Data on marriages and divorces. Statistics of various marriages and infidelity in them. What reasons lead to the breakdown of marriages in our country?

What is divorce for a modern person? Why is the number of divorces in our country increasing every year? These issues can be looked at through the prism of pseudo-morality, which condemns divorced people and bashfully hides the ever-growing number of divorce cases.

At first glance, the divorce statistics in Russia are sad; the number of divorced people increases by tens of thousands every year. But in fact, this shows the maturity of people in the matter of family relationships. During the Soviet past, there were very few divorces; it was shameful, condemned and stigmatized. Nowadays, people have become much freer, primarily from prejudices.

Tell him that it is better to suffer in an unhappy marriage or find strength in yourself and start life from scratch. Everyone has the right to stumble and everyone has the right to make a mistake. I choose a happy relationship.

Divorce statistics in Russia provide controversial figures. The unpleasant word “divorce” can visit any family, at any age and at any time in the family relationship. Why might this happen? Is it possible to avoid the stigma of being another divorced couple? What can both of them do if not all connections are destroyed by cynical behavior?

All these questions are answered family psychologists. But this is usually a scientific rather than a practical point of view. Although there are quite experienced psychologists who really help resolve conflicts. But we wanted to listen to ordinary people, understand their views on certain things and understand how men experience divorce.

Divorce statistics in Russia are impressive!

First of all, let's turn to the dry facts.

The number of registered marriages in 2013, according to Rosstat, was 218,070, which was offset by 157,065 divorces. And in 2014 the numbers are even more impressive - 207,825 marriages versus 172,310 divorces. As you can see, the number of registered marriages has decreased, and the number of divorces has increased.
Of course, one can note a change in views on civil marriage and a slight shift towards marriage at an older age. Although the data regarding the age of marriage is very contradictory, since partly marriage has become younger due to the freer morals of young people.

Sociologists include alcoholism and drug addiction, housing problems and interference from relatives as the main reasons for divorce. These three reasons account for about 80 percent of divorces.
Other reasons include the inability to bear children, long periods of living apart from each other, imprisonment, and for some reason the illness of the spouse, as if women do not get sick.

Did you see your reason among those listed? So how did sociologists conduct a survey that they could not find your reason?

Statistics also provide figures showing during which years of married life divorces occur, and in what quantity.
So the most dangerous period is the deadline life together from 5 to 9 years. During this period, 28 percent of married couples divorce.
Further, the period is from 10 to 19 years (22 percent), 18% of divorces fall within 3–4 years, 16% fall within 1–2 years.
A small number (3.6%) for a period of up to 1 year indicates that they have not yet had time to get used to it. And a period of more than 20 years with 12.4% of divorces suggests that the spouses came to the conclusion that life had taken place, the children had grown up and they could live for themselves if something did not suit them in their life together.

What is divorce for a man?

Let us remind you once again that we listened to the opinions of ordinary people. Non-public ones, whose family life stories are repeated in magazines and on TV. Everything is clear with these, since on the one hand and on the other hand, increased demands are placed not on family qualities, but on the outer shell.

Moreover, getting into a bohemian environment greatly changes your worldview. That's why we talked to average Russians. And these people cut the truth as it is.
I had to tidy up their statements a little.

So, what can lead men to search for an outlet on the side, which in everyday life is simply called - went to the left. And what’s strange is that the official statistics don’t say a word about walking to the left, but our conversations revealed an almost 100 percent result of such a desire, even if such walking has not yet occurred.

So, divorce is not an end in itself for a man, and this is an indisputable fact. The desire to divorce does not appear out of nowhere and married women should be aware of this.
The interlocutors expressed the following reasons leading to this desire:
  • cooking skills;
  • lack of craving for home comfort;
  • incorrect perception of the family as a separate unit;
  • sloppiness;
  • attitude towards one's own appearance;
  • attitude towards money;
  • attitude towards children;
  • attitude towards intimacy;
  • misunderstanding of gender psychology.

This is all what a man sees when he comes home after the candy-bouquet period and receiving a marriage certificate. Very often, it is the receipt of a certificate that radically changes the former such a desirable girl, and transfers her to the category of boring housewives.
And what a goal achieved! Fortunately, among our interlocutors there were those who did not complain about most of the reasons put forward.

My husband filed for divorce, what should I do?

First of all, you should decide for yourself whether to try to save the marriage or let it go. The most problematic place is children, if there are any. According to statistics, 35% of married couples who are in a state of dissatisfaction with each other are not able to resolve this issue due to the “indivisibility” of children.
If there is mutual concern for the fate of the children, maximum efforts should be made to establish peace in the family.

Attention! Here you need to understand that the process of establishing family relationships is like a two-way street - all participants in the movement must follow the established rules, otherwise there will be trouble.
It is necessary to look carefully at the reasons that may have led to the situation of dissatisfaction stated above.

