How to choose the right summer shoes. Effective wardrobe: basic footwear. Basic principles when choosing basic shoes

Recently, many articles have appeared on the Internet about what it is. What is the difference between basic shoes and any other?

Basic shoes: classic models in neutral shades made from natural and high-quality materials. These are truly comfortable shoes that last a long time and can be worn from season to season.

We can also say a lot about seasonality. We walk on fresh grass, on hot asphalt, through puddles and in snow. And your feet should be reliably protected in any weather.

Basic shoes rarely depend on fashion; you should not buy the most current new items of the season as basic ones.

1. Sneakers, sneakers, slip-ons

Once you appreciate sports shoes, you will never want to part with them again. Your arsenal must include shoes for long walks or sports. The best option would be sneakers or slip-ons, and it is better to choose such shoes in a specialized sports store and trust only trusted brands. After all, you will have to walk in these shoes for a long time, and they are not cheap. If you buy the right sneakers, they will last you for many years, and your feet will neither sweat nor get tired in them.

If sports take up a lot of space in your life, then, of course, you won’t be able to get by with just one pair, and if you pay attention to this summer’s trends, then you simply must buy one.

2. Shoes

You should have basic pumps anyway. Moreover, I would insist on two pairs: black and beige. You can choose the shade to your taste. They can be anything: patent leather, suede, high heels and platforms or comfortable low heels. But they must be! They can be worn to any event, with any outfit - from jeans to a floor-length evening dress.

Regarding the number of pairs of shoes, I can only shrug my shoulders - . Here you decide for yourself how much you need.

3. Sandals

This summer's must-have is leather with flat soles. Ideal for office work, the garden, and the beach.

Already have a pair of sandals? What about ?

4. Sandals, clogs

It can be very hot in summer. Girls wear light summer dresses and sundresses. Sandals with a light and comfortable cork platform are suitable here. Moreover, they can be either neutral (to make it easier to match the dress) or bright. It is important to remember that they should be very comfortable. If you don’t already have one, this summer you can buy trendy white high-top sandals.

It’s good if you have black, white, beige, yellow or blue for each look. This will make your summer even more fun!

5. Loafers, moccasins

Less varied than women's, but requires special attention when purchasing. When choosing men's shoes for the summer, you need to consider what kind of clothes they will be worn with, because each style of men's shoes corresponds to its own situation. Thus, shoes without laces are considered a casual option, while models with laces are considered more formal shoes. Classic shoes should never be worn with sportswear, and sneakers should never be worn with classic suits.

When choosing men's shoes, trousers require special attention. According to etiquette, shoes should match the trousers, or be a little darker than them, and at the same time repeat the color scheme of the shirts. Clothes in warm colors will go well with brown shoes, while clothes in cool colors mean wearing black shoes.

The tone of the belt and shoes should not contrast with each other. The ideal belt is one that completely matches the shoes in texture, type and color of materials, so it is recommended to select these items from one manufacturer.

When choosing shoes, keep the following in mind:

1. Natural materials will take care of the health of your feet and their comfort

Genuine leather will not cause your feet to burn even in the hottest weather due to its natural breathable properties. Leather substitutes do not have such properties, and their hygienic indicators are always much lower than those of natural materials. Remember that suede, opoek, nubuck and capretto are also natural materials.

2. The inside of the shoes should be smooth

The inner surface of men's shoes must be as smooth as possible. Any protruding threads or irregularities can cause unpleasant calluses.

3. Polyurethane is the best sole

This material is distinguished by its lightness and strength. Shoes with polyurethane soles will not allow your feet to get tired and will be durable.

4. No need to stock up on summer shoes

If a half-size margin is appropriate for winter shoes, then it is useless for summer shoes. Loose shoes will rub your feet, and you probably won’t want to correct the situation with an extra pair of socks in the heat.

How to choose the right shoe size

Shoes must be chosen according to their size and fullness, taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot. The main rule here is to try on both shoes at once. This needs to be done for the reason that people’s leading leg is always slightly larger than the second, and a model that fits perfectly on one foot can dangle on the other or, conversely, squeeze it. To make sure this is not the case, try on a pair and walk around the store.

