What kind of discharge occurs during ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy by week Can there be bleeding during an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy refers to pathological condition and is a complication of pregnancy. It is characterized by the fact that the fertilized egg attaches outside the walls of the uterus. This condition requires urgent hospitalization as it causes internal bleeding and can be fatal for the woman.

Danger ectopic pregnancy is that at the beginning of the origin of life, it is no different from the uterine one. A woman may experience nausea, weakness, and tenderness of the mammary glands.

Characteristic symptoms begin to appear between 5 and 8 weeks and are expressed as follows:

· Bleeding occurs in the abdominal cavity, since this is where the blood vessels are damaged. But uterine bleeding can often be observed, which is caused by a sharp drop in progesterone levels. The discharge is usually only insignificant, sometimes it can resemble menstrual discharge. Heavy bleeding occurs, but is extremely rare.

· The pain is of a different nature, can be cutting, paroxysmal and aching, localized in the lower abdomen, followed by irradiation to the side and anus.

· If the blood loss is significant, the woman may develop a state of shock. It is characterized by loss of consciousness, pallor, and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

In case of bleeding, a surgical method is always used to remove the fertilized egg. Either only the egg or the fallopian tube is removed if it ruptures.

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Implantation bleeding during pregnancy

Implantation bleeding is a natural occurrence of blood in the early stages of pregnancy. It is due to the fact that the fertilized egg tries to penetrate the walls of the uterus. This type of bleeding is not pathological and is not observed in every woman.

According to statistics, bleeding in pregnant women is quite common. A similar problem affects up to 20% of expectant mothers. In Russia, up to 100 women die every year from bleeding during pregnancy, which indicates the seriousness of the problem.

This type of bleeding received its name due to the fact that the introduction of an egg into the walls of the endometrium of the uterus is called implantation. By damaging tissues and blood vessels, the egg hardens inside the woman’s body, causing bleeding. This process occurs on average on the 8th day; after sexual intercourse, sometimes the process can last up to 12 days. The discharge does not last long, the discharge is observed for 2 hours, no more.

It is important to be able to recognize the signs of implantation bleeding and distinguish it from the onset of menstruation or another type of blood loss.

The following indicates that a woman is experiencing implantation bleeding:

· The presence of unpleasant, but not too painful sensations in the lower abdomen. They are of a pulling nature. Caused by muscle spasms of the uterine musculature.

· Short-term decline basal temperature. But this sign is very difficult to track, since the decrease is insignificant and short-lived.

· The bleeding itself is weak, the discharge is often light, creamy in color.

· A woman may feel slightly unwell, accompanied by dizziness, weakness and lethargy. They occur after the implantation of the egg is completed.

· The timing of implantation can be calculated. This will happen on day 10, after ovulation, if the cycle is 28 days.

· Unlike menstruation, this bleeding is short-lived.

· The color of the discharge will not be as rich.

· The amount of such discharge is equal to several drops.

On this topic:Implantation bleeding - what it looks like, how many days it lasts, causes

When an ectopic pregnancy occurs, implantation bleeding is somewhat different. The woman experiences pain, sharp and paroxysmal. Most often, ectopic implantation is immediately accompanied by dizziness and nausea. As the blood passes through the fallopian tube, it will become dark, and therefore the discharge will take on a corresponding character.

If the discharge occurred before or after the specified period. If they are intense, this may indicate the presence of some other disease. In this case, you need to go to a doctor for advice.

Determining implantation bleeding on your own using a pregnancy test is problematic. As a rule, at such early stages of pregnancy it does not give a reliable result and should be done only after the first day of missed menstruation.

There is a more reliable method for determining the presence of pregnancy - this is taking blood and conducting an analysis for the specific hormone hCG. When fertilization occurs, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's blood increases. It is actively secreted by the membrane of the fertilized egg. This method of determining pregnancy is very reliable and can be done as early as 6 days after intercourse. However, it will be more reliable after implantation bleeding has occurred.

