Briefly and clearly about eyelash lamination. Eyelash lamination: before and after (photo). Results: before and after photos

Lamination of eyelashes is a safe and healthy alternative to extensions. After the procedure, the eyelashes look not only well-groomed and thick, but also healthy. With proper care, the effect lasts for several months.

What is eyelash lamination

A spa treatment with a therapeutic effect allows you to achieve long and voluminous eyelashes. Lamination does not have a harmful effect on the skin and hair (unlike extensions), and has a minimum of contraindications.

You should think about the procedure if you are allergic to mascara, you constantly do not have enough time to put on makeup in the morning, and also when your eyelashes do not stand out for their length and fullness.

Special formulations help to achieve a penetrating look and luxurious eyelashes. They are based on keratin or gelatin.

The layer not only gives a beautiful bend to the hairs, but also protects them from the negative effects of irritating factors.

A caring cosmetic procedure allows you to:

  • strengthen hairs;
  • correct the bend;
  • increase volume and length by almost 30%.

The effect lasts for at least 2 months, depending on individual characteristics and frequency of use of cosmetics.

The best compositions for eyelash lamination

Materials for the procedure are sold separately, but it is more convenient to buy a ready-made set, which includes everything necessary for lamination.

Main components of the complex:

  • softening and nourishing compounds;
  • keratin treatment;
  • fixative (glue) with coloring pigment;
  • tapes (overlays) to protect hairs.

Check out several beauty treatment kits from trusted manufacturers.

LVL Lashes

The set from the British manufacturer is popular in many salons. The reliability of the result, excellent quality, and hypoallergenicity are noted.

Keratin treatment restores eyelashes and promotes their growth. LVL is the best brand based on the results of 2016. The cost of the set is about 6,000 rubles.

Yumi Lashes

Swiss products are designed for 25 sessions. The basic set includes a coloring composition and silicone pads.

It is noted that the eyelashes are given a beautiful curve, lengthened and intensively nourished. Many women choose Yumi for lamination. Approximate price – 5,000 rub.

Kodi Professional

Kodi products are used in many salons. The compositions are durable, safe and high quality.

Eyelashes gain length, volume, and eyes look more expressive. The price of the set is noted to be affordable - about 3,000 rubles.

Novel Lash Up

Premium Novel cosmetics ensure the restoration of weakened eyelashes, adding incredible thickness and volume to them.

Consists of natural ingredients and does not cause allergies. A ready-made standard set costs from 5,000 rubles.

How to do eyelash lamination

The beauty procedure is painless, but itching and lacrimation are possible if the liquid gets on the mucous membrane. A full session lasts more than an hour; there are also shortened versions (about 30 minutes), when the serum is applied in a maximum of 3 steps.

Eyelash lamination step by step:

  • Degreasing the treatment area.
  • Combing hairs with a special brush.
  • Application of a composition with a moisturizing and softening effect on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Gluing silicone tape to the lower eyelid.
  • Applying a silicone strip to the upper eyelid.
  • Apply a base-fixer to the hairs.
  • Removing excess and combing.
  • Creating a thermal effect, fixing the desired shape of eyelashes.
  • Applying a towel or any other warm material for 10 minutes.
  • Coating the hairs with a coloring pigment. The timing of this stage depends on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Removal of residues, application of keratin composition.
  • Removing tapes and overlays.
  • Giving eyelashes a bend (at the patient’s discretion).

You can learn more about the procedure in the video, where a specialist performs lamination.

Eyelash lamination: consequences, pros and cons

Many women prefer the lamination procedure.

The advantages of eyelash correction include the following:

  • no special care is required after the procedure;
  • the hairs become denser in structure and acquire a beautiful bend;
  • the result lasts for at least 60 days;
  • a rich color appears, like after coloring with cosmetics;
  • after the first session, eyelashes become 30% thicker.

The main disadvantage of lamination is the high cost (high-quality hypoallergenic composition + services of an experienced craftsman).

The disadvantage is that treated hairs do not tolerate high temperatures well, so you will have to give up vacations in hot countries, saunas and solariums.

In most cases, no adverse events were observed during and after the procedure. The only thing to be wary of is allergies to the ingredients used. Consequences such as unsightly bending and careless hair styling may occur. However, if the procedure is performed in a salon and the specialist has enough experience, such situations should not arise.

List of contraindications:

  • ophthalmological pathologies;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to ingredients;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • damage to the skin around the eyes;
  • barley.

The procedure will not cause harm while the child is pregnant, but due to hormonal changes, the desired result is more difficult to achieve.

Photos before and after eyelash lamination

What is the difference between eyelash lamination and eyelash botox?

