Rorschach mask. Rorschach mask from the comic book Guardians. Investigation into the Comedian's death

The fight against crime, an unusual character, a unique appearance - all this tells us about an unusually exciting comic book and film of all times - Watchmen. The first thing you really want to get your hands on after reading a magazine or watching a movie is a Rorschach mask.

It is worth remembering that Rorschach's camouflage is not just an element of Kovacs' image, it is a weapon that has helped him in countless alterations in the fight against crime. You can buy a Rorschach mask in our online store, after which the path to the wonderful world of fighting evil is open.

Cover your face and your emotions under the mask of Rorschach.

Walter Kovacs created a closed balaclava from a special substance that can change its shape and appearance. We also offer you a mask made of a special substance - spandex, which is sewn without visible seams. Rorschach Watchmen mask is a great gift for fans of cosplay and paintball. In addition, the Rorschach mask perfectly hides the wearer's face and facial expressions.

It’s very easy to order a Rorschach mask, and to make sure of this, contact our managers or leave a request online.

Features of the Rorschach mask from the Watchmen comic:

  • Material: spandex, cotton;
  • Type: closed balaclava mask;
  • Mask length: 34 cm;
  • Material thickness: 0.5 mm;
  • Drawing: Rorschach test patterns in two versions;
  • Color: monochrome;
  • Balaclava fabric without visible seams;
  • The material fits the face and neck;
  • The mask is based on the Guardians comics.

Many fans of various stories starring superheroes have heard of such a character as Walter Kovacs, or, as he is also called, Rorschach.

Besides his interesting biography and the exciting events in which he participated, what else is Rorschach’s personality remembered for? The mask he wore had a special property. We will look at which one in more detail in this article.

Who is Walter Kovacs

This is a fictional character. He was the main character in a comic book called Watchmen. Later, a film adaptation of the same name was released. According to the story, Kovacs' fate was determined by one incident. Walter witnessed the murder of a little girl, whose body the maniac fed to dogs after her death. The hero, in a rage, hacked the killer to pieces with a cleaver.

After this incident, Walter became an uncompromising fighter against evil. During his life, together with his team, he brought justice to many criminals. At the end of the story, unwilling to compromise and neglecting mortal danger, Walter Kovacs dies.

Rorschach mask

It was Walter's mask that was his calling card. Since the hero was a policeman desperate to achieve something through legal means, he wore a mask that hid his true face. Thus, he had the opportunity to rid the world of evil in his own ways, which were not always within the law. The Rorschach mask was made of a special material and had an unusual pattern in the form of contrasting dark spots on a white background.

She had the amazing property of changing her color, which undoubtedly attracted attention. The hero was so closely connected with his mask that he considered it his true face.

The patterns on the mask echo the famous spots from the test of the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. These drawings are called Rorschach blots - they help to explore the human psyche and its disorders. According to the psychologist's theory, depending on what kind of drawing a person sees in the blurry blots, the characteristics of his personality are determined.

The same symmetrical and vague spots, without a specific shape, were also present on Walter Kovacs’ mask.

How the mask works

How does the Rorschach mask work? Despite the amazing optical effect, the principle of operation of the mask is quite simple. There is a special one that allows you to make a dynamic drawing. The fact is that paint changes color (from black to white and vice versa) depending on temperature. The threshold to which the temperature component reacts is 30 degrees.

Thus, the paint appears and disappears synchronously with the person’s breathing. It turns out that the mask of the main character of “Watchmen” is not special effects or computer graphics at all. The Rorschach mask is a completely feasible idea that you can even implement on your own. What’s most surprising is that making such a mask is not difficult.

DIY Rorschach mask

What is needed to make this mask at home? Very little:

Mix black thermochromic pigment with white paint until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. We choose the design we would like to see on our mask (you can use blots from a test by a Swiss psychologist). We draw the desired design on the cardboard in such a proportion that it fits on the mask in the area of ​​your face.

Cut out the design, apply it to the mask and trace the outline. We carefully paint over the blot with our paint (if the mask is not made of two halves, which you will sew together later, but is ready-made, you need to place cardboard under the surface on which you will apply the paint so that it does not print on the other side). It is more convenient to apply paint with a foam rubber brush. Let it dry. The mask is ready! Now you know, Rorschach with your own hands.