Minasyan Margarita

An ectopic pregnancy (hereinafter referred to as EP) sounds scary and threatening from a gynecologist, because a woman immediately imagines the worst consequences. Indeed, such a pathology does not carry anything good for the body, which is why it is so important to identify it in the early stages. And knowledge about the nature of discharge during ectopic pregnancy will help with this. Signs of a complicated pregnancy most often appear immediately and are difficult to miss, but there are also special cases when the pathology practically does not make itself felt. Any woman should understand what to look for at the slightest suspicion and how to correctly assess the nature of vaginal secretion in order to avoid complications.

What are the risks of an ectopic pregnancy?

It is a pathological type of pregnancy development in which the fertilized egg is located outside the uterine cavity. This type of pathology requires emergency medical care (laparoscopy), otherwise the lack of treatment may result in the death of the patient.

If in the past VB involved removal of the fallopian tube, now with laparoscopy doctors can not only accurately assess the woman’s condition, but also carry out the most gentle surgical intervention. But you still can’t hesitate, because a fertilized egg, fixed in the wrong place, will increase over time, which can cause:

  • uterine tube rupture;
  • infection of the abdominal cavity;
  • peritonitis;
  • severe bleeding into the abdominal cavity;
  • death.

Important! Since spotting is one of the first symptoms, it is they that require special attention.

If a woman assesses her condition in time and goes for examination, then the fertilized egg will be removed using laparoscopy while maintaining the possibility of childbearing. The recovery period as a result of the operation is not long; pain may be observed for some time.

But if the pathology is detected late (rupture of the fallopian tube), the surgeon will be forced to remove not only the embryo, but also the tube or part of it, which will lead to the ovary losing its functionality.

The first symptoms of pathology

Bloody discharge is the first signal of the development of an ectopic pregnancy, but other problems cannot be ruled out: erosion of the cervix, threat of miscarriage, etc. The following signs of ectopic pregnancy exist:

  1. Toxicosis. This is not observed in all patients; it can be either strong or minor.
  2. Bloody issues. They can have a different character depending on the type of pathology and the stage of development of the embryo. If in the early stages they are spotty in nature, then in advanced situations bleeding may open and blood may enter the abdominal cavity (internal bleeding).
  3. Painful sensations. They occur in the lumbar region, lower abdomen and the site of attachment of the fertilized egg. The pain most often has an increasing character, intensifying against the background of bleeding.
  4. Loss of consciousness and dizziness. The female body experiences shock due to significant blood loss. This may cause pale skin, low blood pressure, rapid, weak pulse, and loss of consciousness.

Even if there is only one symptom, a woman must immediately go to the hospital for a gynecological examination and ultrasound. Indeed, with an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, symptoms may be mild or practically absent.

Possible discharge during ectopic pregnancy photo

Dark beige Spotting for VB Brown for ectopic pregnancy Pink for ectopic pregnancy

Discharge during ectopic pregnancy

This pathology is not limited to one option. Therefore, discharge during an ectopic pregnancy in each individual case may be of a different nature. Also, there may be no pathological discharge at all, but in very rare cases and only in the very early stages of the pathology.

A woman should carefully familiarize herself with this issue in order to know exactly what discharge is characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy:

  • scanty, spotting;
  • most often long-term;
  • brown or ;
  • in the form of uterine bleeding.

In case of an ectopic pregnancy, it is possible that the pregnancy may be positive or weakly positive.

Bloody discharge can be caused by a drop in progesterone levels, a ruptured fallopian tube, or spontaneous abortion. Also in vaginal secretion may be present:

  • blood;
  • pus;
  • rejected mucosal epithelium.

In any case, it is in the woman’s interests to immediately visit a gynecologist to confirm or deny an ectopic pregnancy.

Progressive ectopic pregnancy

A progressive type of ectopic pregnancy is a process of growth, development, detachment and death of the embryo. There are usually no discharges, and during the period of expected menstruation, scanty bleeding of brown or dark red color may be observed. But in most cases, vaginal secretion mixed with blood occurs after a delay, and a woman can easily mistake it for her regular period.