Cooking skills are objective reasons for the emergence of disrespect. This is a natural state, since before marriage the young people lived in families with different culinary preferences. Based on the well-known proverb, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, it is quite possible to resolve this issue through mutual consultations.

Life experience shows that over time this problem disappears if both parties want to solve it.
To the point that the man takes on part of the cooking responsibilities. It is known that most chefs are men.

Lack of craving for home comfort Possessed, as a rule, by wives in whose family order was not cultivated. If desired, this moment can be adjusted. Well, really, what kind of husband can be deterred by constant chaos at home, scattered things, dust and dirt in the corners, under the sofa.

Not all newlyweds understand the created family as a separate unit of society. Consciously or simply automatically, many continue to enjoy the patronage of their parents. It’s good if the patronage is neutral, but what if it’s not?

Often such patronage imperceptibly develops into a loss of independence. The husband becomes “plasticine”, and the wife becomes like her mother in the worst performance. This problem especially manifests itself when living together with parents (it doesn’t matter whose).
Many men are annoyed by women's sloppiness, although men are sometimes prone to the same manifestations. But women's sloppiness is unjustified.
The attitude towards one's own appearance concerns women to a greater extent, although a self-respecting man will pay tribute to this quality. Extreme options are dangerous here - a disregardful attitude and excessive attention.

Attitude to money is created in a family in which future husbands and wives grow up. The survey showed that a popular option is for working spouses to hide the final salary amounts from each other.
Lies between spouses begin with this. And children learn this approach, improve it, and then apply it in a sophisticated version in their family life.

Attitude towards children in different families can also play like in positive side, and in negative family relationships. Yes, in these difficult times, both parents work whenever possible. But children are abandoned precisely by those who treat them as an accompanying burden. Then the question arises - why did you need children?
Attitude towards intimacy often stems from a misunderstanding of the psychology of the opposite sex. Anecdotes about wives having headaches every night set my teeth on edge. However, our survey showed that in prosperous families this moment is overcome by a CORRECT understanding of the role of a man. Absolutely, a woman in the hands of a skilled man can become the best embodiment of femininity.
At the same time, the mention of frigidity in women does not always correspond to reality. Often this is a far-fetched problem and part of the blame lies with the incompetent man. It should be recalled here that the psychology of a woman is associated with the instinct of childbirth, and the psychology of a man is associated with sexual satisfaction. Hence the different attitudes towards sex.
By the way, the majority of the female half of respondents are not aware that men also experience menopause. And sadly, this period passes at the age of approximately 40–45 years. That is, hormonal changes overtake men in their prime.

Not all men perceive these changes correctly, and often it is at this age that destructive events occur in families. By the way, it is not for nothing that knowledgeable doctors call this period dangerous for the health of men.

So, how to behave if your husband “has the bit between his teeth”? It is especially important to make a decision if you have children. Life experience suggests that the leading positive role most often belongs to a woman as the keeper of the hearth (if she has this quality).
Experience shows that most men with a penchant for family life quickly come to the conclusion that “the neighbor’s grass is not so green,” but male pride creates a slowdown.
How long can this condition last? It varies in different situations – a month, two, three. But you shouldn’t let the situation take its course. Rethinking the above reasons why the situation may have gotten out of control will provide an opportunity to remove some of the obstacles.
It is worth involving children (if any) in resolving the situation by influencing the husband’s family feelings. Challenge him for a conversation under any pretext to understand the true state of his intentions. When you see signs of a desire to return, take all possible options. But carefully, so as not to break the fragile desire.

In many cases, it is worth turning over the bad page together and starting over. Ultimately, the created new positive impulse in family life will help restore relationships that have not been completely broken. And this is a big plus.


Marriages and divorces in Russia, how the institution of marriage has changed over 50 years

The number of divorces has increased enormously over the past half century. If in the 50th year of the last century there were only 0.5 divorces per 1,000 people in Russia, then in 2015 this figure reached almost 4.5. In some regions, almost every second couple breaks up.
Divorces, unlike weddings, are not accompanied by banquets, buying snow-white dresses, or gathering friends and relatives. This is something that is not customary to talk about. But the statistics are inexorable.

The reasons for divorce are varied - from infidelity to basic misunderstanding between spouses. Sociologists note that marriage is no longer perceived as something indestructible. Hence the huge number of ill-considered unions. Is it possible to say that soon the number of divorces will exceed the number of marriages? How have people's attitudes towards marriage changed over the past 50 years?

Weddings in Russia: in 1950 and today

Over the past 35 years, Russians have become less likely to marry. In 2015, in Russia there were 7.9 marriages per 1,000 people, which is 1,161,068 marriages. For comparison, in 1980 there were 10.6 weddings per thousand people, in 1950 – 12.0!

