Nickel wedding (28 years). Congratulations on the nickel wedding Congratulations on the 28th wedding anniversary beautiful

28 years of marriage is popularly called the nickel wedding. Nickel is a shiny and durable silver-colored metal. In addition, nickel is an element of the periodic table with atomic number 28. This is an interesting coincidence.
What to give to a married couple is a question that arises among relatives, children and friends invited to the holiday, and it is not always possible to find a worthy answer to it yourself! The task is not easy, because you will have to choose one gift for two. Let it be something useful in everyday life, but at the same time not devoid of romance. Read more in our article.

Should we celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary?

The 28th wedding anniversary is not considered round and solemn. This day, rather, can be called a holiday for two: husband and wife. Therefore, if the heroes of the occasion decide for some reason to retire on this day and not have a celebration, then you should not interfere with their plans. You can congratulate the “newlyweds” on any other day.

Despite the fact that it is not customary to celebrate a nickel wedding on a grand scale, many married couples are not averse to throwing a feast in honor of this event. In this case, the spouses invite their closest relatives and friends to visit. Most likely, guests will have a cozy family dinner in the home of the “newlyweds” with the presentation of symbolic gifts and the making of heartfelt toasts.


What to give to your wife

Along with strength, nickel is flexible, resistant to aggressive external environments and has magnetic properties. The qualities of this metal perfectly characterize the relationship between a husband and wife who have lived together for more than a quarter of a century. This union passed many tests of strength, experienced a number of happy events and as a result became united and indestructible. A loving husband can give his wife the following gifts:

Gifts for husband

On the 28th wedding anniversary, a wife can give her beloved husband original small things, decorated with nickel-plated elements, or entirely made of this shiny metal. These include the following accessories:

  • Nickel-plated business card holder with words of love, wishes or just the initials of the husband engraved on the lid or under it. The husband will willingly show off a stylish gift from his wife to his friends and acquaintances.
  • Wristwatch decorated with nickel elements and engraved “With Love”. Such a gift will serve for a long time as a reminder to the husband of the nickel celebration and of the beloved who brought it. You can’t buy a good personalized watch for less than 10,000 rubles.
  • Cufflinks. Men's jewelry made of nickel or with nickel inserts will adorn a business man and a respected employee of the enterprise. Silver is most similar to nickel, and cufflinks made of this metal can be bought for 8,000 rubles. and more expensive.
  • Tie clip. Another attribute of a respectable man who often wears business suits and shirts. The original metal clip will be useful to the husband not only at work, but also at the celebration of the wedding anniversary.
  • Metal frame on the table. Surprise your husband: have your photo taken in a studio by a professional. Place your best photo in a metal frame and gift it to him on his nickel marriage anniversary. A photo frame with your photo will be a sweet and unexpected surprise for your spouse.

  • DVR. Even though giving gadgets is not very symbolic, men love such gifts. A new model of a DVR with a radar detector will cost you 3,000 rubles or more, but your husband will really like this gift!
  • Nickel-plated wheels on cars. Chrome wheels are the dream of every car enthusiast. For greater strength, they are coated with a nickel compound. In choosing such a gift you will need the help of your spouse's son or friend. Such a gift is worth considering if you are willing to spend at least 20,000 rubles on it.

Gifts from relatives

If relatives want to symbolically congratulate the spouses on their 28th wedding anniversary, then they must remember that nickel in its pure form is practically not used. Basically, this metal is actively used for protective and decorative coatings on other metals (nickel plating). Therefore, for a nickel wedding, relatives, as a rule, give the “young” things that have any association with durable silver metal, such as:

Gifts from friends

A married couple who has lived to the 28-year mark, like Nickel, has already acquired a certain plasticity in their relationships; the spouses have learned to face troubles together and almost never break into quarrels and scandals. They have become one, and, like two halves of a magnet, the pair is almost impossible to separate. Friends invited by spouses to the nickel anniversary of marriage can give the following gifts:

How to congratulate parents

Let their adult children organize a 28th wedding anniversary celebration for parents. It is necessary to prepare an interesting program, with jokes and congratulations, so that the holiday carries as many romantic notes and positive emotions as possible. Remember that organizing a holiday does not negate the need for a symbolic souvenir as a gift to parents, and wealthy adult children can afford a fairly expensive present. Successful gifts for parents on a nickel wedding anniversary can include, for example:

Original cards for the 28th wedding anniversary (photo)

We looked at options for gifts for spouses on their 28th marriage anniversary from their closest relatives and friends, and listed what a husband and wife can give each other on their nickel date. After so many years of life, the couple realized that only by staying together they would overcome all life's obstacles, so the best gift for a couple celebrating 28 years of marriage would be love and attention from their children, relatives and friends!

