Old pregnant mother with a big belly. The largest belly of a pregnant woman in the world When a doctor is needed

TIRED! It's hot outside - 31 degrees, it's hard to breathe!
And my tummy is not small! Even though this is my third pregnancy, I still complain! Previously, it didn’t bother me when they said that I had a big belly for my term, I was even happy when everyone at my term didn’t have a visible belly yet, but my pregnancy could already be noticed!

And now...such comments have begun to bother me.
At the market, I buy cherries, the saleswoman, smiling, says: “Should I give birth in July?” And I: “No, in September!” She, shaking her head: “That belly is big!”
It's like I'm eating endlessly

No, in fact, there were periods when I constantly wanted to eat, eat, and eat. But still, I ate healthy food, and not any sweet, fried, and especially fatty foods

I am currently 27 weeks pregnant and am on my 28th week. And the abdominal circumference is 103cm!!! I went to give birth to my second child - my girth was the same! And now - wait another three months! This is the kind of belly I’ll have when I give birth, dear mother!

I walk slowly, waddling, my stomach often tenses, it hurts, I have to rest.

And my husband is at home every day - just beer and sex! There's nothing else on my mind

The children who are outside are screaming and running around at home, and the one inside is also rowdy all the time.

Well, the last one is at least calming and pleasant, even when I feel under my palms like a child crawling and knocking there

In general, I’m already DREAMING about giving birth sooner, or at least that the due date was set incorrectly. Somewhere in July, perhaps, they will give you a coupon for a second ultrasound (the first was at 13 weeks on my initiative, for a fee).

What kind of belly do you have?
But I found an article about belly size:

“When examining a pregnant woman, in addition to determining her height, the structure of the pelvis (its size and shape), it is necessary to measure the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus. In this case, a pelvic meter and a centimeter tape are used.

Belly measurement. Use a measuring tape to determine its largest circumference at the level of the navel (at the end of pregnancy it is usually 90-100 cm) (Fig. 4.8). An abdominal circumference greater than 100 cm is usually observed with polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, transverse position of the fetus, and obesity.

Then measure the height of the uterine fundus above the pubic symphysis (Fig. 4.9). In the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, this height is 36-37 cm, and by the beginning of labor, when the fundus of the uterus descends, it is 34-35 cm.

The height of the uterine fundus above the symphysis pubis can also be determined with a pelvic meter, with the help of which the size of the fetal head can also be determined.

Dreaming about your belly encourages you to think about your life and well-being.

Seeing a stomach with wounds in a dream means losses and losses.

If you dream that your belly has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of your belly in the dream.

And vice versa: if you see that your stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that you will lose your fortune as a result of some accident.

If you dream that your stomach is swollen but empty inside, then your wealth will melt away like smoke.

The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become.

If you dream that your stomach is grumbling from hunger, then you will have to work hard to have a condition corresponding to the size of your stomach.

Abdominal pain is a sign of trouble.

According to other versions, such a dream foreshadows health and increased prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you feel in the dream.

To see your stomach ripped open and with your insides turned out in a dream means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you.

Seeing a naked belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible.

See interpretation: yes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Modern medicine has reached such a level of development that the vital activity of an embryo in a woman’s womb can be observed starting from the earliest stages of pregnancy. However, the process of conception and development of a child remains a mystery inaccessible to the prying eye: everything happens in a very intimate environment and remains incomprehensible. The only thing that others can see is the belly, which is slightly rounded after some time and then begins to grow rapidly. expectant mother. And they will certainly try to make their own predictions: how long the woman is carrying, who she is carrying. Especially often, “folk experts” like to evaluate the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy, determining whether it is for a boy or a girl? There is most likely nothing wrong with this, but a pregnant woman should not listen to such “fortune telling.” Doctors refute the theory that the sex of an unborn child can be determined by the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy. However, the size and outline of the belly can still tell you something, because its parameters and appearance depend on certain circumstances.