According to Rosstat, in the Northwestern Federal District the situation is more favorable. Here in 2015, 13.5 weddings took place per 1 thousand inhabitants.

And over the past 5 years the situation has been changing in a positive direction. If in 2000 less than a million couples, namely 897,327, got married in Russia, then 15 years later, this figure increased by more than 200 thousand.
Based on these indicators, it can be judged that the crisis has passed. The growth dynamics have become positive. Although the growth rate is still very slow.

Has the number of divorces increased?

In the period from 1950 to 2003, the number of divorces per thousand residents of Russia steadily increased. From 0.5 to 5.5! A particularly large jump was noted between 1950 and 1980 (the number of divorces by this year increased to 4.2 per 1 thousand people).

This was influenced by many external conditions: the period of stagnation, perestroika, the collapse of the Soviet Union, economic crises. In addition, society has become freer, and each of its members has become independent.
Today, in order to provide yourself and your child with everything you need, there is no need to enter into an alliance with someone else. And no one points fingers at divorced women or single mothers on the street anymore.

In 2005, the number of divorces returned to the levels of 1980 - 4.2 divorces per 1 thousand people. The situation has been stable for the last 10 years. The rate varies between 4.2–4.7 per thousand.

Age of marriage

Since 1990, the average age of newlyweds in Russia has increased from 21.9 years to 25.4 years.

Interesting data on the age of marriage of men and women.

For men:

  • 22% – 18–25 years old;
  • 33% – 25–30 years;
  • 25% – 30–35 years;
  • 15% – 35–60 years old;
  • 4.9% – after 60 years;
  • 0.1% – under 18 years of age.

For women:

  • 40% – 18–25 years old;
  • 27% – 25–30 years;
  • 12% – 30–35 years old;
  • 10% – 35–60 years old;
  • 3% – after 60 years;
  • 8% – under 18 years of age.

The average age of marriage among women is lower than among men. After age 60, 1.9% more men than women remarry. And before adulthood, young people get married much less often than in old age.

It is noteworthy that in the United States the average age of first marriage for women is 27 years old, in Finland it is 30.4 years old, and in Spain it is 32.2 years old.

As for the reasons for marriage, procreation comes first. It makes up almost 60% of the total, of which 50% of couples get married while expecting the birth of a child.

The remaining 40% is distributed among common interests and comfort, love, pressure from parents, calculation, and other reasons.

What pushes people to break off relationships?

According to the results of a 2015 VTsIOM survey, 10% of Russian residents aged 18 to 50 are confident that divorce is a last resort, and one should try to save a marriage at any cost.

There are many reasons for the breakdown of marriages. The same survey by the All-Russian Research Center public opinion, makes it possible to identify the most important of them: betrayal, poverty, greed of one of the partners, misunderstandings, quarrels, alcoholism of one of the spouses or other addictions, lack of common views on life.

The St. Petersburg Psychoanalytic Center notes that in 65% of cases, infidelity and quarrels that result in marriage breakdowns are caused by a hasty decision to get married and sexual dissatisfaction.

St. Petersburg sociologists have noted the emergence of a large number of divorces in the last 5-6 years among people who met via the Internet.

When choosing a partner through a social network or dating site, people first evaluate him appearance, experts say. “Couples who are mutually attracted based on appearance sometimes fail to notice that their relationship is missing some important aspects. After a while, one of the spouses realizes that he is living with a stranger, which inevitably leads to divorce.”

Most often, divorces occur between couples who have lived together for 5–9 years (28%). Next come those who were married for 1–2 and 3–4 years (17% each); 13% is the percentage of divorces among spouses who have lived together for more than 20 years; 3.6% is for newlyweds who have endured each other for less than a year.

What is the situation in other countries of the world?

Over the past few years, the highest number of divorces occurs in Portugal - 67% (that is, 67 marriages out of 100 break up). A similar figure (62-65%) is observed in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Spain. By the way, it is Spaniards who are more likely than others to dissolve marriages due to infidelity.

The lowest divorce rate in Europe is in countries with the highest standard of living: Finland, Norway, Germany, Italy (from 40 to 25%). In Ireland, where national traditions are highly valued, only 15% of marriages end in divorce.

In the East, in countries where Islam is practiced, the situation is completely different. Here the number of divorces does not exceed 22%. In Egypt this figure is 17%, in Iran – 14%, and in Turkey – 20%.
A certain conclusion can be drawn from this. Why does the number of divorces in the country depend in the 21st century?

  • standards of living;
  • mentality and religion;
  • traditions and customs;
  • family law.

The high welfare of the people does not always mean a low percentage of divorces and vice versa. For example, in countries with low level In life, marriages are rarely broken up. This is primarily due to the inability of one of the spouses to provide for a child on their own.

What will happen next?

Statistics of marriages and divorces in Russia for 2010–2015 indicate a normalization of the economic situation in the country. The number of marriages is gradually increasing, and the number of divorces is decreasing.

