Pdr by date of ovulation. Calculate due date: proven methods. Grandmother's method of gender recognition

Almost every pregnant woman is very interested in when her baby will be born. There is no exact method for determining the day of birth. But there are quite a lot of methods that allow you to calculate the estimated date of birth (EDD). How to use these methods, and which one is the most accurate? More on this later!

Determining the date of birth based on the date of conception

Based on the date of conception, you can determine the approximate birthday of the baby. It is known that conception of a child can only occur during the period of ovulation, i.e. at the time when the finished egg leaves the follicle and goes to meet the sperm.

As a rule, ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle should be understood as the period of time from 1 day of menstruation to 1 day of the next. The duration of this cycle is individual for each woman. On average it is 27-29 days, but can stretch up to 35 days or even more.

Women who carefully monitor their menstrual cycle and plan a pregnancy are usually able to determine their ovulation day.

Knowing the date of ovulation, you need to add 280 days to it(which is how long pregnancy lasts on average for women). You can find out the expected date of birth of a child using this method only if you have a permanent menstrual cycle.

At the same time, you need to understand that the day of sexual intercourse is not always the day of conception, because The lifespan of sperm can reach 3 days.

Calculation of due date based on last menstruation

The approximate birthday of the baby can be calculated based on the last menstruation. You need to know the day it starts. To determine the approximate date of birth of a child count forward 280 days from the first day of your last period(average duration of pregnancy).

According to statistics, no more than 5% of children are born on the “calculated” day. About 85% of babies are born with a deviation of 5-7 days from the calculated MPD, and the remaining babies are “in a hurry” or “late” for another week. According to medical standards, the normal duration of pregnancy is 38-42 weeks, and not strictly 40 weeks, as many people mistakenly believe for some reason.

At the same time, the duration of pregnancy can be influenced by a variety of factors, including the individual speed of development of the child and the duration of the menstrual cycle of the expectant mother.

For example, if the cycle lasts up to 24 days, the baby may be born 1-2 weeks earlier than the due date calculated using the formula mentioned above. If the duration of the menstrual cycle exceeds 32 days, the child may be “late” for the same 1-2 weeks, but such a “delay” will not be considered postmaturity.

How to calculate the due date using ultrasound

Currently, the method of calculating the date of birth using ultrasound is the most reliable. You just need to pay attention to the period of pregnancy during which the study is performed.

For example, if an ultrasound is performed at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy, the expected date of birth can be determined with an error of 1-3 days.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, embryos practically do not differ in size. During the second trimester, differences in the weight and height of the fetus can be quite significant, and in the third trimester they become even more pronounced. Therefore, during the 2nd and 3rd trimester, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out at least the expected date of birth using ultrasound.

At the first move

At a time when medicine did not yet have the means to conduct ultrasound examinations, the most reliable way to determine the expected date of birth was the method of determining the baby’s first movement.

Doctors today ask pregnant patients about the date of the baby’s first movement and note this information on the exchange card, but such importance is no longer attached to this day. But no one is stopping you from trying.

According to this method, women who are pregnant for the first time most often feel fetal movement at the 20th week of pregnancy. Hence, to the day of the first movement you need to add the same number of weeks. This will determine the expected date of birth.

In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the first movements may appear as early as the 18th week. To determine the expected date of birth in such a situation, you need to add 22 weeks to the day of the first movement.

This method can hardly be called the most accurate. Due to individual physiological characteristics, some pregnant women feel fetal movement earlier than the specified period. In addition, many modern mothers lead an active lifestyle, against the background of which the moment of the first movement may simply not be noticed.

If a woman is forced to adhere to bed rest for medical reasons, she will probably feel the fetus moving. Moreover, the first movements can be noticed by such women even before the 18th or 20th week.

Based on the results of a gynecological examination

During a gynecological examination, the specialist notes the degree of enlargement of the uterus. In accordance with this indicator, you can quite accurately determine the approximate day of birth. The uterus increases in size along with the fetus, which is why an experienced specialist in most situations can calculate the approximate date of birth without any problems.