Botox and eyelash lamination have much in common, so women often confuse these 2 procedures.

The difference is this:

  • After Botox, washing is allowed; eyelashes look beautiful immediately after the session.
  • Preparations for procedures are enriched with useful elements, but during lamination a thin film is formed that protects the hairs from the aggressive effects of the environment.
  • The lamination procedure takes an average of 1 hour, Botox – at least 2 hours.
  • The thickening of hairs during lamination is much more pronounced.
  • Both procedures cannot be called cheap, but you will have to pay more for Botox.

Similarities - minimum contraindications, identical effect, similar execution technique.

Home lamination

It is possible to provide eyelashes with a beautiful curve and fullness not only in salons, but also at home. However, despite its apparent simplicity, the procedure causes many difficulties in execution. An experienced specialist (lash maker) who has been trained will help you avoid the effect of glued eyelashes and minimize dangerous consequences.

Laminating at home with gelatin is a popular procedure that eliminates the possibility of allergies to components of professional formulations.

You should not expect the same effect and durability as with keratin products, but it is possible to even out and add light volume to the hair.

The recipe is as follows:

  • Mix 15 g of gelatin with warm water (about 50 ml), heat a little over low heat.
  • Add any hair moisturizer to the mixture (similar to the amount of gelatin).
  • Clean the eyelashes with any cleanser (gel, milk, lotion, foam).
  • Apply silicone pads after moisturizing the eye skin with cream. Instead of pads, you can use cut parts of a cotton pad.
  • Use a brush to distribute the solution over the hairs.
  • Leave for 30 minutes, rinse.

It takes about 24 hours for the product to be completely absorbed. At this time, you should not carry out water procedures.

A woman's gaze is one of the most striking details of her appearance. The most important role is played by the eyes, which can convey the entire range of emotions and feelings without words. A seductive and mysterious gaze, framed by fluffy and beautiful eyelashes, is the spark that can ignite the flame of passion and attract attention. Lately, eyelash lamination has become one of the most popular procedures among ladies.

A revolutionary way to get a mesmerizing look

There are many ways to improve the appearance of your eyelashes. The most famous among them is dyeing with mascara, however, this method has many disadvantages, the main ones being harmfulness and a short-term effect.

In addition to daily use of mascara, many people use thermal curlers or perm their eyelashes, which over time affects the beauty and health of the hairs. A modern alternative to harmful procedures is a new technique, which is a way to heal damaged hairs, after which the eyelashes become long and fluffy.

The essence of the procedure is to treat eyelashes with a special substance that smoothes the scales on each hair and envelops them, preserving the color. You won't need to use mascara afterwards. A protective coating is formed on the surface of the hairs, preventing the effects of harmful substances from the environment and having a light structure that does not interfere with the penetration of air and is not felt on the eyelashes.

Composition of lamination products and range of manufacturers

The serum contains keratin, a protein found in the hair, nails, and teeth of animals and humans. Its use in cosmetology is quite extensive, and experience shows the positive and healing effect of procedures using it.

In addition to keratin, the eyelash lamination serum also contains oils, wheat protein hydrolysate and other substances of plant origin that stimulate hair growth and have a protective effect.

The most popular manufacturer of cosmetics for keratin lamination of eyelashes is the Swiss brand Yumi Lashes, which positions itself on the market as a set of products - an alternative to eyelash extensions. Many young ladies who used cosmetics from this brand were satisfied with the result. Eyelashes look longer, thicker, more well-groomed. However, some noted inconvenience in the form of too curled eyelashes and excessive stiffness of the hairs.

Another equally popular company is the Paul Mitchell line. In addition to keratin, the cosmetics from this manufacturer include extracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, yarrow and hops). The high quality of the product is due to the special attitude towards the raw materials from which cosmetics are prepared. All herbs from the composition grow on our own Hawaiian farm in an ecologically clean area, and are tested on people who voluntarily agreed to this procedure.

A popular manufacturer is also Nover Lash Up, a complex of preparations based on keratin and herbal ingredients, which is aimed at modeling and healing weakened eyelashes. The vast majority of women who have used the serum of this brand are very pleased with the result in the form of lush and gracefully curved eyelashes.

Attention! Many salons pass off bio-perm as lamination, because bio-perm is harmful, but gives a visible result, and lamination is not harmful, but not so effective! Many girls with short eyelashes expect super cool fans from lamination and at the same time want a gentle procedure so that at least what they have doesn’t fall out, and when they don’t get results they are deeply upset!

Stages of the procedure

Eyelash lamination can be done both in a beauty salon and at home. The whole process will take about an hour:

The first step is to degrease the eyelashes with a special solution or tonic, which allows the hairs to better absorb the beneficial composition.