However, you should not count on a sharp increase in the number of marriages. More and more people are not getting married officially. The Russian Institute of Demography presented data that as of 2015, about half of couples live in a civil marriage.
Of these, a third are not going to register the relationship at all. This applies to a greater extent to men and women over the age of 30.

The institution of family has changed a lot over the past half century. Western trends can be traced, the influence of modern technologies on people, and simply - modern conditions life.

The main task of the state in this matter is not to reduce the number of divorces by complicating bureaucratic procedures, but to continue to raise the standard of living of the population and instill from childhood an understanding of responsibility for one’s own decisions.


Divorce statistics in Russia and causes of family breakdown

The time has long passed when divorce in Russia was considered a rarity. Since the early seventies of the last century, about 140 thousand families in Russia are officially divorced every year.

And the divorce rate in Russia is only increasing every year. Of course, this figure is also influenced by the fact that civil marriage has become very popular in recent years, but no one takes into account unofficial divorces either. About fifteen percent of all divorces occur in marriages that are less than a year old.
Since the divorce procedure in Russia is quite simple, young couples often, instead of sitting down and sorting out the problems that have arisen, run to the registry office and file for divorce. It is much more difficult to get a divorce if there is common property or children.

Therefore, bills are often introduced into the Duma that are aimed at reducing the divorce rate in Russia. Statistics show that if there are significant obstacles to divorce, for example, religious beliefs, the marriage is often preserved and the family, going through the initial difficulties, becomes a strong social unit.

Psychologists and sociologists have identified a number of reasons that contribute to divorce:

  1. Alcoholism or drug addiction of one of the spouses. About a third of marriages break up for this reason. Especially if the alcoholic is not aware of the problem, this becomes an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the family will fall apart.
  2. Cheating on one of the spouses. Of course, you can try to save the marriage in such a situation, but if trust in your partner is lost, it is very difficult to do this, and there is no guarantee that you will not have to forgive a second or third time.
  3. Intervention of relatives. This intervention is not always malicious and deliberate; often it is the desire to help a young family and constant guardianship that leads to the fact that the married couple feels uncomfortable, scandals and mutual reproaches arise.
  4. Psychological unpreparedness. When getting married, few people understand that marriage is, first of all, responsibilities, not always pleasant ones, that need to be fulfilled. This routine and way of life often destroys young families. Infertility of one of the spouses. Sexual dissatisfaction. This often leads to infidelity and, as a consequence, to divorce.
  5. Fictitious marriage. In contrast to all of the above reasons, fictitious marriages, already at the conclusion, almost completely provide for divorce.


Why do people get divorced in Russia and the world: statistics

Why do people even get divorced? Modern statistics on the territory of the Russian Federation indicate that today the number of official registrations of marriages has decreased. Couples prefer to live in a so-called civil marriage.
Most people give the following argument in favor of such relationships: why get married, you can just live together, and if irreparable family troubles arise, you can separate without any paperwork.

Although there are still young people who want to formalize their relationship. At the same time, registering their relationship, they believe that this is once and for all. But unfortunately, this is not always the case. Quite often families break up. If we look at the statistics, the majority of divorces occur in families with up to 10 years of marriage. The second place in divorces is occupied by long-term marriages - more than 20 years.
It turns out that after 10 to 20 years of marriage, couples break up less often.

So why do people get divorced? What could be the reasons for the divorce of people who were once in love?

Statistics in Russia

  • too early marriage 40%;
  • betrayal 25%;
  • sexual dissatisfaction 15%;
  • incompatibility of characters 13%;
  • alcohol and drugs 7%;
  • Internet addiction.

Family life time:

  • after 1–2 years, 16% of marriages break up;
  • after 3–4 years already 18%;
  • after 5–9 years, 28% of families divorce;
  • after 10–19 years the percentage drops to 22%;
  • and after 20 years, 12% decays.

Reasons for divorce

According to sociological surveys, the main reasons for divorce in Russia can be identified:

  1. Marriage at a fairly early age. Quite young people register their relationships on an emotional level, without thinking about their future together. Sometimes, even the process of young people growing up and developing a personality becomes the reason for the dissolution of a marriage.
  2. Marriage registration at a fairly late age. The average age for marriage is considered to be 22–24 years. Even psychologists say that after 30 years of age it is more difficult for people to get used to each other.
    Still, you should listen to the saying: everything has its time!
  3. Everyday life. Quite often you can hear that married life has broken down in everyday life. To avoid the destruction of a marriage, you should treat each other with respect, help each other, and spend time together outside the home.
  4. Pursuing a career. Preoccupation with your career, as a rule, pushes family life into the background. Lack of interest in family issues and busyness at work leads to the fact that spouses have different interests and common topics for conversation disappear.
    As a result, the spouses become complete strangers to each other, and they have no choice but to get a divorce.
  5. One of the reasons for divorce is the infidelity of one of the spouses. Most cannot forgive such betrayal, which leads to the breakdown of the family. In this case, betrayal occurs most often due to the following:
    • dissatisfaction of one of the partners in sex life(for example, due to irregular intimate life);
    • search for new experiences and thrills (the partner, trying to diversify his boring family life, does not think about the possible consequences);
    • committing adultery out of revenge (usually out of anger to the other spouse).
  6. Material difficulties. Poverty and poverty leads to tension between spouses, which in the future can inevitably lead to family breakdown.
  7. Spouses can get divorced because of each other's habits. The partner's behavior can be annoying, and therefore a certain hostility arises. To save a marriage, you should be more tolerant of your chosen one, because each of us has habits and not everyone may like them.
  8. Change of feelings. It's no secret that for many couples, love passes, only friendly feelings remain. Most of them see no point in living together and decide to divorce.
  9. The appearance of a child. Often families, especially young ones, cannot cope with additional stress and problems, which ultimately leads to divorce.
  10. Fictitious marriage, for example, registering a marriage to obtain a residence permit in another city. Naturally, such a marriage is not based on mutual feelings, relationships between people, and as a result, has no future.
  11. No children. Infertility of a couple is also a cause of family breakdown.
  12. Deception of one of the spouses, constant lies. It will be much harder for the other spouse to find out the truth. In addition, trust in your soulmate disappears, which can cause a negative result.
  13. Incompatibility of personalities, different characters and outlooks on life. One person likes to spend time outside the home, while the other prefers to sit quietly at home. Often such situations lead to divorce. If a person is dear, then it is worth looking for certain compromises to preserve the family.
  14. Marriage of convenience(pursuing selfish interests: obtaining material benefits).
  15. Bad habits of your significant other(dependence on alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction), use of physical force against family members (in other words, beating).
  16. Oppression. Most people are leaders by nature, which also manifests itself in family relationships. Not everyone is able to live under the same roof with a family despot, so marriages often break up for this very reason.
  17. Divorces also occur in cases emotional immaturity in relation to official relationships. For the female half, marriage is a guarantee of peace and stability. However, the male half is not always ready to devote himself wholeheartedly to the family. As a result, spouses have different family goals, which can destroy relationships.
  18. Another reason could be relatives, or rather, their interference in the family life of the spouses. Trying to give advice to young families, older relatives can only do harm. Or there are often cases of a negative attitude of one of the relatives towards the chosen daughter (son). By throwing out their negativity, they involuntarily turn spouses against each other.
  19. Jealousy, and groundless and excessive. Such manifestations often develop into conflicts and scandals. And you must admit, any person will get tired of living like on a powder keg (a little late at work - you will get a scandal and hysteria based on the second half’s speculations about treason).


We discussed above why people get divorced. Although this list is not exhaustive. The reasons can be very varied, even comical: the wife cooks borscht tastelessly. Although in fact, the breakdown of a family is a kind of tragedy. And not only for the spouses themselves. And not only one of the spouses is to blame, both are to blame!
And problems are brewing not every second, but over time. Therefore, if people really have warm feelings for each other, it is worth trying to preserve the marriage union and find some compromises. Or maybe you can live five, ten, twenty, fifty years.

The most discussed news of this week is the collapse of the third marriage of a Russian businessman with the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. Despite having two children, common projects and ten years of marriage, the couple decided to separate.

Statistically, more than half of marriages in Russia break up. So, if we compare the data on the number of marriages and divorces, it turns out that in 2016, 61.7% of marriages broke up. Last year, only 985 thousand marriages were concluded, while 608 thousand divorces were registered.

In 2014-2015, slightly fewer marriages broke up as a percentage (in 2014 - 57.7%, in 2015 - 52.67%). For example, in 2015, 1.16 million families were created, in 2014 - 1.2 million. At the same time, 611 thousand divorces were registered in 2015, in 2014 - 693 thousand.

If you analyze recent history Russia, then since the 90s, the most divorces were noted in 2002 - 854 thousand, and the least in 1998 - 502 thousand.

If couples choose summer to get married, then spring is more common for divorce. 2017 is not over yet, but March is still in the lead, as was the case in 2011 and 2016. In March 2017, 55,886 marriages officially ended.

According to statistics, couples who have been married for five to nine years are most likely to get divorced. This is the most “crisis” age for a family. In 2016, 25.8% of marriages broke up during this period.

But even if you managed to live together for nine years, this does not guarantee the preservation of the union “until the end of your days.” Last year, 19.5% of families in which spouses had officially lived together for 10-19 years broke up.

However, couples who have been married for one or two years also often get divorced. According to Rosstat statistics, in 2016, 19.4% of couples broke up at this age of the family.

