Short haircuts for 6 year old boys. Model haircuts for boys with photos. Modern options for teenagers

Previously, many parents did not really think about what hairstyle to choose for a boy. Now times have changed: young clients regularly come to the hairdresser.

What should a boy's haircut be like? What to consider when choosing a hairstyle for a fidget? To help parents, recommendations from stylists, photos, characteristics of popular haircuts.

Hairdressing fashion does not stand still. Once upon a time, boys' hairstyles were the same. Carbon-copy images blurred the lines of individuality. Nowadays, even small children, thanks to the efforts of parents and stylists, wear fashionable hairstyles.

Parents should find out the nuances before cutting their child’s hair themselves or going with a young fashionista to a beauty salon:

  • consider the condition of your hair. Preschoolers often have thin, weak hair: long strands will look sloppy;
  • think about how active your son is. A “hedgehog” would be suitable for a child attending a sports section. Short locks do not require constant styling, dry quickly, and always look neat;
  • take into account your character. A modest, shy child is unlikely to appreciate an original, daring “mohawk” that attracts attention. Choose a more relaxed haircut;
  • think about how easy it is to maintain the shape of the hairstyle, is the son used to using a comb or is it better to leave the strands to a minimum length;
  • avoid haircuts that require regular styling, use of gel and other styling products. Leave these cosmetical tools men: the hair of a preschooler or teenager does not need styling compounds;
  • Explain to the boy the rules for caring for his hair. A preschooler should know that he needs to get his hair cut regularly and not be capricious during a visit to the hairdresser;
  • look through a fashion magazine with your child, look at photos of original hairstyles on the Internet. Surely together you will find an interesting image;
  • take into account the shape of the face and head, the thickness of the hairs, ask the guy if he likes the proposed option. Often, parents’ inattention to children’s needs becomes the cause of isolation and low self-esteem. Hairstyle is one of the elements of the image, remember this.

Important! Particular attention is paid to fashionable haircuts with shaved temples or the back of the head, with an original stencil design on short locks. My son and I will have to regularly visit the hairdresser to maintain clear lines. Are you ready to spend time and money on a monthly ritual?

Haircuts for short hair

An excellent option for a boy of any age. Stylists offer several interesting hairstyles. Please note that you will have to update the length at least once a month. Short locks sometimes require more attention than medium length hair.

If the son asks permission for fashionable styling“Mohawk” or haircuts with shaved temples, think about whether the original look will suit the boy. The stencil design looks stylish on dark strands. Leave the minimum length at blonde hair: this way the styling will look impressive and not boring.

Important! For the little ones, choose the minimum length. Hair grows more actively when the strands are regularly shortened. Creative parents strive to get a model haircut for their baby as early as possible. Moderation is important in everything. Do not injure children's thin hairs: you will preserve the health of your hair for future fashionable styling.


This popular haircut is suitable for boys of any age. Simple, neat installation is not difficult to maintain. If desired, mom can easily trim the overgrown locks.

For children's matinee The hedgehog can be easily transformed from a calm, everyday look into a creative styling. Use cosmetic oil, tousle the strands, lift the hairs up. The emphasis on protruding “spines” will add dynamics to the image. With a suit or smart shirt, the hedgehog looks stylish and impressive.

Before choosing a cute, neat “hedgehog”, think about whether this option is suitable for your child. If your head shape is not ideal, opt out in favor of a look with longer strands that correct the shape of the skull.

Take a look at the photo. “Hedgehog” for boys can be playful and strict, sweet and daring.

A hedgehog with an extension at the back of the head is suitable for preschoolers and teenagers. On the one hand, short locks are convenient for everyday activities, on the other hand, a fashionable length is added in the back of the head, which many guys dream of.

A few more stylish looks.


A fashionable, stylish haircut is suitable for preschoolers and teenagers. Minimalism is one of the advantages of a spectacular image. Young fashionistas will be comfortable on the football field, in class or on a walk with friends.