There is also contact secretion with blood that occurs after sex. For this reason, women often suspect termination of pregnancy rather than pathological implantation of the fertilized egg.

Interrupted WB

Here the detachment of the embryo and its death are noted. It can develop in two ways: with subsequent rupture of the fallopian tube or tubal abortion. In this case, the vaginal secretion has a rich brown or even black color. At the same time, they may also have a slight spotting character, which indicates the process of rejection of the fertilized egg from the walls of the uterine tube.

It is important to remember that such discharge can be long-lasting, until the pathology is diagnosed.

When the fallopian tube ruptures

In such a situation, the embryo over time significantly stretches the wall of the fallopian tube, which leads to its rupture. As a result, the fertilized egg ends up in the abdominal cavity, entering through the resulting hole.

Initially, there is a small amount of dark red vaginal secretion. After a couple of hours, a large amount of blood comes out of the vagina, in which the rejected epithelium of the genital organs is present. In other words, the woman notices blood with clots and pieces of tissue.

Discharge in rare types of ectopic pregnancy

Tubal ectopic pregnancy occurs in almost 97% of cases, but there are very rare forms of this pathology, which differ in the place of attachment of the fertilized egg:

  • in the abdominal cavity;
  • in the body of the uterus;
  • in the rudimentary uterine horn;
  • in the area of ​​the ovary;
  • simultaneous occurrence of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy.

In each of these cases, there is profuse bleeding caused by the destruction of blood vessels by the embryo. Unfortunately, these types of ectopic pregnancies are difficult to diagnose in the early stages, but the probability of their occurrence is less than one percent.

Vaginal secretion after pathology

According to statistics, after laparoscopy without complications, the next menstruation begins in 28-40 days. If bleeding began before the 25th day after surgery, then it should not be regarded as menstruation. These are uterine bleedings that cannot be ignored. A delay is also possible, but it does not indicate another conception, but is a consequence of hormonal imbalance. In both cases, you need to consult your doctor to solve the problem.

Discharge after an ectopic pregnancy may be very normal, but in some cases, minor clots and films may be present after laparoscopy, especially after removal of the tube. There is no need to be scared; it is better to consult a gynecologist in advance. Doctors also advise immediately reporting such discharge so that the doctor can study the situation and monitor the patient’s condition.

Could it be my period?

The most common misconception, which becomes the reason for late diagnosis of pathology. Such discharge cannot be called menstruation, because in this way the endometrium reacts to the presence of the fertilized egg in the uterine tube. A woman can easily confuse abnormal secretion with normal menstruation, especially if pregnancy was not planned.

The cause of bleeding may be:

  • embryo rejection;
  • attachment of the embryo to the cervix;
  • uterine tube rupture;
  • rupture of the walls of the fertilized egg.

According to statistics, only in 20% of cases can the presence of an ectopic pregnancy be established before a delay or the appearance of serious symptoms. This percentage would be higher if women went to the hospital on time with the slightest complaints and unusual vaginal secretion.

In addition, special care should be taken if the fallopian tube is not removed after VB. After all, the probability of recurrence of the pathology is very high.

The problem of diagnosing pathology from secretions

The fact is that spotting, unlike normal menstruation, may indicate not only VD. There is always the possibility of other pathologies (cervical erosion, endometriosis, threat of miscarriage, infection, etc.).
Here it is more important not to guess the diagnosis, but to identify the problem in time, because any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage of development. In addition, it is worth paying attention to other signs of VD: toxicosis, pain, delayed menstruation.

It so happens that vaginal secretion is one of the first to notify a woman about the presence of disorders in the reproductive system. Such problems cannot be ignored, because in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may not only lose the opportunity to have children in the future, but also die. Therefore, systematically visiting a gynecologist and contacting him for any ailments is the key to women’s health.

