Material for dhow. Methodological recommendations and developments. The importance of didactic material in kindergarten

Kindergarten plays a very important role in the life of every child - this is where social adaptation begins, the foundations of character and taste are laid, and first knowledge is acquired. At first, it is difficult for every child to get used to a new environment and peers.

What to consider when equipping a kindergarten

Therefore, special attention should be paid to equipping a kindergarten. The environment surrounding the baby should contribute to his comprehensive development. In our online store you will find everything for kindergarten at the lowest cost. We offer high quality furniture and equipment from the manufacturer.

You can also order assembly and delivery services from us in Moscow. The equipment of the kindergarten should create the most comfortable environment for children in which they can spend the whole day with pleasure. The package should include many pieces of furniture, play and educational equipment.

Mandatory are:

  • didactic type toys - they help the child develop fine motor skills and logical thinking;
  • designers;
  • elements made of wood are environmentally safe and absolutely harmless to children;
  • musical subjects – promoting the development of the hearing aid.

Recommended for use with children during the adaptation period in kindergarten. Purpose: To create playing conditions for effective motor activity of children in lying, sitting and walking positions. Task: Educational: Improve children's ability to perform basic movements and maintain balance in various poses and movements. Developmental: develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, abdomen, back, coordination of movements. Corrective and preventive: carry out prevention...

Goal: To summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about Space, which children received from various sources. Bring to the understanding that there are many stars in Space, the Sun is also a star. Introduce the concept of “constellation”. To consolidate children's knowledge about the change of day and night during the day. To form correct posture, promote the mental health of children, cultivate self-confidence, their beauty and grace.…

Goal: Learn to crawl under a rope from a squatting position. Strengthen jumping over lines Develop strength in the outdoor game “Get in the Circle” Cultivate a desire to engage in physical education. Promote the development of the emotional and sensory sphere Material: goat mask, baby goat emblems, short ropes (10 pcs), long rope, stands (2 pcs), sandbags (for each child), circle Progress of physical education classes in the kindergarten...

Purpose: - to teach children to crawl under three arches, kneeling and leaning on their hands; - to train preschoolers in the ability to walk on a limited plane, track after track; - secure the jump over the object, landing softly; - develop dexterity, speed of reaction in the game “Hares and the Wolf”, imagination, the ability to transform during relaxation, the power of inhalation during exercise...

Goal: - consolidate acquired skills in ball control, crawling and stepping over tall objects; formation in two columns; — develop speed, agility, and endurance of preschoolers in basic exercises; - develop coordination, flexibility, attention, vision; — strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks; - cultivate a desire to exercise and be healthy. Equipment: benches, 16 balls, “tunnel”,…

Program content of physical education classes: Exercise walking on a gymnastic bench, climbing with the right and left side under the arches. Jump on both legs, moving forward, from hoop to hoop, step from bump to bump - planar geometric shapes - circle, rectangle, triangle, square. Fix the count within 5, the name of geometric shapes; practice running while moving...

Purpose: - to train children in walking on a gymnastic bench and crawling under the arch with their chest forward; - develop coordination of movements, a sense of balance while walking on a bench, the ability to navigate in space and run quickly without bumping into each other in the motor game “Sun and Rain”; — promote the development of physical activity in preschoolers by creating a fun, friendly atmosphere; - bring up…

Goal: - To strengthen children’s ability to jump from hoop to hoop; — Exercise preschoolers in walking on a gymnastic bench with objects in their hands; — Strengthen the ability to crawl into a tunnel; — Develop coordination of movements when rolling the ball in a spiral; — Develop running speed, agility, endurance, fine and gross motor skills, speech, memory; — Foster a sense of team unity, a desire to help...

Program content: - develop children’s motor activity in performing various physical exercises and play actions with objects; - stimulate interest in play exercises and the desire to take part in them, to perform play actions together with adults and other children; - cultivate friendliness. Inventory: trees; “snow balls” (plastic balls) according to the number of children; large paper snowflakes; "Snow Kolobok" (ball covered...

