Sex sponges. The barbaric tradition of circumcision of girls What is not offered to be considered beautiful! And, if you look at how much money is being made on all sorts of new beauty products and the fact that suddenly they have all become necessary precisely in the age of aggressive viral advertising

The types of labia are completely different. This is due to the different anatomical development of the female reproductive organs. Moreover, throughout life cycle The genitourinary system undergoes many changes, both internal and external.

In the anatomical structure of the female genitourinary system, there are 2 types of labia: the labia minora and labia majora. The small ones perform the function of a tight grip around the penis during coitus. But the large lips of the female reproductive system perform a protective function, the result of which is to protect the vagina from the penetration of foreign objects and various infections.

The labia majora is a common longitudinal fold of skin, the color of which depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Doctors classify them only by external signs in the following way:

  • lips of normal length and thickness;
  • asymmetrical folds;
  • underdeveloped organs.

The structure of the labia minora has much more differences. In normal condition, their thickness should not exceed 5-6 mm. In this case, the longitudinal folds of the female genital organs should immediately pass into the mucous membrane. In the clitoral area, the skin folds of the female genital organs are divided into lateral and medial crura. These legs extend into the upper and lower parts of the genitourinary system. They end at the very beginning of the vagina and at the lower commissure.

The labia minora may have completely different shapes and are divided according to the type of change occurring to them. Among such changes, doctors distinguish elongation, protrusion, scalloping and hypertrophy of the genital folds.

Elongation is characterized by a large stretching of the skin ridges, which can exceed 60-70 mm. In normal condition, their size should be 20-30 mm. With protrusion, a rather strong protrusion of the internal folds is observed. In this condition, the labia majora are not able to fully protect the female genitourinary system.

Scalloping is observed only at the edges of the lips and is characterized by a change in their color and shape. If such changes are observed for a fairly long period of time, then the patient may experience hypertrophy of the skin ridges. As a result, large wrinkles will appear on the internal organs, and pigmentation of the skin will occur.

Reasons for changing forms

As noted above, each woman’s genitals have a completely individual shape. At the same time, doctors have not established fairly clear criteria that determine their color and shape. Although an experienced gynecologist, upon visual examination, can detect abnormal changes occurring in the vaginal organs.

Most often, such changes are the result of a hormonal imbalance in the body, resulting in an increase in the level of androgen (male sex hormone). A similar phenomenon causes polycystic ovary syndrome, increased hair growth on the extremities (arms, legs) and infertility.

Also among the reasons influencing changes in the shape of the vagina are mechanical damage (tight underwear) and heavy physical activity that affects the groin area. In addition, frequent and prolonged masturbation not only causes changes in the shape of internal organs, but also leads to other dangerous diseases.

It should be noted that there are various diets that the female sex quite often adheres to. An incorrectly selected diet can lead to a sharp change not only in the patient’s weight, but also cause damage to his internal organs.

At the same time, young girls whose age does not exceed 25 years are most at risk. This is due to the fact that the anatomical formation of their body has not yet been completely completed.

As a rule, any changes in the vaginal organs lead to problems in intimate life.

If such problems occur, you should not despair. Modern medicine allows us to solve problems with changes in the shape of skin folds using medication or plastic surgery.

And if you are interested in network business and need automation, then look for it.

Drug treatment allows you to cope with diseases only in the initial stages of their manifestations. For this, antihistamines and antiseptics (Fluconazole, Metronidazole, Doxycycline, Acyclovir, Diflucan) are used, which eliminate itching and various pain sensations. In addition, the body's hormonal levels should be restored.

This can be done with the help of a special diet, which should be rich in mint, vegetable oil and white yeast bread. In the case where the problem cannot be eliminated with medications, they resort to surgical elimination of the disease.