Based on the size of the uterus during the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor can find out the duration of pregnancy and thereby calculate the approximate date of birth, using the approximate day of the last menstrual period in the calculations.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, it is very difficult to establish the date of birth based on the results of a gynecological examination, because at different women the size of the uterus changes with different intensity. In view of this, this method is considered ineffective in late pregnancy, and therefore is not used.

According to the results of obstetric examination

In the second half of pregnancy (usually starting from the 20-21st week) during each gynecological examination doctor measures pregnant woman and the height of the fundus of her uterus. Thanks to these measurements, the specialist has the opportunity to monitor the progress of pregnancy and timely determine the presence of any kind of deviations from the norm. Also, thanks to this information, the doctor can approximately calculate the due date.

However, you cannot completely trust this method either, because... the accuracy of the readings obtained as a result of an obstetric examination may depend both on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body and on the accuracy of the doctor.

Which method is the most effective?

The most effective method for determining the expected date of birth is ultrasound. Also, the method of counting from the date of the last menstruation shows relatively high accuracy. It is very good if the results of calculations using these two methods coincide - then the chances of the baby being born on the expected day will also increase.

But if the dates do not coincide, there is no need to be upset. Carefully monitor the course of your pregnancy and undergo regular examinations. Remember: each of the methods discussed allows you to determine only the approximate date of birth.

Why are the results for determining the due date only approximate?

In reality, it is almost impossible to determine the exact birthday of a child. Only a few women manage to give birth exactly on the day specified by the doctor or on their own. Most often, pregnancy lasts 280 days (40 weeks), but often mothers give birth at 38 weeks or even earlier, and in many situations this is considered normal. Moreover, if a woman is pregnant with more than one child at once, then, in most cases, she will begin giving birth earlier than the date set by the gynecologist.

It is important to understand that a baby can be born 1-2 weeks later than the due date - in most situations this is not considered a deviation.

That is, a deviation from the “standard” 40 weeks by 1-2 weeks forward or backward is not considered something abnormal.

It is also important to understand that the duration of pregnancy and the approximate day of birth can be influenced by a variety of factors. For example, various diseases and complications can lead to premature birth.

Thus, in the absence of complications, the child is born only fully mature and ready for life outside the mother's womb. It is almost impossible to accurately calculate the due date. But the above methods, as well as our online birth date calculator, will help you determine the expected or approximate date of birth.

Health to you and your baby!

The duration of pregnancy from conception to birth of the child is about 266 days, or 38 weeks. Since the date of conception is usually unknown with certainty, in modern obstetrics it is customary to calculate the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation. With this calculation, it is approximately 280 days, or 40 weeks, since ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovaries) and, accordingly, fertilization usually occurs approximately two weeks after the start of menstruation. When turning to an obstetrician-gynecologist, many expectant mothers begin to worry about the difference in the date of birth - the one calculated by the doctor and the one expected by the woman herself. In order not to worry in vain, you need to know that there are two stages of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic.

Embryonic term- this is the true gestational age from conception; it usually lags behind the obstetric one by about 2 weeks.

Obstetric term Doctors determine from the first day of the last menstruation before pregnancy. It should be remembered that all doctors use it: the size of the fetus, the timing of examinations, access to maternity leave and the date of birth is calculated taking into account only the obstetric gestational age. It is also very important to know the exact gestational age for conducting screening tests for the presence of genetic abnormalities in the fetus (ultrasound and blood tests), since these examinations are carried out at strictly defined periods of pregnancy.

During the first visits to the antenatal clinic, the obstetrician-gynecologist usually determines the expected date of birth (ED). Several methods are used for this.

Method 1. Method for determining the date of birth based on the date of the last menstruation

This is the most common method of calculating the maximum allowance. To calculate the date of birth, three months must be subtracted from the date of the last menstruation. You need to add 7 days to the resulting date - this number is the expected date of birth. Obstetricians-gynecologists, when calculating PDR using this method, usually use special obstetric calendars, which greatly simplify the calculations.

