It’s clear what the name Oksana means. Oksana the meaning of the name is character and destiny. Ksenia – Gemini

The name Oksana is a favorite Slavic name, which is perfect for brave women. The origin of the name is surrounded by romance, and its equally romantic owner never lives a day without risk and adventure.

But that’s not all that the name Oksana means. Let's get to know him better. Forms of the name: Aksana, Senya, Oksinya, Aksinya, Aksenya, Ksenia. Diminutive forms: Ksana, Ksyusha, Sana, Ksyunya, Ksyurya, Ksyuta.

The names Oksana and should not be confused. These are related but independent names; they are not abbreviations of each other. They sound similar, because Ksenia is a Russian version of the name, and Oksana is a Ukrainian one, which has become independent over time. Belarusian Ksenia sounds like Aksana. The name Aksana also exists in Turkic languages.


Both Ukrainian Oksana and Belarusian Aksana take their origins in Greek, where Ksenia is translated as “hospitable”, “wanderer”, “traveler”, “foreigner”, which perfectly suits the meaning of the name Oksana.

Patron symbols:

  • (Zodiac sign).
  • Cypress (totem plant).
  • Rabbit (totem animal).
  • Saturn (celestial body).
  • Chalcedony (mineral).
  • Gold, silver-gray colors.

Character and destiny

Oksana's fate depends only on herself, she is used to achieving everything on her own, and she will have the courage to take everything from life. And the Greek origin perfectly emphasizes the meaning of the name Oksana. She deserves the title of foreigner, because she is so different from the others.

Her eccentricity sometimes makes you wonder if she is really from this planet? She has a heart full of courage, like a real traveler. Courage and originality are her most noticeable traits, but they are not the only characteristics of her name.

Oksana is characterized by:

  • Independence.
  • Strength of spirit and courage.
  • Impulsiveness and love of risk.
  • Leadership.
  • Responsibility.
  • Romance.
  • Ability to manipulate.

Despite her origins, Oksana’s love for independence and independence manifests itself from an early age. It’s a pleasure for a baby to do everything herself, and she shouldn’t be disturbed in this. She will get ready for kindergarten, choose an outfit, learn homework on her own and without any help. The girl’s parents can only be amazed at how quickly their child grows up and becomes independent.

Oksana is a big girl as a child. Attaching great importance to the unknown, Oksana rushes in search of new discoveries. She needs to know the answers to all her questions, and she has an endless number of questions. She has a keen sense of the world and is a good judge of people.

The name Oksana is suitable for girls who love to study and learn new things. Her innate curiosity will help her get good grades easily. Most of all, she likes subjects in which she can express herself and her creativity. One hobby will replace another until the girl finds her creative calling.

The name Oksana belongs strong women who value independence and individuality. Her mood changes without any schedule, and her plans can change even more often. Oksana is one of those people who can get excited about a completely unexpected idea - for example, take up playing the trombone or change careers. Even Wikipedia won’t tell you when to expect such an outburst from Oksana - everything happens spontaneously, and it’s simply useless to think about where she came up with such an idea.

Having caught fire with something, she will not listen to the opinions of her friends that her decision is hasty and is worth thinking about. Instead, her impulsive nature will cause her to buy a trombone and quit her job. But there is no need to worry in such cases.

Ksyusha adapts to new things very easily and knows how to benefit from such changes. And if something doesn’t work out for her, she’s unlikely to blame herself for it. For her, circumstances or fate will always be to blame.

One of Oksana's most striking qualities is her charm. She has a great sense of humor, is tactful and attentive, which makes her an excellent conversationalist.. Likes to communicate, but does not attach much importance to acquaintances. Oksana is loyal to her old friends, and many of her childhood friends will remain loyal to her throughout her life.

She also approaches her work responsibly, but she rarely manages to make informed decisions. She trusts her intuition more, so impulsiveness wins over logic when making decisions. Oksana has developed the character of a true leader, however, due to her impulsiveness, she should not occupy positions where her rash decision could cause many problems.

Ksyusha is excellent at convincing; she has the talent of a great manipulator. She uses it rarely, but so skillfully that a person will never doubt that she acts solely of her own free will.

Loves unusual combinations in clothes. It is important for her to be different from the crowd, as a result of which a lot of bright, flashy tones appear in her wardrobe, for which it is rarely possible to find suitable compatibility. She should remember one rule: you don't have to wear bright colors to be noticed. Oksana will be noticed anyway - thanks to her talents and charm.

