How to survive from a team of unprofessional employees imposed by your boss. Protégé - who is this? How do you become a protégé? Usage Examples Always record your opponent's activities on paper.

Sometimes the office becomes a real battlefield between resistant colleagues, each of whom is trying to get rid of his opponent and take “a place in the sun.” This is especially true when a new employee is hired, because then there is a threat that they might get rid of one of the “old guys.” To survive such a “dangerous” colleague, you will have to take serious measures and act decisively. It’s good if an employee interferes not only with you - the more people are opposed to him, the more likely it is that in order to avoid unnecessary squabbles and showdowns, management will decide to get rid of him. In this case, the competitor will most likely soon fly out of the company without your help. But what to do if an unwanted colleague suddenly turns out to be the boss’s protégé? Here the situation is much more complicated. You will have to use very cunning tricks, carefully thinking through the strategy to get rid of your opponent. If lately you have been increasingly wondering how to survive a colleague from work, then this article is for you. Act decisively and confidently, and stand to the end!

Act through your leader

If you have hostility towards a new employee, try to prove to the manager that he is clearly out of place. To do this, invite your colleague to perform a task that, in your opinion, he will not be able to do. Be sure to set clear deadlines. This way, you will clearly make it clear to your boss that a useless colleague will be unnecessary ballast for the company. Don’t forget to note the contrast between the work of the team and the negative “successes” of the newly arrived criminal.

Always record your opponent's activities on paper.

Write down how much he manages to do in the allotted time, when he doesn’t fit in, and when he “scraps.” This way you can unequivocally prove to the boss that it would be better to find him a more worthy replacement. If a newcomer is late for work, ask to write an explanatory note, and if, on top of everything else, he is constantly late for lunch, do not forget to casually mention this fact when talking with the manager. Remember that in the fight all means are good.

Let news of failures reach the top

It is important that news about your enemy’s defeats reach the very top, but if you only tell the management about the incompetence of the “thieves”, most likely they will not listen to your words. Therefore, it is important to involve the entire team whenever possible. If all colleagues agree that the employee under your radar is unsuitable, then the director will definitely listen to the opinion of the majority and take action. Therefore, recruit as many supporters as possible - this way you will quickly achieve the desired result. However, even in this case it is necessary to act skillfully and cunningly, because you are unlikely to achieve anything by simply complaining and gossiping about the inadequacy of your opponent. To effectively make the team hostile towards the newcomer and begin to “be friends against” him, set up his public failure in front of the entire department. To do this, you need to give the “thieves” a task that involves interaction with the entire team or even other departments. Then, if it fails, everyone will, willy-nilly, be opposed to your opponent, and the authorities will doubt the suitability of such a “specialist.”

Learn to act like a guerrilla

Do not inform your opponent about your intentions to get rid of him - this threatens unnecessary showdowns with your superiors and another showdown. Instead, quietly collect evidence of your “victim’s” failings.

Determine the efficiency of each employee

To do this, arrange a survey in the department, according to which everyone will have to rate their colleagues on a 100-point scale. This system is used to calculate bonuses. If your colleagues agree with you about the worthless newcomer, then little remains to be done - the boss will think about whether it is advisable to keep a person with such a low reputation on staff.

Drastic measures

When your protégé’s lack of professionalism becomes obvious, and you are sure that your opinion is taken into account by the majority of colleagues who, if necessary, will take your side, go to your boss. Be consistent in providing facts about the employee you want to leave the company, supporting your arguments with specific examples if necessary. Mention the risk of damage that such a “specialist” could cause to the company. In most cases, the company will be more important to management than connections, and therefore the imposed protégé will be replaced with a more professional candidate. And the newcomer, in turn, will most likely be sent to perform the simplest tasks, or they will prefer to abandon him altogether.

Protégé - what is it? Firstly, not what, but who. Secondly, today we will understand the meaning of this term. Let’s talk about what kind of person he is, whether the word “protégé” is inclined, and also clarify no less interesting details.

Gender, case (technical part)

First, in order not to spoil your linguistic journey, you need to deal with the technical part, which involves answering questions about gender and case. Then, in context, when we find out the meaning of the word “protégé”, we will establish how we can replace a foreign word that came to us from the French language.

The word "protégé" belongs to the general gender. This means that in a sentence it can be consistent with other parts of speech, both masculine and feminine. Does not change by case. In all cases - “protégé”. Now it’s clear what kind of word “protégé” is.


A protégé is a person who is helped in his career by an influential or wealthy patron. Would it be fair to say that wealth and influence go hand in hand? Yes, as a rule, this is true, but not always. For example, doctors of science cannot be called rich people, but they are able to be patrons and help promote a particular person they like. We’ll talk about who becomes a protégé and how.