The main character of “Watchmen” was loved by many. Fans admire his courage and uncompromisingness. With Walter's mask, everyone can feel like a superhero and amaze others with their unusual appearance. This mask, combined with a costume, will look great at any masquerade party. You can also surprise your friends and loved ones with it.

Difficulty level: Easy

What you will need:

  • Thermochromic paint (printing ink), and the actual mask (white stocking or something like that)

1 step

Actually, a mask

First you need to get everything you need:
1.Printing ink - either gut the printer or buy it from the appropriate place.
2.Mask – either buy white tights or a wrestling mask

Step 2


Think of the design you are going to apply. I advise you to take a couple of pictures from Rorscharch tests (not a superhero, but a psychologist).
A little history - this is a psychodiagnostic test for personality research, created in 1921 by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Hermann Rorschach. Also known as Rorschach Blots.

This is one of the tests used to study personality and its personality disorders. The subject is asked to interpret ten ink blots that are symmetrical relative to the vertical axis. Each such figure serves as a stimulus for free associations - the subject must name any word, image or idea that arises in his mind. The test is based on the assumption that what an individual “sees” in an inkblot is determined by the characteristics of his own personality.

Step 3


Ta-dam! Now the mask is ready! Someone will ask - what is the secret of the picture?
Yes, the whole secret is that this paint, when the temperature changes (your breath, for example), tends to appear and disappear. Scientifically speaking, color appears and disappears in sync with human breathing, and the temperature component responds to a threshold of 30 degrees.
The paint is harmless to the body, but I don’t recommend drawing on the nostrils

Real name: Walter Kovacs

Nicknames: Rorschach

Relatives: Father (fate unknown) - Charlie (Charlie), mother (dead) - Sylvia Kovacs

Gender: Male

Height: 171 cm

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Red

Skin color: White

Position: Neutral

Place of Origin: New York, USA

Place of death: Antarctica

First appearance: Watchmen #1, 1986

Publisher: DC Comics

Creators: Dave Gibbons, Alan Moore

Description of Rorschach

Rorschach - Walter Kovacs, one of the central characters in the Watchmen comic book series. Wears a white mask with ink stains. The spots are constantly in motion and form Rorschach figures. Walter fought evil and was a member of a team of superheroes. After the passage of the law banning costumed heroes, Rorschach does not give up and continues to administer “justice” alone.

The character was created by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbson and John Higgin. According to the creators themselves, Rorschach is a prime example of what would happen to classic superheroes like Superman and Batman in real life. Such unshakable principles and beliefs as theirs can in reality only be defined by the word “psychopath”.

Biography of Rorschach

Rorschach's real name is Walter Kovacs. Born March 21, 1940. It is known that the boy's father is a certain Charlie, whom he has never seen. Walter's mother is Sylvia Kovacs, a prostitute who hates her son. One day, when Kovacs was about 10 years old, he heard his mother having sex with another client. At some point it seemed to him that the client was allowing himself too much. Walter enters his mother's room, angering the client. Furious, the man leaves Sylvia only five dollars (much less than she expected). Walter's mother becomes very upset and begins beating her son and shouting, "You ugly little bastard. We should have listened to everyone and had an abortion.”

In July 1951, at the age of 10, Walter, at the request of his mother, goes to the store to do some shopping. On his way back, two unknown older boys approach him and start making fun of his mother. They call her a whore and Walter a son of a bitch. One of the boys takes fruit from Walter's bag and smashes it on his face. The second, meanwhile, insults Kovacs and calls him sick. The boy's patience is running out. He takes the cigarette from the first teenager's mouth and puts it out on the offender's eye. Next, he knocks him to the ground, scratches his face and bites his cheek, leaving terrible wounds on the bully’s face. People passing by pull Kovacs away and think that he is a “wild mad dog.” Walter later refuses to explain his motives, and everyone believes that the attack on the bullies was unjustified.

After this incident, the authorities organized an investigation into the living and upbringing conditions of young Kovacs. The court ruled that the boy was in unfavorable conditions, he was constantly beaten and subjected to psychological violence. By decision of the judge, Sylvia Kovacs was deprived of parental rights, and Walter was sent to the Lillian Charlton boarding school for troubled children in New Jersey. During his time at the boarding school, Walter showed himself to be a good student. In particular, he had an excellent knowledge of literature, religion and had impressive skills in the field of physical education and amateur boxing.