The fashionable half-box has many variations. For adult men, locks with a minimum length are suitable. For boys, leave a small bang, cut the temples and the back of the head.

Until the age of 12–13, it is advisable to shorten the locks not with a clipper, but with scissors, so as not to injure the structure of delicate children’s hairs. On special occasions, style your strands beautifully, apply a little cosmetic oil: this will create a spectacular relief. Do not use gel or wax, especially on the hair of little boys: styling products easily dry out the hair.


Universal styling for straight and curly hair. In the area of ​​the crown, elongated strands are preserved; on the back of the head, the hair is cut off: a kind of “hat” is obtained. The transition can be sharp and soft.

The image is often preferred by mothers of preschoolers. Obedient baby hairs lie beautifully and retain their shape well. “Cap” is suitable for dark and light strands.

Look how cute the young fashionistas look. A neat hat requires regular updating. If a clear cut was made by a professional, there will be no difficulties with care.

Fashionable haircuts for medium length hair

It is more difficult to style such hairstyles, but for the sake of a spectacular look, boys are willing to endure some inconvenience. If your son’s hobbies are not related to active activities, feel free to leave medium-length strands.

Kare and bob are popular images not only for girls. Hairstyles with this name will interest parents and boys of different ages.

There are many variations. Depending on the quality of your hair and your personality, choose the appropriate look. If desired, the teenager will complement the hairstyle with a bandana, tie up the strands with glasses or a fashionable headband.

A fashionable look will make the boy more confident and emphasize his individuality. Look at the photo: everyday and holiday options are presented.

A prerequisite is regular visits to the hairdresser, otherwise, the grown-out bob will turn into a messy mop of hair. When the haircut is done well, the strands lie neatly and quickly take the desired shape after washing.

A stylish bob with short temples is suitable even for boys 5–6 years old.

The original styling easily turns everyday hairstyle to the solemn one. During a children's party with a stylish hairstyle, a little fashionista will make a splash.

Find out the best against hair loss in women.

See the article for details and photos of Rhapsody haircuts for short hair.

Hairstyles for long strands

Often teenagers and younger schoolchildren wear their hair to shoulder length. Fashion trends This length is also allowed.

Parents and teachers do not always like this haircut, but if the child takes care of his hair, the complaints gradually stop. Add fashionable image stylish clothes.

Please note that long locks require sufficient thickness of hair. Tell the boy that shoulder-length hair needs constant care. Liquid, greasy strands look repulsive: explain this truth to your son.

Advice! Consult with a stylist, find out which haircut to choose if your son does not want to part with long hair. Remember: strands should not interfere with daily activities.

Hairstyles for curly hair

Some boys are embarrassed by curls, others consider a bright detail to be a highlight and emphasize this fact in every possible way. On slightly wavy hair it is easy to create an original “design” of lush strands.

Soft waves are a suitable basis for a daring short haircut, a spectacular hairstyle for medium hair. Chestnut, light brown, red strands - the color does not matter.

Fashionable looks for boys

You will find many interesting options for strands of different lengths in the photo gallery. Each styling is interesting in its own way.

For several seasons now, short hairstyles with an extension at the back of the head, a manly half-box, and all variations of the bob have been popular. A stylish, spectacular “hedgehog” is always in trend. Teenagers often choose shoulder length.

Consult with your child, find out which image he likes. Do not give in to whims, soberly assess whether the child will be comfortable with the chosen hairstyle.

Be sure to find a suitable solution. Perhaps this time it is worth giving in: let the young fashionista understand that long hair require constant care, and the stencil pattern is hardly noticeable on light strands.

Video. Fashionable hairstyle option for a boy:

Parents always want their child to look beautiful, no matter how old he is. But for a child under two years old it is quite difficult to do original hairstyle due to the fact that children of this age are quite restless. What haircuts are suitable for boys under two years old, and what features of hairstyles should be taken into account when choosing, let's figure it out.


