A selection of patterns and lessons for knitting dogs and doggies. Knitted toys from cartoons Making a puppy from a cartoon mitten instructions

Friends, we are starting to prepare for the next New Year season. We collect master classes on. The pioneer will be this wonderful pet from Kristel Droog. He looks like a Chihuahua, a very cute toy breed of dog.

For crochet this You will need:

Hook No. 2.5;
- yarn of different colors (brown for the body, white for the muzzle, arms and legs, pink for the blouse and black for the nose), corresponding to the hook. These colors are suitable for a light-colored puppy;
- plastic eyes with a diameter of 7 mm;

Filling (your choice - padding polyester, padding polyester, holofiber).

dog The original one turned out to be 11 cm in size, but if you take a thicker thread and a larger hook, the dog will be much larger. Remember that in this case the eyes must also match!

DIY crochet dog master class:

Accepted abbreviations:

sc – single crochet

VP - air loop

psn – half double crochet

ss – connecting post

pr - adding loops

dec – decrease loops.

The number of loops/stitches in the row is indicated in parentheses.

  1. Let's start with the head and body:

We start from the head, knit in a spiral and work our way down.

1p knit into a ring 6 sc (6)

5p – repeat 6 times (30)

6p – repeat 6 times (36)

7p – repeat 6 times (42)

8p – repeat 6 times (48)

9-11 r. knit in the round in each column (48)

12p – repeat 6 times (54)

13r – repeat 6 times (60)

14-17r we knit in a circle in each column (60)

18r – repeat 6 times (54)

19r – repeat 6 times (48)

20r – repeat 6 times (42)

21r – repeat 6 times (36)

22r – repeat 6 times (30)

23r – repeat 6 times (24)

24р 24 stbn in each column of the previous row (24)

At this stage you need to insert the eyes (to secure them from the inside). Approximately between rows 13 and 14. The distance between the eyes is 7 stbn.

Change the thread to pink (or the color that you had in mind for the blouse).

25r 1 stbn in each column of the previous row (24)

26r – repeat 6 times (30)

27r – repeat 6 times (36)

28r – repeat 6 times (42)

29-34r we knit in a circle in each column (42)

We knit 35r behind the front wall of the stbn in each column of the previous row

36r *1 sc, 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 ss* repeat 10 times

Break the thread . Change the color back to brown. Fill your head with padding polyester.

37r we begin to knit 35 rows in each column behind the back wall (42)

38-41r we knit in a circle in each column (42)

  1. – repeat 6 times (36)

43r – repeat 6 times (30)

44r – repeat 6 times (24)

Stuff the torso with stuffing

  1. – repeat 6 times (18)

46r – repeat 6 times (12)

47r [ub] – repeat 6 times (6)

Pull the hole, break and hide the thread.

2. Next we knit the collar to the blouse.
Cast on 8 ch and, starting from the 3rd loop from the hook, knit a sc in each loop (6) - this is the first row.
Then we knit back and forth.

Rows 2-18: ch 2, turn work, 6 sc
Now use connecting posts to close the collar into a ring and sew it to the neck, folding it in half (see photo).

  1. Let's start knitting our legs DIY dogs(2 details):

We start with white threads.

3р [dc, inc] – repeat 6 times (18)

4p – repeat 6 times (24)

We knit 5-7 r in a circle in each column (24)

8р 8 stbn, 4ub, 8 stbn (20)
9p 7 sc, 3ub, 7 sc (17)
We knit 10 rubles in a circle in each column (17)
Then change the color of the thread to brown and continue.
We knit 11-12 r in a circle in each column (17)

13rub, 15sc (16)
14p knit in a circle in each column (16)
15r ub, 14 stbn (15)
We knit 16 r in a circle in each column (15)
17rub, 13sc (14)
18-19r ​​we knit in a circle in each column (14)

Stuff the legs, fold the top flat and sew two opposite stitches together with connecting stitches (there will be 7 of them). Leave a long enough end of thread to sew the leg to the body later. Tie the second leg.

Sew the legs between the third and seventh row of the body (if you count from the bottom). See photo.

Knit 2 soles according to the pattern:

Make an amigurumi ring using brown yarn.