However, it is not always possible to accurately calculate the MDR using this method alone. This happens in cases where a woman has irregular menstruation, or in those patients who have a regular but long menstrual cycle. For example, if a woman has a normal cycle length of 35 days (and not 26-28, as for most), then, most likely, she will be able to conceive only around the 21st day of the cycle (and not on the 14th, as with a 28-day cycle). Accordingly, the PDA calculated by menstruation will be a week earlier than the actual expected date of birth.

Method 2. about the date of ovulation or date of conception

If the date of conception is reliably known, then you can calculate the expected date of birth yourself by adding 266 days - this is the average gestation period. But there are some nuances here too. You need to understand that even if a woman knows exactly the date of ovulation or the date of sexual intercourse after which pregnancy occurred, this does not mean that she absolutely knows the date of conception. A sperm that enters a woman’s body is capable of fertilization on average within 4–5 days, sometimes even within a week, and a mature egg retains the ability to conceive within 2 days after ovulation. Therefore, even knowing exactly the date of sexual intercourse or ovulation, one cannot say with certainty that fertilization occurred on that day. It could have happened later. Therefore, the period calculated from ovulation or the date of conception cannot be considered absolutely accurate.

Method 3. Method for determining the due dateupon first appearance at the antenatal clinic

Typically, the date of the upcoming birth and the gestational age are calculated by the doctor when registering for pregnancy. Doctors call this method of calculation - according to the “first appearance in antenatal clinic" The duration of pregnancy, and, accordingly, the date of birth in this case is determined by the following parameters - the size of the uterus and the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood. When examining a woman in a gynecological chair, an obstetrician-gynecologist determines the size of the uterus with both hands. This method “works” most accurately on early stages pregnancy, until about 12 weeks. The earliest period that can be determined by the size of the uterus is 5 weeks of pregnancy. By this time, the uterus is slightly enlarged, softens and becomes rounded. At later stages, the size of the uterus may vary slightly depending on the size of the fetus, the number amniotic fluid, structure of the woman's pelvis.

A blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) helps determine the gestational age and calculate the approximate date of birth in the early stages. It begins to be produced in the body of the expectant mother with the onset of pregnancy, and gradually, until about the 11th week of pregnancy, its amount increases and then decreases slightly. Determining the concentration of hCG in the blood at the beginning of pregnancy helps to accurately determine its duration. Having received the results of a blood test for hCG, it is worth paying attention that in laboratory tables, which determine the correspondence of the hormone level to the gestational age, the embryonic period is often indicated. That is, to determine the usual obstetric gestational age, 2 weeks should be added to the result obtained.

Method 4. Method for determining the due date about ultrasound

When performing an ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy, measuring the size of the fertilized egg and embryo, the gestational age can be determined with great accuracy. At 4–5 weeks, an ultrasound examination reveals a small “black circle” in the uterus - this is the fertilized egg, in which the embryo will appear a little later. At about 6–7 weeks, the embryo appears as a small “stripe” and its heartbeat can be seen. The term calculated by measuring the CTE of the embryo is considered more accurate (CTE is the coccygeal-parietal size, that is, the maximum distance from the fetal head to its tailbone). After 12 weeks, the gestational age is determined by ultrasound by measuring the various sizes of the head and abdomen of the fetus, the length of its arms, legs, etc.

Until 9–10 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo grows proportionally, and its size in all women with the same gestational age will be approximately identical. In the future, these indicators will differ for expectant mothers of different nationalities, with different body weights, the weight of mom and dad at birth will also matter, and so on. That is, in later stages of pregnancy, normally developing children of the same “age” can have different sizes (fluctuations can be about 2 weeks and sometimes even more), and in such a situation, the gestational age cannot be reliably determined by ultrasound data.