In clothes, she should stick to calm tones, choose a style that will unobtrusively emphasize her advantages. This rule should also be taken into account when choosing a tone for the decor of your home and work space.

Love and compatibility

Oksana has an amorous character, she easily wins the attention of men thanks to her playful and flirtatious nature, but she does not always succeed in the transition from the candy-bouquet period to a serious relationship, even despite positive compatibility.

She has so much love that she is ready to give it to everyone around her. She does this, as it seems to her, in a completely innocent manner, but her partners do not like such spraying. Oksana should be more attentive to her man, not to forget that he, like her, also wants to feel like the only one.

She will have good compatibility with a partner who will become her support and support in everything; she needs a reliable and gentle man. Ksyusha loves affection and attention, she is faithful to her lover, and her partner should attach the same importance to fidelity. Oksana will not tolerate betrayal. Her jealous nature can cause many family quarrels, but if outbursts of jealousy are unfounded, they quickly subside.

The meaning of the name Oksana also manifests itself in emotionality. The man who will be with her must be prepared for the frequent changes in his companion’s mood. She can chirp joyfully one moment, and the next - tightly sealed in her inner world. Compatibility with a partner is also influenced by his attitude towards children, because Oksana adores children, she knows that she will be an excellent mother, and is very committed to this.

Poor compatibility with:

  • Bogdan.
  • Stepan.

Does he celebrate his name day? The name Oksana is not in the Orthodox monthly book. At baptism she will receive the church name Ksenia. Ksenia celebrates Angel Day 4 times a year: January 31, February 6, August 26 and September 15.
Author: Yulia Bibik

According to Mendelev

A good, loud, big and simple name. It is clear why it, being the Ukrainian form of the name Ksenia, is popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine, becoming a completely independent name.

Oksana is also endowed with deep intuition, but only, perhaps, to a slightly lesser extent. The nature is strong, active, decisive, does not stop halfway and strives to achieve the goal set for itself. She is very attractive and sexy, although she remains, surprisingly, “masculine” and “cold”. She will find a way out of any difficult situation, she is inventive and resourceful, she will not shy away from obstacles, but will try to overcome them. She almost always succeeds.

Rarely conflicts with people around her, colleagues, friends, she is friendly and welcoming. But convincing her of anything is an almost impossible task. Even if she outwardly agrees with her opponent in a dispute, Oksana will remain unconvinced.

He has a strong will and a stable psyche. He tries not to offend anyone, but he won’t let himself be offended either. When communicating with her, many feel her some kind of elusive superiority.

Oksana's color is a piercing bright pink.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

She is looking for support in love. Oksana's love can be limitless, but she needs to constantly feel her partner's shoulder nearby. She is smart, proud, persistent in achieving goals, knows about her merits and wants to get what she deserves from life. Unfortunately, Oksana rarely feels satisfied in love, her demands on a man are very high, and her character is not accommodating. The man does not have easy success over Oksana; she is not one of those who, after the first acquaintance, goes for sexual contact. The element of habituation is very important for her; in order to give herself to a man, she must feel like family. Intimate intimacy gives her pleasure only if all interfering circumstances are eliminated, if being alone is serene, some extraneous sound can completely deprive her of the erotic mood. Oksana prefers a cozy home environment for an intimate date.

Her sexual behavior is independent: she likes to take the initiative and does not tolerate her partner directing her. Oksana is quite experienced in sex and literate, she is not indifferent to the stories of her friends on this topic, and she does not leave erotic literature without her attention. With a man with whom she is close, Oksana can discuss the most intimate topics; in general, her partner’s trust in her is of great importance in her sexual satisfaction. She prefers gentle, pliable men who are sensitive to her caresses and accept her erotic program. Oksana loves long love games and gives her partner complete freedom of action. She is jealous if she receives evidence of her lover’s infidelity, reacts sharply, feels deeply offended, and does not forgive betrayal.

According to Higir

Ukrainian colloquial form of the name Ksenia. Presumably comes from the word “xenia” - hospitality or “xenos” - stranger, foreign (Greek)

Women named Oksana do not have a very easy, but always interesting fate. As a child, she leaves the impression of a gloomy and stubborn girl. She is independent, persistent in satisfying her desires, and if this is prevented, she can throw a tantrum. Noisy games with peers attract her little; she prefers games that require perseverance. He studies without much enthusiasm, although he is often considered to be a well-performing student. In friendship he prefers girls, but he won’t trust even his closest friend with his secrets. And her plans are always grandiose, as you can guess from Oksana’s unexpected actions, which amaze those around her.

