Individual conversation with a child about friendship. Conversation about friendship in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Conversation “What is friendship?”

Yulia Potapova
Conversation “Let's talk about friendship”

Target: 1. Reveal the essence of the concept « friendship» .

2. Show what qualities a true friend should have, what role friends play in our lives.

3. Promote the formation friendly team.

Progress of the conversation.

– Guys, today we have a very interesting and serious topic. Guess the riddle

To society



By reading the first letter of each word from top to bottom, you will learn the topic of the class.

- What are we going to talk about? /ABOUT friendship. /


- Dear guys, today we let's talk about friendship.

Here's what one young poetess wrote about this feeling.

"What's happened friendship- I asked the bird.

This is when a kite flies with a tit.

I asked the beast - "What's happened friendship

This is when the hare does not need to be afraid of the fox.

And then I asked the boy - « Friendship, what's happened?"

This is something huge, joyful, big.

This is when the guys all play at once, all together.

This is when boys don't bully girls.

Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children

Friendship is a gift given to a person. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but also be a good friend ourselves.

Listen to the parable about friendship:

Once two friends walked in the desert for many days.

One day they argued, and one of them rashly hit the other. His friend felt the pain, but said nothing.

Silently, he wrote on sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.”.

The friends continued to walk, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap nearly drowned and was saved by his friend.

When he came to his senses, he flogged stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.”.

The first one asked him:

“When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on the stone.” Why?

And the friend replied:

“When someone offends us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it.” But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

Learn to write grievances in the sand and carve joys in stone.

– What is this parable about, what does it teach us?

- Indeed, guys, you need to be able to forgive insults, remembering all the good things your friend did for you.

Popular wisdom says: A true friend is with you when you are wrong.

When you are right, everyone will be with you.


Who can you call a friend?

A friend is someone who...

(- Understands me;

With whom I feel good; who will always help me;

Look at the blackboard: COMRADE, FRIEND, FRIENDSHIP.

– We are connected in life with many people: with some we go to kindergarten, with others we spend our free time, with others we meet in a circle or section. We are connected by joint activities (occupation). And if you have common interests and sympathy, then you can call these guys comrades.

Friendship same - this is the highest degree of partnership.

It brings joy and satisfaction from communication.

You say the word « friendship» and you immediately remember your friend, girlfriend, that is, those with whom you are interested in communicating, playing, reading a new book or keeping secrets. Be friends You can do it with everyone or with just one person. Be friends It is possible both in the classroom and in the yard. But friends are not only your peers. A friend is a teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge.

A friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times. It’s not without reason that one of the proverbs reads: No better buddy than my own mother.

Friend - someone who is associated with someone friendship.

- Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, community of interests.

- Let's think about what Children need friendship too, and adults in different life situations.

– What kind of friend can be called a real one?

But, unfortunately, not all of us have friends! And if someone doesn’t have a friend, then why could this happen? (Children express their opinions.) Yes, most often precisely because the person himself is not ready to become a true friend for someone. For example, he begins to be capricious, demanding too much from a friend without offering anything in return. There are pieces of paper on your desk that describe three situations that you have probably encountered in your life. Let's try to analyze and resolve them safely. (Students work in groups, music plays.)

1st situation: “My friend gave away a secret”

You had a secret that no one knew about. You entrusted it to your closest friend. And he took it and shared it with a classmate.

What is this: betrayal, the desire to establish yourself at someone else’s expense, or forgivable talkativeness and irresponsibility, which should be treated with leniency? Do you judge your friend harshly for this? Or are you ready to forgive him for his mistake? You yourself would never do this (didn’t you?

Educator. Of course, you must keep the secret entrusted to you and be able to answer for your words, because it is very easy to hurt another person who has opened his soul to you.

2nd situation: "A friend asks for help"

In the evening, during an interesting program on TV, Oleg called me and asked me to urgently help him figure out a math assignment. Imagine, I've been waiting for this program all week, I really wanted to watch it, and here is Oleg with his mathematics! And so I sat reading the book all evening. But for some reason, Oleg was so grateful to me for this. Now I am sure that if we switched places, that is, not he, but I needed help, then he would not hesitate to help me. What would you do if you were me?

