A crib mobile for newborns is the whole world at arm's length. How to choose a mobile for your baby's crib? What material is best to choose a mobile for a baby?

The musical mobile for the crib can be used from the first days of a child’s life. Such hanging toys will not only entertain the baby, but will also contribute to the development of his hearing, vision, attention and coordination of movements. A mobile for a child can have additional functions (for example, a projector or a night light), which allows it to be used not only for babies, but also for a three- or four-year-old child.

Mobiles for newborns in a crib differ in the following characteristics:

  • Rotation mechanism. The carousel can be mechanical or battery operated. The electric version can additionally be controlled using a remote control and work continuously for 10–40 minutes, depending on the number of melodies. Mechanical models require re-winding every 5–15 minutes, and the price of such a mobile is more affordable due to the simplicity of the design.
  • Fastening of hanging toys and their material. Toys can be stationary or removable - the second option is preferable, as it allows you to use the music unit separately, and give hanging animals to the child to play with. Plastic toys are easier to care for, and soft figures are more pleasant to the touch.
  • Functionality. A children's mobile with music can not only rotate and play melodies, but also serve as a night light or projector.

To buy a mobile for newborns that will be interesting and safe for your baby, consider several basic criteria:

  • Stability and type of fastening. The hanging carousel can be mounted on the side wall of the crib, on top or on an arch - be guided by the model of the child’s crib. Remember that the mobile should not sag under the weight of toys, and the ability to adjust the height and width of the mount will allow you to install the structure on a table, playpen or car seat.
  • Material safety. Hanging toys should not emit strong odors or have separate small elements that an inquisitive child could tear off.
  • Selection of melodies. You can order a mobile phone for your child with various melodies and sounds (classics, lullabies, melodies from cartoons or sounds of nature). Be sure to make sure that the selected mobile plays pleasant and calm melodies.

The Daughters-Sons online store offers mobiles for cribs of various types and functionality. All musical carousels presented in the catalog are safe for children and can be used for newborns.

The tradition of hanging various trinkets over the cradle of a newborn came to us from ancient centuries. In the old days, there was a belief that such pendants could protect a baby from damage and evil spirits, and give him good luck and a healthy life.

Nowadays, placing toys above the cradle does not carry any sacred meaning; parents thereby try to calm their babies down and begin their development from the moment of birth. For this purpose, mothers buy a mobile for the crib - an extremely common and fashionable attribute in the children's room. But is this accessory necessary for the child and parents?

Before going into more detail about the functions of this device for a child, you need to understand what a mobile is. Crib mobiles are rotating carousels that are hung on a hook or mounted on a bracket to the sides of the cradle.

Such toys can be completely different: musical, illuminated, etc.

Similar devices have been known in our country since the times of Kievan Rus, when parents attached wooden toys over the cradle of their newborn. Usually they looked like birds that called for success and good luck to the child.

Currently, the mobile phone for a crib has been significantly modified; it has additional functions and effects.

A modern children's mobile is no longer just a beautiful addition to the interior of a room, but also a great toy that performs the following useful functions:

  1. Development of visual concentration. Toys that are hung above the child’s cradle at a distance of 25-30 cm are a good visual trainer. Some models allow you to change hanging objects, so for newborn babies they use black and white toys, since the child still does not distinguish colors, and by three months they are replaced with contrasting objects in blue and red shades.
  2. Distraction. Nowadays, musical mobiles for children's cribs are becoming more and more common. Such a toy frees up the mother’s hands, since the melody that this device produces makes it possible to put the child to sleep or calm him down when he is naughty.
  3. Decoration of a children's room. For modern women, it is not enough for a toy to fulfill its immediate functions. Gaming accessories are now required to complement the interior of the room. Many manufacturers, taking into account the wishes of parents, try to make entire sets in the same style: furniture for babies, bedding sets, crib mobiles. In addition, pendants are made in the shape of cute animals, cars for boys and stars and beautiful fairies for girls.

Do you need a mobile for a newborn? There is no specific answer to this question, so the final decision always remains with the parents.

At the beginning of a child’s life, it is difficult to interest a child in anything other than the mother’s breast, warm mother’s hands and dry diapers. And only after the fourth week do babies begin to become interested in surrounding objects.