1p knit into a ring 6 sc (6)

We add 2p in each column (12)

Leave the thread for sewing. Embroider the toes on the sole as in the picture.

4. Next you need to tie the handles of our crochet dog
We knit in white.
We add 2p in each column (12)

3р [dc, inc] – repeat 6 times (18)

4-6p knit in a circle in each column (18)

7r 6 sc, 3ub, 6 sc (15)

8р 6 stbn, 2ub, 5 stbn (13)

Change the thread to brown.

10-11r 13 sc (two rows without increases or decreases)

  1. dec, 11 sc (12)
  2. knit in the round in each column (12)
  3. dec, 10 sc (11)
  4. 11 sc

Change the thread to pink and knit it to the end.

16-17r 11 sc (two rows without increases or decreases)

Fold the open edge flat and sew like the edge of the legs (these are 5 connecting stitches). Leave an edge of thread for sewing. Tie the other arm and sew them at the level of the 29th row of the body. Refer to the photo.

  1. Let's tie our ears too crochet dog.First we will tie the outer ear. There will be two of them.
    Traditionally, we start with an amigurumi ring. Next we knit in a spiral. Take brown threads.

1p in an amigurumi ring we knit 6 sc (6)

2р [dc, inc] – repeat 3 times (9)

3p – repeat 3 times (12)

4p – repeat 3 times (15)

5p – repeat 3 times (18)

6p – repeat 3 times (21)

7p – repeat 3 times (24)

8-11r we knit in a circle in each column (24)

12p – repeat 3 times (21)

13r – repeat 3 times (18)

Fold in half and sew the edge with connecting stitches (9 connecting stitches in total). Leave the thread for sewing.

Now let's tie the inner eye crochet dogs. Also 2 details respectively.

We start with pink threads. (in the photo only the black dog has an inner ear)
1p in an amigurumi ring we knit 6 sc (6)
We add 2p in each column (12)

3p 1 sc, inc, 1 hdc, 1 double crochet, 1 hdc, inc, 1 sc,

inc, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc (17)

We break the thread, leaving the end for sewing.

Sew the inner eyelet onto the outer one. Then we sew both ears to the head between the fourth and twelfth rows.

  1. Finally, we knit the face.

1p in an amigurumi ring we knit 6 sc (6)
We add 2p in each column (12)

3p – repeat 4 times (16)

4-5p knit in a circle in each column (16)

6p inc, 7 sc, inc, 7 sc (18)

7p – repeat 6 times (24)

Leave the thread for sewing the muzzle to the head. Sew it on.

If we want to make a spot above the muzzle, as in the photo, then we don’t break it off, but continue knitting in the round:

8p 3 sc, 1 ch, turn

9p 3 sc, 1 ch, turn

10p inc, 2 sc, 1 ch, turn

11p, 3 sc, 1 ch, turn

12p 5 sc, 1 ch, turn

13p skip 1 sc, 4 sc, 1 ch, turn

14p skip 1 sc, 3 sc, 1 ch, turn

15r skip 1 sc, 2 sc, 1 ch, turn

16r skip 1 sc, 1 sc.

We break the thread, leaving the end for sewing. Sew on, starting at the level of the 3rd row of the head (see photo).

Fill the parts with padding polyester. We embroider the mouth and nose with black threads DIY dog.

  1. The tail remains.

We take brown color.

1p in an amigurumi ring we knit 6 sc (6)
2-3p in a circle without increases or decreases (6)

4p inc, 5 sc (7)

We knit 5-7 r in a circle in each column (7)

8р inc, 6 sc (8)

We knit 9-12 r in a circle in each column (8)

13r pr, 7 sc (9)

14-18r we knit in a circle in each column (9)

This set will look very interesting and cute on a child. And in this master class we will connect such mittens knitted.

To knit mittens in the shape of dogs we will need:

  • Yarn in sand, black or dark blue, white and brown;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Hook;
  • Needle.