In early childhood, Oksanas often suffer from colds; poor health is the scourge of many Oksanas throughout their subsequent lives.

She is not inclined to soberly evaluate herself and more often blames others for her failures or believes that she was simply unlucky. There is almost always calculation in her actions; she is economical and stingy.

Oksana's husband needs to know that it is better not to wake her up in the morning. She will wake up unhappy, and because of this, the day will be hopelessly ruined. Oksana is a thorough person, showing amazing patience all day long, she can, for example, prepare homework with children. She, like she once was in childhood, remains unpredictable in many ways. He may, for example, declare that starting tonight he will start attending the karate section. It is useless to dissuade her; she will do it her way anyway. Monogamous, jealous, but, having received a reason for jealousy, withdraws into herself.

She makes attempts to re-educate her husband; due rebuff, however, cools her down somewhat. Strives to live separately from her mother-in-law.

The best husband for Oksana will be Kirill, and life will also be successful with Victor. Alexander, Arkady, Grigory, and unsuccessfully - with Ignat, Mark, Bogdan, Peter, Stepan.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Oksana.

What does the name Oksana mean?

Oksana - foreigner, guest (Greek)

The meaning of the name Oksana for life

Oksana is eccentric and emotional. Her actions are unpredictable, and her actions are sometimes difficult to explain. He often gets into trouble. Her behavior greatly depends on her momentary mood, which makes this girl, in the eyes of others, a flighty and eccentric person. Oksana, meanwhile, is cheerful, perky, and athletic. Her friends adore her and she is popular with men. Persistent and stubborn. If he sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it. She is kind and sympathetic in a way that often harms her. Oksana feels sorry for everyone, she tries to help everyone, which is often taken advantage of by those around her. Her character is quite strong, she does not know how to forgive betrayal, meanness, but she does not remember minor insults at all. Hot-tempered, although it cools down quickly. She is easy to communicate with, but creating a strong family with her is difficult. This woman is independent, puts forward too many demands to her husband, while not recognizing any restrictions for herself. However, you can come to an agreement with her, she is compliant, and if the arguments are compelling, she agrees with the opinion or decision of her spouse. But for this he must be patient, not lose composure, and not raise his voice. Any manifestation of force towards her evokes a response from Oksana - she becomes harsh, intractable and howling. Oksana is a good housewife, she likes to improve her life, she loves coziness and comfort, but she is somewhat lazy, she likes to sleep and soak up in bed in the morning. You shouldn't wake her up, you might run into trouble. If she is not allowed to sleep, then Oksana’s whole day is ruined. She loves to eat delicious food, so preparing lunches or dinners is not a burden for her, but her husband will have to prepare breakfast himself. Oksana is a devoted wife if she marries for love. A wonderful mother will not leave her baby for a second if there is no one to leave him with. But she doesn’t know how to be strict, she spoils her children too much, and is unable to teach them order. Often she is simply too lazy to bother with them, teach them something, explain the same thing several times. She is restless, monotony tires her, does not tolerate boredom, and cannot do work that requires scrupulousness and utmost attention.

Meaning of the name Oksana for sex

In love, Oksana first of all looks for support. Her feeling may be limitless, but she needs to constantly feel her partner’s shoulder nearby. Men, as a rule, do not win an easy victory over Oksana. She is not one of those who, after a short-term acquaintance, goes into sexual contact. For her, the element of addiction is very important. To surrender to a man, she must call him family. Intimate intimacy gives her pleasure only if all interference is eliminated. Some extraneous sound can completely deprive her of her erotic mood.Oksana prefers to make intimate dates in a cozy home environment.

Compatibility of the name Oksana and patronymic

Oksana Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovka, Vasilievna* Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna She is highly emotional, perceives everything that happens vividly, is always in the thick of things, and does not tolerate loneliness. Surrounded by many fans, has too many girlfriends. You succumb to influence, and not because she is weak in character, she simply has no time to think about whether she is doing the right thing if she follows someone. Troubles await her everywhere. However, Oksana does not dwell on this, she quickly forgets all the bad things. She is carefree and cheerful. She is friendly with everyone, treats older people with respect. She is the favorite of all the neighbors, the doors in her house do not close. She is somewhat flighty in relationships with men, she cannot sort out her feelings for a long time, or give preference to someone alone. She gets married too early and not always successful. She develops as a personality late, lives with illusions for a long time, cannot get out of adolescence. Often, at the age of twenty, you are left alone with a child in your arms. But this does not make it more serious. Oksana makes plans, imagines the future in rosy colors, but does nothing to change anything, to achieve something in her life. She likes to dress beautifully, but does not know how to take care of expensive things; she lacks thrift and neatness. There are times when she zealously takes up housekeeping, tries to put the apartment in order, learn to cook, but some time passes and she gets tired of it. This woman is too dependent on her mood. She, like no one else, needs to be very careful in choosing a husband; not every man can accept her for who she is. But it is impossible to re-educate Oksana. Her daughters are born.