At the age of 11, Walter writes an essay on the topic of family, where he barely mentions his mother. The main theme of the work is his father. He details his thoughts about his father's personality and his absence throughout all these years. Kovacs believes that his father may have been an important representative of the US President and carried out secret missions. In his thoughts, his father is an example of justice and ideals. He justifies his absence all these years, believing that the Nazis may have killed his father.

At the age of 13, Walter begins to suffer from nightmares related to his mother. In his dreams, she has sex with strangers and turns into monsters. The obvious conclusion is that Walter still has serious psychological disorders due to the events he experienced in childhood.

Throughout Walter's entire education, his mother never had any contact with him. In 1956, at the age of sixteen, Kovacs learns that his mother was found dead in the South Bronx. According to investigators, she was killed by her pimp through forced oral administration of a cleaning fluid. Walter's reaction to the shocking news was one word: "Okay."

After graduation, Walter settled in a rented apartment and found work in a garment factory as an unskilled worker. Rorschach is not particularly happy with his work, but describes it as tolerable. In 1962, a special order arrived for a dress made from a new fabric developed by Doctor Manhattan. The fabric consists of two layers of latex, between which there is a special substance that changes its shape depending on temperature and pressure. The shapes turn out quite similar to the figures from the Rorschach test. Walter decides to take some of the fabric for himself.

Two years later, when Kovacs was 18 years old, he buys a newspaper and sees on the front page a report about the rape, torture and murder of one Kitty Genovese. Kovacs seems familiar with this name and remembers that the order for the dress (from the new Manhattan material) was made by this very girl. But what strikes Kovacs most is that Kitty’s neighbor witnessed the torture and rape. He simply watched what was happening from his house and did not take any action to save the poor girl. This news shocks Walter and he finally loses faith in humanity. Arriving home, he finds fabric for a dress from and constructs a mask from it, which he subsequently considers to be his face.

Becoming Rorschach

Putting on the mask, Walter takes on a new name - Rorschach (the spots on the mask remind him of the famous psychological test of Hermann Rorschach). Continuing to work at a garment factory, he goes out into the city streets at night and fights crime. After some time, he begins to collaborate with other costumed heroes. So, Nite Owl designs and creates a Rorschach hook for him.

In 1966, costumed hero Captain Metropolis assembles a team to fight crime. An offer was also made for Rorschach. Despite his dissatisfaction with such a large roster and a large advertising campaign, Walter agrees to become a member of the team. Later, Captain Metropolis resigns and the team consists of 6 people: Rorschach, Doctor Manhattan, Nite Owl, Comedian, Ozymandias and Silk Specter 2.

One of Rorschach's calling cards were pieces of paper left in places where the superhero carried out justice. The drawings depicted symmetrical blurry figures, reminiscent of the same Rorschach test.

Despite his disappointment in humanity, while delivering justice, Rorschach kept the criminals alive. This continued until 1975, when he took up the case of the missing girl Blair Roche. Walter had a personal relationship with this case, and he promised the parents of the missing woman that he would find their daughter safe and sound. Following the girl's trail, he beat out the necessary information from the criminals. 14 people remained in the hospital until Rorschach received the address he needed. The trail led him to an abandoned clothing store in Brooklyn. Starting a search at night, Walter stumbles upon two guard German shepherds fighting over a bone. After walking around them, he enters the store and looks around. Finding a stove in the house, he discovers pieces of burnt children's clothing in it. On the meat cutting table he finds fresh nicks and blood stains. Hearing a noise, Rorschach looks out the window and sees two shepherds fighting over a bone. Taking a closer look, Walter realizes that this is the hip bone of a child. Being in a state of shock, he takes a large cleaver from one of the closets, goes out into the yard and kills the dogs with it. It was at that moment that Walter, having closed his eyes for a few seconds and opened them again, realized that he was no longer Walter Kovacs. Now he's just Rorschach.

Rorschach's informant reported that the owner of the premises was Gerald Anthony Grice, and that the owner returned to his place around 11 at night. Having waited for the owner to appear in the house, Rorschach throws the corpse of a German shepherd out the window and knocks Gerald down with it. Walter grabs the killer and handcuffs him to the stove, where he found pieces of the girl's clothes. Grice begins to go hysterical, shouting: “You have no right, you won’t do anything. Where is your evidence, arrest me." Rorschach throws a hacksaw into his hands and offers to free himself by sawing through the chain of handcuffs. After that, he takes kerosene and pours it over the entire room. Rorschach tells the killer that no one ever gets free and throws a lit match into the kerosene. The killer burns alive. Walter watches for about an hour as the house and the remnants of his former self burn.

