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Tea is not just leaves drenched in boiling water, it is a real drink of emperors, giving, if handled correctly, eternal youth and a boost of energy. Unfortunately, today we choose tea bags, giving preference not to taste and benefits, but to simplicity and convenience. To understand the error and fill the gaps in tea education, we have compiled a brief but more than complete encyclopedia of tea.

There are three types of classification: by the type of tea plant (Chinese, Assamese and Cambodian varieties), by its origin (China, India, Japan, etc.) and by the degree of fermentation. We will dwell on the last point in more detail, since the duration and method of oxidation of leaves to a greater extent influence appearance, aroma, taste and other characteristics of tea.

Classification by degree of fermentation differs in Europe and Asia, but since China is the world leader in tea production (more than a quarter of global production), we will take the Chinese tradition of separation as a basis. So, according to the Chinese classification, tea is usually divided into six groups.


This type is produced exclusively in the Chinese province of Fujian. When collecting white tea, special attention is paid to the selection of leaves; only young buds (tips) and half-bloomed leaves covered with white hair are selected. The peculiarity of processing white tea is that it is only dried in the sun, and the tea leaves remain in their natural form.

Beneficial features: Even at the beginning of our era, white tea was considered the elixir of immortality. However, if at that time this drink was available only to emperors, today everyone can admire it. Of all the varieties, it is the most useful due to its soft and short processing. White tea is rich in vitamins C and B1, helps improve digestion, strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, protects against viruses, bacteria, has anti-cancer properties, and is useful for those suffering from varicose veins.

The infusion has a floral aroma and a sweetish taste, and has a cooling effect on the body. White tea is very sensitive to temperature, so it should not be brewed with too hot water (60–75°C). You need to brew about a third of the teapot's volume.


Green tea is similar in production to white tea. The difference lies in the selected leaves themselves and the drying method. Selected leaves are slightly withered in the open air. At the moment when they become soft and wither, they are briefly subjected to heat treatment, on which the taste characteristics of the drink directly depend: it dulls the activity of enzymes and stops oxidation processes. The leaves are then manually shaped, thereby regulating the extraction of essential oils and other active constituents during the brewing process. The last stage of tea preparation is drying, which consolidates the work done previously.

Beneficial features: This type of tea contains a lot of caffeine, even more than coffee, so it’s better to start your morning with it. Green tea is also beneficial for people with low immunity. The benefits of green tea are also determined by catechins, which are useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Taste and brewing method: brew green tea need for 1–3 minutes with water (80°C). Depending on the variety, tea can be brewed 2 to 6 times. The infusion can range in color from golden to dark green.


Manufactured only in China in Hunan Province. For a long time, Europe was unaware of its existence, since the export of yellow tea from China was punishable by death. Now the export of this variety is limited, one of the reasons is the labor intensity and low profitability of yellow tea production. Only specially selected tea bushes of a special variety can be used, from which only the buds are collected, and the processing of the tea lasts about three days.

Beneficial features: relieves spasms, headaches, increases the body's ability to resist external destructive factors. Tones and promotes mental activity.

Taste and brewing method: Brew yellow tea for no more than 2–3 minutes with water at 60–70°C. Yellow tea has a sweet aftertaste and is unlike any other tea. The color of the infusion is yellowish-amber with a pale pink tint.

Oolong (turquoise tea)

Oolong translates to “black dragon” and is also called turquoise tea. For this variety, mature leaves are collected from bushes grown high in the mountains and laid out in the sun in a layer of several centimeters to wilt for 30–60 minutes. Then the leaves ripen in bamboo baskets in the shade. The “cooking” process ends with calcination with hot air. Ready oolong has the form of tightly twisted balls that unravel when brewed.

Beneficial features: tea stimulates appetite and has cleansing properties. Useful for weight loss.

