Dmitry Tarasov wants to make peace with Buzova. A meteor shower of star children, Yegor Konchalovsky broke up with Lyubov Tolkalina, Janet Jackson left her husband, and Dmitry Tarasov wants to make peace with Olga Buzova

The former husband of TV presenter, designer, and, since 2017, singer Olga Buzova, midfielder of Lokomotiv Moscow, which is leading in the Russian Championship, Dmitry Tarasov recently gave his first interview, in which he spoke about the breakup with his ex-wife.

Buzova responded to this on December 6 in the new Channel One talk show “Baby Riot,” of which she is one of the hosts.

“I had a situation when I also felt that out of the blue I began to irritate my ex-husband,” Olga said in a dialogue with her co-host.

“And when everyone around said: “He has another one,” I answered: “No!” He cannot have another woman. Yes, I have shortcomings, but we love each other so much that we will be together all our lives and die on the same day.”

And then after a while I found out that he had another woman for a year. And it was at the time when everything started that I began to irritate him.”

She also said that one day Tarasov, having come home, simply told her to pack her things, after which they no longer lived together and divorced on December 30, 2016.

After this, there was a sensational story when security did not allow Buzova to attend Tarasov’s birthday party, after which in the evening of the same day the TV presenter’s friend posted a video on her Instagram in which she asks the clearly drunk Olga: “Well, is it in the trash?” And she gives an affirmative answer.

At the same time, in a joint interview with Kostenko, Tarasov emphasized that their relationship began after the midfielder’s breakup with his wife.

“In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I met for the first time among mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. They didn’t talk much; they locked eyes a couple of times. I found out from friends who this girl is,” Tarasov said.

“I am a very reserved person. I can endure for a long time, weigh, think about it, but if I explode, it’s irrevocable,” the footballer continued.

— The love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it can’t be just one.”

It is interesting that Tarasov also met Buzova in a restaurant, and then, in the spring of 2011, he was still married. The footballer divorced his first wife, a former gymnast (now Dmitrieva), three months after the start of his relationship with the TV presenter.

Moreover, from his first marriage he had a daughter, Angelina-Anna, who was only two years old at the time of the divorce.

Now Dmitry pays alimony to his ex-wife and regularly sees his daughter, who is now seven years old.

As for Buzova, she has recently been leading an even more vibrant life than usual. She is not satisfied with her recently launched and so far quite successful career as a singer.

Now she hosts in the company of several co-hosts of the Channel One show “Baby Riot.” She recently spoke about this project in another channel program, “Evening Urgant”:

“I’m shocked, to be honest, because I’ve never received such a volume of information in my life. I'll become really smart, I'll just be perfect. And in general I don’t know what kind of man should be next to me. Now I even know the name of the President of the DPRK.”

At the same time, as soon as she entered the studio, Olga greeted Urgant extravagantly and boldly:

“Good evening, Vanya! Did you think that at the end of your career you would be lucky enough to work with me?

Interestingly, work on Channel One, according to media reports, has inflated the prices for Buzova’s performances at corporate events. If earlier it was reported that she was ready to work as a presenter for 1.5 million rubles, now the price has almost doubled.

If you invite Buzova to the event as a singer, then a 45-minute set will cost the same 1.5 million rubles.

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// Photo: Press service of Bella Potemkina

The scandalous separation of the 30-year-old Dom-2 TV presenter from 29-year-old football player Dmitry Tarasov caused a lot of noise. For two weeks, fans of the couple wondered whether they would reconcile or not. Buzova was the first to take a step forward. Last week, on the set of “House-2,” Olga again appeared with an engagement ring. In addition, the star tries to maintain a close relationship with her mother-in-law. A few days ago she signed her up at the Bella Potemkina Beauty salon.

“Olya called in advance so that Dima’s mother could be met and dyed,” Bella Potemkina tells StarHit. “I haven’t seen a person who worries more about her mother-in-law than she does.” She writes to me every hour and asks if she likes it. She asked: “Offer Olga Alexandrovna some champagne and tea, she’s shy!” Olya always tries to arrange a holiday for Dima’s mother and orders flowers. They say that a man chooses a woman who looks like his mother as his wife. And this is the same case. I hope Olga Alexandrovna will reconcile the guys.”

The TV presenter is supported by her mother Irina, sister Anya and close friends. Last week, she flew with one of them on vacation to Spain. By the way, Buzova and Tarasov’s New Year’s holidays had been planned for a long time.

“The guys bought an expensive trip to the Maldives,” they told StarHit, surrounded by the couple. – It will be a shame if Dima spends his long-awaited vacation in another company. Olya was looking forward to this trip so much.”