Do not forget that a child’s hearing organs are extremely sensitive. That's why you can't turn on toys at full volume.

An excessively “screaming” melody irritates children and instead of calm children, mothers end up with excited and capricious toddlers.

When should you buy a mobile phone?

Inexperienced mothers are often interested in what week of life they can put mobiles on the crib and after how long they can be removed. There is quite contradictory information on forums and various websites: some experts object to the early use of these toys, others advise buying it as early as possible.

For newborns

A mobile for a newborn is not a mandatory, but completely acceptable toy. Manufacturers and doctors put forward several conditions, subject to which this device will only benefit a tiny child:

  • the distance between children's eyes and the device should be about 30 centimeters;
  • the toy should hang above the child’s chest, and not above his head;
  • In the first four weeks, you should turn on the toy for no more than five minutes a day.

Excessive flickering can overtire a newborn baby, which is why it is necessary to reduce the time the toy is used as much as possible. At such a young age, an excess of impressions is not welcome.

For babies from two to four months

At this age, the toy already becomes familiar to children. The familiar melody evokes excitement, and the moving pendants are a pleasant pleasure to the eye. The child already manages to concentrate his gaze on the device.

A musical toy will come in handy when the baby is awake, and if it is also equipped with lighting effects, the little one will be captivated by studying unusual shadows for a long time. However, you should not turn on musical devices before bed, even if a lullaby is playing there. Electronic music excites the nervous system and can worsen the process of a child falling asleep.

For babies up to six months

The child is growing up, which means that the mobile phone for the crib, which previously interested him, begins to get a little boring. You will have to replace it by purchasing a completely different, stronger device, since the child will definitely want to grab it.

3. Electronic (electric) mobiles for a crib:

  • no constant winding is required since it runs on batteries;
  • no longer one melody, but several musical accompaniments;
  • the rotation speed can be adjusted, for which there is a remote control;
  • there is usually a backlight.

The musical component is present in almost all devices, except decorative ones. The mechanically wound carousel for a baby crib has a “modest repertoire” - there is only one melody.

Electronic models have a wider choice: in terms of the number of songs and their duration, such a toy resembles a tape recorder.

The most modern toys, in addition to songs, also have a night light and. Now the child will be able to closely monitor both moving toys and the “starry skies.” In addition, there is an additional device - a control panel.

Thus, the best, but at the same time expensive accessory is the “three in one” model:

  • mobile phone for a crib;
  • music block;
  • night light;

Such a toy can captivate a child up to the age of three, since in the future it can be used as a kind of tape recorder.

In addition, manufacturers took into account the possibility of shocks and falls, so the product will serve faithfully for many years.

We have looked at the types of “mobile” toys, now you need to understand what to look for when choosing mobiles. First of all, experts recommend looking at the quality of the fastening, the features of the toys suspended on the devices, and the quality of the musical accompaniment. How to choose a mobile for a small child?

  1. Choosing a mount

Inexpensive toys include hooks, which are used to attach the product to the desired location. The advantage of such a connection is the mobility of the toys; however, when rocking, the little one is able to pull the hook out of its attachment point.

You can also attach the device to the crib using a special clamp. Such structures are quite durable, but for a child who can stand, rocking the toy is not a problem. Mobiles are also fastened with Velcro, which allows you to fix them in a playpen, car seat and walker.

  1. Mobile toys

Toys on devices can be removable or permanently fixed. With removable rattles and airplanes, the child will be able to have fun when he grows up a little. It is also quite possible to swap them or replace them with others.

In addition, manufacturers make toys from plastic or soft material. Fabric accessories are more pleasant to the touch, but they are “dust collectors”. In this regard, plastic toys are much more hygienic and useful.

  1. Melody

Before purchasing a toy, be sure to check the music unit. The melody of mechanical mobiles should be pleasant and caressing to the ear. But with electronic toys, you should listen to the entire set of songs so as not to miss looped sections of music.

You should also pay attention to the ability to adjust the volume. If the melody is not turned off or made quieter, you and your child may have to “enjoy” the loud annoying sound.

