How to distinguish a stupid person from a smart one if he is pretending. Habits that distinguish a smart person from a stupid person A narrow-minded person makes fun of the shortcomings of others, a smart person does not

An intelligent person is a person who knows how to think, uses his head (not everyone does this and not always) and has the necessary material for this (subject knowledge).

Think - understand and analyze what is happening, make adequate decisions, take into account consequences and draw conclusions, able to actively and independently solve life or situational problems.

In the everyday understanding, a smart person is one who has a lot. But this is not entirely true, since smart is not the same as well-read or educated. There is a stereotype in part of society that an intelligent person must know physics, mathematics and similar disciplines. However, if a person knows a lot, this only speaks of his goodness and, perhaps, his desire to learn something. It is more correct to call a person smart who can use his knowledge, on the basis of which he can develop his point of view on certain issues, make some logical conclusions and make decisions. Inferences can be made either stereotyped or non-trivial, but in most cases they lead to the correct one. An intelligent person sees beyond his nose (looks into the future), unlike most people. He is able to analyze events and distinguish the essential from the unimportant.

People don't always use their minds; in everyday life, it is replaced with varying degrees of success by established habits and automatisms, by education, and sometimes by people simply turning off their heads and relying on their emotions and feelings. Specific analysis shows that most people seem to think barely more than 10% of the time. People often do stupid things not because of a lack of intelligence, but because of a lack of habit of using it. Not all people like to think, this is not always accepted, and at least most women live most of the time, guided not by their minds, but by their feelings. We can say that an intelligent person is one who tightly controls his consciousness on a high note of concentration at a strictly specified point.

Intelligence is not the same as education. Education enriches and sharpens the mind, but does not replace it, and among highly educated people you can sometimes find people who are not very smart. Intelligence is not the same thing as intelligence, if intelligence is understood as the ability to quickly answer test questions, solve logical problems and puzzles. The mind is not only the ability to think (), it is also life experience, which involves the use of ready-made solutions, it is also cunning, and other ways of finding the desired solution.

It is curious that a person thinks not only with his head; in solving problems in life, a person’s whole body is involved: sometimes helping him, sometimes hindering him. An intelligent person can be distinguished from a stupid one by the expression of his eyes, by his intonation, and even by his gait. The mind is also influenced by the hormonal situation in the body: an increase in the level of testosterone (male sex hormone) improves intelligence and the ability to spatial (topographic) thinking. continuation

One of the participants in my trainings, Vera, was surprisingly smart - with a sharp, clear, very logical mind. But her voice was masculine, rough, her manners were a little masculine, and she had a black mustache on her upper lip. This was not good, and Vera went on hormonal treatment. Hormonal treatment reduced her level of male hormones, her facial skin became smooth, clean and without mustaches, Vera’s manners became more feminine - but suddenly everyone noticed how Vera (in comparison with the old Vera) had become stupid. I became like everyone else...

It is certain that the mind is not only, the mind is formed by the nature of a person’s leading activity and the culture surrounding him as a whole. So, B.M. Teplov wrote about the peculiarities of the commander’s mind, I.P. Pavlov - about the peculiarities of the Russian mind.

The mind is associated with the psychological characteristics of a person. You can know a lot, but with crooked, inadequate programs and positions, be a fool. Due to personality components, the mind may be lazy, crafty or fearful. Women in general are no more stupid than men, but in business situations involving conceptual thinking and making responsible decisions, men usually act smarter because they are less likely to be influenced by emotions.

The male mind (sometimes simply called the mind) is the habit of thinking for oneself, looking for a direct solution, without subterfuge or tricks. The female mind is different; given the opportunity to choose, women often prefer to use cunning and solve the issue in a roundabout way, and, if possible, without racking their brains. Indeed, why think for yourself if you can make helpless eyes, trustingly ask for help, and men will tell me everything? It is also necessary to take into account that many men do not like women who are too smart, and women who understand this sometimes choose not to be too smart in order to get married more successfully...

