Cyberpunk tattoos are images “from the future. Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoos in the Style of Biomechanics Tattoos in the style of cyberpunk and biomechanics

Technical progress, global computerization, artificial intelligence and biorobots - on the one hand. Cultural decline, poverty, insecurity and division of society - on the other. This is cyberpunk, and tattoos in this style are appropriate. Read on to dive into the gloomy post-industrial world and see what cyberpunk tattoos look like.

History of style

Cyberpunk celebrates his birthday in 1983. Bruce Bethke released a story of the same name, in which there is no cyberpunk as such, but one of the heroes wears a mohawk. Later, editor Gardner Dozois, when writing reviews of the dark novels of William Gibson, mentioned this very word, which defined the cyberpunk genre. "Hich tech. "Low life". "High tech, low level life." This is the real cyberpunk.

In those years, we did not yet have the Internet, tablets and Wi-Fi in the metro; the technologies of the future seemed inaccessible and frightened us with the unknown. The cyberpunk genre turned out to be useful - “this is what these yours lead to...”! The term itself combines the English words “cybernetics” (cybernetics) and “punk” (garbage, dirt). Its features are the proliferation of hackers, artificial intelligences, megacorporations and hopelessness in the future. Society is approaching a tipping point where technology is being misused and poses a threat.




Cyberpunk blossomed, and science fiction writers released novel after novel. William Gibson, Michael Swanwick, Rudy Rucker - read their works if you love this genre.

Initially, cyberpunk was aimed at a protest audience, and in early works the main character did not strive to save the world, lived in decline and, in general, did not particularly complain about it.

In 1982, the film “Blade Runner” was released with Harison Ford in the title role, which well reflects all the noir and hopelessness of the genre. In the director's cut, the end of the film is open and hardly leaves hope for a happy ending - this is true cyberpunk.




When people wanted more, the authors began to create more - post-cyberpunk appeared, where the main character was simultaneously “in the system” and wanted to get out of it, to save himself, the planet and the world. Roughly speaking, a lone fighter against injustice, hopelessness, and the cruelty of real and virtual corporations. I immediately remember “The Matrix” - directors Lana and Lily Wachowski were inspired by cyberpunk when they subsequently created the cult film.




Now fans of this genre are divided into those who believe that real cyberpunk is dead, and those who are sure that cyberpunk is alive. We don’t belong to these camps and we know one thing for sure – tattoos in this style turn out incredibly cool!

Cyberpunk tattoos

A synonym for tattoos in this style is biomechanics. Gears, machines that shine through the skin, as if replaced limbs, realistic volume, microcircuits.

The style is suitable if you want a large and voluminous picture. We do not recommend a very small tattoo because the numerous small details may float over time.

It looks very cool if all the tattoos on your body are made in cyberpunk - you become a real work of art, like from the future, and also a star of tattoo festivals :)

The art of body painting does not stand still and develops along with technological progress, as a result of which new trends such as, for example, tattoos in the cyberpunk style appear. This gloomy style reflects the essence of today's life: cultural decline and poverty simultaneously with global computerization. His motto goes something like this: “High technology, low standard of living.”

History of style

The concept of “cyberpunk” first appeared in 1983, when the American Bruce Bethke published a story of the same name with the main character wearing a mohawk. This style is a combination of cybernetics and punk. By the way, the last word translated into Russian means garbage and dirt. Later, editor Gardner Dozois began using the term “cyberpunk” in his reviews, and the concept became widespread. In those days when there were no tablets and the Internet, and the computer world seemed fantastic and inaccessible, this concept had a frightening and terrifying meaning. The cyberpunk movement was characterized by hopelessness, decline, depression, fear of the future and the inability to change the present. The heroes of numerous novels by science fiction writers did not seek to influence the outcome of events, but simply went with the flow, having lost all hope of salvation.

Distinctive features

Tattoos in the cyberpunk style are easy to distinguish from other areas of body art. They have the following characteristic features:

  • — interweaving of human flesh with mechanical elements;
  • — patterns of microcircuits and chips;
  • — mystical or cosmic plots;
  • — three-dimensional image effect;
  • — predominance of clear geometric shapes;
  • — ideas of urbanism;
  • - combination of artificial and living parts (for example, gears peeking out from under the skin);
  • - images of heroes computer games or science fiction films.

Cyberpunk tattoos are similar in style to steampunk, organic and biomechanical. Outstanding masters of this genre are Anil Gupta and Pavel Angel. Photos of their work are used as a basis by many beginning tattooists.

Who is a cyberpunk tattoo suitable for?

Cyberpunk tattoos are mainly preferred by men, although sometimes creative representatives of the fair sex are also found. The body pattern can be either black and white or color.

A large cyberpunk tattoo will look much more impressive than a small one. In addition, small details in a small tattoo can become blurred over time, which will negatively affect the overall image of the composition. Properly selected sketches play an important role. The so-called tattoo sleeve with the effect of a replaced limb is very common in this technique. With the help of a professional master, you can easily turn into a living robot!

It is strongly recommended not to contact tattoo artists with insufficient experience in cyberpunk style. Artistic talent alone is not enough here; knowledge of human anatomy is also required, otherwise the composition will look unnatural. As a rule, the tattoo is so large-scale that it is almost impossible to complete the work in one session. But it’s worth it, because the result will exceed all your expectations!

A selection of photographs

Biomechanics tattoo is a relatively young style that became popular at the end of the 20th century. Biomechanical tattoos depict mechanisms on the human body that break out from under the skin. Gears, pistons, complex steel mechanisms are the main subjects of biomechanical tattoos. The fashion for such designs developed along with technological progress.