Signs of vaginal discharge during ectopic pregnancy are as follows:

Doctors do not consider implantation bleeding a pathology; this is a completely normal phenomenon. But it doesn’t happen to all pregnant women. In those who do not have it, the embryo rejoins without much damage. And even if blood appears, it is in such a small quantity that it is unnoticeable.

  • Early miscarriage.
  • slight fluctuations in basal temperature - only those women who keep a diary of this temperature can notice this;
  • the discharge is so insignificant that the patient herself does not always see it, but a gynecologist is able to pay attention to it during a medical examination;
  • As the blood passes through the tube, it will darken, so the discharge will be brown.
  • The egg begins its movement along the fallopian tube to its target, where it will have to penetrate, that is, implant itself, into the uterine layer - the endometrium. During attachment, the integrity of the blood vessels may be slightly damaged, which is why bleeding occurs.

    All this happens after sexual intercourse, approximately from the 6th to the 12th day. It is during this period of time that the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tube. From this it is clear that this bleeding can begin several days before the missed period.

  • Color. It is quite rich in menstrual flow. When implanted, it is dim (pinkish or brownish).
  • If spotting began later than the expected date of implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity, for example, after a delay in menstruation was detected, then this most likely has nothing to do with implantation. If the bleeding is severe enough, then the cause may also be different. Bloody discharge between periods may be associated with the following diseases and conditions:

  • drowsiness;
  • What are the symptoms of this condition?

    It is important not to confuse this phenomenon with menstruation or any pathologies. The main signs of implantation bleeding are as follows:

  • dim (pale) color of discharge - pinkish, light brownish, cream;
  • The occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, such as heaviness, pulling or pressing, but not severe pain. This is normal during implantation. The pain is associated with spasms of the uterine muscles during implantation of the egg.
  • The fetus begins to develop in the womb, which leads to hormonal changes. This includes changes in the level of those hormones that are responsible for the perception of odors. This is why taste changes; a woman may experience aversion to the food and even just the smells from it, which she previously enjoyed with pleasure. This condition is usually associated with estrogen, a hormone that increases rapidly during pregnancy.

  • The appearance of weakness, lethargy, dizziness, and a feeling of fatigue after the bleeding stops. Most likely, these are signs of pregnancy.
  • the woman begins to suffer from acute pain, sometimes reaching a cutting state;
  • Such minor spotting is not always a sign of the onset of pregnancy. This can happen with erosion of the cervix, and with inflammation of the uterine appendages, and with vaginosis of bacterial origin, and with diseases transmitted through sexual contact, and with various neoplasms of the female genital organs, and with a frozen pregnancy or with an incipient miscarriage.

    Bloody discharge a week before your period may be the first sign of pregnancy, so it is advisable to see a doctor. Not too heavy bleeding between periods, before or after menstruation does not always indicate pregnancy. These can be various pathologies: inflammatory diseases, sexually transmitted infections, neoplasms, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. Some of them can be life-threatening, so a visit to the gynecologist is necessary in any case.

  • Color. During implantation, the discharge is pale pink or light brown.
  • The most common symptoms in this condition are:

  • Change in basal temperature during implantation.
  • nausea;
  • Implantation bleeding or menstruation is quite easy to distinguish by the following characteristic signs:

    Some women ask whether bleeding is possible after egg implantation at or around the 3rd week of pregnancy. Doctors say that such a condition can exist, but it is unfavorable. It occurs with progesterone deficiency, with molar pregnancy (one in which an egg that does not have the ability to live has entered the uterus), with a violation of the placenta (previa or abruption), with a frozen pregnancy.

    If a woman experiences an ectopic pregnancy, implantation bleeding is also possible. But according to certain signs, one condition can be distinguished from another.

    Pregnancy test and hCG blood test

    Menstrual bleeding occurs due to the rejection of the inner uterine layer. This is a normal process and occurs around the same time every month. On average, menstruation lasts no more than 5 days and no less than 3. Each woman has her own individual standards. The first day of your period is considered the first day of everything menstrual cycle. With regular discharge, the cycle is considered normal. In this case, the woman produces hormones at the level that should be.