How to get into the blessed caste called “protégé”?

There are two ways:

  1. Have a beautiful appearance.
  2. Have a powerful intellect.

Of course, men will think that the first path is characteristic of the female sex, and they will be mistaken, because patrons are not only honored patriarchs, but also respectable matrons. Therefore, handsome young men should not be discounted.

It also happens that a person cannot be called beautiful, but nevertheless he has a core, passion and intelligence. Such qualities are also held in high esteem by patrons of any gender. For example, if a professor is looking for a successor or a student (which, in fact, is the same thing).

True, sometimes neither one nor the other way guarantees anything. This is the case if a powerful patron of the arts has his own fetish for young people, for example, he patronizes exceptionally talented violinists or supports only capable poets. And talents can be different in their external and internal qualities. Typically, when God bestows a gift, he doesn't really look at the whole person. To paraphrase the well-known biblical wisdom, God distributes talent equally to both the righteous and the unrighteous.

We think it’s clear now what a protégé is. Let's move on.


In fact, there are not so many words that could replace the full-fledged “protégé”. One immediately comes to mind for a person who enjoyed the special favor of the monarch. Clever readers probably understood: this is the word “favorite”.

From school we remember that few teachers did not have favorites or favourites. This word, whatever form a person chooses, is also partially suitable for replacement. True, when it comes to school, it’s somehow awkward to talk about patronage. After all, when we think about patronage, powerful, often royal, persons immediately appear, but not a history or mathematics teacher. However, one should not downplay the possibility that the intervention of a Russian teacher will be the factor that will allow a person to receive a gold medal, and the latter, in turn, will become the springboard thanks to which a person will make perhaps the most important breakthrough in life.

If at work the boss promotes and places his people, then they say about this kind of “insider” that he is the protege of so-and-so. This means that the word “protégé” can also be recognized as a replacement for “protégé” in the linguistic sense. Although the concept of “protégé” has existed in the Russian language for a long time, it still needs a synonym, because it still sounds “foreign.” Therefore, if the question arises in your head: “Can I find a synonym for the word “protégé?” - the reader will have an answer to it. In certain situations and speech contexts, the words “favorite”, “favorite”, “protégé”, “ward” and others can be considered synonyms.

Is the protégé role good or bad?

Like any “either/or” question, this one is difficult to answer definitively. If we talk about self-esteem, then it’s good when a person achieves success in his career, and it doesn’t really matter by what means, patronage must also be earned. A person somehow attracts the attention of a patron, and it doesn’t matter at all why the mighty of this world noticed the “little man” and decided to make him equal to himself.

And if we talk about self-respect, then openly dragging your man through harms both the object and the subject of this almost indecent action. True, let’s not be so pessimistic, because they don’t always end up as protégés undeservedly; sometimes they help poets, artists, and philosophers. And without connections you can’t take a meaningful first step almost anywhere. Therefore everything is relative. When they patronize their relatives, regardless of their personal and professional qualities, this is disgusting, but it also happens that the patron has a talented relative, and in this case, why not? In other words, this issue cannot be put to rest, so let everyone decide for themselves.

I just want to say one thing in conclusion, namely: people who created themselves do not exist in nature, someone still gave them a start in life, someone helped and pushed them. Protege - almost all talented people with rare exceptions. True, they usually don’t notice this, but that’s a completely different story.

When you told the director that you need a real professional to work successfully in times of crisis, you thought that they would find just such a person for you. But the boss brought in a thug who doesn’t know how to approach the job. Experts give seven tips on how to get rid of your boss's protégé without harming yourself.

Demand results

To survive, an employee who has the support of his boss will have to resort to a full arsenal of means. Start with the main thing: demonstrate to the director the uselessness of his protégé. Assign tasks to the “thieves” and set specific deadlines for completion. In this way, you will simultaneously kill two birds with one stone: firstly, you will understand whether your new employee is so useless, and secondly, you will be able to clearly demonstrate the successes and failures of the director’s protégé to the director himself. Demonstrate the failures of the criminal newcomer against the background of the work done by other employees. Talk about the work of your department at general meetings, without “attacking” the “thieves”. And don’t forget to demonstrate the losses the company incurred due to the poor performance of the newcomer.

Take it on a pencil

A conversation with a non-professional newcomer should not be unfounded: inform him about the tasks in writing and record the results in numbers and reports. It will be impossible to prove the subordinate’s lack of professionalism in words - he will always be able to say that he was not given such a task at all.