The eyelids and area around the eyes are treated with a nourishing cream that softens the skin.Next, a special silicone mold is attached to the eyelids, which lifts the hairs, which allows them to be better treated with serum, and it also gives the hairs a beautiful natural bend.

Eyelashes are dyed (color is available to choose from);

At the end of the process, you should not use mascara and it is not recommended to wash your face during the day.

The resulting effect will last for 1-2 months and depends on individual characteristics, such as the intensity of hair growth.

The process is not complicated, so you can do it yourself at home. However, before carrying out the procedure yourself, it is still recommended to visit a professional salon once to observe the actions of the master and the sensations that arise at one stage or another.

If you nevertheless decide to carry out the procedure at home, then all the necessary components should be purchased in a specialized store or salon that has a quality certificate, because if you order a cheap product from a little-known online store, you risk getting a fake.

At home, an alternative to a special expensive product can be gelatin, which is mixed with hot water in proportions of 1:3, after thickening it must be heated in a water bath until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then add balm. Apply the resulting product to the eyelashes using a special brush and rinse off after half an hour.

"Pros and cons"

After reviewing information about eyelash lamination and reviews from many ladies on women's forums, we made general conclusions in the form of recommendations:

  • Carefully consider the choice of cosmetic products for lamination, you need to look at the composition and take into account the experience of using each. Cheap products may cause an allergic reaction or simply not create the expected effect.
  • Lamination is not carried out on eyelash extensions and eyelashes subject to bio and perm procedures;
  • Remember that the procedure itself is aimed at emphasizing natural advantages, so if you have been blessed with sparse and short eyelashes since childhood, then you should not expect a dramatic change in the form of long and thick ones;
  • You should not carry out the procedure too often, a maximum of two to three times a year.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Well-groomed and beautiful eyelashes regardless of the time of day, season and weather conditions. The effect of the procedure will be especially appreciated by ladies who are planning trips to the resort. Even by the pool and in the sea, your appearance will seem as if you just stepped out of a beauty salon. In the hot season, when cosmetics are used in minimal quantities, the effect of eyelash lamination will allow your eyes to always look fresh and well-groomed;
  • Natural shine of hairs and beautiful bend;
  • Restoration of damaged hairs and activation of growth;
  • Nutrition, care for eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  • The main contraindication is pregnancy and lactation;
  • Individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Recent major facial surgery;
  • Eye diseases and untreated stye.

After eyelash extensions or long-term coloring, the hairs become depleted. They become brittle, light-colored and irregular in shape. To restore natural beauty, many girls resort to eyelash lamination. This is a special procedure aimed at restoring the natural strength and speed of hair growth.

What is lamination?

Lamination is a procedure for restoring eyelashes, which is offered by modern cosmetology. It is performed with special formulations enriched with nourishing oils, mineral components, active vitamin complexes and acids. It is noteworthy that during the process of regeneration of the shaft, the process of hair coloring also occurs. They are darkened to a natural color, making them look as long and thick as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of eyelash lamination:

  • A month after the procedure, the hairs stick out in different directions. It is important to understand that the technique is a kind of perm. Rollers are placed under the hairs, which fix a certain shape of curls. As it grows, the curl changes its position, which is why it looks sloppy.
  • Possibility of allergic reactions. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to conduct a biolamination session, since there is a high probability of a histamine reaction. The composition includes vitamins, acids and other active substances that can cause swelling, itching, and increased lacrimation.
  • The hair requires some care for some time after the session.
  • The procedure causes some damage to the natural curve of the hairs, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

How the procedure works in the salon and at home

If a woman has experience in handling eye coloring compounds, then she can easily laminate and dye her eyelashes herself at home. But, in the absence of appropriate skills, it is better to trust the professionals and go to the salon.

The following compositions can be used for the procedure:

  • Botox. Used to correct short and brittle eyelashes. Traditionally, the session is performed using a botulinum toxin solution. Only, unlike beauty injections, it is not injected subcutaneously, but rather applied to the surface of the hairs. In addition to a safe toxin, the composition includes vitamins, oils, Panthenol, paint (analogous to Refectocil).
  • Keratin. Necessary for intensive hair treatment after eyelash extensions. This substance is one of the building materials of the hair shaft. During this lamination process, the eyelashes become elastic, shiny and incredibly nourished.
  • Gelatin. Provides a short-term effect, goes away with keratinization. For them, special curlers may not even be used. As a result, the hairs will become flexible and shiny.