“A woman is the biggest threat to a man, an evil spirit that leads him astray. She seduces him with what is between her legs. Therefore it should be cut out.” This is a quote from the “life wisdom” of Nasser Al-Shaker Shaker, one of the main supporters of the legalization of female circumcision in Egypt. The barbaric tradition of circumcision of girls is practiced in many countries of the world: in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, in Africa, South America. According to UNICEF, there are about 125 million circumcised women worldwide, and three million girls are at risk of this cruel ritual every year. The European capital of circumcision of girls has become... London. From the report of the parliamentary commission it follows that in England there are 170 thousand circumcised women, and 65 thousand girls under the age of 13 are at risk of performing the hellish ritual of circumcision. See a photo report from Kenya, where the tradition of circumcision, although prohibited by law, is still practiced.


1. In theory, the ritual of circumcision of girls in Kenya is prohibited by law. However, in many of its areas this tradition is so strong that no laws can stop this cruel practice, even if it is punishable by imprisonment.

In countries where circumcision of girls is widely practiced, there is a deep-rooted belief that an uncircumcised girl will be promiscuous and unfaithful, and therefore will have no chance of getting married.

In the photo: a girl of the Pokot tribe after the circumcision ritual - she was wrapped in skins and painted with white paint, and now she is being taken home to rest. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

2. All girls of the Pokot tribe must undergo the ritual of circumcision. This is part of the initiation rite, after which the girl becomes an adult in the eyes of the community. Only after circumcision can she get married.

In the photo: a young Kenyan woman after the barbaric ritual of circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

3. According to the UN, more than 25 percent of women in Kenya are circumcised. The law banning the ritual of circumcision, which was passed in 2011, is ignored - especially by residents of poor rural areas.

In the photo: girls of the Pokot tribe run to the place where the circumcision ceremony will take place. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

4. “We have always practiced the ritual of circumcision,” says the father of one of the circumcised girls. “Girls are circumcised so that they have the opportunity to get married. This is their entry into adulthood.”

In the photo: a young Kenyan woman after the ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

5. The ritual is usually carried out in terrible conditions, using primitive tools - scissors, razors and even broken glass. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
6. Circumcision is not only performed in poor, backward families. Girls from both poor and rich families, daughters of both illiterate and educated people, are subjected to the ritual of circumcision.

In Egypt, for example, 99 percent of women in villages are circumcised, and in cities - 95 percent. In Nigeria, most circumcisions are performed in wealthy families.

And although this tradition is often associated with Islam, there is not a single word about it in the Koran. Girls are circumcised in Saudi Arabia, where Islam is considered the most orthodox. In Nigeria, Niger, Kenya and Tanzania, the majority of circumcised girls are Christians.

In the photo: the older women of the tribe are trying in every possible way to encourage the girls to leave the hut and go to the place where the ritual will take place. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

7. “The pain will make them stronger,” the mother of one of the girls told a Reuters reporter. “She will show the community that she can handle pain.” I'm proud of her."

In the photo: girls of the Pokot tribe wait for the ritual to begin. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

8. Kenyan authorities hope that tribes will change their attitude towards the tradition of female circumcision. However, they fear that this tradition has too deep roots.

“We still have a lot of work to do in this direction,” says prosecutor Christine Nanjala. “Maybe not today, but someday it will end.” The Kenyan prosecutor's office is currently pursuing about 50 criminal cases related to the illegal ritual of circumcision of girls.

In the photo: girls are waiting for the ritual to begin. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

9. The Pokot tribe gathers around a fire to take part in the ritual of circumcision of their girls. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
10. In the photo: a girl cries after undergoing the circumcision ritual. In the words of one woman who went through this horror herself: “This pain cannot be described... It’s like taking a knife and cutting off a piece of someone’s body.” (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

Circumcision is the removal of part of the genitals, usually the clitoris, or less commonly the labia. The consequences of this ritual are dire - girls can die from blood loss or infection. Circumcised women are more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, complications during childbirth, and a lack of sex drive.