Method 5. Method for determining the due dateabout the first movement of the fetus

Let us note right away that this method of determining PDR has recently been used less and less. It is based on the fact that women carrying their first child begin to feel its first movements on average at about 20 weeks of pregnancy, and those pregnant for the second or more times - a little earlier, at 18 weeks. This is why obstetrician-gynecologists recommend to the expectant mother remember the date of the first fetal movement and enter this data into the exchange card. To calculate the expected date of birth for women preparing to become a mother for the first time, 20 weeks must be added to the date of the first fetal movement, and for women expecting a second baby - 22 weeks.

However, this method of determining the date of the upcoming birth is often erroneous. What's the matter? The problem is that the time when a woman can feel the first movements of the fetus is very individual and depends on her sensitivity, body type, as well as employment and experience. So, some expectant mothers feel the first movements already at 15-16 weeks, and some only after 20. Slender women, as a rule, begin to feel them earlier than plump ones. Expectant mothers who lead an active lifestyle and work a lot usually feel fetal movements later than those who are less busy and have more opportunities to listen to their inner feelings. Pregnant women for the second or more times already know exactly how the baby’s movements are felt, therefore, as a rule, they recognize the baby’s movements earlier than “inexperienced” first-time women, who often mistake fetal movements for increased intestinal motility and gases.

All of the methods described above allow you to calculate the expected date of birth. However, we must remember that, of course, it is not absolutely accurate. Prematurity or miscarriage is common. Provoke the onset of premature labor activity There may be deviations in fetal development, pathological processes in the body of the expectant mother, stressful situations, hereditary factors and many other reasons. Therefore, it is very important to realize that calculating the date of birth is a very conditional concept, regardless of the method used, and it is not possible to predict exactly when the baby will be born.

How is the expected due date calculated during IVF?

In the case of IVF (in vitro fertilization), fertilization of an egg with a sperm is carried out “in vitro” by an embryologist. Embryos develop in the laboratory for 3–5 days, after which they are transferred to the uterus. Doctors calculate the true gestational age following IVF from the date of ovarian puncture, that is, a procedure in which follicular fluid and the follicles contained in it are taken with a special needle for subsequent in vitro fertilization, and 2 weeks are added to determine the “usual” obstetric period. to the date of ovarian puncture.

If the transfer of the embryo into the uterus was preceded by its cryopreservation (that is, freezing in liquid nitrogen), to determine the exact gestational age, doctors add 5 days to the transfer date (this is the number of days of embryo development before freezing), and to determine the obstetric period, add 2 to the resulting true gestational age. weeks and calculate the due date.

All pregnant women know modern ways to calculate the due date. The approximate date of birth of the child can be found out (calculated) and checked in advance.

For every expectant mother during pregnancy, the most important thing is not her birthday, but the date of birth, which today can be calculated with a small error.

There are several different ways, methods, and techniques for finding out your due date. They are based on the known physiological characteristics of pregnancy. It is known, in particular, that on average a normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the beginning of the last menstruation. Of course, it is impossible to calculate the date of birth absolutely accurately. The timing of pregnancy is different for all women. But all pregnant women know how to correctly calculate the expected date of birth. The error most often amounts to several days.

Methods and methods of calculation

How to calculate the due date? You can, for example, determine the date of birth by the date of conception, if there is reason to more or less accurately assume on what day it occurred. From the date of conception, accordingly, simply count the duration of pregnancy.

What is PDR, what is an “online calculator”?

PDA – estimated date of birth. In order to determine it, you can, among other things, use the so-called “calculators”, which are now available online. Each such service on the Internet has instructions on how to determine the gestational age and how to calculate the date of birth (DOD) based on the last menstruation. This can be done in literally a few seconds.

Definition of PDR

You can calculate the expected date of birth not only using a calculator on the Internet, but also yourself. There are several ways. All of them have an error, but with proper calculation, you can calculate the estimated date of birth with an accuracy of up to a week.

Does the date of birth depend on the characteristics of the menstrual cycle?

The date of birth can be determined by the last menstrual period. Calculating labor by menstruation (determining the due date by the date of conception) is quite simple.

