Is it possible to get there on time? Pregnancy during menstruation - myth or reality? But there are factors that increase the chance of getting pregnant during your period.

For some women, pregnancy is a long-awaited event, while others are looking for ways to avoid it. To achieve this, various measures are used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. At the same time, it is good if real contraceptives are used, and hope is not placed solely on calendar or biological methods. These methods are not reliable as they are influenced by hormonal and environmental influences.

Sometimes women assume that it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. But that's not true. In order to understand the answer to this question, you need to understand the physiological processes in the body.

Pregnancy is possible in cases where ovulation coincides with sexual intercourse, which leads to the meeting of the sperm with the egg. Most often, during a normal menstrual cycle, the maturation and release of the egg occurs in the middle of the cycle. Therefore, it is generally accepted that protection should be especially active during this period. Usually, basal temperature helps confirm ovulation, which is measured in the rectum in the early morning hours. In a healthy woman with stable hormonal levels, these methods of contraception lead to a significant reduction in the likelihood of pregnancy.

But there are always a few “buts”. Firstly, even a healthy woman may experience stress, colds or climate change (vacation, business trip) during her menstrual cycle. This significantly affects the formation of hormones, both in the pituitary gland and in the ovaries. Therefore, sometimes ovulation shifts and it begins at a different time. If the egg is released shortly before menstruation, then fertilization can occur at the time of menstruation. Therefore, the doctor will never be able to specifically answer the question, is it possible to get pregnant while on your period? Under unfavorable circumstances, this is possible.

What is the probability of pregnancy during menstruation?

Of course, the likelihood of pregnancy if sexual intercourse occurs during menstruation is minimal. This is especially rare in women with lack of hormonal problems and a regular menstrual cycle. But at the same time, in the presence of hormonal imbalances, this situation becomes more likely. Therefore, girls who have similar problems should not trust calendar or biological methods of contraception. This can lead to unplanned pregnancy due to the lack of specific numbers and jumps basal temperature.

Of course, if we look at the statistics, the occurrence of pregnancy during menstruation will take up a small percentage. But women should not forget that getting into this small percentage is much easier than it seems at first glance. Therefore, if you want to make love during your “critical days,” you should use a barrier method of contraception. Plus it will be more hygienic.

It should be noted that it is almost impossible to get pregnant in the first days of menstruation. This period is characterized by a critical decrease in the level of all sex hormones, which is accompanied by endometrial rejection. Since the discharge is abundant, sperm cannot penetrate the reproductive tubes. And even if conception occurs, there will be nowhere for the egg to attach, since the endometrium is almost completely renewed. But if the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation still bothers you, then you should consult a gynecologist about it.

In what situations is pregnancy possible?

Normally, after the egg is released from the ovary, it remains viable for 24 hours. Therefore, if sexual intercourse has not occurred within 24 hours, then pregnancy is unlikely. But there is another set of circumstances. If the sexual partner does not have problems with the reproductive system, then sperm can remain in the fallopian tubes for up to 3-6 days. As a result, sometimes pregnancy occurs due to sexual intercourse that precedes ovulation several days. The girl thinks that she became pregnant during her period, but in fact, ovulation was later, but the sperm entered the genital tract during menstruation.

If we consider the possibility of pregnancy during menstruation, then we are talking about late ovulation and the presence of hormonal problems. As a result, menstrual-like bleeding began and ovulation occurred at the same time. But this happens extremely rarely. Another reason is more common - the girl has very long periods, but the cycle itself is short. As a result, sexual intercourse occurs in the last days of menstruation, but due to the short duration of the cycle, ovulation occurs on these days. Therefore, you can get pregnant during menstruation with a high probability.

Sometimes a girl thinks that pregnancy began due to sexual intercourse during menstruation, due to the fact that she did not have another act in the subsequent period. But what actually happens is that the pregnancy began in the middle of the previous cycle, as happens in normal cases. But due to some hormonal problems, my period began (sometimes this happens). The pregnancy was not interrupted, but continued to develop further. As a result, the girl is sure that she became pregnant during her menstrual period, since she had sexual intercourse only on these days.

