Pink chestnut hair color. Chestnut hair dye. What are the different shades of chestnut color?

Many ladies are given brown hair color by nature, but there are many who incredibly want to become brown-haired. For a long time, chestnut color has been at the peak of fashion: ladies of all ages are dyed with it, and there are now countless possible shades for this procedure.

Who suits brown hair color?

A stylish color that will suit absolutely any woman is chestnut. Its rich palette will not leave indifferent even a young girl or an older lady - there is a suitable shade for everyone. But to select it, you need to take into account natural data:

  • iris color;
  • skin tone;
  • the presence of age spots, freckles, moles on the face.

To make a mistake with the shade, you can use the advice of stylists:

  • warm tones of chestnut (red, copper tints) will suit brown-eyed beauties with skin of any color;
  • cold (ash tints, frosty chestnut, chocolate) will be combined with blue and gray eyes, the preferred skin color is pale, without signs of tanning;
  • olive or dark skin will go well with light chestnut tones; it is advisable to choose options with golden, honey, caramel shades;
  • pale skin will harmonize with chestnut color without additional “notes” in the form of reddish or yellowish reflections;
  • a face decorated with freckles of varying intensity will look great framed by a hairstyle the color of sunny chestnut, or similar shades with a hint of light yellow or reddish tone.

Dark chestnut tones are still able to visually hide damaged curls, giving them a healthy shine, so this color is ideal for blondes who have mercilessly lightened their hair for a long time and decided to change the color radically.

And who is not suitable?

There are essentially no categories of women for whom, for whatever reason, the chestnut color is not suitable. It is indeed possible to choose the “wrong” shade, but this does not apply to the color as a whole.

Possible reasons why chestnut is not suitable may lie in the intensity of the color of eyelashes and eyebrows. For example, if dark tones of chestnut are chosen, and the eyebrows have long been faded in the sun or are barely visible, then such a tandem of accents is unlikely to look good. Therefore, it is recommended to “transition” to brown hair in a comprehensive manner, paying attention not only to the color of the hair, but also to the eyebrows and eyelashes.

Examples of shades from photos

The palette of chestnut colors is considered the widest among representatives of other hair colors. Therefore, choosing the most suitable one, where the difference is calculated in a quarter tone, is quite difficult. The most common tones lean towards honey, caramel, reddish, as well as cool ash, chocolate and coffee shades.

Dark chestnut

An excellent shade that will decorate the hairstyle of both a young lady and a graying lady. Suitable for people with any color type, it will favorably emphasize refined facial features. It copes wonderfully with signs of gray hair of varying degrees of intensity and emphasizes the natural beauty of the hair.

Ash chestnut

A representative of a cool color scheme will be an excellent addition to an image with gray or sky eyes and fair skin. Also popular in the fight against gray hair. It can be a good basis before coloring using modern techniques such as shatush or balayage. Against the background of an ashen chestnut, it is good to create a coloring effect by adding strands with a color “aftertaste” in the form of golden, reddish tints.

Light chestnut

A good option for all owners of skin whose shade resembles olive. It will also suit dark-skinned and tanned ladies. This shade is not particularly suitable for solving the problem of gray hair, since such pigments will not linger for long in loose and porous hairs.

Golden chestnut

Mischievous freckles will not become a burden if you ennoble them with golden chestnut hair. A good shade for women who have not yet reached middle age. Although for especially brave and decisive ladies this color will be a risky, but at the same time a successful experiment. You can have any color type in order to decide on the step of dyeing your curls in this tone.

With a copper or red sheen

A very warm and cozy color - chestnut with a natural sheen of copper or red. Pairs perfectly with various looks of women of any age. But it is still preferable to use this tone if there are pigmented areas on the skin or freckles. This way you can get a balanced image and not be afraid of dissonance. The shade copes well with gray hair.

frosty chestnut

This shade can be found among natural dark brown tones. But if you darken it by at least half a tone, you get a shade - frosty chestnut. It looks very natural, without a hint of artificial production by coloring. Able to hide gray hair, give freshness to the face, and highlight cheekbones. The cool shade of the eyes will only complement the harmony of the image.

