Rules for storing cosmetic and edible coconut oil. How to store coconut oil at home How to store coconut oil at home

Coconut oil – completely natural product, which does not contain any additives or preservatives. It's not surprising that many people ask themselves how to store Coconut oil at home. Coconut oil differs from other fats in having a rather long shelf life. It does not oxidize or go rancid for a long time. But in order to remain fresh, certain conditions must be observed. Which? Let's talk about this in the article.

Can coconut oil be stored in the refrigerator?

Many people assume that the refrigerator is the best place for storing coconut oil. Actually this is not true. Each time you open the jar of coconut oil, a little air enters. In the refrigerator it cools, resulting in the formation of condensation, which creates an excellent environment for the development of germs and bacteria. A large number of condensation can cause the oil to quickly deteriorate.

Also, if you store coconut oil in the refrigerator, it becomes too hard and difficult to portion. If the oil is stored in the kitchen cabinet at room temperature, it has a very delicate creamy texture and is immediately usable.

Where to store coconut oil

Where is the best place to store natural things? Coconut oil stays fresh longest when stored in a covered, cool place. During the cooler months, a kitchen cabinet is ideal for storage. It's dark, cool and dry there - it's Better conditions for storing coconut oil. The oil container must always be closed. If you use oil not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes, transfer some of the oil to another jar and store it in the bathroom cabinet.

To extend the shelf life of unrefined coconut oil, it should not be stored in direct sunlight. This will avoid oxidation and hydrolysis of fats, in other words, rancidity. Under the influence of light, oxygen and moisture, the oil may acquire an unpleasant taste and odor. At room temperature, condensation does not form.

When the air temperature rises above 24°C, coconut oil melts. This is absolutely normal and is not a sign of poor quality. Coconut oil can be stored in either solid or liquid form. If you are not satisfied with the liquid consistency, and a cooler room, such as a cellar, is not available, transfer a little oil to a separate bowl. You can put this container of oil in the refrigerator and use it as quickly as possible.

Storage conditions for coconut oil. What to look for

  • The container in which coconut oil is stored must be clean. Anything that gets into a jar from the outside can become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic organisms and bacteria.
  • Coconut oil should be stored in tightly sealed jars and containers. In a sealed container, even high humidity will not harm the oil.
  • Coconut oil should not be scooped with a wet spoon to prevent moisture from entering the jar.
  • The spoon or knife for portioning coconut oil must be clean. Do not take the oil with your hands under any circumstances!
  • When unpleasant odor or sudden change in color, the oil should be thrown away immediately.

How long does coconut oil last?

When stored properly, coconut oil stays fresh for a long time. The shelf life of coconut oil after opening is more than a year, and in a closed jar it can be stored for several years.

But to ensure that everything is saved beneficial features product, try not to open several cans at the same time. If you use coconut oil for multiple purposes, such as cosmetics, cooking, or grooming, place some of the oil in different containers instead of keeping a whole jar in each room. This way, the coconut oil will remain fresh for a long time and its quality will not suffer. Try not to make bulk purchases unless absolutely necessary, but replenish stocks as you use them.

How to store coconut oil at home. Conclusion

  • should be stored at room temperature in a dark place in a closed container.
  • Coconut oil does not need to be refrigerated.
  • You can only take a portion of oil from the jar with a clean spoon.
  • After use, the jar of coconut oil should be closed immediately.

Natural home cosmetics For several years in a row it has been extremely popular among women and men. Today there are many recipes for preparing skin and hair products, but not every person knows how to extend their validity. Nowadays, more and more people are using exotic products, so this article will tell you how to store coconut oil and how to use it correctly. By following basic rules, you can forever forget about problems with expensive ingredients and products that are necessary for self-care for both women and men.

In fact, you can figure out how to store and use coconut oil quite quickly, because there is nothing complicated about it. This oil is actively used to preserve beauty and maintain health. It is used not only for external, but also for internal use. But in order to get the maximum effect, you need to know how to handle this product.

Composition and properties

Before you learn how to store coconut oil, you should understand its composition and properties. The product is obtained from copra, that is, the dried pulp of nuts. The oil contains the following acids:

  • lauric;
  • nylon;
  • myristic;
  • oleic;
  • capric;
  • palmitic;
  • stearic

Every person should definitely know how to store coconut oil at home, because it can be useful in various situations and help solve even those problems that expensive pharmaceutical products cannot solve.

The product is obtained by cold or hot pressing. With the first method, almost all useful substances are preserved, although it is worth noting that the yield of the product is not so great. The second method makes it possible to achieve complete extraction of fats, which significantly reduces the cost and, consequently, efficiency.