Oksana Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna principled and straightforward. She is quick-tempered, domineering, and will never give up the palm to her husband. He can commit rash acts, but does not reproach himself for hasty decisions, quickly forgets troubles and never remembers them. Therefore, next time he may make the same mistakes again. Somewhat careless, carefree. Doesn't see serious problems, busy with little things. Living with her is difficult, but interesting. She is very lively, cheerful, and friendly. Oksana chooses a husband to match herself - cheerful, witty. She doesn’t have to have a strong man next to her, the main thing is that he loves her. She is a one-woman woman, values ​​her family very much, adores children, and is attached to her home. But you can’t call her an exemplary housewife. He may not notice the mess in the house for weeks, and he really doesn’t like washing dishes. Cooks according to your mood. She is able to talk on the phone for a long time, enjoys spending time with a neighbor over a cup of coffee, forgetting that there is no lunch in the house. This kind of Oksana needs a husband who will not pay attention to everyday trifles, but will appreciate the breadth of her nature, her ability to warm and caress everyone at home. Oksana is sexy and gentle. Her daughters and sons grow up in an atmosphere of love and goodwill.

Oksana Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna she is overly good-natured and sees only the good in every person. She is very grateful if someone does something for her, she always remembers the good. She is forgiving and forgets minor insults instantly. She has a highly developed sense of justice. She marries a kind, flexible man with a cheerful disposition, but since she tends to idealize people, she is often mistaken about the character of her lover. It won't be long before he decides to marry for the second time. She has many fans, they love her for her cheerfulness and responsiveness. Once burned, she can raise a child alone, but since she is very sociable and is always surrounded by people, she does not feel loneliness. She is not too interested in housework; she is more interested in being among friends and in pleasant company. Men do not win an easy victory over such Oksana. She is proud and independent, knows her worth, although she is amorous, becomes strongly attached to her lover, and experiences a breakup for a long time and painfully. She gives birth to children of different sexes, but most often she has one child. He dreams of a son and, if he is born, spoils him immensely.

Oksana Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna has a difficult, but very interesting fate. Her life is full of surprises and various adventures. And all thanks to her complex, contradictory character. She creates difficulties for herself, she is bored of living without overcoming any obstacles. Oksana is an avid debater and must be the winner in any dispute. He strives to lead everyone, stubbornly insists on his own. Selfish, domineering, stubborn, persistent. But he doesn’t create serious conflicts, stops in time, and knows how to turn everything into a joke. She is smart, proud, knows her strengths and wants to get what she deserves from life. In friendly relationships, she gives preference to men; they are closer and more understandable to her. He treats women favorably, but somewhat condescendingly. He willingly helps them, but considers them weak creatures. Not too happy in her personal life. She is amorous, in love she seeks first of all reliable support. She is often mistaken in her hopes, because she sees only the good in people and tends to trust everyone. He does not know how to admit his mistakes, he blames others for everything. Her demands on a man are high; in order to win her favor, she needs to be courted for a long time and beautifully. But then the admirer risks ending up in Oksana’s network for a long time. She becomes very attached to her lover, can be annoying, and will never let him go of her own free will. If a man does not have serious intentions, then it is better for him not to encourage such Oksana. In marriage, she is a gentle, loving, very devoted wife. But in the household she is careless and lazy. He likes to sleep, then rocks for a long time, in the end he doesn’t manage to do anything, and he doesn’t really strive for this. In the evening it becomes lively, but there is little time left for farming. Only a man who is unpretentious in everyday life and can do a lot of things himself can live with Oksana. But she knows how to love and this compensates for her shortcomings. Oksana more often has daughters with these middle names.

