Summary of a lesson on speech development in the first junior group "magpie-white-sided". Notes for a lesson on speech development in the first junior group “Wonderful bag 1 ml g notes for classes on speech development

SOFTWARE TASKS Enrichment of passive and active vocabulary

To help expand children’s ideas about the world around them and express their knowledge and impressions in words:

Nouns: objects, their parts; objects and natural phenomena (trees, leaves, grass, flowers, snow, rain, wind, names of animals);

Generalizing words: toys, dishes, clothes, animals;

Verbs denoting actions with objects (put, place, etc.); actions characterizing the attitude towards people, including peers (sorry, give, help); labor actions of oneself and adults (cleaning, assembling, lifting, washing, etc.); actions expressing emotional state and relationships (rejoices, laughs, cries, regrets);

Verbs not only in the present, but in the past and future tense

- (I’m walking, I’m walking, I’ll go, I’m drawing, I’m drawing, I’ll be drawing);

Adjectives denoting the qualitative characteristics of objects (small, round, soft, heavy, light) and natural phenomena (strong wind, black cloud, clear sky);

Pronouns (I, you, he, she, we, they, my, yours, me, you);

Adverbs denoting spatial and temporal relationships (above, below, next to, quickly, slowly).

Formation of grammatical structure of speech

Agree nouns and pronouns with verbs and adjectives.

Use prepositions in speech (in, on, for, under), conjunctions (because, so that).

Use question words (Where? Where? Who? What? etc.) and various phrases.

Education of sound culture of speech

Create conditions for the development of phonemic hearing, articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing. Learn to pronounce isolated vowels and consonants (except for whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds), correctly reproduce onomatopoeia and words.

Form intonation expressiveness of speech.

Development of coherent speech

Improve understanding of adult speech: the ability to carry out his instructions; listen and perceive short stories without

Visual support.

Develop the ability to enter into dialogue, make questions, requests, using polite words (“hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “please”, etc.); stimulate proactive appeals in joint actions and games.

Develop the ability to listen and retell fairy tales (together with an adult - persuade him). To promote the development of the ability, on one’s own initiative or at the suggestion of an adult, to talk about what is shown in the pictures, about toys, about events from personal experience (as a rule, mainly in the second half of the year).

To develop children's interest and positive attitude towards reading, listening, and dramatizing works of art together with adults

A prerequisite for the development of the need to read fiction.

Develop an understanding of the meaning of the situation described in a literary work, learn to express one’s attitude: in words (replicas, repetitions, questions), emotions and actions (carries a book, acts with toys, puppet theater characters).

Support and develop the child’s artistic preferences.

Promote the development of children's imagination.

Speech development occurs in the process of meaningful communication with children in different types of activities. When implementing the content of different educational areas. Communication accompanies joint games, joint subject activities, etc. An adult during this period is an attractive object of communication for the child, interesting in itself, especially close

adult. But even among close people, the child prefers those who communicate with him interestingly, in a businesslike manner, since the leading type of activity at this age is objective activity,

meeting the need for knowledge of the objective world and ways of acting with objects. The so-called “object fetishism,” as defined by psychologists, which dominates the child’s system of needs during this period, manifests itself in all types of activities: gaming, visual,

constructive, etc.

However, the process of learning and mastering this world is impossible without an adult. Therefore, for a child, an adult is a model of behavior, performing actions that are interesting for children. An adult is a bearer of a model, a norm, explaining and helping, collaborating with the child in the process of mastering the objects around him. An adult is a partner and at the same time a connoisseur, friendly, supportive, optimistic in assessing the process and the possibilities of the child achieving a result, coming to the rescue in cases of difficulties, believing in the child’s capabilities, excluding situations of hopelessness, bitter failures - range

interaction with the child in his zone of proximal development.

soon understands the importance and necessity of verbal methods of communication and masters them.

Thus, meaningful joint activity that requires coordination of interests, methods of action, and achieving a result that is interesting for the child is the basis for the child’s need for business communication, the satisfaction of which requires verbal methods of interaction in the child-adult community.

The most important condition for mastering verbal methods of communication is clear, clear, competent speech of people from the immediate environment. The native language, a natural speech space, neutral, perhaps, in relation to a particular child, not directly addressed to him in a given situation and therefore more complex in content, in vocabulary and grammatical support, is also necessary.