A haircut for a boy in his first years of life should be beautiful and fashionable. This is due not only to the desire of adults to see the baby stylish, but also to the fact that it is at this age that children develop a sense of beauty, and when they see their reflection in the mirror, they should see themselves as well-groomed.

Another important feature of a haircut for a two-year-old boy is the ease of hair care. The baby will not be particularly happy about long manipulations with his head. And also, a haircut should in no case interfere with your little boy.

You can't let your hair cover your eyes. Frail eye muscles can be damaged by bangs that constantly get into the eyes, and the child may develop strabismus. But also, curls should not get into the plate when feeding, this will not only be untidy, but can also ruin your child’s appetite.

Taking into account the above, stylists have developed children's variations of most popular haircuts that are in demand among adults of the stronger sex.

All haircuts for a boy in the first two years of life can be divided into three main types.


These hairstyles have medium length hair. They are characterized by perfectly straight lines and strict shape. This includes options such as Canadian, model, British.



IN Lately It is quite popular to add a little creativity to ordinary haircuts, for example, by shaving various patterns, cutting out asymmetry.

How to choose?

Choosing a haircut for a baby depends on several aspects.

How persistent is your baby?

This is perhaps one of the main aspects. For a high-quality haircut, especially if its creation requires not only a machine, but also, for example, thinning scissors, it will take quite a long period of time. A 2-year-old child usually cannot sit in one place for very long, let alone one year old baby. Therefore, the complexity of the chosen hairstyle will depend on the character of your baby.

How much is your baby afraid of noise?

Hair clippers, especially some models, buzz quite loudly. And when you put it up to your baby's ear, especially if he's only 1 year old, it can really scare him.

If your child is impressionable, then you should choose a haircut that is done entirely with scissors.


The hairstyle should look neat and not require special styling.

Hair type

The thickness of your child's hair also determines the choice of haircut.

So, for those with thin hair, hairdressers advise using “torn” haircuts that have different curl lengths. And also for this type of strands, very short hairstyles are suitable.

Even if thin hair has curls, then long curls You should avoid wearing them, as they look far from aesthetically pleasing.

Coarse hair gives you more options for choosing a stylish hairstyle. Both short and long haircuts are suitable for such hair.

If your baby has fairly thick curls, then cutting them short in most cases is not an option. Bob or bob haircuts are perfect for this type of hair.

Face shape

It is also a determining factor when choosing a hairstyle for your boy, regardless of his age.

For kids with a round face, it is better not to choose haircuts with straight, thick bangs. Asymmetrical hairstyles, as well as “torn” cascading haircuts, are suitable for this shape. You should not wear a straight parting and a lot of volume on the face; for chubby boys, volume on the top of the head will be enough.

For boys with a triangular face shape, it is better to choose a haircut with volume at the cheekbones, but do not forget that the curls should not get into the eyes.

Hair color has virtually no effect on haircuts. So no matter whether your boy's hair is blonde or dark, you can choose any type of hairstyle based on the above.

How to lay it?

Hair styling for boys under two years old should be simple.

The child may be afraid of the hair dryer, or he may not like the warm air that will blow from the device. In addition, exposure to elevated temperatures can damage children's curls.

The use of various styling products is also unacceptable at this age; they can also damage the hair structure.

All you need to do to make your hair look good is after washing your hair, pat your hair well with a towel, apply baby product to the curls for easy combing if necessary, and comb it, giving the strands the desired position.

Do not let your child lie down until the hair is completely dry. And then the hairstyle will look neat even without the use of styling products and devices.

Beautiful examples

Modern hairdressing specialists offer a wide choice fashionable hairstyles for the youngest boys. Here are several options for stylish head design for babies under two years of age.

