “cash in” the knowledge you have learned, already plays an important role. Several hundred students were tested on this subject. Those students who slept peacefully the night before the exam showed significantly better results. best result than those who were engaged in night cramming.

Therefore, if you get a good night's sleep, you will have a much greater chance of remembering what you have learned!

Also worth highlighting is the phenomenon of sleep learning.

Scientists have found that the human brain remembers information well in the first 60 minutes after falling asleep. Therefore, when memorizing information out loud, you can turn on the recorder and record it, and then play it back when you fall asleep.

How to remember large amounts of information correctly?

The final result also greatly depends on how you organize your training.

Many people use the cramming method and “languish” over knowledge until they “learn it.” However, this approach is not effective.

It is much easier and simpler to remember a large amount of information if:

  • take breaks between studying each new block of information;
  • explore new blocks mixed together;
  • make a brief summary of what you have learned;
  • repeat what you have learned in an hour, then after 3 hours, and then the next day.

What does it mean to learn new blocks mixed together?

When learning new information, you can proceed sequentially. First learn one, then the second, which follows from the first, then the third, closely related to the second. It would seem that this approach should be correct. But no.

When a person switches his attention to a new aspect that is not related to the previous one, he perceives information much better. So, let's say if you study English language, spend 15 minutes memorizing new words, then rest for 5 minutes and start listening to English speech for 15 minutes, then take a break again and start reading. Another break, then translation of the text. And after an hour, repeat the words you learned. The result will surprise you!

It’s worth saying a few words about the outline...

There is no need to write everything down there and turn your notes into a cheat sheet. It is enough to write down one word of each new thought, and the word should reflect this very thought. With this approach, you only need to look at a written word to remember everything associated with it.

Connecting new information with past experiences!

This is another important aspect! New knowledge should occupy its own section in your memory, then it will be easy for you to “pull out” it when needed.

Let's look at an example...

Many people have trouble remembering new names or numbers. To eliminate this problem, when memorizing, try to associate this information with some image that is already in your head.

For example, a new employee’s name is Ivan. You remember that this was the name of the hero of Russian folk tales. All! This name will be firmly imprinted in your memory! Or, let’s say, you were recommended to contact Marya Ivanovna on some issue. In order not to forget this same Marya Ivanovna (after all, you haven’t even seen her yet), you just need to remember that that was the name of your first teacher... In general, the point is clear.

The same goes for numbers!

There is no need to look for some kind of logic in your reasoning when you are trying, for example, to remember the password for a new bank card. The thought may come to this: 18 is youth, 70 is old. Now you will remember the password 1870 for the rest of your life!

All you need to do is choose your association!

What if, for example, you are learning something new or mastering a new ability?

All you need to do is analyze what aspects and details you already know.

Let's say you want to open a slate manufacturing business, and before that you were supplying food products.

What could be in common?

Not as little as you might think. For any business, you will need to draw up a business plan, purchase the necessary equipment, determine the target audience, think through an advertising campaign, and resolve issues with employees. And you already know all this!! All you have to do is focus on the differences and delve into the process of making this very slate.

Agree, it seems much easier than mastering a completely new and unfamiliar type of activity.

How to learn to remember a large amount of information at once?

Remember at school there was such a form as retelling? But it’s no coincidence!

When we retell the information we have received to someone, we immediately remember it, and for a very long time. Therefore, if you have “free ears,” use them to benefit the cause. At the same time, it is better to retell it while looking at the notes, then even a large amount of information will settle down in your memory entirely.

But if there are no free ears at hand, a mirror will come to the rescue.

At the same time, try to explain everything to your reflection as clearly as possible - using facial expressions and gestures.

The more bodily movements you use during the retelling process, the better the information will be absorbed. And at “hour X” itself (an exam or other similar event), you can remember your grimaces and gestures, while the accompanying information that you tried to explain to your reflection will emerge in your memory by itself.

Also, as mentioned above, for clarity, it is worth including images in the outline.

Exercise to improve memory!

This simple exercise gives an incredible effect!

It helps expand the brain's working memory and easily allows you to remember large amounts of information.