Should you make love during your period?

Some women claim that on “critical days” they experience a surge of intimate desire. Maybe this is typical for some, but most girls are guided by other incentives - you don’t have to use protection, since getting pregnant is practically impossible. But this should not justify sexual intercourse during menstruation, as it can harm the girl herself. Bacteria enter the uterine cavity much more easily during menstruation, as the cervix opens slightly. And blood is the most favorable environment for their reproduction. Therefore, you should not risk your health for dubious pleasure.

Of course, a woman decides for herself whether she should stop sexual activity during menstruation. Some say it's physiological, others say it's unhygienic. It all depends on the woman’s perception and her ability to protect herself. For example, if she takes hormonal contraceptives, then there is no point in making love during her period. After all, she will have safe sexual intercourse throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

Every representative of the fair sex should know on which days you can get pregnant and on which days you cannot. Only in this case will the conception process be completely under control. If you do not want to face unexpected fertilization, then find out if you can get pregnant on the first day of your period.

Conception process

To begin with, it is worth saying a little about how fertilization occurs. Throughout this period, strong hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. It is worth noting that nothing like this ever happens to any man.

With the onset of menstruation, the production of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone begins. Under the influence of this substance, the so-called vesicles in the ovaries, which contain eggs, increase in size. When one of the follicles reaches the required size, a sharp change in hormonal levels occurs. is replaced by luteinizing. It is this new substance that helps the vesicle with the egg to open.

A female cell is capable of fertilization within one day. If at this time there is a meeting with a male sperm, then pregnancy will occur.

Menstrual cycle

Female menstrual cycle can be short, medium length or long. Depending on this, the question “is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of your period?” has different answers. If one representative of the fair sex cannot conceive a baby during the period of bleeding, then the other easily becomes pregnant at this time. Let's try to understand each individual case in detail.

The menstrual cycle is short

A short female period is one whose length is 21 days. It is worth noting that this is a normal option and does not require treatment. So, if the female cycle is twenty-one days, then is it possible

Male cells can stay in the female body for up to one week. If the cycle lasts 21 days, then ovulation occurs on average 7 days after the start of the next bleeding. If sexual intercourse takes place during bleeding, then the sperm will be able to calmly wait for the moment when the egg leaves the ovary. In this case, the question “is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of your period?” has a positive answer.

To summarize, we can say that the probability of conception in this case is very high.

Average menstrual cycle

The average length of a woman's period is 28 days. Most women have this exact cycle length. So, is it possible to get pregnant while on your period in this case?

If the cycle length is 28 days, then the release of the egg from the vesicle occurs approximately two weeks after the start of bleeding. It is worth noting that menstruation can last up to one week. This is considered a variant of the norm. If, for example, sexual intercourse occurs on the fifth day of the cycle, then the sperm can live in the woman’s body until the 12th day. In this case, the meeting of two cells will not take place and conception will not occur.

With such a cycle length? In this case, experts give a positive answer. If menstruation ends on the seventh day of the cycle, then sexual intercourse, which occurs on the eighth day, will lead to the fact that male gametes can remain in the female body until the 15th day. The release of the egg, which took place on day 14, allows conception to occur.

So, is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of your period with an average cycle length? There is a chance of conception, but it is very low. Whereas the possibility of fertilization during sexual intercourse after menstruation is quite high.

Long cycle and possibility of conception

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation with a long menstrual cycle? To begin with, it is worth saying that a period whose length is 35 days is considered long. In this case, the release of the female gamete from the follicle occurs approximately three weeks after the start of bleeding.

If sexual intercourse takes place immediately after the bleeding is completed, then the male cells simply will not be able to wait until ovulation occurs. The probability of conception in this case is practically zero. However, you should not rely on a long cycle, because there are exceptions to the rules.

Conception during bleeding is also impossible in this case.

Irregular menstrual cycle

If the period is from before the start of a new one, is it possible to get pregnant before, during and after menstruation in this case?