Most often, this procedure is carried out together with hair coloring. The technique includes the following steps:

The difference between before and after is immediately noticeable. Each eyelash is clearly drawn, creating a thick effect. Botox technology is designed for long-term use, so correction will be needed no earlier than after a month.

Lamination with keratin

The process of keratinizing eyelashes, with the exception of the products used, is very similar to treating hair with Botox. To carry out keratin restoration, a complex of vitamins and minerals supplemented with hair protein is used. The most famous materials are produced by Si Lashes & Brows and Shine Lashes.

Technique for performing keratin eyelash lamination Yumi Lashes:

  • The skin and hairs are cleaned of dust and cosmetics, degreased with special alcohol-free lotions and dried well. Then a moisturizing and softening cream is applied to them. This will protect the epidermis during the treatment process and ensure a deeper effect of the restorative complex.
  • A silicone pad is glued under the lower eyelid. It will protect the skin from accidental painting. A special silicone mold is attached to the upper eyelid, acting as a curler.
  • The dyeing technology is as follows: lifting the hairs onto a roller, the master applies a nourishing and fixing composition to them. This provides beautiful curl, shading and the effect of thick eyelashes.
  • Therapeutic compositions are applied using a thin brush, which gradually paints each hair.
  • After 5 minutes, excess material is removed from the surface of the hair with a metal scraper and paint is applied to it. The client will have to lie in this position for another 20 minutes.
  • After this, the paint and keratin are removed from the eyes using a dry cotton swab, the eyelid pads are removed and the skin is covered with a protective cream.

Laminating at home with gelatin: step-by-step instructions

To look your best, you don’t have to buy the Novel Lash Up starter kit for eyelash lamination. Gelatin compositions do an excellent job of strengthening and thickening hairs. Recipe for gelatin for eyelashes:

  • 15 grams of gelatin are poured into a metal container and 50 ml of warm water is poured. It is important to immediately stir the resulting mass thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  • Afterwards, the gruel is placed on a very low heat and cooked for 15 minutes. Make sure the mixture is ready. You need to achieve complete uniformity.
  • Afterwards, a teaspoon of any available eyelash balm or coconut oil is added to the cooled mixture. The product is mixed again.

After preparing the cosmetic product, you need to apply it as quickly as possible.

Step-by-step instructions on how to perform home eyelash lamination:

  • You need to wash off cosmetics and dust from the skin and eyelashes; we recommend wiping the treated areas with a Chlorhexidine solution.
  • Cotton swabs moistened with water are glued under the eyes. You can still use a rich cream instead, but it will reduce the effectiveness of lamination.
  • Now you need to take an eyeliner and remove the eyelashes from it. In our case, it will replace professional curlers.
  • After 20 minutes, the composition is removed from the eyes with paper napkins.

The procedure lasts 30 minutes. This is not harmful to the hair at all, so if you didn’t succeed in getting the curl the first time, you can try again. But only after the hairs dry.

Lamination compositions

Professional lamination is performed strictly using special compounds. This is a complex of drugs aimed at restoring hairs, coloring them and fixing the bend. Let's look at the most popular products:

  • LVL Lashes. British product for cosmetic bioperming. The manufacturer's assortment includes 3 composition options. The sachet includes curling tools, a lifting complex and a moisturizing lotion.
  • Novel Lash Up. This is a complete kit for the biolamination procedure. It can be used at home, and the set is also often used by professional leash makers. The kit includes tools (tapes, microbrushes, brushes, pads and jars), solutions for the session (degreaser, fixative, remover, coloring pigment, lifting balm).
  • Si Lashes & Brows. This is a keratin lamination kit. It is suitable even for nursing mothers, because it contains natural ingredients (keratin, Panthenol, castor oil and ginseng extract). The kit also includes containers for mixing products, the necessary tools for work and a soft remover.
  • Shine Lashes. Like LVL's products, this keratin curling product is available in three types: chemical, soft, gentle. You should choose them depending on your eyelash problems. If they are just after extensions, then it is better to buy a gentle complex, but if the hairs require extra-strong fixation and you need the effect to last at least 2 months, then a chemical composition is recommended.

Regardless of the chosen composition, the effect lasts up to 2 months with proper care. In rare cases, the beauty and brightness of eyelashes lasts up to 10 weeks.

Eyelash care after the procedure

For the first 12 hours after the procedure, you should not wash your face - water will wash away the top layer and paint, which will make your eyelashes look less impressive. The next day, it is also better to avoid contact with running water, and, if necessary, it is recommended to remove cosmetics with soft toners or foams.

How to care for eyelashes after lamination:

  • Do not rub your eyes - this action will ruin the curl.
  • When applying mascara, it is better to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics. Do not use waterproof compounds - they are more difficult to wash off.
  • It is strictly forbidden to dive or steam in a sauna. You need to be especially careful when staying in salt water.