Some schoolchildren who previously had difficulty remembering lessons, after regularly performing this exercise, increased their academic performance many times over, became smarter and got rid of problems with their studies.

After just a few weeks of classes, adults noted that they stopped forgetting about important things, began to easily remember large amounts of information, and could more easily endure information loads and stress!

Just 5 minutes a day will help you quickly remember large amounts of information!

This exercise synchronizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to remember more, faster and better!

What do we have to do?

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. With your right hand you need to grab the left earlobe, and with your left hand - the right earlobe.

3. While inhaling, perform a squat in this position of the arms.

4. As you exhale, stand in the same position with your arms.

You can do several approaches so that the total time of squats is 5 minutes, or perform squats all at once. This time per day will be quite enough.

Yoga for the brain (practice) also has a beneficial effect on memory, as it provides additional blood flow to the brain.

Program for synchronizing the hemispheres of the brain!

To improve memory and memorize large amounts of information, it is also good to use a special audio program that synchronizes the activity of the brain hemispheres and increases its “throughput” ability to receive information. In addition, the program contributes to the self-development of the individual as a whole. It is advisable to listen to it daily during the daytime hours.

Program for synchronizing the brain hemispheres

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Representative system is a concept of neurolinguistic programming, meaning the primary way a person receives information from the outside world (


Choose the best time to learn new information. For most people this is from eight to ten in the morning, and also from eight to eleven in the evening. Depending on your daily routine, activity peaks may shift. By observing yourself, you will quickly find the time when you feel most at ease.

Stress has an extremely negative effect on memory - so the happier and calmer your life, the better your memory. How else can you explain the fact that information perfectly memorized before an exam simply evaporates instantly from your head, as soon as a formidable professor stands? Try less and be more confident in yourself. If you are constantly stressed, do yoga, walk more, or visit a psychotherapist - as a constant habit needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible, since many people simply get used to it.

Eat more healthy foods. For good memory, vitamins, many microelements, and omega-3 acids are essential. Extremely healthy vegetables and berries with antioxidants - strawberries, broccoli and citrus fruits. Omega-3 fats are found in red fish, so include it in your regular menu before and during your session.

Sleep is the most important component of good memory. During sleep, damaged ones are restored, the brain is tuned to good and productive work, so by providing yourself with healthy and long sleep, you will memorize huge amounts of information much faster.

Stop thinking about what kind of memory you have - most often this affects it extremely negatively, the brain simply refuses to remember anything, since it is already confident in its “failure” and is determined to reject any information.


  • how to improve your memory in 2018

A theorem is a statement that requires proof. In geometry, the solution to any problem is based on the proof of theorems. Learning the basic theorems of geometry is necessary to master the compulsory school minimum. In addition, the Unified State Exam in mathematics includes a lot of geometry problems, without solving which it is impossible to get a high score for the entire test. Ability to learn quickly theorem- the key to a good level of knowledge in mathematics.

You will need

  • Handbook of elementary mathematics, geometry textbook


Geometry theorems usually consist of three parts. The first part is an independent statement. This is the whole essence of the theorem. Is this a property geometric figure or a body, or any other significant geometry objects (points, lines, angles). The second is a drawing explaining theorem and being a visual representation of the information presented in the first part. The third is the theorem itself (usually this is the most voluminous part).

The first part of the theorem (its condition) is much easier to learn if you combine this drawing process. Try to understand each condition. It is absolutely obvious that without understanding the conditions of the theorem, it is impossible to learn it, especially since it is the conditions of the theorem that in most cases are required when solving geometric problems. It is useful to do this referring to the condition several times. Then, draw a pencil over the part of the picture that relates to the condition (reading and actively viewing the picture at the same time is a great way to learn theorem).

After some time (about 20 minutes), try to resume theorem in mind. Draw the desired condition. Write down the main points of the proof point by point. If you can do this, you have understood the theorem well enough. Otherwise, return to the previous points.


There is no point in learning a theorem “by heart” like a poem. In this case, it will not be able to help you solve problems. In addition, if you forget even one word, the whole meaning of the theorem may be lost.