11. Girls of the Pokot tribe after the circumcision ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
12. In the photo: girls waiting at the hut of a girl who is about to undergo circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

International organizations and national governments of those countries that consider the ritual a violation of human rights are fighting the barbaric traditions of female circumcision. However, it is difficult to fight traditions without increasing the general level of education among the local population, although, as practice shows, in Europe, where everything is in order with education, this ritual is practiced as if nothing had happened, despite prohibitions and laws, and most often carried out in expensive paid clinics.

13. Girls after circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
14. After circumcision, according to tradition, Pokot girls are painted with white paint. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
15. A teenage girl has just undergone a terrible circumcision ritual. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
16. Women of the Pokot tribe carry stones on which girls will sit during circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
17. The ritual of pouring white paint on girls after circumcision. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).
18. A minute before the start of the ritual. Fear is painted on the girls' faces. (Photo: SIEGFRIED MODOLA/REUTERS).

This terrible, barbaric tradition is nothing more than a crime against girls, which does not have any arguments to justify it. Girls are mutilated in the name of a tradition that considers women a threat to men, the habitat of evil spirits who lead men astray... It is an obsession with nudity and sex, and an irrational fear of the “unclean” naked female body. Ignorance and belief in outdated laws and customs.

The external female genitalia includes vulva. It includes anatomical structures that are located from the outside of the pubis in front to the opening of the back behind. They are presented:

Pubis- a rounded increase formed by adipose connective tissue, which is located above the pubic symphysis. The amount of fatty tissue in the pubic area increases during puberty and gradually decreases after menopause. The pubic skin becomes covered with curly pubic hair during puberty, which thins out after menopause. The upper border of the hairline in women usually forms a horizontal line, but can vary; downward hair grows along the outer surface of the labia majora, and forms a triangle with a base at the upper edge - a shield. The pubic skin contains sweat and sebaceous glands.

Largelabia- these are two rounded folds of skin that extend from the pubis to the perineum on both sides of the pudendal slit. Embryologically, the labia majora are homologous to the male scrotum. In front they form the anterior commissure of the labia, in the back - a transverse bridge slightly raised above the surface of the skin - the posterior commissure of the labia. The labia majora are 7-8 cm long, 2-3 cm wide and 1-1.5 cm thick; contain adipose and fibrous tissue, sweat and sebaceous glands.

Venous plexuses in the thickness of the labia majora, when they rupture due to injury, contribute to the development of hematoma. In the upper part of the labia majora, the round ligament of the uterus ends and the obliterated vaginal process of the peritoneum, the nuc canal, is located. Vulvar cysts can form in this canal.

By this time, the outer surface of the labia majora does not differ from the surrounding skin. During puberty, the labia majora become covered with hair on the outside. In children and women who have not given birth, the labia majora are usually in a closed position and completely cover the pudendal fissure; their inner surface is smooth, thinned and resembles a mucous membrane. After childbirth, the labia majora do not close completely; their inner surface becomes more skin-like (although not covered with hair), which is more noticeable in women who have had many births. After menopause, the labia majora undergo atrophy, and the secretion of the glands decreases.

Smalllabia- two small, thin, reddish folds of skin that are located medial to the labia majora and obscure the entrance to the vagina and the external opening of the urethra. The labia minora vary greatly in shape and size. In women who have not given birth, they are usually covered by the labia majora, and in those who have had many births, they protrude beyond the labia majora.

The labia minora are covered with stratified squamous epithelium, do not contain hair follicles, but have numerous sebaceous glands and several sweat glands. The sebaceous glands enlarge during puberty and atrophy after menopause. The thickness of the labia minora contains connective tissue with numerous vessels and some muscle fibers, as in typical erectile structures. The presence of numerous nerve endings in the labia minora contributes to their extreme sensitivity. From above, the labia minora converge (anterior frenulum of the labia) and each of them is divided into two smaller folds, the lateral part of which forms the foreskin, and the medial part forms the frenulum of the clitoris.

In the lower part, the labia minora gradually become thinner and form the posterior frenulum of the labia, which is noticeable in nulliparous women. In women who have given birth, the labia minora below gradually merge with the inner surface of the labia majora.