Oksana Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna emotional, domineering and unbalanced. Temperamental and energetic, but only in the afternoon. All her energy goes into making new acquaintances and friends. She cannot live without communication. She is jealous of her friends and gets offended if they pay little attention to her. Can cause a scandal, sort things out. She treats the man she loves the same way. He should spend all his time only with her, forgetting about friends and important matters. Oksana tries to accompany him everywhere, she is too intrusive and annoying. Marries for first love and most often not for long. With age, she becomes more serious and careful in choosing a spouse, and her second marriage is much more successful. She is not known for her thriftiness, but she does everything necessary. She can cook deliciously, but to do this she must be in the appropriate frame of mind, know that guests have been invited or some kind of family holiday is coming up. With her mother-in-law she has a very difficult relationships, they don’t like each other, although they manage without conflicts. Only in old age does such Oksana become more economical. She gives birth to children of different sexes, but more often daughters. She manages to make real ladies out of them, but she has no mutual understanding with them.

Patron planet of Oksana: Saturn. Saturn is considered the embodiment of caution and prudence. If Oksana trusts Saturn, she will never take a single important step without deep consideration. This planet promotes the development of an analytical, philosophical mindset. Behind the attractive appearance of a Saturn person in most cases hides a deep and integral nature. Saturn people are pragmatists, they love order and material security, but they get everything with great difficulty. All their lives they try to overcome loneliness, and when they meet the person of their destiny, they are absolutely faithful to him.

A favorable color for the owner of the name Oksana: silver-gray, symbolizing calm, composure, moderation of feelings, elegance. People of this color are smart, reasonable, have a sense of proportion, and are very persistent in achieving their goals. They are amazingly sociable, they always have a lot of friends.

Oksana's favorite colors: red, orange.

Oksana's talisman stone: Chalcedony, considered a stone of love, attracts the hearts of men to a woman. Wearing white chalcedony also improves vision.

History of the name Oksana

Oksana is the Ukrainian colloquial form of the name Ksenia (from the Greek xenia - “hospitality” or xenios - “stranger”, “foreign”).

On January 31, the church honors the memory of Saint Xenia, who died after suffering in fire for the faith of Christ.

On February 6, the memory of St. Xenia, the daughter of a noble Roman senator who lived in the 5th century, is honored. In an effort to avoid marriage, she fled from her parents' home by ship to Milas, where she bought land, organized a nunnery and built a temple. All her life she helped the poor and consoled the grieving. Her death was marked by the appearance in the sky of a sign in the form of a crown with a cross.

Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg is especially revered by the Russian people. Shocked by the sudden death of her beloved husband, who died without church repentance, the twenty-six-year-old widow devoted her entire life to serving God and people in the Christian feat of foolishness, hoping to beg the Creator for forgiveness for her husband.

The day of February 6 is marked in the peasant agricultural calendar as the day of Aksinya (folk version of the name Ksenia). It was believed that before the new bread from the day of Aksinya, the same amount of bread was needed as had already been eaten.

The meaning of the name Oksana

People named Oksana are prone to hypersensitivity, vulnerability, vulnerability. Oksana loves leisurely communication with friends. It combines sensitivity with emotionality.

Oksana can become a good business consultant, but she is unlikely to succeed in her own personal business - this is due to her hypersensitivity. However, if she manages to overcome this quality and believe in her own strength, there is nothing that she cannot achieve.

A woman named Oksana has a not very easy, but always interesting fate. Oksana acutely perceives all joys and troubles, she is touchy, and usually blames others for her failures. Oksana has great talent for the humanities and is always interested in inner world person, and first of all your own. Throughout her life, the desire for self-improvement does not leave the bearer of this name. Oksana is charming and knows how to use this quality to her advantage.

IN family life Oksana often tries to insist on her own, even to re-educate her husband, but she rarely succeeds. In the energy sector her name lacks mobility. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, she tries to live separately from her mother-in-law. But it is difficult to find a better mother for children - she is very pedantic in observing the correct regime, amazingly patient and always tries to give her children a good education.

In the natural world, the symbols of the name Oksana have become: cypress, slender and strong, giving calm, intelligence, dreaminess to its followers; immortelle plant - a symbol of modesty; a rabbit symbolizing ease of movement, quick reaction, and mobility.

According to numerology, The name Oksana corresponds to the number 10(1). The number is composed of one, meaning existence, and zero, expressing non-existence. Thus it contains both spirit and matter.

Famous in the history of Oksana

Oksana is the heroine of Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”: “Oksana was not yet seventeen years old, as in almost the entire world, both on the other side of Dikanka and on this side of Dikanka, there was only talk about her.” And here is how Gogol describes Oksana’s appearance: “...a fresh face, alive in childhood youth, with shiny black eyes and an inexpressibly pleasant smile that burns through the soul...”

