Braids hairstyles for long hair. Beautiful braids for long hair (80 photos) - All types and secrets of braiding. Combination of braids with a bun

Hairstyles with braids have never lost their position. At all times braided hairstyle for long hair it looked stylish, and numerous variations of weaving still help to create unique images for people of different ages. And long hair is ideal for braiding hair. French braids, voluminous, airy, openwork and others are experiencing the burden of popularity today. You can wear them without a twinge of conscience either for an evening with friends or to the office.

The only thing is that you need to decide on a hairstyle model that will suit the shape of your face; as we know, they are divided into five types. Let's look at the most popular images using braids.

Hairstyle with a braid for long hair video:

Classic braid understanding - the basis of all braids. And perhaps only men do not know how to braid it. Divide your hair into three equal parts, and then move the right part to the center, between the left and center parts. You will notice that the moved strand is in the middle. Next, the left strand moves again between the middle and right. Move them one at a time to the length you need. For final completion, we fix it.

Video lesson:

Spit braid

To decorate this braid, we will need not three, but two parts. Having gathered the hair into a bun, we divide the tails in half. From one part inside we separate a small strand and place it in the other direction. We do the same with the strand in the other part, shifting it in the opposite direction. We take turns weaving a spikelet in small strands. We finish the look with a bright accent, in the form of an elastic band, ribbon or hairpin.

Video lesson:

French version

A braided hairstyle for long hair can weave from the very top. This is the case, for example, with the French braid. Divide the hair at the top into three even parts. We place the rightmost strand to the central part, while adding another strand from the remaining hair on the right. We do the same with the left strand. We continue to braid in French until we have a whole braid. Fashionistas, keep in mind that today some carelessness in your hair is very popular, so don’t be upset if the wind frays your perfect hairstyle outside.

Video lesson:

This braid is a variation of the French braid, so to speak, a more complicated version of it. To learn how to make such beauty, we take three strands from the back of the head and intertwine them a couple of times with the classics. Next, taking an additional strand on the right as a support, we place it to the extreme side. On the left side we repeat the same thing. And then all the combined parts are woven together. We weave until complete, securing the resulting airy image with an elastic band.

Video lesson:


Do you need a braided hairstyle for long hair so that it doesn't fall apart throughout the day? A braid in the form of a tourniquet is ideal for you. To create a braid, you need to pull your hair high on the back of your head into a ponytail and divide it into two parts. Next, twist each part clockwise - the hair will resemble a twisted rope. Well, at the end, secure our ponytail with an elastic band or a hairpin.

Video lesson

Waterfalls from braids

Hairstyles where braids are used as an additional decoration look unusual. For example, in hairstyles such as simple and additional waterfall. Take a small strand from either side and braid it into a classic braid approximately up to the ear area. And then we proceed to designing the waterfall, where we will need to constantly leave the lower strand free. A new part of hair is used instead. This interweaving of the three main parts continues until you reach the opposite temple. The waterfall ends with a regular braid that passes behind the ear.

Video lesson:

Hair net

A braided hairstyle for long hair can also look like a mesh. At first it will seem difficult to perform, but it is not. Prepare a large number of rubber bands for the mesh. We separate the first row of hair on the front side with a comb, and remove the rest. We divide the selected row into equal squares, from which tails are then obtained. We do the same with the second row, the only difference is that the squares in this row, in relation to the first, are in a checkerboard arrangement. And the tails of the second row take half of the hair of the first. The same is done with the remaining rows. At the end, the ponytails are secured with elastic bands. So we have come up with an unusually beautiful hairstyle, perhaps it will require some skills from you, but everything comes with experience, the main thing is to try

Fashion changes and depending on it, girls not only choose clothes, shoes, makeup, but also their hairstyle. In recent years, women are increasingly choosing fashionable short haircuts, but long hair will never lose its relevance.

At all times and for all ages braids for long hair They were considered a beautiful decoration for a woman’s image, and now the choice of different hairstyles with braids and weaves is simply huge.

Everyone can learn how to weave braids for long hair with their own hands, let’s start with simpler braids and end with a variety of interesting braids.

Classic three-strand braid

A hairstyle that has passed through time - a classic 3-strand braid, suitable for both long and medium hair. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers braided their long thick hair, and the thicker it was, the more beautiful the woman was considered.

3-strand braid pattern

Today this is the fastest and simplest braid that even a child can learn to weave.