Helpful advice

It is advisable to learn the theorems of geometry in order, because often the proof of one theorem is based on knowledge of the previous one.


  • Geometric portal

If you are having difficulty remembering the theorem, don't worry. There's nothing complicated about it. You just need a little effort and patience, and the teacher will be pleased with your knowledge.

You will need

  • A textbook or study guide that discusses the proof of a theorem in detail.


Read the statement of the theorem carefully. Think about the essence of the above. If the theorem contains formulas, write them several times. Then find the proof in your textbook or take the one given to you. Study carefully.

First, look at the proof. Try to find a pattern in the output. Try to prove it step by step in your notebook theorem, peeking in . If this formula yields, prove this conclusion. If you succeed, then nothing. You just need to remember what comes from what. Otherwise, if you are having difficulty and do not understand any conclusion, ask for an explanation and then try again to prove it.

Pay attention to how the theorem is proven: with the help of other theorems, axioms, lemmas, identities, etc. Every theorem is derived from some other theorem. To prove the required one, you need to study the previous material, after which the proof of this theorem will become easier.

Sometimes it is convenient to use proof by contradiction. This method is one of the easiest to remember. To do this, you just need to assume the opposite of what is being proven in the theorem, and then find the contradiction.

Without looking at the original source, prove the theorem. Then rest for a minute and try to prove again. If you don't remember the derivation of the formula, look it over in detail again. The most important thing is to understand the theorem. If you understand how it is proven and by what principle, it will not be difficult for you to subsequently reproduce it again and again.

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Helpful advice

Take your time to learn the text of the proof, and especially don’t cram it. You'll never remember it that way.

Not everyone can boast of a phenomenal memory. Quite often, trying to memorize any material takes a lot of time and ultimately leads to nothing. To learn to remember quickly information, it is necessary to understand the principles of human memory.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pen.


Remember any information best from 8:00-10:00 and from 20:00-23:00. It is at this time that blood supplies the body more actively, which means that memory works more intensely.

Read the text carefully, trying to understand everything that the author was trying to convey to you. If at any point you lost the thread of the presentation, go back to the moment where everything was clear to you and read the part that caused difficulties again. If this doesn't help, ask a friend or relative for help. Try to explain to him what you did not understand. In the process of explanation, vague points may become clearer.

Try taking notes information, if you can’t remember it right away. Researchers have concluded that a person retains about 90% of the recorded material. It's best to take notes information, highlighting the main ideas.

Don't get distracted during the memorization process. If something bothers you, start again. To avoid constantly going around in circles, turn off your phone and ask not to be disturbed. In this case, you will spend significantly less time studying the material.

Repeat what you read. To be sure that you remember everything, 40 minutes after reading, try to repeat the text without looking at the source. If you were unable to do this, then look at it again.

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Tip 7: A large amount of information: how to quickly learn and assimilate

In the process of preparing for exams, students and schoolchildren have to memorize a large amount of information. Sometimes it is so large that it can cause confusion; a person literally does not know “what to grab onto.” To avoid chaos in assimilation information, you need to adhere to several rules.


There is voluntary and involuntary memory. Information that is emotionally rich and is remembered without effort is assimilated without the help of random memory. If you have to remember something with the help of volitional efforts, this process occurs when voluntary memory is involved. It is especially difficult to acquire knowledge that causes irritation and unpleasant emotions. Therefore, start learning with personal motivation. Convince yourself that this is something you need to remember.

Do not try to memorize the material mechanically. You will only assimilate that part of it that you understand. Read and understand the topic. Then the logical component of memory will be added to the mechanical component, which is acquired reliably.

As a rule, the material is presented in a certain system. Start learning from the very beginning to understand and master this system. If you forget something during the exam, you will be able to restore it or draw your own logical conclusion.

In the process of assessing the quality of learning information learn to distinguish memorization from recall. For example, you looked at a page in a textbook, remembered a section, and thought you knew it. But during the exam it turned out that you only remember the picture and the general appearance of the text.

Exercise only at times when your brain is most active. For some, this is early in the morning, while others are able to assimilate it closer to the evening. Please note that it is very rare that material is memorized the first time; it needs to be repeated at least twice, ideally before bedtime and immediately after it.