Dark caramel

A soft and warm shade that will add radiance to the face, looks great in tandem with warm shades of the eyes. Suitable for ladies of all ages and any facial features. Having made this shade the main one, it will be effective to add another shade for coloring in the ombre or shatush style. It is convenient to switch to dark caramel if the original color is close to golden blond or reddish light brown. Curls or light curls will add special charm to the final hairstyle.

Chocolate chestnut

A rich shade of chocolate and chestnut can create various color effects when using the sombre and shatush techniques. By making deviations from the main color in several tones, you can get a result close to natural. Ideal for covering gray hair, since the pigments of this shade are able to stay in gray hairs the longest. The color type can be any to get a successful coloring result. Looks rich on straight strands and light, even curls.


A slightly lightened chestnut tone is obtained by adding nutty notes to it. It can be used as the main color or as an addition to coloring the ends (sombre). Looks great on short haircuts women of different ages. It is recommended to dye your hair walnut-brown if the roots grow out light. Choosing this color will temporarily hide the difference between the natural color and the dyed one.

Chestnut brown

A good choice for those who want to look natural and at the same time stylish. Ladies of all ages will look fresh and elegant. Haircut style doesn't matter. Chestnut color, similar to light brown, is an excellent choice for both dark-skinned women and those with fair skin, as it has a natural brown tint.

Red chestnut

Like a variation of chestnut, like this the color will suit women of more mature age. Young beauties have no use for it. A mixture of chestnut and red ruby ​​conceals favorably White hair, while refreshing the complexion. After dyeing, even the damaged structure of the curls does not give the effect of damaged hair, but rather gives it vitality.

Chestnut red

Another option for those whose appearance of freckles directly depends on sun activity. Dying your hair this color is more than logical to balance out the accents in your look. Also, chestnut-red will not let down women aged 30+. The color will refresh your face and visually “throw off” several years. A woman's color type can be anything.

Gray chestnut

A calm, cool shade of chestnut has been a trend for several past seasons. Nowadays it is at the peak of popularity, so you can choose it for two reasons:

  1. goes well with any color type;
  2. makes the hairstyle trendy and the owner stylish.

But ladies whose age is at the peak of average (about 40-45 years) should be careful with this color. Due to its similarity with dark shades of gray hair, gray-chestnut may not work to a woman’s advantage and make her look older.

Choosing the right shade: a review of paints and balms

Having decided on your color type and the shades that match it, you should not immediately resort to home dyeing. If the original color is far from chestnut, some nuances may arise during dyeing. They are associated with the structure of the hair, hormonal characteristics, and the durability of the hair’s own pigment. To obtain a satisfactory result, it is better to use proven paints and tint balms to avoid confusion with color.


Recently, this brand has significantly improved the product formula, so if you choose paint from the Garnier Color Natural line, you can count on good result. But on previously bleached hair with serious damage, the chestnut pigment can be washed off in a couple of weeks, so at first Garnier dyeing should be done at least once a month, choosing a shade that is 1 tone darker than the desired one.

The composition includes olive oil, which nourishes the hair. But additional care measures after dyeing with natural oils will not hurt.


Professional dye can stick to hair of different textures. For example, choosing a shade like dark chestnut will result in a natural chestnut color for your curls. Additional care in the form of special shampoos will enhance the coloring effect and the hair will not lose its beauty.

In addition to paints, Estelle has a line of tinted balms and shampoos. They can maintain the brightness of the color if you choose the right tone, or tint your natural hair color. But for this, the original shade should not differ from the desired one by more than 1 tone.


The popular paint from Schwarzkopf has several lines that are designed using natural or artificial dyes. Quite a durable option when compared with paints in this price segment. But it has one peculiarity: if it is applied to damaged hair, the pigment after several shampooing procedures can “fade”, leaving strange green or purple shades.