Oil selection

How to store coconut oil will be described in detail below, but before that you need to understand the basic rules for choosing a product.

First of all, you should know that oil can be either refined or unrefined. Almost everyone knows how to store and use coconut oil of the first type, because it helps to cope with hair problems. The second option is more preferable as a skin care product.

Really high-quality refined oil is transparent and does not have a particularly pronounced aroma. If the product is unprocessed, it will have a golden hue and the smell of fresh coconut. And if the product has a poisonous yellow tint, the oil is considered unsuitable for use.

How to store coconut oil

The advantage of the product is that it is not too capricious. But despite this, you should still follow certain rules indicating how to store coconut oil at home. Follow the recommendations described in detail below, and the product will perform its functions for a long time.

But it should be noted that even if you know how to properly store coconut oil, you should not purchase it in large quantities. After all, the fresher the product, the more benefits it will bring. Following this, it will be much more profitable to purchase a new portion of oil when it is needed, rather than stocking up for several years in advance.

How does temperature affect storage duration?

Now it's time to learn how to store oil (coconut), and the first thing you should understand is the fact that the product should always be kept in a dark and dry place at room temperature. The consistency of the oil directly depends on it. So, at 24 degrees or more it will become liquid, and in colder conditions it will take on a jelly-like form or even harden.

It is necessary to take into account all these nuances in order to make the oil more convenient to use. After all, with regular use, it is best to keep it in liquid form. In addition, we should also not forget that, having acquired a solid form, the oil will be unsuitable for use even for cosmetic purposes.

Temperature does not particularly affect the shelf life of the product, but you should not keep it in hot conditions either, because in this case it will spoil much faster. The best option is a dark, cool and dry place.

It is recommended to store coconut oil at a constant temperature, which will keep it in good condition for a long time. The product should not be stored in the bathroom, as temperature fluctuations occur there, which shortens the shelf life.

If the oil is stored in the refrigerator, it should not be kept outside for too long when used. If the oil is used quite often, then it will be most beneficial to place it in a dark and cool place.

Direct sunlight significantly accelerates the process of product deterioration. Therefore, it must be kept exclusively in a dark place.

In what container and how to store coconut oil

Unfortunately, not all people understand even basic storage rules. Coconut oil should be kept exclusively in dry containers that should be tightly closed with a lid. In addition, you also need to separate some of the oil for use from the total amount with a clean spoon, knife, fork, and so on.

If liquid gets into the product, you can soon expect mold to appear on its surface, after which there will be no desire to use it for medicinal purposes.

If the butter is purchased in large quantities, it should be melted immediately to obtain a uniform consistency. Then this mixture must be poured into several containers and stored at different temperatures.

Best before date

Refined and unrefined oil is now produced by many manufacturers, each of which guarantees its own shelf life. As a rule, for the first option the period of use is set to two years, for the second - up to four. Although it is worth noting that if you follow the storage rules, you can even slightly increase this period.

Spoiled oil

Obviously, if the product has already disappeared, then no storage recommendations will help restore it. First of all, you need to pay attention to appearance oils If it appears somehow discolored or there are traces of mold on its surface, then this means that the product is completely unsuitable for use.

Many people think that you can simply remove the mold and the product will be fresh, but this is actually not the case. It will not be possible to determine how deeply the mold has penetrated into the oil without special examination, so it is better not to take risks. Otherwise, instead of the healing effect, you can end up with a bunch of other problems.

The packaging of the bottles or ampoules does not indicate exactly how to store coconut oil. The shelf life of the product depends on the temperature, humidity and lighting of the room. Coconut fat is actively used in cooking in Asian countries, but in our country it is often used in cosmetology. You can use it to make homemade face masks and hair balms. Since coconut palms do not grow in Europe, the price of the product is quite high. It is brought from India and other Asian countries.

Cooking method

In Asian countries, where coconuts cost mere pennies, oil production is carried out by small family factories and large industries. Many people mistakenly confuse it with the clear liquid found inside the nut. Others think that it is the liquid squeezed out of the pulp shavings. However, this is nothing more than milk from which butter is extracted.

Butter can be made in two ways:

  • boiling;
  • cold pressed.

In small factories where there is no special equipment, milk is boiled. As a result, the liquid coagulates, turning into a thick brown mass with a clear golden liquid. It is the liquid that is the valuable oil that you can extract at home.