A significant event is the 28th wedding anniversary, but, unfortunately, this date is not an anniversary and is not usually celebrated. Because of this, few people know that this wedding is called nickel! Nickel is a fairly hard metal and has magnetic properties. Relationships in the family should be the same - strong and attracting only good things.

28 years is a respectable age for marriage

If you look at 28 years of marriage from the point of view of a person’s age, then this is that wonderful period when the main path in life has already been chosen, the passionate years of youthful hobbies and difficult times of study are behind. An almost thirty-year marriage is characterized by the absence of passions, but the presence of tender feelings, enormous respect between the spouses for each other, and support.

The anniversary, which marks twenty-eight years since the wedding, for many couples is not just a holiday, but a kind of symbol of happiness that has been forged over a long period.

On this day, it is very important that the first to congratulate the spouses on their anniversary are their children and grandchildren.

Of course, this is not a round date, but first of all, it is an opportunity to gather the whole family at one table and remember all the good things that happened in life throughout this entire period.

Nickel wedding traditions

According to tradition, the 28th anniversary of marriage is not celebrated. But this does not mean that you cannot celebrate this date at all, because it depends on the desire of the married couple. You can arrange a small sweet table at home, invite guests, or you can spend this holiday just the two of you - remember the past years. On this day, you can walk through the places where the wedding was celebrated, or visit those streets where you first met each other, where you kissed for the first time. You can visit a cinema or go to your favorite performance, and after a cultural program, light candles and have a romantic dinner; what woman wouldn’t want that?

A great gift for each other is a trip to nearby cities for one day. You can take friends with you, preferably only your closest ones.

What to give for 28 years of marriage

Any, even - this is a great reason to give gifts! It is best to give nickel dishes for your 28th wedding anniversary; you can also give something unusual, for example, a beautiful piece of nickel jewelry. As they say, such are gifts. Many different things are usually made from this material, which are also suitable as gifts when the anniversary is celebrated - 28 years of marriage. Here are just a few of them:

  • chandeliers;
  • candlesticks;
  • cigarette cases.

Nickel is also included in electrical engineering, which significantly expands the horizons of searching for gifts. So, pay attention to:

  • services;
  • teapots;
  • mixers and other household appliances;
  • embroidered bedspread or tablecloth.

In general, on the day when 28 years have passed since the decisive “Yes!” said by the bride and groom at the registry office, you can give any thing. The main thing is that it is useful in the house. It is worth noting that on this day it is not customary to give gifts made of wood and paper.

After 28 years of marriage, the couple celebrates their nickel wedding. In some countries the name Orchid Day has stuck. The holiday emphasizes the importance of marital ties, romance and tenderness in relationships. Although in our country it is customary to celebrate only anniversaries, such intermediate dates will help preserve the touching feelings of the spouses. To make your anniversary memorable for many years, it is important to know its meaning, how to celebrate and what to give for the occasion.

What wedding

28 years of marriage is called a nickel wedding. The shiny silver-white metal does not fade over the years and is resistant to the negative effects of external factors. If not properly cared for, the alloy will rust. This is appropriate for spouses who, even after 28 years, have not lost their feelings in their daily routine.

Nickel indicates the brilliance and radiance of a couple who were able to maintain love despite problems and adversity. But if a husband and wife stop maintaining their relationship, their union becomes fragile.

Traditionally, at a nickel wedding, spouses repeat their marriage vows and exchange small gifts that symbolize the love and strength of their bonds. A samovar can be placed for guests, symbolizing comfort, well-being, and hospitality.

How to celebrate

A nickel wedding anniversary involves a celebration together or in a narrow circle of family and close friends.

When choosing the first option, a romantic dinner by candlelight is appropriate. It can be held at home or in your favorite cozy restaurant. Order a bottle of champagne or wine and a light dessert. Exchange cute gifts, remember the pleasant moments of your life together, review your wedding photos, dance, visit the place of your first meeting. The celebration should be fun, romantic, and relaxed.

You can celebrate your nickel wedding on a grand scale. Invite adult children and grandchildren, friends, and closest relatives.

It is important to properly arrange the venue for the celebration. Decorate the living room with balloons, ribbons, orchids. Cover the table with a white shiny tablecloth. If possible, use nickel or silver utensils for serving.

