Coral color in clothes: how to combine shades to get a luxurious look? Coral color in your wardrobe: combining it correctly Coral color in clothes suits who

Coral color is one of the shades of red, but it is usually perceived by fashionistas as an independent and completely original color. And that's true. As you can immediately see, this color is so named in association with the color of corals, and therefore the coral color is not only bright and stylish, like a shade of red, but also evokes thoughts of the sea and vacation. You can play with combinations of coral colors in clothes so that one image will be purely summer, with a southern character, and the other, on the contrary, will be warm and soft and suitable for the winter period.

Like many other colors, coral is multifaceted, and you need to be able to handle it wisely, because combining colors with coral in clothes is a whole science. By the way, coral looks equally good on light, flowy fabrics and on heavy, dense, even knitted ones.

Coral color and light shades

Coral color, bright and delicate at the same time, goes perfectly with snow-white color.

Coral + white

Together they make a contrast that is not as bright and vulgar as it would be with bright red. But at the same time, this combination is impressive and noticeable.

It is advisable to add one or two more shades to this duet; it will look more interesting and stylish. By the way, accessories and jewelry in silver and golden shades are ideal for this combination; they will look very beautiful against a coral background and set off this pleasant color with shine.

Coral + beige

As for the beige color and its shades, they and coral will create a warmer, softer tandem, which will be an excellent solution for a bright and comfortable look in the cold winter. A coral-colored knitted sweater paired even with regular blue jeans and a white shirt will help create a memorable and stylish look.

Also, the beige-coral combination will look harmonious in a summer look, for example, on a light beige chiffon dress with a coral flower or simply with some kind of print of this color.

Coral color and pastel shades

Coral color looks good with pastels. It is especially worth paying attention to shades such as, of course, peach, soft pink, and lilac. With coral (both separately and together) they will make a harmonious and pleasing combination to the eye.

If you focus on lighter shades of coral, then soft blue shades and the same lilac will suit them; with peach and pink tones, light shades of coral risk getting lost and not creating an effective combination.

Light green and lemon - at first glance, these colors have nothing in common with coral and cannot harmonize with it, but if you want to create an exotic look and feel that this particular combination is possible, then feel free to experiment.

Coral color and other colors

There is no answer to the question of what color goes best with coral in clothes, because with different colors it manifests itself differently, and accordingly, the images always turn out different.

Coral + blue

Coral combines very interestingly and uniquely with blue, both with light muted shades and with bright and dark ones.

This combination looks juicy and bright, but it is not too flashy and is suitable for everyday looks. It is especially worth noting the following proportions of these colors: the bottom is blue, the top is coral and some item or accessory combines both of these colors, and, of course, you can add white, beige and gray shades here if necessary.

Coral + yellow

A sunny and spectacular alliance with coral can be yellow, its richest and brightest shade.

But in this case, the textures should not be too heavy, and the colors should be monochromatic.

Coral + green

The combination of coral and green is also worthy of attention, and here it is worth adhering to the rule: pale shades of green - with the same coral, and vice versa.

For example, a very rich and deep shade of coral in combination with emerald will look simply amazing. Here the colors can be either equal, or one of them can be in a clear minority (in a swarm of accessories); both alone and with the addition of some other colors - for example, blue. It is better not to combine coral with red, but it will pleasantly color and refresh brown, making it brighter and more impressive.

Coral color and black

The combination, despite the natural brightness of the coral color, is still moderately restrained and strict; the coral color only dilutes the gloom and boredom. But if black tries to dilute the brightness of coral, you will fail, because in combination with bright colors it is better for black to be in the majority, and for you to place bright color accents against its background.

By the way, the triple combination of black+white+coral looks especially stylish, without going beyond a certain rigor. A simple pairing of black trousers, a coral top and a white jacket can make you look ultra-stylish without much effort.

Coral color and gray

This is an equally stylish combination, especially with the addition of white. But with gray color this combination will look much more gentle and less brutal. It would be great to add jewelry made of silver or with iridescent coral-colored stones to such combinations.

This way, by using minimal color, you can still create a stylish, trendy and vibrant look. Black, gray, and white (in a word, achromatic colors) are the answer to the question of what colors coral goes with in clothes that are not too summery and not too flashy.

Coral color is very warm and joyful. It can quickly lift your mood, improve the atmosphere and fill the space with sunlight. This is why clothing in coral shades is very popular today.

Coral can easily brighten up gray everyday life and bring optimism and energy into it. Even a small detail of this color will be an effective therapy for bad mood and bad thoughts.

Coral color goes perfectly with white. The outfit will be discreetly bright and very impressive. If you prefer more office shades, pair coral with gray or asphalt. This color set can be easily worn to work or a business meeting.

A classic shade of denim will be an excellent complement to coral. The slight coldness of denim blue and red warmth will complement each other wonderfully. The colors will not compete, so the image will be restrained and beautiful. In the same way, coral can be complemented with turquoise. However, be careful here: only one color should lead, and the second should complement.