Contraindications and consequences

The most important contraindications for lamination are conjunctivitis, chalazion, and poor vision (myopia, farsightedness). Individual contraindications are clarified in consultation with a specialist.

It is important to understand that lamination is not only beneficial for eyelashes, but also some negative consequences. In particular, be prepared for the fact that when “their” untreated eyelashes grow, the hairs will change their bend. A beautiful curl can turn into broken “spider legs”.

Another consequence is addiction. Like eyebrow microblading, eyelash lamination beautifully shades the hairs, but after rinsing it seems that they have become lighter than they were before the procedure. The pigments used in coloring do not have a highlighting effect and do not lighten the eyelashes.

Photos before and after

You can verify the expressiveness of the effect and the brightness of the hairs by viewing the photos before and after the procedure.

To prolong your beauty, you can carry out correction procedures yourself or visit your specialist.

how to do keratin

While searching for a way to restore lost facial hair to cancer patients, innovators came across extension technology. This was the beginning of new developments.

Lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows is a cosmetic procedure. Includes several stages of treatment with a special keratin composition.

The innovative formula of the LVL Lashes brand belongs to Karen Betts and Bridget Softley, cosmetologists with 30 years of experience.

The basis of the concept is to restore thickness, volume, color saturation, increase hair length or provoke hair growth.

Eyelash lamination: before and after photos

Judging by the reviews, the service is also useful for those who naturally have thin, straight or light eyelashes. It is worth considering that the result depends on the qualifications of the specialist.

The effect is shown in the photo examples before and after the session.

Eyelash lamination: prices

How much the service costs depends on the class of the salon and the products used for the procedure. The cheapest thing we could find in Russia was 1500, the peak was 5 thousand rubles.

The main criterion when choosing a salon should be the professionalism of the employees. Review the certificates of specialists and make sure they are authentic. Insufficient qualifications of the master or poor composition can give disastrous results.

Eyelash lamination kits

The first ever LVL product belongs to Nouveau Lashes.

All compositions are based on synthesized protein, which is a component of our hair. There are professional kits for salons and starter kits for beginner lash makers.

Lamination Yumi Lashes

This is a Swiss brand whose technology was developed in 2008 based on LVL. The composition is enhanced with new lamination formulas, depanthenol and a nourishing complex for eyelashes, which is kept secret.

Yumi Lachaise is a professional set that includes basic tools for fixation, curling, nutrition and only black pigment. Additional accessories must be purchased separately.

Lamination Lvl

The LVL composition is a revolutionary formula, the invention of which belongs to a group of British technologists. The effect of keratin is enhanced by minerals, micronutrients, vitamin complex B, C, A, E and natural argan oil.

The drug contains natural ingredients and is therefore considered safe. The kit includes the necessary tools, tools and accessories, down to small things like cotton swabs.

Eyelash lamination: Velvet

The Velvet for lashes&brows set is a four-step reconstruction of each hair, the formula of which was developed by scientists from the London Institute.

The purpose and effect are no different from other brands. In Velvet technology, the effect is at the cellular (molecular) level. Therapeutic preparations for lamination are injected directly into the hair shaft.

Main difference:

  • silicone is replaced with silk coating, which allows the hairs to breathe;
  • introduction of a growth activator into the composition, which revives even dormant bulbs;
  • application on lower eyelashes and eyebrows.

Rave reviews from people confirm the uniqueness of the drug.

Eyelash lamination: Elleebana

This is a well-known Australian brand, the set of which includes a keratin composition, mineral and vitamin serums.

Elleebana One Shot Lash Lift technology is characterized by accelerated lamination. The whole process takes only half an hour.

Eyelash lamination: Barbara

Barbara is a British brand that presents professional products for cosmetologists.

The set includes three compositions:

  1. No. 1 "Lifting".
  2. No. 2 “Volume + fixation.”
  3. No. 3 “Moisturizing and nutrition” - leave for a day.

Barbara's products are widely used in different Russian regions.

Lamination of eyelashes Novel Lash UP

A company from the UK positions its products as therapeutic, so it is often used for very thin and weakened eyelashes.

The manufacturer offers two universal sets, Basic and Expert, fully packed with everything necessary and designed for 25 procedures.

Be perfect Eyelash lamination

The company offers 2 universal sets:

  1. Start Light - for mass practitioners all the necessary components.
  2. Base - for beginner lash makers.

Each set consists of three compositions Open, Work, Health. The procedure is usually performed in combination with Botox.