    After the IVF procedure has been carried out and the egg has been fixed in the uterine layer, the nature of the discharge is the same as during a normal pregnancy.

    What causes implantation bleeding?

  • on what day implantation bleeding is possible can be calculated - with a menstrual cycle of 28-30 days, it will occur 7 days (approximately) before the expected menstruation.
  • Intensity. Unlike menstruation, the discharge during implantation of the egg is very scanty - usually a few drops.
  • Is it worth taking the test?

    There is one reliable method for determining early pregnancy - a blood test for the hCG hormone. If fertilization of the egg occurs, the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) increases. The hormone is actively secreted by the membrane of the fertilized egg in the first weeks of pregnancy. The analysis can show this already 6-10 days after fertilization. Therefore, when the egg is implanted into the uterine cavity, the test result should already be positive. That is, in order to verify your assumptions, you can donate blood for hCG. However, the result will be more reliable if this is done a few days after implantation bleeding.


  • Endometiriosis, bacterial vaginosis.
  • And a hormone such as progesterone increases its quantity in the body expectant mother causes frequent fatigue and a constant desire to lie down to sleep.

    At the moment when fertilization of the egg occurs, the woman is not yet considered pregnant. Because this egg still has an important task to do - to gain a foothold in the uterus so that it can begin to develop into the future baby.

  • Intensity. The discharge is scanty and when the egg is implanted into the uterine layer, it is barely noticeable. My periods are much heavier.
  • How to distinguish from menstruation

  • Pain sensations in these conditions are different. With implantation, the lower abdomen expands, and a feeling of heaviness appears in this place.
  • The discharge is usually pale pink, cream, or light brown. Often they are so scarce that they can only be detected by a gynecologist during an examination.
  • Duration. Most often it lasts several hours, less often a day or two.
  • The day of expected implantation can always be calculated. If the cycle is 28-30 days, ovulation occurs around the 14th day. If fertilization has occurred, implantation bleeding will occur approximately 10 days after ovulation, approximately a week before the expected menstruation.
  • What is implantation bleeding and its symptoms?

    Not everyone experiences implantation with discharge. But it serves as the first sign that a woman is pregnant. The expectant mother can find out about her “interesting” situation earlier than she discovers a delay in menstruation. And implantation bleeding will help her with this.

  • dizziness;
  • In any case, if there is the slightest doubt about her situation, a woman should consult a doctor for advice. By telling him about your problems, you can get answers to all your questions.

    Many women who decide to undergo in vitro fertilization are interested in knowing whether bleeding occurs after the implantation of a fertilized cell in this case.

    This hormone is secreted by the egg (more precisely, its shell) at the beginning of pregnancy - the very first weeks. A week after fertilization, the test may give a positive result. That is, if a woman wants to know for sure whether she is pregnant, then it is better for her to do such an analysis. But for a more accurate result, it should be performed only after a week or two from the moment of implantation discharge.

    How does this happen?

  • Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Implantation bleeding under certain conditions

  • A slight and short-term change in basal temperature, namely its decrease, which is quite difficult to track.
  • It's natural that a woman might be interested in what implantation bleeding looks like. In most cases, the discharge is insignificant, so many women simply do not notice it or do not attach any importance to it. They appear as bloody streaks in the secreted mucus, a few drops of blood on the underwear, and less often as spotting. They can stop and resume. Implantation bleeding lasts from several hours to a couple of days, but no more.

  • constant weakness, debilitating lethargy, constant fatigue - occur after the end of the discharge;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • Bleeding is accompanied by cutting pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, and nausea.
  • Women should understand that if they have the slightest doubt, it is better to tell their doctor about them. Only a specialist can accurately determine whether the process of embryo rejection is beginning or whether everything is fine and the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

    Implantation bleeding or menstruation - how can a woman differentiate between them?