For many school-age and teenage children, hairstyle is an indispensable element an external image through which the child demonstrates his potential and individuality. In this matter, parents should not put pressure on the boy, imposing their opinion, but only guide and suggest how to choose a haircut. The main selection criteria are based on the child’s face type and hair type.

The face shape of all people is different, and with the help of a hairstyle you can hide some of its shortcomings and features. If you choose the wrong haircut, it can play a cruel joke, emphasizing flaws in your appearance. In this regard, experts and hairdressers advise taking into account what types of haircuts are intended for each type of face in a boy, and then, based on this knowledge, selecting a hairstyle, starting from the child’s desires.

The fashion industry is teeming with variety and freedom of choice, which makes it quite difficult to choose a fashionable and stylish hairstyle for a school-age or teenage boy. And to narrow down the search, hairdressers advise paying attention first of all to the shape of the boy’s face, for which certain types of haircuts and hairstyles are specially designed.

For reference! Stylists emphasize that hairstyle is not just a way of self-expression, but also a tool for hiding some flaws in appearance. Some use a haircut to hide protruding ears, while others hide a round face or asymmetry in the face.


Oval face is the most common face shape among people, so most haircuts and hairstyles suit it. These can be haircuts for boys without bangs or with bangs, short, medium and long haircuts, voluminous or neatly styled hairstyles. Hairdressers advise paying more attention to the structure of the hair, since an oval face fits perfectly with all hairstyles.


A round face is characterized by widened cheekbones or the presence of excess volume in the cheeks. With the right haircut, you can hide this feature in a boy’s appearance so that his face takes on a more oval shape. Haircuts should contain vertical lines; it is better to cut hair of medium length. Although many types of haircuts with asymmetry are also good for round face shapes.


In this case, the boy’s appearance will be characterized by a high forehead and wide chin. Overly masculine facial features with a large head need to be softened with a hairstyle; for this, stylists advise choosing haircuts with bangs and asymmetrical hair placement. The area around the ears is slightly opened, and the bangs are combed to the side. Just don’t comb it back or wear straight, even bangs.


This face shape is characterized by a wide forehead and cheekbones, but a narrow chin. To balance the lines of the face and hide these features, hairdressers advise giving preference to short haircuts with bangs. The main rule for boys with this face shape is to completely avoid straight parting in the hair; it is better to stick to asymmetry and the absence of clear lines in the haircut.


This face shape is popularly called diamond, and only well-chosen types of hairstyles will hide its features - a narrow line of the forehead and chin, widened cheekbones and hollows at the temples. You need to choose hairstyles that can add volume to your chin and smooth out your cheekbones. You need to avoid long haircuts that are combed back, as well as those that imply volume in the center of the head or a straight parting. The most important weapon is the side-swept bangs, which widen the forehead line.


In this case, bangs will help to shorten the shape of the face, as well as a fluffy crown with a concentration of hair length. Thanks to the voluminous crown, the absence of a temporal area, oblique or even straight bangs, you can bring an elongated face as close as possible to the standard oval shape. It is better to part partings slightly to the side and adhere to asymmetry, so as not to elongate the face even more. Straight and smooth hair should also be avoided as it emphasizes the size of the face.

Thus, each face shape, which is inherent in all people, allows you to correctly emphasize beautiful facial features, but at the same time hide some flaws and flaws. This criterion should be the main one in choosing a haircut and hairstyle, even if we are talking about a little boy.

Children's haircuts for boys by hair color and character

The shade of the hair, its structure and volume is another group of criteria that predetermines the choice in favor of a particular haircut and hairstyle for a boy. There are haircuts that look harmonious and stylish on dark hair, and there are also those who transform the image of a fair-haired boy more advantageously. In addition, while some hairstyles are suitable for straight and voluminous hair, others will only look effective on curly curly hair.

For blonde hair

Most often, parents are interested in what haircuts to choose for blonde boys, since preschool and school age are accompanied by a period of light hair. soft hair. Many of these boys may become darker in hair color as they enter adolescence and adulthood, and only a few of them remain blonde. The main advantage of blonde hair is the ability to grow voluminous and long haircut variations.

