Summer is better than winter. Is it better winter or summer? And now about summer...

We all take vacations in the summer... Or do you prefer to stay home until the heat subsides? In general, each season has its pros and cons and its supporters and opponents. But only when it comes to clear vacation planning, the pros and cons can heat up heated debates or, on the contrary, reduce them to a simple cold-blooded decision.

So, winter vacation or summer vacation?

Winter is better than summer!

Most travelers give their preference to popular destinations (for example, European countries) when planning a summer vacation. Result? Crowds of tourists are visiting those attractions you've been dying to see, booking those cool hotels you've been dying to stay at, and taking up every table at that restaurant you didn't want to miss. And you only have a day for this city, which you so dreamed of visiting when planning your summer vacation, after you saw its stunning photographs, so quiet, calm and delightful. Sound familiar?

Well, this city really is like that, calm, delightful and quiet, but only in winter. Of course, you will definitely need a warm coat, perhaps even gloves and a hat. But the whole city will be just for you, with the exception of a couple of other winter-loving travelers. Tourist cities return to their natural state during the off-season, when the local population forgets about the endless sale of souvenirs and begins to live their normal, familiar life. In this regard, a winter vacation is the most pleasant solution!

Winter may be cold, but that doesn't mean it has to be gloomy: winters often have clear weather with clear air, as opposed to foggy summers (for example, you'll never see Mount Fuji from Tokyo in the summer). In view of this, many people love winter more, or they like to travel in winter, believing that winter is better than summer. And if you're lucky, you can witness an extremely romantic phenomenon - clearing snow from roofs in some ancient cities. It is much easier to stay warm on a cold day than to find relief in the summer heat, especially when you go long distances to get to know a new place and people.

And did I mention that winter holidays are significantly cheaper? Hotel rooms often cost half their "summer" prices, and transport companies offer incredibly favorable discounts and promotions (this is the only way they can reduce their losses during the low season). Yes, there are many arguments in favor of the fact that winter is better than summer, isn’t it?

So, if you want to take a vacation in the winter, then know that you will travel cheaper, quieter, calmer, more beautiful and more comfortable than if you took a vacation in the summer.

And now about summer...

There are several reasons why one wants to protect summer rather than attack winter. Winter is considered an inconvenient time of year, except for those who engage in winter sports. Poor winter, do we really have to love you just because you are underestimated?

Don't get me wrong, I love winter as much as anyone. It makes me appreciate summer even more, but I will never go on vacation in winter. Not entirely true: I can go on vacation in winter, so as not to miss some interesting event that takes place during the cold months, but otherwise, I always want it to be warm, not cold.

More than other months, people travel during the summer, and therefore they find themselves among many other travelers like themselves, and higher prices for everyone.

But! It's not that bad. Of course, there are long queues at the main attractions, but look through popular guidebooks and they will at least warn you about touristy places and tell you how to avoid them by finding even the least expensive hotel in a secluded area. And remember that tourist spots are full of tourists all year round. Step away from the main highways and you will be surprised at destinations that ordinary tourists simply don’t get to.

Meanwhile, summer can be attractive precisely because of its tourists. I love meeting like-minded people, and travelers are definitely the best people people you want to meet. I often miss tourists more than the absence of them.

What do you think? Are you more of a beginner skier or a hot sun lover? Do you love standing in line with cheerful, like-minded people or walking alone through a snowy ghost town?

1. It’s hot in summer and cold in winter; this is a fact for Russian latitudes. To maintain a comfortable temperature regime, in winter it is enough to wear a certain number of clothes. In the summer you can take everything off - you will still sweat and steam. An alternative, of course, is to immerse your body in a cool liquid for several months to cool down. But, as practice shows, this is quite difficult to achieve while maintaining the mobility and functionality of the body.

2. In winter it gets dark early, which means evening, as such, comes very early. Consequently, the psychological feeling of celebration that comes with darkness allows parties to start as early as 17:00. To do this in the summer, you either have to look for a bunker underground or wait until midnight.

3. In winter there are no mosquitoes and other blood-sucking creatures that spoil life.

4. In winter there is no need for a refrigerator. You can fill a balcony or loggia with products without fear that there will not be enough space.

5. A warm blanket and a mug of hot chocolate (or, say, mulled wine) - try to enjoy this during the summer heat.

6. The soothing sound of snow crunching underfoot can only be compared to the rustling of autumn leaves. In this sense, summer, with its shuffling along the asphalt, is simply resting.

7. New Year. This is all clear. In terms of the expected celebration, the magic of the moment and the scope of public festivities, a priori no other can compete with this holiday.

8. Did a midge get into your eye? Swallowed a bee? Did a spider crawl into your collar? Such annoying troubles in winter are simply excluded.

9. In winter, the local “rednecks” and other asocial elements lead a sedentary lifestyle or even hibernate. Therefore, at this time of year you will not be tormented by songs and screams under the window until the morning.