For example, a woman is sure that she has a short cycle, which is equal to twenty-one days. A representative of the fair sex can calculate that ovulation will take place on the 7th day of the cycle. Therefore, sexual intercourse that occurs after the 10th day will not lead to conception. Suddenly a hormonal imbalance occurs in a woman’s body and her cycle becomes average. With this outcome of the event, sexual intercourse, which took place on the 10th day, will most likely lead to fertilization. A woman thinks that it is impossible to get pregnant before her period, but conception occurs due to the lengthening of the cycle.

The opposite situation may also be true. For example, a lady’s menstrual cycle is long. She expects that it is impossible to get pregnant after and during menstruation. However, due to a slight malfunction in the body, the cycle is shortened, and the release of the female gamete occurs not on the 21st day of the cycle, but on the 7th. In this case, any sexual contact that occurred during menstruation or immediately after it can lead to fertilization.

If a woman’s menstrual cycle length constantly changes, then conception can occur at absolutely any moment. In this case, you cannot rely on luck and hope that it will “carry through.” Take care of your health.

Is it possible to get pregnant on the 1st day of your period?

In some cases, the female body can be very unpredictable. If a representative of the fair sex does not remember when her last period was and does not monitor her cycle, then any spotting is taken as the beginning of the next period.

It is worth saying that in some cases the release of an egg from the ovary is accompanied by slight bleeding. This occurs because when the bubble ruptures, the smallest vessels are damaged. In this case, the blood mixes with the cervical mucus and leaves the genitals. An inattentive lady mistakes such discharge for the first day of menstruation. In this case, sexual intercourse on this day can lead to conception with a very high probability.

In order to avoid such erroneous situations, you need to carefully monitor your menstrual cycle and maintain your women's calendar.

Experts' opinions

Doctors do not recognize the calendar method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. This method can be used in case of planning conception. If you do not plan to become a mother in the near future, then you should find an alternative method of birth control.

Currently, there are a lot of hormonal drugs, suppositories, intrauterine devices and creams. Each representative of the fair sex will be able to choose for herself the most suitable option for protection against conception.


If you're wondering whether you can get pregnant during, after, or before your period, it's worth asking your doctor. Surely the gynecologist will tell you that during the period of bleeding it is generally not advisable to have sexual intercourse. Otherwise, you may expose your health to the risk of infection or various female diseases.

Monitor your cycle, take into account the duration of your periods and always be healthy!

Every girl believes that critical days are days when conception is impossible, but is this really so? Can the nature of the female body reconfigure and behave radically differently? This phenomenon is ambiguously regarded and, from a medical point of view, therefore, beautiful ladies are certainly worth paying attention to this phenomenon.

Is it possible to get pregnant during your period? Signs of pregnancy may be false; to more accurately determine pregnancy, it is better to take a hCG test

Why do you get periods during pregnancy?

It is important to understand! Menstruation is the cleansing of the uterus from an unfertilized mature egg.

Based on the definition of a “special” process in the female body, we can say that if an egg is fertilized, a hormone is produced - progesterone, which does not allow the uterus to contract, and also takes part in the appearance of the endometrium, that is, the growth of the inner walls of the uterus.

In this case, there should be no menstruation, and spotting is not a history of menstruation.

However, some women have problems with progesterone production during pregnancy. Under such circumstances, on the days when menstruation should occur, blood is released with pieces of the endometrium. This can cause fetal rejection. The pregnant woman is then prescribed medications that replace progesterone to prevent miscarriage.

The cause of bleeding may be a pathology of fetal development, as well as the fact that the fetus is poorly attached, resulting in a pregnancy failure.

A pregnant woman gets her period if there is a large amount of male hormones in her body, which can lead to a miscarriage. With proper preliminary diagnosis and treatment, this can be prevented.

And also one of the reasons may be multiple pregnancy, this is when, during the normal development of a single embryo, others are rejected.

Do you get your period during an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is actually a pathology or, in other words, a pregnancy in which the attachment of a fertilized egg occurs not in the uterus, but in most situations - in the fallopian tube, sometimes in the ovaries, abdominal cavity, or cervix.