What kind of hair does your child have?


You can choose absolutely all types of haircuts for blonde hair. The only exceptions will be those options in which minimal short length and hair – design, shaved parting. On light hair, the gradation of minimum hair lengths, patterns and all sorts of curly cuts will be barely noticeable and not as effective as on dark hair. Ideal haircuts for blond boys are grunge, cap, ladder, bob, British or Canadian.

To dark

Dark hair unlike light shades, will not always look good with long haircuts, overloading the boy’s external image. Stylists advise paying attention to short haircuts, graduation and multi-level haircut method, since dark, bright strands will enhance the effect of textured hairstyles. These can be haircuts with a voluminous crown, with slanting stylish bangs or torn strands.

For dark-haired boys, you should pay attention to short haircut models, such as boxing and half-boxing, in which the transitions of hair lengths will be pronounced. You can complement the image with a curly haircut in the hair design style. Medium haircut models are also acceptable, especially if different hair lengths are implied. The most ideal examples of haircuts for such hair are boxing and semi-boxing, lightning, British, Caesar.

For coarse hair

Haircuts for boys with coarse hair First of all, they should be undemanding when it comes to styling, since this type of hair is unruly and obstinate to care for; in addition, it does not hold the given volume and shape for long. Most often, hairdressers and stylists recommend choosing short haircuts that are convenient and practical to care for school-age and teenage boys with coarse hair.

The two most common ways to cut coarse hair are cascade and layered textured haircuts. Such well-known haircut models as bob and bob are contraindicated, as they require constant and most precise styling. Also, you should not have a haircut with short temples and long length at the top, as coarse hair will create an unkempt appearance. The most ideal options are the hedgehog and the platform, the Canadian and the half-box.

For fine soft hair

If a boy's hair is thin and soft in structure, stylists advise being careful when choosing haircuts. In this case, the goal is the same - to give more volume, which is achieved by graduated hair lengths. Textured, multi-level haircuts can be short or medium length, but options such as bobs and other similar models on thin hair will look thin and dull.

The most suitable haircut models for boys with soft and thin strands are the classic polka, sports half-box, short and daring box, short jagged haircut. But haircut options with long bangs are best avoided by owners of thin hair, such as haircuts with a forelock hanging over the forehead. You can also consider a short interpretation of the bob haircut, as it gives great volume to the hair, but requires styling.

Hairstyles for boys with two crowns: photo

Many boys with two crowns on their heads find it difficult to choose haircuts, just like their parents, since this feature can interfere with many hairstyle options. Most often, the choice falls on short haircuts (boxing and half-boxing, for example), as this allows you to hide flaws and avoid protruding strands in the crown area. Medium lengths are categorically out of the question, as they will not hold their shape. But long haircuts are possible if the hair can be styled or can be pulled into a ponytail.

People say that people born with two crowns are special and often gifted. Therefore, it is worth explaining to the child that this is not a flaw in his appearance, but, on the contrary, a special feature of the manifestation of his individuality.

Haircuts for lop-eared people: photos

Hairdressers and stylists pay special attention to haircuts for boys with protruding ears, since for many children in school and adolescence this feature becomes the cause of complexes and self-doubt. The easiest way to hide protruding ears is to go for a long haircut for boys, like a bob or a longer version of a bob. In this case, the strands, starting from the bangs and all the way to the back of the head, will fall down and hide the shape of the ears. You can also balance the shape of the ears with a haircut, like a cap, when a large amount of hair is on the top of the head.


Each child is individual in face shape, hair type and structure, appearance and interests. When choosing a haircut, it is important to take into account all these criteria, and most importantly, the desires and lifestyle of the boy himself. A haircut will smooth out some of the harsh facial features, correct asymmetry, and make the boy’s appearance more attractive. In addition, it will help the child feel confident and brave in a team.