If both of your feet feel comfortable, then the shoe size and fit are appropriate. If you feel discomfort on one of your feet due to some kind of seam, then it would be better to choose other shoes. Any inconvenience - pressing elements, compression or tightness - will not only rub your feet, but may also lead to a change in the shape of the shoes themselves. The seams may come apart and cracks and breaks will appear on the surface. To insure against false sensations, never try on shoes on your bare feet and be sure to use a shoe spoon - it will protect the heel seam from creases and tears.

When buying summer shoes, visit stores in the late afternoon. In the morning, the foot is always smaller than in the afternoon, so shoes purchased in the first half of the day often begin to press in the evenings.

What models are popular this summer?

A visual illustration of popular models of men's shoes was created by MPort magazine.

Men's shoe fashion differs from women's in its conservatism. From year to year, the same types of shoes remain fashionable; another thing is the color scheme and decorative elements that manufacturers add to certain models. So this year, classic men's shoes and moccasins made with a weaving effect will be popular. Designers recommend that men do not shy away from other familiar classics - sleepers and loafers of various colors. Sports fashion shoes will become more natural - instead of synthetics, sneakers will now combine elements of textiles and thin leather. Many models of both sports and classic shoes (slippers) will have light and flexible rubber soles this summer.


Office shoes

For the office, experts recommend buying more classic and less pretentious shoes. The color scheme of office shoes still remains restrained - light brown, gray, black or reddish. Strict classic shoes are encouraged; sneakers, sandals and other comfortable footwear are considered unacceptable for the office. If these are boots, then they should be strict, without shiny metal fittings. are considered ideal office shoes - they are lightweight and comfortable, due to the lack of lining, and at the same time look strict, going well with business clothes. You should not choose loud-colored moccasins for the office. Woven or perforated shoes will also be a good option for the office - such shoes look elegant, and your feet breathe in them.

Summer is perhaps the best time of the year to show off the beauty of your body. At this time, I want to look 100%. It is also very important to choose the right shoes, which will be comfortable and of high quality, because the beauty and health of your feet will directly depend on this.

Today on the shelves of various stores you can see a large number of different shoes, both closed and open styles. These could be flip-flops, flip-flops, sneakers, sneakers, and so on. It is necessary to take into account the fact that shoes for the summer should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable. As scientists have proven, if at least one bone of the lower limb, located in shoes, is pinched or is in an awkward position, then the functioning of almost the entire skeleton is immediately disrupted. In this case, unpleasant diseases such as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, etc. may develop. Many people, before going to a shoe store, flip through a huge number of different fashion magazines in order to find out what color and style is fashionable this season.

The main criteria for choosing summer shoes

Perhaps the main criterion for choosing any shoes is that they need to be tried on best at the end of the working day in the evening. After all, it is at this time that the legs will be slightly larger than their usual size. With this approach, it is almost impossible to buy shoes that will subsequently be too small and uncomfortable. There are also groups of people whose foot sizes are different, so it is recommended that they try on shoes for the larger foot. In the right shoes, there should be some room left so that you can easily raise your big toe inside it. Another reason why you shouldn’t buy shoes that fit is that they don’t always stretch and will subsequently cause unbearable discomfort. When buying any summer shoes, you need to pay attention to ensure that the heels do not stretch and under no circumstances slip off.

Otherwise, calluses may appear, which in turn is not particularly pleasant for a person. dry, wet, with a core, which you then have to fight with. They can cause a lot of unpleasant moments. When buying shoes, you need to go shopping and choose those models that fit most comfortably on your feet.

During the hot season, it is best to wear flip-flops and open-toed shoes so that your feet are constantly ventilated and various unpleasant diseases such as fungus and eczema do not develop. Also, do not choose shoes that are too narrow. Otherwise, it will contribute to chafing of the skin of the foot and lead to irritation. Shoes that are too wide can cause various foot problems and contribute to the development of flat feet. Shoes that are smaller than your foot size can cause further crooked toes. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it should be purchased only in specialized stores. Some people buy shoes at markets, but in such places you can easily run into fakes or buy low-quality goods. Since they don’t give you a receipt, it will be impossible to make any claims. An excellent solution to any problem nowadays is crocs medical shoes, which are made from high-quality materials, so you will always be comfortable and cozy in them.