In order to diagnose and prevent rather bad consequences, first of all, as soon as you find out about your pregnancy, you need to go to the doctor and be under the supervision of specialists, especially if there are prerequisites for this (chronic diseases of any nature).

Carefully! Such a pregnancy is life-threatening and requires termination in a hospital setting.

Just with such a diagnosis - ectopic pregnancy, menstruation may continue for several months, as before, but be brownish-red and scanty.

However, it would be useful to analyze your general well-being if you have an active sex life.

Dangerous days for pregnancy after menstruation, how to calculate

The fertilization cycle in women is set up in such a way that there are periods when the probability of pregnancy is very high and for those who do not want to become parents yet, it is worth knowing some of the features.

There are many ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy:

  • condoms(Durex Pleasure, Contex Romantic Love, VIZIT Hi-Tech Comfort);
  • tablets (“Jas-plus”, “Logest”);
  • candles(“Erotex”, “Pharmatex”);
  • contraceptive sponges(Allendale Pharmaceuticals);
  • intrauterine devices(“Multiload KU-375”, Goldlily Exclusive, “Mirena”).

However, all of these methods involve medication to one degree or another. But there are those that do not require a trip to a specialist, one of them is a calendar one. In medical practice it is called the Ogino-Clauss method.

Of course, the reliability of this method is from 30 to 60% and it is based on calculating “dangerous” days in the range of the entire menstrual cycle. And, most importantly, it can only be used by those women whose “critical” cycle is regular and without any failures.

It is important to know! The sperm lives in the fallopian tubes for 3–4 days; it can fertilize the egg after ovulation within two days.

Based on this, it is believed that with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on days 13–14, and with a 30-day cycle – on days 15–16. Therefore, with a 28-day cycle, the most likely days to get pregnant are considered to be from days 11 to 16. Accordingly, for a 30-day cycle – from days 13 to 18.

A more accurate scheme for preventing unwanted pregnancy is the method of measuring basal temperature
, and to be more precise, the temperature in the rectum. It is measured in the morning without getting out of bed. And they keep statistics of values, write them down, for example, in a special personal “diary” for greater convenience. This needs to be done for about three months, preferably longer for complete statistics.

At the beginning of the cycle, the temperature in the rectum is normally 36.6–36.7 °C. When ovulation occurs, the temperature drops to 36.2–36.4 °C. Then, until the start of critical days, it constantly remains above 37.0 °C.

Is it possible to get pregnant before your period starts?

Each woman has her own body characteristics, as a result of which it is possible to become pregnant even before the start of menstruation.

Here are the reasons why this is possible:

Is pregnancy possible during menstruation?

Pregnancy under normal conditions occurs when ovulation and sexual intercourse coincide. If there are factors influencing the “critical” cycle (climate change, stress, etc.), ovulation may not occur on time. Sometimes it happens that menstruation is very long, and the cycle itself is short, then ovulation occurs during menstruation.

Interesting fact! The sperm of some sexual partners can stay in the uterine tubes for up to 6 days, so it only seems that pregnancy occurred during menstruation, it’s just that the sperm entered the genital tract before this process in the body.

Is pregnancy possible immediately after menstruation?

There are the following reasons why this is possible:

  • if the cycle is less than 21 days, since ovulation can occur in the coming days from the last day of menstruation;
  • if menstruation lasts more than 7 days, in this case, the new egg will mature in the last days of menstruation;
  • with an irregular cycle;
  • when bleeding due to cervical disease, which is often mistaken for menstruation;
  • during ovulation several eggs at once - spontaneous ovulation.

Carefully! The probability of pregnancy on the last day of the cycle is 30–40%, as you can see this is a considerable proportion of it.

How to distinguish periods from pregnancy

In principle, it is possible to distinguish these two processes in the body. Namely, during pregnancy there may be spotting, which roughly resembles menstruation, but it is very scanty. In addition, pregnancy is characterized by certain symptoms that appear even if there is menstruation.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages before menstruation

The first signs of an interesting situation may appear even before the onset of menstruation. These symptoms are often difficult to detect, but if you listen to your body, you can easily notice them.