On your 28th wedding anniversary, cover the table with a white tablecloth.

Gift for husband

For a nickel wedding, a wife can cook a festive dinner for her husband, compose a song or make a gift with her own hands, for example, embroider a napkin or knit a scarf.

In the traditions of the 28th wedding anniversary, you can give:

  • cup holder;
  • cigarette case, lighter;
  • collectible saber, weapons with nickel elements;
  • pocket flask;
  • shaving kit

Gift for wife

To make the holiday a success, the husband can surprise his beloved with a pleasant surprise. Prepare breakfast, bake a pie according to your wife’s signature recipe, clean the house.

Symbolic gifts for a wife for a nickel wedding:

  • Nickel alloy pendant;
  • bracelet;
  • earrings;
  • ring;
  • original hair clip or comb;
  • mirror.

Engrave your jewelry with a declaration of love and gratitude for the years you have lived together.

What do guests give?

On the 28th wedding anniversary, children and close relatives can choose a gift taking into account the characters and characteristics of the relationship of the spouses. You can give theater tickets, a certificate for certain services or travel. For flower lovers, give them a houseplant. Fans of classical poetry or prose will love the work of their favorite author.

A cheerful couple will appreciate original T-shirts with images or inscriptions. Connoisseurs of fine drinks will be happy to receive a bottle of rare, expensive wine or champagne. On the label, write warm words of congratulations or paste a photo of the spouses.

For a nickel wedding, symbolic gifts are given with elements of metal symbolizing the anniversary, including:

  • kitchen utensils: cutlery, tray, kettle, forks, spoons, knives;
  • chandelier;
  • a box for jewelry or photographs: inside you can place a card with wishes, money or movie tickets;
  • picture or frame;
  • collectible coins with engraving;
  • floor or wall clock.

Nickel is a durable metal with an attractive appearance. Products made from it are functional and durable. To give an item more significance, it can be decorated with engraving. A professional craftsman can even engrave the couple's portrait. Some things become family heirlooms and are passed on to future generations.

Regardless of the symbol of the wedding anniversary, useful things for the home are always relevant. Options for traditional universal gifts:

  • crystal;
  • home textiles: bed linen, towels;
  • household appliances: guests can give such a gift together;
  • money.

If you don’t know what to present, buy a bouquet of flowers, beautifully pack a box of chocolates or a large cake with a congratulatory inscription. A handmade postcard would be a good gift. Decorate it with braid, lace, and beads.


At the festive table in honor of the Nickel wedding, guests make toasts and give gifts. Some sincerely express themselves in their own words, others prefer congratulations in verse.

One of the congratulatory text options:
Nickel, a shining durable metal,
It has become a symbol of wedding for you today.
Let your eyes sparkle with happiness
Just like many days ago!
You have been together for twenty-eight years, friends,
So, it’s simply impossible to quarrel between you,
Your sincere marriage is strong and durable!
Happiness to you, peace, may it continue to be so!

5.00 out of 5 (1 Vote)

The years are flying by and the 28th wedding anniversary is already upon us. This date is not round, but it is simply necessary to respect your spouse. Sometimes just warm words, a small congratulation in prose or poetry are enough. Exactly what you were looking for. Only better!

To husband from wife

My beloved husband,
I want to tell you
That you are my close friend,
And you can't find it closer.

We've been together for so many years
Before the Nickel Wedding
They made it, they send greetings
We have many friends.

Built for life
Cozy manor
Our grandchildren come to visit us
How happy we are here!

I wrote congratulations all night,
To tell you, beloved husband,
How glad I am to live with you, even though many years have passed,
We ate quite a few pears together.

Both sweet and not so sweet - there were a lot of pears,
We cannot count them, but this is our experience.
Today our nickel pears
We're packing for wedding luggage.

However, 28 years, and there will be more,
I want to hug you, kiss you,
Say “forgive me”, dear, good one,
And I invite you to dance tango!

Poems can't tell
How much we have gone through with you,
How we learned to forgive
And part with past pain.

We already know how to value
Love, joy and light,
To live until the nickel wedding,
Grow and bloom in winter and summer!

I dedicated my life to my husband,
And he devotes his life
Wife, family, big things,
He understands everything in the world!

Happy anniversary to us, dear!
Let's go before the golden wedding!

28 years later we invited friends
Celebrating a special day - a nickel wedding!
Joy, laughter, poetry like a river
They pour into yours and mine!