Goal: To teach children to take responsibility for their own health, to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children. Prevent colds, flat feet, and poor posture. Strengthen the mental and physical health of preschool children. To create a desire to engage in hardening procedures, to form an idea of ​​their positive effect on the human body. To consolidate children's knowledge about the wintering of wild animals and their adaptation to the cold season. Develop…

Methodological developments. In this section you will find various methodological works by members of the portal site, consultations and recommendations for parents and teachers, materials for thematic planning and organization of control of teaching and educational processes in preschool educational institutions, examples of work for certification.

Includes sections:
  • Programs. Educational, working, variative, additional education
  • Music and choreography. Musical development of preschool children, materials for music directors
  • Continuity between kindergarten and school. Interaction between the preschool educational institution and the school
  • Competition regulations. Samples of regulations on holding competitive events in preschool educational institutions
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 33218.
All sections | Methodological recommendations and developments

Consultation for educators “Diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills in the hands of older preschoolers” Diagnostics of the development of fine motor skills of the hands of older preschool children. Target diagnostics: identifying the level of development of fine motor skills of the hands of older preschoolers. Diagnostic tasks consist of several blocks: block 1 : exercises for coordination of movements; block 2 : repetition of figures from...

PROMOTION - "FEED THE BIRDS IN WINTER!" Senior mixed age group "Gold fish" Educator: Tretyakova Svetlana Nikolaevna Purpose stock: to help wintering birds survive the cold period, to attract the attention of children and parents to the fate of their feathered friends. In our group "Gold fish" With...

Methodological recommendations and developments - Using museum pedagogy in the educational process with older children

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

“Theatricalization is a magical world in which a Child rejoices while playing, and while playing, he learns about his surroundings. » O.P. Radynova Theater is a wonderful world. Even a small child, who has barely learned to comprehend the life around him, willingly demonstrates how a squirrel, or a bunny, jumps...

Consultation for teachers “Gifted children are talent!”“Gifted children are talent!” Talent is a gift over which man has power; genius is a gift that dominates the person himself. (James Russell Lowell) Nowadays, there is a need for creative, active people who are able to think outside the box and solve problems...

Workshop for teachers “Financial literacy for preschoolers” Workshop for teachers “Financial literacy for preschool children” PURPOSE of the seminar: increasing the financial literacy of teachers. OBJECTIVES: 1.Expand knowledge about the importance of financial literacy; update and expand the knowledge of teachers in the field of economics and financial...

Methodological recommendations and developments - Pedagogical situation as a means of diagnosing children in preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical situations are used as an effective means for diagnostics, since they contain a problem that the child solves independently or with the help of an adult. Pedagogical situations create conditions for children's activity and communication where it is necessary to give...

Goals: Development of cognitive processes; Development of fine motor skills of the hands and coordination of movements; Uniting the group and relieving emotional stress. Equipment Paper snowballs on strings; sheets of paper with the image of a snowflake; cotton buds; blue gouache paints...

Workshop for teachers “Communication between teachers and parents of students” Goal: to increase the level of professional skills of preschool teachers in matters of interaction with the families of pupils. Plan: 1. Introduction (speech by the senior teacher “Organization of joint work of the teacher with the parents of students.” 2. Results of the survey of teachers and...

Consultation for teachers “Introducing preschoolers to the culture of their native land” The main goal of introducing preschoolers to their hometown is to instill in the child a sense of pride, respect and love for the place where he lives. Children are given information about historical facts, about the nature of the region in which they live, and about industry. To parents...

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Methodical piggy bank for kindergarten workers. To ensure that your material is also included in this section, when publishing, mark the section " methodological developments". Next, you can select additional subsections.

Olesya Shishkina

"Tactile bags"

Target: training fine motor skills of the fingers, stimulates the timely development of speech skills.

Every "square" I sewed it from thick fabric. This is a pillow with different figures inside. (I put in them children's small rattles). There should be pairs of bags with identical items. "Find a Pair". The child is feeling "square" and finds a mate for him, can name what he groped.