Often we buy shoes based only on their appearance. It is important to us how attractive and fashionable the shoes look. But the choice of shoes must be approached with the utmost seriousness: your health depends on what you wear on your feet.

Choosing shoes

Poor quality or simply unsuitable shoes can darken your life with minor but annoying troubles, such as blisters. In addition, much more serious problems may arise - diseases of the veins, joints, muscles and even the spine. Therefore, the two main rules for choosing shoes are very simple: 1) it is better not to save money and 2) to refuse beautiful but uncomfortable shoes.

You should not buy new shoes in the morning: by evening, your feet usually swell slightly, and shoes purchased in the morning may seem tight. Make sure the shoes fit perfectly - fit snugly, but not constricting. Tight shoes can cause poor circulation, ingrown toenails, or crooked toes. Don't buy shoes that are too tight in the hope that they will wear out over time - don't force yourself to walk in uncomfortable shoes for a long time. However, you should not wear very loose shoes that allow your feet to dangle. Such shoes can also cause calluses, and the leg muscles are constantly under tension.

“When trying on, always wear both shoes, experts recommend. - Be sure to walk through the fitting area. While walking, you should lightly feel the toe of the shoe with your fingers, but not rest against it. Run your hand over the surface of the material and make sure that your toes do not stick out with tubercles on it».

Choose shoes with fairly soft, flexible soles. Bend the shoes in your hands. In high-quality shoes, the sole bends easily, and the top of the shoe does not deform too much. With very thin soles it is convenient to walk only on a flat floor; walking in such shoes on asphalt can hardly be called pleasant - your foot will feel every pebble.

For every day, it is best to choose shoes with small wide heels. A passion for high heels can have a negative impact on your health.

“High heels are harmful not only to the forefoot, but also to the middle and rear., says orthopedic surgeon Andrey Kardanov. - The problem is that in the position of the foot almost “on tiptoe” the load is distributed in an absolutely non-physiological way - some parts of the foot are overloaded, others, on the contrary, are too unloaded. In addition, a high heel completely “turns off” the spring function of the foot. Ideally, with each step, the foot should “spring”, softening the load. And when wearing high heels, every step feels like a blow to the spine. The result is osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, which manifest themselves as seemingly causeless back pain.

So, heels higher than 2-4 centimeters are not recommended. Of course, if necessary, you can wear shoes with a 12-centimeter heel, but such shoes should not be casual. It is best for each pair of casual shoes to have instep supports (built-in or glued on), that is, an insole or half-insole. The insole completely conforms to the shape of the sole, and the half-insole is located only under the heel. The purpose of the insole (and half-insole) is to support normal (or already falling) arches of the feet. This will avoid flat feet. If after several days of wearing new shoes you feel that your feet are uncomfortable, either change your shoes or contact an orthopedic salon to select the appropriate arch supports or insoles.”

In hot and cold

The best choice for any season is shoes made of natural material, which will allow the skin of your feet to breathe and will not interfere with natural heat transfer. We recommend shoes made of genuine leather, nubuck, suede, and textiles. Shoes made of leatherette can be hazardous to health, especially for summer shoes: under the influence of temperature, various chemical components of this material begin to interact with the skin of the feet. In addition, shoes made of leatherette do not allow air to pass to the feet. As a result, you can “earn” diaper rash or fungal diseases.

If you do buy shoes made from artificial materials, make sure that at least the lining of the shoe is made of genuine leather or textile - for health, first of all, the material with which the foot is in direct contact is important. You should also pay attention to the material from which the insole is made. Ideally, it should absorb unpleasant odors, remove moisture, kill bacteria - it’s great if the insole is impregnated with a special antibacterial composition.

Do not forget that natural materials, unlike artificial ones, wear out and take the shape of the foot over time. By the way, in hot weather your feet swell a little, keep this in mind if you buy summer shoes.