The hair must be divided into three equal parts and then braided as shown in the diagram: The outermost strand on the right is transferred between the other two, then the outermost strand also moves between the two neighboring ones. Continue braiding to the ends of the hair and secure with an elastic band.

At first glance, this braid may seem boring, but once you look at the variety of hairstyles that can be done using this braid, it becomes a favorite for many.

Video tutorial on braiding 3-strand braids

Three-strand braid - photo

French braid for long hair

A French braid on long hair looks very impressive, besides, this weaving allows you to collect your hair tightly, it will not fall out of your hairstyle and disturb you. It can be braided straight or obliquely, or two or more French braids can be braided over the head.

French braid pattern

Weaving also begins with three strands as in the previous version, but we start weaving from the top of the head and separate three small strands. We start weaving in the usual way, the only difference is that when moving the outer strand, each time we grab a small strand of loose hair to it.

Video instructions for weaving a French braid

By adjusting the thickness of the strands, you can determine for yourself what kind of braid you will have, with small or large weaving.

Reverse French braid

This hairstyle is also called dragon braid. As you already understand from the name, weaving occurs according to the same pattern as a regular French braid, but the outer strands do not move upward, but under the adjacent strand, that is, from below.

Weaving pattern

There can also be several options for such a braid; you can braid two symmetrical braids, or one zigzag. If you pull out small loops from each braid of the finished braid, you will get a beautiful voluminous hairstyle for long hair, which is suitable even for going out.

Weaving video

Reverse French braid - photo

Fishtail braid for long hair

A fishtail is a fairly simple weave that is actually made from two strands. More precisely, the hair is divided into two parts, then a small strand is pulled out from one part and transferred to the adjacent part, we will do the same on the other side, thus we get an interesting weave that really vaguely resembles a fish tail :)

Fishtail (spikelet) - weaving pattern

This braiding looks especially good on long hair; the braid turns out to be very unusual and interesting. You can also make a high ponytail on the top of your head and braid it into a fish tail - you will get a fashionable and stylish hairstyle.

Weaving video tutorial

Waterfall braid - a wonderful hairstyle for long hair

The combination of loose curls and a beautiful braid is an ideal hairstyle for girls who like to wear long hair loose. At the same time, framing your hair with such a braid will give the image a finished and neat look.

The waterfall spit is perfect for a special occasion, a romantic walk or a trip to the theater.

The weaving can be seen in the diagram, it is quite simple, it is done like a French braid. To get the effect of flowing hair, the additional strand that enters the braid is not braided, but remains hanging freely.

Waterfall braiding pattern Video weaving lesson

4 strand braid for long hair

We have looked at simple braids of 2 and 3 strands, now you can move on to more complex openwork weaving patterns. These include braids for long hair with 4 or more strands.

Four-strand braid pattern

When weaving a braid of 4 strands, the main thing is not to get confused about what goes behind what. Once you get the hang of it, such a seemingly complex braid can be completed in a few minutes.

The easiest way to learn how to weave this braid is through video lessons.

Weaving an openwork braid of 5 strands for long hair

Weaving a five-strand braid requires some skill and experience; if you can already easily perform the previous weaves, you can move on to more complex ones.

A 5-strand braid can only be done on long, thick hair; I advise you to carefully watch the diagram and video tutorial to master this braiding technique.

Weaving pattern Video tutorial for 5-strand braids

Braid - mermaid tail - hairstyle for long-haired beauties

A very delicate and romantic braid, it looks voluminous and a little careless. We take the French braid as a basis, the only difference is that when we grab another strand of loose hair, we do not pull it into the braid, but leave it in a weakened form.

The mermaid braid can also be made in several variations, look at the photo and video.

Scythe shell

Another great hairstyle for long hair. It can be performed using any braid (classic, French, fishtail). Here the location of the braid plays an important role; it should start from one edge, then make a semicircle and curl like a shell.

Also, to create a shell you will need bobby pins or pins to secure it in the desired position.

Video tutorial on braiding shell braids

Braid around the head (crown)

A spectacular hairstyle that is not suitable for everyone; if you have a beautiful oval face shape and pronounced features, then you can safely adopt this braid. This hairstyle is also called a basket hairstyle.

Braiding can be done in several ways; it can be a classic braid, which when finished goes around the head, or it can be a circular French braid.

If you choose the first option, then keep in mind that the hair must be very long so that it is enough to completely cover the head.

Video lessons

Today we have collected for you 7 braided hairstyles for every day.