The most tender age of a child, according to psychologists, is puberty. But for every parent, this is most likely the age of 1-3 years, when the child is completely dependent on the parents and does not have the opportunity to take care of himself. This also applies to the hairstyle that parents have to choose. To help parents make their choice, stylists offer the most trendy children's hairstyles for boys under 3 years old this season.

For boys preschool age Hairdressers advise choosing beautiful, fashionable, but practical and low-maintenance haircuts. This is due to the fact that at the age of 1-3 years a child begins to explore the world and become interested in others, so an incorrectly chosen hairstyle can significantly interfere with him. Most children's hairstyles are an interpretation of adult men's haircuts.

Any haircuts for boys 1 year and older should be as comfortable and convenient for the child as possible, since she spends most of her time playing and having fun. Therefore, hairdressers advise taking a closer look at short hairstyles so that your hair does not get tangled, dirty or get into your eyes. You can choose a haircut style, taking into account the individual characteristics and temperament of the child.

Haircuts for children 1-3 years old can be classified into three groups:

  • classic;
  • sports;
  • universal.

Do you like classic haircuts?


It is also necessary to take into account the hair structure of babies, as it can be thin, weak, and the hair may grow unevenly. Therefore, hairdressers do not recommend growing long hair, which also requires constant styling and care. Shaving hair is also not entirely advisable, since the delicate and sensitive skin may react extremely negatively to such procedures.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Haircuts for three-year-old boys should be as uncomplicated as possible, simple and undemanding in care and correction.

Children's haircuts for boys under 3 years old

Fashionable haircuts for children 1-3 years old will be an excellent start on the path to self-improvement and self-knowledge of the child. They will teach the boy to beauty and care for his appearance. In the future, satisfaction in one's own appearance will allow a boy to grow into a confident man. A haircut and hairstyle are an integral attribute of the style and image of every person.


In this case, the area of ​​the temples and the back of the head should be shortened as much as possible, and on the top of the head the hair can be of medium length. A cap is a short version of a bob haircut, when the long hairs do not fall below the line of the ears, that is, the ears should be open or only slightly covered by the haircut. It is important that the hat has bangs, has rounded lines and a voluminous crown.

Short hedgehog

Another interesting hairstyle option for 2-year-old boys is a hedgehog, which does not require styling, correction or special care. The hair is cut with a machine with several attachments, after which the hair is formed into needles, like a hedgehog, sticking out in different directions using gel or varnish. The haircut is ideal for fidgets and playful kids who prefer an active pastime and a positive attitude.

Clipper haircut

If you need haircut options for three-year-old boys, you can even consider the idea of ​​a “zero” haircut using a special clipper. A nozzle with a minimum level of hair length is put on, after which the hair is cut all over the head at the same level. This option haircut will suit for kids with weak, thin hair, but you need to be careful with the scalp, as it can react negatively to contact with the clipper. In this case, it is better to replace the “zero” haircut with a short boxing model.


Fashionable haircuts for 2-year-old boys don’t end there; the Bob haircut is also ideal for a child of this age. This is a shortened version of the bob haircut, but with more volume in the crown and back of the head thanks to the gradation of lengths. A textured haircut ideally corrects the shape of the face and gives the child’s appearance a soft and romantic touch. It is only important that the bangs are not below the eyebrow line, so as not to interfere with the child’s study of points of interest to him.

Classic men's haircut

The best haircut option for 2-year-old boys is classic hairstyles. This style is preferred by most parents of boys. younger age, since the classic haircut is easy to perform and care for. She is supposed to have a straight parting, smooth straight bangs, but not below the eyebrow line, calm styling without frills. A haircut will emphasize severity, masculinity and restraint in a boy, while it can be combined with all styles of clothing.