10 . In winter you clearly feel alive. This is noticeable both visually - by the streams of steam from the mouth and, of course, psychologically. The difference in temperature inside and outside the body forces it to be in constant tone. Which is a stark contrast to the relaxed amoeba-like state of summer.

11. Winter brings with it spiritual comfort. This summer can make you lose peace and rack your brains about how best to spend it. And then, despite the effort and money spent, half the fall you lament that you spent it, it turns out, worse than anyone else.

12. Winter can give a lot of positive emotions only due to the force of gravity (naturally, if you have enough common sense and the necessary skills to turn it to your advantage). Skis, snowboards, sleds are simply available tools that will help you discover all the delights of high-speed movement on inclined surfaces.

13. The process of precipitation in winter is more pleasant both from an aesthetic point of view and, more importantly, from a practical point of view. Walking in the snow is much more enjoyable than walking in the rain.

14. The principle of contrast. Believe me, a trip to the sea coast somewhere in Egypt or Thailand will be much more enjoyable if you move “from winter to summer” rather than exchange one heat for another.

Reply about holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh

Summer in Egypt is hot, daytime temperatures are 38C, and even 42C in the shade. It is believed that summer is not the season in Sharm el-Sheikh. And, in general, it is correctly believed that there is no one here except the Italians. Why do Italians come? Yes, because, firstly, they are sent on vacation en masse, and secondly, they have the same temperatures in Naples in the summer. But let's not talk about Italians anymore. Moreover, there are many others. Everyone comes, however, while there are almost no Russians in the summer.

Why don't they go, especially scuba diving enthusiasts? This is really strange. First of all, because in the summer the Red Sea really comes to life. Anyone who has observed the life of the Red Sea in winter will be surprised: where else to come to life, nowhere in the world are there such corals and so many fish. But here’s an expert’s opinion, let’s listen to Ekaterina Terekhova, an instructor at one of the local dive clubs:

In the summer, from May to October, and especially in July and August, when the water is warm, in the area of ​​​​the Ras Mohammed nature reserve and other dive sites off the coast of Sharm el-Sheikh, you can see manta rays, giant turtles, and sharks in one day - hammerhead, whitetip, reef sharks, electric ray, not to mention stingrays, eagle rays, two-meter Napoleons and giant moray eels. It is in the summer that there is a high probability of seeing a five-meter whale shark. And in general, the sea in the summer differs from the winter for the better, you swim calmly, you’re not in a hurry, there are already enough impressions.

And swimming for pleasure with a mask and snorkel is possible only in July-September. Even at the beginning of June, the water is cool by local standards - 23 degrees. But you want to stay in the water for two hours, this is only possible if the water temperature is above 26.


The most interesting of the excursions - climbing Mount Sinai and visiting the desert monastery of St. Catherine - is quite possible in the summer. The ascent begins at two in the morning so that tourists can watch the sunrise at the top. It is so cold in January that tourists, no matter how warm they dress, wrap themselves up on the mountain in old blankets taken from Bedouin camps. In summer it’s comfortable to walk, at the top - 20 - 23C, neither cold nor hot.

This year, several chic malls have opened in the center of Sharm el-Sheikh, in the Nyama Bay area. Air conditioning made leisurely shopping possible. And the prices in malls are the same as those from street vendors.

Evening restaurants

Some outdoor restaurants have air-conditioning curtains, so you can dine comfortably with a view of the sea. And it’s not always as hot in the evening as during the day. More often, with the onset of darkness, the temperature drops to 30C.

In summer, prices drop significantly. In summer, the average tourist can easily afford to relax in the best hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh - Hyatt Regency, Sheraton, Jolie Ville Movenpick Golf Resort. These hotels skillfully create their own microclimate.


And yet, let us remember once again about the Italians. It is a big misconception to think that daytime temperatures in Sharm el-Sheikh and, say, Sicily, Andalusia or the Anatolian coast of Turkey are very different. In Egypt, night temperatures are higher, and even then not always.

Personal experience

A couple of years ago, the author of the article was vacationing near the Red Sea with small children at the end of June. The daytime temperature was 40-42 degrees. However, by the sea we didn’t feel the heat until about three o’clock in the afternoon, and we swam among the corals for an hour and a half to two hours. After three, we spent time at the hotel pool, then hid in the room. There were days when the heat became unbearable in the evening and the wind blew from the hot desert during the day. On such days it was impossible to walk along the embankment, so after dinner we wandered around the malls or had fun in a cafe.

Results: pros and cons

The undoubted advantages of a summer holiday by the Red Sea in Sharm el-Sheikh: warm sea, many hours of swimming; deserted beaches, lack of crowds of vacationers; low hotel prices. Minus: heat, the need to drink at least three liters of water and juices during the day.

Conclusion: no need to wait for autumn

Summer holidays in Sharm el-Sheikh are the best choice for healthy young people and scuba diving enthusiasts.

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