To calculate the gestational age and use it to determine the date of birth, you need to remember the day the last menstruation began. This date is taken as the basis. It is necessary to count exactly 3 months ago from the date, add another 7 days to the resulting day. This will be the date when, most likely, there will be a beginning of a new life. If, for example, the last menstruation began on October 24, then you need to count back 3 months - you get July 24, plus 7 days - you get July 31. This is precisely the due date, calculated based on the last menstruation.

The duration of a woman's menstrual cycle (MC) is important in determining PDR. If the MC exceeds the usual 4 weeks, then the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, and vice versa. But the error in this case is no more than 5 days.

Methods for determining PDR by ovulation

Calculating the due date can be done in different ways. You can determine the date of birth not only by the last menstruation. It’s easier to create a special pregnancy calendar by week. But to do this you need to know when fertilization occurred. How to find out the date of conception?

First you need to remember how the fertilization process occurs. After menstruation, vesicles form in the ovary, in one of which a female cell appears. She breaks through the follicle and is released. Its path lies in the direction of the uterus. In this sexual tract, under favorable circumstances, a sperm fertilizes an egg. This is precisely the favorable moment that you need to know in order to calculate the time of birth based on the day of conception. The fertilized egg continues to move towards the uterus, and its journey can only end 7 days after meeting the sperm. After this, changes appear in the structure of the mammary glands, and the first signs of pregnancy appear.

Ovulation calendar calculation

If a woman does not know the exact day of ovulation, it can be determined based on her cycle readings. To calculate the due date based on ovulation, you need to take into account several parameters:

  • cycle duration over the past few months;
  • systematic;
  • duration and characteristics of menstruation.

Normally, menstrual cycles should be equal in duration, without significant differences in start and end times, and in the nature of their course. If all of the above parameters are normal, then calculating the date of conception and drawing up a labor schedule will not be difficult. The date of birth calculated based on the last menstruation will be more or less accurate.

Ovulation calculator for irregular cycles

If the MC is not regular, then identifying ovulation (and, accordingly, calculating the due date based on the date of conception) will be more difficult, but still possible. When calculating based on the date of the last menstruation, the size of the error increases, since the result depends on the length of the cycle, which is always different. But in this case it is also possible to calculate the date of birth using menstruation (the menstrual cycle).

Pregnancy and child development calendar by week

After completing the necessary calculations, the woman receives a specific date when childbirth can occur. There are many services that not only answer the question “how to calculate the due date,” but also help create a child development calendar. Such a pregnancy calendar by week, in fact, allows a woman to draw up a specific plan of action for the entire period of pregnancy.

Naegele's formula

Calculation of the due date is done using the Naegele formula. To do this, a woman needs to know the exact day when the last menstruation before pregnancy began. Many women don't remember this day. Therefore, gynecologists recommend marking the first day of menstruation on the calendar to make it easier to calculate the date of birth based on conception, especially if it was accidental.

In what week can childbirth occur?

If you correctly calculate the approximate date of birth, you can make a mistake in specific days, but, as a rule, you can more or less accurately determine the week when the birth will occur. The due date “plus or minus a week” is calculated with higher accuracy.

Determination of PDR using ultrasound

Determining the date of birth using ultrasound is now considered a reliable method. If its results coincide with the date of birth calculated from the last monthly period, then the probability of such a forecast will be above 90%.

When is the best time to perform an ultrasound?

To calculate the due date using ultrasound, you need to contact the clinic. It must be remembered that the gestational age at which the examination is carried out is taken into account. If it is carried out at 11-14 weeks, then the error in determining the due date will be 1-3 days. In the first trimester of development, embryos hardly differ in size. In the second trimester, the weight and size of the fetus already have more significant differences, and in the third they become even more pronounced. Therefore, it becomes easier to find out the due date.

The importance of accurately calculating gestational age

Gestation is the actual pregnancy. The differences between these two concepts are that the gestational period is calculated by the number of full weeks of the entire period while a woman is carrying a child. The beginning of gestation is counted from the calendar date of the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. Those. the concept of gestation makes it possible to more accurately calculate the approximate due date. The baby will most likely be born at the time calculated by the woman based on the gestational age.