Taste and brewing method: brewing occurs using water at 70–75°C, sometimes, depending on the variety, using hotter water. Oolong has a floral aroma and peachy flavor, and the color ranges from pale green to dark red.


Black tea, as we call it, or red tea, as they call it in China, differs from other varieties in the longest production process. Tea leaves are withered for 12–18 hours. As a result, the leaves lose moisture, after which they are tightly rolled and transferred to large, heated, damp, dark rooms where they oxidize. The Chinese do not consume this variety, but they export it in huge quantities.

Beneficial features: stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system.

Taste and brewing method: The aroma of tea can vary from floral to fruity, nutty or spicy. Brewing is done with fairly hot water (90–100°C) for 2–5 minutes. Color - from gold to brown-red.


Black tea in China is called pu-erh. The collected leaves, processed as for green tea, are subjected to aging and pressing. Unlike other types of tea, it does not deteriorate over time, but improves in taste. For more or less complete disclosure of its properties, tea requires 2 to 3 years of storage, and for absolute taste - from 10 to 20 years.

Beneficial features: has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, digest fatty foods, perfectly quenches thirst, and helps cope with hangovers and food poisoning.

Taste and brewing method: For brewing, on average, take 4 g of tea per 150 ml of water. Brew with boiling water. It tastes of dried fruit and wood with a slight spice.

Squats are a great way to keep your legs, thighs, and butt in good shape. Requiring no additional equipment and a lot of space, it becomes a universal workout that can be done anywhere!

But doing 100 classic squats is quite boring and few people can do it. Another thing - 10 by 10! This set of exercises will take less than 10 minutes, and the results will be noticeable within 1-2 weeks.

Safety precautions

Before performing the complex, be sure to do a warm-up: it will help make the muscles more flexible and the workout more effective. Plus it will reduce the likelihood of joint damage.

To better work the gluteal muscles, squats should be performed as deeply as possible. To avoid damaging your knee joints, do not make sudden movements.

The workout works the lower body: legs and buttocks. But also pay close attention to the top one:

  • tighten your stomach;
  • straighten your back;
  • look straight ahead.

Perform each exercise 10 times with minimal rest breaks.

No additional equipment needed. In fact, you don't even need a form. If your clothing does not restrict movement, you can perform this complex anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation.

1. Regular squats

Regular squats improve the condition of all leg muscles.

Go as low as you can. But make sure your back remains absolutely straight. The angle of the back should be approximately the same as that of the shins. Distribute your weight evenly between your heels and toes.

2. Plie

Plie helps make your legs slimmer and your buttocks more rounded.

Turn your toes to the side. Ideally, you want to form one line of feet, but the angle of the turn depends on your flexibility and coordination of movements. Smoothly lower yourself as deeply as possible, feeling the tension in your inner thigh. Don't put your head down and don't look at your feet.

3. Squats and side leg raises

In addition to the leg muscles, lateral leg raises work the obliques and lower back.

Raise your leg as high as you can without tilting your body to the side. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

4. Carousel

Rotation of the pelvis allows you to work deeper on the inner thigh.

Drop down to your right foot and lift up through your left. Change direction. Lower yourself as deeply as you would in a regular squat and keep your back straight.

5. Squats and leg raises

Raising the leg from a standing position allows you to additionally work the back of the thigh, buttocks and abdominal muscles.

Remember to keep your back straight while squatting. Don't lean forward when you move your leg back. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

6. Deep Squat with Triple Spring

A regular squat, complicated by swinging at the bottom point.

Squatting deeply down, move your pelvis up and down with an amplitude of no more than 10 cm. Then smoothly return to the starting position. Despite the tension in your legs, try to avoid jerking while lifting.

7. Sumo + kick

A deep squat, and then lifting and turning the leg in a circle, puts additional stress on the muscles of the buttocks, as well as the inner and back surface of the thigh.

Raise your leg approximately 45 degrees. Try not to bend your leg while lifting, or your back during a deep squat.