A child, from the context, spontaneously learns the meaning of individual words, ways of constructing sentences, and often appropriately reproduces them on his own initiative in a specific situation. Even more important are targeted natural dialogues with children in situations of joint games, construction, drawing, and cognitive observations.

A sample of an adult’s speech communication, simple in content, concise and accessible in terms of vocabulary and sentences, explanations, questions, comments, targeted activation in the speech of children of the dictionary, simple sentences, an exercise in their use that is invisible to the child

An important component of meaningful interaction with children.

An exemplary speech space is unthinkable without the artistic word, which simultaneously affects the cognitive and emotional sphere of the child. Therefore, it is important to create conditions for the development of understanding and emotional attitude to the verbal artistic image. On this basis, it is necessary to promote the child’s independent, proactive approach to the artistic image: tell fairy tales and poems, look at books and illustrations, offer something to read, stage nursery rhymes, short poems, fragments of fairy tales.

Often children transfer an artistic image to different life situations that are close in content to the essence of this image. For example, a child climbed up a hill and shouts to the children: “I sit high, I look far away”; The kid draws on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen and comments on his scribbles: “This is a cow, and this is a cow’s leg. And this doodle shark jumped up. Do you see? Now he’ll eat it!”).

Such an appeal to the artistic word, its transfer to new situations is the beginning of a creative attitude towards the artistic image. Saturating a child’s life with communication with books, the appropriate use of artistic images in a child’s life is the basis for the subsequent formation and development of a person’s not just literate, but imaginative, bright, beautiful, non-standard, convincing human speech. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to develop children’s interest in literature, using the literary word in various types of activities in which it is organic and natural.

Based on Russian folklore. “New mittens”, “Owl-owl”, “Come on, dear shepherdess”, “Oak-oaks”, “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”, “Okay, okay, grandma baked pancakes”, “Gu-gu-gu -gu-gu-gu, in the green meadow”, “The cat went to the market”, “Rock-hen”, “Our ducks in the morning - quack-quack-quack”, “Like our cat”, “Zainka on the hay ", "Two birds were flying", "We lived with grandma", "Wolf-wolf", "You are geese, geese", "Little cowardly hare", "Gulya, gula-dove", "Like ours at the gate", " Like on thin ice”, “Rain, rain, more!”, “Rainbow-arc”.

Fairy tales. “The Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok” (arranged by K.D. Ushinsky), “Teremok”, “Masha and the Bear” (arranged by M. Bulatov).

Author's works. E.E. Moshkovskaya. “Doctor, doctor, what should we do?”; G.M. Novitskaya. “The river is flowing”; R.S. Sef. “The one who washes his hands with soap”, “Although I’m not big”; R.A. Kudasheva. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"; M. Rodina. "Snowflakes".

Poems. A.L. Barto. “Toys” (“Bunny”, “Teddy Bear”, “Bull”, “Airplane”, etc.), fragments from the poems “Roaring Girl”, “Dirty Girl”, “April”; V. Biryukov. “The beetle has woken up”;

A. G. Kostetsky. "Barefoot Gosling"; E.E. Moshkovskaya. "Ears"; G.R. Lagzdyn. “Cockerel”, “Why is Egorka alone?”, “Bed”, “Washing”; E.A. Blaginina. “That’s what a mother is”, “We blow bubbles” (excerpt), “Rainbow”, “Our Masha”; E. Garlapak. "Snow Woman"; G.A. Ladonshchikov. "Winter"; Z.N. Alexandrova. “In little mittens”, “Felt boots”, “Delicious porridge”, “My bear”; N.P. Sakonskaya. “Where is my finger?”; I.P. Tokmakova. “Porridge”, “Garden”, “Autumn Leaves”, “Let’s Play”, “Bainki”, “Like on a hill - snow, snow”; N.V. Pikuleva. "Invitation to Dinner"; L. Gerasimova. “Legs are dancing”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “Gift for a Doll”, “Spring”; E.N. Uspensky. “About a boy who fights with a spatula”, “About a girl who sucks her thumb all the time”; G.A. Ladonshchikov. “Play Together”, “On the Sand”; L.M. Kvitko. “Swing” (excerpt); S.Ya. Marshak. "Ball"; L. Gerasimova. “Sunny Bunny”, “I draw polka dots”, “I draw the evening”, “Building a fortress from sand”;