“First stir” method

You can calculate your due date based on the baby's first movement during pregnancy. If you feel the baby moving, how to calculate the expected due date? During their first pregnancy, women feel fetal movement at the 20th week of pregnancy (i.e. exactly halfway through the term). In the second and subsequent pregnancies, the first movement may occur at 18 weeks. Accordingly, to calculate when the baby will be born, you need to add 22 weeks. But it must be borne in mind that this method today is considered not the most reliable. But gynecologists, when doing weight measurements and other procedures, ask the woman the day the baby first moved.

Signs of imminent labor

In the last weeks before giving birth, some signs begin to appear that may indicate that labor is approaching. At this time, it is easier to calculate the day of birth, and the woman should be prepared for the fact that this will begin soon. Using a calculator, you can calculate approximately how many days are left before giving birth. And then, based on the date of birth, calculate the gestational age.


  1. The stomach goes down.
  2. The appetite is constantly changing, the woman is losing weight. There is an upset stomach, the woman goes to the toilet very often.
  3. A woman's mood swings are becoming more severe and frequent. During this period, the expectant mother constantly wants to retire.
  4. Shortness of breath and heartburn disappear. During most of her pregnancy, a woman feels that the fetus continues to press on the mother's internal organs. And before childbirth it disappears.
  5. The baby in the stomach behaves much calmer and quieter.
  6. A nagging pain appears below, in the pubic bone.
  7. Mucous discharge from the vagina appears.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period






June 2018

Conception date

days before giving birth

September 2018

date of birth

June 2018

Conception date

days before giving birth

September 2018

date of birth


Calculation of due date by date of conception

On average, gestation (“interesting position”) in women lasts two hundred and eighty days from the moment of ovulation.

280 days is ten obstetric months. Or forty obstetric weeks. Plus the first two obstetric weeks before ovulation from the first day of the last menstruation. In this case, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. That is, knowing the date of the first day of the last menstruation, add fourteen days to it, and then add another two hundred and eighty days, and you will get the estimated date of birth (ED). Sperm can live up to three days. Therefore, as a starting point, when we try to determine the date of birth from the date of conception, we do not take the day of conception, or sexual intercourse, on which conception most likely occurred. The starting point is the day of ovulation.

Determine the date of birth based on the last menstrual period

Naegele's formula - subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstruation and add 7 days.

Much depends on what the expectant mother’s menstrual period is. If it is less than twenty-five days, the baby may be born a week or two ahead of schedule. If the expectant mother's menstrual cycle is more than thirty days, the birth may be delayed by a week or two. Such a delay will not be considered a delay. Two hundred and eighty days is just the average length of pregnancy. However, each female body is individual.

Calculate using ultrasound

There is another way to find out your due date. This can be done using ultrasound examination of the fetus. This method is the most accurate and reliable relative to calculating the date of birth using the previous two methods. If an ultrasound examination is performed at the very end of the first trimester, the date of birth can be determined with an error of no more than three days. During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, this method will not give such an accurate result.

After the baby's first movement

  1. From the day of ovulation;
  2. From the first day of the last menstruation;
  3. Using ultrasound examination of the fetus.

Now we will talk about another method. Let's determine the PPD by the first movement of the intrauterine child. Every expectant mother awaits the birth of her baby with such trepidation and impatience. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to try to accurately calculate the expected date of birth. How can I do this, I know the date of the baby’s first movement?

This means that after the first movement during the first pregnancy, approximately twenty weeks, or five obstetric months, remain until delivery. By marking these twenty weeks on the calendar, you will receive your estimated due date. To determine the date of the long-awaited meeting with the baby in the second or subsequent pregnancies, you need to add twenty-two weeks to the date of the first movement, because in this case, gynecologists usually note the first movement at the eighteenth week.

However, you must understand that calculation by this method gives an approximate due date. The error may be more than two weeks.