8. Side Squats

From the starting position (standing), take a step to the side and lower yourself as deep as possible. Try to place your feet as wide as possible.

This will allow you to maximally work the inner thigh and lower buttock muscles.

9. Skier's squats

The springing movement in the lower position works the back of the thigh deeper.

Squatting deeply, do two swings of the pelvis with a small amplitude and return to the starting position. “Pick up” imaginary ski poles in your hands, but do not jerk.

10. Jump Squats

Final plyometric exercise: deep squat with jump. Plyometric exercises help to form a harmonious figure and avoid overdeveloped buttocks.

Jumping as high as possible, do the exercise at the highest possible pace. But at the same time, make sure that the squats are deep.

If this is too simple for you:

  • repeat the complex (1-3 times);
  • take a weight (dumbbells, bottle, zucchini or chihuahua).

As the famous saying goes, if you get a lemon, make lemonade out of it. It would be nice if there were fewer such “lemons” in our lives... But growing a lemon tree in your window and making REAL homemade lemonade from it is a much more pleasant and, most importantly, useful activity. You can find out how to get a full-fledged citrus tree from a seed here, and today I will tell you about all the nuances of caring for lemons at home.

Caring for homemade lemon: heat + light + consistency

Indoor lemon has a capricious character, which is manifested in its demands on living conditions.

In particular, it cannot tolerate sudden changes in temperature and humidity and reacts painfully to drafts. A moderately humid and warm microclimate and abundant lighting are required for the well-being of your green pet.

Just don't place the pot in direct natural light, as lemon also doesn't like to fry in the sun. For example, you can place the plant on a south or southwest window sill and shade it with a tulle curtain or gauze.

Interesting fact- lemon does not like being next to strong-smelling house flowers, so do not place lilies or rhododendrons next to it.

In autumn, winter and early spring, homemade lemon requires additional lighting (with a power of at least 40 watts). On average, it is enough to turn on the lamps for 3-4 hours a day (2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening). However, it must be borne in mind that a lemon plant needs at least 8 hours of sunlight or artificial light in winter and from 10 to 14 hours at other times of the year.

Lamps are installed at the rate of 2-3 pieces per square meter. Moreover, they should be located no lower than 40-50 centimeters above the level of the highest branch.

Regular and sufficient watering

Homemade lemon loves to swim!

Overwatering negatively affects the development of the citrus plant, so it is important to maintain moderation when watering. In hot weather, the soil in the pots is moistened 3 times a week; on normal days, the frequency of watering is reduced to one or two times.

How to determine when it’s time to water a lemon?

There is a simple test - take a pinch of soil from a pot with three fingers and squeeze. If it sticks together, then there is no need to water it; if it falls apart, it’s time to go get a watering can.

Irrigation water should be warm and settled (filtered). The ideal option is melt water, which is obtained from clean snow or after melting ice. Rain or spring water is no less good. Three to four times a month you can add sleeping tea to the water for irrigation.

Avoid stagnation of water in the container - the containers used must have drainage holes.

A couple of times a month, loosen the top layer of soil in the pot (just be careful not to damage the roots!). It will be easier for oxygen to reach the roots and the lemon will grow better.

Coming from the tropics, Lemon loves to shower.- regularly spray the plant with a spray bottle and wipe its leaves with a soft, damp cloth. In general, I advise you to turn such water procedures into a weekly ritual.

If your lemon is located next to a central heating radiator, then to eliminate dry air, I recommend turning on an electric humidifier in the room (a regular bowl of water can also serve as a replacement).

Making a menu for homemade lemon

The active growth phase of indoor lemon occurs from February to September. At this time, it is useful to treat the tropical guest with organic and mineral supplements (it is better to alternate them). Fertilizer irrigation is carried out every 10-14 days, not more often.