The best and popular manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of children's toys also make mobile phones for children. Each brand has positive and negative reviews, so you need to choose based on your own taste. A detailed description of the toys is as follows:

  1. Tiny Love produces toys with soft diffused light and with black and white images on pendants. The music collection consists of classical works, the total duration is about 20 minutes. The elements are made of textured material, which promotes the development of fine motor skills. The manufacturer is Israeli, but the toys are assembled by Chinese craftsmen.
  2. Tomy is a multifunctional pendant, which is equipped with plush cartoon characters. The mobile is also equipped with a light-diffusing night light and a collection of 3 melodies. The device is powered by batteries; in addition, there is a control panel on top with which you can adjust the volume and direction of rotation of the toys. The melody is also displayed.
  3. Chicco– a pendant that consists of toys in the shape of houses and the characters living in them. It is quite expensive, but mothers also include this mobile in the rating of the best devices. The manufacturer, an Italian company, included a remote control and a small safe mirror in the kit, which kids love to look at.
  4. Fisher Price– a multifunctional accessory that contains a remote control, a projector, a music unit, an arc-shaped mount, and three teddy bears with wings. The melody is classic, but there are also sounds of nature (rain, sea breeze, bird voices). The mobile phone for the crib works as a projector; there is also a panel on which the music can be selected (or turned off).
  5. Tiny Princess is a mobile for girls, as the name suggests. A similar design is equipped with a night light and fluttering fairy dolls. The music block includes 4 melodies - classical and natural sounds. The toys rotate and simultaneously move different parts of the body. Musical, light and rotating components can be included both together and separately. The pendant also has a remote control. Very convenient for young mothers, captivates them with its simplicity.

Prices depend on the promotion of the brand and the availability of additional accessories. However, the high cost directly depends on the quality of the product, so it is better not to save on the child’s health.

Before purchasing a product, be sure to think about whether your child needs a mobile phone and when is the best time to buy it. Perhaps the little one is rarely in his crib, falls asleep well and does not worry without toys.

In addition, you cannot be sure that the baby will like the toy; perhaps he will be indifferent to it. However, it cannot be denied that such devices are useful items that contribute to rapid mental development.

The tradition of hanging toys over the cradle of a newborn comes from ancient times. Then it was believed that these pendants would protect the baby from the evil eye and give him health and happiness. Today, hanging toys does not have a sacred meaning. But mobile phones have become a fashionable and popular attribute of a children's room. Parents definitely want to purchase this multifunctional, bright, musical device for their children. Modern parents prefer to start the development of their baby from the very first days of his life. And a mobile phone is ideal for this purpose.

What is a mobile for newborns?

A mobile is a rotating carousel that is hung on a hook or attached to a bracket on the boot of the playpen. The toys rotate on the cross. There are an incredible number of mobile options. There are toys with musical accompaniment, with a rotating mechanism, with lighting, and many other functions.

Do you need a mobile in a newborn crib?

Experts do not give a definite answer whether a mobile phone is needed or not. The choice always remains with the parents. In the first weeks of life, babies are not interested in anything around them except feeding, sleeping and dry diapers. And only after a month do they begin to pay attention to surrounding objects.

Rotating toys help the baby concentrate his gaze on specific objects. Bright colors help develop color perception. Melodic music teaches the child to listen to sounds. Many kids love to fall asleep to the sound of a mobile phone. Others, on the contrary, perceive it as an exciting game and chirp happily. But in any case, the baby is distracted by the toy for a while, which gives the mother time for a break.

Important! Don't forget that baby's hearing is very sensitive! Therefore, you should not turn the toy on at full volume. Loud music can irritate the baby and instead of calming the parents, they will get nervous excitement and hysteria.

At first, the child does not need rotating toys at all. He will focus his gaze on static objects. Parents need to take into account the developmental characteristics of their baby when choosing any toys, including mobiles.

At what age can you put a mobile phone in a newborn’s crib?

This toy can be used from the first days of a baby's life until 5 months. At this time, he will watch the hanging figures and listen to melodies. And also try to grab with your hands or reach with your legs attractive objects. But after 5 months, when the child begins to rise in the crib, it is better to remove the mobile so that the baby does not break the structure and get hurt or scared.

If the toys-pendants are removable, then it would be more appropriate to give them to the baby just to play with. Or hang them in a stroller, walker, or play mat.

What types of mobiles are there for newborns?

Among the huge assortment of mobile phones, only two types stand out: with and without musical accompaniment. Musical ones, in turn, are divided into mechanical and battery-powered.

