Lower back tattoo for girls. Photos, patterns, sketches, inscriptions with translation. Meaning. Tattoos on the lower back Tattoo on the sacrum

Tattoos on the lower back have at different times been popular among both the weaker and stronger sexes. Despite the fact that in the 90s of the last century, servants or girls of easy virtue got tattoos on the lower back, modern youth, having overcome stereotypical thinking, began to consider this part of the body quite in demand and relevant for applying body sketches.

Features of tattoos

Before getting a tattoo on your lower back, you need to think carefully about making such a decision. If during the preparation process a person has any doubts, do not rush and get the sketch on the body, since removing the drawing is a rather expensive procedure.

However, since the main category of people who get tattoos are mostly young people, as a rule, few people think about the consequences. After getting a tattoo on the lower back, there are several restrictions that you should take note of.

  • During the healing period, you should wear trousers, jeans or loose-fitting pants.
  • At first, you need to wear underwear with a weak elastic band.

However, despite the restrictions and stigma that has appeared in connection with the placement, tattoos do not stop getting tattooed. And, as a rule, this place of application is most popular among female representatives.

Advantages of a body sketch

As it turned out, a quarter of the residents of the United States of America aged 18 to 50 regularly come to tattoo artists in order to apply selected designs to the body. And not surprisingly, 20% of beautiful ladies get a tattoo on their lower back. And there are a number of reasons for this.

  • There is plenty of space on the lower back to make a full-fledged drawing. Even someone with a small build can get an impressively sized tattoo.
  • Women's tattoos on the lower back can last a long time for the simple reason that it is in this place that the woman's skin does not stretch, and even in old age or with increasing body weight, the tattoo does not deform and looks like new.
  • The sketch applied in this place can be easily hidden under clothes and just as easily demonstrated by wearing a top or

As a rule, lower back tattoos are more popular among girls. Representatives of the fairer sex, when filling a body sketch, try to decorate a part of their body, thus giving it sexuality and femininity. Men are less likely to choose the lower back, preferring the upper back.

Disadvantages of tattoos

In addition to the advantages listed above, tattoos on the lower back also have some disadvantages that you should pay attention to when applying a body design.

  • Such sketches can be awkward if they are not centered. It is necessary to choose a good master who would adhere to symmetry.
  • A certain category of people consider body designs on the lower back immoral.
  • Getting a tattoo in the lower back area is a rather painful procedure. The skin in this place is thin, and the closer to the bone, the more painful it is.

  • You can look at such a drawing only using a mirror.
  • Due to the complex design and impressive size, tattooing is quite expensive.

Lower back tattoo designs usually have an oblong shape. Their widest part is located in the center of the lower back or in the shape of a circle.

Tattoo Sketches

You can choose any design for a tattoo. However, most often preference is given to the tribal style, which is called tribal (sketches of an oblong shape are a priori symmetrical), Celtic patterns and flowers (hibiscus, daisies and cherry blossoms). The drawings, as a rule, are located in the center and are small in size or large - encircling almost the entire lower back.

In addition, tattoos with images of animals, the sun or stars are chosen as a design. You can find a tattoo with a dragon on the lower back, with a dolphin, turtle or butterflies.

The meaning of a tattoo on the lower back

It has long been known that a person’s lower back is responsible for his intelligence, self-confidence, power and career. There is even a theory according to which a well-chosen sketch can influence and change the fate of the owner of the tattoo.

Thus, a drawing of a wolf on the lower back symbolizes the dexterity and courage of the owner. The leopard is considered the personification of aggression and power. Leo is associated with special strength and power. A symbol of endurance, courage and independence is the bear, located on the lower back. The tiger is associated with courage and fearlessness. The image of a horse helps in solving various life misfortunes and problems. Pride, nobility, as well as connections with the elements of air and fire are associated with the image of an eagle. The butterfly represents the human soul.

One way or another, any tattoo located on the lower back of a beautiful representative of the fairer sex is the personification of femininity and attractiveness (in addition, having an unhidden erotic character).

Lower back tattoo for girls

Sketches applied to women's work, if done correctly, look beautiful and emphasize the individuality of the fair sex, and also add tenderness and elegance to her curves.