Keratin eyelash lamination

This is an innovative beauty procedure with a healing effect. The basis of the laminating mixture is keratin (high-strength natural protein) and wheat proteins, which have the property of stimulating hair growth and strengthening hair follicles.

Additional components in the composition nourish, vitaminize and saturate the hair with color, making it long, voluminous and bright.

Is it possible to do eyelash lamination on yourself?

Stores sell kits for home use that contain the necessary components.

Read the instructions in detail to do everything correctly. To complete all actions you will need someone's help.

Eyelash lamination at home

It is not necessary to buy expensive drugs from famous brands. Using folk remedies, you can prepare many different health mixtures at home with a similar effect.

We offer a recipe for lamination with gelatin, which you can make at home yourself:

  • powder - 1 tbsp. l. without slide (or 15 g);
  • water - 3 tbsp. l. (or 50 g);
  • hair balm - 1 tbsp. l;
  • You can add a few drops of vitamin A, B or E, fish oil, burdock, castor, almond or wheat germ oil.

Any procedure in the eye area requires extreme caution.

List of materials

What you need for laminating at home:

  • degreasing lotion;
  • a brush for combing hairs, you can take a clean used mascara applicator;
  • moisturizing eye cream;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • glassware for dilution;
  • composition for lamination.

Unlike professional preparations, a product with gelatin has no contraindications or restrictions.

The procedure can be done at least every week. Each time the cumulative effect will give better results.

How to do eyelash lamination

Regardless of where the procedure is performed in the salon or at home, everything should be done the same.

Lamination technique step by step:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in cold water and let the mixture sit for 30 minutes.
  2. Remove makeup and apply lotion to the skin around your eyes.
  3. Place the swollen gelatin in a water bath (or in the microwave) until it completely dissolves.
  4. Make several crescent-shaped pads from cotton pads (you can buy ready-made ones), lightly moisten them with water, and place them on the lower eyelids.
  5. Similarly, you can make rollers from discs to place under the hairs on the upper eyelids. You can buy silicone ones. It is believed that they give a beautiful bend.
  6. Add balm + additional components to the finished mixture (you can do without them).
  7. Using a cotton swab or mascara brush, apply the gelatin mixture to the hairs.
  8. Leave for 25-40 minutes.
  9. Frozen gelatin should not be removed abruptly; you may lose some of the hairs. Soak the composition with warm water using sponges and carefully remove.

The effect of lamination will be noticeable immediately. Not as bright as after the salon, but it will be. If you carry out this procedure regularly, you will soon be able to give up mascara.

Lamination of short eyelashes

If you have naturally short eyelashes, then cosmetologists do not recommend the procedure. The shape may turn out weird or ugly. In any case, there will be no such effect as on medium or long ones.

Is eyelash lamination harmful?

The procedure is not dangerous if it is performed by a professional using high-quality materials. Consequences may arise if the client does not warn about possible contraindications.

Eyelash lamination and botox

Both procedures equally require training and qualification as a master.

What is the difference:

  • the application steps are performed in a different sequence;
  • the main difference is that Botox has a much richer and richer composition, which penetrates deep into the hair structure;
  • Botox takes twice as long;
  • after lamination, you need to refrain from water procedures for a day, in the second case this is not required;
  • Botox can be done more often, it has more positive reviews, but it also costs more.

It is ideal to perform both procedures simultaneously.

Options are shown in the photo.

What is better lamination or eyelash extensions?

In the case of extensions, all parameters (length, volume, curl) are chosen by the client, and the result depends on the skills of the specialist.

Reviews indicate that when choosing a procedure, it is better to rely on the opinion of the specialist.

Is it possible to extend eyelashes after lamination?

There is no clear contraindication; it can be done literally on the third day after the procedure.

After lamination, each hair is impregnated with mineral oils. Glue intended for extensions will not adhere to such a base.

Eyelash lamination: pros and cons

The procedure has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of lamination:

  • safe for the eyes, has hypoallergenic properties;
  • visual effect - natural look, adding volume, lengthening, beautiful bend, rich color;
  • benefits - restoration of structure, strengthening of bulbs, activation of growth, protection from external influences;
  • using mascara as desired is quite possible;
  • no special care required.
  • high price;
  • if contraindications are ignored, it can cause harm;
  • Do not wet the area around the eyes during the day.

How often can you do and how much eyelash lamination is needed?

On average, the procedure is performed once every 1.5-2 months. Much depends on individual characteristics - the rate of growth renewal, the frequency of hair loss.

If the eyelashes are weakened, thinned or brittle, then the masters recommend the first 2 lamination procedures be carried out at an interval of two weeks. Then, if necessary, repeat the effect.