These signs include:

  • discharge, which are called implantation, can appear from 6 to 12 days from the moment of conception, non-intense, color – yellow-brown;
  • temperature increase in the rectum more than 37.0 °C;
  • increased fatigue, absent-mindedness, changes in mood;
  • swelling of the mammary glands, darkening of the nipples;
  • pulling sensations lower abdomen;
  • sharp changes temperature;
  • toxicosis.

Signs of pregnancy during menstruation

During pregnancy, bleeding is not considered a period as such. However, the presence of menstruation can be misleading for a woman, so it is necessary to know the symptoms of pregnancy if there is bleeding.

Everyone’s feelings are, of course, individual, but in general they are typical:

  • the amount of menstrual blood decreases, the color becomes lighter;
  • the breasts become enlarged and colostrum begins to be released;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • taste preferences change;
  • the mood changes from cheerful to tearful in a split second;
  • in the morning I am bothered by nausea and increased weakness.

Signs of pregnancy after menstruation

The first sign of pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. It is almost always absent during conception, since pregnancy occurs after menstruation and there is no delay until the next one. Due to the fact that this phenomenon is typical for women with irregular cycles, they may not pay attention to the absence of menstrual periods.

Representatives of the fairer sex in such cases think only when there is no menstruation for 2-3 months, in addition, the stomach increases, pigmentation appears, etc.

If a woman’s body does not work like a clock, then it is necessary to use pregnancy tests after menstruation, which determine the “germinal” hormone - the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. You should also be regularly examined by a gynecologist.

Pregnancy test a week before period: will it show pregnancy?

To answer this frequently asked question, you should know that the test works in a certain way. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin is formed in the urine of a pregnant woman.(hCG), to which the test with the indicator reacts. But conception does not occur immediately after intercourse.

For sperm to reach their destination, a certain amount of time must pass. It takes about a week for the egg to be fertilized and move into the uterine cavity. And hCG is produced only after the implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. Therefore, there is no point in taking a test a week before your period!

The ideal time to check for an “interesting position” is to delay critical days by about a week.

And it is also important to know that tests are also different, Currently, three generations of indicators have been released:

  • first two– strip and tablet tests, which are sensitive to a concentration of 10–25 mME/ml of the hormone in the urine, so again, no earlier than a week after the expected menstruation, the answer to the question will be given;
  • third type– the latest developments are inkjet and digital (electronic) tests, which are complex, but have high sensitivity and, as manufacturers claim, they can determine the result on the first day of the delay, but before this time it will still not be possible to know anything for sure.

Gestational age, how to calculate by date of menstruation

Knowing the date of the first day of the last menstruation, it is easy to determine the date of ovulation, which occurs on the 17th–18th day from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess the moment of conception, but this method is suitable for a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days.

Gynecologists (specialists), for example, also calculate the period using the same indicator, but in addition to it, they use the results of the first screening (ultrasound) to more accurately determine the period of fertilization.

Determine the gestational age using the last menstruation: calculator

Often the exact date of conception and expectant parents are interested in the timing of pregnancy in order to accurately determine the date of birth. There are many methods for this, ranging from ultrasound (only effective in the second trimester) to tables long ago formed by specialists.

Modern technologies do not stand still; using a special online calculator you can easily calculate the birth date of your child. The calculator performs the action automatically; you only need to enter the start date of your last period or the date of conception, if known, and the duration of the cycle.

As a result, we can say that the likelihood of conception is quite high at any stage of the menstrual cycle Therefore, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it is not enough to use the calendar method; it is necessary to protect yourself comprehensively. And if there are any deviations in sensations or well-being, immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get pregnant during your period? Signs of pregnancy in this video:

Signs of pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation, watch this video:

Is it possible to get pregnant while on your period? To answer this question, first let's define what menstruation is ("menstruation", "regula") and the menstrual cycle.

Regula is one of the periods of the menstrual cycle. A layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected, which is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next. As a rule, this is 25 - 28 days.