The theme of artificial intelligence, robots, and science fiction books have created public interest in tattoos, which bring people closer to robots and cyborgs.

History of the Biomechanics Style

The founder of the style is considered to be the artist Hans Rudolf Giger. The Swiss artist became famous for creating images and scenery for the cult film Alien. The leitmotif of his work was the fantastic. Innovators, technology lovers, and representatives of cyberpunk culture began to get tattoos with Giger’s paintings. Biomechanics is considered a predominantly masculine style, although girls also decorate their bodies with futuristic drawings with mechanisms.

Biomechanics Tattoo Meaning

The meaning of Biomechanics style tattoos can vary. For example, it could be a tribute to technological progress and science. People whose lives are in one way or another connected with modern technology get such tattoos as a symbol of the era.

For some, biomechanics expresses the idea that inner world a person may differ from his appearance. Strength and intelligence do not depend on appearance, but on endurance, hard work and character.

Popular Subjects and Places of Biomechanical Tattoos

Tattoo Biomechanics Heart

A mechanical heart tattoo is usually located on the chest. Mechanical heart tattoos do not have any specific meaning. A tattoo has a special meaning only for its owner. First of all, a tattoo in the biomechanical style is a technically complex, masterful work. An aesthetic design with many nuances that attracts the attention of others.

Tattoo Biomechanics Sleeve

A sleeve made in the style of biomechanics is a long and painstaking work. If you decide to get such a tattoo, you should prepare for several sessions. Even to develop a voluminous and complex sketch, the master will need a lot of time. But the difficult process and wait are worth it. A tattoo sleeve with mechanisms looks very impressive.

Tattoo Biomechanics Shoulder

Biomechanical shoulder tattoos are popular because the muscle structure in that area helps create extra volume. The drawing seems three-dimensional and looks very good.

Biomechanics Tattoo on Leg

A tattoo with pistons, wires and gears on the leg also looks advantageous and stylish. You can get a larger, more detailed tattoo on your leg than on your arm. If you are planning a voluminous, elongated sketch, then the thigh or lower leg will be the ideal place.

Biomechanics Tattoo for Men

Biomechanics traditionally considered a masculine style. Mechanisms and technology are considered a favorite topic of men around the world. Interest in this area is expressed in cinema, music, style and tattoos, among others.

Biomechanics Tattoo for Women

Girls do not often decide on complex large tattoos in a biomechanical style. But there are still brave lovers of a complex futuristic style who decorate themselves with elements of steel and mechanisms.

The cyberpunk style, like the one, first appeared in science fiction literature and quickly won many fans. After works in this direction, films began to appear, and subsequently computer games. It did not bypass body painting, in which a new trend arose - cyberpunk tattoos.

History and distinctive features of cyberpunk tattoo

Scientific and technological progress, the widespread use of computers, the emergence of artificial intelligence, cybernetic organisms, a high level of technological development, and the achievements of genetic engineering are only one side of the coin.

On the other hand, there is poverty, stratification and insecurity of society, life in slums, crime and the complete decline of culture. These are the main features of the dystopian cyberpunk universe.

The style was born at the end of the 70s of the 20th century. But the term itself, which combines two English words - cybernetics (cybernetics) and punk (garbage), was first used only in 1983 by science fiction writer Bruce Bethke as the title for a story he wrote.

After this, this trend began to flourish, and many dystopian writers began to appear who created their works in this genre. The most famous of them are William Gibson, Rudy Rucker, Pat Cadigan. There are also popular authors in Russia - Viktor Pelevin and Alexander Tyurin.

Cinema made a huge contribution to the promotion of style. The film "Blade Runner", released in 1982, showed a real dystopian atmosphere in all its glory. After this, the first cyberpunk tattoos began to appear. Hans Giger, the artist who worked on the images in the film “Alien,” had a particular influence on the formation of the direction.

Next came the movie “Beasts” and the film “Predator” with Arnold Schwarzenegger. This gave an even greater impetus to the popularization of cyberpunk tattoos.

And James Cameron's creation of the cult "Terminator" caused a real boom. The first sketches of cyberpunk tattoos appeared based on the images of the heroes from these films, showing the world of the future. Now there are many computer games that also had a huge impact on the promotion of cyberpunk.

There are many fans of these genres, and their number is constantly growing, just as the number of people choosing cyberpunk tattoos is growing.

Features of a cyberpunk tattoo

This direction of body art is very similar to, as well as with, and is considered mainly a male direction. After all, not every lady wants to decorate her body with mechanical components. These include:

  • Microchips;
  • Gears;
  • Tubes;
  • Springs;
  • Levers;
  • Plates and other mechanical inclusions.

In one drawing there is a combination of living and non-living, mechanical and organic. Metal elements seem to break through the skin, exposing muscles or internal organs. Or some parts of the body or entire limbs are replaced with foreign metal components.

Previously, when applying such tattoos, gloomy gray and black shades were used. Nowadays, tattoo artists have begun to use more colors to create a three-dimensional effect and highlight the image.

A large-scale picture, for example, covering the entire back or chest, will look especially cool. Small ornaments will no longer produce the same effect. You can set aside your shoulders and forearms for tattoos. Girls often tattoo designs on their sides.

A cyberpunk tattoo requires a serious approach, so don't try to apply it at home. Contact a qualified tattoo artist to help you select an image and create a design. You can also study the photo yourself and choose a tattoo. Then the master will apply the drawing step by step, following the necessary instructions. As a result, you will receive a unique tattoo that will convey the entire atmosphere of the dystopian cyber-punk universe.

Video: Tattoo artist on cyber punk style

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