B. D. Berestov. “Sick Doll”, “Sparrows”, “Happy Summer”; P.A. Samples “Treating a doll”; S.B. Kaputikyan. “Masha is drawing” (excerpt), “Masha is having lunch”; S.Ya. Marshak. "Children in a Cage", "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse"; L.N. Tolstoy. “Nastya had a doll”, “Three Bears”; K.I. Chukovsky. "Chick"; V.G. Suteev. “Chicken and Duckling”, “Under the Mushroom”, “Who Said Meow”; V.F. Korkin. “What grows in our garden?”; P.N. Voronko. "Pie"; M.A. Poznanskaya. "It is snowing"; O.I. Vysotskaya. "Snow Bunny"; B.V. Zakhoder. "Builders"; V.A. Levin. “Sparrow Bathing” (excerpt); A.N. Pleshcheev. "Autumn has come"; A. Brodsky. "Sunny Bunnies"; AND I. Yashin. "After the rain".

Municipal state preschool educational institution of Iskitim district

Novosibirsk region kindergarten "Golden Cockerel" village. Ulybino

Lesson summary on speech development

in the first junior group

Completed by: teacher

first junior group

A. A. Startseva

Ulybino 2018

Purpose of the lesson: train children in clearpronunciation of soundsm – m;

b – b;in sound combinations.


Educational :

Introduce children to pets;

Learn to distinguish animals by their appearance.

Developmental :

Develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech;

Educational :

Cultivate a love for animals.

Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognition”, “Communication”

Lesson form: group

Lesson duration: 8 – 10 min.

Children of the first junior group (2 – 3 years)

Materials and equipment: pet toys; story pictures depicting pets; magic chest; audio recording of a thunderstorm and a clock striking.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations depicting domestic animals; watching cartoons with pets. Reading books about pets.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational point:

Educator: Guys, our toys are tired. Let them rest a little. And we will meet the guests. Let's greet the guests and say: “Good morning!”

Guys, look at the pictures I brought you.

The teacher draws attention to plot pictures depicting pets.


Who is this?(children's answers)

Where do these animals live?(children's answers)

How to call them in one word?(children's answers)

2. Main part.

Educator: I'll tell you an interesting story about the animals that are depicted in the pictures.

« One day there was a very strong thunderstorm. Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and the wind blew. And all the animals were far, far from home. And they had nowhere to hide from the thunderstorm. They were so scared that they forgot who was speaking.”

Let's help the animals remember who screams what?

Educator: And who we help first, a magic chest will tell us.

(Children approach the table on which the chest stands)


“Here is a magic chest,

He's a friend to you guys.

I really want to know

How you like to play!

(The teacher takes out a toy - a cat)

Children, who is this?(children's answers)

Guys, let's sing a song to pussy?

(Children sing a song with the teacher)

Educator: “The pussy came to the kids,

She asked for milk

She asked for milk

Meow - she said!

Me y,me y,me y!

(children repeat words)

Fed with milk

Kitty ate

Kitty ate -

Sang a song:

Mu R,Mu R,Mu R!

(children repeat words)


- How did the pussy ask for milk?(children's answers)

What song did you sing?(children's answers)

Well done, children! Helped the cat remember that it meows and purrs.

Educator: Who will we help next?

(The teacher takes out a toy - a cow)

Who is this?(children's answers)

Educator: The cow has horns

And hooves on the legs.

She chews grass

Gives milk to children.


What does a cow have on her head?(children's answers)

What does a cow give to children?(children's answers)

Cow's milk is very healthy!


Well done, children! Helped the cow remember how she mooed.

Educator: Whostill in the magic chest?

(The teacher takes out a toy - a sheep)

Who is this?(children's answers)

Sheep's fur

Soft in rings.

(The teacher turns on the musical soft toy “sheep”)

(The teacher lets you touch the toy)

What kind of wool does a sheep have?(children's answers)

Well done, children! Helped the sheep remember how it makes its voice!


Children, how kind you are! All the animals were helped to remember who screamed and who gave what voice.

(The clock sounds) – Bi m –bo m!Bi m –bo m!

The clock is striking. They beat loudly and melodiously.

Can you guys re-enact their fight?(children's answers)


The clock warns the animals that the storm has ended and it is time for them to go home.

Who do you think will leave first?

Close your eyes, don't peek.

(The teacher removes the toy)

Open your eyes. What do you think?

(children's answers)

Close again.(The teacher puts the toy away again)

Final part:


- Children, what animals did you help today?

(children's answers)

Right! All the animals were named, well done!

Our lesson has come to an end. Let's say to each other “Goodbye, see you again!”