Mechanical plant designed on the principle of a music box. Mom needs to turn the key several times for the melody to sound. In most cases, this quiet melodic music is very popular with kids and parents. But the disadvantage of such a device is that there is only one melody in the set. And the plant lasts no more than 5 minutes. Then you need to start the barrel organ again.

Battery-powered mobiles , as a rule, have several versions of melodies that switch one after another until the entire selection is played. It is very important for parents to listen to all the tunes when purchasing! After all, at home you will have to listen to them every day with your baby. And if the music is of poor recording quality, or you simply don’t like it, then the mobile phone will be just another annoying factor. It is worth keeping a supply of batteries for this device in the house.

Mobiles also differ in the type of mounting.

  • Inexpensive models have a hook by which the entire device is suspended in a convenient place. These toys are mobile. But the baby can pull the hook out of the fastening when rocking.
  • A clamp is usually used to secure it to the crib. This design is quite durable. But still, when the baby learns to reach the toys, it is better to disassemble them to avoid injury.
  • Velcro fastening allows you to fix the mobile in any convenient place: on the handle of a stroller, in a car seat, in a playpen, on a walker

What material is best to choose a mobile for a baby?

The frame of the mobile is always made of plastic. But pendants can be plastic or textile. It is very rare to find pendants made of wood. Each parent chooses the material at their own discretion.

Plastic easy to clean and easy to care for. There may be fillings inside the figures, and the toys can be used as rattles. High-quality plastic is not afraid of falls and impacts.

Textile toys soft and non-traumatic. They are machine washable. They are made from different materials, with different fillers. Such toys help develop tactile sensations and motor skills of the baby’s hands. But at the same time, they become dirty faster and accumulate dust.

It is important to check all the details when choosing! To avoid chips or loose parts, the paint was applied evenly and did not peel off. Under no circumstances should toys emit odors or leave traces of color. Such toys are a threat to the baby’s health. The colors of the figures should be clear and simple. Avoid acidic colors altogether from a small child’s environment.

What to look for when choosing a mobile for a newborn?

Manufacturers are trying to make mobiles more than just hanging toys for cribs. But also supplement them with other functions that make this device multifunctional and more convenient.

Many devices include Remote Control. With it, you can adjust the sound, switch melodies and change the intensity of rotation from a distance. This gives the mother the opportunity to manipulate the device without being in the baby’s field of view and without being distracted from household chores.

Latest generation mobiles capable of automatically turning on when the baby wakes up.

Musical accompaniment may include one or more melodies. Some devices have the ability to switch music, others do not. There are new products on the market in which music is recorded on an MP 3 player. The removable music block can also be used in the future as a musical toy.

Some models are equipped backlight, which looks impressive in the dark. There are mobiles with built-in projectors, where images of colored figures are projected onto the ceiling. Looking at them, the baby falls asleep.

Many models are supplemented full-fledged lamps, which can serve for many years and after the baby no longer needs the mobile.

Major manufacturers of children's mobiles

Almost all toy manufacturers, without exception, also produce their own series of mobile phones. It’s not difficult to get lost among such diversity. The price in most cases depends both on the quality of the product and on the “promotion” of the brand. Most mobile phones are produced in China.

The most popular manufacturers are:

  • Tiny Love produces bright mobiles, complemented by night lights. Comfortable, beautiful, practical.
  • Tom - illuminated mobiles. The flashing lights as the toys rotate fascinate little ones. Made in China.
  • Сhico – mobiles with remote control. With its help, you can not only turn the mobile on and off, but also adjust the volume and rotation speed of the toy carousel. The device has a whole range of functions. The toy is produced in Italy.
  • Tinu Princess is a series specially created for girls.
  • Umka is a Russian toy manufacturer. Has proven itself to be of reliable quality.