Apparently, Dmitry Tarasov does not yet intend to reconcile with his wife. Last weekend, the athlete allowed himself to make a careless statement about the woman he once loved. . When a man was asked on the Instagram social network about his opinion regarding Olga’s well-being (the star was filmed crying on vacation, and these shots ended up on the Internet - Note from StarHit), he reacted very sharply. “Is she crying? I think I just drank too much,” said the footballer. Needless to say, what a wave of condemnation this answer caused. Tarasov was reproached for lacking a sense of tact and even created the hashtag #Tarasovnemuzhik, which became popular.

A whole shower of star children! Recently, three celebrities became mothers at once. Irina Shayk gave birth to her first child at the age of 31. It is not yet known whether it is a boy or a girl. They say that dad, 42-year-old actor Bradley Cooper, is incredibly happy. The role of a father is also new to him. In an American clinic, 34-year-old Anna Sedokova became the mother of a long-awaited son. The singer's family already has two girls growing up - 12-year-old Alina and 5-year-old Monika. They were really waiting for their brother. Anna does not advertise the name of the newborn’s father, but gossips learned that this is businessman Artyom Komarov, who is 9 years younger than Sedokova. The happy dad is just about to fly across the ocean to meet his son.

Natalie became a mother for the third time and, indeed, gave birth to a son. Third in a row! And unexpectedly. The singer’s husband said: his wife went for a routine examination, and the doctors sent her to the maternity ward. Perhaps 43-year-old Natalie will not stop there; she always emphasizes: the larger the family, the better.

Lyubov Tolkalina and Yegor Konchalovsky recently announced that they are no longer together. Almost immediately, the director said: his heart was occupied by a girl not from the artistic party. And now rumors have spread that Lyubov did not waste time regretting 20 years of marriage. They say Tolkalina is dating Boris Grebenshchikov! The 39-year-old actress and the 63-year-old musician are allegedly seen together more and more often. Boris Borisovich, however, is married. He has been together with his third wife, Irina Titova, for 28 years.

Janet Jackson left her husband! Everything would be fine, but the 50-year-old singer became a mother for the first time only three months ago. For five years, Janet was the wife of Qatari millionaire Wissam al-Man, and the couple seemed to be enjoying a fabulous life... Now it turns out that the husband is not very happy with the fact that Janet is jumping on stage half-naked and leading a social life. The singer began to be noticed less and less at parties and more and more often in long, closed dresses. Janet would not be Michael Jackson's sister if she had not realized that such a life was not for her. Rumor has it that the couple does not have a prenuptial agreement. This means Janet can lay claim to half of her billionaire husband’s fabulous fortune.

Dmitry Tarasov wants to make peace with Olga Buzova! How else to explain his compliment to his ex-wife? The other day, Buzova pleased fans with a photo in a swimsuit. Tarasov-23 was also noted among those admired. This is the athlete's nickname on social networks. The athlete wrote: “You are beautiful.” And then he went to the page of Anastasia Kostenko - Dmitry’s current girlfriend - and invited her to pack her things and leave his apartment. Anastasia first deleted the offensive words, and then completely forbade commenting on her photographs. Fans were alarmed: is it the real Tarasov who has come to his senses, or is “False Dmitry” playing pranks again? The football player has already complained that a certain impostor is doing various stupid things in his name.

For two weeks now, concerned fans and sensation-seeking journalists have been monitoring the development of the relationship between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, whose marriage, according to some sources, is under threat. Now the TV presenter is in Spain with her friends, but the athlete remains in Russia.


According to the latest information, Olga decided to give a second chance to her relationship with her husband. Moreover, the TV presenter decided to establish contact with Dmitry through... his mother. So, Buzova signed her up for a beauty salon.

“Olya called in advance so that Dima’s mother could be met and dyed. I have never seen a person who worries more about her mother-in-law than she does. She writes to me every hour, asking if she likes it. She asked: “Offer Olga Alexandrovna champagne, tea, she I’m shy!” Olya always tries to arrange a holiday for Dima’s mother, orders flowers. They say that a man chooses a woman who looks like his mother as his wife. And this is the same case. I hope Olga Alexandrovna will reconcile the guys,” quotes the owner of the salon, Bella Potemkina.

Let us note that despite the fact that the presenter publishes photographs on the social network in which she smiles radiantly, her mood leaves much to be desired. As vacationers next door to the presenter assure, she often sits by the pool alone: ​​tear-stained and with a glass of champagne.

In addition, many noticed that Buzova constantly spends time talking to someone on the phone. At the same time, eyewitnesses note that, judging by the girl’s gestures and facial expressions, these conversations are not pleasant. Tourists suggested that we were talking about an upcoming divorce from Tarasov.

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