A type of mind is. Cleverness differs from both the male and female minds by finding rare, non-obvious or workarounds.

The mind is only the beginning of the mind, its first step. The mind works from the zero or at best from the first position of perception, it has only one (its own) point of view and one task - here is I and here is what I need. When a person develops the ability and habit of using different positions of perception, to think not only from the point of view of his own point of view, but also from the point of view of other people, as well as from the position of objective consideration, a systematic approach and the position of an Angel, he develops. By mastering the positions of perception, a person develops his mind to the level of, and by adding experience to his mind, he becomes.

Intelligence alone does not guarantee happiness, love, money or career. To get all this, you need to take an inventory of your beliefs and values, develop your will, build your body... - you really need a lot more. However, if a smart person sets himself such tasks, he will achieve success faster than others who are not so smart. Start working on yourself?

Is it possible to become wiser? How to develop your mind?

To become smarter, you need to study. But - why and how? School and university contribute to the development of the mind, but do not guarantee anything: a smart person becomes smarter in the process of studying, a stupid person only fills his head with unnecessary nonsense. A smart person is not so much the one who knows everything, but the one who teaches himself what is necessary and knows where to apply what knowledge. The mind develops primarily when surrounded by smart people and when independently solving life problems, when a person is taught by life. The mind is in many ways similar to the muscles of our body: it is maintained by constant training and, without training, gradually atrophies.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Each of us secretly dreams of being the smartest, or at least smarter than other people. It is important to be able to identify an intelligent person in order to learn to distinguish a fool from a wise man and a strong mind from a weak one.

Smart people are distinguished by inner strength. This includes self-confidence, the ability to control oneself and much more. That is why the mind can be felt even by those who do not know the secrets of psychological analysis.

Sign one: a smart person does not mock the weak

A person with a high enough IQ is able to put himself in the shoes of others, so he will never just do something bad to someone. Of course, revenge and the thirst for justice can take over, but an intelligent person will not allow himself to mock someone without a reason, because people with increased “productivity” can simulate in their heads the state of an offended, weak person.

Sign two: a smart person wants everyone around them to become smart too

This is not even due to the absence of envy, but to the fact that it is always easier for a smart person to communicate with a smart person. Stupid people make a strong-minded person lose a lot of energy into nowhere, so the desire to see people around you who want to learn is common sense, and not excessive demands. Because of this, one can identify another sign of an intelligent person - the desire for solitude. Many have probably heard about our great contemporary, who refused the Nobel Prize in mathematics. He lives with his mother. Although he was many years old, he did not go out into the world. His loneliness is completely justified and accepted by himself.

Sign three: smart people are calm

Problems for people with high intelligence are nothing more than an ordinary coincidence of circumstances, a consequence of wrong actions. Such people learn very quickly because they see everything from the right angle. Problems are things that come and go. Smart people know that failure makes us stronger.

Sign four: smart people always have time for everything

This is the honest truth, because smart people always manage to do everything. They rest on time, work hard, and have time to take care of themselves. Of course, there are unique people who cannot afford anything other than work, but this is a separate topic for discussion. If a person is not stupid, he will not complain that he does not have time.

Sign five: they are smart, but they do more than they say

Intelligence is not only erudition, which any person with increased intelligence has. He knows a little bit of everything and is a true genius in his industry. That is why such people can and do a lot without wasting extra time talking. An excellent example is Anatoly Wasserman. He did not have the goal of becoming an erudite and a person who knows everything. At first he was a programmer, but then he delved deeper into the knowledge of other industries.

Sign six: desire for neatness

An intelligent person may not be fashionable, old-fashioned, or may even deny fashion as such, but he always looks nice. Smart people don't like to spend extra money on things they don't need. Despite the collectedness in terms of image, smart people have an eternal mess in their apartment, but it is very structured. A smart person always knows where his personal belongings are.