However, a more useful product is obtained by cold pressing, because it cannot be heat treated and retains all trace elements and vitamins. When buying medicinal or cosmetic oil, pay attention to the packaging. It should indicate that the product is made by cold pressing. It lasts longer and contains more useful components.

On the package professional product There are storage recommendations for skin or hair care. If for some reason they are not listed, it is important to find out for yourself how to properly store coconut oil. A 100% ecological product without impurities or flavors can be stored for two years. Coconut oil is not difficult to store, does not oxidize and does not become bitter.

Screw the lid of the jar or bottle tightly to prevent air from getting inside.

For storage, choose a glass bottle with a stopper. It will protect the product as much as possible from oxygen. Screw caps on jars and bottles allow air to pass through, which causes the coconut fat to oxidize.

Coconut oil hardens at temperatures below 24 degrees. If you open the jar and find that the product has thickened and the clear golden color has changed to milky white, don't worry. Useful components do not disappear from this.

Air temperature and humidity

Coconut fat can be stored in either solid or liquid form. This does not affect its quality in any way. The consistency of the product depends solely on temperature conditions. Up to 24 degrees it remains thick, and after 25 a slow melting process begins. The optimal storage temperature is from 4 to 20 degrees. The storage can be a kitchen cabinet, a pantry shelf, or a refrigerator.

If the butter has been stored in the refrigerator, be sure to melt it before using. It is advisable to do this in a water bath or by placing a cold bottle on a warm radiator. Only in liquid form is fat absorbed into the skin or hair. Indoor air humidity should not exceed 60 percent.

The container in which the product is stored must be dark. Direct sunlight inevitably leads to deterioration in quality. Jars should not be stored on a dressing table or shelf; hide them on the refrigerator door or inside a cabinet. You should not worry about the contents of the capsules; they are protected by a dense shell.


Many people buy coconut oil in bulk. This method of sales is practiced in Asian countries, where the product is sold in every store. After purchase, it must be poured into a container suitable for storage.

  • The container should be made of dark glass (plastic jars are not suitable).
  • The lid should close tightly (ideally, there should be a plug on the thread instead of a lid).
  • Make sure that the bottle into which you pour the oil is clean and dry.

It is advisable to follow these rules for storing an environmentally friendly product obtained by cold pressing. Follow the ingredients on the package. If the product contains preservatives, the shelf life cannot be extended by transferring it to another container.

Capsules and ampoules

When buying coconut fat in capsules or ampoules, you risk purchasing a fake or low-quality product. To ensure quality, break one capsule. The leaked liquid should be transparent and have a golden hue. If the color is bright yellow, it means the product is not suitable for further use.

Do not throw away the cardboard packaging, it protects the contents from falling sun rays. Ampoules should not be stored in the refrigerator. This can only be done at the end of the shelf life (three months before). Packs of capsules can be stored in a medicine cabinet or in a dark place (closets). After opening, the ampoule must be used; it can be stored for no more than 12 hours.

Storing a Home Product

Making homemade butter is quite easy. From one medium-sized coconut you will get approximately 30 ml of finished product. The nut pulp should be grated on a fine grater and squeezed through cheesecloth. The white liquid is coconut milk, which is sometimes confused with the water inside the nut. The milk is boiled over low heat until it begins to darken. The mass is divided into lumps and a transparent brownish liquid. After cooling, the contents of the saucepan are squeezed through gauze to obtain oil.

Pour the squeezed oily liquid into darkened glass bottles. It is advisable that they be plugged with plugs that do not allow air to pass through. The use of plastic containers is strictly prohibited. Homemade oil should be used within 2 weeks after preparation.

Food storage

The food product must be stored in the refrigerator. Only hot-pressed oil is used for food (you can prepare it yourself using the recipe described above).

Despite the long shelf life and unpretentious storage conditions, do not stock up on a huge number of vials overnight. The fresher the product, the healthier it is.

Coconut oil is obtained by pressing the pulp of the coconut. This product has many advantages and is successfully used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. You can buy it in the store or prepare it yourself at home, which allows you to eat it fresh. To preserve all the beneficial properties, it is important to know how to store coconut oil.

The tree of Life

The coconut palm and its fruits have long played an important role in the lives of peoples living in Africa, India, Central America and most Asian countries.

The first documentary mention dates back to the 9th century. It describes the agricultural use of the fibrous part of the plant. He is told in the story of Sinbad the Sailor from One Thousand and One Nights. Marco Polo called it an Indian nut, and the term “coconut” appeared only in the 17th century.