    In IVF clinics, doctors tell their patients in detail about what is happening and how. Many doctors even try to show photo or video material to make the information more clear and visual.


  • Hormonal dysfunction.
  • Injuries during sexual intercourse.
  • If you listen carefully to your body, you can easily recognize the differences and understand what is happening in the body.

  • they are brownish in color;
  • frequent urination.
  • What implantation bleeding looks like is not an idle question for many women. Usually this is a minor discharge that does not cause any concern to the expectant mother. Many people do not pay special attention to such insignificant facts. They look like small streaks of blood in the mucus secreted from the vagina. You may find traces of blood droplets or spotting on your underwear. This bleeding does not last long, at most about 2 days.

    When a fertilized egg tries to implant itself into the uterine endometrium, a discharge may begin, which is called implantation bleeding. Doctors do not consider this a pathology.

    Does this kind of bleeding always happen?

      Every woman should at least roughly know how to distinguish implantation bleeding from menstruation or other conditions. This is quite easy to do based on the following characteristic features:

    1. Duration. Regular discharge during menstruation lasts for at least 3 days. Implantation usually occurs over a short period of time, about 2 hours or a little longer, but not more than 2 days.
    2. inability to take a number of foods that you previously ate with pleasure;
    3. After fertilization, the egg moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where it is implanted into the endometrium. By attaching to the mucous membrane, the egg disrupts its integrity, and minor damage to the blood vessels is possible. This is how implantation bleeding occurs. As a rule, this happens 6-12 days after sexual intercourse - this is exactly how long it takes for the egg to move through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. Thus, discharge occurs even before the delay and can serve as the very first sign of pregnancy.

    4. During implantation, basal temperature fluctuates.
    5. After the fertilized egg has implanted, a woman is able to feel other signs indicating pregnancy:

      Implantation bleeding conventionally refers to the discharge of blood from a woman’s genital tract associated with the implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. These discharges are not considered pathological. Most often they are so scanty that they can hardly be called bleeding. Egg implantation is not always and not everyone is accompanied by discharge. They are the first sign of pregnancy; with their help, you can suspect it even before your period is missed.

    6. flatulence;
    7. These are symptoms of implantation bleeding during pregnancy, which develops normally, that is, in the uterus. With an ectopic pregnancy, the signs will be slightly different:

      Implantation bleeding after artificial insemination is possible in the same way as during normal conception. But if it is too strong, then it is considered a pathology. Typically, this condition indicates embryo rejection.

    8. unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen: heaviness, mild nagging pain - this condition is quite normal, due to the fact that the egg has penetrated into the endometrium;
    9. The discharge is spotting at first, gradually becoming intense, similar to what happens during menstruation.
    10. What else can it be confused with?

      Implantation bleeding is the first sign of pregnancy

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    Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous pathology for which timely diagnosis is important. It is fraught with reproductive dysfunction and poses a direct threat to life. You need to know the main signs of pathology, the nature of the pain, what discharge appears during an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

    The peculiarity of ectopic pregnancy

    Ectopic pregnancy on the diagram

    An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the embryo implants outside the uterus. Most often, the place of attachment is the fallopian tube, less often - the cervix, ovary, or abdominal cavity.

    According to statistics, ectopic pregnancy occurs in 10–15% of women. During normal gestation, the egg is implanted in the uterus and develops where there are conditions for this. But ectopic pregnancy has its own peculiarities.

    1. Under the influence of certain factors, the fertilized egg does not enter the uterus and is attached to another organ. Most often this is the fallopian tube, which is associated with a violation of its patency.
    2. With ectopic growth of the fetus, the organ stretches, its walls may not withstand it. A rupture is possible, which is accompanied by red discharge and internal bleeding. This is a life-threatening condition, so it is better to prevent it in advance.
    3. In case of ectopic tubal conception, the egg can be attached in different parts: abdominal (ampullary location), middle (isthmic), terminal (interstitial). The last localization is the most dangerous. The tube in this part is narrow and can rupture in the early stages, causing bleeding.
    4. In addition to tubal pregnancy, ovarian, cervical, and abdominal pregnancy are possible. All of them are hopeless and dangerous to a woman’s life, causing bleeding.
    5. Rudimentary fertilization is also distinguished, when the fertilized egg is implanted in the rudimentary uterine horn. It is very difficult to detect. The embryo is able to move into the abdominal cavity. After the death of the fetus, purulent processes may develop.