But before a year of marriage, spouses almost never get divorced. Only 4.7% of families broke up before this period. Marriages in which the spouses lived for 20 years or more broke up last year in 13.2% of cases.

Statistically, the more children a family has, the lower the risk of divorce. Thus, in 2016, 56.7% of broken families did not have children together (345 thousand people from all those getting divorced).

Marriages in which at least one child was born fail less often. Of the total number of divorces, 31.2% (almost 190 thousand) of families had one child. Those who have two or more children get divorced much less often. In 2016, families with two or more children divorced in only 12.1% of cases (73 thousand people). However, as can be seen from the example of Roman Abramovich’s second and third marriage, this is still a rather weak guarantee. With his second wife Irina, the businessman has five children.

Experts explain the decline in the number of marriages and the high divorce rate for a number of reasons.

“In recent years, labor productivity has increased significantly, and both men and women have become more independent in running the household. Women can now work and do business on an equal basis with men and, as a result, be independent and provide for children,”

— Roman Parshin, General Director of the Forum Investment Company, comments on the statistics.

According to the expert, the increase in the number of divorces may also mean that people are “more often reflecting and trying to understand what kind of family they would like to live in.”

Moreover, if we analyze divorces in ordinary families, and not among members of the list, then experts believe that many families were destroyed by financial difficulties.

The crises of recent years - 1998, 2008 and 2014 - have contributed to an increase in the number of divorces, as economic problems destroy families,

notes Parshin.

Anastasia, a lawyer at the legal department of Heads Consulting, notes that with a decrease in income and the transition to austerity, the risk of domestic conflicts on financial grounds, which become the cause of divorce, increases. At the same time, the latest statistics on the incomes of Russians cannot be called optimistic.

“Despite the short-term growth in January 2017 (+8.2% compared to January last year), the period of falling real cash income has not yet ended. Starting from February, statistics again record a decline, and according to the results of the first five months of 2017, its depth reached 1.8% compared to the corresponding period last year. Thus,

May 2017 was, in fact, the thirty-first month of decline in real incomes of Russians and, compared with October 2014, the last period of sustainable growth in real incomes: the fall over the past months was 19.2%,”

- noted experts (HSE) in the monitoring of the Institute of Social Policy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics "Population of Russia in 2017: income, expenses and social well-being."

However, as large businessmen and officials convincingly demonstrate, it is not only poverty that can cause divorce. Increasingly today, couples with a fairly high level of income are breaking up, or those couples who, having been married for 20 years, can be financially and morally independent of each other and want to live “for themselves,” notes Khudyakova.

“If we talk about legislative relaxations, which in theory could stimulate an increase in the number of divorces, they have not been adopted in recent years. Quite the contrary, in recent years bills have begun to appear aimed at complicating the divorce procedure. In particular, at the end of last year, deputies proposed increasing the term for divorce through the court from one to three months and prohibiting Russians from getting divorced in absentia or increasing fees for divorce. However, such legislative initiatives do not greatly affect the statistics; first of all, the number of divorces depends on the socio-economic situation,” sums up Khudyakova.

Family means for life! Unfortunately, statistics today prove the opposite.

According to a study conducted by VTsIOM (center for the study of public opinion), more than half of family unions break up.

Experts are trying to understand why there are so many divorces in Russia.

Divorce statistics in the modern world

IN modern world marriage is becoming an increasingly unstable institution. The highest divorce rates occur in European countries.

Most unions will break up in Belgium - about 70%.

Disappointing in states such as:

  • Spain;
  • Portugal;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Hungary;
  • Luxembourg.

Here the divorce rate is around 60%. Next come Russia and the United States, where 50% of those who have entered into a union fail to maintain a family.

Latest statistics on divorce in Russia

The divorce procedure has become “ordinary” for Russians. According to statistics, every year thousands of officially concluded unions break up in the country.

Data from recent years suggests the following: the increase in the number of divorces began in the 21st century. Thus, the boom in divorce occurred in 2001-2004 - about 84% of previously concluded unions.

Over the past three years, there has been a renewed trend in the number of divorces. If in 2014 56% of previously created families broke up, then by 2016 this figure increased to 62%. In 2018, the situation improved slightly again: the divorce rate was 57%. Such data was provided by the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia.

Analysts also name leaders among regions in the number of divorces compared to the number of registered marriages.

In 2017, the first place was taken by:

  1. Leningrad region. Here, 1,119 divorces were registered per 1,000 unions.
  2. On the second line is the Altai Territory with an indicator of 1063.
  3. In third place is the Komi Republic, where 1,033 divorces were registered per 1,000 new families.

The lowest divorce rates recorded:

  1. Chechen Republic. In 2017, only 158 unions per 1,000 marriages broke up.
  2. Ingushetia. Only 186 families out of 1000 get divorced.
  3. Tuva. 282 divorces were registered per 1000 marriages.