Clitoris is a small, cylindrical organ, usually no more than 2 cm long, which is located in the upper part of the vestibule of the vagina between the upper ends of the labia minora. The clitoris consists of a head, a body and two legs and is homologous to the male penis. The long, narrow crura of the clitoris arise from the inferior surface of the ischiopubic rami and unite beneath the middle of the pubic arch to form the body of the clitoris. The latter contains two cavernous bodies, in the wall of which smooth muscle fibers pass.

The glans of the clitoris usually does not exceed 0.5 cm in diameter or 1/3 of the length of the clitoris. It is formed by spindle-shaped cells and covered with a multilayered squamous cell, which contains numerous sensory nerve endings. When the clitoris is erected, its vessels are combined with the bulbs of the vestibule - cavernous tissue, which is localized on both sides of the vagina, between the skin and the bulbospongiosus muscle. The clitoris is the main erogenous zone of a woman.

vestibulevagina- an almond-shaped space between the clitoris above and the posterior frenulum of the labia minora below, laterally limited by the labia minora. The vestibule of the vagina is a structure similar to the embryonic urogenital sinus. In the vestibule of the vagina, 6 openings open: the urethra, the vagina, the Bartholin ducts (large vestibular) and, often, the Skene (small vestibular, paraurethral) glands. The posterior part of the vaginal vestibule between the vaginal opening and the posterior frenulum of the labia forms the navicular fossa, or fossa vestibule, usually noticeable in women who have not given birth.

Bartolinovsglands, or large vestibule glands, - paired small complex structures with a diameter of 0.5 to 1 cm, which are located at the bottom of the vestibule on both sides of the entrance to the vagina and are analogues of Cooper's glands in men. They are located under the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina and are sometimes partially covered by the bulbs of the vestibule.

The ducts of the Bartholin glands are 1.5-2 cm long and open into the vestibule of the vagina outside the lateral edge of the vaginal opening, between the maiden membrane and the labia minora. During sexual arousal, Bartholin's glands secrete a mucous secretion. Closure of the gland duct in case of infection (by gonococci or other bacteria) can lead to the development of a Bartholin gland abscess.

External holeurethra located in the middle of the vestibule of the vagina, 2 cm below the clitoris on a slightly raised surface (papillary elevation), usually looks like an inverted letter B and can stretch up to 4-5 mm in diameter. The length of the urethra in women is 3.5-5 cm. The lower 2/3 of the urethra is located directly above the anterior wall of the vagina and is covered with transitional epithelium, the distal 1/3 is covered with stratified squamous epithelium. Under the external opening of the urethra there are openings of the small vestibular (skenovian, paraurethral) glands, which are analogues of the male prostate gland. Sometimes their ducts (about 0.5 mm in diameter) open in the posterior wall, inside its opening.

Bulbs of the vestibule

Under the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule, on each side there are vestibule bulbs, almond-shaped, 3-4 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, and 0.5-1 cm thick and contain numerous venous plexuses. These structures are in close proximity to the ischiopubic rami and are partially covered by the ischiocavernosus muscles, as well as the muscles that compress the vaginal opening.

The lower edge of the vestibule bulbs is usually localized in the middle of the vaginal opening, and the upper edge reaches the clitoris. Embryologically, the bulbs of the vestibule are classified as analogues of the corpora spongiosum of the penis. In children, these structures usually extend into the pubic arch, and only their posterior end partially surrounds the vagina. But in the event of injury, rupture of these venous structures can lead to severe external bleeding or the formation of a vulvar hematoma.

The vaginal opening varies greatly in size and shape. In women who have not had sexual intercourse, the entrance to the vagina is surrounded by the labia minora and is almost completely covered by the hymen.

Maidenhymen(KUTEP) is a thin, vascularized membrane that separates the vagina from its vestibule. There are significant variations in the shape, thickness of the hymen, as well as the shape of its opening:

  • ring-shaped,
  • membranous,
  • lattice, etc.