Sign seven: a smart person listens and remembers

Smart people are very, very good communicators. They don't talk about themselves unless asked to do so. Smart people like to listen and remember more. By the way, speaking of memorization, smart people have a very “narrow” memory. They can forget simple things, but remember complex ones. An example is names and dates of birth, which are poorly remembered by people with high intelligence and a large store of knowledge. This is why smart people are not afraid of mistakes. She's just trying something new and learning the consequences.

Sign eight: good sense of humor

This is not direct evidence of a great mind, but in most cases it speaks, at a minimum, of his originality. The fact is that humor requires a lot of energy from the brain. Brain activity in those who make friends with humor is very high. This does not mean the presence of knowledge, but it does mean intelligence in general.

If we deeply understand judgments about stupidity, then many scientists and psychologists agree that stupidity is rather a temporary state of mind, with which a person does not live his whole life. But the time interval for such a “problem” may be different. For some, a month is enough to change their condition and get back into the groove of a wise and intelligent person. For others, even five years is not enough.

If we put the question from a slightly different angle and consider stupidity from the point of view of the problems that it brings, then we can definitely say that there are very few positive aspects in stupidity, both for the person himself and for his environment. So how can you recognize a stupid person? Most often, if a person is stupid, then you can notice several signs in him that recognize him.

Signs of a stupid person

There are many superficial reasons for considering a person stupid. But all of them can be combined into the main six signs of a stupid person.

So by what signs can you understand that a person is stupid? Let's figure it out.

Constant monologue

Dialogue is the exchange of useful information between interlocutors. The ability to listen and hear your companion is an important component of communications with people in society. Only a stupid person lacks this component. Anyone who does not understand and accept the main factors that contribute to healthy communication between people will find it difficult to find an interlocutor and achieve a high place in society.

No one wants to regularly communicate with a person who constantly uses monologues in speech and is not able to listen to the interlocutor.

Confidence in one's rightness

Stupid people rarely focus on the diversity of the world. They do not take other people's opinions and views into account. Moreover, many of them believe that the planet Earth is absolutely round and has no trace of flattening. This view of the world is the highest degree of stupidity.

It is simply impossible to convince stupid people with such thinking of anything. No matter what evidence the interlocutor or scientific literature provides them with, such people will stand their ground and turn a blind eye to all the arguments of the opposite side.

Indifference to other people's opinions

A person suffering from stupidity is deeply convinced that the interlocutor is interested in himself. He is completely indifferent to the needs and interests of his opponent. The reasons for this behavior lie in the conviction that one is right. The consequence of this is a lack of need for feedback and selfishness.

Division into bad and good

The sign of a stupid person is also found in those who are able to divide life only into black and white, bad and good. Ignoring shades and nuances can lead a fool into difficult life situations and despondency. After all, in a person’s life there are sometimes more negative moments and situations than positive ones. But it is also necessary to highlight the positive aspects in them and take them into account in the future. But when a person has only negativity in his life (according to his judgment, of course), then he can lead his life to a dead end or even fall into depression.

Life is very multifaceted, and is not divided only into black and white. It all depends on the situation, the person’s worldview and his capabilities.

Gross violation of etiquette rules

The basic and most important rules of etiquette are instilled in every person in childhood. But if for a child it is also allowed by the rules, then an educated adult is obliged to adhere to them.

A sign of stupidity is considered to be loud behavior of a person in places where it is inappropriate: in the workplace, on public transport, in the theater. There are, of course, exceptions in the form of charismatic people with a “loud” disposition. But they also allow themselves such behavior only in places that are permissible for this.

No fear

In our society we also have to deal with people who are absolutely not afraid of anything. Jumping off a cliff, endless fights and insane behavior? Of course, this is about them. The absence of fear is comparable to the absence of the instinct of self-preservation, and this is not only a sign of stupidity in a person, but also a signal of a serious mental illness. A person in any situation must control his actions and analyze them so as not to harm his body. This is inherent in us by nature itself.