3rd situation: “A friend says bad words”

Your friend uses bad words and expressions. “What would you do?”

Teacher. Different situations, different opinions, but it always remains important what decision you made in this or that case. Now we seem to have come to a point where you can ask the most important questions:

How to learn be friends?

What qualities should a friend have and what qualities would it be good for him to free himself from?

Children speak out.

“They say a friend is a friend in need.” Andrey Dementyev has a poem “A friend is known by luck.”

A friend knows good luck

Just like in trouble sometimes.

If he doesn't hide his soul,

Feelings are not kept in check.

A friend knows good luck,

If luck is yours

The friend is not happy, which means

Your friend is as crafty as a snake.

Or bitter envy

His mind was clouded.

And, coveting your success,

He won't forgive anything.

He won't forgive, but otherwise

He will tell you about it.

A friend knows good luck

Sometimes more than in trouble.

What proverbs about friendship you know? (Children call).

A game "Finish the proverb"

If you don’t have a friend, look for him... /and if you find him, take care of him/.

Don’t have a hundred rubles... ... /but have a hundred friends/.

One for all and all for one/.

A man without friends... /like a tree without roots/.

Friendship– like glass... /if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together/.

The enemy agrees, and .../the friend argues/.

Fizminutka (children perform in pairs).

Let's rest a little.

You are a blackbird and I am a blackbird (show)

You have a nose and I have a nose.

You have red cheeks and I have red cheeks,

Your lips are scarlet and my lips are scarlet.

We are two friends, we love each other (hug).

Educator. Now let's play. I name a character from a fairy tale, and you have to say who he is with friendly?

A game "Who with whom friendly

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)

2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina, Pierrot)

3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)

4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

5. Funny Chipmunks and Chip (Dale).

6. Good Snow White and (seven gnomes).

- Who are you with? be friends?

Be friends are you with your parents?

- How do you think, be friends is it possible only with people?

- Are you friends with animals?, nature, books?


– Where does it begin? friendship?

Song "Smile" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

Children perform 1 verse and chorus.

...From the blue stream

The river begins

well and friendship begins with a smile.

– Can hands help? make friends?

– What are our hands like? (Good, evil.)

– Touch each other’s hands. What can you say about them?

– What kind of music do you hear when you think, talk about friendship?

- From what you could compare the weather« friendship» ?

– What animals can the word be associated with? friendship?

– What colors will you take to "draw" friendship?

Look carefully and Tell: who with whom friendly?

– Now you are just studying be friends. And so that friendship was strong, laws must be followed. Make laws friendship.

There are many laws friendship. Here are some of them.

1. One for all and all for one.

2. Respect each other and help each other.

3. Rejoice with your friends.

4. Don't offend your friends and everyone around you.

5. Don’t leave your friends in trouble, don’t let them down, don’t betray them, don’t deceive them, don’t break your promises.

6. Take care of your friends, because it’s easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.

– If you follow these laws, you will become true friends.

I wish each of you to have a true true friend, to be able to value friendship.

Now look here (points to the board). It depicts a huge heart that is ready to love everyone and help everyone. This is the heart of our group! There is a small pocket here where each of you can put a heart with kind and wise wishes for yourself or a friend. This pocket is filled with the goodness of your heartfelt thoughts.

My wish for you: Always try to help each other, be faithful and good friends, remember your word.

Bottom line conversations:

Tell me guys what is it friendship?

What words did you learn about in class?

Let's stand up and tell each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold:

- Guys, let's live together!

You may feel that it is too early to bring up such serious topics with young children. But it will be better early than late. After all, it is at this age that the child develops the basic concepts for perceiving the world. He begins to understand what love, friendship, and forgiveness are.

The teacher faces a difficult task - to put useful material into the baby’s head. After all, it is necessary to explain to him so clearly that even a small child of four or five years old understands what is expected of him. The topics of conversations with children can be very diverse, but first it is important to focus on the one that is relevant to them now.

What does it mean to talk to children about friendship and friends?