"Magic Wands"

Target: development of logical thinking, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Very informative educational game for children.

We clarify the knowledge of geometric figures, exercise in quantitative and ordinal counting, compare figures by size, lay out silhouettes of geometric figures and objects from counting sticks according to patterns, diagrams, according to oral instructions, according to design; learn to solve logical problems involving the construction and transformation of images of geometric figures and objects; cultivate perseverance, interest in logical problems, the desire to independently cope with the task, and a feeling of joy from the results achieved.

Fairy tale "Turnip"


Reinforce knowledge of the content of a fairy tale "Turnip", the ability to reproduce the sequence of actions of the characters;

Develop memory, attention, speech, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Often after reading a fairy tale "Turnip" children have difficulty reproducing the content of a fairy tale. Maybe this is due to the large number of heroes. Children confuse the sequence of who pulls the turnip after whom. In order to develop the ability to tell a fairy tale correctly, I use this manual in individual work with children. You can deliberately make a mistake in the arrangement of the characters and invite the child to correct this mistake. Fairy tale heroes "Turnip", I did it according to height. We determine who is higher and who is lower.

During the game, fine motor skills of the fingers develop. We placed the manual in the theatrical corner.

I use the manual to form elementary mathematical representations, the surrounding world. We fix the counting of heroes, orientation in space (definition of the first hero, the last, who is behind whom, who is in front of whom)

"Dry pool" in the first junior group

I thought about it and this is not a bad idea for “relaxation”. Children can play at their own discretion, and you can also set a goal for them. For example, arrange the caps by color in different buckets, pour them with a spatula (and buckets) from one basin to another. You can also put small Kinder Surprise toys in a basin with lids and fish them out of the pool (hands, spoon or spatula). There is also a pool with cereals, and children can get their hands on animal figures and others, depending on the theme. These activities are not only interesting for children, but also useful: develop coordination of movement, accuracy and attention.

Arrange the caps according to the diagrams

Description: the work will be of interest to everyone who loves children and knows how to discover creative abilities in a child in any work.

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers in children.


Create a game environment, consolidate knowledge of colors and counting.

Develop sensory abilities;

Develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements;

Develop creative imagination and fantasy.

Develop skills of cooperation, mutual assistance, goodwill, independence;

Cultivate perseverance, independence in work, and the ability to name what is drawn in the picture.

Material: plastic caps of different colors, cards for each child with images of familiar objects, cards "clearings" bucket.

"A child's mind is at his fingertips" M. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Didactic game"Collect the beads"

Target: develop the ability to distinguish figures by color and shape, the ability to compare them, develop attention and mental operations.

Equipment: large cards with sample designs, beads of different sizes and colors, thick fishing line.

Didactic nature education game

“Who eats what?”


To consolidate children's knowledge of what different domestic and wild animals eat;

Develop thinking, attention, speech, and also develop fine motor skills;

Foster a caring attitude towards wild and domestic animals.

Necessary material: images of animals cut out of cardboard, glued to the outside of the jars, images of animal food.

You can play in two ways:

1. Select a treat for the animal, for example, “Guys, the puppy is hungry, let’s find a treat for her, what does the puppy like to eat?”

2. Look for which of the animals likes the chosen treat, for example, “So, this is our carrots, who likes to eat carrots, who should we feed carrots?”

Didactic game"Who lives where?"

Description of work: game done with your own hands for young children for the purpose of cognitive development, development of fine motor skills and attention. The game can be useful for preschool teachers and parents in working with children. It can be used in joint play activities of pupils and teachers, as part of direct educational activities, as well as during independent play activities of children. Excellent development of fine motor skills. Understanding the environment.

Material: cards with pictures of houses, pictures with pictures of animals, birds, insects.

Didactic game“Find a petal, attach a clothespin”

Purpose: didactic games for children from 3 to 6 years old, for the development of fine motor skills, sensory development, to consolidate primary colors.

Equipment: Colored cardboard, colored clothespins.

Target:Manufacture do-it-yourself educational games.

Tasks. Develop creative thinking and imagination.