You will get a neutral combination if you combine coral with a nude shade. The set will be very harmonious, calm and elegant. If you want more brightness, prefer chocolate or caramel to a flesh tone.

For an evening out, add black to coral. The sharp contrast will make the image expressive and clear, it will be difficult to take your eyes off you. A more playful option is gold color. The combination of bright shine will turn you into a true jewel.

Coral color in clothes: examples of combinations

In clothes you will not go unnoticed. That is why the image must be carefully planned: not a single detail should be superfluous.

A bold move is to choose a monochrome outfit. This is exactly what Penelope Cruz chose to do. The actress wore a coral-colored pantsuit, complementing it with a top one tone lighter. As for accessories, there is nothing superfluous: only gold hoop earrings and a large ring.

When choosing a monochrome coral set, make sure that the clothes are as laconic as possible. This will create a sophisticated, elegant and vibrant look at the same time.

Sarah Jessica Parker interestingly combines coral trousers with a soft lilac T-shirt. The unusual color set is united by a bright multicolor bag. For footwear, the actress chose black and brown ballet flats.

You can easily incorporate coral into a business style. For example, wear a warm-colored blouse or shirt under your work suit. It would be great if they were made of light fabric: chiffon or guipure.

Don't be afraid to combine an unusual tone with deep shades of other colors. Wear coral in combination with blue, emerald, dark green, plum, khaki. For example, wear a colored blazer over a coral dress. Match your shoes to the top or use a neutral nude shade.

The warm season is conducive to rich colors - in the sunlight they look especially cheerful and attractive. The rich and attractive color of coral is again at the peak of popularity in the coming season - and this is not surprising, because it goes perfectly with tanned skin and bright colors of exotic colors. Stylists recommend combining clothes of the current color with both wardrobe items and accessories of a calm palette, and with things that are not inferior in tone intensity to create fresh and relevant looks.

This shade requires careful selection of companion colors in clothing. What color goes with coral? A win-win option is to combine it with a basic calm palette; in this case it is quite difficult to make a mistake in choosing.

If you decide to try this color nuance for the first time, try combining it with:

For those who are not afraid of bold and eye-catching color combinations in clothing, we recommend trying to combine the current color with equally “tasty” and bright tones:

Add some color to your wardrobe

No matter how the optimistic shade attracts you, you should not dress in it from head to toe. By combining things of this color with other wardrobe items, you can create many interesting, spectacular and stylish sets.


This dress will highlight the beauty of your skin and will look impressive and unique. Pair it with light beige pumps or gold or silver metallic leather high heels for a sophisticated and sophisticated look, like the one in the next photo.

For more informal occasions, pair with bright (turquoise, aquamarine or cobalt) shoes and large jewelry.


A top, shirt or jacket in current colors will refresh your complexion - combine them with a plain bottom and bright accessories:


A coral skirt or trousers will become the main accent of any look:


A bright coat will certainly attract attention. Make it the main accent of your image, leaving secondary roles to accessories:


What to wear with coral shoes? Add them to your dress - it can be plain (white, beige, cream, blue, black, gray), or printed.

The set will look harmonious if one of the elements of the print or pattern (but not the largest) duplicates the color of the shoes.

Shoes of this shade will become the main accent in the image if you wear them with jeans and a simple white top; in this case, high-heeled shoes and coral ballet flats or sneakers are appropriate. Don't know what to wear with coral shoes in the cool season? Try wearing coral ballet flats or pumps with a pair of jeans and a beige coat or trench coat.

What to wear with a coral bag? This accessory will successfully replace bags in basic beige and light gray colors, but will look more relevant and fresh.

Do you want to “support” your bag with an accessory of a similar shade? You should not wear the same shoes; choose a better scarf, scarf, belt or jewelry of a similar tone.

Don't be afraid of bright colors: rich colors in clothes can not only highlight your beauty, but also lift the mood of both you and the people around you. Be sure to try on a fashionable shade: a dress or blouse, trousers or a skirt, or even coral ballet shoes or a scarf will make your look unforgettable!

Coral is a marine hard skeleton. Its varieties number up to three and a half thousand representatives, more than three hundred and fifty colors. It has a texture similar to stone. At the moment, jewelers are fascinated by it and prefer: silver-pearl, black and white. Since coral shades are characterized by chic, elegance and sophistication.

Color spectrum

The palette of coral shades is very diverse- from soft pearlescent pink, peach, to bright red-orange tone. Once you see this color, you can easily distinguish it from other pink and red shades. The coral range contains a large number of bright exotic and precious colors.

Coral goes perfectly with other shades. All green options are considered one of the best combinations. With light coral it is the perfect color base for a child's room. But at the same time, it is advised to be careful when choosing an outfit and accessories in coral shades, because the chosen color should be combined with the tone of the woman’s skin and hair. This option will emphasize the attractiveness of a lady in a coral dress.

Fashion trends

This color has long been used in the design of Western countries, and in the coming year an increasing number of Russian designers are turning to it.