Rorschach quits his job at a garment factory and focuses solely on fighting crime. In 1977, a law was passed banning costumed heroes, and the team created by Captain Metropolis disbanded. The heroes stop their fight against crime, but Rorschach does not stop it. Furious at the new laws, Walter plants the body of notorious rapist Harvey Charles Furniss near the police building. A note is found on the body with one word: “Never!” Rorschach remains true to his principles and is ready to fight crime with his own methods, even if he is declared an outlaw. He moves to live in the slums, dresses like a tramp during the day and walks around with a banner that says “The End Is Near.” At night, he turns into a merciless judge, ready to deliver justice in the most cruel ways.

Time of the Guardians

“On October 12, 1985, a man named Edward Blake was thrown from his apartment window.” With these words the entry in Rorschach's journal begins. Using his grappling hook, Walter climbs to the fourth floor of the house, to Blake's apartment and discovers his secret. The murdered man turned out to be none other than the Comedian - Rorschach's former colleague on the team of costumed heroes. In an attempt to understand who was able to kill the Comedian and what the killer's motives were, Walter comes to the conclusion that a hunt is open for the former superheroes. Feeling responsible, Rorschach decides to notify all his colleagues about the possible threat.

As the murder investigation progresses, Walter gets on the trail of Edgar Jacobi (aka Moloch, a former villain). Having noticed him at the Comedian's funeral, Rorschach decides to interrogate him and enters Moloch's apartment. As their conversation progresses, Jacobi reveals everything he knows. Not long ago, a drunk Comedian burst into Moloch’s apartment wearing a superhero costume and without a mask. He paced the room in the middle of the night and, with tears in his eyes, said that he regretted his actions in the past. He also talked about a certain list that contains the name of the Comedian himself, Moloch and Jenny Slater (Doctor Manhattan's former girlfriend).

Later, Rorschach decides to see Moloch again and picks the lock in his apartment in the middle of the night. He finds his old enemy, but he turns out to be dead. At the same moment, a police message is heard from the street that the house is surrounded and Rorschach needs to surrender. He realizes that someone has organized this trap and is trying to set him up. Rorschach decides to fight to the last. While some of the police are breaking down the door to the apartment, he sets one of them on fire, shoots another with his hook and jumps out the window. Once outside, he is surrounded by a dozen cops. Rorschach has been captured.


After Rorschach is captured, the police learn his real name. He goes to the local prison, where he himself has imprisoned many criminals. In prison, he undergoes psychological treatment with clinical psychologist Malcolm Long. There he talks about his past and how he became a new person. Walter explains that his real face is Rorschach's mask. He eventually tells Long about the girl who was fed to the dogs. This story has a strong effect on Long. It is known that he will resign later.

Throughout the time that Kovacs spends in prison, he is in danger. The prisoners dream of getting even with the former costumed hero and organize attacks. So, one day during lunch, he is attacked by a prisoner named Otis. Without hesitation, Walter grabs a canister of hot oil and pours it on the attacker. Otis receives severe burns and writhes in agony. The guards grab hold of Kovacs and try to take him away. He shouts to all the prisoners: “It’s not me who was locked up with you. You are the one locked up with me.”

Rorschach ends up in solitary confinement. He later learns that Otis, who attacked him in the cafeteria, has died, and a riot has broken out in the prison. While the guards are busy rioting, local authority Big Shot comes to Rorschach's chamber. He also went to prison thanks to Walter and dreams of killing him. Together with his bodyguards, Shishka threatens him with violence and tries to break into the cell. Having obtained a grinder somewhere, Shishka and two henchmen are trying to cut the lock and get into the cell. Walter insults one of his henchmen, and he tries to reach Rorschach through the bars with his hands. Finding the right moment, Walter grabs his hands and ties them together. Big Shot realizes that it is now impossible to get into the cell and cuts off the hands of his bodyguard with an electric saw. Later, Rorschach, using a bare live wire and spilled water on the floor, deals with the authority’s second henchman. Left alone, Big Shot decides to run away and hides in the toilet. Walter takes advantage of the fact that there is a riot in the prison, leaves his cell and deals with his enemy. On his way out of prison, Rorschach encounters Nite Owl and Silk Specter. Together they continue to investigate the Comedian's death.