When caring for lemons at home, I advise you to pay special attention to special fertilizers for citrus plants, which, in addition to the main nutrients, also include zinc, boron and manganese. To minimize the risk of burning the roots, fertilizer mixtures are supplied exclusively in liquid form and low concentrations are used (no more than 1-2 grams per liter of water).

In addition, do not forget the most important principle of feeding any home and garden plant - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Please note that after transplantation (which will be discussed later), the lemon does not need to be fed for 2-3 months - during this time the plant has enough nutrients contained in the soil mixture.

When and how to replant homemade lemons

With good care, the lemon tree “grows” literally before our eyes. Up to 10 years, the lemon is replanted once a year, then the plant is transferred to a larger pot every 2-3 years.

To do this, choose a container 5-7 centimeters wider and deeper than the previous one. Since the roots of citrus plants need a lot of oxygen, for replanting it is better to choose containers made of breathable materials - for example, clay or wood.

The optimal time to transplant a lemon is June; in the cold season, this operation is carried out in February.

When preparing a mixture for transplanting lemons, you should take into account the age of the plant. For young lemon trees, a light soil mixture is better, and for older plants, a denser one with a higher clay content.

Here are several options for soil mixtures for indoor lemons of different ages:

  1. Plants up to 4 years old: leaf soil, mature manure, high peat, fine river sand (1: 2: 1: 0.5).
  2. Plants from 4 to 10 years: turf soil, leaf soil, high peat, lake silt, river sand (2:1:1:1:0.5).
  3. Plants over 10 years old: turf soil, leaf soil, high-moor peat, lake silt, coarse river sand (3:1:1:2:0.5), ash from burning straw at the rate of 200 grams per 10-liter bucket of soil.

It is good to enrich any of the mixtures with 100-200 grams of granulated superphosphate per 10 liters.

With each transplant, up to 50% of the length of the tap root is removed from the plant. The remaining roots are also shortened by 1.5-2 centimeters and immersed in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 5 minutes. For disinfection, you can also dust the cut areas with wood ash.

Rules for seasonal lemon care at home


For lemon, spring begins at the beginning of February. From now on, begin to slowly feed your green friend. In addition, at the end of winter it is good to start grafting work.

In February and March, lemon plants begin to actively bloom. The room temperature must be maintained from +16 to +20 degrees.

Shade the plants from the May sun by moving the pots 50-60 centimeters from the window.


During the warm season, ensure regular watering and timely application of fertilizers. If desired, the lemongrass can be exposed to fresh air (just not in direct sun!).

Lemon care summer time also implies intensive feeding (but, again, no more than once every two weeks).


Gradually prepare the plant for moving indoors: first, bring it into the house for one to two hours, then for half a day, and so on.

From mid-autumn, start illuminating the plants with fluorescent lamps.


In the winter months, make sure that the lemon is not exposed to a draft wind, and also that the earthen lump in the pot does not become overcooled. Reduce watering to once a week.

If the lemon blooms in the cold season, do not allow all the buds to open (leave no more than 1 flower for every 15 leaves). Let me remind you that in the first year all the buds from the plant are torn off, without even allowing them to open.

I also present to your attention an overview video about all the rules for caring for lemons at home.

This article is part of a series on growing lemons at home. With the first part containing detailed instructions How to obtain a lemon seedling from a seed can be found here. And in order not to miss the release of new articles, I advise you to subscribe to blog updates!

Squats are a great way to keep your legs, thighs, and butt in good shape. Requiring no additional equipment and a lot of space, it becomes a universal workout that can be done anywhere!
But doing 100 classic squats is quite boring and few people can do it. Another thing - 10 by 10! This set of exercises will take less than 10 minutes, and the results will be noticeable within 1-2 weeks.

Safety precautions

Before performing the complex, be sure to do a warm-up: it will help make the muscles more flexible and the workout more effective. Plus it will reduce the likelihood of joint damage.

To better work the gluteal muscles, squats should be performed as deeply as possible. To avoid damaging your knee joints, do not make sudden movements.