Based on their lifetime, short-term, long-term and medium-term memory is distinguished. The latter is responsible for breaking down material into categories and works during night sleep. Therefore, give yourself the time you need to rest at night. When preparing for exams, the physiological need for sleep increases.

The capabilities of the human brain are almost limitless, but rarely can anyone use them to their fullest. Memory stores huge amounts of information, but does not always work perfectly at the right moment. Therefore, people resort to certain techniques that help them remember large amounts of information as quickly and efficiently as possible.

You will need

  • Text of the work, voice recorder.


As with anything, memorizing text depends on the type of material you need to remember. If you teach work, then it is either a poem or prose. True, there is still drama, but that is a separate conversation. Of course, poetic texts are much easier to memorize, since they also have rhythm. To begin, open the poem and read it several times, being sure to say it out loud. This way, you will use three types of memory at once: firstly, you see the text, secondly, you remember how to pronounce it, thirdly, you hear what you read. Perhaps after a few readings, some of the text will already fit into your head.

Start learning line by line. Remember the first one first, then begin to gradually connect with the second one. This is what it will look like using the example of M.Yu.’s poem. Lermontova: I go out alone onto the road; Through the fog the flinty path shines. The night is quiet. The desert listens to God, And star speaks to star. First, remember the line “I go out alone on the road.” To do this, say it several times and then repeat it without looking at the text. Same with the second line. Then combine the first and second - first read them together, then repeat both without looking at the text. Then connect the second to the third. Repeat the second and third together, and then the first, second and third together. This way you will gradually memorize the stanza. Learn the rest of the verses in the same way.

If studying using the proposed technology takes a long time and is difficult for you, perhaps you have a well-developed figurative memory. Try to connect the lines you teach with certain images. Imagine a deserted road, fog, a flint path that glitters, a quiet starry night. It is quite possible that this will help you remember.

Try rewriting the poem several times. Some people have better developed mechanical memory. By the way, if you think that you have already learned the poem, write it too, but without looking at the text - check yourself.

Perhaps the poem can be set to a melody that is familiar to you. Try to learn it like a song. You can also record it on a voice recorder and listen to it several times - this will help if your auditory memory is better developed.

If you need to learn prose text, then it must be divided into semantic parts. Or even not entirely meaningful. Read the text, and in those places where you intuitively want to stop, put dashes. It is from these pieces that you will learn.

Be sure to pronounce prosaic text with intonation. Simple memorization of text is effective, but not always. Try helping yourself with gestures.

Helpful advice

Regardless of what text you studied, repeat it several more times the next day. It may seem that you already know the piece perfectly, but the next day it turns out that you forgot half of it.

To get started, remember a few rules:

The longer the passage of the text you study, the better you understand the material, and understanding is the basis of the answer;
- it is better to learn little by little with breaks than all at once;
- if you have to learn several materials of different volumes, you need to start with more.

Now make a diagram of your work with the subject. If you don’t work or study in the morning, then plan your activities for this time. Whether you are a morning person or a night owl, your brain works better in the first half of the day, and you will remember better with a fresh mind. The most favorable times are 7:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00.

Start with the most difficult material, especially if you have poor practice. In order for the information to be firmly deposited, it must be repeated four times. But it shouldn't just be mindless reading and cramming. The first time you look through the material and figure out its structure, the second time you identify the main points and how they relate to each other, the third time you repeat the most important facts, and finally you draw up an answer plan. The plan will guide you if something needs to be repeated.

Carefully plan your time not only for studying the subject, but also for relaxation. Intellectual work quite quickly leads the body to a depressed state. The best rest is considered to be a change in activity from intellectual to physical labor. Every 40 minutes, take breaks during which it is advisable to warm up and completely escape from the material you were studying.

When repeating answers to exam questions, be sure to first try to remember everything you have learned or knew before, then write it down and only then read it. Highlight the most difficult moments and tell them to your loved ones. By explaining to someone, you will understand and remember the material. When the entire array of material has been completed, give yourself an exam - select questions at random and answer them.