Belly shape and gender of the child

Even if all the scientists in the world unanimously prove that there is no connection between the shape of the abdomen and the gender of the unborn child, the belief in this connection will remain alive despite everything! People are simply sure: the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy and a girl is different. So, the boy grows with a tummy that sharply protrudes forward. Owners of such bellies usually look neat and collected; from behind you can’t even tell that the woman is pregnant, and already at a decent stage. Such a tummy is neat, sharp, sometimes they say that it has the shape of a cucumber.

But expectant mothers of girls were less fortunate. Because, according to this theory (which, it must be admitted, is often confirmed in life), their stomach spreads out to the sides. It is larger and rounder than that of pregnant women with a boy, and in general the whole mother allegedly looks somewhat puffy, edematous, and even her face looks ugly: it is believed that the girl “takes away” her beauty.

What shape should the belly be during pregnancy?

In fact, the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy can be completely different: round, oval, sharp, pear-shaped, and even square, asymmetrical and “irregular,” “strange.”

In most cases, if the pregnancy proceeds normally and the fetus is positioned correctly - head down, the belly during pregnancy has an oval shape, and in obstetrics they say “ovoid”. It looks like a vertical egg. But this doesn't always happen. The shape of a pregnant woman's abdomen depends not only on the location of the baby in the uterus (although this is the main indicator), but also on other factors.

What determines the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy?

Every woman, and even the same woman with different pregnancies, has a different belly. The size and shape of the expectant mother's belly are directly related to the following factors:

  • condition of the abdominal muscles;
  • the presence of fat deposits in the woman’s abdomen;
  • rate of weight gain during pregnancy;
  • type of fetal presentation;

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Do you want to have a child in the near future or are you already expecting one? In any case, many questions cannot be avoided. There are many topics of interest regarding pregnancy. In order to avoid false fears and be prepared for different situations, you need to know everything related to the pregnancy period. From this article you will get the answer to the question of why your stomach hurts during pregnancy and what to do in such a situation.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy

Women who are just about to conceive a child are interested in the question: “does the stomach hurt during pregnancy?” Almost all women experience pain during pregnancy. However, if your stomach hurts during pregnancy, then this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm. It all depends on the nature and duration of pain.

The pain largely depends on the stage of pregnancy. During the first three months, a woman may feel a slight, intermittent aching pain in the lower abdomen or a slight tingling sensation. Some women do not feel this pain, others are forced to endure it occasionally. There is nothing to worry about in this kind of pain, since the body undergoes a restructuring to bear the fetus. At this time, hormones are actively working, the uterus increases in size and shifts. All this causes pain in the first three months of pregnancy.

For the next three months, the woman’s body is already fully prepared for the child. The fruit is not yet large enough to interfere with the functioning of the internal organs. Therefore, this period of pregnancy is the most painless. At this time, the uterus continues to grow and the abdominal muscles stretch. A woman may also feel a slight nagging pain, and in most cases it is associated with a change in the size of the uterus.

In the last three months, pain in most cases is associated with the size of the child. It is already so large that it begins to put pressure on the mother’s internal organs, interfering with them. This especially affects the functioning of the intestines. In addition, the abdominal muscles continue to stretch, and this again causes aching pain at the very bottom. This is pain that is not dangerous for the unborn child and his mother. Remember its main characteristics:

  • not strong
  • non-periodic
  • short-term

If you are experiencing such pain, then there is no reason to worry. If you insist on checking, you can go to the doctor and make sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally. You can also get advice from him on how to avoid this pain or reduce it.

How to get rid of pain

What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy? There are several tips on how you can reduce this pain at home:

  • Pay attention to your food intake. It is better to eat in small portions, but more often.
  • Fiber will help you, eat more raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink a moderate amount of water (up to 2 liters per day).
  • Avoid fatty foods and those that cause gas in the intestines.
  • Antispasmodics and activated charcoal will help reduce your suffering, but consult your doctor before taking them.
  • Walk and do light exercise.

When a doctor is needed

But if you experience constant or long-term acute severe pain, then this is much more serious!