But besides beauty and grace, a young girl who decides to get a tattoo in the lower back should think about possible problems during pregnancy. As it turned out, such a sketch does not allow administering anesthesia during childbirth. Even a small amount of dye can get into the anesthetic that passes through a puncture in the lumbar region, which can result in serious complications. The whole problem lies not so much in the paint itself, but in the microorganisms that enter the body during the application of the pattern to the skin. Before the introduction of anesthesia into the female body, they seem to be sleeping. For this reason, medical staff try to avoid such manipulations if a girl has a tattoo in the lumbar region.

Therefore, before getting a tattoo in the lower back area, you should consider what consequences this may lead to. In addition, you should not make a body drawing only under the influence fashion trends or because some friend got a similar tattoo.

“This is the most sensitive place.” It is said about the coccyx. The author of the phrase is Anfisa Chekhova. Russian celebrity - amateur. There are 6 of them on the star’s body. One of them is in the lower part of the spine. Only while stuffing it, Anfisa assures, did she feel pain. The rest of the drawings were easy.

Chekhov does not hide the fact of the existence tailbone tattoo, but hides the image itself. So far, the paparazzi have not been able to photograph the tattoo. The area where she is located is considered intimate. The main driving force behind getting stuffed below the sacrum is to become more sexually attractive. Do the designs on the tailbone have other meanings?

The meaning of a tattoo on the tailbone

In bioenergy, the coccyx is considered as the root chakra. It is considered one of the 7 main ones. It is below the sacrum that the three energy channels of the human body converge. In India, this place is called Mulduhara, which is translated into Russian as “root”. Hence the name we are familiar with – the root chakra.

It can be blocked, which negatively affects health, both mental and physical. You can stimulate the work of the center with the help of massage. This also includes the application process. Punctures with a needle will not only decorate the body, but also improve its health. Traditional doctors are confident in this.

It is interesting that in recent years, official medicine has also admitted that it was in vain that it called the coccyx a rudiment, on a par with the appendix. The part of the skeleton below the sacrum holds a group of muscles, without reliable attachment of which it is difficult even to walk. This is confirmed by those whose tailbone is damaged or removed.

Tattoo on tailbone meaning also from an astrological point of view. Those who study the influence of celestial bodies on our lives claim that drawings in the lower part of the spine can help representatives of some zodiac signs realize their potential.

In first place among these are Sagittarius. Photo tattoo on tailbone Leos can also consider it. Astrologers advise them to decorate their entire spine with patterns. At the same time, Sagittarius is shown images made in cold colors. The charm of Lviv is emphasized by warm colors, with a predominance of yellow pigment.

The meaning of tattoos below the sacrum also depends on the objects imprinted on the body. So, lizard tattoo on tailbone – photo, which indicates an agile disposition. In addition, the reptile is considered a talisman against dark forces. True, only green individuals will help in the fight against evil. The rest are a symbol of sexuality, according to the folklore of South America, and rainmakers, according to the legends of the northern part of the continent.

Lizards are recognized as a feminine symbol. These are the majority among tailbone tattoo. Sketches reflect demand. Men rarely want to place tattoos near the sacrum. However, there are exceptions. First, let's look at them, and then move on to the classics of the genre.

Men's tailbone tattoos

An example of a male tattoo on the tailbone is the designs of Valery Leontyev. For a long time he wore tattoos in the form of Celtic patterns. The artist became bored with them and were removed from the body. Valery went to America to get new tattoos. There a theatrical mask with wings in the tailbone area appeared.

Leontyev claims that the drawing indicates his creative nature and its duality. Many people gossip that duality means being male and female at the same time. Gentlemen of a traditional type try to avoid patterns that border on the buttocks. However, who will understand them? creative people. Journalists and the public have no evidence.

If guys ask to have it done on their tailbone, it is usually meant to be part of their look. So, orders come from strippers, dancers, actors. However, most of them apply temporary images that wash off after a couple of weeks. Valery Leontyev got a permanent tattoo. Otherwise, there would be no point in rushing to the USA to the famous artist, who also worked on Angelina Jolie’s body painting.

Women's tattoos on the tailbone

Tattoo on the tailbone for girls- a way to express yourself in sex, to signal to your partner about your characteristics. Thus, a red pepper tied with a bow indicates the lady’s fiery disposition, her unpredictability, courage and, at the same time, tenderness. A cat with an arched back speaks of inner grace, and a butterfly speaks of romance and easy-going nature.