Of course, you can’t start a conversation about friendship in the younger group, where children from two and a half to three years old study. At this age, they will not fully understand the material presented. Although sometimes teachers are amazed at how little children understand what is bad and what is good.

And in the middle group, the age is appropriate, and the children are already accustomed to going to kindergarten, so for them others are not enemies, but allies. The purpose of the conversation with children is to teach them to clearly express their thoughts and present the concept of morality. And friendship is an excellent topic for such a useful and educational pastime.

Conversations with children in the middle group can be both general and individual, depending on the needs of the child. Some children are still embarrassed to express their thoughts in front of everyone, especially if their family does not encourage them to do so.

what is friendship?

Such a complex concept as friendship cannot be explained in a few words. It is necessary to make not only effort, but also to be patient. It has been scientifically proven that children perceive material better in the form of play. Why not ask the kids to sit in a circle and listen carefully to the teacher so as not to miss the rules of the new game?

A conversation with children about friendship and friends should begin with a question. For example, which one of you has a best friend? Everyone must be given the opportunity to respond. Although at first it will be difficult to maintain order, and the kids’ attention will constantly wander, but it’s worth a try. And if you promise a reward, the kids will stop misbehaving altogether.

Next, it would be good to clearly explain what it means to be friends. At the children's level, it will be something like “to be friends means not to offend, to share your toys and to help.” It is possible that this is also communication, do not forget to say hello and take an interest in the affairs of a friend, etc.

In turn, a friend is someone who is always there and will help in difficult times. For example, getting dressed or putting on shoes, teaching how to tie shoelaces and a scarf. The one who always shares lunch.

This, of course, is an art - to convey important thoughts to a child, but in simple language. But what won’t educators do for their students? After all, the goal of kindergarten is not just to entertain the child, but to teach.

Should you encourage your child to find a friend?

If someone has not yet found a friend, it is worth encouraging them to do so immediately. Since the question followed first, it is easy to figure out which of the children is very shy and who needs the help of a teacher. In such cases, an individual conversation with the child is necessary.

Since children spend most of their time in kindergarten, the teacher is expected to make a big contribution to the child’s perception of the world. Although parents are also directly involved in raising a child, kindergarten teaches more.

Is it easy to teach respect?

It is important to emphasize that although there may be few friends, other children must also be treated with respect. If they see that someone has no one to play with, they need to come up and take him into the game.

Topics of conversations with children

There are more than enough topics for children's conversations, but this issue must be approached wisely. You shouldn't plan serious training every day. It is quite enough to have such a conversation once a week. And on other days, remind about the problem raised.

Talking to children about friendship and friends has a very positive impact on their lives. Already from kindergarten, a child learns warm relationships. And who knows, maybe this friendship will last a lifetime! The teacher plays a huge role in this.

What is the role of parents in raising a child?

It is important for parents to understand that only they are responsible for raising their child. Of course, children receive training in kindergarten, but this is nothing if parents do not impart moral values ​​to their children at home. A teacher is not an enemy who turns a child against you, but an ally. He also cares about the future of your baby.

Teachings such as talking with children about friendship and friends are beneficial and make things easier for mom and dad. Parents should take an interest in their child's life. To do this, you need to ask each time how the child spent his day. This way you will help your child not to be a closed person, but teach him to express his thoughts.

Remember, a child is a delicate plant that needs light and water. For children, they are love and attention, that essential vitamin that will help them grow up kind and smart. It is important for parents to nourish the soil so that subsequent information in the form of training is well received. If you treat your child with kindness and understanding, he will always be open to you like a reference book.

Conversation - game “What is friendship?”

Target: enriching the child’s social experience, his interpersonal interaction with other people and with himself.


    form the concepts of “friend”, “friendship”;

    teach to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of others;

    develop communication skills;

    cultivate friendliness and responsiveness.

Progress of the event.

1. Hello children! I am glad to see you all healthy and in a good mood. I really want you to always be in a good mood. And now we will smile, say hello not only to each other, but also to the world around us. Repeat all the words and movements after me (light music, sounds of nature).

Greetings: Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello strong oak tree!

We live in our native land, I greet you all!