  1. If you are suffering from unexpected sharp pain, while feeling dizzy and bleeding, this may indicate ectopic pregnancy. This diagnosis is most likely for a period of 5-7 weeks.
  2. If the pain is aching and does not go away, while your lower back hurts and there is bloody discharge, then these are signs of miscarriage. This can happen at any time.
  3. At any stage, sharp, severe pain in the lower abdomen may also occur, which will be accompanied by bleeding from the uterus. This may indicate premature placental abruption.

In all three cases, you should immediately consult a doctor, because the consequences can be very serious!

Belly growth during pregnancy

During pregnancy, every woman's belly grows differently. Some people already notice the appearance of a belly at 3 months, while others manage to hide their position for up to 6 months. In each case, the size and shape of your abdomen can tell your doctor a lot. Let's figure out how the belly grows during pregnancy and what volume and shape are considered normal.

The belly of a pregnant woman grows not only due to the growth of the child in the uterus, but also due to the growth of the uterus itself - it increases in size several times, as well as due to the volume of amniotic fluid. Most often on early stages the belly grows very slowly - the circulatory system of the uterus does not grow so quickly, and it is due to it that the belly grows at the very beginning. Then the child himself begins to grow and the volume of water increases.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy, the uterus grows to the size of a chicken egg, in the second month it almost doubles in size, and in the third month it is already the size of a man’s fist. From this moment, the confident growth of the abdomen begins and it can become noticeable.

The doctor will measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterus throughout the gestation period. At the 4th month, the fundus of the uterus is located in the middle between the womb and the navel, at the 5th month it rises by 5-6 cm, by the 6th month the fundus of the uterus is already at the level of the navel. Almost towards the very end of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus reaches the sternum. The circumference of the abdomen is approximately 95-99 cm. The baby's weight can be calculated using a simple formula if you know the circumference of your abdomen fetal weight (g) = uterine fundus height (cm) x abdominal circumference (cm) - formula for approximate baby weight 150-200g

The cause of too much growth of the abdomen may be excessive weight gain, edema, or polyhydramnios. It is necessary to eliminate these factors and normalize the weight and size of the abdomen. In the case of edema, do not drink too much liquid at night, limit salt intake. If a doctor diagnoses polyhydramnios, you must be observed, and in particularly difficult and dangerous cases, they even pump out the water using amniocentesis.

Excess weight during pregnancy can also significantly complicate childbirth and negatively affect the development of the baby in the womb. then only at first glance it seems that excess weight this is a purely aesthetic problem. In overweight women, children may be born with skin diseases; children often also begin to gain fat in the uterus, which causes complications during childbirth, injuries and ruptures of the cervix.

The size of the abdomen and the height of the uterus in each month of pregnancy must correspond to each other; if there is too much in one of the parameters, it is necessary to find out the reason.

Small belly during pregnancy

Inconsistency between the size of the uterus and the term at an early stage may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, tumors and neoplasms in the uterus. In late pregnancy, a small belly may indicate underdevelopment (hypotrophy) of the fetus or a lack of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios). Hypotrophy is very dangerous for a baby, because he does not adapt well to life outside the womb and his weight rarely exceeds 2.5 kilograms. Oligohydramnios also leaves its negative imprint; with a lack of water, the child’s skin constantly comes into contact with the surface of the bladder and its protective layer weakens. As a result, you can get skin problems after childbirth.

A low-lying uterine fundus with a normal abdominal circumference may indicate a transverse position of the fetus, and natural childbirth will be impossible.

Belly shape during pregnancy

The shape of the abdomen, like its size, is also not random. The normal shape is considered ovoid. A round and spherical belly may indicate the presence of polyhydramnios. If the abdomen is too wide, this may be a sign of a transverse position of the fetus. The shape of the abdomen in pregnant women also depends on the type of pregnancy. During the first pregnancy, the stomach is more pointed upward; during subsequent pregnancies, it bends slightly downwards.

Belly shape during pregnancy with a girl

It is believed that during pregnancy with a girl, the belly takes on a more rounded shape and seems to spread out to the sides. In this case, the stomach is clearly visible even from the back.

Belly shape during pregnancy with a boy

When pregnant with a boy, the belly, as popular wisdom says, protrudes forward more, it tapers at the sides. Sometimes the stomach tapers forward so much that the woman’s waistline is clearly visible from the back, and the stomach is invisible.