There is a fairly simple mnemonic system (memory method) that will help with this. It will require some effort on your part for it to start working. Let's assume that at this stage you are interested in the ability to remember 20 pieces of information.

1. Creating a mental support

The first step will be to create a mental support for further memorization. To do this, you need to write numbers from 1 to 20 sequentially and leave a small space for schematic drawings next to them. One sheet of paper is enough for this.

Now you need to think about what you associate with it for each number from 1 to 20 and draw a small picture next to it. For example, you associate one with the word Aladdin - draw an Aladdin lamp next to this number. Next we take the number two. Personally, I associate it with a negative mark at school. And I would draw a board and a pointer. Thus, you need to make drawings for all numbers from 1 to 20. This can take up to 30 minutes. And then this support will serve you as long as you need it.

2. Memorization

Now you can take 20 different words and very easily connect them at the level of mental representation with your association. For example, the first word is “house”. In our system, the number one is associated with Aladdin and his lamp. Our task is to connect the association and the word that needs to be remembered into one image. The more unusual the connection, the easier it will be remembered. How can you connect Aladdin's lamp and a house? Maybe you wanted to build a house and are rubbing a magic lamp to make this wish come true? Then your image is a house appearing straight from a magic lamp. Draw this image in your mind and remember it. Since it is very unusual, you will easily remember the house when you need to name the item number one. At number two, let’s say, the word “apple” came across. If the association is a school board and a pointer, imagine that instead of chalk there is a stub on the board.

Use your imagination. After a little practice, you will spend no more than a few seconds creating and remembering an image connecting the number and the word you want to remember.

3. Retrieval from memory

At this stage, you have connected the words that you need to remember with associations of 20 numbers into images. You don't need to remember the words themselves. If numbers are told to you, you will be able to remember the associations you have prepared for them, creating a mental basis. And immediately magical images will appear in your imagination, from which you will remember the necessary words.

Using this method, you will be able to name all the memorized words not only in forward, but also in reverse order, as well as name any word chosen at random.

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Tip 11: How to learn a lot of information for an exam

Examiners sometimes require schoolchildren and students to almost directly quote textbooks. It is not difficult to remember a large amount of information. The main thing is to approach the “cramming” process correctly.

Preparing for the exam requires more than one hour. The time of greatest brain activity varies from person to person. Some people remember better in the morning, others between 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon, and for others it's easier to sit over textbooks all night. Determine your “active” hours and start studying topics in the allotted time.

Information enters the brain through perception channels, which are also different for all people. According to the type of perception, people are divided into auditory, visual, kinesthetic and discrete. To determine your type, try conveying information about, for example, dandelion. Auditory learners will begin to describe the flower out loud, visual learners will most likely draw it, kinesthetic learners will talk about their emotions in connection with the flower (“It’s soft, the petals tickle the skin...”, etc.), and discrete learners will remember medicinal properties(because they look for benefits and the possibility of application in life in objects).

Audiophiles It is easier to perceive information by ear. Effective method memorization will be reciting the topic. Try to read dry terminology as if you were reading poetry: expressively, with some melody. You can use your favorite song - rearrange the words to a familiar tune and repeat several times in a row.

Visuals To remember something clearly, diagrams and drawings are required. Try drawing a picture of the topic you are studying. An effective collage method is when a person sticks photographs/pictures on the wall and draws connections between them.

Kinesthetic learners Feelings are important. Choose a cozy place, comfortable clothes, etc. to prepare for the exam. It is better if the preparation takes place somewhere in nature, in a quiet, secluded place. Mentally associate important terms with something pleasant. Kinesthetic learners also rely on mechanical actions: to memorize, write down basic terms and principles.

Discrete– good analysts, the essence is important to them. To better remember a large amount of information, you need to break it down into small components. Remove unnecessary words from the text, and everything will work out.

In addition to the channel of perception and temporary activity, one cannot write off general state body. Do not forget to rest and eat well while preparing for exams, include vitamins (ascorbic acid with glucose) and walnuts and hazelnuts in your diet.

Practice dialogues with the examiner - have someone close to you who is older test your answers and, if possible, make corrections.

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