2. Well done boys! Today I propose to start our lesson with the game “Club of Friendship”. The first person holds the tip of the ball in his hands and passes it to his neighbor, while he must say a kind word and give him a compliment. The second player must repeat this word, name a new one and pass the ball to the next player. And the latter, receiving the ball, winds it up and pronounces all the words spoken to him.

Our game was called “Friendship Club” for a reason. It is about friendship and friends that we will talk to you in today’s lesson.

3. Do you have friends? Say who they are. Where do they live? What games do you play with them?

Now listen to the poem.

Brighter than the sun's rays

Friendship in the whole world

After all, it's more fun with friends,

On any planet!

4. Do you know what friendship is? What does it mean to be friends? Why do you think so? Where does friendship begin? How do friends behave?

( They help a friend in trouble, know how to share joy and sorrow, do not laugh at a friend’s shortcomings; they will stop a friend in time if he is doing something bad; know how to accept help and advice, and are not offended by criticism; do not deceive a friend; they know how to admit their mistakes and make peace with a friend; treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.)

Guys, how many of you know proverbs about friendship? You need to collect proverbs from words.

1. You can’t cut friendship with an ax.

2. Without a friend - an orphan, with a friend - a family man.

3. There is no friend, so look for it; but if you found it, take care of it.

4. A friend is known in need.

5. An old friend is better than two new ones.

6. Money can’t buy a friend.

5. Is being friends good or bad? I suggest you play the game "Two Halves". Everyone will take turns taking out what is in the “Magic Bag”. Each of you has halves of hearts, you need to put the whole heart together and find a mate. (The song “Strong Friendship” plays, the children find their soul mates.)

Your pairs will need to complete the following tasks. Be careful! You need to assemble the cut picture correctly and quickly. Your ability to negotiate will help you complete the task quickly.

6. Well done! I see that you are very friendly guys. How do you understand this expression: “Friends do not spill water.” (Who are always there, together, ready to help and support a friend).

You have very interesting thoughts, you all correctly understand the meaning of this expression. Now let’s remember fairy tales in which the heroes were friends? (“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, “Turnip”, “Winter Hut of Animals”, “The Seven-Flower Flower”)

7. Guys, do you like it when the sun is shining? And here comes the sun. Is there just something missing from our sun? That's right, rays! Now you and I will decorate our sun with rays - with our palms. Each pair agrees among themselves who has red. Who has a yellow ray? Agree among yourself who will choose which ray. While the children are working, the song “From a Smile” is played. (Children trace their palms on colored paper - yellow and red, and then cut out and glue their palms onto the solar circle.) How much brighter, lighter and kinder it has become for us! What kind of sunshine did we get? (Cheerful, kind, bright, radiant, happy, hot, joyful). Of course, for friendly guys, that’s the only way the sun shines.

8. Well done! You showed how real friends should behave. How did you behave towards each other? They were attentive to each other, listened and heard each other, and knew how to negotiate with each other. You are smart, kind, friendly guys.

Conclusion. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

Target: To clarify children’s ideas about what it means to “be able to be friends”, to teach them to comprehend and evaluate the situation, to independently understand the motives of behavior and relate these motives to existing norms of behavior, to introduce them to proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Materials: Toy Pinocchio, recordings of V. Shainsky’s songs “If you went on a journey with a friend,” “True Friend,” a ball of thread, TV, cartoon “The World is Like a Colorful Meadow” on DVD

Preliminary work: Designing a book about friendship, memorizing poems, songs about friendship. Reading and discussing stories about friendship, learning the communicative game “Tangle”.

Progress of the conversation:

1. Solution to the problem.

Children stand in a circle with the teacher.

Educator: Guys, can you imagine? I came to work today, and suddenly I heard someone squeaking under the door. Guess who I saw?

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden.

He pokes his long nose everywhere.

Who is this? (Pinocchio).

You guessed it! Well done! Pinocchio told me this story. He and Malvina were sitting in the clearing. Pinocchio was drawing, and Malvina was winding the threads into a ball. Pinocchio tried so hard. That he was all covered in paint. Malvina is a well-known clean girl. She asked Pinocchio to go wash herself. But he became stubborn, got angry with her, took this ball of thread from her and ran off to look for new friends. That's how he ended up in our kindergarten.