Another variation of the classic haircut for toddler boys, for example, for a one-year-old boy and older. The British style implies the presence of a small, elongated bang that is combed to the side. Next, the hair on the top of the head is cut somewhat shorter, and towards the back of the head and temples it is shortened much more strongly using a ladder. Stylish and fashionable haircut, but at the same time discreet and comfortable for little boys.

How to cut a one-year-old boy's hair yourself?

Grooming a child aged 1 year is more of a tribute to tradition than urgency. If, nevertheless, parents decide to cut their child’s hair themselves, it is better to do it at home so that the child feels at ease. A haircut is performed according to a specific scenario, which includes several actions:

  • The hair must first be moistened with a spray or in the bath;
  • It’s better to start cutting your hair from the most inaccessible places, for example, near the ears or on the back of the head;
  • You can cut your hair with a clipper using a specific attachment;
  • if the haircut will be done with scissors, you need to take a strand of hair with a comb and carefully cut off the excess length;
  • In order for the haircut to be even, the cut strand must be applied to the adjacent curl and compared.

All tools must be disinfected with special means before cutting. While cutting your baby's hair, you need to keep him occupied with something, turn on a cartoon or give him something tasty. The most ideal tool for cutting a young child's hair is a pair of curved scissors, as trimmers or clippers can be intimidating. It is best to cut your baby's hair after breakfast in the morning, when he is not yet capricious and behaves calmly.

After cutting your child's hair, it is better to rinse it in the bath or shower to remove any remaining hair from the baby's body. Otherwise, the pricking hairs may cause discomfort to the child.

Fashionable haircuts for boys 1-3 years old: photos

The most fashionable hairstyles for preschool boys can be viewed in photos from leading stylists and hairdressers.


A haircut for a boy at a very young age does not have to be stylish and creative, but rather beautiful, comfortable and undemanding in terms of care and styling. A child aged 1-3 years is not yet able to choose and take care of his appearance, so the entire burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents. Stylists offer several haircut options - classic, sporty or universal models. It all depends on the general style and image of the boy, his temperament and hair structure.

Every mother wants her child to look fashionable and beautiful. If you need to choose a spectacular haircut for a boy, then today there should be no problems with this, because stylists have developed many options that will be suitable for a child of a certain age. In addition to age, when choosing a boy's fashionable hairstyle, it is necessary to take into account the hair type.

Fashionable boys' hairstyles up to 10 years old - description and photo

If the child is 1-2 years old, then excellent option for him it will be a regular short children's haircut. Highlight the shape with a neat and beautiful edging. As a rule, boys at this age have thin hair and their face has not yet formed. Based on these reasons, you should not grow long hair, as this hairstyle looks sloppy.

If the boy is 3 years old, then stylists advise using short haircuts. When choosing a hairstyle, you need to take into account the fact that it should not interfere with the baby going about his business. Boys' strands at this age acquire a more uniform structure; they grow well, but still remain thin.

When choosing a cool haircut for a boy 3-6 years old, there are no special recommendations. The main thing is that it is comfortable and fashionable. Most often, such guys choose hedgehog or boxing.

With the help of these hairstyles, it is possible to give the hair the rigidity that is typical for adult men, because children have soft strands. In addition, hedgehog and boxing hairstyles will allow your child to feel comfortable in the summer heat.

Very often, when creating a hairstyle, stylists use such a fashionable decoration as shaving a certain pattern. It looks quite unusual and colorful. But this element can only be used if the hair structure is rigid and the head shape is ideal.

In other cases, it is better to use long hairstyles. The most popular haircut for long hair is the cap. Thanks to the smooth transition from short to long strands manages to create an original and fashionable image.

Video of fashionable hairstyles for boys:

Any model haircut is perfect for a school-age boy. They do not require additional styling. And their main advantages will be convenience and practicality.

For boys 11-13 years old

For guys of this age, it is necessary to choose haircut options more carefully, as they cross the line when they begin to notice the views of the opposite sex.