There is no clear evidence to support this hypothesis, but in many women who gave birth, the shape of the abdomen exactly coincided with the shape during pregnancy with a boy or girl.

Belly growth during pregnancy

The belly is an indispensable attribute of pregnancy. He is a source of pride for the expectant mother, and his height raises a lot of questions. Let's find out what this indicator depends on and what it means.

The growth of the abdomen during pregnancy depends on many circumstances. It is influenced by the size of the unborn child, the volume of amniotic fluid, the enlargement of the uterus and such physiological characteristics of the woman as her weight and height, the thickness of the pelvic bones, and the tone of the abdominal wall muscles. If we take all this into account, it becomes clear why different women No two bellies are the same. Moreover, they will differ even during the first and second pregnancy in the same woman, because the first time the uterus stretches with more difficulty than the second, and the anterior wall of the abdomen retains its shape better.

Secret and obvious

The unborn child grows and gains weight from the first weeks of development, but for the time being this increase is so small that it does not affect the growth of the mother’s belly. So, for example, 2-3 weeks after conception, the diameter of the fertilized egg is 2-4 mm, on the 8th week it is already 22 mm, on the 10th week we can already talk about the development indicators of the unborn baby. His height at this time is 6-7 cm, weight - 20-25 g. After another 4 weeks, his height will double and his weight will quadruple.

Thanks to this active growth of the unborn baby, already at 12 weeks the uterus noticeably increases in size and emerges from behind the symphysis pubis - the place where the two pubic bones connect. It is located in front of the bladder and above the entrance to the vagina. The woman notices that her tummy is gradually starting to round out. After 20 weeks, the secret of the two becomes noticeable to others. Everyone finally understands why the woman has gained weight and is getting prettier day by day. At 20 weeks, the unborn baby reaches a length of 25-26 cm and weighs 280-300 g. Over the next 4 weeks, the length increases to 30 cm and weight to 600-680 g. But the child grows most actively in the third trimester. So, at 28 weeks the future baby grows to 35 cm and weighs 1000-1200 g, at 32 weeks these figures are 40-42 cm and 1500-1700 g, respectively, at 36 weeks - 45-48 cm and 2400-2500 g.

After this period, the growth of the baby and, accordingly, the abdomen will slow down a little. By the time of birth, the baby’s height is usually 48-53 cm, and its weight is 2600-3500 g. It must be taken into account that there is still no direct relationship between the “dimensions” of the unborn child and the size of the abdomen. Doctors know of cases where babies with average height and weight were born from very solid “containers”. After all, the size of the abdomen also depends on the size of the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid.

First home

The unborn baby develops inside the uterus. Throughout pregnancy, this organ gradually increases: at the very beginning its length is 7-8 cm, weight -50-100 g, and before childbirth the corresponding parameters are already 38 cm and 1000 g. The muscles of the uterus and its vessels, as well as The volume of circulating blood increases in the first half of pregnancy. Later, the muscles of the uterus stretch under the pressure of the baby. The size of the uterus is also affected by the size of the placenta. Its most voluminous part is the placenta. By the end of pregnancy, it resembles a cake with a diameter of 15-18 cm and a thickness of 2-3 cm.

Water all around

Another important indicator that affects abdominal growth is the volume of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). They are enclosed in the fetal membrane and are formed mainly due to the sweating of plasma from the woman’s blood vessels. When the baby's kidneys begin to work, the volume of amniotic fluid increases due to the fact that the toddler regularly urinates in it. At the end of pregnancy, the little one “supplies” up to 800 ml of urine into the amniotic fluid per day. Then it is partially excreted from the mother’s body, and the other part is swallowed by the unborn child along with the amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid are important for the full development of the baby: they protect him from adverse influences, create conditions for movement and provide nutrition, and protect the umbilical cord from compression.

Their volume is determined by the needs of the intrauterine development of the future toddler and depends on the duration of pregnancy. that figure at 10 weeks averages 40 ml, at 13-14 -100 ml, at 20 - 400 ml, at 37-38 weeks it reaches a maximum of 1000-1500 ml, and before birth it decreases to approximately 800 ml. With post-term pregnancy, there is a tendency for an even greater decline.