Women's tattoos on the tailbone often imitate jewelry or underwear. Ornate ornaments are placed along the same boundaries as thongs or standard panties. There may be a complete imitation, or drawing only the upper contours. As for jewelry, they usually draw chains with pendants.

They hug the hips, falling into the hollow between the buttocks. Some people admire such pictures, others consider them a sign of easy behavior, women unworthy of attention. However, among the owners of tailbone tattoos there are many celebrities. The public applauds them. Isn't this attention? Aren't girls worthy of him?

Let's give an example of a celebrity who made a tattoo below the sacrum. This is Nadezhda Granovskaya, who sang in the Viagra group. She carefully hid the new thing. But one of the concert costumes exposed the pattern. Experts discerned a famous magical sign in it. The patterns are translated as “power over men.”

So, those who call those with tattoos near the tailbone unworthy should be wary. How not to fall under the influence of the amulet... Nadezhda, in general, notices that she is a fan of tattoos. There are about 10 of them on the singer’s body. None of them are made just for the sake of beauty. Each one has a secret meaning. At least, that’s what Granovskaya herself claims.

The nuances of applying a tattoo on the tailbone

Anfisa Chekhova is right. Tattoos on the tailbone are indeed a painful thing. The skin is tightly stretched, attached by muscles to the bones of the spine. The distance between it and the covers is minimal.

The lack of soft tissues and fatty layers does not allow them to absorb the impacts of a tattoo machine. However, most lovers of patterns in the intimate area say that the sensations are tolerable, although unpleasant. Beauty, as they say, is worth the sacrifice.

Today we'll talk about this interesting topic, like a tattoo on the lower back. We will also touch on history and tell you how the process on the body happened earlier, why girls get tattoos on their lower back. We will reveal many secrets, answer the question of what a tattoo on a girl’s lower back means and tell about interesting facts. Go!

Tattoos on the lower back today are great opportunity decorate your body with one or another tattoo design. Today, many people resort to this method, because tattoos have become more popular than ever. They add style and organicity to the image and help their owners stand out among the crowd and make a statement. Previously, these durable images were also applied to the body to identify the wearer. This way it was possible to understand which tribe this or that person belongs to and what his social status is.



dream Catcher



Technology has come a long way and today tattoos are applied in a more gentle and humane way, but few people know how it was done before. The process of applying body paintings took a lot of time, because the “master” literally hammered the paint into the skin with a special needle and hammer. The contours were not as smooth as they are now. Tattoos often blurred, but their wearers did not care about this, because the tattoos served their main purpose.

IN modern world To apply a tattoo, special machines are used that do not penetrate deep into the layers of the skin, which practically reduces pain to nothing, but everything depends solely on the person’s pain threshold, as well as on the skills of the artist. Today, the body art industry is one of the most popular areas of employment among young people and this is not surprising. After all, this is where you can show your imagination and put your creative potential in the right direction.

Tattoo on the lower back: does it hurt or not?

There are plenty of places for tattoos on the human body, but not all are in great demand. This is because in some places the skin is too thin and delicate. This causes pain during the session, and as we all know, no one wants to endure pain and almost 90 out of 100 people choose precisely those areas where there is a layer of subcutaneous fat or the skin is very dense.

One of the most popular areas for drawing is the lower back. Why is this particular area popular, you ask? Well, if you think about it, women’s lower back tattoos are especially popular. Its advantages are that:

  1. Such a pattern will give its wearer self-confidence, sexuality and help enrich the image.
  2. Such a tattoo makes the body more graceful and curved, which is undoubtedly perceived positively by the opposite sex.
  3. A correctly selected drawing will allow, etc.
  4. The lower back is one of those places that does not change over time, and even if you gain weight or lose weight, the tattoo will remain unchanged.
  5. And finally, there is practically no pain in this area, so even the most sensitive girl can get such a design.

A tattoo on the lower back for girls is a way to add zest to the overall image and become more sexually attractive to the stronger sex. And although drawings on the lower back are considered to be women’s fun, there are men who are also not averse to putting an image on their body in this particular area. Tattoos on the lower back of men are extremely rare, but if they do occur, they carry deep meaning, which is undoubtedly important for the owner.