Aksinya, the heroine of Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Flows the Don,” is beautiful in a different way: “The wind ruffled Aksinya’s skirt, fingering small fluffy curls on her dark neck. A cap embroidered with colored silk glowed on the heavy bun of her hair, a pink shirt, tucked into a skirt, without wrinkles, covered her steep back and plump shoulders...” A portly thirty-year-old Cossack woman, skillfully coping with hard peasant work, charmed Grigory Melekhov and completely gave herself over to her late, bitter love, which never brought her happiness.

Oksana Taran is a music editor at the Mayak radio station.

Oksana Petrunko is an erudite, participant in the TV game “What? Where? When?".

Oksana Polonskaya is a sports commentator on television.

Ksenia Strizh is the presenter of the radio station “Europe Plus” and the television music program “U Ksyusha”.

Oksana Grischuk is a figure skater, world and Olympic champion in ice dancing, paired with Evgeniy Platov.

Oksana Baiul - figure skater.

The name Oksana is a name of Ukrainian origin. Linguists claim that before becoming an independent name, the name Oksana was a Ukrainianized form of the name Ksenia. If we accept this as a fact, then the meaning and origin of the names will be the same. It turns out that The meaning of the name Oksana is “hospitality” or “hospitable”. Another option is that the name Oksana means "wanderer" or "guest". The variant with the meaning of the name as “wanderer” is more widespread today.

The name Aksinya is also considered a related name. This is the Belarusian form of the name Ksenia, but over time it became an independent name. The meaning and etymology of the name Aksinya completely coincides with the names Ksenia and Oksana.

The meaning of the name Oksana for a girl

Oksana grows up as an independent and calm girl as a child. At this age she is already a fairly self-sufficient person and she feels good about herself. She has a wonderful imagination and loves to dream. At the same time, the girl is active, but without excessive hyperactivity. The girl loves active games with her peers and easily finds a common language with them.

The girl studies well. Oksana listens to her parents and if they can pay enough attention to the child, then there will be success in school. She does not have any special talents in studies, but she has enough perseverance and perseverance to get decent grades.

The health of girls named Oksana is good. Sports are not attractive to her, but she leads a fairly active lifestyle, which has a positive effect on her well-being. The girl's only weak point is her respiratory system. She often suffers from colds and bronchitis in childhood, so parents should pay special attention to this.

Short name Oksana

Ksana, Ksyusha, Sana.

Diminutive pet names

Oksanka, Oksanochka, Oksashka, Sanochka, Ksyushenka, Ksyunya, Syunya.

Name Oksana in English

IN English language the name Oksana is written as Oksana, which completely coincides with the transliteration of the name.

Name Oksana for international passport- Oksana.

Translation of the name Oksana into other languages

in Belarusian - Aksana
in Ukrainian - Oksana

Church name Oksana(in the Orthodox faith) - Ksenia.

Characteristics of the name Oksana

The characteristics of the name Oksana change greatly with age, which makes this name even more interesting. Oksana, who loved to dream as a child, begins to systematically realize her dreams as an adult. She can be called soft and at the same time persistent. She confidently strives to make her dreams come true, but will not bang her head against the wall. She skillfully avoids problems that arise in her way. Oksana has few close friends, but she makes friends sincerely and takes care of these relationships.

In her work, Oksana is a fan of unusual professions. Usually her professions involve some risk. Oksana can become a law enforcement officer or a rescue worker. Although often society does not approve of such a choice of profession and she gives up. If Oksana chooses a profession not according to her heart, then the work will not make her happy.

In Oksana’s family affairs, everything is going quite well. Although she is a demanding wife, she is looking for a husband to match her, so this does not bother him. She sometimes shows leadership abilities, but her husband will never give her the palm of leadership. This is exactly the kind of man she is looking for as a partner. Oksana is a good housewife and a wonderful mother. She pays a lot of attention to children and one can only be amazed at her patience.

The secret of the name Oksana

Oksana's secret can be called her inability to admit her own mistakes. If something doesn’t work out for her, she will definitely find someone else, so be careful. You may be the extreme one.

Another secret of Oksana can be called her inner world. She doesn’t even let those closest to her know about her experiences. Her secrets will remain secrets and you just have to come to terms with that.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Rabbit.

Name color- Silver-gray.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Immortelle.

Stone- Chalcedony.

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