    Just a few decades ago, ectopic conception often resulted in the death of the woman. Today, the picture of ectopic pregnancy is optimistic. Modern diagnostic and treatment methods detect pathology in the early stages and eliminate it without risk to life.

    Bleeding is the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy. But it may also indicate other problems: threat of miscarriage, cervical erosion. If the daub is accompanied by pain, toxicosis, loss of consciousness and dizziness, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Characteristics of discharge

    There is no single option. The secret is always different. Women should know what kind of discharge can occur due to ectopic conception in the early stages, because these are the features of an ectopic pregnancy:

    • spotting, scanty;
    • long-term;
    • pinkish or brown, after menstruation;
    • uterine bleeding.

    Dark discharge instead of menstruation with a negative or weakly positive test may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Bloody - about spontaneous abortion or rupture of the fallopian tube. Vaginal secretions may contain:

    • pus;
    • blood;
    • rejected mucosal epithelium.

    There will be discharge

    Does it happen without bleeding?

    An ectopic pregnancy may not manifest itself for the first 3 to 4 weeks. This is evidenced by messages on the forums. The woman is not bothered by pain in the lower abdomen and does not smear from the vagina. But this cannot last long.

    With the ectopic growth of the fertilized egg, large-scale transformations occur in the body. A foreign body begins to grow in the ovary, tube, cervix or peritoneum, which provokes sharp, cramping pain, nausea, fainting, and hyperthermia.

    If a woman does not consult a gynecologist in time, signs of internal bleeding appear. Only a blood test for hCG and ultrasound diagnostics will help identify pathology in the early stages. This can save a woman from infertility and even death.

    It is stupid to ask whether it is possible to get pregnant ectopically without bleeding. Everyone's body is different, and for some, signs may appear as early as the seventh day after conception, for others - in the second or third month.

    How are they different from menstruation?

    Not many differences

    When bleeding begins during an ectopic pregnancy, spotting, many women mistake it for menstruation. They miss time, which leads to the development of complications.

    Discharge during an ectopic pregnancy, although similar to menstruation, has nothing in common with it. They can be distinguished by their meager character and long duration. Bleeding, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, severe weakness, fainting, and dizziness appear.

    Normally, menstruation stops after conception. Sometimes hormonal fluctuations lead to uterine bleeding. This may indicate a pathological pregnancy, a threat of miscarriage, and therefore requires increased attention.

    With ectopic conception, quite often menstruation comes on time, but they do not have the same character as usual. If they are very scanty, weak, delayed or premature, it is recommended to buy and do a test, or even better, donate blood to detect gonadotropin.

    Can there be discharge without an ectopic pregnancy?

    Secretion is a normal phenomenon for the female body, and clear, light, odorless discharge should not be scary.

    A mucous secretion, the consistency of which resembles chicken protein, is also a normal variant. Mucus plays an important role: it protects the reproductive system from bacteria and promotes the advancement of sperm to the egg.

    What color, character, or smell of discharge should alert you?

    1. Abundant, yellowish, curdled. They indicate thrush, especially if accompanied by itching. Candidiasis often affects pregnant women, as the immune system is weakened, creating favorable conditions for the spread of the fungus.
    2. Yellow, with an unpleasant purulent odor. They signal an inflammatory process or sexually transmitted infections.
    3. Slime with green or gray tint, foamy. A clear sign of an infectious process.
    4. Bloody pinkish discharge. May indicate cervical erosion. Due to conception, the disease worsens due to hormonal changes.