I want to tell my husband,
That I'm ready to continue
Live, love, forgive, dream
As much as needed.

Congratulations, hugs,
I entrust myself entirely to you!

I want to read wishes to my beloved spouse in prose. In your own words, talk about love, remember our interesting path, like an exciting journey of 28 years!
It was extreme, unusual, difficult, we got to know each other, raised children and already saw our grandchildren. I want to solemnly declare that I am ready to go with you to the very end and beyond, to fly into the heavens with you, if you call! I love you and our home! Thank you for everything that is and will be!

To the wife from her husband

People are discussing our relationship
They praise, they are surprised, they wish for many years to come.
28 years in a row, together day and night,
Our children are adults – both a son and a daughter!

I dedicate these lines to my beloved wife,
I want to continue living with her until I’m very old!

The huge table is set,
We are unanimously congratulated,
And he’s sitting next to him
And he looks without blinking

I give you flowers
I swear my love again
Do you remember, me and you
We agreed once
About love.

And no matter how much above us
No clouds passed by
We know: behind the rains
A ray of light appeared
And warmed me up.

Happy wedding day, my dear,
Happy nickel wedding day!

A holiday of heart and soul,
Guests have come to visit us.
28 years ago
You said YES.

I love, and you love,
We have common dreams.
To the nickel wedding
They were building an estate.

The wish is:
I want to live until the golden age,
Until the victorious!

Taking your wife's hand
And looking into clear eyes,
I'll tell you how much we love each other,
We are no longer afraid of the thunderstorm.

We are celebrating our anniversary
Brilliant nickel wedding.
Oh, how much longer will we have with you?
Years measured out - I wish I could find out!

Family ties cannot be broken,
I want to kiss you!

My precious, woman of dreams!
You are colored with gray hair and have flowers in your hands.
I'm ready to lay the whole world at your feet,
Only you are smart, modest and love our sapphire.

However, the nickel wedding came to our porch,
That's why I give you a sapphire ring.
Flourish, live for the joy of our entire family,
And, as much as we can, we help you in everything.

Happy wedding day, honey!

My beloved woman, who became my wife 28 years ago, congratulations to you! To be honest, I want to congratulate myself, because I am so lucky to have you. I won’t lie that all these years before the Nickel wedding it was easy and joyful for us to live, but we learned something very important, thanks to which no one can separate us. This is SOMETHING - love, family evenings, cozy gatherings with family members. I am grateful to fate and to you that this became possible and is the most important part of my life. Hooray!

From parents

We look and don’t believe that so many years have passed,
Since you met and got married.
We, as parents, are very lucky here,
Come to congratulate you, add praise.

We are proud and, frankly, sometimes we take an example,
How bravely you fought for your happy home!
We congratulate you on your nickel wedding,
And we will send a holiday envelope to your address.

How many different words have already been said,
But parents have poems for their daughter:
Darling, we haven’t lost you,
We have found you as a wise married woman.

Marriage has graced you,
It gave us sons-in-law, grandchildren, experience.
Let 28 years still fly forward,
After all, there is love and whispers of inspiration.

Don't hide from your parents
They are always there for you.
Let them grumble, sternly,
And they quarreled more than once.

We are happy about your wedding,
Wonderful vanity.
May you grow a little older
But on top.

With a nickel wedding
At the Rainbow Manor!

Mother and father said to the children:
We are proud of you, yes!
Twenty-eight years of covenants
You have always been honored.

And many more years to come
We wish you the best.
Come visit us more often -
We beg you.

Seeing you and grandchildren -
The happiness of old people.
No more needed
Loud unnecessary words.

Our dear children! Accept prose from parents who didn’t think or guess that they ended up at your wedding. Yes, this is not an ordinary wedding - a nickel one! It’s hard to say, there are tears of memories in our eyes, we remember what price you paid for your happiness! We wish you to live to see your golden wedding, and we are presenting you with a golden gift now! Continue to be loving spouses, caring parents and responsive children!

From friends

My friend, you are still as beautiful!
Marriage is yours.
Loyalty, love, care and strength,
All for him alone.

For my beloved, unique husband,
He helps you:
Here and now, all the years and days
He is at your head.

Happy wedding, friends, loving congratulations!
Happy Nickel Anniversary! Hooray!

I am your witness - how many years and winters have passed,
You are still close, friendly, you feel warm and good.

Twenty-eight years have passed - don’t blink an eye!
Happy anniversary to you guys, God bless you!