The menstrual cycle includes the following phases:

  1. Follicular (menstrual). Lasts approximately 14 days. The follicle matures in the ovary. This “sac” consists of connective tissue and epithelial cells. Inside the follicle is an egg. Estrogen is actively produced. The phase lasts until the start of ovulation, the basal temperature during this period of the cycle is below 37 degrees.
  2. Ovulation (about 3 days). The egg has matured, leaves the follicle and moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. Basal temperature drops sharply. In order for pregnancy to occur, the egg must meet the sperm on its way. This can only happen during ovulation.
  3. Luteal (about 13 days). In the ovary, where the egg is released, the corpus luteum forms. The corpus luteum, secreting hormones, prepares the body for a possible pregnancy by developing the placenta. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, the functioning of the corpus luteum stops: it is destroyed. The level of hormones (progesterone, estrogen) drops. The uterine mucosa becomes swollen. The production of other hormones - lutropin and follitropin - is activated. They stimulate the growth of the next follicle. Basal temperature is 37 degrees. A sharp decrease in basal temperature is a signal of the imminent onset of menstruation.

The first 5 days of the follicular phase are the period of menstrual bleeding (for some girls it is 3 days, and for others it is all 7). Let's say that on one of these days there was unprotected sexual intercourse. There are at least 9 days before ovulation, when fertilization is possible.

Sperm that enter the vagina will die during this time, because the environment there is unfavorable for them. This means pregnancy is impossible. This is a standard situation. But disruptions in the female cycle often occur: ovulation may occur earlier. That's when sex during menstruation can lead to conception.

What are the dangers of unprotected sex during menstruation?

Unplanned pregnancy. Some women have a short menstrual cycle - for example, 21 days. Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs. In this case - after 9 - 10 days. If unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, for example, on the 4th day of menstrual bleeding, the probability of becoming pregnant is very high: sperm can live inside a woman for 5 - 7 days.

Infections. During menstruation, the cervix is ​​slightly open. There is a high risk of infections entering the uterus. This period is also dangerous for a man: menstrual flow is a favorable environment for the proliferation of microbes, especially if insufficient hygiene measures are taken after sex.

Is it obligatory - read the opinion of doctors on this issue.
Why does the lower abdomen pull? early stages pregnancy - the answer to this question is our specialists.

Unprotected sex before and after menstruation

Is it possible to get pregnant before your period? There is always a risk of becoming pregnant during unprotected sexual intercourse. A necessary condition for the fertilization of an egg is ovulation. Maturation of the egg and destruction of the follicle (ovulation) can occur spontaneously, closer to the beginning of the cycle. If the cycle is regular, conception will not occur 2 - 3 days before menstrual bleeding, but who can guarantee that ovulation will not happen earlier again?

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation?

Let's assume that sexual intercourse took place on the 6th day of the cycle. 1 day after menstruation. If the entire cycle is 28 - 30 days, and ovulation is in the middle, then the egg will be ready for fertilization approximately 7 days after sexual intercourse. The risk of getting pregnant is quite high.

Is it possible to get pregnant after ovulation? The most favorable time to conceive a child is 3 days before ovulation. The egg released from the follicle, unlike the sperm, is viable only for 24 hours. This means that conception can occur after ovulation no later than next day. Next are a few relatively safe days. But as a result of a malfunction in a woman’s body, more than one ovulation can occur in one cycle.

The moral side of the issue

In many religions, a woman during her period is considered “dirty.” For example, at this time her presence in a Christian church is unacceptable.
Menstruation is a natural cleansing of the female body.

Discharge of blood from the vagina is not a very pleasant accompaniment of sexual intercourse, especially if it is not possible to immediately go to the shower and change the bed linen after it.

It is more hygienic and safer to have sex during menstruation using a barrier method of contraception - a condom.

Many women and men are not ready to have sex if they have menstrual flow.

If you are planning a pregnancy, it is better to avoid unprotected sex during menstruation to avoid infections in the uterus.

The benefits of sex during your period

There are no calendar restrictions for having sex. For example, in the army a young man is allowed to go on leave for the weekend. And the girl is on her period. The situation is offensive. But if they morally allow themselves to have sex during this period, the problem will go away.