A budget option for those who want to dye their hair brown effectively and without unnecessary care. Despite its cost, the product is quite high quality, and the pigment has good durability. The smell from the paint is, of course, not attractive, but you can tolerate it.

Vella has a line of special tint balms that can add tint to both already colored hair and natural color.


A very popular option for women who decided to use chestnut shade get rid of gray hair. The Londacolor series covers it perfectly and stays on the hair for a long time, thanks to its persistent pigment and “vigorous” ammonia composition.

Brown hair color is natural. Has many options. Each woman can choose her own, suitable for her color type. Dark, light, golden, chocolate, copper, ash. Brown is recommended for women with gray hair. This dense pigment is washed out slowly. Visually adds volume. Complex coloring techniques with this shade - air touch, balayage, ombre, shatush - will make your hair even more voluminous.

Dark - who suits

Dark brown hair color can be confused with black. Depending on the lighting, it plays with different shades. Rich, tasty, deep. Suitable for women of a cold color type - Winter. With medium and high contrast appearance. Emphasizes the cold tone of the skin, eyes, eyebrows. Enhances natural attractiveness. It's good if the eyes are gray, green, blue. With it they will become brighter. Brown, caramel eyes can get lost on a dark brown background.

You can get dark chestnut using dyes:

  • Wella - 3/0, 4/3, 4/0
  • Indola — 3/8, 3/0
  • KAARAL — 3/0, 4/0, 4/18
  • Ollin - 3/0, 4/1
  • Shot - 3
  • London — 4/0
  • BOUTICLE - 3.0, 4.0
  • Garnier 6.0, 6.25

Light chestnut

Light chestnut color is good for modern stretching techniques. Suitable for warm-type ladies with dark, olive skin. It washes out quickly on gray hair, so it is not suitable.


  • Wella — 5/0, 55/0
  • Indola — 5.0, 5.00
  • Estel — 5/0, 5/70
  • Ollin — 5/0
  • Shot - 5T
  • London - 5/0, 5/07
  • BOUTICLE - 5.0

Cool brown hair color

Cool shade, close to dark blond. Looks natural, natural. Suitable for cold color types, with pale skin and dark eyebrows. Covers gray hair well.

  • Wella - 5/1, 5/97
  • Indola - 4/55
  • Estel - 4/1, 4/76
  • Ollin - 4/1, 5/1
  • Shot - 5.1
  • London - 4/77
  • BOUTICLE - 4.1, 5.1

Ash chestnut

The ash tone adds coolness to the hair. If there are cold notes, it means it suits a cold color type. Women with fair skin and light eyes. Can be used as a basis for shatush techniques.


  • Wella - 5/1, 5/97
  • Indola - 5.1, 5.31
  • Estel – 5/1
  • Ollin - 4/1, 5/1
  • Shot - 6m
  • London - 4/71, 5/1
  • BOUTICLE - 4.1, 5.16

frosty chestnut

Hair color is frosty chestnut - without obvious red or red tint. It has more ashy and purple notes. Redness appears when exposed to sunlight. Dark, cold. From the dyes you need to take numbers with the numbers 1 and 6 after the period, slash, comma - 4.1, 4.16, 5.1, 5.16.

Chocolate chestnut

Chocolate - tasty, bright, stylish. Light chocolate suits girls with dark skin and warm eye shades - Autumn color type. Dark is for Winter.

  • Wella - 4/77, 5/77, 5/37, 6/7
  • Indola - 6/43
  • Estel - 4/7, 5/7
  • Ollin - 4/5
  • Shot - 4.38, 5.72
  • London - 5/73, 5/77
  • BOUTICLE - 5.77, 4.7, 6.77

Golden chestnut

Golden looks great with brown, hazel eyes and warm skin types. It will highlight freckles and refresh your appearance. For Autumn and Summer. Suitable for young girls. Adds brightness and warmth.

