Cross stitch of roses: diagrams and photographs of finished works. Cross stitch of passionate roses with a selection of patterns Cross stitch pattern of small roses

Cross-stitching flowers has always been a favorite pastime of all needlewomen. Floral motifs attract with their color and picturesque appearance. That’s why you can find a huge variety of embroidery patterns on the Internet. Among them, diagrams depicting various interpretations of roses stand out significantly. And all because the rose is the queen of flowers. Let's look at the process of embroidering these beautiful flowers with sharp thorns.

For those who are just taking their first steps in this kind of needlework, it is recommended to start embroidery with small pictures, with images of one or more flowers. In this case, use the full cross technique. To make the picture look very beautiful, embroider with a cross using two folds of thread.

Stretch the canvas onto the hoop and start cross-stitching from the upper left corner. Then move as you embroider to the bottom of the canvas and to the right side. Thus, by changing the color shades of the floss threads, you can decorate the entire picture.

Experienced craftswomen prefer to cross-stitch entire bouquets and then arrange the pictures in beautiful frames. The presented pattern depicts roses, embroidered using the full stitching technique. This counts difficult option for needlework, since it also provides for the use of many color shades. You can cross-stitch the entire fabric at once or divide the work into several parts. Do what is most convenient for you so that nothing interferes with this process. To save their time and not waste floss threads, craftswomen first thread several colors of threads into different needles at once.

This kind of work will take up a lot of your free time, but the result will pay off all your efforts. Stretch the finished work onto a base and place it in a frame so that the roses do not lose their bright appearance over time.

The following diagram shows golden roses that need to be cross-stitched using the “back needle” technique. The threads are used without any casting in several folds. It is advisable not to stretch the floss on the wrong side. It is better to cut the thread with scissors before changing it to a different color on the completed piece of work. This will make your needlework much easier. This embroidered pattern can decorate any room in your home, because roses leave no one indifferent.

Cross stitch patterns for beautiful roses

Floral motifs have always been relevant as a theme for embroidery; today the floral theme is still popular. Needlewomen embroider single flowers, bouquets and floral arrangements, but most often you can see an image of a rose, which is rightfully considered the queen among flowers. Roses can be presented in different ways, namely in different styles and in different colors. Cross stitch is a fascinating process that results in a beautiful picture.

In order for you to get a wonderful rose, the patterns have already been posted for free and are available for download on our website. Embroidered roses can become an original decorative element; you can decorate pillows, tablecloths, napkins with such an element, or place the finished work in a frame and hang it on the wall.

Window to Paris:

Pink Dreams:

Basket with roses:

Yellow roses:

Here is such an interesting bouquet:

Another option:

Cart number 2:

You can also do it like this:

Examples of finished works

Cross stitch of white roses looks gentle and stylish, this explains the popularity of rose embroidery of this particular color. In addition, a painting depicting white roses will fit well into the interior and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Royal flower:

Embroidered red roses look magnificent and solemn in a picture, which is why many needlewomen do this kind of work and include it in their collections. Embroidered roses of this color can be an excellent gift for a celebration for family and friends.

Cross stitch of roses with patterns in retro style

Roses embroidered in the style of the 50s and 60s look interesting.

In order to make a model of a rose in the style of works of the mid-20th century, you need to purchase a canvas, that is, a base for embroidery, preferably ivory color, then the roses in the picture will look elegant, floss threads, a special needle, scissors and a marker for marking. It is better to place the finished work in a frame; you can do this yourself or take it to a workshop. Video especially for you, watch with pleasure:

The popularity of floral ornaments, patterns and motifs among needlewomen around the world is undeniable. Bright “live” still lifes with floral arrangements that are embroidered with a cross are no less successful. In turn, of all the flowers, one of the most favorite among needlewomen are roses, there are a lot of embroidery patterns created. We bring to your attention several options for embroidering passionate buds and open flowers with thorns. Believe me, you will have plenty to choose from.

You will have to use full cross technique. The image will be more successful if you sew with thread folded in half.

First, draw a grid of the required dimensions on the canvas, stepping back three to four centimeters from the edges. After this, the material is cut and stretched onto a hoop.

You should start embroidery from the upper left corner, sequentially moving to the lower right corner. By gradually changing shades, you will do all the work.

Having completed the embroidery, it is advisable to wash the material by hand in warm water. Dry with a towel to avoid deformation of the fabric. Then you will need to iron it a little with a not too hot iron. In accordance with the size of the diagram, a piece of thick cardboard is cut out. We stretch the material with a strong thread, which also needs to be used to sew up the edges of the material on the wrong side of the product. Try to ensure that the pattern is evenly positioned and do not loosen the thread tension too much. The finished work is placed in a frame or left as is, it all depends on your desire.

For those who prefer small paintings with a bouquet of 3 roses, we offer another option.

It is recommended to make such products on a light base. This will add pop and brightness to the colors. If you don’t want to use white canvas, you can use various pastel colors that are different from the colors of the product as a basis.