Belly size during pregnancy by week

Starting from the 15th week, the doctor will monitor the growth of the uterus by measuring the circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter tape, and from the 20th week - also the height of the uterine fundus (UFH). The first indicator is measured by stretching a measuring tape in the area of ​​the lumbar deflection and navel. When determining the second parameter, the distance from the upper edge of the symphysis pubis to the upper part of the uterus is measured.

That procedure, before the advent of ultrasound, was the only way to understand how the child was developing. Even now, it helps to notice deviations from the norm in time, for example, to suspect low or polyhydramnios and take appropriate measures.

What indicators should you focus on? First of all, you need to know that the height of the uterine fundus should approximately correspond to the gestational age in weeks. By 16 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is located in the middle of the distance between the womb and the navel, at 20 weeks the UMR is 20 cm, at 24 weeks the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel, at 28 weeks the UMR should reach 28 cm, the uterus is already located 4-6 cm above navel At 32 weeks it appears between the sternum and the navel, at 36 weeks there is a maximum rise: the fundus of the uterus is at the ribs, the IMD is 33 cm. Just before birth, the baby, preparing for birth, moves forward and the stomach drops slightly.

The circumference of the abdomen gradually changes, and until the 36th week it should increase simultaneously with the height of the uterine fundus. Later, when the baby is positioned longitudinally (head down), the VMR decreases, and the abdominal circumference continues to grow. This phenomenon becomes further evidence that the due date is approaching.

As for the norm, abdominal growth during pregnancy is an individual indicator. Only approximate figures for weeks of pregnancy can be given. At the 32nd week, the abdominal circumference reaches 85-90 cm, at the 36th - 90-95 cm, at the 40th - 95-100 cm. If the results of your measurements are slightly outside the norm, do not worry. It is also important to take into account the dynamics of changes and constitution before pregnancy. So, for example, plump expectant mothers will initially have a larger tummy due to a decent layer of subcutaneous fat.

Well-founded concerns

Doctors are alarmed by both too rapid growth in abdominal circumference and a noticeable lag behind the average. The expectant mother is prescribed an examination that helps to detect pregnancy complications in a timely manner. In the first case, polyhydramnios can be suspected. This condition is accompanied by problems such as chronic infection, inflammation of the membranes, Rh conflict, and disturbances in the development of the unborn child. A belly that is too large can also occur if the baby is in a transverse position or if there is a multiple pregnancy.

In the second case, the cause may be oligohydramnios, which occurs during postmaturity. This indicator also happens to be less than normal when the baby lags behind in physical development. In case of severe polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, the expectant mother must be hospitalized for a thorough examination and determination of tactics for further management of pregnancy and childbirth. Additional ultrasound, as well as blood, urine and vaginal smear tests can make an accurate diagnosis and determine treatment tactics. In some cases, the question of early delivery may arise. If, with the baby in a transverse position, childbirth is possible only with the help of caesarean section, then in case of multiple pregnancy, natural childbirth is not excluded.

A question of physiology

The size of the abdomen during pregnancy depends quite strongly on the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the expectant mother: her height, weight, and the degree of pumping of the abdominal muscles. In short and “dense” women, the tummy always seems larger. That is why you should not visually compare the sizes of your “object of pride” with those observed in a friend at the same stage of pregnancy. If the mother has a narrow pelvis, the stomach seems a little pointed, and if the hips are wide, it looks like an egg. When a woman is in good physical shape and maintains it during pregnancy, the stomach will be toned and neat. If the abdominal muscles are not pumped up, it becomes noticeable earlier and will “sag”.

The condition of the spinal muscles is also important. During pregnancy, the center of gravity changes: the expanding belly moves it forward. In this case, the thoracic and sacral spine deviate backward, and the lumbar spine - forward. And if the expectant mother had problems with the spine before pregnancy, and the back muscles are weak, then the stomach will protrude strongly forward and because of this it will seem very large.

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