Parental reviews of a mobile phone for a newborn

Kruchinina Svetlana (Novgorod) We bought a Winnie the Pooh mobile phone for our child and were very disappointed. One of the most unsuccessful models. There is no backlight declared by the manufacturer at all. And the toy’s motor roars so loudly that it drowns out the music.
Bolshakova Olga (Kurgan) It took a long time to choose a mobile; I wanted a universal toy. In the end, we chose Tina Love and were satisfied. Firstly, there are three mounting methods so that you can install it not only on the playpen, but also on a stroller or car seat. Secondly, bright toys and a large selection of melodies. The track list is already 40 minutes long. It is also possible to turn off the music altogether so that the toys rotate. In general, both we and our baby are happy.
Yavorskaya Irina (Safonovo) Our first-born was given a mobile phone by his happy grandparents immediately after birth. We installed it on the crib right away. The baby was still small at first. To pay attention to all these pendants. But after 3 weeks I started playing soft music for him. He carefully watched the toys and listened to the melodic sounds. By the way, the music also suits me quite well, it doesn’t get boring. The recording plays for about 20 minutes. Then we launch again. Our son even falls asleep to the music. So convenient!
Novikova Anna (Volgograd) Friends gave our baby a Chico mobile Sweet Dreams. It has soft toys that are removable. They can be washed. Our daughter is already 1.5 years old, but she enjoys playing with the cute little animals that she has become accustomed to since infancy. I really liked the musical selection. Even my husband is so used to falling asleep to music from his mobile phone that he can’t even fall asleep in silence.
Zolotareva Ksenia (Murmansk) We bought our little one a Bright Stars mobile phone. We were attracted by the bright figures of animals. We are satisfied with the quality of the product. One bad thing, it's too big. When rearranging the crib, you have to remove it completely so that it doesn’t interfere. And it’s not very convenient to put the baby to bed, he’s well-fed.
Isaeva Diana (Kazan) We bought a “World of Childhood” mobile to entertain the baby. But he quickly got tired of it. And he prefers to sort out toys from him and rattle rattles than to look at hanging objects and listen to monotonous music. Besides, they took it like a Russian toy. And on the box there was an inscription that was made in China.

A two-month-old baby can already focus his eyes well. He is attracted by contrast and interesting shapes. The first toys that come into a newborn’s field of perception help him understand the world. A baby mobile for a crib is a wonderful way to soothe, lull a baby to sleep, and distract his attention while the mother is busy with household chores.

Do you need a mobile for the crib?

The first toys that attract the attention of infants are crib mobiles for newborns. The device has a bracket with universal fastening. The device can be fixed on the fixed side of a child's bed. Objects of interesting shape and color are used as pendants. It is convenient when you can remove parts of the mobile, wash them and hang them back.

First, the newborn, lying down, listens to soothing music, watches fish, stars and other objects, improving visual perception. After some time, the baby will try to reach interesting rattles with her hands, developing grasping skills. Some newborns fall asleep easily while listening to pleasant melodies. In any case, a musical carousel for the crib is something that will distract the baby and help parents do household chores.

Which mobile to choose

When looking for a suitable toy for your baby, it is important to consider that crib mobiles for newborns will be close to him and influence his mood and healthy development. A baby will like a carousel for a crib if she:

  • securely attaches to the child's sleeping place;
  • has not too bright, harmonious shades, pleasant to the eyes of a newborn;
  • sounds calm and gentle, pleasing to the ear;
  • has no irritating odor.

Mechanical mobile

Mechanically operated carousels are the simplest devices, similar to a music box. You need to wind the spring, and the baby mobile starts moving. Fastened colorful figures move to calm music. The running time of the mobile phone is three minutes. The advantages of this model are affordable cost and no need for batteries.


A mobile for a newborn crib may have an electrical connection. Such devices have a sound duration of 10-20 minutes and do not require constant installation of the spring. Electronic mobiles are equipped with a certain number of melodies and different circling modes. You can choose the optimal sound volume and the appropriate turning speed of the carousel. High-quality crib toys for newborns may have additional functions such as a night light, remote control and projector.

Mobile with night light and remote control

The crib carousel, which has a backlight, serves as a night light. Having such a modern accessory in a newborn’s room, you can check at any time of the day whether everything is okay with the baby. There is no need to turn on the light. A night light gently dispels the darkness in your baby's room. The control panel makes it possible to turn the mobile on or off, change music melodies at a distance, without appearing in front of the child’s eyes.

With projector

A musical crib mobile equipped with a projector can be used to create flickering pictures moving on the ceiling and walls. If there is a dome over the carousel, luminous images are reflected on its surface. This feature is useful at night if the newborn does not want to sleep. Mom can rest a little while the baby watches the glowing images. Soft light, flickering pictures and pleasant music lull the baby to sleep. Perhaps he will even fall asleep on his own with such a toy.