In its natural habitat, the tree grows in tropical and subtropical regions with a humid climate. Prefers coastal sandy soils. The combination of rainy and sunny weather is ideal for plant growth and fruiting. Local population widely uses it in everyday economic life. All its parts come into play:

  • Wood - for the construction of buildings.
  • The leaves are used to weave baskets, mats and roofs for huts.
  • They eat milk, pulp and products prepared from them.
  • Nut shells are used as utensils.
  • They make musical instruments.
  • The fruits are used as projectiles.
  • Medicinal drugs are being prepared.

The influence of the coconut tree on the existence of people in some regions is so great that it is considered a factor that shaped civilization.

Beneficial features

Coconuts have been used as food for centuries. The white pulp is used to prepare shavings and various dishes; the milky liquid is popular due to its nutritional qualities. Oil is extracted from the nut kernels, which can be used for frying and making cosmetic products.

Some time ago, negative statements appeared in the press regarding the benefits of this oil.. Some publications have stated that it is excessively high in saturated fat, which should be avoided at all costs. This is due to the fact that such compounds contribute to increasing cholesterol levels.

However, recent studies by biochemists have not confirmed this.

The previous findings were based on experiments with highly refined, processed hydrogenated coconut oil, which is very different from a naturally processed organic product. It turned out that the unique structure ensures easy absorption of not only the fats themselves, but also the nutrients associated with them.

Application in medicine

Palm oil is used in the development and manufacture of traditional and modern medicines due to its pronounced antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It is usually used in complex treatment of diseases:

The secret of southern beauties

For Europeans, the beauty and youth of women in East Asian countries has long remained a mystery. And the secret was revealed simply - to preserve their “wealth”, ladies use cosmetic coconut oil.

It is used for health and improvement of hair structure, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, teeth whitening. Taking into account all its qualities, it is one of the best massage oils and an excellent means for relaxation. As an essential component, it is included in many Asian skin care products. High-quality oil smells deliciously like cookies, which makes all procedures with it extremely pleasant.

Composition of coconut oil

More than 90% of butter is saturated fat. It's actually not as bad as it might seem. Most of them are medium chain triglycerides, which are easily absorbed by the body. Thanks to this composition, the oil oxidizes slowly and is resistant to rancidity.

  • lauric - 48%;
  • myristic - 16%;
  • palmitic - 9.5%;
  • caprylic - 7%;
  • decanoic acid - 8%;
  • oleic - 6.5%;
  • others - 5%.

This oil contains phytosterols but does not have significant levels of any micronutrients. Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 890 Kcal.
  • Saturated fat - 82.5 g.
  • Monounsaturated - 6.3 g.
  • Polyunsaturated - 1.7 g.
  • Vitamin E - 0.11 mg.
  • Vitamin K - 0.6 mg.
  • Iron - 0.05 mg.
  • Phytosterols - 86 mg.

Using old technologies

You can easily find any product in supermarkets.

As a rule, they have already undergone certain processing and contain all kinds of emulsifiers, improvers and brighteners. Many housewives are thinking about how to make coconut oil at home using the pressing method. The cooking process is quite labor-intensive.

To prepare 150 grams of oil you will need 9-10 ripe coconuts. 3-4 nuts will give 1 liter of milk to obtain 50 grams of product. No machines or equipment are required, ordinary kitchen utensils and utensils are enough.

  1. Grate the white parts of the fruit or grind in a blender, after adding a small amount of water.
  2. Wrap in several layers of gauze and squeeze the liquid into a suitable bowl.
  3. Strain the extracted milk through a sieve and cloth to thoroughly remove impurities.
  4. Pour into a saucepan and cook for 2-3 hours over low heat, stirring.
  5. When the liquid turns brown, remove from heat and let cool.
  6. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.
  7. Remove the thickened top layer of oil and place in a jar.

Proper storage

To ensure that the product does not lose its consumer properties, it must be stored in a solid state at a temperature not exceeding 24 °C. Manufacturers usually indicate an expiration date for coconut oil. The widest range of products using this component is supplied from Thailand, which describes in detail how to store coconut oil from Thailand.

It is better to keep the opened product in a cool place in a tightly closed glass jar. The penetration of air will cause the oil to oxidize and change its taste.

This tropical oil has become one of the healthiest and most fashionable products.. It is consumed and advertised by Hollywood stars with pleasure. It is a must on restaurant menus. healthy eating and in an assortment of organic grocery stores. It is part of medicinal preparations. Spas include it in their skin and hair health programs. Even in our technologically advanced times, the coconut palm rightfully bears the name “tree of life.”

Attention, TODAY only!

Recipes based on coconut oil are rapidly gaining popularity. The scope of its use is very wide - its unique properties are used both in cooking and in medicine and cosmetology.