Why are there so many divorces in Russia now: the main reasons

Today we can say with confidence that more than half of officially registered marriages in Russia break up. What is the reason for such frequent divorces?

The main reason that couples give for divorce is that they were in a hurry and got married under pressure from relatives.

In 40% of cases, it is this factor that becomes the basis for dissolution of the union.

Experts also say that living together with relatives or parents of one of the spouses also becomes a problem. About 15% of couples separated citing this very reason.

Sexual dissatisfaction in marriage also leads to divorce. This reason was given by 15% of divorced couples.

The economic crisis of recent years has had a negative impact on statistics. A fairly large percentage of divorces is associated with the lack of one’s own apartment or house, as well as with the financial inability to support a family.

There are no common views on life - another point why spouses cannot continue to exist together.

The stumbling block in family life is alcohol. Today, about 7% of marriages break up due to the addiction of one of the family members to alcoholic beverages. Moreover, this reason is mainly cited by women.

In recent years, the computer has become one of the main “destroyers of families.” About 15% of spouses during a divorce cite the dependence of the other half on social networks or online games.

By the way, there is a reason that is cited exclusively by women - the spouse does not want to change and contribute to the preservation of the relationship.

As a result, tension arises in family life, and the result is divorce.

The fact is that in the post-Soviet space, a double burden fell on women’s shoulders, so to speak: the need to earn money and manage the household independently. As psychologists say, most of the male half of the Russian population is of the opinion that helping around the house is not at all necessary. Some are even reluctant to participate in raising children. This becomes one of the reasons why the weaker sex submits an application for divorce to the registry office.

Causes of divorce - Divorce statistics in Russia and in the World.

The current statistics are simply frightening. The numbers are actually serious. Wrong choice of partner is the main cause of divorce in the world. According to statistics, every second marriage breaks up. Almost half of marriages, alas, end in this way.

RISK FACTOR- If you want to have a strong family, do not rush into marriage. Prolong this delightful period of getting to know each other. (about the peculiarities of his character) As evidence, here are some statistics: for 40% of couples who decided to divorce, the period of acquaintance lasted less than six months.

*Now in Russia almost 80% of marriages break up,

* in the USA - half,

* in the UK there are 51.9 divorces for every 100 marriages,

* in Sweden - 65.7,

* in Belgium - 59.7,

* in France and Germany - 40.9,

* in Finland - 57.6.

That is, almost every second marriage in the world breaks up.

According to statistics, in Russia there are 700 divorces per thousand marriages, and in the Sverdlovsk region, out of 30 thousand marriages, 28 thousand end in divorce.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, Russian families are breaking up less and less often, but the number of marriages is also falling every year, writes the Vremya Novostei newspaper.

According to the latest estimates by sociologists, in 2004, 630 thousand divorces were registered in Russia. Compared to previous years, this figure really inspires optimism: for example, in 2003, 800 thousand couples divorced, in 2002 - 850 thousand. However, fewer divorces also account for fewer marriages: 979.7 thousand in 2004 versus 1 million 90 thousand in 2003 and 1 million 20 thousand in 2002.

As the newspaper notes, the very latest statistics for Moscow look even more depressing: in April 2005, the capital's civil registry offices registered 4,460 marriages, which is one and a half times less than in the same month last year.

An obvious consequence of the decreasing number of marriages is the growing number of children born out of wedlock. Today their number is about 30 percent of the total number of newborns. True, this, as sociologists assure, is a completely pan-European trend, as well as another demographic feature - having few children. The so-called birth rate of Russian women today is 1.3.

As the newspaper writes, the most constant value in Russian family statistics is the number of remarriages. For many years now, it has accounted for approximately 30 percent of the total number of registered marriages.

By years of family life, divorces are distributed as follows: up to 1 year - 3.6%, from 1 to 2 years - 16%, from 3 to 4 years - 18%, from 5 to 9 years - 28%, from 10 to 19 years - 22%, from 20 years or more - 12.4%.

Thus, in the first 4 years, about 40% of divorces occur, and in 9 - about 2/3 of their total number.
Statistics show that the most crucial period in the life of a family is when spouses are between 20 and 30 years old. It has also been established that marriages entered into before 30 years of age are, on average, twice as durable as marriages that arose when the spouses were over 30.
After 30 years of age, it is much more difficult for people to rebuild themselves in accordance with the needs of living alone and entering into family roles. Younger people more easily give up habits that traumatize their spouse.

The vast majority of divorces occur between the ages of 18 and 35. A sharp rise begins at the age of 25.
In 64% of cases, the court asks those divorcing to think and gives them several months to do so. About 7% of spouses withdraw their divorce petition.