My dear sister,
After all, I learned from you
Love, care, forgive,
Dedicate yourself to your spouse.

I congratulate you on your date,
Relatives in profile and full face!

We give two bags of gifts to friends -
After all, the new year has begun for you.
We congratulate you, we surprise you,
Just like you, we are rare baggage:

Home, family and children, loved ones are warm;
Happiness or sorrow - together it’s all the same.
The hand warms the hand in May, in February,
Year after year you are destined to be together.

Everyone is the envy of your couple,
We take examples from you!
Let's play guitar
We'll sing a romance.

About love, about a warm home,
About the fate of a saint.
How many years have you lived together?
And until golden!

Congratulations on Nickel!
This is amazing!

Dear friends, we have come to congratulate you and say what we have been thinking for a long time. Your marriage is worthy of emulation. We are sure that your children and grandchildren are bathed in love and care, and family life is in the first place of honor for them. There are few such strong families, the more they are valued - worth their weight in gold. So now you simply must live to see the golden anniversary of your life together. We bless you on this journey!

Comical and funny

We don't know what nickel is,
But we know you very well.
Let it not be an anniversary, as everyone is used to,
But let's celebrate the wedding date.

Twenty-eight years of tolerating each other -
This feat is simply outrageous!
Only spouses can live like this,
For the mediocre, this feat is doubtful.

Twenty eight years in a row
We congratulate the guys.
Don't you want a divorce?
So that once - and be free?

Why nickel and silver?
Why do we accumulate junk?
We are building a house and waiting for guests,
Who arranged people this way?

Okay, too harsh
Congratulations, Mon Cupid!!!

Nickel things
I couldn't find it.
I want to give you a shiny one
Painted peacock tail.

Exactly 28 feathers,
People don't live that long
Congratulations with the caveat:
Get 50 pieces!

To have more feathers
And the tail became thick,
So that it sparkles and shimmers,
Your great-grandchildren got it!

Jokes aside, guys.
You are beautiful and rich:
Home, hearth, children, grandchildren,
You're clearly not bored here.

Twenty eight great years
Hundreds of steam cutlets,
Photos, portraits,
Homemade pates.

Well done! And keep it up
There is nothing more to wish for!

Brilliant nickel, priceless nickel,
If we're talking about a wedding, of course.

This is twenty and eight years from above -
Congratulations, we will take your measurements.

Sew you one sheet for two,
Made from 28 pieces.
Colored, unusual, like in the children's menu
With many different worlds.

Cool poems we wrote
On the occasion of a wonderful anniversary.
And we ask you to tell us honestly,
How a man loves one woman.

How does a woman love one man?
What keeps you afloat for so long?
What will your children and grandchildren remember about you?
Such wishes are common.

SMS congratulations

I'm sending you a text message,
Congratulations to you:
28 years old - hooray!
Together tomorrow, like yesterday!

Hugs and congratulations,
For mom and dad!
Happy Nickel Anniversary,
La la la la la!

Let it in your home
There will be a lot of light!
More love
More advice!

28 years have passed
It was quiet and warm!

With a nickel wedding
Be a super couple
In profile and full face.

Family idyll -
This is you today.
Happy Nickel Anniversary,
Happy noble date!

Please accept congratulations,
Anything you want
To ourselves - yes, yes, yes,
For many more years!

We love you and wish you
Many more days of love.
Congratulations, we send
SMS poems.

Dad and mom are the holy of holies!
Happy wedding day, our dear ones!
There will be gifts and there will be flowers,
From younger children and older ones)

It’s warm, light and light next to you!
Keep up the good work.
We'll come soon to congratulate you on your wedding day,
To the dear old man and old woman)))

Short poems
Happy wedding day dear!
There are roosters there in the morning,
And in the evening - hee hee.

There are no words - only admiration
Happy wedding day!
Dreams come true,
Aging together!

28 years together
are worth a lot
congratulations on this day
sitting or standing.


From my husband

Dear wife,
the road to you was long,
The road with you is interesting and difficult.
I want to raise a toast to many roads,
Which become dear thanks to the shared path!
Today our road is nickel,
Are you ready to go the golden way?
This is what my toast is about - about the golden path that I want to follow.

I won’t say many words so that the wind doesn’t carry them away.
I love!
Thank you
I'm looking forward to the continuation!
To this I raise my glass.

From my wife

I will say my favorite toast to my beloved:
Together we can make any dream come true; apart we are powerless.
So let's drink to the power of dreams!