Typically, the hole in women who have not had sexual intercourse can allow 1, or, less commonly, 2 fingers through. An imperforate hymen is a rare anomaly and leads to retention of menstrual blood, the formation of hematocolpos, hematometra, and cryptomenorrhea. The maiden membrane is formed by elastic and collagenous connective tissue with a small number of nerve fibers, does not contain glandular and muscle elements and is covered with stratified squamous epithelium.

In newborns, the hymen is highly vascularized; in pregnant women, its epithelium thickens and contains a lot of glycogen; after menopause, its epithelium becomes thin. During the first sexual intercourse, the hymen usually ruptures at the back, which is not always accompanied by bleeding, although profuse bleeding may sometimes develop. Sometimes the hymen is rigid and, if sexual intercourse is impossible, requires its opening (surgical defloration). After childbirth, only its remnants remain - the papillae of the hymen.

Changes in the hymen can have not only medical, but also legal significance in solving certain problems of forensic medicine (sexual violence, childbirth, etc.).

The blood supply to the vulva is carried out by numerous branches of the internal (from the internal iliac artery) and external (from the femoral artery) pudendal arteries, the lower rectal arteries. Veins accompany arteries of the same name. The vulva is innervated by the ilioaxillary, pudendal, femoral cutaneous and rectal nerves.

The area between the posterior frenulum of the labia and the external opening of the anus is called the gynecological (anterior) perineum.

Clinical correlations

The skin of the vulva can be affected by local and general skin diseases. Diaper rash often occurs in the moist area of ​​the vulva; in obese women, this area is especially susceptible to chronic infection. Vulvar skin in postmenopausal women is sensitive to topical corticosteroids and testosterone and insensitive to estrogens. A common cystic structure of the vulva is the Bartholin gland cyst, which becomes painful as it develops. Chronic infections of the paraurethral glands can lead to the formation of urethral diverticula, which have clinical symptoms similar to other lower urinary tract infections: frequent, unrestrained and painful urination (dysuria).

Trauma to the vulva can lead to the formation of significant hematoma or profuse external bleeding, which is associated with rich vascularity and the absence of valves in the veins of this area. On the other hand, increased vascularization of the vulva promotes rapid wound healing. Therefore, wound infection in the area of ​​episiotomy or obstetric trauma to the vulva rarely develops.

All women by nature have different external characteristics and, of course, this also applies to every representative of the fair sex different types labia Some people are quite happy with them, while others suffer from psychological and physical discomfort caused by their irregular shape.

Types of female labia majora

The shape of the labia is formed in utero. But throughout life it can undergo both significant and small changes. The labia majora is a longitudinal fold of skin that normally covers the genital fissure and labia minora from the external aggressive environment. Skin color can be different - it is individual for each woman.

As such, the types of labia majora are not classified in any way. They just come in normal size and thickness, asymmetrical, or underdeveloped, which do not block access to the vulva.

Types of labia minora in women

There are many more structural variations in the labia minora, as opposed to the labia majora. Normally, they represent thin (up to 5 mm) longitudinal folds of skin, passing into the mucous membrane and located lengthwise. Near the clitoris, the lips are divided into medial and lateral legs, stretching from the top to the entrance, ending at the bottom with a posterior commissure that connects them.

The labia minora are located inside the labia majora, and when closed they do not extend beyond them. But this is the classical norm, and in life everything often happens just the opposite. In some cases, deviations from common truths are a pathology, while others have a good chance of being considered a type of norm.

The types of labia minora, or rather the classification of their changes according to shape, are as follows:

  • Elongation– with maximum lateral stretching, their size is more than 6 cm. This is degree 4; 4-6 cm are typical for grade 3; from 2 to 4 cm is the normal size of the labia minora, although women feel most comfortable when this size is no more than 1 cm when stretched.
  • Prothusia– zero, when in a standing position the small lips do not protrude beyond the large lips; first degree, characterized by protrusion of 1-3 cm; and the second – protrusion of more than 3 cm.
  • Scalloped edges– smooth or carved edges of various shapes, which also differ in color.
  • True hypertrophy– increase in all parameters – thickness, folding, pigmentation, wrinkling
  • Absence of labia minora generally occurs in little girls and women with hormonal abnormalities.