If you have a desire for something joyful and warm, you should pay attention to coral. This unique color can give off red, then turn into warm pink, orange or peach. Despite its enormous variety, it retains its brightness and richness, which is why it has gained enormous popularity.

Combination with other colors and shades

In the interior. A beautiful look is created by coral in combination with chocolate, beige, milk caramel and cream tones. It lends itself to exquisite textile and wall decor, and golden, brown, and gray frames of paintings and photographs look great against its background. It’s good in a duet with blue, but you shouldn’t choose tones with the same brightness. If a person likes all sorts of trinkets and has a desire to create an unusual interior with attractive decor, he should pay attention to coral.

Pale and colorful shades have their own characteristics. A successful combination of light coral would be aquamarine, gold, lilac, azure and cream tones.

In clothes. It is unique and brings a special and unique femininity to the image of ladies. Outfits in coral tones give lightness and freshness to the image:

  • Combined with beige, gray and white, the outfit will look very festive.
  • When paired with black, you should think about a moderate combination of colors, since an excess of one or another tone can make the image heavier.

The combination of bright and colorful colors in clothes is a fashion trend on the catwalks that has been going on for many years. The appearance will be more attractive if it is complemented with accessories in delicate shades such as a handbag, bracelet or beads that will help decorate your look. Fashionistas, accustomed to attracting attention, can combine several tones simultaneously in their outfits.

Women who are tired of drab everyday life can brighten up their boring look with a pink and peach blouse. A combination of coral with gold, silver and yellow would be appropriate.

Selection of accessories

Fashion designers, when creating collections of dresses, most often use coral color and its tones, which gives the clothes sophistication. An outfit made of coral-toned fabric , appropriate accessories and decorations are required, where each shade has its own pair. Pearlescent pink will look chic with items made of moonstone, pearls and turquoise. The image of every woman in such a beautiful combination of clothes and accessories will be light and mysterious.

The pink-orange tone is very bright for winter and subdued for summer. Fashion designers call it universal. Jewelry made of gold, silver, amber and turquoise is ideal for this delicate tone.

The color “red coral” differs from the classic shade in reduced brightness. Fashionistas can safely complement their outfit with a product made from material of this tone. They are perfect for any type of woman's appearance. You can wear clothes of this shade both in summer and winter., on vacation and in the office. Neon pink goes great with light yellow, lilac, pink-orange, gold, white, gray and brown.

When purchasing a new outfit, you should pay attention to products made from material in coral shades. This color will charge you with energy and give you a good mood for the whole day.

Coral shade itself is complex and multifaceted. Due to the presence of several shades, it can be used by girls and women of any color type. Coral color is quite fashionable and creative. Many fashion designers love to work with it and make it the basis of spring-summer clothing collections. It is recommended to use coral in your wardrobe during the warm season. Light flowing summer fabrics of this shade fascinate and attract the eye. However, coral can also be found in winter clothing sets, although this is observed much less frequently. We will talk about what color coral goes with in clothes.

Coral color breaks down into several semitones: pearl pink, pale peach, pink peach, light pink, rose orange and neon pink. Not all shades of coral look equally good on every woman. Which color type of women should choose this or that shade of coral is a topic for a separate discussion. Now we are talking about combining a fashionable color with other colors.

Pearlescent pink coral tint

This is the most delicate shade of fashionable coral color. Those with dark and pale skin can try on this color and appreciate all its charms and subtleties. A dress of this shade goes well with accessories made of pearls, turquoise or mother-of-pearl. A muted shade of coral can also be paired with equally muted or pastel shades. Muted shades lilac, lilac, blue-gray will serve as perfect companions to our outfits in our pearlescent pink coral shade. Coral also goes well with denim, light yellow, nude, or brown.

Pale peach coral shade

This color is suitable for those with golden dark skin. This shade of coral looks good in outfits for every day and for a special occasion. Combines with warm shades carrot, burgundy, hyacinth, olive, azure, white, gray and pink-brown.

Pink-peach coral tint

This shade of coral cannot be called warm or cold. It goes equally well with both cold and warm colors. Looks great with silver or gold jewelry. A dress of this shade will not be spoiled at all by sequins or beads. The color is soft and delicate, conducive to relaxation. Looks good in evening wear.

Coral light pink

This shade is considered cold. Brightness and restraint - such contradictory epithets describe this color as accurately as possible. Pairs perfectly with jewelry made of gold or silver, as well as accessories made of natural stones in the form of turquoise, topaz or pearls. Goes great with red, honey, gold, white, beige and shades of brown colors. For everyday outfits, you can combine coral with denim or gray-blue shades.

Pink-orange coral color

Coral in clothes - the shade of this design can be called universal, it suits all color types of women. This color is in tune with the melody of the east, it is also unusual and soft. Gold and silver are constant companions in the form of accessories to this shade of a dress or any other item of clothing. It combines with both bright shades and muted ones. Beneficial duets would be the consonance of our shade with sky blue, azure, pink or royal blue. With beige, gray and white, the pink-orange color of coral looks more gentle and restrained.

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