    All of these discharges indicate some kind of pathology, but are not characteristic of ectopic conception.

    Doesn't bother me at first

    How long can a tubal pregnancy remain without concern?

    The first signs indicating ectopic implantation of the embryo usually appear 6-8 weeks after conception. Before this, the woman is worried only about the typical signs of fertilization: toxicosis, increased breast sensitivity, delayed menstruation.

    The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy can manifest themselves by 10-12 weeks. A pipe or other organ ruptures.

    Sometimes heterotopic pregnancy occurs - both uterine and ectopic. This happens during IVF or ovulation in two ovaries, when one embryo for some reason was unable to penetrate the uterus.

    The embryo fixed in the tube begins to grow and develop. But this organ is not elastic, therefore it is not able to stretch along with the fetus. Then it stretches and ruptures. The result is massive internal bleeding, the symptoms of which are pronounced. At the same time, discharge from the birth canal may not be abundant.

    Fetal death and bleeding during ectopic conception are inevitable. Most often this happens at 6-10 weeks.

    The literature describes isolated cases of abdominal conception, when women gave birth at 27-28 weeks. Such children were born by caesarean section. Doctors had to remove internal organs: resection of the intestines, fallopian tubes, uterus, liver, spleen. The placenta grew through the organs, like a malignant tumor, and it was impossible to separate it in any other way. Such operations seriously undermined women's health and caused bleeding.

    Pain in the lower abdomen

    Tubal ectopic pregnancy (99% of all ectopic conceptions) never develops until later in pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion is possible when the tube itself rejects the embryo. After this, it usually enters the peritoneum. If the embryo is still alive, it attaches there, and a repeat peritoneal pregnancy develops. But more often the pipe ruptures and bleeding occurs.

    The following signs should alert a woman.

    1. Pain in the lower abdomen. They may not bother you for a long time or may appear from an early stage. Typically, acute pain radiating to the rectum is localized on the side where the embryo is implanted.
    2. Weak positive test. There is a second stripe, but it is so weak that it is barely noticeable. This is explained by the fact that in pathology the level of hCG is lower than during normal conception.
    3. The color of blood on underwear, scanty menstruation or bleeding.

    Discharge during tubal abortion

    The fetal egg, localized in the fallopian tube, at a period of 6–8 weeks is able to independently leave the organ without injuring it. This process is called tubal abortion and is accompanied by spotting and bleeding from the vagina.

    With an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding occurs, whether abundant or not, usually for a long time. Severe bleeding causes pain radiating to the hypochondrium, collarbone, and scapula. Blood pressure decreases, pulse quickens, weakness and fainting appear. With minor bleeding, a woman is usually not bothered by other symptoms.

    Pipe rupture may occur

    One of the methods for eliminating ectopic pregnancy is artificial tubal abortion. The essence of the procedure is to squeeze out the fertilized egg. The advantage of the method is that the pipe suffers almost no damage. But it is fraught with other complications, so it is rarely practiced. After surgery, bleeding may continue for some time.

    What kind of discharge if a pipe bursts?

    As the embryo develops, the wall of the uterus stretches significantly, which leads to its rupture. The fertilized egg enters the abdominal cavity through the hole that has formed.

    This is accompanied at first by slight, dark red vaginal discharge. After a few hours, bleeding begins, there is rejected epithelium - clots and pieces of tissue.

    A pipe rupture is accompanied by severe, acute, constant pain. If treatment measures are not taken in time, the consequences will be the most unfavorable.

    Consultations with a gynecologist

    Why is timely treatment important?

    Bloody discharge can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, because ectopic conception rarely goes away without it. Additionally, the woman feels toxicosis and pain in the lower abdomen.

    Bleeding from the vagina indicates that other unhealthy processes may be occurring in the body: endometriosis, threat of miscarriage, infection, erosion.

    It is important to detect the problem in time, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment to avoid undesirable consequences.

    : Borovikova Olga

    gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

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