Children's Canadian for boys

If a boy has long hair, this opens up wide opportunities for creativity. Canadian hair looks very flattering on curly hair. In the photo - Canadian haircut:

Thus, curls are preserved on the top of the head, and curls are removed in the area of ​​the temple and back of the head. It is this trick that allows you to maintain the shape of your hairstyle, it will not fall apart.

What school hairstyles exist for teenage boys and what is the procedure for making them is described in this article:

What is the best haircut for a boy with long bangs and what is the procedure for making it, the information from this will help you understand

Short Canadian jacket for kids and teenagers

This hairstyle is often called a false mohawk. It is characterized by laying the strands upward, almost upright. Since the temple and back of the head are made short, this only emphasizes the contrast. This model haircut option can be used for boys with any face shape, except oval.

Haircuts for teenage boys look different on hair of different colors. Taking into account this feature, with the help of various attachments it is possible to create entire masterpieces for brunettes, but on red hair the transitions will not be so noticeable.

Beautiful haircuts with shaved temples

Today, hairstyles with shaved temples are very popular among boys aged 11-13. It is not necessary to cut out any simple lines. A haircut with shaved temples sometimes turns into a real work of art. It is extremely rare to use asymmetry, when only one side is greatly shortened.

The temples can be decorated figuratively, but then it is worth paying special attention to the design of the hairstyle at the forehead. And geometric shapes will help add zest to the image.

Cool haircuts with shaved nape

A haircut with short sides does not always imply a shortened nape. When choosing such a hairstyle, asymmetry is not acceptable. In this case, the pattern may move a little to the sides, but the entire back part will still be evenly exposed.

A hairstyle in which the entire “working area” is the entire space except the top of the head looks very harmonious. For this hairstyle, you don’t need to worry about styling, as it already looks amazing.

Cool teenage haircuts for boys 15-16 years old

Guys of this age are unlikely to be interested in classic haircuts. They choose a hairstyle that will highlight their individuality and character. Thus, teenagers try to add as much creativity as possible to cool styling.

The Caesar hairstyle remains very popular. It is enough to have strands 5 cm long. All strands should lie in the forward direction. In this case, bangs must be present. The installation process does not take much time and is distinguished by its simplicity. You can simply comb your hair if it is unruly, and also treat it a little with styling gel.

To create a new and original look, guys aged 15 choose a creative mess haircut. It is enough for them to slightly tousle their hair, forming a mohawk. For those guys who lead an active lifestyle and play sports, you should pay attention to the playground haircut. They are not characterized by clean-shaven temples and the back of their head, and their hair is cut short. Only on the parietal part there remains a small tuft of hair.

If a guy has lush and thick hair, then a haircut would be an excellent option for him, to create which the bottom strands will be shortened, and the top ones will be as they are. You shouldn't choose a potty hairstyle for guys who have curly hair. This haircut is very difficult to style, as the hair will fly in different directions.

But what is the procedure for performing a tennis haircut for a boy, the information from this will help you figure it out

But what a side bang hairstyle looks like for boys, as well as what the procedure for making it is, is described in detail in this

If a guy has curls, then he might consider getting a bob. In addition, this hairstyle is easy to style. All that is required is to simply wash your hair and comb it gently. A bob necessarily involves the use of short bangs. Moreover, the haircut itself should take a rounded shape. The bob is allowed to be thinned out and parted straight and unevenly.

On video fashion hairstyles for boys 15 years old:

For those guys who are used to being the center of attention, it’s worth paying attention to the hairstyle that Dima Bilan wears. The essence of the styling is that the hair is short at the top and long at the back of the neck. With such a hairstyle, a guy will always look fashionable and stylish.

Today there are many options for creating. In this case, you should definitely take into account not only the wishes of the child, but also the type of hair and face shape. Since boys don’t like to spend a long time fiddling with styling, it is recommended to choose an option that will look stylish, but at the same time be easy to style.

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