Pictures of pets

( Annex 1)

(Appendix 2)

(Appendix 3)

Program content:

1. Teach children to write a story about a toy together with the teacher.

2. Continue to teach children, using analyzers, to distinguish and name toys and their qualities.

3. Cultivate self-control, develop the ability to listen to the answers of your comrades.

4. Reinforce the pronunciation of the sounds “uh - uh - uh”. Sound combinations “pi - pi - pi”, “woof - woof”, “yoke - go”, “meow”.

5. Enrich children’s vocabulary with adjectives “big”, “soft”, “small”, “fluffy”.

Demo material

Toys - dog, horse, cat, bear, hare, chicken, bee, wonderful bag.


Attributes of a horse.

Preliminary work

Have a conversation to see who recognizes the toy from the description. Consider the illustration with toys. Play the game "Recognize and name."

Progress of classes

The children are sitting in a semicircle, there is a knock on the door, the door opens - a bee flies in with a bag - “Zhu-zhu-zhu.”

Bee:- Is this a kindergarten?

Educator:- Yes!

Bee:- I flew to visit you, but I barely made it there. I’m tired of carrying the bag, and I’m also cold, because it’s winter outside, and in winter I’m sitting in my house. But I felt sad alone, so I flew to you to have fun, to remember the summer. In summer it is warm, light, green all around, there is a lot of grass and flowers. So in the summer I fly from flower to flower and read poetry to myself:

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I'm sitting on a flower

I'm sitting on a flower

And I repeat the letter “zh-zh-zh”

Well, guys, repeat w-w-w-w with me.

Children: W-w-w, w-w-w, w-w-w.

Bee:- That's it, kids, well done, you made me happy. For this I will treat you. But first, play with me. Our game is simple.

Educator: - Bee, what kind of game is this?

Bee:- This bag is not simple, there are a lot of toys in it. I will show the toy, and you and the teacher will tell you what you know about this toy.

Educator:- Guys, let's play?

Children:- Yes! (in chorus)

Bee:- (takes out a toy - a cat). What kind of toy is this?

Children:- Cat!

Educator:- Arina, tell the bee everything you know about the cat, and you guys, help.

Leading questions - children's answers.

Children:- The cat is fluffy, it has paws, a long tail, small ears, a soft skin and a mustache.

Educator:- Guys, let's repeat about the cat all together.

Bee:- Clever girl, Arina, she knows a lot about cats.

Educator:- Bee, listen to the nursery rhyme.

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazing beauty.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

This is our cat.

Bee:- Oh guys, look who it is? Fluffy, long ears.

Children:- Hare!

Educator:- Sasha. Tell the bee about the bunny, and you children, help

Children:- The bunny has long ears. The tail is small, the coat is fluffy, the front legs are short, the hind legs are long. He lives in the forest.

Bee:- Guys, well, repeat everything together.

Children:- (choral answers)

Bee: - What does the hare like?

Children:- Carrot!

Educator:- Bee, do you want to hear a poem about a bunny?

Once upon a time there was a bunny

Long ears.

The bunny got frostbitten

Nose at the edge,

Frostbitten ponytail

And I went to visit

Warm up with the kids.

Bee:- Hey, smart little bunny! Guys, who is this?

Children:- Bear!

Educator:- Katya, tell the bee about the clubfoot bear, and you guys listen carefully.

(Guiding questions - children's answers).

Children:- he is big and clubfooted. Lives in the forest, collects pine cones. Loves honey.

Educator:- Guys, show me how big it is?

(children imitate, show the size and growth of a bear)

Children, how does he growl?

Children:- uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.

Educator:- Let us show you how a bear walks through the forest?

Teddy Bear

Walking through the forest

Collects cones

And he puts it in his pocket,

Suddenly a cone fell

Right in the bear's forehead,

The bear got angry and stomped his foot.

You see, little bee, the kids are great, they know a lot about the bear.

Bee:- Look. Look, who is this?

Children:- Chick!

Educator:- Ksyusha, please tell us what you know about chicken?

(Guiding questions – children’s answers.)

Children:- The chicken is small and yellow. He has wings, paws, a beak, and blue eyes.

Bee:- Guys, repeat it again so that I remember how the chicken squeaks?

Children:- Pee-pee-pee.

Educator:- The chicken is small, he really wants to squeak quietly, let’s help him in unison! (choral answers).

Bee:- That’s better, well done. Look at another toy, who is it?

Children:- Doggy!