To knit mittens for a 2-3 year old child, one skein of Karachay yarn twisted into 3 threads is enough. And some yarn of other colors needed for decoration.
We will knit on two knitting needles. You need to cast on 12 loops. And we knit 3-4 centimeters with a 1 by 1 elastic band.
photo 1

And then we will knit the front stitch.
photo 2

We knit to the top bone of the longest finger.
And then in each front row we will make decreases on the sides, knitting the first 2 loops together and the last 2 also together. Knit until 4 stitches remain.
photo 3

Now you need to knit in reverse order. That is, we knit in each front row 1 and the last loop in increments. Do this until we have 12 stitches again.
photo 4

We knit the same number of rows (or centimeters) as we knitted on the first part of the mitten before the decreases began. That is, we tie it to the beginning of the elastic band.
And then we finish the mitten by knitting an elastic band 1 by 1. So we got 2 halves of the mitten.
photo 5

Sew 1 side completely. And on the other side we leave a hole for the finger.
Turn it right side out.
photo 6

We collect the loops directly from the finger hole. And knit to the beginning of the nail using stockinette stitch. Here it is more convenient to knit either on circular knitting needles, or on 3 or 5 knitting needles. Whichever is more convenient for you.
photo 7

And then we will close the loops. We make 2 decreases in each row at the same distance. Here we knit using 3 knitting needles. Distribute the stitches equally onto 2 knitting needles. And we knit the third rows. We knit the first 2 loops together on one needle and the first 2 on the other. Continue this way until the hole closes.
photo 8

Now we knit the ears. We crochet 7 loops with brown yarn. And we knit single crochets. In the last loop we knit 3 stitches. We will knit the same on the second side of the future ear.
photo 9

We knit a circle with white yarn. This will be the muzzle. We knit 2 loops and then knit a row of 6 single crochets into the 2nd loop. In the next row we will knit 2 stitches in all stitches for expansion. And in the last row we will knit a single stitch, and in the next loop 2 stitches. And so on until the end of the row.
Immediately embroider the nose with black or dark blue yarn.
photo 10

Next we knit the eyes.
Using white yarn, we knit 10 double crochets into a slip stitch. And let's connect the row.
And then we knit a second circle of the same type.
From blue or black yarn we knit 2 circles, consisting of 6 single crochets in a slip stitch.
photo 11

Sew the dark part of the eyes to the white part. And we sew the ears, muzzle and eyes to the mitten.
Knitted mittens in the shape of dogs are ready!

Cute crocheted dogs of all possible shapes, sizes and colors can be an excellent gift. They will delight adults as a thematic gift, becoming an original part of the interior, and for children, knitted dogs will be a bright, beautiful and safe toy.

The options for crocheted dogs are many and varied, ranging in size from miniature amigurumi to full-size toys, from certain breeds of puppies to fantasy designs. You can create lying and sitting dogs, or anthropomorphic doggies dressed in exclusive outfits. Whatever toy is ultimately conceived, the general rules for creation, the set of necessary materials and tools will always be approximately the same.

What you need to knit a dog

Before you start crocheting a dog, you should prepare everything you need that may be useful in your work:

  • yarn;
  • hook;
  • filler;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • elements for decorating the product.

You can use any yarn for knitting dogs, but cotton threads are best, especially if the toy is intended for a child. The hook should be selected according to the thickness of the thread, it would be a good idea to take a hook one size smaller, then the knitting will be quite tight, this will help the toy maintain its shape and will not allow the filler to crawl out through the loops.

Sintepon or holofiber are suitable fillers, which, unlike cotton wool, will not form clumps and will make the product soft and pleasant to the touch. The dog's eyes can be made from buttons, knitted, embroidered, or purchased. If a creative idea involves making a costume or its elements, then you need to take into account that it should be knitted from thinner threads than the toy itself. Pieces of felt, leather or any other materials can be used to decorate the product, depending on the concept.