Differences between eyelash bio-curling and lamination

The procedures are completely different. The first is aimed at changing the shape (creating a curl), the second - at improving health.

Lamination - contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex, it can be done more often. Bioperm is more aggressive and is suitable only for those whom nature has blessed with straight eyelashes.

Eyelash biolamination procedure

The biocomposition contains a richer complex, saturated with useful substances. The effect is achieved in one procedure. This is confirmed by reviews from grateful women.

Photos of biolamination before and after.

How long does the eyelash lamination effect last?

One procedure is enough for a maximum of 3 months. It depends on the life span of the eyelashes, which is different for everyone. Following the recommendations of the master plays an important role.

After lamination, you should not do the following for 24 hours:

  • rub your eyes;
  • Do not get your eyelashes wet;
  • touch eyelids;
  • visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium;
  • to take a bath.

Is it possible to do eyelash lamination during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, a woman undergoes active hormonal changes in her body. At this time, it is better to refuse lamination. The effect may be either unpredictable or absent.

There are no strict restrictions in the 2-3 trimester. The main thing is to warn the specialist about your situation so that only natural ingredients are used. It is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction.

How long does the eyelash lamination procedure take?

On average, the procedure takes 1.5-2 hours. An experienced specialist can carry it out in 40-70 minutes. The duration depends on the quality of the eyelashes. The thicker and denser they are, the more time it will take to hold the drug.

Is it possible to paint laminated eyelashes with mascara?

There are no restrictions on the use of mascara. In most cases there is no need for it. If you do decide to tint, then choose good quality brands. One light application with a brush is enough.

You need to wash off the mascara with an alcohol-free makeup remover (preferably gel or foam); you cannot use a sponge.

Eyelash lamination: contraindications

The procedure itself is absolutely safe. However, there are contraindications to its implementation:

  • individual intolerance;
  • eye diseases - after surgery, inflammation, infection (conjunctivitis, barley);
  • during pregnancy (1st trimester) and lactation;
  • not recommended for hair that is too short or extended;
  • with hormonal imbalance (menstruation, menopause), decreased immunity;
  • during the course of therapy, especially with antibiotics.

Allergy after eyelash lamination

A negative reaction may occur to one of the components of the composition. If you are prone to allergies, then you must do a preliminary test before lamination.

Check the expiration date and make sure that the drug is of high quality and certified. It’s better to pay more than to go to doctors later.

How to care for laminated eyelashes

No special care is required after the procedure. There are several rules that it is advisable to follow:

  1. Try not to touch or rub your eyes too much.
  2. Use a makeup remover to remove makeup.
  3. Avoid greasy creams and lotions containing alcohol.
  4. You should absolutely not dye your eyelashes with chemicals at home or in a salon.
  5. Apply masks or scrubs carefully, avoiding the area around the eyes.

What does eyelash lamination give?

The effect is observed almost immediately:

  • eyelashes are saturated with color, become bright, and the look is open;
  • volume - increase by 30%;
  • lengthening of each hair - by 10%;
  • acquisition of density, elasticity, expressive shine of eyelashes;
  • the tips are beautifully curved, which visually lengthens the hairs;
  • accumulation of the therapeutic effect - by 10% after each session.

Why do eyelashes move in different directions after lamination?

Complaints about protruding eyelashes periodically appear in client reviews. This most often happens to those whose hair naturally grows unevenly. Lamination temporarily levels them out.

When renewal begins, new hairs are knocked out of the total mass, creating an unpredictable effect. This often happens during a repeat procedure, which is performed on eyelashes that are curled but not grown back.

Failed eyelash lamination

What to do:

  • the first day - make compresses with warm water, moisten the eyelashes more often with cotton pads, but do not rub, so as not to damage them;
  • if 24 hours have passed, carry out similar actions, but with the addition of tar soap;
  • After rinsing, apply almond, apricot, burdock or castor oil to your hair every day at night.

Any representative of the fair sex tries to be beautiful and attractive. However, when getting ready for work in the morning, we always have a lack of time, and we know that there is never enough time to put ourselves in order and look good.

It’s not always possible to look like a movie star after waking up, but this can become a reality if you do eyelash lamination.

Let's talk about what this procedure is and how it is performed.

What is lamination and why do eyelashes need it?

The photo shows how eyelashes change before and after the lamination procedure

Eyelash lamination was invented by Swiss scientists to make women feel more confident with an expressive look.

This procedure, just like the one, fills the eyelashes with useful substances and minerals and helps to lengthen them. After lamination, eyelashes look more well-groomed, longer and more beautiful.