Men's tattoo on the lower back in the shape of a crocodile

Meaning of images

Tattoos on the lower back have been fashionable for a long time and are still at the peak of popularity. Many representatives of the fair sex even begin their adult lives with this step. Today, almost every girl has a tattoo and its size, and the color design can be completely unpredictable. The same applies to the content, because only the owner of the tattoo design gives the design itself a certain meaning. However, despite this, there are generally accepted interpretations of certain images in the world.

Tattoos on the lower back are at the peak of popularity. This leads to a large number of different sketches that can be found both on the Internet and in catalogs in. These can be various inscriptions, drawings of flowers or animals. It is in this area that you can make not just a drawing, but, for example, add an interesting inscription to it. Below we list some of the most popular images that are preferred by many people:

  1. Pictures of animals. These include images of a tiger, panther, butterfly, dragon, dolphin, fox, hummingbird, etc. Moreover, each of the listed animals carries some meaning. For example, the image of an eagle means nobility and pride, and a tiger represents the absence of fear of obstacles. A lion on the lower back tells of the tattoo wearer’s confidence in the future. The bear is a symbol of power, strength and endurance, and freedom.
  2. Floral motifs. This includes a variety of flowers, including lilies, peonies, roses and even sometimes large trees. Often this is a colored tattoo. Most girls choose small tattoos, and flowers are perfect for this.
  3. Pattern on the lower back. These include Celtic patterns and various elements of abstraction. They can be located on the sides or move to the back.
  4. Words, letters, names and inscriptions (hieroglyphs, phrases in Latin).
  5. Symbols (, stars, angel wings, crown on the lower back).
  6. Weapons (pistols, daggers, arrows and spears).
  7. Tattoos in the style of “tribal”, “realism”.

Butterfly tribal



Lynx with flowers

The Dragon


Black Panther


Star with pattern

Lion head

Yin-yang in the form of cats

Stylized eagle

Celtic style pattern

Owl on a branch




little fox



The drawing can be completely diverse, the main thing is that it has meaning. Japanese tattoos are also considered popular among girls and boys. Such drawings carry a certain subtext. Often their meaning is hidden, and it has a magical effect on the owner.

Lettering is also in great demand. They can be translated into English language or in Latin. The main thing is to think through the meaning of the phrase and know exactly what you are putting on your body.

Colors and sizes

As for the color scheme, the following colors are considered the most popular:

  • red (the color of a leader and a person who is ready for great attention from society. All shades of this color stimulate the rise of vital energy);
  • blue (the color of happiness and fearless people);
  • green (the color of harmony and peace of mind);
  • yellow (the color of joy and smiles);
  • black (a classic color that will look equally advantageous on any skin).

If you want to get beautiful tattoos on your lower back, remember that you need to choose a good and experienced artist. Not only will he help, he will also tell you about all the intricacies of the process. You can also order a tattoo cover-up from the artist.

Recently, this service has been one of the most popular. The right approach will allow you to get fashionable and modern tattoos painlessly and safely.

Tattoo with beautiful wings on the lower back


Photo review of tattoos on the lower back, made in various colors and styles, fashionable and beautiful.

Lower back tattoos for girls are a great way to emphasize their beauty and sexuality, and to focus attention on a slender figure. If 40 years ago such tattoos were the prerogative of women of easy virtue and a stigma among servants, today everything has changed. More and more liberated and confident girls are choosing such tattoos, wanting to catch the admiring glances of representatives of the opposite sex.

Pros and cons

Tattoos on the lower back, photos of which can be viewed on the website, still cause a lot of controversy in modern society. Some consider such images to be an overt sexual appeal and a sign of immoral behavior, while others consider them to be ordinary body art without hidden subtext. According to American studies, a fifth of the fair sex has a tattoo on the lower back.

Applying a pattern to the lower back is accompanied by severe pain due to the lack of fat. The bone is so close to the skin that all needle strikes fall on it, and not on the muscle tissue. Women with a low pain threshold should take this factor into account before going to a tattoo parlor. You need to arm yourself with patience and endurance, not to flinch from every touch of the tattoo machine, so that the beautiful patterns are not distorted under the hand of the artist.

A tattoo on the lower back is large in size, which increases its cost. In addition, the sketch must be symmetrical and located strictly in the center, otherwise the image will lose its attractiveness. And, of course, a girl can only admire such a tattoo in the mirror or in a photo.