In summer, it is not recommended to wear patent leather shoes, which do not allow moisture and air to pass through easily. You can wear patent leather shoes to any celebration, but for every day it is better to have open sandals or shoes made from natural materials.

For spring and autumn, it is important that the boots do not allow water to pass through and at the same time allow the foot to “breathe”. If demi-season boots or boots are fastened with a zipper, it should not start too close to the sole, otherwise your feet will get wet if you step into even a shallow puddle. Unlike summer shoes, boots should not fit closely to your feet (you won’t wear them on bare feet) - you need to try them on with a thick sock.

The main thing in winter boots or boots is - sole. It should be thick enough, with a special anti-slip protector. It is safest to wear boots in icy conditions with a varied tread pattern - for example, one part in the form of stripes, the other - rounded protrusions. The heel of the boot should also have a tread and be rubber, not plastic, otherwise the foot will slip.

Leather shoes with a lining made of natural fur, such as sheep's or sheep's fur, and a fur insole retain heat best. By choosing the right winter shoes, you don't have to worry about the harsh cold and slippery sidewalks.

Fashion victims

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to look fashionable and elegant. The shoe industry offers many ways to make your legs look slimmer and longer. Heels, narrow toes, platforms - it’s hard to argue that such shoes are more feminine than rough boots with thick soles. But how safe are these fashionable delights?

The dangers of high heels have already been mentioned. But you shouldn’t overuse platform shoes either. Firstly, a high platform (like a stiletto heel) does not exclude injuries: it is easy to twist your foot on it. Secondly, when walking on a platform, the ligaments and muscles of the foot are left without “work” and flat feet may develop. If you do buy such shoes, choose a platform that is wide enough and therefore more stable. Remember that neither the hairpin nor the platform are completely suitable for driving a car. The heel can cling to the mat, making it difficult to move your foot from one pedal to another, and the thick platform does not allow you to feel the pressure of your foot on the pedal.

Another fashion detail beloved by many - the pointed toe - is also not harmless. These shoes squeeze your toes, bringing them closer to each other. In this case, the thumb and little finger are lowered, and the rest are raised. All this threatens with deformation of the fingers, the formation of painful calluses and “bumps”. Since the body weight presses the foot into the wedge-shaped space (especially if, in addition to the pointed toe, the shoe has a heel that is 5–6 centimeters or more high), the entire load is transferred to the bones of the middle toes. Because of this, transverse flat feet occur, and painful corns form on the soles.

Children's shoes

Probably, the only thing more important than your own health is the well-being of the child. Incorrectly chosen shoes are dangerous not only because they cause inconvenience to the child: the baby begins to be capricious, and parents sometimes do not even understand that the whole point is in unsuitable shoes. While a child's foot is in the formative stage, it is very important that shoes do not interfere with this process and do not provoke problems such as flat feet.

What should children's shoes be like? “Under no circumstances should a child wear shoes that are “too big,” but they shouldn’t be too tight either,- says pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist Mikhail Trunev. - A rigid, moderately ribbed sole and a rigid upper are desirable. Demi-season and winter shoes should fit the ankle joint, that is, be high.”.

Experts advise purchasing boots for children made from natural material with a small heel, a fixed heel and a soft heel, an orthopedic insole and a wide toe. Children's orthopedic shoes are necessary for the prevention of foot deformities and their proper development, which is why many doctors recommend buying just such shoes for children under 4–5 years old.

In move

Everyone who plays sports knows how much the right clothes and, of course, shoes for training mean. Sneakers should be very comfortable so that discomfort does not distract you from your activities. It is important that they are suitable for the sport you have chosen and reliably protect your leg from injury - protect against “twisting” of the foot, ensure ankle fixation and leg stability. When buying sneakers, pay attention not only to the design, but more importantly to how comfortable it is for you to move in a particular model. Flexible sole, hard heel, lightness - signs of high-quality sports shoes.

It is best to train in shoes made of leather or Gore-Tex that provide normal air exchange, with an insole that can be removed and dried. When choosing shoes for sports, keep in mind that during training the foot may increase slightly in size, and also remember that there should be a small space between the toes and the toe of the sneaker. In addition to universal sneakers suitable for all sports, there are special shoes for specific workouts, which a sports store sales assistant will help you choose.