Crochet dogs, descriptions from our website

The new year is just around the corner; according to the eastern calendar, we will spend the next year in the company of a dog - a kind and devoted animal, a long-time friend of man. To appease an already good-natured creature, you can tie a symbol of the future

Good afternoon The Year of the Rooster has barely crowed, and needlewomen, judging by the publications, are already thinking hard about the symbol of next year. I’ll also add my two cents to the collection of all kinds of dogs. Dog Rex from the Polish cartoon of the same name

I will present dogs in three sizes. All the toys were tested, I knitted them to order, the customers were very satisfied. Large and medium dogs are crocheted No. 1.6, Alize Shekerim yarn, 100% acrylic. I made bows from felt and

Doggy Daisy. New children's yarn (yellow, brown and white colors). Hook No. 2. Height 22 cm. Eyes, nose and pattern are embroidered. Linked according to the description of Venelopa'toys. For a description of the dog, see the link.

To knit amigurumi you will need: Yarn “Children's New” from Pekhorka Hook No. 2.0. Yarn in white, blue and blue colors. Black eyes for toys or beads. Needle for sewing soft toys. Filler. Crochet dog, description Knitting a dog's head. 1st row: 6 tbsp. b/n in amigurumi ring

Chishechka - crochet smile. To crochet a dog you will need: - hook 2.0 - Areola yarn, acrylic (white and black) - finished nose on a fastening (can be embroidered with black thread) - dry pastel for tinting - bow Legend: ss - connecting post sc - post without Yarn over pssn -

Crochet a toy dog, ideas from the Internet

Translation: Ekaterina Ruban.

This simple pattern is also suitable for beginner knitters.
Necessary materials:

  • Threads are basic colors, a little white, black, pink, gray and yellow.
  • Thread-matching hook
  • Filler
  • White and black felt
  • Pins


  • Yarn Kamtex “Lotus Grass Stretch”, about ½ skein of white and a little black;
  • Hook No. 3;
  • Eyes and nose;
  • Holofiber;
  • Wire for ears and tail;
  • Black oil pastel and a hard brush;
  • Black thread for embroidery.
  • When using these materials, the height of the toy is 11.5 cm.

For work we will need:

  • yarn (preferably fluffy)
  • hook suitable for your yarn
  • filler
  • scissors
  • needle
  • eyes
  • spout
  • harsh threads (for tightening)

Crochet amigurumi dog

I suggest crocheting a small dog that will become a cute souvenir. I'll be very happy to see what you come up with, so
be sure to send photos.

the toy is the size of your palm, so for comfortable knitting, use yarn of medium thickness. The example in the photo is crocheted from Gazzal Baby Cotton (60% cotton, 40% acrylic, 165m in 50g) with 2.2 mm crochet.
You will also need filler and half-bead eyes (I have 8 mm).

The height of dogs made from these materials is 9-10 cm.

Materials and tools:

  • acrylic 100g/300m or any other yarn of your choice:
  • main color (beige), white (for the muzzle), brown (for the ears),
  • hook No. 1.8-2, or suitable for your yarn
  • filler

How to crochet a dog from Vendulka

Crochet a cute puppy

How to Crochet a Bulldog Dog

Creating knitted dogs using knitting needles is not only a pleasant and relaxing activity, but also very useful. After all, you can delight friends and family of any age with the results of your labors. Knitted dogs can not only decorate the interior and add warmth and comfort to the home atmosphere, but will also surely delight children with their appearance and mothers with their safety.

Knitting a dog with knitting needles has advantages over crocheting; the components of the toy are knitted faster, and the yarn consumption is less. All parts, as a rule, are knitted separately, therefore, if you strictly follow the knitting pattern, even novice needlewomen will be able to create a dog.

Which yarn to choose

All dogs created using different numbers of knitting needles differ not only in shape, color and size, much depends on the yarn chosen for knitting; the most popular materials are the following:

  • half-wool, acrylic - these threads are easy to knit, the dogs come out smooth, with a classic look;
  • bouclé - the special processing of this yarn will allow you to create cute curly puppies;
  • grass - dogs made from such thread turn out cute and shaggy;
  • mohair - suitable for making soft and fluffy dogs.

In general, you can choose any yarn you like, the main thing is that the thread is of high quality, does not fade or split. It is imperative to select knitting needles according to the thickness of the thread, or even a little thicker, then the fabric will be dense enough so as not to deform and not let the filler pass through.
Synthetic materials such as holofiber and padding polyester are best suited for filling the toy. When creating a product, in addition to the number of knitting needles indicated in the diagram, you will definitely need a needle for stitching the parts. To decorate the dog, you can use scraps of different fabrics, such as felt or leather, various buttons and decorative eyes.