A distinctive feature of today's ideas and photo tutorials with text step-by-step instructions they will benefit from their simple and quick execution. A light weave braids for short, medium and long hair will delight you with its grace, versatility and original approach.

1 Braid for every day in a ponytail

An easy figure eight braid and your ponytail hairstyle looks completely new and amazingly playful.

2 Braid for long hair for every day

Three simple braids for long and medium hair in one original hairstyle for every day. Video tips for braiding are included.

3 Upside down braided hairstyle for every day

How to get out of it so that it is both invisible and stylish if your hair is not “first freshness”? Combine a braid and a bun in one hairstyle. Also ideal for the beach and wet hair.

4 Simple French braid for every day

This braided hairstyle is best suited for long hair. You can wear it both every day and on special occasions. As for the braids themselves, choose any of them, but we advise you to pay attention to the French one.

5 Light braid for every day

Simple and quick to do, braids for every day can turn into a gorgeous hairstyle, as if straight from the series Game of Thrones in our modern life. These braids are best done on long hair.

6 Hairstyle with a braid for medium hair for every day

The undoubted advantage of this hairstyle is that it is very simple, but sophisticated. Done within a few minutes, braiding is easy. High-level versatility - suitable for medium-short, medium and long hair.

  1. As always, the first stage begins with combing your hair. In the case of half-down hair done in the “Malvina” style, the hair at the back of the head should be lightly combed so that it appears fuller under the back headband of hair.
  2. On the right side, just above the temple, separate a not too thin part of the hair, twist it into a plait up to the middle of the head. Do the same on the left. Adjust the degree of tightness, as well as the width of the strands, to your discretion and taste.
  3. Connect both strands at the back center of your head and braid.
  4. Curl the remaining loose hair into soft ringlets.
  5. To take this already elegant hairstyle to a new level, we suggest twisting the plait on the right side to the length of the left side, and securing it there with an invisible hairpin. Place the left one overlapping over the right flagellum to cover the place of attachment, and hide its end and secure it under the base of the right one. With this option, however, you will have to do without braids or replace the plaits with them in order to get a reverse half-crown of braids.

7 Braid headband made from overgrown bangs

If you're growing your bangs and can't figure out where else to put them so that they don't get in the way of your eyes, this braided hairstyle is your salvation option.

In this article you will learn the basic techniques of braiding with step-by-step photos.

After reading it, you will be able to independently create both everyday simple and the most sophisticated and extraordinary designer hairstyles.

Braiding step by step photos: varieties

The braid is not only one of the most feminine, but also practical hairstyles. With braided hair, you can easily walk throughout the day without fear of it becoming disheveled. Moreover, such a hairstyle is quite universal and looks natural and harmonious both in a business setting and at a youth party.

There are several main types of braiding:

  • classical Russian;
  • European: Swiss, Greek, English, Dutch and famous French weaving;
  • eastern: plaits (side braids), ropes, threads, braids, zizi, curls, rastas, etc.; the last three types can also be used for short hair;
  • designer: “French waterfall”, knotted braids, Lino Russo, “basket”, “dragon”, “fishtail”, “figure eight”, etc.

The best way to master any of the techniques is to watch video tutorials on this topic or study photographs of step-by-step braiding. Moreover, for any of these weaves you can use not only your own hair, but also false strands or hairpieces. Their color can either match or contrast with your own hair color: the main thing is not to use more than three colors at the same time.

Advice! Recently, the so-called careless styling has become very popular, which can be used with any type of weaving. But even in this case, the strands should be pulled together evenly and not stray from the overall style. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look simply sloppy.

Classic braids

The traditional Russian braid has long been a frequent guest on many famous catwalks: the Valentino fashion house, theatrical shows of Victor&Rolf, Emerson, etc. Today it is presented in various variations: from braiding on the back, sides or top of the head to creating the most intricate hairstyles of the two and more braids However, it’s not difficult to master even such complex types of braiding yourself with the help of step-by-step photos.

The traditional Russian braid consists of three equal strands that are intertwined alternately. It can be not only smooth, but also voluminous, slightly disheveled, multi-colored, asymmetrical, or used in combination with other types of hairstyles. The hair can be parted straight or sideways, asymmetrically, or have no parting at all. The weaving density and the number of strands used can also vary.

One of the varieties of the Russian braid is the “spikelet” braiding: a technique that allows you to achieve volume and pomp in your hair. In this case, only two strands are used with the sequential addition of new ones. The order in which they are added may vary. However, for the hairstyle to look neat, the density of each new strand added should be the same.