  • Wella — 5/03, 6/37
  • Indola - 5.03
  • Estel - 6/47, 7/37
  • Ollin - 4/3
  • Shot - 5.3
  • London - 6/73
  • BOUTICLE – 4.37, 5.37, 6.37


Caramel goes well with brown, hazel, and green eyes. Softens facial features. Warm shade - suits warm color types - Autumn, Summer. Often used in ombre, shatush, and air touch techniques.

  • Wella - 7/75
  • Indola - 7/35
  • Estel – 8/7
  • Ollin - 5/3
  • Shot - 6.4
  • London - 7/71
  • BOUTICLE - 6.3

Copper chestnut

Copper is bright, unusual. If your hair is naturally red, you can highlight it with copper. It suits warm-type girls with olive skin. Green eyes against his background become even brighter. Ideally complements and highlights freckles.

  • Wella - 6/47, 6/34, 6/45, 66/46
  • Indola - 8/44
  • Estel - 5/4, 6/74, 6/50
  • Ollin - 4/4
  • Shot - 7.4
  • London - 4/4, 5/46
  • BOUTICLE - 5.4, 6.475


Chestnut goes well with highlights. Light highlights create volume and refresh. You definitely need to pay attention to the color type. Cold nuances are recommended for women of winter or spring type. Highlighting can be done in different ways.


The balayage technique is popular. The master runs a brush through the strands, as if sweeping away the bleach from them. The brightener is applied to the lengths and ends. The distance from the root zone is 5 centimeters. Treated strands are not wrapped in foil. The effect of natural transition and burnout is created.

After lightening, they are tinted. The color is chosen a little brighter than natural, but close to it. The temperature depends on your skin tone (cool or warm). Balayage is used on dark and light hair.


Shatush differs from balayage in the method of applying the lightening composition. Each zone is combed before applying the lightener. Backcombing is done in the root zone. As a result, short hairs rise. They are not painted. A natural effect is created. Lightened areas are painted a tone or two lighter than natural. Most often, cold colors are used.

Syoss tint balm cold chestnut

Tinted balms help highlight and enhance the shade. At the same time, they do not cause harm. Syoss balms are easy to purchase in many stores.

How to use:

  • Wash your hair, dry it slightly with a towel.
  • Apply the balm evenly.
  • Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water until it becomes clear.

The result depends on the original color. On light, blond hair you can get a beautiful brown tint. Dark hair will gain shine and the color will become brighter. Suitable for highlighted, bleached hair.

Tinted shampoos and conditioners help maintain deep brown hair color for a long time

Brown hair - photo

Coloring options for inspiration.

Spring is the time when everything awakens. The planet is flourishing, and women are shedding their warm clothes and looking incredibly prettier. Hair coloring is one of the wonderful discoveries of humanity.
Golden chestnut (auburn, auburn, auburn) hair color is considered the most magnificent color in any season of the year. It looks amazingly inspiring with a black coat or pastel clothes, as well as summer dresses.

Let these 12 golden brown hair colors inspire you to rock a new look and change up your look this spring.

– 1 –
Burgundy Auburn

This bold and glamorous shade of burgundy or deep red is not only eye-catching but also full of drama. Many women with light brown or blonde hair often choose this hair color. Well shades pale skin. From warm shades, from cinnamon to old burgundy and classic burgundy, you are sure to find something suitable for you.

– 2 –
Red Burn

Red shades come in a wide variety and will give your hair the change it deserves. These shades are the brightest and are recommended for women of all ages. Rusty shaggy brown, for example, pairs well with dark, sexy brows. There are also chestnut shades, making the Auburn red very versatile.

– 3 –
Light red

If you have fair skin, then this shade is for you. Light red is highly recommended for women with pale skin. It is also important to choose the right makeup.

– 4 –

If you are looking for sophistication in simplicity, dark red is perfect for you. Dark red is a sensual and mysterious color; smoky eye makeup goes well with such hair shades.

– 5 –
Medium chestnut

Medium chestnut comes in a variety of colors from dark red to brown. Start with a dark chestnut that lowers the base, add a copper streak and finally add a few blonde touches. Medium chestnut is great for pale skin tones, although it can be adapted for darker shades as well.