Significant advantages include the relatively long shelf life of the tattoo, since the skin on the lower back does not stretch and remains elastic for a long time. This means that even after childbirth, the drawing will please the eye. Small women's tattoos look no less beautiful, attract the attention of the opposite sex, and add piquancy and flirtatiousness to the image. They can be easily hidden under clothes and shown only to your chosen one.

Sketch ideas

The female part of the population prefers delicate and sophisticated tattoo designs on the lower back. Sometimes they are presented beautiful patterns, and sometimes complex compositions with hidden meanings. Let's look at the main options.

  • Butterfly
    The image symbolizes freedom, an easy, carefree life, rebirth and transformation. It’s not for nothing that a beautiful butterfly emerged from a caterpillar. For a girl, such a tattoo looks especially flirtatious.
  • Lettering tattoos
    The desire to philosophize is considered a woman's prerogative. Phrases can be applied separately or be part of a composition. They reflect the girl’s attitude, her life principles and priorities. The meaning of a tattoo on the lower back is easy to understand by simply reading or translating the inscription. This speaks of the girl’s openness, her ingenuousness.
  • Wings
    For women, such a design means lightness, innocence, defenselessness, and symbolizes a creative, extraordinary personality. Sometimes it indicates a desire for freedom and detachment from worldly vanity.
  • The Dragon
    A similar tattoo on the lower back, the meaning of which varies depending on the color scheme and style, is found in representatives of both sexes. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of strength and freedom. Red represents love and passion, while black represents respect for parents. Europeans associate the mythical creature with evil, cunning and meanness.
  • Patterns
    Tattoos on the lower back for women are mostly represented by beautiful elegant ornaments intertwined with ornate lines. Body jewelry in the Baroque style with openwork patterns or stylized images of animals in tribal style.
  • Flowers
    The meaning of flower tattoos varies depending on the plant chosen. The lotus symbolizes creative power, the orchid - luxury, splendor, violet - modesty, lily of the valley - family values, poppy - privacy, loneliness.
  • As for stylistic decisions, girls gravitate more toward the watercolor style (especially for tattoos with representatives of flora and fauna). You can also note the popularity of ethnic style, tribal style, baroque. 3D technology is beyond competition. For example, a tattoo with a butterfly in this style looks as natural and realistic as possible, as if the insect had actually landed on the girl’s body.

    Star tattoos

    Among fans of body painting there are many famous and successful people. Star ladies admit that tattoos helped them gain self-confidence and achieve success in their careers and creativity.

    The eccentric and unpredictable singer Lady Gaga got her first tattoo at the age of 17. It was a treble clef on the lower back as a sign of love for music. Later, roses entwined with vines appeared next to him.

    Britney Spears has a color image of a fairy fairy on her lower back, which became the emblem for the album and a source of inspiration for her owner. After this tattoo, the singer acquired nine more.

    Cheryl Cole shocked her fans with a huge tattoo from the middle of her back to her hips in the form of a bouquet of roses. Fans noted that such a pattern on the lower back only disfigured the singer’s chiseled figure.

    Tattooing on the lower back is also popular among Russian girls. For example, sports sex symbol and famous Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova is the owner of a black and white pattern in an ethnic style.

    Beautiful video

    Photo gallery

    Selection of sketches

From time immemorial, people have come to desire to decorate their bodies with drawings; it was believed that tattoos make a woman sexier and more mysterious, and a man more courageous, stronger and more resilient. Among the fairer sex, tattoos on the lower back are very popular at the moment.

Experts advise applying symmetrical designs to this area, avoiding voluminous and difficult decisions, give preference to classics in black tones for drawing, abstraction and symbols, and also not be afraid of color for the theme of plants and animals.

Ethnic symbols and motifs

For many peoples, tattoos on the body symbolized their attitude to the world around them.


This group includes well-known religious and mythological symbols and motifs dating back to the Ancient World (Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Macedonia, and so on).

Alpha and Omega

These are letters of the Greek alphabet, which are very rarely written separately, since together they symbolize the beginning and the end, the search for truth and the spiritual essence of existence.