The other side of this coin is constant fears that are not based on panic attacks. A person with signs of stupidity is afraid to make a phone call, go out into a crowded place, read poetry in public, or go for an interview. This behavior is most often not associated with psychological illnesses, but indicates a person’s lack of understanding of why he needs this at all. This is necessary to overcome difficulties and gain experience. Without this experience and certain skills, a person will not be able to make his way in society and overcome his fears.

Signs of an intelligent person: interesting facts

What are the fundamental differences between smart and stupid people? In outlook on life and behavior in society. With smart people things are a little more complicated. As mentioned above, stupidity is a temporary state of mind. The main distinguishing feature of smart people is memory, thanks to which a person quickly remembers information, and brain activity, which contributes to the rapid processing of information. Below is a detailed list of signs of an intelligent person.


In modern society, it is important and necessary to know information not only that a person needs here and now, but also that which can help in the future. This is one of the main factors by which a person's intelligence is assessed. The point is not only the need to know a large amount of information, but also an interest in many aspects of life.

For example, working as a Russian language teacher, a person is also engaged in studying foreign languages, anatomy and scientific literature. At the same time, such hobbies include embroidery and shooting lessons. This example shows the versatility of an intelligent person who does not focus only on himself or his main job.


Smart people pay attention to their interlocutor and his interests. Also, such people like to receive information more than to give it. A person who is interested in communicating with different people becomes smarter.

Moral values

Humiliation and immorality are considered unacceptable for intelligent people, no matter what the other person is. Such citizens understand that they will not elevate themselves by humiliating or insulting anyone. Also, smart people do not deliberately show all their virtues and skills for the sake of recognition by society or any benefit. They will hide their talents until they really need them.


For smart people, attentiveness and responsibility are very important, especially when it comes to work. They are able not only to develop independently, but also to help their colleagues advance their careers. This is based on the desire to work with smart and educated people in a healthy team. For an intelligent person, the quality of work comes first, and then the quantity and career ladder.


Today, education is a fundamental fact for a career. Without higher education, it is almost impossible to get a leadership position or a highly paid job. This is why most people believe that obtaining a higher education is one of the most important aspects in a person's life. But even if smart people have a few shortcomings, they will not bring it to public view, since for an intelligent person constant self-education is much more important than a narrow specialty for life.


Scientists have long proven that our thoughts are interconnected with events in our lives. Of course, this does not mean that if you just want a huge cottage on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, tomorrow a person will have the keys to it. Thoughts are material in the sense that a person adjusts his thinking to the desired outcome of an event.

For example, having prepared for layoffs in advance, there is a high probability that the person will actually be fired. And the point here is far from being about magic, but about the fact that, having learned about the layoff, a person begins to fill all his thoughts with this negativity, while doing nothing to avoid being fired.

Smart people know that the right mindset and optimism helps in life and makes it easier. Positive thoughts help you quickly absorb information and solve problems. Even when bad moments come in the lives of smart people, they think ahead and, most likely, already know how to overcome the crisis.

How to distinguish a smart person from a fool?

Testing a person's intelligence is quite easy. One has only to carefully observe his behavior in different cases of life and talk with him. If a person with intelligence is easy enough to identify in a short time, then it is necessary to contact a fool for longer. After all, a person’s intelligence is immediately visible, but stupidity may not always manifest itself. But a person does not always have free time to compare smart and stupid people. And sometimes you want to immediately understand who you are dealing with, and not waste your free time and emotions on fools. So how can you tell a stupid person from a smart person in a couple of minutes?