Educator: Pinocchio, why did you take the ball from Malvina?

Pinocchio: I don't know, it's just like that.

Educator: Let the guys and I show you how you can play with this ball.

Pinocchio: Oh, how interesting!

The game “Balloon” is played (in a circle)

Look. Guys, curl up. Now I will take it in my left hand, wrap it around my thumb, then pass it to Yulia, who is standing to my right. (The children take turns duplicating the teacher’s actions, and the teacher guides the children.)

Educator: And again the ball returned to me. The thread did not break, it consists of many thin threads that are intertwined together and become strong and strong. So it is with us: a thread connected us, and our friendship became stronger.

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

(The teacher winds the threads, the children sit on the rug).

2. Conversation.

Educator: Guys, do you think Pinocchio did the right thing by taking the ball from Malvina?

Children: No, that's not right. He offended Malvina.

Educator: Yes, real friends never act like that. I hope that Pinocchio will apologize and make peace with Malvina. And now, let Pinocchio stay with us and listen to what “friendship” is and who a “true friend” is.

Pinocchio: Of course, I’ll stay, I really, really want to know all this.

Educator: Zhenya, do you have a friend?

Zhenya: Yes. I have a friend, his name is...

(ask a few children)

Educator: Why do you consider them good friends?

Children: (children's answers) My friend is good. He shares toys. My friend never hurts me, he helps me. He is cheerful and kind...

Educator: What do you affectionately call your friend?

(Children's answers).

Educator: Can an adult be your friend? (grandmother, father, mother, grandfather)

Children: Yes, because they love us, take care of us, read books to us. They teach us, buy us toys, candy...

Educator: How do you think. Can a dog be your friend?

Children: Yes, it can. She protects us from evil people, plays with us. A friend can be any pet that lives in the house.

Educator: What should you do to make your friendship strong?

Children: We must not quarrel, share toys. Help each other, take care of friends...

Educator: Well done, you explained well how to be friends. The one who

makes good friends - does not quarrel, shares toys, takes care of his comrades, and if a friend does not know how to do the right thing, he will help him and teach him. If a friend suddenly becomes sad, he will figure out how to cheer him up.


A friend is someone who understands you.

A friend is someone who suffers with you.

A friend will never leave you

A friend stays with you forever.

A friend will never hurt you

A friend is someone who sees right through you.

And if trouble happens to you,

Just wait for help from a friend then...

A friend and advice to the wise will help,

If something is gnawing at you from the inside.

And if suddenly you feel “hot”,

You lean on your friend's shoulder.

Only a friend can you trust a secret,

After all, there is no betrayal between friends.

And the one who has millions of friends,

Much richer than all the kings.

And even when there's no one around

Your best friend is with you invisibly...

Don't think that if you change your friend, the new one will be better. The proverb says: “An old friend is better than two new ones.”

Pinocchio, did you understand what the guys were talking about?

Pinocchio: Understood. We must take care of our friends and not offend them.

3. Physical education minute.

Come up to your friend, take his hand and together with your friends we will go on a journey (a dramatization of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”).

4. Modeling situations.

(Children sit on chairs).

Educator: Now we will discuss some situations together.

1. Reading a poem:


Elena Blaginina

A friend came to see me

And we played with her.

And here's one toy

Suddenly I liked her:

Groovy frog,

Cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy -

It was my favorite -

But still a friend

I gave away the frog.

Did the girls do the right thing? How will you behave in this case?

2.Your friend is sick. What will you do?

3. How will your friend behave if you get into trouble?

5. Group tradition.

Let's stand in a circle, put our hands on each other's shoulders and say our daily greeting:

Only the brave and persistent

Will reach the goal cheerfully.

And on the road you also need:

Know the secrets of lasting friendship.

One for all and all for one.

6. Homework. Conclusion.

Educator: Guys, it would be very good if you and your moms and dads learned new proverbs and sayings about friendship. Agreed? This is your homework. Pinocchio, have you learned anything new and interesting for yourself? And now I suggest you watch a fragment of the cartoon "The world is like a colorful meadow."