Advice! Perfectly smooth braids look too strict, so you should let some strands stick out a little.

Straight from Europe

Designers distinguish several options for weaving that came to us from Europe:

  • Swiss braid: it is woven according to the Russian principle, but before that, each of the strands is twisted into a tight strand, due to which the hairstyle looks more voluminous; This type of weaving goes perfectly with any style and looks great with jeans or an open summer dress, as well as with a business or cocktail suit; step-by-step weaving of such braids for medium hair or hair of maximum length can be seen below;
  • French weaving: unlike the “spikelet”, the strands are not woven one on top of the other, but are laid inside; the braid begins with a small bun, divided into 3 main strands, with the gradual addition of additional strands after 2-3 cm so that at the end of the braiding all the hair is collected; strands can be taken from one or both sides; weaving can be direct (towards you) or reverse (away from you); start from the crown or pass throughout the head in the form of a wreath;

  • English: its only difference from the Russian version is that the braiding begins with a ponytail, attached to the back of the head or closer to the crown; Similar braiding for long hair is shown in the step-by-step photo;
  • Dutch: braid “inside out”; the woven strands do not hide inside the hair, but rise above it;
  • Greek: a combination of smooth hair and a braid that resembles a headband that runs across the entire head; in this case, three small strands are taken closer to the parting, the rest of the hair is pinned up for a while; small strands are gradually added in a circle, with the help of which such a headband-braid is firmly held on the head; There can be two braids, in which case they start on both sides of the parting, and then are cut into one at the back of the head.

Advice! Stylists advise doing a little backcombing at the roots before braiding. It will make your hair more voluminous and your hairstyle more feminine. This technique is especially relevant when creating evening hairstyles.

Oriental tales

A distinctive feature of such hairstyles is the intricate shapes and the presence of large, eye-catching decorations:

  • strands (Sinhala braids or screw braids): the hair is divided into two equal strands, each of which is twisted in one direction; then both strands cross and twist in the opposite direction; harnesses can be used in combination with loose strands, a ponytail, side braids, etc.;

  • rope braids: a side parting is made on the hair, and braiding (twisting two small strands) begins on the side where there is more hair; when passing such a braid, new small strands are added around the head; at the level of the back of the head it intertwines with the main mass of hair in the direction opposite to the main weave;
  • Afro braids (braids): many small braids weaving from the back of the head to the temples; you can let them loose, create one or several thick braids from them, make a tail out of them, twist them into a shell, etc.;

  • zizi: a type of braid, ultra-thin braids made of artificial hair, created using machine weaving; woven into each individual strand of their own hair;
  • Curly: the method is similar to zizi, but the curls are twisted into a tight spiral; can be used for extensions.

With the help of step-by-step photos for beginners, you can master braiding quite quickly. The main thing is patience and extreme care.

Advice! Unraveling small braids is quite problematic. To make this procedure easier, before creating a hairstyle, the hair should be thoroughly washed with a cleansing shampoo, not an ordinary one, and then any high-quality balm should be applied to it.

Modern design techniques used in weaving

In recent years, braided hairstyles have received the most unexpected interpretation. However, any design techniques are, in fact, improved ethnic versions of the Russian, European and Oriental versions:

  • “French waterfall”: resembles the usual one or two braids, starting at the temples and ending at the back of the head; however, each lower strand is released into “free floating” and falls freely onto the back. The hairstyle can have all sorts of variations: be asymmetrical, go over any part of the head, sag, etc. It can be used even on short hair;

  • knot braid: two strands are connected to each other using a series of knots; in this case, both part of the hair can be woven (one or two small knots are used as a kind of decoration), or its entire volume;
  • Lino Russo: a combination of knots and the “spikelet” technique. After each knot, new hairs are added to the already selected strands; for such a hairstyle, the hair must be cut evenly and be the same along the entire length;
  • “snake”: a regular French braid is not located along one line, but meanders over the entire surface of the head; may have 2-3 or more spreads;
  • “basket”: part of the hair on the top of the head is gathered into a high ponytail, then a regular French braid is woven from the temple with alternate addition of strands from the ponytail and free hair;
  • cornrow braiding: classic afro braids are arranged all over the head in the form of a geometric pattern reminiscent of rows of corn (from the English corn - corn and row - row); To obtain such a pattern, each miniature braid is braided in the manner of a classic French braid.