Rating of mobiles for newborns

  1. Tiny Love “Island of Sweet Dreams” – a carousel with music, a remote control and a night light. The average cost is 5,000 rubles.
  2. Fisher Price 2 in 1 “Beautiful Planet” - a toy with a projector, remote control and an approximate price of 4,300 rubles.
  3. Taf Toys Mp3 11275 – carousel with backlight and player. Cost – about 6500 rubles.
  4. Chicco “Magic Stars” – a mobile with a night light, a projector and a remote control. Price – around 5000 rubles.
  5. Tomy “Winnie the Pooh” is an inexpensive, reliable device with toys and a night light. Cost – approximately 2500 rubles.

How to make a carousel with your own hands

If you have a penchant for needlework, you are quite capable of sewing a beautiful mobile for your newborn’s crib yourself. To do this you will need a little inspiration, imagination, and some available materials. Such a craft will not spin on its own and make soothing sounds. A lightweight crib mobile can only sway with the air flow. However, kids really like homemade toys, especially if they are made with love and care.

Patterns for mobile

To make a carousel for a crib yourself, you need to sew beautiful toys that will hang in the newborn’s field of vision. Crafts are made using templates that represent different figures. These can be animals or objects. Patterns can be found and downloaded on the Internet. Flowers, bows, dolls are suitable for girls. For a boy you can sew rockets, cars, airplanes or ships.

Step-by-step master class

To make a felt mobile with a holder you will need the following:

  • wooden cube with a side of 8 cm;
  • wooden slats of equal length with a round cross-section – 4 pcs.;
  • lace;
  • dowel;
  • wood glue;
  • paint without a strong odor;
  • metal hook;
  • felt in beautiful shades;
  • padding polyester (or other printed material);
  • threads of suitable colors;
  • sewing needle.

First of all, you need to make a holder for your mobile. Procedure:

  1. Take a cube and drill holes where the diagonals on the four faces intersect.
  2. Make a recess in the top edge. Screw in the hook at this point.
  3. Drill small holes on each rail, 2-3 cm from the end.
  4. Thread the cord and tie knots at the ends.
  5. Lubricate the slats with glue at opposite ends. Insert the sticks into the holes made on the cube.
  6. Paint the workpiece with baby-safe paint. Hang the holder by the hook and let the product dry.
  1. Draw two parts of each toy on felt. Cut out the blanks. Create figures by placing one element on top of another.
  2. Sew the toys together, leaving holes to place the filling.
  3. Place padding polyester into the blanks.
  4. Attach the cord securely to the toys by sewing a plastic piece onto the end of the cord. Close the holes.
  5. Thread the cord through the holes in the slats and tie knots. Attach the center toy to the hook.

Video: DIY mobile made from felt

The mobile is a carousel with rotating toys, which is fixed on the side of the crib at a distance of 30–40 cm from the child’s face. The pendants are made in the primary colors of the spectrum, with clear contours - these are precisely the objects that small children are able to visually perceive. Such a toy attracts the baby’s attention and teaches him to fix his gaze, develop the perception of colors and shapes, entertain and lull him to sleep.

How to choose a quality mobile phone?

When choosing a new toy, parents usually focus on several characteristics.

  • The material from which hanging toys are made.

Plastic products are distinguished by their bright colors, ease of care and durability. By today's standards, wooden toys look original. Take a look, for example, at the interesting products produced by the Plan Toys brand. Children really like bears, bunnies and kittens made from textiles - removable plush toys are easy to wash and can be taken with you for a walk.

  • Functionality.

The section presents both simple and multifunctional models. The children's mobile "First Dreams" from Chicco is equipped with a projector and a sensor that responds to the baby's cry. In addition, from us you can buy a Tiny Love boombox carousel with tape recorder functions or an option with a night light from the manufacturer Tomy.

  • Principle of operation.

Mechanical devices are started manually and operate for no more than 5–7 minutes. Automatic ones operate on batteries or accumulator.

  • Control.

Some devices come with a remote control. It is convenient when you need to turn on the carousel from the next room without distracting the falling asleep baby with your presence.

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