Develop skills and abilities when creating games with clothespins.

Games with clothespins.

Games with clothespins are great for kids aged 2 years and older. They are very useful for developing fine motor skills, which in turn helps in speech development. Develops creativity and logical thinking.

Actually, the basis of all games are colored cardboard petals, the clothespins also match the color of the polypetals and the game is ready.


N. Yu. Mikhieva, I. V. Martin; Didactic games and exercises for the development of speech in preschoolers

A. N. Davidchuk, L. G. Selikhova; Didactic game-tool for the development of preschoolers 3-7 years old. Toolkit.

S. E. Bolshakova; Formation of fine motor skills of hands. Games and exercises.

L. Yu. Pavlova; Collection didactic games to get acquainted with the outside world for 4-7 years.

Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers. Teacher's Guide kindergarten. Edited by L. A. Wenger.

G. S. Shvaiko; Games and play exercises for speech development.

Thank you for your attention. Always looking for something new and interesting.

Little children play always and everywhere. This is the leading activity for preschoolers. Regardless of whether the child goes to kindergarten or not, he gains new knowledge, skills and abilities only through play. To ensure that the game not only pleases, but also educates the child, special manuals are created. Didactic games allow you to develop, educate and teach a child during his natural activities. To create an educational game, special developments are required, including didactic materials.

The importance of didactic material in kindergarten

The space in which children play should not only be comfortable, clean, bright, but also educational. In this, the teacher is supported by correctly selected didactic materials. They are designed to help the teacher develop the child’s abilities and teach something new. Such materials should fit organically into the interior of the group, complementing and expanding the teacher’s capabilities, creating an atmosphere in which the preschooler wants to play and learn new things.

Didactic materials are auxiliary materials used in the learning process

Didactics (ancient Greek διδακτικός “teaching”) is a branch of pedagogy and educational theory that studies the problems of teaching. Reveals the patterns of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of beliefs, determines the volume and structure of the content of education.


Purposes of using didactic materials

Didactic materials are elements of play and creativity, organically integrated into the child’s activities. Pyramids and towers made of cubes are also a kind of didactic material; you just need to join the child’s play, discussing with him the color, shape and size of the toys. Children develop very quickly, so each year has something different. When selecting or creating didactic material, pay attention to the age characteristics and basic needs of children. At different ages, the same didactic material can be used for different purposes.

The purposes of using didactic materials in preschool educational institutions may be the following:

  • and tactile sensitivity;
  • formation of ideas about the external properties of objects (shape, color, size, position in space);
  • creating a positive emotional mood;
  • development of cognitive processes (memory, attention, thinking);
  • development of speech skills;
  • teaching numeracy and literacy.

The development of fine motor skills is a priority when teaching younger preschoolers

The use of a variety of didactic materials in kindergarten classes helps to enhance the cognitive activity of preschoolers.

Main types of didactic material in preschool educational institutions

All didactic materials are divided into several types.

Subject-shaped aids

The subject material embodies the most general, essential characteristics of the objects being studied. Subject-shaped manuals, in turn, include natural and three-dimensional didactic materials:

With the help of this game model, preschoolers learn the rules of the road

The use of subject-based didactic material in classes at preschool educational institutions arouses keen interest and emotional response from students, increases cognitive motivation, and allows one to combine visual perception with tactile and kinesthetic ones. In addition, preschoolers develop the necessary skills and abilities, and the stability of voluntary attention increases.

Iconic didactic materials

Significant teaching aids are divided into:

  • Figurative-symbolic visual aids are materials that allow children to remember the image of the object being studied as a whole and abstract from particulars. Such benefits include:
    • subject and plot pictures,
    • various cards,
    • portraits,
    • applications,
    • photo,
    • movies, etc.
  • Conventionally symbolic didactic material is material that reveals or examines particulars or details according to one or more active characteristics.

Iconic didactic material can be designed as:

  • material in pictures;

    Working with object pictures develops the thinking of preschoolers

  • handouts (includes an individual set for each student);

    Bright handouts attract the attention of preschoolers

  • demonstration material (stands, posters, multimedia presentations, etc.).

