Olga Buzova was attacked during a performance. "I'm disgusted and scared." Buzova was attacked by an unknown person during a concert in Dubai Olga Buzova was attacked during a performance

Olga Buzova was attacked by an unknown man during a concert in Dubai. Footage posted on Instagram shows the attacker climbing onto the stage and lunging at the TV presenter.

To be honest, I would not like to advertise and comment on what happened yesterday at the concert, first of all, so as not to upset my loved ones, my family... but, unfortunately, you cannot hide anything from the media. Maybe it’s for the better,” Olga wrote on her page on the social network. - It disgusts me that such men (if, of course, you can call them that) exist. I'm scared that nowadays, raising a hand against a girl is becoming possible. I feel bad just thinking that a person I don’t know, for whatever reason, allows himself to push, kick and attack me.

The singer's security quickly reacted and took the rowdy away. Buzova managed to maintain her composure and continue singing.

“I’m scared,” the girl shared with fans. - At the moment when this all happened, I so badly wanted to have a real man next to me who would explain to this creature how to behave with girls... but I quickly came to my senses and continued singing for my people...Fortunately, this happened at the end of my performance; I allowed myself all the emotions only after the concert, when no one saw me.

Let us remind you that Olga Buzova divorced Lokomotiv Moscow midfielder Dmitry Tarasov at the end of 2016; for a long time their relationship was considered exemplary. Now Tarasov is dating Anastasia Kostenko, and Olga has not yet met a new life partner.

The famous TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova was attacked during her performance at a concert in Dubai. An unknown man ran onto the stage and tried to take the microphone from the artist. Buzova decided to talk about what happened herself, without waiting for the incident to become known to the media. She published a video of the attack on her own Instagram page.

Posted by Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Sep 30, 2017 at 8:22 PDT

It disgusts me that such men (if, of course, you can call them that) exist. I'm scared that nowadays it becomes possible to raise a hand against a girl. I feel bad just from the thought that a person I don’t know, for whatever reason, allows himself to push, kick and attack me,” Olga Buzova wrote.

The moment of the attack was also filmed by the singer’s fans, reports the portal Ura.ru.

In her entry about the attack, Olga Buzova also noted that this act on the part of the attacker neutralizes the concept of the word “man.”

Attacking a defenseless girl during a performance is undignified. “I really want to believe that there aren’t many such “non-humans,” but it’s still really scary,” Buzova noted, summing up that after the incident she really wanted “to have a real man nearby who would explain to this creature how to behave.” to be with the girls."

31-year-old Olga Buzova is now in the UAE, where she gives concerts. On September 29, the singer was performing in one of the nightclubs in Dubai when suddenly an unfamiliar man attacked her.

Olga Buzova openly told subscribers about an extremely unpleasant situation that happened to her during a performance on September 29 in Dubai. As they say, nothing predicted...

Olga performed her hit “To the Sound of Kisses” and at some point turned her back to the audience. A certain man quickly went around the fence and literally attacked the singer, trying to knock her to the floor. Dancers from Buzova's team reacted instantly: they pulled the attacker away from the shocked star and handed him over to the guards. Olga continued her performance, but it was clear how shocked she was.

The next day, Buzova decided to personally comment on the situation on her Instagram: “I don’t want to spend my time describing the feelings that I still experience. It disgusts me that such men (if, of course, you can call them that) exist. I'm scared that nowadays, raising a hand against a girl is becoming possible. I feel bad just thinking that a person I don’t know, for whatever reason, allows himself to push, kick and attack me.”

Olga thanked the dancers who quickly came to her aid, as well as the audience who supported her with applause and shouts of approval.

Olga could barely escape

Olga is deeply shocked by what happened

Olga said that such actions are unworthy of men

Olga complained that she needed a strong man's shoulder next to her

Last week, Olga Buzova was honored to perform in one of the largest hotels in Turkey, delighting the local audience with her hits, but immediately after the concert the singer announced the great news that very soon fans will be able to see her in the UAE and Germany. This news made Tatyana Vladimirovna Afrikantova very happy, who is still having fun in Dubai, so she promised that she would definitely attend the concert of the house presenter at the Mirage karaoke club, especially since entry for ladies is free, the site writes. The audience eagerly awaited the woman's live broadcast, and when they did, they were shocked by what happened during Olga's performance.

During the performance of the song “To the Sound of Kisses,” an unknown man approached the girl and tried to take the microphone from her and hit her. As a result, Buzova was saved by the guys from her own backup dancers, and a minute later security officers ran onto the stage and took the hooligan away. A little later, rumors appeared online that Olga had a broken lip and a cut hand, and she herself was very frightened by what happened. But since the video went online, Buzova gave several comments on this matter, the essence of which is that initially she wanted to hide this attack from everyone, so as not to worry her family and friends. But once everything became known, the presenter complained that there are people in the world who are capable of raising a hand against a weak girl and again started talking about the fact that next to her there is not that one and only real man who could protect her always and everywhere.

Apparently, Buzova’s words and the whole situation as a whole made a strong impression on Vlad Kadoni, so he published a huge post on his profile in defense of Olga: “...Is “fucking hype” really worth self-respect and your own masculinity?! Why hasn’t his apology to his girlfriend for his prank spread all over the internet yet?! I don’t consider such people to be men and I’m ashamed...” But the colleague of the injured presenter did not even imagine that he would cause anger among users who were sure that Buzova received what she deserved. It turns out that in Dubai it is considered offensive for invited singers to give concerts to a soundtrack, which is why the unknown person was indignant and tried to take away the microphone. Among the commentators there were often even those who sincerely regretted that the man did not cripple Olga Buzova, thereby punishing her for trying to become a singer without having any special talents.

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