– 6 –
Burnt ash

Chestnut ash is suitable for those who want to look divinely elegant. Plus, this color is quite flirty. Ash goes well with copper, it suits blondes and creates a youthful impression.

– 7 –
Brownish red

Most interesting fact The thing about this shade is that it is rich and full of depth. The hair color suits most combinations, especially light to medium skin tones. Ask your hairdresser to start with a dark base, then a layer of copper and chestnut - you'll get an elegantly rich brown.

– 8 –
Deep plum

This red purple brown looks amazingly sexy. Deep Plum Auburn suits every skin type and can be used with brown bases and some mahogany tones. Hair will look bright and shiny. Use coral lip gloss for the ultimate feminine touch with this shade.

– 9 –
Deep red burn

Deep red burn allows fine hair to look thicker and more voluminous. Adding some flair gives the hair extra depth and will complement any makeup look. Deep red burn is suitable for women of all ages.

– 10 –
Copper burn

This hair color looks amazing on peachy skin tones. Not only is it effortless, but it's also very glamorous. This color gives a beautiful glow that every woman dreams of. Copper burn is also good for medium to fair skin and will help hide chubby cheeks.

– 11 –
Two-color burn

Two-tone auburn hair colors are a representation of elegance. In direct light this shade looks fantastic. You can try mixing different colors to your heart's content and see what works best for you.

– 12 –
Fire red burn

Whether you have straight or wavy hair, the fiery red auburn color will make you look stunning in as soon as possible. The shade will leave a long lasting and dramatic effect on your hair. Leave your hair down and add copper streaks for added color and depth.

Auburn hair colors are endless and you can choose the colors that excite you the most. It's always important to remember that choosing the right shade of chestnut color should go hand in hand with your makeup choices and your skin tone.
Be beautiful this spring and always!

You may have heard that chestnut hair color is named this way because of the similarity of color to chestnut fruits. Also, ladies with such curls are often called brown-haired. Experts say that this color has been popular among young beauties and older women for the last few years.

What are the benefits of dark hay

  • This tone is standard and familiar to many. In this regard, it will be difficult for an outsider to see the growing roots on your head.
  • Brown shades can hide split ends or sore ends. Thanks to this, your hair will always look full and healthy.

  • One of the richest palettes is the palette of brown-haired women, so you will have the opportunity to choose the right one for yourself.
  • Brown colors allow you to smooth out angular or sharp facial features, making brown-haired women seem more attractive, young and pretty.

If you decide to dye your hair chocolate, then there are probably adequate reasons for this.

The point is that this color does not have any restrictions on the brightness of the skin or eyes. For some reason, it is the darkish curls that seem natural to no one, and no questions ever arise whether they are dyed or not. But blondes and brunettes are asked these questions very often. This is due to the fact that finding a natural blonde in a crowd is problematic, as well as a brunette.

Looks good in different hairstyles

Advice! If you want to maintain a natural shade, then try to use special shampoos for colored hair. Firstly, they will not wash off the dye as much. Secondly, such a shampoo will make your curls shiny and tone deeper.

Character of a lady with dark curls

Psychologists say that the brightness of curls affects the character of a girl. You yourself have noticed more than once that blondes are forgiven everything, considering them stupid. Even if a brown-haired woman dyes her mane white, after a while she will become stupider than she was. This is due to the fact that those around her will perceive her this way and forgive her for various nonsense. There is an opinion that fatal brunettes are passionate in bed, more sexual, eccentric, strong-willed and purposeful. Red-haired beasts are more stubborn, but blondes seem flexible.

If we talk about careers, then for some reason it is brunettes who most often occupy leadership positions. These young beauties and women are almost always self-sufficient, balanced and responsible. In this regard, their careers are much better than those of owners of other types of skeins. If my lady is serious about family, then dark will suit her. Men always pay attention to brunettes and brown-haired women, because they are sure that the keeper hearth and home should have a similar tone of hair.