Recruit allies

If only the head of the unit considers the “thieves” to be unprofessional and lazy, this may not be enough. But if all his colleagues think so, then the director will be forced to listen to the voice of the team. The more supporters you have, the better, so recruit people! But don’t complain or cry into your vest. Act more subtly - give the newcomer tasks, the implementation of which involves interaction with other departments. If you fail, your colleagues will come to you with questions, and that’s when you will say why they are forced to keep such a “specialist” on staff.

Keep the secret

Until you have collected evidence that you are right, act underground. Do not declare war on the “thieves” publicly. It’s better to quietly collect evidence of his unprofessionalism. Because it is one thing if the boss hired a new employee at the request of friends, and quite another if he is the nephew of the boss himself. Then, instead of an unprofessional relative, you may be fired.

Give points

A great way to ensure your new hire's survival is to determine his labor participation rate. The method is not new; it is used, for example, to distribute bonuses. Ask all employees to rate their colleagues' work participation rates, for example, using a 100-point system. Everyone gives others points, then you add them up and get an almost objective assessment. If the entire team does not turn against one, such a rating of labor participation can be considered an impartial assessment.

Decide to talk

When evidence of the newcomer's unprofessionalism has been collected, go to the director. Calmly, in detail and with reason, talk about the work of his protégé and the damage he caused to the company with his work. It is very likely that when hiring a non-professional, the director did not think that his protégé was so bad, and hoped that he would cope with the job. The director probably values ​​his reputation and the reputation of the company, and if he sees that the employee is not bringing any benefit, he will refuse him. And he will hire a truly professional assistant for you. And the lazy person can be entrusted with performing some simple tasks, if it is absolutely impossible to refuse him.

Announce a boycott

If you can’t get rid of an employee kindly, you can think of methods that are not so honest and harmless. Those who haven't had enough fun at school can tamper with buttons or "accidentally" spill coffee on a "thieve." But it's easier to ignore it. If the entire team is on your side, invite them to organize a boycott. A newcomer goes out to smoke - everyone turns away or leaves the smoking room altogether, gets ready for lunch - everyone stays where they are, asks for advice - no one utters a sound. Unable to withstand such moral oppression, the “thieve” himself will leave the company.

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

Imagine coming to work and immediately rushing to your computer to print Required documents. Today you must have important negotiations with a client, and you expect to carry them out 100%. This means getting a good income.

But what's going on? All the files on your computer are mixed up, you can’t find the documents, and you’re breaking out in a cold sweat. They appear to have been deleted or encrypted.

You try to get out of the situation, but the problems only grow. Your client has already been told something about you, and he demands to continue working with another employee. The general puffs like a locomotive and screams. Your immediate supervisor adds fuel to the fire, saying that you are not capable of anything, and grins so disgustingly... Horror - horror, right?

In the meantime, when an employee faces bullying from management, unfortunately, it is not uncommon. What to do if your boss quits his job? Why is this happening?

You don’t believe in setups from a manager until you experience it personally. Usually, if they exist, it is from one of the colleagues in the shop. Often people who are faced with such an aggressive attitude from their manager fall into a stupor.

They don’t know what to do in such a situation, how not to ruin their professional career. I will try to help you understand this issue and clarify important points for yourself.

Such stories happen when there is a change in company management or when management wants to hire a protégé to take your place. Or maybe at a new place of work. This whole thing is called mobbing. And this concept means militia, bullying an employee with the aim of expelling him from the company. If such actions occur on the part of management, then this is bossing.

Unfortunately, the essence of what is happening from different terms does not change much. The goal remains the same, by all means to bring you to a nervous breakdown and celebrate your dismissal. In this case, not only the modest person, but also the star of the team can become a victim.

Since such a conflict is a strong stress even for a healthy psyche, self-esteem begins to very quickly slide to the baseboard.

A person stops believing in himself, in his worth, and begins to doubt his abilities and strengths. He is very worried, trying to understand why he was treated so unfairly, and as a result he loses even more strength.

Just don’t confuse ordinary worker inconsistencies with management with this war. If you get hit on the head fairly for your mistakes in work, missed deadlines, failure to comply with discipline or company rules, then this is not critical. Adjust your behavior and you will eliminate the problem.

Does your boss not know how to communicate normally and raises his voice at all employees, not just you? Then he is a man of mood, and this, in fact, is not your problem, but the specific character of the leader.

But if they put a spoke in your wheels, persuade one of your colleagues to commit minor set-ups, do not convey the necessary information to you, do everything possible to make you disrupt your work, boycott or raise unfounded claims, then this is mobbing.