Reasons for divorce:

There are 6 main reasons for divorce:
1.hasty, thoughtless marriage or marriage of convenience;
2.marital infidelity;
3.sexual dissatisfaction with each other;
4. incompatibility of characters and views;
5. psychological and practical unpreparedness for family life and, as a result, the accumulation of mistakes in family relationships, disappointment in a loved one or oneself;

Judging by statistics, the strongest and most stable families are Christian. The main constitution of Christians - the Bible, teaches what a wife should be like ("A wise wife builds her house, but a foolish woman destroys it with her own hands" - Book of Proverbs, 14:1) and how a husband should behave towards her ("You too “Husbands, treat your wives wisely, as with the weakest vessel” - First Epistle of the Apostle Peter, 3:7). Families that know and adhere to these truths are characterized by enviable stability.

LOOK FOR YOURSELF a life partner among believers, among brothers and sisters. May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful!

The number of registered marriages per thousand residents of Russia in 2018 was 6.2, as follows from Rosstat data. This is the lowest level since the beginning of the century. The indicator can begin to grow only after 2025, says the expert

The number of registered marriages in Russia at the end of 2018 decreased by 12.7% compared to 2017 and amounted to 917 thousand, according to Rosstat data. A year earlier, 1.05 million marriages were registered. RANEPA experts drew attention to this in their latest monitoring of the socio-economic situation and well-being of the population.

The marriage rate (the number of registered marriages per 1 thousand people) was 6.2 last year, while in 2017 the figure was 7.2. This coefficient (as well as the absolute number of marriages) dropped to its lowest value since 2000, when the figure was the same 6.2.

The overall marriage rate very much depends on the age structure of the population, Ramilya Khasanova, a senior researcher at the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, explained to RBC. “Marriages are now taking place among the small generations born in the 1990s, so it is not surprising that the overall marriage rate is declining,” the expert said. According to her, the number of registered marriages will continue to decline in the coming years.

Meanwhile, the number of births, after falling in the 1990s, gradually began to increase from the beginning of the 2000s, noted Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the Institute of Demography at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. When the generations born in the 2000s begin to enter the age of marriage, then the marriage rate will begin to rise, he told RBC. According to him, an increase in the number of registered marriages should be expected from the mid-2020s.

The number of registered divorces at the end of 2018 decreased by 4.5% and amounted to 584 thousand. The overall divorce rate decreased compared to 2017 to four divorces per 1000 population. This is the minimum value of the indicator since 1990. The divorce-to-marriage ratio (divorces per 1,000 marriages) rose to 637, the highest since 2004, due to a sharper decline in the number of marriages.

Risks to the quality of demographic statistics

Since October 2018, the Unified State Register of Civil Status Records (USR Civil Registry Office) began operating in Russia. From this moment on, Rosstat receives information on the registration of marriages and divorces from the Unified State Register of Civil Registry Offices. The transition to an automated system certainly meets the modern challenges of digitalization, but at the start stage it causes certain difficulties, the authors of the monitoring indicated.

The deadline for publishing operational data has been increased, and monthly operational information on the vital movement of the population (data on the number of births and deaths, natural increase, etc.) is published with a note about the possibility of their subsequent adjustment. “Not only the timing of the provision of operational data is at risk, but also the quality of the information provided,” analysts warned.

Fewer marriages and fewer births

The natural population decline in Russia at the end of 2018 amounted to 218.4 thousand people, which exceeds the same figure for 2017 by 62.5% (by 84 thousand people), RANEPA experts indicated. The migration influx of the population of Russia in 2018 was the lowest in the entire post-Soviet history of the country, the authors of the monitoring emphasized. “The decline in migration growth occurred quickly; in every quarter except the first, the figure was almost half as much as a year earlier,” they pointed out. At the end of 2018, the migration increase amounted to 124.9 thousand people.

Thus, the migration influx could not compensate for the natural decline, and the total population of Russia decreased for the first time in ten years. According to preliminary data from Rosstat, as of January 1, 2019, 146.7 million people lived in Russia, and the average for 2018 was 146.8 million people.

The reason for natural population decline is both a significant reduction in the birth rate and a slight decrease in mortality rates. The number of births in 2018 amounted to 1.599 million people, which is 5.4% less than in 2017. A decrease in the fertility rate was demonstrated by almost all regions of Russia, the maximum drop in the rate was observed in the Magadan region (12% reduction), the Komi Republic (-11%), the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (-10.5%), Stavropol Territory (-9.5% ), Kostroma, Smolensk regions and Sevastopol (-9%).

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova on the need for additional measures to support the birth rate in Russia. “It is obvious that, most likely, we will need to take additional measures in order to motivate families to have children. This is connected with many aspects, including the topic that you mentioned: the need to ensure the preservation of the nation,” said the Deputy Prime Minister. According to her, the government is discussing the idea of ​​providing maternity capital at the birth of the first child (now a family can receive maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles at the birth of the second child).

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