Educator:- Masha, Tell the bee and all of us about the dog.

(Guiding questions – children’s answers.)

Children:- He has a tail, paws, ears, fangs and teeth.

Educator:- Bee, our dog doesn’t bite, she’s kind. She plays. Children, how does the dog bark?

Children:- Woof woof woof.

Bee:- Then I’ll play with her too (stroking the dog).

A dog came to us

Tail with a squiggle,

The teeth are sharp, the fur is motley.

“Yoke-go, yoke-go” is heard loudly.

Educator:- Guys, haven’t we forgotten anyone?

Children:- A horse! That's what she screams!

Bee:- Come on, come on, show me everything, tell me everything about her, tell me everything, tell me everything about her!

Educator:- Julia. Help me. Please tell me about the horse.

Children:- The horse has a mane, a long hairy tail, ears, and legs.

Bee:- Julia, do you know a poem about a horse?

Educator:- Wait, wait, little bee, we’ll tell you the poem all together.

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I will smooth the tail with a comb.

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Guys, we still have small horses, let’s gallop too (the teacher hands out attributes, the children ride).

Gop, hop! The horse is alive

And with a tail and a mane

He shakes his head

That's how beautiful it is!

Bee:- Guys, I really liked it with you, but I have to go home. Thank you very much! And here is a treat for you (the bee treats the children). I will not forget you, I will fly to you again. I flew, goodbye, w-w-w-w.

MKDOU BGO CRR-kindergarten No. 11

Abstract of OOD on speech development

In 1st junior group

"Friendly family"

Compiled by the teacher:

Gracheva N.V. 1st quarter category

Target : Speech development.

Tasks: Educational field: “Cognitive development”

Development of curiosity, cognitive interests, formation of primary ideas about the animal world.

Educational field "Speech development"

Development of coherent speech, formation of abilities for dialogical speech, onomatopoeia with the voices of birds; acquaintance with Russian folklore.

Educational field "Social and communicative development"

Introduction to the concept of “Family”, fostering a caring attitude towards animals.

Educational field "Physical development".

Development of coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills of both hands, the ability to correlate speech with movement.

Use of modern educational technologies:gaming, research technology (onomatopoeia.)

Materials and equipment:Interactive board, millet, plate for millet, phonogram of the voice of a cockerel, hen, chicks.

1 Organizational moment.

Guys, who is this shouting, who is rushing to visit us?(shows a picture of a cockerel on the board)

2 Main part. Getting to know the cockerel, looking at it.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the cockerel.(Children say hello)

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,


Silk beard.

(While reading a nursery rhyme, the teacher shows parts of the bird’s body)

Look how beautiful our cockerel is!

Where is the cockerel's tail? Where are the cockerel's wings? Can you show me where the cockerel's legs are?

How does the cockerel sing? (Ku-ka-re-ku)

Our cockerel is calling the hen over.

Let's call the chicken too. How to call her? (Chick-chick-chick)

(A picture of a hen is shown next to a cockerel)

Look, is a hen the same as a rooster?

The cockerel is big, and the hen... (encourages you to finish the sentence)

The cockerel's tail is large, while the hen's is small.

What does the chicken say? (ko-ko-ko)

The cockerel is the daddy, and what about the hen? (Mother). They have baby chickens. And together they are a family.

3 Dramatization of the Russian folk song “The chicken went out for a walk...”

Educator: Let's play with you. I will be a mother chicken, and you will be my chicken children. You and I will go for a walk and do what chickens do on a walk.

Children get up from their seats and approach the teacher, who has a chicken comb cap on his head. The teacher hums the words of a Russian folk song and shows the movements of the dramatization, encouraging the children to repeat the movements after him.

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her the boys -

Yellow chickens. The teacher walks around the group

Co-co-co, co-co-co The teacher shakes his finger

Don't go far

Row with your paws, sit down and tap your fingers on the floor.

Look for grains.

4 Conclusion.

Guys, let's feed our birds grains (takes out millet). Let's take a pinch of grains with our fingers, sprinkle them for the chicken and cockerel and call them “Chick-chick-chick.”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Summary of educational activities on speech development in the 1st junior group, designed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard “Friendly Family”

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Summary of educational activities for speech development in the 1st junior group, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard "Friendly Family" Summary of educational activities in the first junior group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in junior group 1

Topic: "Toys of our group"

Target: Development of speech through theatrical activities.