When consumed, coconut oil helps strengthen the immune system and accelerate metabolic processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is well absorbed by the body. When used externally, it treats various dermatological diseases and accelerates the healing process of damage. In addition, coconut oil is an excellent natural cosmetic product For daily care for skin and hair.

Coconut oil - vegetable oil, obtained from coconut shavings (copra).

Given all the benefits, it is important to know how to properly store coconut oil in order to preserve its beneficial properties for as long as possible.

How to choose coconut oil

First of all, let's figure out how to choose the right coconut oil. First, you need to decide what type of product you need - refined or unrefined oil. Its appearance, smell and storage characteristics depend on this.

Refined (purified) coconut oil is characterized by a pure white color, absence of odor and pronounced taste. Unrefined oil, in turn, is light, almost transparent, with a light golden hue, a pleasant coconut aroma and delicate taste.

Coconut oil can be hot or cold pressed. The first method allows you to get more juice, but with the loss of a certain amount of useful substances. Most often, this oil is used in cooking for heat treatment of dishes. Cold pressing is a gentle method; it allows you to preserve the maximum benefits of the product. This oil is ideal for salad dressings and side dishes.


You can often find organic coconut oil on store shelves. It is considered the most useful product premium because it is extracted from coconut palm nuts that were grown without the use of chemical fertilizers.

For food, medicinal and strengthening purposes, it is best to use unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil.

To protect yourself from counterfeiting, carefully study the label. The oil should not contain additives: dyes, flavors or preservatives. Pay attention to the consistency: high-quality coconut oil is thick and homogeneous, while low-quality coconut oil is runny, reminiscent of shampoo or milk. Check out the country of origin: the main suppliers of coconut oil are Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka.

Signs of spoiled coconut oil:

  • strange smell (for example, smoked meats). This indicates that the oil is stale and the shelf life has not been met;
  • a bright yellow color indicates a spoiled product. The natural color of unrefined oil is golden, while refined oil is white;
  • bitter taste - it is characteristic of old oil.
Natural unrefined coconut oil has a very light aroma. If the product has a pronounced coconut smell, it means that flavoring has been added to it.

Storing Coconut Oil

Once a quality product has been selected, let's learn how to properly store coconut oil.

First of all, it is worth noting that it can be stored in both liquid and solid states. Consistency depends on temperature conditions and does not in any way affect the quality characteristics of the product. The thing is that at a temperature of +20...+27 °C the oil thickens, gradually hardens and acquires a milky white color. To return it to its original state, just hold the package under running hot water.


Coconut oil cannot be called a capricious product, but there are still some requirements for storage conditions. So, how and where to store coconut oil:

  • Light. Like most foods, coconut oil is sensitive to light, so it's best to store it in a dark place, such as a kitchen cabinet.
  • Temperature. Storing coconut oil at home will not be difficult at all - it can be kept either in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Optimal mode ranges from +4 to +20 °C. It is important not to place it in the freezer or overheat it in the sun. Unrefined oil is stored in the refrigerator at temperatures up to +7 °C.
  • Tara. It is best to store coconut oil in a dark glass container with an airtight lid (stopper). If the factory packaging is made of plastic, we recommend pouring its contents into glass bottle. It is important that the container is always tightly closed, since when oxygen enters, the oxidation process starts and the oil begins to gradually deteriorate.
  • Shelf life. If you are using the product for food purposes, the shelf life for unrefined coconut oil will be 6 months at room temperature and 12-15 months in the refrigerator, for refined coconut oil - 12-15 months. Cold-pressed coconut oils have a longer shelf life than hot-pressed coconut oils. For cosmetic purposes, the oil can be used longer - a 100% natural product without impurities can be stored for 2 years.
The shelf life of coconut oil prepared at home is no more than 2 weeks. This product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Use in cooking

Many people know how to use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes, let’s look at how you can use it in cooking:

  • coconut oil is used for preparing any hot dishes: meat, fish and vegetables, for soups, hot appetizers and sauces;
  • Along with butter, coconut oil is suitable for side dishes: it can be added to mashed potatoes, pasta, rice or buckwheat porridge, and also used to dress salads;
  • baked goods with coconut oil retain their fluffiness and freshness much longer;
  • You can stew any vegetables in coconut oil and make a delicious stew;
  • it is added to sweet milk porridges (for example, semolina, rice, millet or pumpkin);
  • Coconut oil is ideal for deep-frying lovers - it does not go rancid, and therefore can be used in deep frying 5-7 times.

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