Shoes for aerobics and shaping protects against injuries with the help of special inserts in the sole area. These shoes may be taller than shoes for other sports. This allows you to fix the lower leg and prevent damage to the ankle joint. Because aerobics is so dynamic, you'll need shoes that are flexible and lightweight to keep you moving easily and comfortably. The wide toe box and narrow heel of the shoe provide better traction on the floor.

For running Very light sneakers that fit perfectly on the foot are best. If your foot slips inside, you risk getting calluses and abrasions, and the risk of ankle injury will increase. You need a flexible toe that allows you to better push off the ground, and a reinforced heel. It is important that running shoes have the ability to cushion shock when they hit the ground. Therefore, sneakers with air pockets - air-filled cavities inside the sole - are suitable for running.

Football Shoes should have a wide reinforced toe area, spikes for playing on grass or a raised sole for the gym.

When choosing shoes for tennis you need to take into account what kind of court you are going to play on - different models are suitable for different types of coverage. Tennis sneakers have a fairly thick sole, flexible in the toe area and stiffer in the heel, as well as a special tread that does not allow slipping on the court surface.

Comfortable, “healthy” shoes will provide you with pleasant and effective workouts, allow you to get less tired during work, entertainment and walking, protect you from illnesses - in a word, they will literally help you stand firmly on your feet in any situation.

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Store shelves spoil us with an abundance of summer shoes. There is a choice here to suit the most demanding tastes: in shape, color, and price. Just don’t forget that while trying to look beautiful, you also need to remember about the comfort and health of our legs.

Therefore we are in website We decided to make your search easier and illustrated the most common mistakes in choosing shoes for the summer.

10. The sole is too narrow

Shoes in which the foot is wider than the sole of the shoe look unsightly. In addition, this position of the foot contributes to deformation of the joints of the leg and can provoke the formation of a bone on the big toe. Tight shoes often cause ingrown toenails and also irritate the skin, leading to the formation of calluses.

9. Incorrect fit in the instep area

If the landing is unsuccessful, the bend of the foot and the bend of the sole of the shoe are different. It turns out that the foot does not lie on the shoe, but rests only on the extreme points - under the heel and under the ball of the foot. When wearing such shoes, blood circulation is impaired, calluses appear, and this also leads to sweating and pain in the legs.

8. The sole is longer than the foot

Excessively long soles are usually found on flip-flops or sandals with a bridge in the middle. Such shoes have a large distance from the edge of the toes to the edge of the shoe. Normally, this distance should be no more than one centimeter. This is a margin for freedom of the foot in shoes. When this reserve is larger, walking becomes not entirely comfortable and unsafe. This provokes diseases of tissues and joints. In addition, you risk getting caught on a step.

7. The sole is too short

With such a fit, you have to constantly support the sandals with your toes so that they do not fall off. At the same time, the muscles of the fingers are constantly tense, the load on the leg is distributed unevenly. You also risk twisting your heel, and at the same time getting an unpleasant injury. Do not forget that when buying shoes you need to focus on the most prominent point on the foot.

6. Shoes are too loose on your feet.

If the shoe fits too loosely on the foot, it rests mainly on the toes. This causes the leg muscles to become overstrained, which can lead to an unsightly shuffling gait. In addition, as a result, fingers and joints may become deformed, bone calluses may form, and pain in the knees and back may appear.

5. Shoes that are too big

When we wear shoes that are too big for us, tension arises in the instep of the foot in order to hold the shoe that falls off. It is easy to trip in such shoes. Oversized shoes are just as harmful as tight ones. A model that is too loose is much more likely to cause blisters than any other.

4. Shoes are made from non-natural materials

In the summer, it is especially worth choosing shoes made from natural materials: leather, textiles. Shoes made of leatherette can be hazardous to health: under the influence of high temperatures, various chemical components of this material begin to interact with the skin of the feet. In addition, such shoes do not allow air to pass to the feet. All this can result in fungal diseases or diaper rash.

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