The first of the proposed patterns will require a dozen shades of thread when using a full cross and a “needle forward” stitch. A full cross should be embroidered with a double thread, and the outlines with a single thread. Natural threads are recommended, for example, floss.

The second pattern uses exclusively the full cross technique. This scheme, quite rightly, may seem more complicated to you than the first. The basis of the picture is 3 scarlet roses, each of which has its own special beauty. In addition, this scheme is characterized by the use of a larger number of shades. You are free to choose how to embroider this work: in a single sheet or divided into 3 sections, which corresponds to modern fashion in embroidery. We recommend using Aida canvas 14 white or blue color. Working with silk thread, you can achieve additional volume of roses, and matte threads will create the effect of modesty and non-showiness.

Larger and more attractive patterns can only be embroidered by experienced needlewomen. The large amount of time and effort spent on such a painting is justified by a lot of positive emotions upon completion of the work. As a rule, the finished product is stretched onto a solid base and placed in a frame.

No less interesting works are obtained when cross-stitching portraits with roses. Trying as hard as possible get this beauty faster, you will rush to embroider it yourself.

For large projects, high quality materials should be selected. You need to select the base taking into account the complexity of the pattern, for example, it could be canvas No. 16 and No. 14. The warp number will determine the global perception of the finished product.

It is better to select natural cotton threads, without shimmer. The embroidery is done with double folded threads, the technique is a full cross. When using one thread for embroidering the background, you can achieve a translucent effect.

When working with portraits, there are some peculiarities, for example, you should first embroider the person and surrounding objects, and the background - at the very end. You need to start from the left side of the head, moving down and continuing to embroider in accordance with the diagram. The same is true for our picture - we start with the girl’s head, then move on to the shoulders and back, then to the bouquet and finally to the colored skirt.

With these step-by-step actions perform embroidery of similar portraits.

If you decide to embroider a canvas with different plans (similar to the one shown in the second illustration), then you need to start embroidering from the top left corner in a downward direction. You gradually embroider individual parts of the picture and go down to the very edge and again return to the edge at the top. By mentally dividing the picture into stripes in this way, you will embroider the entire product.

Another option portrait of a young girl and a rose bush. Thanks to its stunning appearance, most needlewomen will want to acquire such a picture.

We hope our master class awakened in you the desire to embroider roses in various types: from postcard to large-scale painting. Such a product, created with your own hands, would not be a shame to give to one of your relatives or friends, because flowers are always a welcome gift.

Cross stitch is recognized as one of the most popular types of women's needlework. Roses, the designs of which have always been popular with craftswomen, lead the list of favorite flowers that decorate both large-scale canvases and miniature napkins. What is the reason for admiration for roses and how is it reflected in embroidery? This question is easy to answer if we analyze the role of the queen of flowers as a symbol in modern culture.

Undeniable superiority

Exotic is in fashion

Florists spend many years and incredible sums on careful research and creation of new varieties of ornamental plants: the public has long been fed up with familiar shapes and natural shades and requires innovative approaches. As a result, on sale you can find white-burgundy, blue-blue, green and Cross stitch (pattern attached) quickly picked up the trends in floristry, and buds of all the colors of the rainbow bloomed on the canvas in the most unimaginable combinations.

Popularity and taste

Are roses of unnatural shades beautiful? That's a moot point. On the one hand, there is no doubt: the bright palette of colors mixed in the petals of one inflorescence makes one admire the achievements of scientists and the skill of needlewomen. On the other hand, such a mixture is impossible in nature, which gave the queens of flowers monochromatic, but rich and fresh shades. We have to rely on own feeling taste and desire (or unwillingness) to follow fashion trends- be it gardening or cross stitch. Roses, the patterns of which involve the use large quantity threads of various shades will certainly appeal to those who cannot stand monotonous and monotonous work.

What will embroidery tell you?

If you want to give an embroidered picture or postcard as a gift to another person, it would be a good idea to find out in advance about the possible meanings of the flowers you depict. It is widely known that red roses indicate passionate love. But what do yellow or white buds mean?

It was previously believed that the yellow color of the petals had a negative meaning. The harmless shade was attributed to the meaning of separation, jealousy and even betrayal. Today, gloomy interpretations are losing their former popularity, and yellow roses are recognized as a symbol of joy and mutual friendship.

Cross stitch of a rose (patterns, by the way, can be found in almost any semi-annual magazine for needlewomen) will be a wonderful gift for a young girl if the flower is made in pink or white tones. A white rose symbolizes innocence, a pink one - the beginning of a relationship, gratitude or girlish tenderness.

If light pink color means falling in love, and red color means burning feelings, what can an embroidered bouquet of dark burgundy roses tell its new owner? With the degree of saturation of the shade, the strength of emotions also increases: burgundy flowers mean frantic passion and admiration on the verge of deification. If a woman needlewoman gives such embroidery to another woman, the meaning of the picture can be considered as a wish to remain as divinely charming.

We can confidently conclude that cross-stitching a rose (patterns can be easily found in the public domain) will be an excellent gift for any occasion.

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