Advice!To make it easier to weave when creating a braided hairstyle, you can use any styling products: foam, varnish or gel.

Braiding for short hair

Thanks to improved braiding methods and the availability of modern means of fixation, you can decorate yourself with braids even if you have short hair:

  • “headband”: two braids are braided at the temples, and then secured with hairpins at the back of the head;
  • braid parting: a weave of side strands located on one or both sides of the face;
  • bangs with a double braid: the upper part of the face is framed by two small braids;
  • a braid around the head: can be located in any part of it, pass over the entire head, or located on the left, right of the face, or braided only at the back of the head;
  • “French bangs”: long bangs can be pulled to the side in the form of a French braid; since in the case of a short haircut the hairs will invariably stick out on the sides, you should fluff and tousle the rest of the hair so that it looks as organic as possible;
  • a combination of the “punk” style and the French braid: some of the curls are combed in the form of a mohawk; the side strands are braided.

Since ancient times, braids for long hair have been considered one of the most feminine hairstyles. It is impossible to determine exactly when they first began to be woven, but it is known that girls and women all over the world used this method to curb unruly curls back in antiquity. The hairstyle was popular with the ancient Greeks, Indians, Egyptians, and was also part of Slavic culture. At all times and for all ages, braids for long hair have been considered a beautiful decoration for a woman’s image, and now the choice of different hairstyles with braids and braids is simply huge.

Faces are divided into five categories based on shape. The ideal face has an oval shape. The hairstyle must be chosen so as to bring the face shape as close as possible to an oval one.

Oval face. You can safely experiment with braids, especially on thick hair. They will all look good.
Round face. To visually lengthen the shape, use braids starting above the crown. They are braided over the entire length, and a small tail or knot is left at the end. It is possible to place the hanging part of the braid on the top of the head to lengthen the face.
Square face. To visually smooth out the shape of the face, it is better to first braid it over the entire head, and the end in the usual way. Smoothly bending around the contour of the face, it will remove unnecessary angularity.
Rectangular face. This face shape needs to be visually shortened, so you can’t use long straight braids. You can add bangs, voluminous braids braided all over the head are also suitable - a French braid, a spikelet up to the neck.

Triangular face. To add volume to the lower part of the face, long bangs are left to hide the neck and ears. Next, you can choose a classic braid, which is braided from the back of the head.

Classic three-strand braid A hairstyle that has passed through time - a classic three-strand braid, suitable for both long and medium hair. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers braided their long thick hair, and the thicker it was, the more beautiful the woman was considered.
Today this is the fastest and simplest braid that even a child can learn to weave. The hair must be divided into three equal parts and then braided as shown in the diagram: The outermost strand on the right is transferred between the other two, then the outermost strand also moves between the two neighboring ones. Continue braiding to the ends of the hair and secure with an elastic band.
At first glance, this braid may seem boring, but once you look at the variety of hairstyles that can be done using this braid, it becomes a favorite for many.

Rope-harness - this option helps to create fashionable and stylish hairstyles quite quickly. The “Rope” style looks great, holding long hair neatly and firmly throughout the day. Laying this weave is simple and can be done by any girl.
Make a tail high on the top of the head and divide it in half into two parts. Each of the 2 strands is twisted clockwise so that the result is a weave that looks like a twisted rope. Small rubber bands secure each end.

Then they begin to twist both braids together counterclockwise. An important condition for this type of weaving is a fairly strong tension of the strands and tight twisting of the “ropes”.
Individually protruding hairs are additionally treated with gel and smoothed. This styling retains its attractive appearance for a long time. The hairstyle is secured with an elastic band.

The advantages of the Greek braid include the versatility of this type of styling for long hair for any type of face, as well as the ability to visually increase the volume of the hairstyle for owners of thin and sparse hair.

In addition, you can braid such a braid from both straight and curly hair without first straightening it with an iron. By braiding a braid along your forehead, you can easily hide your long bangs and they won’t bother you while working in the office. This hairstyle with neatly styled hair opens up the face and harmonizes perfectly with an evening dress during a social event. But if you are going for a walk in fashionable jeans or want to wear a light summer dress, then you can always choose a Greek braid (high, in the back, on the side), which will harmoniously fit into a stylish female look.

  • The hairstyle will look elegant and natural if you put curls in the braid, forming a loose and wide weave;
  • If your curls are not thick, do not tighten the strands too much while braiding and the hairstyle will look more voluminous;
  • The bangs can be braided, and individual strands on the sides can be slightly twisted and left loose;
  • It is not advisable to decorate a Greek braid with too bright or massive accessories. A beautiful hairpin with a flower made from ribbons in beige, cream or other pastel shades to match your wardrobe will add a special charm to your fashionable hairstyle.