Veidt's Secret

They learn that there has been another attempt on the life of a former member of the hero team, Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias). They have been trying for a long time to figure out who could be behind all this. The trail leads them to the Delivery Pyramid company, where they hack the computer and find out the truth. The orderer of the assassination attempt on Adrian Veidt is Adrian Veidt himself.

Deadly Antarctica

The heroes learn that their former comrade Ozymandias has taken the side of evil and is hiding in Antarctica. Arriving at Veidt's base, they try to stop him. Doctor Manhattan himself comes to their aid. Veidt decides to reveal his terrible secret and reveals that he has conceived a global plan to exterminate several million US citizens in order to save the whole world. He believes that the world is on the brink of nuclear war and he needs to unite against someone else in order to survive. This “someone” will be Doctor Manhattan. But the most shocking news for superheroes was Veidt's story that his plan had long been set in motion and millions of people were destroyed while the costumed heroes fought in Antarctica. Ozymandias suggests that everyone not tell the bitter truth, since people have already died. Instead, he proposes to use his plan and unite all people to preserve peace. Otherwise, a nuclear war will begin, and all the inhabitants of the planet will die. All the heroes reluctantly agree with Veidt and decide to keep the secret. Everything, but not Rorschach. He is deeply true to his principles and refuses to compromise with evil. He says that upon arrival in the United States he will tell everyone the truth about what Veidt did. Rorschach realizes that he is signing his own death warrant, but cannot go against himself. After all, then he will turn out to be an ordinary criminal, and not a fighter against injustice. Doctor Manhattan understands the hopelessness of the situation. He can't let Rorschach tell everyone about the millions of victims. After all, then people can start a nuclear war among themselves and there will be no one left alive. Doctor Manhattan kills Rorschach.

Guardians: Prologue

In 2014, DC released a comic book series called Before Watchmen. It describes the adventures of familiar heroes before the events of Ozymandias. Rorschach was given 4 separate issues. They tell about how Walter tries to neutralize the leader of the criminal group “Scarecrow”. Also, in parallel, it tells about a maniac named “Poet”, who kills girls and leaves inscriptions on their bodies with a scalpel. While Rorschach is focused on catching the Scarecrow, he allows the maniac to work with impunity and even partially helps him find a new victim. Overall, the Watchmen Prologue comic book series received mixed reviews from critics.

Rorschach's abilities


Rorschach is a good detective. His working methods are more productive compared to the police. This can be seen immediately after the Comedian's murder. Rorschach was able to quickly figure out the crime scene, find Blake's hiding place and establish his alter ego.

Master of Fisticuffs

Like all the characters in Watchmen (with the exception of Doctor Manhattan), Rorschach does not have superpowers and unrealistic abilities. But years of living in the slums and training in martial arts took their toll. He is a true master of fist fighting. He is especially good at boxing.

Inventive Killer

Throughout the adventures depicted in the comics, Rorschach is shown to be a very resourceful person. When he finds himself in critical situations, he can act unconventionally and at the same time very cruelly. This brings its fruits and terrible death to all his enemies.

Rorschach Equipment

Rorschach mask

Rorschach's mask is the hallmark of a superhero. She not only hides the hero’s real name, but, according to Walter, is his real face. The mask is made from a special material developed by Dr. Manhattan in the 1970s. It is based on latex material and a special substance that changes shape under the influence of temperature and pressure. This material came to Kovacs while working at a garment factory. Initially, it was supposed to be used to make a dress, but Kovacs used it for other purposes. The shapes the substance created reminded him of Herman Rorschach's test. They were also symmetrical and contrasting.

Rorschach's clothes

Rorschach's constant clothing is a long coat, hat, trousers and boots. In this image, he appears both on the pages of the comic book "Watchmen" and in "Watchmen: Prologue"

Hook gun

One of Rorschach's few permanent items is his grappling hook gun. It was designed and created by his friend Nite Owl before their team's adventures. The gun is gas fired and fires a grappling hook over long distances. With its help, Rorschach penetrates many places and also uses it as a weapon.

Rorschach's Journal

Rorschach's journal - his philosophical notes about world events, people and adventures. Often the narration in a comic is carried out using excerpts from a magazine. Before traveling to Antarctica, where Walter's life ended, he sends his journal to the media and his adventures become public knowledge.