Contraction of the intimate muscles reduces the pain that a girl may experience during menstruation.

During their period, many women experience a strong desire for sex.

For an inexperienced young man, menstrual flow can be frightening, and if the partner is permanent, having sex during menstruation can add variety to the sex life men and women.


Menstruation is not a reason to refuse sex.

Unprotected sexual intercourse during menstruation is dangerous: menstrual blood is an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Conception on any day of the menstrual cycle is possible.

Unprotected sex, if menstrual flow is abundant, as a rule, does not lead to conception: sperm find themselves in an environment that is too aggressive for them.

The calendar method of birth control is one of the most unreliable ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Many girls who are sexually active are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant during, before and after menstruation, and is sexual intercourse safe during this period? After all, there is an opinion that fertilization does not occur at this time.

Is it possible to get pregnant before your period?

Every month, the female body releases a mature egg that is ready for fertilization. This phenomenon, which occurs 12-16 days before the approach of menstruation, is called ovulation. Cycles are considered normal - both 28-day, with ovulation on day 14, and cycles ranging from 19 to 45 days - since every female body is exceptional, and there are no clear norms.

The ovulation process also has intervals . For some, ovulation occurs in the middle part of the cycle, for others at the initial or final stage - and this is also normal. A shift in the timing of ovulation often occurs in young girls whose menstrual cycle has not yet stabilized, as well as in women of “Balzac age”, caused by hormonal changes in the body.

In addition, after penetration into a woman’s body, sperm live and maintain their activity for another week. In addition, several eggs can mature in one menstrual cycle, which significantly expands the time range for conception.

From this we can conclude: getting pregnant before your period is possible . Therefore, you should not rely on contraception using the calendar method.

When is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

Doctors recommend having sexual intercourse during menstruation with a condom. And not in order to avoid conception, but so that during menstrual flow, when the uterus is especially defenseless, watch out for infectious diseases .

If passion overshadowed reason, and sex during menstruation occurred without appropriate protection, then there is a chance of conception, but it is quite low .

However, this is quite realistic if the following factors influence the body:

  • Quite long periods
    Then there is little time left until ovulation (less than a week). Considering that sperm can live up to 7 days, then they can easily wait for a mature egg.
  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle
    The reasons for this include excessive physical activity, worsening chronic diseases, disruptions in the rhythm of life, infections and other reasons.
  • Incorrect timing for safe copulation
    This usually occurs due to cycle irregularity.

So, in the first days of menstruation, when the discharge is quite abundant, the chances of getting pregnant are close to zero, and in recent days, especially with prolonged periods, the probability increases tenfold!

The likelihood of pregnancy immediately after menstruation

The likelihood of pregnancy immediately after menstruation depends on the duration of bleeding. The longer your periods, the greater your risk of getting pregnant.

For example, if bleeding lasts 5-7 days, then the menstrual cycle will be shortened to 24 days. Thus, there is a short period of time left before ovulation and the probability of getting into it is quite high .

Doctors point to a number of reasons when a woman can become pregnant after menstruation:

  • False menstruation
    When bleeding occurs with an already fertilized egg. As a result, against the background of the illusion of full menstruation, the impression arises that conception occurred immediately after menstruation, although in reality, conception occurred before the onset of bleeding.
  • Unclear ovulation date
    With a “floating” ovulation date, it is difficult to make calculations to plan the subsequent date of egg maturation. Tests and other indicators are usually not effective.
  • Tubal pregnancy
    The probability of this type of conception, when the egg is fertilized in the tube, is small, but the risk still exists.
  • Cervical diseases
    Sometimes cases arise when a woman experiences bleeding during or after sexual intercourse. Deciding that it is menstruation, the woman does not use protection, which can result in pregnancy.

Having analyzed the information, we can say for sure that There are no safe days that are suitable for all women. , everything is purely individual.

Therefore, you should not rely on chance; it is better to worry about reliable means of contraception.

What do you know about the likelihood of pregnancy during “critical days”? Share your stories in the comments below!

Maria Sokolova

Colady magazine pregnancy expert. Mother of three children, obstetrician by training, writer by vocation.

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