What is needed for installation

  • Comb with a thin and sharp handle
  • Oval massage brush
  • bobby pins
  • Hairdressing elastic bands
  • Hairpins
  • Ribbons and other decorative elements
  • Mousse or hair styling spray

  • We wash our long hair with shampoo, dry it with a hairdryer and comb the slightly damp hair thoroughly with a brush, and with a thin comb we make a neat parting on the side;
  • Using a thin comb, separate the strand on the ear, and fix the rest of the hair with hairpins and barrettes so that they do not interfere with the braid;
  • We divide the strand above the ear into three parts and begin to braid a French braid;
  • Having connected the strands together several times, add a curl on the left side so that the working strand becomes thicker;
  • The hair should be long enough for the braid to reach the opposite ear. Continue alternating the classic braid with adding additional strands to the braid;
  • Having completed the braiding above the opposite ear, we secure the tip of the braid with hairpins and elastic bands. An alternative option is to braid the same braid from the opposite ear and connect it in the area of ​​the crown with elastic bands and hairpins. We hide the ends under the lower curls;
  • At the end of the hairstyle, fix the styling with a special product, after which you can decorate the braid with ribbons or other accessories.

We can say boldly and accurately that all hairstyles using French braids are very beautiful. And another distinctive feature is that they are suitable for a wide range of ages and are ideal for many situations.
This is a great idea for long and fluffy baby hair. Two neat French braids will save a schoolgirl from hair that gets in the way during a lesson at school. French braids are a very good way to “twist” a little beauty’s hair on the eve of a children’s party. To do this, you just need to divide all your long hair into five separate braids and tightly braid 5 French braids. All hair will look very beautiful the next day in its loose form. They will not be damaged by curlers or curling irons, and this will not prevent the child from getting a good night's sleep. It will be enough just to put on an elegant hoop or a child’s crown.
French braids for long hair appear on the world's best catwalks and the most prestigious red carpets. Girls and women with long hair enjoy mastering all sorts of fancy hairstyles based on the French braid.
After all, the world's leading fashion designers offer more and more different hairstyles on this topic every year. You can weave French braids with or without ribbons, in circles and diagonally, make openwork braids and create particularly voluminous hairstyles based on French braids. A young bride and a business lady, a strict boss and the first beauty of a fun party will find a suitable hairstyle for herself using French braids.

Sometimes making braids for long hair with your own hands is not so easy. When performing complex manipulations from behind, the hands get very tired, and the styling turns out to be careless and ugly.
If you are determined to create a stylish look, pay attention to the French weave, which plays the role of bangs.

  1. Comb your hair and toss it to one side.
  2. Separate a strand at the temple on one side. If you have long bangs, use them to start with.
  3. Start creating a French braid, moving strictly along the hairline. Don't forget to pick up extra strands along the way.
  4. Having reached the other temple, continue weaving, directing it behind the ear. There you can fix the braid, or continue it, gradually incorporating all the hair. The result is an asymmetrical braid.
  5. Fluff it up a little or add volume by pulling on the links. If necessary, twist the hanging braid into a beautiful bun and secure with hairpins.

Fishtail braid for long hair 2020

A very popular weave that, when done correctly, gives the hair fullness. Even if your long hair is not too thick, a fishtail braided on it will make your hairstyle airy and very beautiful.
Step-by-step instruction:

  • The hair is combed and treated with a product to give it volume. It is better to apply styling products to slightly damp hair, and then dry it using a hairdryer; this will help maintain the volume of the hairstyle for a longer time;
  • Then the entire volume of hair is divided into two parts;
  • From the outside, a thin strand is separated from one side and thrown to the opposite side. The thinner the strands are taken during the weaving process, the more delicate and refined the braid turns out;

  • Then a thin strand is separated from the opposite side and also transferred;
  • Weaving continues according to the same pattern;
  • The braid should not be made too tight; it should be braided as loosely as possible;
  • After the braid is braided to the end, it is secured with an elastic band;
  • Next, you need to lightly fluff it with your hands, making the weave more voluminous. To do this, you need to pull the strands in the pigtail. This is done starting from the bottom, loosening the elastic a little.

The combination of hairpins with flowers and fishtail hairstyles for long hair is very popular.

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