A note

One of Rorschach's calling cards are his notes. They depict a symmetrical figure, reminiscent of the figures from the Rorschach psychological test. Walter often leaves these notes in places where he administered justice, thus showing the public and criminals that it was he who worked here.

In contact with

In this article you will learn:

Walter Kovacs, Rorschach- character from DC Comics and the film “Watchmen”.

In the 2009 film, Rorschach was played by actor Jackie Earle Haley.


Rorschach is characterized very simply - a psycho. He does not have superpowers, and is based only on many years of training and preparation. He is very resourceful and strong. Likes to think to himself, conducting his own investigation in his head.

Kovacs is an excellent boxer and gymnast, prefers religion and literature.


Approximate time of birth: 40s. He grew up in the family of a prostitute, although it was difficult to call it a family. Only his name is known about his father. The mother constantly beat her son, as did her clients. On this basis, the withdrawn boy became angry and merciless.

Orphanage and first job:

After beating the yard boys, Walter ended up in an orphanage.

After the orphanage, he began working in a clothing store, which he did not like at all.

In this store, the future Rorschach purchased fabric that would serve as his mask.

Becoming Rorschach:

Walter worked his boring job for two years, but after reading in the newspaper about the violent death of Kitty Genovese, a girl who became famous only for being raped and beaten to death in front of witnesses who did absolutely nothing, he becomes completely disillusioned with people.

That same day, returning home, he made a mask from the fabric he took from work and became a new avenger under the name Rorschach.

The hero's mask consisted of two layers of latex, between which there was a black liquid that was mixed into different shapes.

Rorschach kept a diary in which he describes his actions.

Rorschach's favorite line is: “No compromise, even in the face of Armageddon.”

The hero left his enemies alive, handing them over to the police.

In the 60s, he teamed up with the owl-masked hero, Night Owl 2. Together they brought terror to the city's villains.

Disappearance of a girl:

Ten years later, Rorschach conducted his investigation into the disappearance of a little girl, promising her parents that their daughter would return unharmed. The hero followed a trail that led him to a sewing workshop. There he found a dress in the oven, and dogs tearing bones in the yard. The hero's last drops of prudence disappeared. He waited for the alleged killer, then set him on fire and killed him. From that moment on, Rorschach realized that there was absolutely no point in letting the scumbags live.

Investigation into the Comedian's death:

In 1977, a law was passed that prohibited the so-called “fighters against evil” from acting. But Rorschach was not a timid person, and was not going to stop. He became the only active hero.

In 1985, after the death of the Comedian, an old acquaintance, Rorschach took up the investigation. The comedian, being a man of enormous strength, could not commit suicide by falling out of the window of his apartment.

While investigating this case, Rorschach fell into a trap. He was arrested and sent to prison. Among the prisoners there were many scumbags whom he himself put there. Everyone who tried to kill Kovacs in prison died.

After some time, Night Owl and.

It was not me who was locked up with you - it was you who were locked up with me.

Rorschach continued to investigate the Comedian's death along with Nite Owl. He learned that behind all this is the company of the smartest man on the planet, Adrian Veidt.

That night, Rorschach finished his diary, assuming that he would never return from the last fight.

Whether I live or die... I hope that the world will last long enough for this diary to reach you. I have lived my life free from compromise, and I enter the shadow of death without complaint or regret.

Hero's Death:

Rorschach and Nite Owl traveled to Antarctica, where Veidt's base was located. Veidt argued that the world was on the brink of a nuclear war between the USA and the USSR and it was necessary to unite the countries, otherwise billions would die. He only wanted to sacrifice a million to save the rest.

Rorschach did not support the enthusiasm of his old acquaintance, but it was too late. New York was in ruins from an explosion allegedly orchestrated by Doctor Manhattan.

Although the Doctor was framed, he fully agreed with Veidt, as the countries united in the fight against a common enemy - Doctor Manhattan.

Night Owl and Silk Specter recognized the right path in ending the Cold War. But Rorschach refused to participate in this farce and insisted on telling people the whole truth. The hero, knowing that death awaited him, still stood his ground, after whichDr Manhattan Kill l him.

Thus ended the path of the ruthless hero, the guardian.

All that was left of him was a diary, which was found in the editorial office of one of the newspapers.

Rorschach played by Jackie Earle Haley

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