On a note!If you suddenly dye your hair, this does not mean that your character should immediately change. Don’t try to rebuild yourself, because nothing good will come of it. If there are any changes in your temper or behavior, then most likely those around you will notice them, but not you. Therefore, everything in your life should go as usual.

What are the shades?

  • Light (honey, nut or light chestnut)
  • Dark (chocolate, graphite or dark chestnut)
  • With a red tint (crimson, mahogany, red-chestnut or even frosty)

Kim Kardashian and Serena Williams prefer brownish curls. The hairstyles of stars in films and TV series are constantly changing. That's why women have to wear makeup regularly.

Kristen Stewart prefers red shades. You remember this actress from the Twilight films, she played the main role there.

Recommendation! If you are painting individual sections of the mop for the first time, then it is most important to contact specialists. We are sure that in your city there are enough hairdressers, beauty salons or private specialists working from home. This is not the first time they have worked with paints and will give useful advice. In this case, you do not risk anything. You shouldn’t think that if your hair is ruined, you’ll at least have someone to complain to. If something like this happens in a salon, it is extremely rare and only with inexperienced craftsmen.

Big mistake when leaving

Ultraviolet shock for brunettes causes natural pigments to burn out. In this case, you will have to regularly dye all your curls, from the roots to the very ends. Also, try to avoid chlorinated water, which is commonly found in swimming pools. In some cities it flows straight from the tap. The problem is that such water will give the curls a greenish tint.

You don’t have to do anything supernatural to keep your curls in good condition. There are enough balms and masks that can be purchased at any supermarket. Naturally, professional cosmetics are of higher quality, but at the same time their price is much higher. At least once a month you need to pamper yourself with a visit to a beauty salon, where you will have your hair washed with professional shampoos, a mask, and styling.

Advice!There are rumors that you should not wash your hair with regular soap or cheap shampoo. Allegedly this will cause various problems. The same dandruff appears on any hair, whether dyed or not. It is necessary to take care of your hair, but you can maintain it in proper condition with standard balms and masks. Everything you need can be purchased both at the pharmacy and in household chemical stores. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, it is better to consult with specialists.

How to paint properly

  • You must choose the right dye as possible, which will differ no more than two shades from the color of your hair. Only in this case will your curls look natural and no one will say that you have dyed them.

  • If you are doing coloring for the first time, and you will also apply darker paint to light ones, then it is better to take it a shade darker. All this is due to the fact that when dyeing for the first time, light hairs will look translucent, which means you will need to tint them with darker tones.
  • If you decide to dye your locks of a darker shade chocolate, you will first have to wash off the old paint. This process is called decapitation. In addition, to lighten the roots you will have to take a dye two shades lighter than the one you chose, which you would like to get in the end.

Do not forget that the pickling process can be done on any pile to get rid of the old tide. Any expert will tell you that you should not layer the dye, as this will lead to hair loss.

Shades of chestnut for thin and overweight women

There is an opinion among people that brown braids are suitable exclusively for young girls with round faces. As we said earlier, this color smoothes out angular and sharp facial features. If we talk about the age or weight of women who would like to dye their hair dark, then in this case everything is simple.

Hairdressers recommend dark chestnut to mature women for the simple reason that it is very easy to choose the right dye, and the hair of this tone makes a mature woman look younger and prettier. Again, covering gray hair will be much easier on brown braids.

Whether you are thin or fat does not matter. It cannot be said that thin girls mostly try to paint themselves white. Some people think that blonde hair attracts men more than brown hair. It’s good to go to a club with blondes and spend time with them, but most men prefer to marry brunettes.

Advice! If you decide that dark hair will make you look slimmer, then this is stupidity. To become slimmer, stop eating at night, as well as dieting and exercising. Hair vitamins enter the body not only with food and you must remember this.

How to choose the right makeup for a new look

It doesn't matter what your facial features are. It so happens that makeup is usually matched to the eyes. And as you remember, we previously wrote about the fact that dolls with any eyes become brown-haired.