The workout works the lower body: legs and buttocks. But also pay close attention to the top one:

  • tighten your stomach;
  • straighten your back;
  • look straight ahead.

Perform each exercise 10 times with minimal rest breaks. No additional equipment is needed. In fact, you don't even need a form. If your clothing does not restrict movement, you can perform this complex anywhere: at home, at work or on vacation.

1. Regular squats

Regular squats improve the condition of all leg muscles.

Go as low as you can. But make sure your back remains absolutely straight. The angle of the back should be approximately the same as that of the shins. Distribute your weight evenly between your heels and toes.

2. Plie

Plie helps make your legs slimmer and your buttocks more rounded.

Turn your toes to the side. Ideally, you want to form one line of feet, but the angle of the turn depends on your flexibility and coordination of movements. Smoothly lower yourself as deeply as possible, feeling the tension in your inner thigh. Don't put your head down and don't look at your feet.

3. Squats and side leg raises

In addition to the leg muscles, lateral leg raises work the obliques and lower back.

Raise your leg as high as you can without tilting your body to the side. Do 10 repetitions, alternating legs.

Theoretically, we know everything, but in practice, this seemingly acquired knowledge often lets us down. How do you need to behave in a relationship so that it brings you joy and gives you a feeling of happiness, and does not turn into a source of anxiety, worry and pain? Are there universal rules for relationships?

● Don't wait for him to make the first move

Of course, you shouldn't be the only person putting in the best effort. However, if the relationship between you is open and honest, do not wait for your partner to text or call first. If you want to chat, write and call yourself. This is fine. The rules of relationships are based on mutual interest.

● Don't lower your standards

When your chosen one is not able to meet all your expectations, this does not mean that you need to change your own principles and beliefs. Just take a closer look at the person and objectively think about whether he is really right for you.

● Don't be silent about feelings

If you have feelings for someone, if you have certain emotions, do not think that this person can read your thoughts. Be honest with him. Tell me how you feel.

● Don't analyze every word

Don’t pick apart all his words and messages, because the person meant exactly what you heard or read. There is no hidden meaning or encrypted messages in them. If your partner makes an effort to develop your relationship, if he treats you with respect, then everything is fine. If not, then this is “not your” person. These are the basic rules of relationships.

● Don't chase a certain person

There is no point in pursuing the object of your passion and convincing him to love you. A person should value and respect you of his own free will, and not under pressure.

● Don’t run away at the slightest difficulty

Don't think that one conflict is the end of your relationship. Will you be able to fix the situation rather than decide to immediately separate?

● Don't forgive again and again

If a person has done something unforgivable, do not let him get away with it. Both must respect the rules of the relationship. Don't give him extra chances that he definitely doesn't deserve. You need to leave on time.

● Don't follow only your heart

If your mind stubbornly tells you that this partner is for you, and your intuition supports your mind, you should not weakly follow the desires of your heart.

● Don't discuss your exes.

You may be angry with them or even, but you shouldn't constantly tell your current partner about it. This is a signal that you are unable to move on after the breakup. You are still living in the past, which is high time to quit. Even the best relationship rules won't help until you do this.

● Don't constantly look at your phone

Even if you're nervous, don't look at your phone. This will make your lover think that you care more about your virtual world. in social networks, rather than about him.

● Don't test your partner's feelings.

Don't deliberately put people in uncomfortable situations to gauge their reaction. Stay close to the person you trust without testing him.

● Do not consult with friends on personal topics

Of course, you can turn to close and trusted people for general advice, but you should not send screenshots of your correspondence and ask them to comment on the situation. You can handle this on your own. Relationship rules should apply only to you and your partner.

● Don’t procrastinate in relationships that don’t seem right to you.

Your partner may be very a good man, but that doesn't mean it's right for you. Don't let your sense of duty or guilt convince you to stay when you want to leave. You have every right to find exactly “your” person.

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