This symbol is also called the messenger’s staff; in ancient times it was believed that the caduceus is the rod of Hermes, the god of wisdom, therefore the following meanings are attributed to the sign: reconciliation, strength, wisdom, inspiration, balance.

Venus Talisman

A round symbol that carries well-being for its owner, female happiness, beauty, strong love.


Recognizable Egyptian symbols:

Cross of life

One of the most powerful symbols of the Egyptian gods. The symbol is charged with longevity and the acquisition of health and happiness.

Egyptian gods

An Egyptian deity tattoo will be charged with the power and characteristic that the deity itself possesses. For example, Anubis - mystery, search for oneself, Ra - chosenness, Bastet - joy, happiness and love.


Popular Slavic motifs for tattoos include the following:

Kolovrat (Black Sun)

A symbol of ancient Slavic culture that served as a talisman for warriors, but can also reflect an idea of ​​how the world works.

Slavic runes

In ancient times, it was believed that rune tattoos had magical powers; there are a lot of rune designs; they can mean love, unity of souls, wisdom, health or knowledge of truths.


The following motifs are recognizable:

Celtic cross

A symbol of Celtic culture, which served as a kind of amulet for its owner; spiritual harmony is also considered a common meaning of the design. The photo shows its most simplified version.


A snake that bites its own tail, a symbol in the form of a ring. It means a closed cycle of Life and Death, gives the owner strength and confidence, power over his existence.


These mainly include Japanese, Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian tattoo designs.

The Dragon

A mythical character in Japanese culture, denoting power, might and strength; this sign is believed to unite the elements of fire and water.

Yin Yang

The symbol, known to us from Chinese culture, is quite popular. This sign symbolizes unity, harmony, infinity and constant cyclicality. Another meaning is attached to this symbol: if the tattoo is paired, then this can be a sign of true love.

Longevity Knot

Tibetan symbolism, charged with a long and happy life.

Polynesian, Incas, Aztecs, Indians

The following motifs and symbols are popular and recognizable:

Spiral Koru

One of the most popular symbols of Polynesian culture, the spiral symbolizes development and constant renewal, and can also mean cyclicality and infinity.

dream Catcher

A symbol from Indian culture, the ancient Indians believed that it was able to ward off evil spirits, and it was also placed on the body to prevent bad dreams and negative thoughts.


The Polynesian ornament, denoting the moon, was applied to the body by those who had great fortitude and strong character, usually it symbolized perseverance in a certain craft and determination.


Another Polynesian symbol, which in ancient times was applied only to the chosen ones, to those who were considered supermen. The lizard meant speed, great physical strength and endurance.

Rose of Wind

In ancient times, this symbol was applied mainly by sailors, who considered it a talisman. Later, the sign was attributed the meaning of an honorary award. The most common meaning of the symbol is the achievement of the intended goal.


This includes symbolism of satanic, occult and esoteric themes.

Inverted Triangle

A symbol signifying rational thinking, the meaning of constant movement, inflexibility and strength is often attributed to this sign. It is believed that the inverted triangle is chosen by balanced people who have the ability to concentrate.


This symbol is considered one of the most mysterious signs applied to the body. In ancient times, it was believed that each side of the pentagram had its own meaning - fire, earth, water, air and spirit. In modern interpretation, the symbol means leadership, excellence, youth and health.


Despite the fact that most people associate this sign with evil spirits, in the Bible it is compared specifically with wisdom, knowledge and prosperity. But you should be careful when applying this symbol to your body, as you may encounter condemnation and negativity from others.

Seal of Solomon

This symbol is also common in the Masonic culture. Means the beginning and end of life, the interpretation of Alpha and Omega.

Jewish, Christian, Catholic

Recognizable symbols include the following:


The seven-pointed star is a symbol of Jewish culture; in ancient times it personified the mystical side of the human soul; it can also mean good luck, since the number 7 is considered lucky in most cultures.


A religious symbol of faith, denoting fortitude, perseverance, self-sacrifice, strength of character.

Eight pointed star

A religious Christian symbol denoting the strength of the spirit, the future eternal life (in the spiritual sense).


Religious symbol of Byzantine origin. Denotes the beginning and the end in one whole.

Popular symbols

The best symbols to apply to the lower back are:


Typically, a tattoo in the form of music notes means that their owner is a creative and subtle person; they are often inflicted by individuals directly related to music.