For women with tanned skin and dark eyes:

  • Dark peach is almost universal. Pearl ones perfectly highlight dark skin or tan. Cool tones, in turn, are most suitable for evening make-up. With a similar skin color, khaki-type makeup would look good or, conversely, more feminine, pink.
  • Experiment with gray shadows that can create a powdery effect. Don't forget that black or brown mascara suits you best.
  • Red blush looks great on tanned skin, so you shouldn’t forget about it. You can also use peach ones as an experiment.
  • Lipstick in this version of makeup should not be bright. It is best to take dark beige or terracotta. If you want to use pale pink, then choose very carefully so as not to spoil the entire composition.

If you have light eyes:

  • The lighter your eyes, the brighter your makeup should be. In this regard, pay attention to pink, purple and even blue shadows.
  • Try to pair a dark brown pencil with brown mascara, as well as pair black mascara with a black pencil. The first option is great for a daytime look, but the second one is more suitable for an evening look.
  • If your skin is pale, then it is most appropriate to use pink blush. If you are tanned or dark-skinned, then light brown shadows are suitable in this case.
  • Lipstick should be light, red or pink.

The following clothes are best suited for girls and women with a cold color type:

  • Cold, pink, red or with red tints.
  • Try to avoid bright clothes, as they will distract others from your makeup.
  • Go through your wardrobe and get rid of all those things that don't fit your new style. This will make it much easier for you to buy everything new and more relevant.

  • If you have tanned or dark skin, then this is suitable for you:

    • Clothes are olive, green or even yellow.
    • Black and white clothes best avoided.

    Why is it best to use natural dyes?

    You may have heard that women of the old generation try to use exclusively natural paints. All this is due to the fact that they do not in any way affect the state of the structure of the strands. In other words, if you use dye with an oxidizing agent, you can imagine what happens to your strands at the time of dyeing.

    Natural brown dye is henna and basma with organic pigments. They do not stay on the base as long as we would like, but they wash off without a trace and do not cause any harm. Experts say that henna and basma restore the ends and their structure. To get the hair shade you need, you just need to experiment with the proportions of these materials. Even if you don’t succeed the first time, you can dye it again without harming your hair.

    Interesting!Every woman dreams of being beautiful and is liked by men. In this regard, it is worth thinking about your image. Nobody says that it is enough to apply makeup on your face and thereby immediately turn into a beauty. An image is the totality of everything. Watch absolutely everything, including the clothes you wear. Behave appropriately so that men will start looking at you.

    Becoming a real lady is difficult, but quite possible. We have given you some tips that will help you become more attractive and look bright and unusual in the crowd.

    I would like to summarize. There are no difficulties in dyeing gray hair dark. All problems are made up by people who simply have no experience in this area. If you turn to a professional or choose the right dye yourself, you will end up with beautiful and shiny curls of the shade that suits you.

    Special care for these skeins is not important. It is best to wash your hair with special balms, shampoos and masks for colored hair. At the same time, you can use a tincture of strong black tea, which restores the structure of the hairs and gives them freshness.

There is a huge variety of brown hair shades. Chestnut is a trend every spring. Its cold and warm tones are always natural and beautiful. However, when choosing them for hair coloring, you must take into account your color type in order to emphasize your natural characteristics. From the article you will learn who brown hair color suits, as well as the rules for choosing its shades.

Universal rules for choosing hair color

The hair color, which is called chestnut, is largely universal. With the right choice of tone, it gives expressiveness to the eyes, facial features, and skin tone. These initial data should be taken into account when selecting the tone itself. The image should look harmonious as a whole, so it is important to pay attention to the details. This is especially important for those who have decided to change the color to a darker one and are ready for radical changes.

Any eye color will look beautiful with the right shade of brown hair.