  1. The first thing the interlocutor should pay attention to is the emotions with which the person receives criticism. A smart person will calmly take all claims personally and try to listen to other people’s opinions. A fool will reject all negative comments about his personality and stand his ground.
  2. Tell a person that he is not competent in his specialty and does not have special mental abilities. Stupid people are selfish people who believe that they have a complete understanding of not only their work responsibilities, but also many aspects of life. A fool never admits to himself or others that he is such. Smart people most often believe that they do not know much and do not recognize themselves as gifted people.
  3. For a person with intelligence, the main component of life is the constant development and processing of new information. Such people cannot be without sources of new information and people for long. Smart people see society as colossal; they learn from other people and are not afraid to ask them for help. Fools, on the contrary, have a rather narrow outlook, the result of which is the same type of thoughts and standard thinking. Such people do not develop in any way, considering themselves sufficiently educated and gifted.
  4. Smart people do not wallow in illusions and do not wear rose-colored glasses. Only fools who are unable to soberly assess the situation and make the right choice are actively involved in this, which is why they constantly sit in place or step on the same rake. People with intelligence are able to quickly analyze a situation, find the right way out of it and see the prospects for their solution.

It is difficult to classify oneself as a particular category of people, since most often a person does not see himself from the outside. You can ask your loved ones and relatives for help. If certain signs of a stupid person have been noticed, introspection and constant self-development will help to cope with the problem. It is also necessary to listen to the opinions of your own environment and analyze them. After all, sometimes what appears to be black turns out to be colored at a certain angle.

Probably each of us at least once in our lives wondered, how to distinguish a stupid person from a smart one. There are certain criteria in society that allow us to do this. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

“Am I smart or stupid?” - such a thought inevitably comes to the mind of a thinking person. People often confuse the concepts of “smart” and “educated”. Having a higher education, reading a lot of books, an academic degree - all this does not guarantee that a person is smart. Encyclopedic knowledge will make you an erudite, but not an intellectual. Intelligence is, first of all, the ability to navigate new conditions, quickly work with a large flow of information and choose only what is necessary. Intelligence is the ability to notice details, analyze what is happening and come up with something new. But perhaps the most important feature of an intelligent person is a constant desire for development and constant renewal. A polymath accumulates knowledge; the intellectual knows how to use them rationally.

As for stupid man, then everything is not so clear here. Often we attribute this epithet to someone we simply don’t like (or his actions do not fit into our ideas about the world). Of course this is wrong. Based on what has already been said above, a stupid person never gives himself “food for thought”: the information he already has is enough for him. Pasternak wrote: “In everything I want to get to the very essence.” This is not about a stupid person. The inaction of the mind leads to the inability to live.

It is common to think that it is better to be smart. Is it so? Partly yes. The mind helps to cope with many difficulties on the path of life. On the other hand, it is more difficult for smart people to adapt to conditions in a team - this is a fact. Independence and independent thinking can be very difficult. In fact, sometimes it’s worth looking at the world more simply, not evaluating every object and phenomenon, but simply enjoying life.

In any case, before asking yourself the question “Am I smart or stupid?”, it is worth understanding that the abilities of each person are individual. And finally, it is impossible to know everything in the world: the catchphrase of Socrates “I know that I know nothing” describes this process perfectly.

Ivan Maslyukov

Director, entrepreneur. Creator of the international network of urban games Encounter.

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1. An intelligent person talks with a purpose

In a meeting, by phone, in chat. Conversation is a tool to achieve a goal.

Stupid people talk for the sake of talking. This is how they indulge their laziness when they are busy. Or they struggle with boredom and idleness in their free time.

2. Feels comfortable alone

A smart person is not bored with his thoughts. He understands that important events and discoveries can occur within a person.

Stupid people, on the contrary, try with all their might to avoid loneliness: being left alone with themselves, they are forced to observe their own emptiness. Therefore, it seems to them that important and meaningful things can only happen around them. They follow the news, seek out companies and parties, and check social networks a hundred times a day.

3. Trying to keep balance

  • Between outside experience (films, books, stories from friends) and one’s own experience.
  • Between believing in himself and realizing that he could be wrong.
  • Between ready-made knowledge (templates) and new knowledge (thinking).
  • Between an intuitive hint from the subconscious and precise logical analysis of limited data.

