Nicolas cage divorced his wife. The three wives of Nicholas Cage. Photos of Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim together

Nicolas Cage is free again! The 52-year-old actor divorced his third legal wife, Alice Kim. The couple decided to separate after eleven years of marriage.

Official information

Cage's representative said that the couple divorced in January and have not lived under the same roof for a long time, but did not answer the exciting question about the reasons for the dissolution of their union.

By the way, Nicholas and Alice are raising a son, 10-year-old Kala-El. In addition to him, the celebrity has a 25-year-old son, Weston, from a romantic relationship with Christina Fulton.

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It's like a fairytale

The Hollywood actor and the beautiful Korean woman met in 2004, when Kim was only 19 years old. His future wife lived the life of an ordinary girl, working as a waitress in a Los Angeles restaurant.

Nicholas fell in love like a boy. Two months after they met, they became engaged, soon having a wedding on a ranch in California. Cage and Kim would have celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary in August.

Let us add that the ardent fan of jiu-jitsu was previously married to Lisa Marie Presley (their marriage lasted exactly 109 days) and Patricia Arquette, with whom he lived for six years.

Nicolas Cage's real name is Coppola and the famous director Francis Ford Coppola is none other than the actor's uncle. To distance himself from his fame, Nicholas took on a pseudonym as soon as he began his acting career.

Cage is an actor with a large filmography, famous for his work with outstanding directors on the most interesting film projects of our time; he is the winner of an Oscar and many other prestigious film awards. However, he has another reputation - an eccentric, a man constantly haunted by financial difficulties, litigation, problems with ex-wives, and, more recently, poor choice of roles.

Problems with women always haunted Cage. In 1987, he met actress Patricia Arquette and within three hours of meeting, he proposed to the girl. She agreed, but just before the wedding she ran away. A year later, after an affair with another actress Christina Fulton, the actor had a son, Weston. 1996 was a triumphant year for Cage - he won an Oscar for the film Leaving Las Vegas and met Patricia Arquette again.

And he proposed to her for the second time. She agreed again, but this time she did not run away and became the legal wife of Nicolas Cage and even lived in marriage with him for 6 years. All this time they lived in different houses, made loud scenes in front of everyone and generally gave the impression of an odd couple.

After his divorce from Patricia, Cage connected his life with Lisa Marie Presley, who was not only the daughter of pop idol Elvis Presley, but also the ex-wife of Michael Jackson himself. The couple lived in an official marriage for only 109 days before separating forever.
Since 2004, Cage has been married to a simple waitress, Ellis Kim, who gave birth to the actor’s second son named Kal-El.

On the last weekend of June, sad news came from the American publication E! News, which was contacted by a representative for Nichols Cage about the actor's divorce from Alice Kim. The stars have been married for 11 years. As it turned out, Nicolas Cage had not lived with his young wife since January 2016, so by now they had finally separated. On the occasion, we publish joint photos of Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim.

The 52-year-old is reportedly Nicolas Cage divorced with 32-year-old Alice Kim due to the large age difference. Moreover, the decision to break up was not prevented even by the couple’s joint child, Kal-el Cappola’s son Cage, who is already 10 years old.

An entire novel could be devoted to the development of the relationship between Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim. The Hollywood actor met Kim at the Kabuki restaurant in Los Angeles, where she served him as a waitress. 2 months of a whirlwind romance left Cage with no doubts that this was his new wife. They got married in July 2004 in a wedding ceremony at a ranch in Northern California.

As the actor himself later admitted, the reason for the rush to his third marriage was the upcoming filming of the film “Baron of Arms,” for which he needed to leave for South Africa for a long time. Nicholas could not imagine a day without his new lover, so he decided to go with her, now as legal spouses.

Recall that from 1995 to 2001, Nicolas Cage was married to actress Patricia Ackrett. He then married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the legendary king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, but lived with her for only 4 months in 2002. In addition to his son from his marriage to Alice Kim, the actor has an illegitimate son, Weston, who is already 25 years old (his mother is model Christina Fulton).

Photos of Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim together

Alice Kim - Nicolas Cage's ex-wife

Alice Kim - Nicolas Cage's third wife

Nicolas Cage and third wife Alice

The actor’s very peculiar appearance largely determined his creative role. Having played a bitter drunkard in the film “Leaving Las Vegas” in 1995, the actor so touched the Academy jury that he received an Oscar for Best Actor!