After obstetric examination

Before the twelfth obstetric week of pregnancy, every expectant mother needs to register with her local gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Starting from the twentieth obstetric week of the “interesting position”, when visiting your gynecologist, the doctor measures the size of the abdomen and also measures the height of the uterine fundus. This data is regularly entered into the exchange card. Based on these dynamic indicators, the doctor can calculate the expected date of birth of your Miracle. It is worth noting that this will be an approximate time. You can more accurately calculate your due date using our due date calculator. This is for real effective method with a minimum of deviations and errors in calculations.

After examination by a gynecologist

A gynecologist during regular examinations of a pregnant woman evaluates the dynamics of uterine growth. This organ increases in size along with the fetus. Based on systematic examinations of the size of the uterus, an experienced and qualified gynecologist can predict the expected date of birth. In this method, it is very important to monitor the health of a pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy. Such a forecast will be effective when monitoring a pregnant woman in the early stages. Based on the results of examination in the second and third trimester, the prognosis of PDR will have a large error.

How accurate are the timing results?

The reality is that the duration of bearing a child is individual for each woman.

  1. Is this your first pregnancy?
  2. What is the length of this woman's menstrual cycle?
  3. Singleton or multiple pregnancy;
  4. Genetic characteristics and much, much more.

If a woman gives birth not at the fortieth week, but at the thirty-eighth week, this will also be considered the norm.

And even if mommy gives birth at the forty-second or forty-third week of pregnancy, this will also be the norm. Although many of the above methods for predicting the expected date of birth in their formula have the fact that the average pregnancy lasts two hundred and eighty days, that is, forty weeks.

Premature birth can be caused by characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the health characteristics of this particular expectant mother.

However, pregnant women who have calculated the expected date of birth are better able to organize the timing of their “interesting situation.” The documents and bag for the maternity hospital are ready on time. All examinations were completed on time. The children's room is ready and renovated. Completed courses for young mothers. Completely ready for breastfeeding.

Therefore it is very useful thing for both mother and baby!

Are deviations from the deadline normal?

Are deviations from the estimated due date normal? Of course they are normal. Only seventeen percent of women give birth at the predicted PDA, while the remaining eighty-three percent give birth either before or after the PPD.

You cannot expect maximum accuracy in calculating the date of delivery. This is just a rough guide. The lighthouse towards which the frigate is heading for a happy pregnancy and joyful motherhood. Not a single specialist, no matter how outstanding his qualifications, is able to take into account dozens of factors of the specific organisms of a woman and an intrauterine baby.

Thus, during a normal pregnancy, birth occurs between the thirty-eighth and forty-second weeks. In this case, the birth of the baby will be normal (neither premature nor late).

Remember that when carrying a baby, it is very important for a woman to maintain a positive psycho-emotional mood and drive away unreasonable fears and worries. Our due date calculator will help you maintain a positive attitude - very soon you will be a mother! Health to you and your baby!

Calculating the expected date of birth (EDD) can be done in several ways, and each of them will only be indicative. Every gynecologist has a “favorite” method that he relies on. But the deviation of the due date from the calculated one is a variant of the norm.

The proposed method is on the first day of the last menstruation. Suitable for women with a regular cycle lasting 28 days.

How to use the calculator

Just enter the date of the first day of your last period in the field - and click the button “Find out the due date”.

How else can you find out your gestational age and due date?

1. In the first trimester, you can find out the gestational age with high accuracy directly at an appointment with a gynecologist. He will determine the due date without any tests, simply by the size of the uterus. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters this will no longer work.

To carry out calculations using this method, you need to add 280 days to the date of ovulation.

You can use the date of sexual intercourse as the initial data (just keep in mind that fertilization of the egg can occur on the 2nd or even 3rd day after it.

3. Hardware calculation of gestational age and date of birth using ultrasound. Using this method, the period can be determined with an accuracy of 1-3 days.

Using ultrasound, a specialist can observe the condition of the fetus, placenta, the position of the child’s head in relation to the entrance to the pelvis, the size of the opening of the cervix and other important parameters. That is why this method is highly accurate.

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