The labyrinth is a sign of opposites, since for some it means doom and a hopeless situation, while for others the symbolism lies in the search for oneself and the truth.


A figure that has no end or beginning, the circle symbolizes the balance of the Universe, eternity and harmony.


This symbol is one of the most recognizable on the planet; it is a sign of love that has no other meanings. This symbol can speak about fidelity, tenderness and amorousness about its owner.


A popular symbol of power and confidence.

Abstractions, ornaments, tribals and patterns

Abstractionism and patterns appeared in tattoos many years ago; ancient peoples depicted designs on their bodies in the form of various abstractions; they could mean status, a specific profession, or belonging to a tribe. Unlike in antiquity, now an abstract picture may not carry any specific information.

It is advisable that the abstract tattoo be performed with a sense of understanding of this direction.


Unlike symbols, patterns and abstractions, which look better in black, all other ideas are equally advantageous in both classic black and color. Among the animal world, the following are popular:

a lion

The constant king of beasts, the lion, has always symbolized power and strength. From an astrological point of view, the patron saint of Leo is the sun, and he belongs to the element of fire, which is why such majestic meanings as nobility, courage, pride, justice and courage are attributed to this sign. The meaning of such a tattoo for the owner can symbolize a guardian and protector.


Some Asian countries position the tiger as a symbol of power, passion, strength, beauty, speed and ferocity; they believe that it is the king of the jungle. This animal is often credited with being destructive, which means evil or death.


Scorpio is credited with some magical properties and is therefore often applied to the body in the belief that it will protect against evil spirits and bad people. And although for most peoples Scorpio plays the role of a protector and talisman, there are also opinions that this sign symbolizes betrayal, hatred and fear.


The wolf is considered a dual nature; it often symbolizes independence and devotion, aggressiveness and calmness. In many cultures, this animal is considered divine; a wolf tattoo means strong spirit and courage.


A butterfly on the lower back is a tattoo that means love, beauty, carefree and freedom. In German culture, it is credited with the meaning of the birth of a new life; for China, it means absolute harmony in the family; in Japan, it is a sign of grace. The most common interpretation of the meaning of a butterfly is rebirth, transformation.


At all times, cats were credited with belonging or being related to the afterlife; the animal was considered very sensitive and independent. In the folklore of many nations you can find references to the fact that cats symbolize both good luck and bad luck. At different times, cats were valued and loved in Egypt, China, India and Japan; often in these countries animals were considered sacred and carefully protected.


Among sea animals, the dolphin tattoo is especially popular. This is due to the beauty and grace of this creature and its significance to others, as the dolphin symbolizes kindness, freedom and a playful nature.


Among tattoos with birds, hummingbirds are often preferred; no one is bothered by the small size of the bird, since it is a symbol of an inexhaustible source of energy and great willpower.


Absolutely equally, the snake is a symbol of both negative and positive energy. Despite its grace and beauty, the snake is considered a deadly killer, although in many cultures its image signifies wisdom, power and strength.


Girls love this fictional fantasy animal, which symbolizes chastity, innocence, modesty and purity.

Flowers and plants

Tattoos of various plants are also popular among girls:


This flower can mean the owner of the design’s desire for luxury; it often indicates the presence of sophistication and charm. Orchid tattoos are often attributed to the meaning of purity and affection.


The flower has a deep and sometimes dual meaning; the most common meanings of the rose are magnificence, beauty, passion and femininity. Rose is considered the choice of especially brave and independent girls.


This very elegant flower is associated with purity; the plant often means passionate or even erotic love.


This plant is the most famous symbol of Japanese culture. There are several interpretations of what sakura means as a tattoo; it often symbolizes beauty and youth, it is credited with fortitude, and often the tree means lost love.


Lettering tattoos can be made in many styles, in any language, using any font, size, and so on. They mean what is hidden behind the words; they can be independent or woven into the overall composition with a drawing, ornament, pattern or abstraction.

At the moment, inscriptions in Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese hieroglyphs, Hebrew, English and French are popular. Also, inscriptions in fictitious and old languages, for example, Elvish, the language of orcs, ancient Celtic, and so on, do not give up their positions.

The most successful placement of a tattoo is considered to be a visually symmetrical location horizontally at the very line of the waist or hips or vertically (along the spine).

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