    This demonstration guide will help preschoolers master the various characteristics of a melody.

Didactic material is intended for the practical activities of a preschooler and implies a certain degree of independence in completing a task.

Do-it-yourself didactic material for kindergarten

It is quite possible to make didactic materials for kindergarten yourself. The process of creating manuals includes a number of stages:

  1. The first step in creating visual material is to state the purpose. It is necessary to understand what exactly the developed didactic material will give to children, because the manual must correspond to the age of the students, be understandable and accessible.
  2. The second step is to select the topic within which the didactic material will be created. For example, in order for a child to learn the name of a color and relate it to a specific object (animal, fruit or object), posters or cards are created on the topic “Primary Colors”.

    In this educational game, children remember colors and match them with animal shapes.

  3. Step three is to think over the concept of the benefit. At this stage of creating didactic material, we should decide what type of visual aid we are creating: cards, a stand, a poster, or perhaps an entire game.
  4. Step four is to select suitable materials to create a visual aid. There are a number of requirements for didactic materials used in preschool educational institutions:
    • The material should be bright so that the child can easily remember what was depicted.
    • The material should not be brittle or easily breakable. Young children feel the need to touch everything that interests them, because through touch they learn about the world.
    • The material should be as safe as possible for preschoolers, even if they stuff it into their mouths (but this is best avoided).
    • The materials used must be hypoallergenic. Preschoolers come to kindergarten with different health indicators, so all items presented for general use must be equally safe for all students.
    • The material must withstand sanitary treatment (for example, cardboard or paper is covered with a special film or tape).
  5. The fifth step is the direct assembly of the material. When creating a visual aid, you need to remember that the information depicted or presented must characterize the world around you and correspond to reality. It is also important that the didactic material made is beautifully and neatly designed; this develops in the child a sense of beauty and the concept of neatness.

    Teaching materials should be attractive and neatly designed

  6. The final step is timely planning of the use of the created didactic material.

Interesting ideas for making teaching materials for preschoolers with your own hands and their detailed description can be found in the article by Oksana Stol.

Do not try to immediately get your child to fully understand the topic. It’s better to go through the topic several times, using different didactic material, thereby reinforcing it.

Photo gallery: didactic materials for the development of fine motor skills

To make such a manual, you will need laces and large buttons. This didactic material develops in children the concepts of whole and part. Kids have fun making images from pieces of felt. Games with clothespins develop fine motor skills and color perception in younger preschoolers. This manual was created to develop children’s fine motor skills, thinking and handling the office

Photo gallery: didactic materials on mathematics

Games with paper clips develop counting skills. Such cards will help children remember numbers, as well as develop tactile sensitivity. This material can be used both to develop counting skills and to study basic colors.

Photo gallery: didactic materials on studying the world around us

A laptop is a homemade book with educational materials and games on a specific topic. With the help of this material, preschoolers study natural phenomena that occur during spring, and also master the concepts of time, actions and movements. With the help of such chips, you can study the composition of certain dishes. This manual helps children understand what the seasons are, when the seasons change and how nature changes. The purpose of this manual is to consolidate the concepts of one-many, big and small and learn the names of edible mushrooms

Related videos

The videos presented below contain a visual embodiment of ideas for creating teaching materials in kindergarten. After familiarizing yourself with them, you can independently make interesting and useful gaming aids for preschoolers.

Video: DIY didactic games

Video: do-it-yourself didactic math games for kindergarten

Video: didactic materials for teaching literacy

Video: examples of didactic aids on the sensory development of children

Video: how to make a flannelgraph

The use of didactic materials in kindergarten helps to develop the cognitive, communicative and creative abilities of preschoolers of all age groups. When applying benefits, the teacher should remember the wide range of choices for their presentation. Making didactic materials with your own hands allows you to implement various pedagogical ideas in the educational process of a preschool educational institution. The main thing is to correctly develop the manuals, think them through and arrange them. A variety of methodological recommendations and the author’s own imagination will help with this.

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