My toast consists of one phrase:
Love, forgive, care, serve.
May it continue to be so until the golden age!

From parents

We raise our glass with a trembling hand,
Oh, we are not young, dear, with you!
Our children got married a long time ago
Like in a good old movie.

We want to wish
Tremble less.
May health and life
It's seething and buzzing inside you!

Happy 28th anniversary of living together!

Why are the glasses still empty?
While I'm saying, fill it up.
With a wedding toast I give you flowers,
Please accept it from your relatives.

Let it be filled and overflowing
Your space with love:
Lay it down, don’t be sorry, fill it up, top it up,
My toast is over - bitter!

Statuses for the 28th wedding anniversary

  1. Congratulations on your nickel wedding are pouring in like manna from heaven.
  2. We've been together for 28 years, I can't believe it.
  3. We accept Nickel congratulations on your 28th wedding anniversary.
  4. They wished us so much that it would be enough for another 28 years of marriage.
  5. We invite guests to a celebration on the occasion of our nickel wedding
  6. We want to boast that we have been legally married for 28 years
  7. We got married 28 years ago, got married 10 years ago, we want to live to see the golden anniversary
  8. 28 years later they had a wedding
  9. What is customary to give to the bride and groom for a nickel wedding?
  10. Everyone is in place, except the bride and groom, celebrating the nickel wedding
  11. Gifts, wishes, calls on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of family life
  12. They fell in love, got married, built a new home, and had children and grandchildren.
  13. Advice and love, through the storm of life - 28 years together
  14. Give me another 28 years until ripe old age!
  15. We are not celebrating an anniversary, but a serious date - 28 years together!

Exactly what anniversary corresponds to 28 years of marriage is a matter of debate among many. Let's try to find out what exactly this date is, and also what is best to give to the heroes of the occasion.

According to folk customs, it is not customary to celebrate 28 years of marriage, that is, such an anniversary does not deserve attention. However, the 28th wedding anniversary still has its own name: it is called the “nickel wedding”, and involves certain gifts.

Why this name?

It would seem that the couple have been together for 28 years, but their relationship is still touching and tender, and nickel gives the couple’s life together additional shine and radiance. Products made from this material are ideal for spouses, because after 28 years of marriage they will emphasize the solidity and stability of the wedding.

If the relationship is not strong, then it will lose its shine and lose its original external attractiveness. Physical characteristics are the reason for the name for highlighting 28 years of married life.

The Nickel anniversary involves a quiet celebration with family and loved ones. Due to the fact that this is not a “round” anniversary, it does not involve a large-scale celebration of the wedding day.

What to give to the “nickel newlyweds”?

The couple have been together for so many years, during which time they have formed common habits and traditions that friends and relatives know about. Knowing the hobbies and interests of the couple, guests will not have problems choosing a gift.

If a stranger is invited to a nickel wedding, it is better to give any items made of nickel, for example, present a beautiful figurine or a set of kitchen utensils for your wedding anniversary.

A beautiful and functional set of dishes is a symbol of this wedding. The dishes symbolize the family hearth, the warm relationship between spouses.

In addition to nickel products, the nickel wedding anniversary also allows for the presentation of bed linen, home accessories, and textiles. For the anniversary, you can choose sweets, indoor flowers, and household appliances.

Original ideas:

It is better to discuss the question of what to give for such an important event in advance with the rest of the invitees in order to avoid the unpleasant situation when the “nickel youth” are given a dozen identical things at once.

If you want to highlight your gift, then you can give a cake with an original congratulatory inscription on it.

  • Another gift idea you can consider is a bottle of champagne with a special greeting on it.
  • T-shirts with wishes for a continued happy life together, photographs of the spouses.
  • A box with wishes, tickets or money can be given to the “newlyweds” by their children and grandchildren.
  • As a symbolic gift for such an anniversary of marriage, you can consider a nickel hairpin for a woman, a lighter or a cup holder for a man.

If previously almost no attention was paid to such an anniversary of marriage, recently the situation has changed significantly. Married couples try to give each other souvenirs and gather relatives and friends at the same table.

In addition to the fact that on such a day the heroes of the occasion are given various gifts, many pleasant words are said, the spouses remember how they lived for so many years, tell their children and grandchildren about the story of their acquaintance, and look at family photographs.

A handmade greeting card decorated with braid, lace, and beads will be a wonderful gift. Your surprise will definitely be noticed, appreciated, and will become a new family heirloom.
Author: Evgeniy Rakel

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