Stupid people easily go to one extreme.

4. Seeks to expand the range of his perception

A smart person wants to achieve accuracy in sensations, feelings, thoughts. He understands that the whole consists of the smallest details, which is why he is so attentive to details, shades, and small things.

Stupid people are content with average clichés.

5. Knows many “languages”

An intelligent person communicates with architects through buildings, with writers - through books, with designers - through interfaces, with artists - through paintings, with composers - through music, with a cleaner - through a clean yard. He knows how to connect with people through what they do.

Stupid people understand only the language of words.

6. A smart person finishes what he starts.

A fool stops as soon as he begins, or in the middle, or almost finishes, based on the assumption that what he has done may turn out to be unclaimed and will not bring any benefit to anyone.

7. Understands that a huge part of the world around us was invented and created by people

After all, a shoe, concrete, bottle, sheet of paper, light bulb, window once did not exist. Using what was invented and created, he wants to give something of himself to humanity in gratitude. He happily creates himself. And when he uses what others have done, he gladly gives money for it.

Stupid people, when they pay for a thing, a service, an object of art, do it without gratitude and with regret that there is less money.

8. Maintains an information diet

An intelligent person remembers facts and data that are not needed to solve current problems. At the same time, studying the world, he strives first of all to understand the cause-and-effect relationships between events, phenomena, and things.

Stupid people consume information indiscriminately and without trying to understand the relationships.

9. Understands that nothing can be appreciated without context.

Therefore, he does not rush to conclusions and assessments of any things, events, or phenomena until he has analyzed the totality of all the circumstances and details. A smart person very rarely criticizes or condemns.

A stupid person easily evaluates things, events, phenomena, without delving into details and circumstances. He criticizes and condemns with pleasure, thus, as it were, feeling superior to what is the object of his criticism.

10. Considers as authority the one who has earned his authority.

A smart person never forgets that even if everyone has the same opinion, they can be wrong.

Stupid people recognize an opinion as correct if it is supported by the majority. It is enough for them that many other people consider a certain person to be an authority.

11. Very selective about books and films

It doesn't matter to a smart person when and by whom a book was written or when a movie was made. The priority is content and meaning.

A stupid person prefers fashionable books and films.

12. Has a passion for self-development and growth

To grow, a smart person tells himself: “I’m not good enough, I can become better.”

Stupid people, trying to rise in the eyes of others, humiliate others and, thus, humiliate themselves.

13. Not afraid to make mistakes

An intelligent person perceives it as a natural part of moving forward. At the same time, he tries not to repeat them.

Stupid people have thoroughly learned once and for all the shame of making mistakes.

14. Able to concentrate attention

For maximum concentration, an intelligent person can withdraw into himself and be inaccessible to anyone or anything.

Stupid people are always open to communication.

15. An intelligent person convinces himself that everything in this life depends only on him

Although he understands that this is not so. Therefore, he believes in himself, and not in the word “luck”.

Stupid people convince themselves that everything in this life depends on circumstances and other people. This allows them to relieve themselves of all responsibility for what is happening in their lives.

16. Can be hard like steel or soft like clay

At the same time, an intelligent person proceeds from his ideas about what he should be like under different circumstances.

A stupid person can be hard as steel or soft as clay, based on the desire to meet the expectations of others.

17. Easily admits his mistakes

His goal is to understand the actual state of affairs, and not to always be right. He understands too well how difficult it is to understand all the diversity of life. That's why he's not lying.

Stupid people deceive themselves and others.

18. Mainly behaves like an intelligent person

Sometimes smart people let themselves go and act stupid.

Stupid people sometimes concentrate, show willpower, exert effort and behave like smart people.

Of course, no one can act wisely all the time and everywhere. But the more of an intelligent person you are, the more... The more stupid, the stupider.

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