DVDcartoon "The world is like a colorful meadow."

Pinocchio: I liked it so much. I realized that I had offended Malvina in vain. I really want to fix everything quickly and apologize.

Educator: Guys, let's give Pinocchio a ball. He will give it to Malvina, make peace with her, and teach his friends our wonderful games. Goodbye, Pinocchio! Come visit us again, we will be glad to see you and your friends.

Pinocchio: Goodbye. I'll definitely come.


- form the concepts of “friend”, “friendship”;

- teach to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of others, motivate, explain your actions;

- develop verbal communication;

- communication skills and good relationships between children;

- cultivate friendliness and responsiveness.

Preliminary work:

- reading stories about friendship: “Three Comrades”, “Blue Leaves” (V. Oseeva), “Childhood Friend”, “Friends Known in Trouble” (V. Dragunsky);

- learning proverbs, sayings and songs about friendship and friends;

- making gifts for friends;

— watching cartoons “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “Winter Hut of Animals”;

- joint birthdays;

- exhibition of children's drawings and discussions of children "My Friends".

Children join the group to the song “Smile” (music by V. Shainsky).

Educator. Children, I propose to start today’s lesson with the game “Friendship Club”. The thread will tie us together. When you pass the ball, everyone can say kind words to their comrades. The latter, receiving the ball, begins to wind it up, while pronouncing the words spoken to him. Is it easy to say nice words to others?

A sincere friend is with you forever,

He is connected with you by the same fate.

Always strong in your palm

A reliable, faithful friend's hand.

It was no coincidence that we started our meeting with the game “Club of Friendship” and such wonderful words. Today we will talk about friends and friendship.

What do you think friendship is? How do you choose your friends? What should you do to have more friends? What kind of person would you not want to be friends with? Why is every person worthy of love? Why are good friends so important? Who can be your friend other than a peer? Can mom or dad be a friend?

At all times, people valued friends and friendship. There are many proverbs on this topic. Which ones do you know?

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

One for all and all for one.

There is safety in numbers.

A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.

A tree is strong with its roots, and a person is with friends.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

One bee will not bring much honey.

Friend is known in trouble.

Do you know stories about friends? Name them. (Shows illustrations.)

Which illustration suits V. Oseeva’s story “Three Comrades”? Why do you think so? Which of the boys did the right thing, in a friendly way? What quatrain or proverb fits this story?

The teacher shows an illustration to V. Oseeva’s story “Blue Leaves.”

What story is this illustration from? What is he talking about? How do you evaluate Katya’s action? What do real friends do?

A physical education session is being held

The cat said to the mouse:

- Let's be friends with you

And let's be our friendship

Cherish to death.

“I’m afraid,” said the mouse, “

That your goal is close,

And our friendship will be

Extremely short.

“Well,” said the cat, “

I can understand you

I see that savvy

Can't take it away from the mouse.

Children, what do you like to do most with your friends? Of course, play. We are now going to play the pantomime game “Live Pictures”. I will give one subgroup a picture. You must, without words, only with gestures, show what is drawn so that everyone else can guess.

And the other subgroup will have to come up with a plot on their own and show the others what they have planned.

Well done, friendly guys in our group.

Then the next task can only be completed together, together. (Takes out two envelopes.)

The envelope contains cards with words cut in half. Your task is to find the halves, put them together into a word, read them, and form a proverb from the words. Then explain its meaning.

Well done, these wise words fit your friendly actions.

And now we will play the game “Caterpillar”. Take the balls and form a chain. We will move around the group together. Place your hands on the shoulders of the child in front. Place the ball between the stomach and back of the person standing in front of you. Thus, we have turned into one large caterpillar that must follow a certain route.

To the song “If you went on a journey with a friend,” the “caterpillar” moves through the group.

Children, put the balls down and make one big circle. Let's sing a song about friendship and friends.

Children sing the song “Strong Friendship...”.

Take care of your friends, and you will have a happier life in the world!

Do good and it will definitely come back to you. The lesson is over. Thank you. transportation within the Russian Federation - associated transportation.

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