Tasks : Continue teaching children to recite poems with the teacher; and without the help of a teacher; enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “Toys”; learn to write descriptive stories based on toys; form the intonation side of speech; involve in theatrical activities; consolidate knowledge about color.

Development of ideas about the world around us.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Material: Cat Toy. Toys: horse, truck, hare, doll and ball.

Leaves with pictures of kittens, markers (green, red, blue).

Preliminary work: memorizing poems by A.L. Barto from the “Toys” series. Drawing glomeruli.

Preparation for the lesson: chairs are arranged in a semicircle near the table, on which toys are hidden under a cloth. Near the table there is an ottoman for the Cat, a chair for the teacher and an easel. There are tables and chairs for drawing.

Progress of the lesson:

Kids are playing.

Educator: Children, it seems to me that there is someone in the locker room. Let's get a look? (the teacher opens the door, a white cat sits there, picks her up, brings her into the group and asks the children).

Oh, who is this? children's answers.

Cat: Meow! Hello! I came to visit you!

Educator: Hello, Kitty! Children say hello to the Kitty. (children say hello). Look at the Kitty - what is she like? (fluffy white) what does she have? (she has a tail, paws, ears).

Cat: Meow, meow. You know that I’m not just a Cat - I’m Mommy Cat, my name is Snowflake.

Educator: What a beautiful name, children, why do you think she was called that? (because she is white as snow) (children’s answers, teacher’s help).

Cat: Meow! You said correctly, I look like snow, all white and fluffy, that’s why they called me Snowflake. Do you remember my name? (children’s answers). I have little kittens, do they want to know what toys are? And that's why I came to you. Do you have toys? (children's answers). Will you show them to me? (children’s answers).

Educator: Come in, Snowflake! Look how many toys we have! (inspect the play corners, then go to the table with toys covered with a cloth).

How many toys are there?
Here's the car
Here's the Little Bunny
Here comes the ball

And the doll is here.

They live happily together

The children all play with them,
Never offend!

The teacher asks the children to sit on the chairs, and puts the Cat on the ottoman.

And children not only play with toys, but also know poems about them.

I take the car, look at it and read A. Barto’s poem “Truck”.

I take the horse, look at it and read A. Barto’s poem “The Horse”.

Educator: Now we’ll play, and you, Snowflake, look at us. (physical education minute)

We walk like horses, raising our legs higher. (children walk with their knees raised high, clicking their tongues, imitating the clatter of hooves).

We galloped to the spot and neighed like horses (the children stop and say “Igo-go”).

Cat: what a great fellow you are! Like real horses! (children sit on chairs).

I take the doll and the ball and look at them. Children! What do you think we are going to read the poem about now (children’s answers). Right. Reading the poem "Ball".

I take the Hare and look at it. Reading the poem "Bunny".

Cat: Children, why is the Bunny so sad? (children’s answers).

Educator: And I know what we need to do! We'll play with him. (I turn on the music and invite the children to play, after the game they sit on chairs).

Cat: What a great fellow you are! How much do you know about toys?

Educator: Yes, Snowflake, our children also know that toys cannot be broken or thrown, but after playing they need to be put back in their places and then they can play with them for a long time. Yes, children? (children's answers).

Cat: Meow! Maybe your children can help me choose toys for my kittens? I brought you pictures of my kittens, look what they are like? (children's answers: small, beautiful...).

Educator: Of course we will help. Children, how can we help (children's answers: draw a toy next to them). Do you know that all cats love to play with balls. Why? How do you think? (children's answers: it is soft, round). Let us also draw balls for Snowflakes’ kittens. Children, what kind of balls (round) will we make circular movements with our hands? with your fingers, place the marker on a piece of paper and begin circular movements with your hand. (demonstration, then help from the teacher during the drawing process). So we have the balls. Each kitten is different (I ask the children to name what color its ball is).

Cat: Meow! What a great fellow you are! I also remember playing with the ball, I really liked it!

Educator: Children! We will give our drawings to Snowflake's kittens. Fine? (children answer and they present their drawings to the cat).

Thank you! My kittens will be very pleased with your drawings! And now it's time for me to run home. I will tell my kittens what good children you are and how you love and take care of your toys. Goodbye! (children say goodbye to the Cat, the teacher takes the cat and takes it to the locker room).

Educator: What great fellows you are! We told the cat Snowflake about our toys in the group and drew gifts for her kittens. And now we will say goodbye to the guests and go wash our hands, and then we will eat fruit.

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