Knitting a toy dog

Dog in mixed media

Labrador puppy using knitting + felting technique! The dog is made using mixed media. The filler is wool, which I pull out with a needle up the knitting. The result is, like a real animal, hair growing from the inside. The toy is elastic, as if dry

We knit Sharik the dog, master class

interesting selection for the site Dolls, Hats, Bags with owls

The toy's height is 17 cm. The hat and scarf are removable.

Alize softy yarn - beige, milky, yellow or orange (let's call it our main color);
- stocking needles No. 1.75;
- filler (holofiber or synthetic fluff);
- eyes or half beads 9-10 mm;
- Super glue.

How to knit a Scotch Terrier dog with knitting needles

The height of the toy is 18 cm. All legs are movable - on a thread fastening. The blouse is removed.

Necessary materials to create a dog:

  • Yarn Kamtex cotton grass (2 shades), Pekhorka Children's novelty (for feet, for clothes).
  • Knitting needles 1.75.
  • Eyes - 8-9 mm.
  • Spout (homemade or ready-made, at your discretion).
  • Filling - holofiber.
  • Velcro for combing.

New Year's Pug dog knitting

Height – 22 cm,
Width – 26 cm.
Necessary materials:

Robin DK yarn (100% acrylic; 300 m / 100 grams) – 100 grams beige (thread A), 25 grams black (thread B), 25 grams red (thread C), 25 grams green (thread D) ; King Cole Moments yarn (90 m / 50 grams) – 50 grams of white color (thread E), two eyes with a diameter of 16 mm, filling (sintepon).
Knitting needles No. 4, tapestry needle.

The height of the finished dog toy is 46 cm.

Materials: Double Knitting yarn (or other yarn, suitable in thickness for knitting needles No. 3) -125 g orange, 50 g white, 25 g each dark brown, gray and black; 300 g of washable filler (stuffing); pair of knitting needles No. 3; orange and brown pencils.

We knit a Dalmatian dog with knitting needles

Toy designer Alan Dart. Size – 28 cm.

For knitting you will need: 100 grams of white yarn, 50 grams of black yarn, 25 grams of green and a little dark brown and silver gray. Fill plastic eyes for toys too.

Dog Mitten knitted

Description of a knitting dog

Yarn: Lana Gatto Super Soft DK (125m/50g, 100% fine merino wool) 1 skein of each color:
Cream (A), Coffee (B), Black (C), Cocoa (D), a small amount of Burgundy (E).
Knitting density: 24 loops per 26 rows = 10x10 cm stockinette stitch.
Needles: a pair of straight and double needles 3.5 mm.

Other Dog Knitting Supplies:

  • tapestry needle,
  • filler
  • for toys,
  • crochet hook (for knitting eyes)

The toy measures approximately 20 cm from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.

Dog length: about 36 cm.
You will need: Approximately 100 g of yarn in two folds of beige color; some black yarn; knitting needles 3.75 mm; polyester filler; pieces of felt black and white; 1 m of tape.
Note: the dog is knitted in stockinette stitch using beige yarn, except for the nose piece, which is knitted from black yarn.

We knit a New Year's toy dog ​​in a ball

New Year is a special holiday and preparations for it need to start in advance. According to the eastern horoscope, the coming 2018 is the year of the dog, so souvenirs with the symbol of the year are relevant. I propose to knit a Christmas tree toy - a hemisphere with a puppy.

  • Types of creativity: Knitting
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Working time: 2 hours

To knit a dog you will need materials and tools:

  • white and yellow wool (200-250 m per 100 grams);
  • white and yellow Kamtex stretch cotton yarn for dogs;
  • some black yarn for embroidering the nose;
  • holofiber;
  • stocking needles No. 2, 5;
  • a pair of plastic eyes;
  • tapestry needle, scissors, hook No. 2, Moment-Crystal glue.

Master class on knitting dogs

I’ll say right away that I chose the color, and the composition can be any wool or wool with acrylic, of medium thickness. I have 3.5 knitting needles.

The dog is knitted with needles No. 3.

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