After such recognition, Cage became in demand at the highest cinematic level. And, of course, he increased his fees many times over. Also in 1995, Nicholas got married for the first time. His chosen one was actress Patricia Arquette.


Cage is famous for his impulsiveness in matters of the heart. He told Patricia Arquette that he wanted to marry her within hours of their first meeting in 1987.

It should be noted that their acquaintance also took place in a drinking establishment (as well as their acquaintance with their third wife). One day, Cage walked into a Jewish cafe in Los Angeles and saw a charming woman at one of the tables. Admired by her beauty, Cage a moment later stood reverently bent over the stranger’s table. “You will be my wife,” he said. The girl at the table, who later turned out to be Patricia Arquette, was not at all taken aback, but for the sake of decency she told Cage that he must be crazy. “No, no,” Cage convinced her and put on as reasonable an appearance as possible. “In that case,” said Patricia, after thinking, “I would probably marry you. But on the condition that you get me a black orchid, Selenger’s original autograph and some sand from the Sahara Desert. This is for a start, and then we’ll see.” will".

Cage began to "mine" artifacts of love. When, despite all the difficulties, Cage appeared at Patricia’s house with an entire sketchbook covered in Selenger’s handwriting, his lover fainted and said that she did not need any more proof of the truth of his feelings.

Then Nick and Patricia were in a quarrel for 8 years, having managed to give birth to a child away from each other (the actor has a son, Weston, born in 1990, whom model Christina Fulton gave birth to). After 8 years, Patricia called Nicholas on the phone and asked if he still wanted to marry her. "Why not?" - Cage scratched his chin, and five minutes later Patricia appeared on the threshold of his house in a black vinyl dress and with a symbolically purple wedding cake in her hands. That same day they got married on a rock romantically hanging over the ocean.

Then Cage stated that he and Arquette were “definitely soul mates,” but the marriage was not cloudless and the couple separated nine months after the wedding. But the issue of official divorce was not raised for almost five years.

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After finishing working together on Martin Scorsese's film "Bringing Out The Dead", Cage filed for divorce, but soon withdrew it. And after some time, Patricia filed a case for divorce, motivating it with “irreconcilable contradictions.” They met again only to officially divorce in 2001 due to "irreconcilable differences."

Daughter of the "King of Rock and Roll"

The famous Hollywood womanizer Nicolas Cage and the daughter of the “King of Rock and Roll” Elvis Presley Lisa Marie became husband and wife on August 10, 2002. As official representatives of the celebrities confirmed, the wedding ceremony took place in a hotel in Hawaii.

38-year-old Cage and 34-year-old Presley tied the knot in the presence of only their closest relatives and friends. On the bride's side, the ceremony was attended by Elvis' widow and Lisa Marie's mother Priscilla Presley, as well as her children, 13-year-old Daniel and 10-year-old Benjamin. Cage came to the wedding with his 12-year-old son Weston.

The American press, which follows the lives of celebrities, was unable to obtain any other details about the celebration. After the weekend, the “star” couple returned to Los Angeles, where Cage was filming a new film.

This marriage turned out to be much more fleeting and lasted only 107 days. Then Presley called the wedding a “huge mistake” and said that she and Cage “shouldn’t have gotten married right away.”

The procedure for the second divorce from the daughter of the legendary singer lasted longer than family life itself. According to Cage, the reason for the breakup was the incompatibility of characters. The court brief stated that Cage and Presley separated amicably, making no claim on the other's property and maintaining their fortunes as they were before their marriage.


In August 2004, Nicolas Cage married for the third time. His chosen one is far from the world of cinema - Cage married Alice, a 20-year-old former waitress from a sushi restaurant.

Nicolas Cage and Korean-American Alice Kim met in February of the same year at the restaurant where Alice worked when she served Nicholas. About two months after they met, they announced their engagement. And in mid-August the wedding took place. For Kim, unlike Cage, this is his first marriage.

A modest wedding ceremony between 40-year-old Cage and 20-year-old Alice took place at a ranch in northern California. This was announced by the actor's representative Annette Wolfe.

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