All changes in the labia depend on factors such as excess or deficiency of hormones, childbirth, weight loss, and injury. If the size and shape cause inconvenience not only during sexual intercourse, but also in everyday life, they resort to plastic surgery.

Here's another topic for women's complexes: I have HORRIBLE labia. I looked there, I looked here, I asked my girlfriends - everyone was fine, I was the only one - BAD!!! What to do, what to do.

And then, I remember, there was a letter: I am 15 years old, I will probably soon have a boy, and my left labia is 4 millimeters longer than my right one. I'm afraid he won't like me... What to do, what to do.

I replied that you don’t need to let the boy approach you with a ruler in his hands - and everything will be fine. By the way, this is advice for all other girls, women, and girls who are prevented from sleeping by anxiety: what if...

In fact, the structure of the genital organs is a congenital phenomenon. It is simply impossible to correct, enlarge, or reduce something in them - except through surgery. By the way, plastic surgeons, without sitting down, work day after day on the labia - the flow of women does not stop for a minute. But more on that later.

The labia majora cover the labia minora, which cover the anterior part of the vulva and urethra, and just below the entrance to the vagina; everything is so simple, anatomically appropriate.

And, just like any other purposeful for life, but in manifestations, the diverse structure of the human body is the nose, mouth, eyes, ears, chest, the thickness of the shoulders and forearms, the length of the fingers and the width of the palms, the width of the hips and the circumference of the waist, thighs, feet and so on - EVERYTHING that makes up human body, can be a source of incredible suffering, envy of others, painful attempts to hide “this ugliness” or change it.

Among men who want to lengthen their penis, 94% are of average size. Among women who want to change their breast size, half want to increase by a size, and half want to decrease by a size. Among women who want to “comb” their labia, no more than 3% NEED surgery. Needed - this means that the labia have anatomical defects that interfere with the normal function of the vulva and vagina.

Psychology, ladies and gentlemen, is a scary thing. Information is an even more terrible thing. But together they can crush cities and countries, states and planets. I learned something, tried it on for myself - and REALIZED that everything was terrible with me... And chaos ensued: I urgently need to change it, I want to be LIKE EVERYONE else or even better than everyone else, now no one will love me, they will laugh at me, etc. .d., etc. But the explanation is simple: anxiety of character, lack of self-confidence, inability to communicate.

But let's get back to anatomy. And at the same time to psychology.

So, the large lips cover the small ones, everything is neat and smooth. Isn't it beautiful?

Another variant. The large lips almost close over the small ones, but they look out, like the petals of an opening rose. Isn't it beautiful?

Third case. The small lips confidently part the larger ones, symbolizing mature femininity. Isn't it beautiful?

And one more. The small lips cover the large ones, creating a single entrance to the sacred cave that gives pleasure and brings heirs. Isn't it beautiful?

Why am I saying “it’s really beautiful”? Yes, because all these are options for women who are confident in themselves. Those who are unsure can replace “beautiful” with “terrible” - and they will also be right. For yourself, for your character and your construction of life.

And men have their own truth. For them, any vulva is a promise of pleasure, and the requirements for registration of entry into heaven are minimal. They don’t look at this wealth, they don’t even explore it too much even during cunnilingus (remember, “you can’t see a face face to face, a big one is seen from a distance”?), they don’t care. And if suddenly your partner says, “Why is that so ugly thing you have there?”, make sure that he disappears from your life forever.

The body is the only thing you really have. The body needs to be loved, taken care of, not strained, not cut without threatening life itself. There is no single beauty, there is no universal standard, you are on your own, you are individual and unique. And everything you have decorates you.

That's how you live.

P.S. By the way, you can look at yourself in the mirror and sigh “... how beautiful it is, how beautiful I am...”

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