There are a few simple rules, following which you can successfully choose the desired tone of chestnut color for your hair. Among them:

  1. Olive or dark skin allows you to choose warm tones with predominant shades of yellow or gold. In this case, caramel and bronze tones will look advantageous;
  2. pale skin suggests light and dark tones of chestnut brown;
  3. dark irises mean that warm chestnut tones will most likely suit you;
  4. light eyes harmonize well with cool, rich shades;
  5. dark brown hair color, nondescript “mouse”, may look more attractive if you change it to chestnut.

When choosing a hair color, do not forget that your eyebrows and eyelashes should match it. Especially if you decide to “go dark” from light. When painted, they will look more harmonious and impressive.

cool, rich shade harmonizes with gray eyes

warm shade goes with dark eye color

dark shade goes well with fair skin

Shades of brown hair color

When speaking “chestnut”, many do not even suspect what a huge palette of shades this color has, and which of them is in fashion today.

Cocoa, amber, caramel, bronze, dark blond, chocolate and many others are all tones of chestnut color. An experienced professional, playing with combinations, will help you achieve the ideal color and volume on your hair. It is important that hair of dark shades is cut beautifully and correctly, because all the shortcomings of hairdressing are more noticeable on it.

requires a perfect haircut and beautiful styling hair

The nuances of choosing a chestnut shade

Don’t forget that the darker the shade you choose, the more attention you should pay to the condition of your skin. Cool, dark tones are suitable for those who do not have constant problems with redness and rashes on the skin.

suits girls with clear young skin

The right shade of chestnut will soften the harsh features of your face. In general, lighter colors are suitable for this. Its red shades and chocolate will suit prettier girls and will add seriousness to the image.

with red tinting

beautiful chocolate shade

Fair-skinned people can complement their look by dyeing their hair a ripe cherry shade. White skin with cool and red shades of chestnut looks impressive.

Selection of chestnut shade by color type

You can choose a shade of chestnut color based on the generally accepted division of appearance into color types.


“Winter” is characterized by dark hair, light skin, dark eyes. If you consider yourself to be of this color type, then choose shades of red, chestnut, coffee, and gray. Warm tones would be a bad choice.

coffee shade goes well with dark brown eyes and fair skin


"Summer" - gray shade in the hair, fair skin, cold eye tone, olive-ash tan. “Winter” shades are suitable for this color type, but they should be muted, much less bright. For example, dark cherry, shades going into red.

with a dark cherry tint goes with cool blue eyes

with a dark cherry tint goes well with fair skin and brown eyes


"Spring" - blonde hair(mostly blondes), light (often pale) skin, eyes - blue, green, light blue. Shades of chestnut such as golden brown, golden yellow, beige will perfectly highlight your appearance.

with a light brown tint goes with gray-green eyes and pale skin

with a rich golden-bronze hue in combination with fair skin


“Autumn” - red hair in different tones, warm skin tone or “ivory”, brown, blue and gray, green eyes. Copper, brick, gold - will be the most suitable choice.

with a soft golden tint suits brown eyes

with a copper tint goes well with brown eyes

with a reddish-copper tint and brown eyes

Caring for brown hair

Brown hair is not as capricious as bleached hair, however, to maintain its beauty and health, you will have to choose the right care:

  1. using shampoo for colored hair in combination with balm, as well as toning agents. This will allow you to preserve the coloring pigment in your hair longer, the brightness and depth of color;
  2. protection from UV radiation. Although brown hair is quite resistant to it and is processed into heat, additional measures will be beneficial;
  3. use of oils - olive, argan, apricot kernel oil. It nourishes the hair and gives it a deep natural shine;
  4. water softening. Unfortunately, tap water is chlorinated and contains a large amount of impurities, including copper or iron. Rinsing your hair with herbal infusions will help make it soft, and lemon juice or an aspirin tablet dissolved in water will help light-colored hair not turn greenish.

looks good only on well-groomed hair

creates the impression of naturalness, even with color toning

looks natural and attractive if the hair is healthy and shiny

It is always good to use hair masks. They not only restore and nourish hair, but also protect against the negative effects of the environment.

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