What can provoke

  • Regularly show your boss that you are more experienced and understand many issues better than him.
  • You are clearly aiming for this leader’s place, and you don’t even have to hide it. That is, you are a real competitor in the eyes of the “enemy”. Or you perform, in fact, the duties of a leader so brilliantly that he is afraid that his management will suddenly change places with you.
  • You begin to criticize or spread gossip behind the management’s back.
  • Completely incompetent and inadequate in behavior.
  • They want to fire you, but it is illegal to do so officially.
  • I just didn’t like you very much, at the physiological level. And here, even seven spans in the forehead, nothing will help.
  • You may evoke unconscious associations with a person who has seriously frayed your nerves or set you up. For a boss woman, for example, with the one who stole her husband. Not all leaders have the ability to avoid transferring old memories onto new people.

Example from life

When I worked in the personnel department of a large company, I saw this situation from the outside. A woman, a mid-level manager, was hired into our company. For some time she was supposed to work as the second head of the department. Then she would be transferred to another office. So, when she was hired, everyone liked her so much that they decided not to wait for her colleague, the main head of the department, to return from vacation.

Only a couple of weeks of their work together had passed when the new employee changed very much. She constantly walked very tense, her voice became quiet, not a trace remained of the energetic person. Her face was red, as if she had just left the sauna.

It turned out that the main manager who was on vacation did not accept her. Quiet bullying began, petty dirty tricks and ignorance on her part and on her colleagues.
It ended quickly. Due to her nervousness, various sores appeared and her blood pressure began to jump. She couldn't stand the atmosphere and had to leave.

A couple of years later, I accidentally met her in our metropolis, and was very surprised by such a meeting. I couldn’t help but ask how her future life turned out. Fortunately, after such a black streak, she began to have a white one. Since she was an excellent specialist, it didn’t take long to look for a job.

Went to work for competitors. They took her with her hands and feet. She is happy with everything there, she is appreciated, and she remembers the mobbing that happened as an annoying misunderstanding in her professional career. Well, as a woman, I couldn’t help but notice that she had become prettier, her eyes were shining again, her face no longer resembled the color of a ripe beet, and she looked very healthy.

Remark: everything is relative - if in one place they sent you, then in another they are already waiting)

You can't leave and stay. Or where to put a comma?

So, I hope you feel a little better after reading this story. Now let's move on to the most important pressing issue. Everyone who finds themselves in such circumstances thinks: “What are my actions? So what should I do?

Answer yourself just 3 questions:

  1. What keeps you in this job, in this company? Salary, prestige, experience, lack of other work or education, schedule or something else?
  2. What is more important to you - to measure your strength with your boss, to show your character, to prove injustice, or to preserve your nerves and health?
  3. Does this war give you strength, mobilize and open up your reserves, or, on the contrary, deprive you of energy?

Your answers will give you the key for further action!

  • If you're young, inexperienced, and have a hard time getting hired here, maybe you can be patient enough to work for a year to gain experience, and then feel free to move on somewhere else.
  • If you are attracted by the prestige of the company, then again, try working for a while for a portfolio. Then it will be easier to move to another prestigious corporation.
  • If the salary is holding you back, then look for a corresponding level at another place of work. And calculate whether this premium is worth it for lost nerves and treatment of psychosomatic diseases.
  • If the company is large, then try to transfer to other divisions or related departments.
  • If you still have the strength to fight, but it won’t last long, then immediately start creating a safety net for yourself. That is, save money that you can live on in the event of a sudden layoff.

Perhaps in this situation several of my articles will be useful to you:

What if, or the last ways to restore the world

If you're so attached to this job that you can't quit, try a few options. In some cases, they can contribute to the fading or dulling of the conflict. Unless the boss decided to stand his ground to the end.

Talk to him alone, directly. Only without attacks, accusations, tears or fainting. Don't push for pity. Speak from yourself, the “I” position of messages.

Instead of “Well, you’re a bearded goat, how can you do this to me? Do you know how much I do for the company?..."

Say for example: “I am very sad about this situation. I want to continue working with you, and based on your recommendations I am ready to improve the quality of my work. What can I do to make the result of our interaction different?”

Be somewhere more flexible and wiser as a woman. Think about the underlying reason for this behavior and try to resolve this particular contradiction.

If your situation allows, then gain favor with your superiors. Perhaps you will be able to report directly to him, and thereby no longer depend on your boss.

Nothing helped or you don’t want to torture yourself? Look for another job, and don’t put a bunch of labels and fears on yourself that you’re something different. Stop being afraid that everything can happen again somewhere else.

You will succeed!!!

I wish you never to find yourself in such situations, and for those who do get out of them quickly and with dignity. You are best!

With this I say goodbye. Leave a comment: did this happen to you and how did you resolve the situation?

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Anastasia Smolinets

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