How to make a heart from satin ribbons. Kanzashi heart made of satin ribbon. Volumetric heart made of roses - an original gift for Valentine's Day

If you think that the kanzashi technique is very difficult and beyond your control, you are mistaken! Once you familiarize yourself with it, you will understand that there is nothing complicated about this technique!

To create such a gift you will need:

  • light pink satin ribbon with a width of at least 50 mm;
  • lilac felt;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • lighter;
  • rhinestones in two sizes: 3 and 6 mm.

How to make a kanzashi heart from a satin ribbon with your own hands

To get started, you need to make squares with sides of 5x5 from the tape. A total of 19 such parts will be required.

Now you need to take the squares one at a time and make petals out of them for your future Valentine.

The square should be folded in half, oriented with two corners of opposite sides. The result will be a triangle.

The folded side should be left untouched, and the two cut edges should be folded into small folds.

The cuts turned out to be slightly uneven, so they need to be straightened by cutting with scissors. The resulting edge must be immediately treated with fire in order to melt and solder the folds of the tape together and the petal does not crumble.

All you have to do is straighten the petal a little and it’s ready.

Repeating the entire sequence of making this petal, you need to make the same parts from the remaining 18 squares.

Now you can glue the petals into the heart. First, the two petals should be glued together, applying glue to the sides.

The third petal must be attached, slightly overlapping the previous ones, covering the place where they are glued. As a result, the parts were used to create a triangle-shaped workpiece.

In the third row, you need to attach three parts, placing them in a straight line. The soldering point of each petal must be glued to the underside of the parts of the previous row.

In the fourth row you need to attach 4 petals, making them a smooth edge for the entire workpiece.

In the fifth row, 5 parts should be secured, increasing the size of the workpiece.

The result is a large triangular blank, now from the remaining 4 petals you need to give it a heart shape. To do this, you need to take two petals and attach them to one side of the triangle, and fasten the remaining two parts to the other side of the workpiece, the middle will remain unfilled. The result will be a neat heart.

According to the size of the resulting blank, you need to cut out a heart from lilac felt.

The resulting felt part should be thoroughly greased with glue and attached to the wrong side of a heart made of pink petals.

All that remains is to decorate the resulting heart. This will require two sizes of rhinestones. Rhinestones should be glued along the edge of the heart, always alternating large and small ones.

The result is a beautiful valentine made using the kanzashi technique, which will definitely delight your loved ones!

Lena Novikova

Master class on the topic:

"Heart for loved ones".

So, for us to work required:

1. Red cardboard, a sheet of white paper,

2. Scissors, glue gun, wire cutters,

3. Artificial flowers, beads, hearts,

4. Copper wire 2 pieces, 50 cm each.

5. Satin ribbons white and red.

First, cut out a template from white paper and transfer it to red cardboard 3 times.

Cut out three heart.

We fold hearts in half, red side inward.

We put the wire together and bend it in half. We twist the middle of the wire, leaving a loop for tapes.

The result was a blank similar to umbrella: a loop on top and four “antennae” - ribs.

Wrap three tendrils of wire in white satin ribbon, and glue it at the end so that it doesn’t unravel.

Hearts glue them together like a triangular lantern, passing a bare wire through the center. Antennae wrapped tape, direct between the red ribs heart. We twist all the wires together into one bundle. We bite off the excess wire with wire cutters, and on one, string a bead and secure it.

Glue on the ribs heart beads or hearts.

(Note: If you do not wrap the wire tendrils tape, you can string beads on them.)

Decorating the top of the head heart artificial flowers ribbons, beads.

If you think that the kanzashi technique is very difficult and beyond your control, you are mistaken! Once you familiarize yourself with it, you will understand that there is nothing complicated about this technique!

To create such a gift you will need:

  • light pink satin ribbon with a width of at least 50 mm;
  • lilac felt;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • lighter;
  • rhinestones in two sizes: 3 and 6 mm.

How to make a kanzashi heart from a satin ribbon with your own hands

To get started, you need to make squares with sides of 5x5 from the tape. A total of 19 such parts will be required.

Now you need to take the squares one at a time and make petals out of them for your future Valentine.

The square should be folded in half, oriented with two corners of opposite sides. The result will be a triangle.

The folded side should be left untouched, and the two cut edges should be folded into small folds.

The cuts turned out to be slightly uneven, so they need to be straightened by cutting with scissors. The resulting edge must be immediately treated with fire in order to melt and solder the folds of the tape together and the petal does not crumble.

All you have to do is straighten the petal a little and it’s ready.

Repeating the entire sequence of making this petal, you need to make the same parts from the remaining 18 squares.

Now you can glue the petals into the heart. First, the two petals should be glued together, applying glue to the sides.

The third petal must be attached, slightly overlapping the previous ones, covering the place where they are glued. As a result, the parts were used to create a triangle-shaped workpiece.

In the third row, you need to attach three parts, placing them in a straight line. The soldering point of each petal must be glued to the underside of the parts of the previous row.

In the fourth row you need to attach 4 petals, making them a smooth edge for the entire workpiece.

In the fifth row, 5 parts should be secured, increasing the size of the workpiece.

The result is a large triangular blank, now from the remaining 4 petals you need to give it a heart shape. To do this, you need to take two petals and attach them to one side of the triangle, and fasten the remaining two parts to the other side of the workpiece, the middle will remain unfilled. The result will be a neat heart.

According to the size of the resulting blank, you need to cut out a heart from lilac felt.

The resulting felt part should be thoroughly greased with glue and attached to the wrong side of a heart made of pink petals.

All that remains is to decorate the resulting heart. This will require two sizes of rhinestones. Rhinestones should be glued along the edge of the heart, always alternating large and small ones.

The result is a beautiful valentine made using the kanzashi technique, which will definitely delight your loved ones!

Valentine's Day is a great occasion to say warm words of love amidst the winter blizzard and cold. A large gift with delicate flowers made from satin ribbon can be a bright gift. You can make it with your own hands, because with detailed instructions from the website “” it will be very simple.

List of required materials:

  • foam heart figure;
  • red satin ribbon;
  • needle with red thread, iron;
  • glue gun, scissors.

Master class on making a scarlet heart:

Step 1. You will need a satin ribbon 7 cm wide. If you don’t have one, then you can replace it with red fabric. In this case, cut it into strips 7 cm wide.

Cut the ribbon 40 cm long. The satin ribbon, like the material, has a front and back side. You need to roll the strip lengthwise. In this case, the front part of the tape should be on top (it is more shiny). To ensure that the workpiece holds its shape, iron the fold line.

Step 2. Sew the free sides of the tape with the seam facing forward. Pull the material together as you sew. If this is not done, then the flower’s petals will not be voluminous. You will get something like this.

Step 3. The stitched strip must be rolled into a bud. Try to twist the lower part (the one that is sewn) as tightly as possible, and straighten the upper part of the workpiece (along the fold line) in the form of petals. To prevent the bud from opening, secure the ribbons every 2-3 cm with hot glue.

Sew the flower from the bottom and pull the thread. This will open the bud even more.

Step 4. Make all the ribbon flowers in a similar way. You can use not only red for the buds, but also “dilute” it with pink or burgundy. The number of blanks will depend on the size of the foam base.

Step 5. Glue the finished flowers onto the foam. First place the blanks in the center of the heart, then glue on the sides. Try to place the buds close to each other so that the base is not visible.

If you don't have foam, you can use cardboard. But on top of the cardboard heart you need to make semicircular sides 4 cm high. Glue them from plain paper and leave to dry.

Step 6. Attach the ribbon in the form of a loop on the reverse side.

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