Most representatives of the fair half of humanity prefer to carry out this procedure in the summer in order to apply a minimum of cosmetics to their faces in hot weather. It should be taken into account that after lamination, eyelashes become stronger and continue to grow.

Advantages of eyelash lamination

Lamination base– keratin, which is a component of our hair and eyelashes.

Excipients: wheat protein, vitamins.

Here are the main positive aspects of this procedure:
The eyelashes get a new shape, they have a beautiful curve that may not have existed before;
Eyelash growth is enhanced due to the activation of the bulbs;
The strength of the eyelashes increases, they look thicker;
The structure of the cilia is strengthened, damaged areas that arise due to the use of decorative cosmetics are restored;
The skin in the area around the eyes is also nourished with beneficial substances;
After lamination, the look becomes mysterious, the effect of eyelash extensions appears.

Another positive point is the fact that the eyelashes do not break during sleep, as happens after extensions.

Eyelash lamination: contraindications

Like any other cosmetic procedure, lamination has a number of contraindications:
You have recently had eye surgery;
Individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug. This can lead to itching and watery eyes. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you should ask your cosmetologist what the composition of the drug being applied is;
There is no need to perform lamination for or with various eye diseases (conjunctivitis).

Carrying out lamination in the salon

In the photo: the master performs the lamination procedure

If you have decided on this procedure, let's figure out what it is.

A beautiful curve to the eyelashes is given by a special roller, which is used during lamination. Eyelashes are placed on this roller and a special mixture is applied to them.

The procedure is carried out in 4-5 stages, which last approximately an hour and a half. During this time, the mixture is applied to the eyelashes 5 times. There are shorter procedures that last 30-35 minutes, the mixture is applied only in 2-3 stages, but you should not expect quality from such lamination.

You should not get your eyelashes wet for the first 24 hours! Then you can calmly wash your face, apply makeup and use makeup removers; this will not damage your eyelashes.

Eyelash lamination at home

In the photo: lamination at home

To laminate eyelashes at home, you need to purchase a Yumi Lashes kit. It includes: silicone pads (for the lower eyelashes and upper eyelid), brushes for removing product, film.

1. Degrease the skin of the eyelids with a sponge with a special product.
2. Comb your eyelashes.
3. Apply moisturizing cream to the skin around the eyes, thereby protecting it from the effects of the foundation.
4. Apply silicone pads to the lower eyelids (included in the Yumi Lashes set), covering them from accidental contact.
5. Apply other silicone pads to the upper eyelid, leaving the upper eyelashes free for work.
6. Apply the lamination base directly to the eyelashes. Remove excess with a cotton swab
7. Cover the eyelashes with a protective film, first giving them a curved shape.
8. Cover with a towel on top for a thermal effect. Wait for a certain time, following the instructions.
9. Apply paint to the eyelashes (5 shades are given), remove excess with a special brush.
10. Remove the silicone pads.
11. Give the eyelashes a curve and separate them from each other.

Enjoy the result!

If you are afraid to carry out the procedure yourself, you should go to a specialist to find out how to properly carry out lamination at home.

Many women who have had eyelash lamination done note that the structure of the eyelashes has not deteriorated, the effect is the same as that of eyelash extensions. Can be made or used to nourish and maintain health in eyelashes.

Lamination lasts 5-6 weeks without correction. All subsequent laminations will further strengthen and add volume to the eyelashes.

In the photo: this is exactly what regular eyelashes look like after the lamination procedure

There are some features that should be considered before deciding to laminate:
When choosing a composition, you should pay attention to natural ingredients or not. It is better to give preference to more natural ingredients;
One feature that should be taken into account is the natural shape of your eyelashes. If your eyelashes are initially sparse and short, then there will be no stunning effect, but your look will still become more expressive;
Before the procedure, you should carefully choose a specialist, because an inexperienced master can only do harm, for example, he can bend the eyelashes too much, which will look quite ugly;
lamination cannot be carried out with eyelash extensions;
It is enough to carry out the procedure 2 times a year, you should not do it more often.

Eyelash lamination can be done both in a salon by a specialist and at home.


Vera, 27 years old
Hello! How much does this pleasure cost in the salon?

Expert's answer:
Hello! This is a rather expensive procedure (1200-1600 UAH), but it is better to do it well and for a long time once, so that you can then enjoy beautiful and fluffy eyelashes.

Natalya, 25 years old
Tell me, can you tell me more about lamination?

Expert's answer:
A special protective film is applied to the eyelashes, which strengthens them, nourishes them with vitamins and minerals, makes them thicker and longer without extensions. Thin eyelashes become curved due to the correct shape, and light eyelashes (especially for blondes) become more pronounced due to coloring.

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