The best intimate tattoo for girls. Photo: the sexiest places for tattoos Intimate tattoos and zodiac signs

Women's intimate tattoos were popular long before our era. For example, in the fourth millennium BC. the inhabitants of Mesopotamia decorated their chests with the sun, moon and stars, floral ornaments were depicted on their stomachs, and the “king’s house” was depicted below. Such intimate tattoos were almost an integral decoration of the female body.

The topics of modern intimate tattoos are very diverse and depend on the goal that the woman wants to achieve. In artistic tattooing, intimate sketches are not always worn erotic character. Intimacy is rather determined by the location of the pattern: on the chest, lower abdomen, buttocks, pubis and below the lower back. For every representative of the fairer sex, such a tattoo carries a special meaning.

Intimate tattoos for girls usually symbolize individuality, originality, purity and femininity. The floral theme in such cases is most relevant. Often flowers are selected according to the horoscope sign. Violet is recommended for Aries, daisies for Taurus, hawthorn for Gemini, oak leaves for Cancer, holly for Leo, hazel branches for Virgo, bindweed for Libra, hop flowers for Scorpio, chrysanthemum for Sagittarius, holly for Capricorn, snowdrop for Aquarius, primrose for Pisces .

But intimate tattoos for women most often serve to spice up relationships, intrigue, and diversify sexual relationships.

Not every woman chooses erotic drawings. This topic is much more popular among men. But tattoos on intimate places are more often done by women.

The main theme for tattoos on the chest are flowers - a symbol of tenderness and beauty. There is an opinion that tattoos on the chest are dangerous. But in fact, in the absence of pathologies, such a tattoo does not threaten anything. The only thing to consider is age-related changes. It is not recommended to tattoo the nipples; they are usually framed with patterns of flowers or ornaments.

Intimate pubic tattoos are erotic or symbolic in nature. In addition to flowers, butterflies, cats, and scorpions are especially popular.

Until recently, the image of a butterfly was considered a distinctive sign of prostitutes. But now, when tattoo art takes on a more artistic meaning, many symbols and images have regained the original meanings that our ancestors gave them. The butterfly is a symbol of rebirth, freedom, beauty and sophistication. Among different peoples, the butterfly was endowed with the most best qualities, was associated with the human soul, immortality.

Scorpio in Japan is considered a symbol of courage; in combination with a flower - fidelity, love, and a long married life.

Cats represent grace, sexuality, unpredictability, and self-sufficiency.

Wild cats symbolize courage, strength, freedom.

The mystery of this animal gives erotic meaning to cat drawings. In many cultures, cats were considered sacred animals and were endowed with magical powers.

With the development of realism in tattoo art, images of portraits and photographs are becoming popular. As intimate tattoos for girls, a photo of a lover is symbolic - a sign of fidelity and eternal love. Most often this is an original gift for a man. Although, for an intimate tattoo, the photo is not entirely suitable due to physiological characteristics.

By getting a tattoo on intimate places, you can forget about prejudices - after all, this kind of jewelry is absolutely not intended for prying eyes. Here you can realize all your imagination and desires.

Natka 2014-11-05 16:38:34
I really like guys with nipple piercings because they can't feed them.
Louise 2016-09-16 23:33:10 tml

The art of intimate tattooing has passed through many centuries. Before our era, this type of beauty had a deep sacred meaning. Nowadays, intimate tattoos, for the most part, serve as decoration for the female body, emphasizing magnetism and sexuality. And some female representatives apply such a pattern to hide a scar after surgery.

Features of intimate tattoos

The drawings have also undergone changes; if in ancient times plant motifs and images of celestial bodies predominated, now the drawings are full of variety! And it is worth noting that the tattoos applied by modern girls most often do not have an erotic context at all! In such tattoos, only the application areas remain intimate: buttocks, lower back, bikini area, stomach and chest. Some girls even have some hidden meaning when choosing an ornament. Others want to emphasize their femininity and sexuality and in this case choose floral prints.

Intimate tattoos and zodiac signs

There is even a relationship between zodiac signs and colors:

  • Pisces sign - primrose flower.
  • The sign of Aquarius is snowdrops.
  • The sign of Capricorn is holly.
  • Sign Sagittarius - chrysanthemums.
  • The sign of Scorpio is hops.
  • The sign of Libra is bindweed.
  • The sign of Virgo is a hazel twig.
  • The sign of Leo is holly.
  • The sign Cancer is an oak leaf.
  • Gemini sign - hawthorn flowers.
  • Sign Taurus - daisies.
  • The sign of Aries is violet.

Features of the location of intimate tattoos

When making an erotic tattoo on the chest, girls often choose floral motifs, this adds charm and piquancy. Tattoos are also placed under the chest, and usually the design for the toga area is chosen to be graceful and have a sexy charm.

It is worth remembering about changes in the breasts with age, weight and the beginning and end of lactation, because they can undergo great changes, so be more careful when choosing a pattern.

Patterns in the lumbar area were very popular in the 90s; every 5 girls had a tattoo on their tailbone. The ornament for decorating this part of the body can be completely different. The lower back can be decorated with animal motifs, Gothic patterns, floral patterns, and inscriptions. There is one nuance in this procedure, in order for the drawing to look elegant, it must be applied strictly in the center!

The ornament on the belly usually adorns the bodies of dancers, informal girls and athletes. After all, to have such a tattoo, you need to be the owner of an elegant figure.

Also, an erotic image on the stomach has become a salvation for girls who have an ugly post-operative scar. Usually the belly is decorated with floral designs.

Intimate designs in the bikini area carry a symbolic and erotic meaning. The choice of design for the bikini area can be very different: flowers, cartoons, inscriptions, portraits, animals, insects.

Top most popular explicit tattoos for women

  • Butterflies symbolize spiritual rebirth, beauty and tenderness, and in ancient times they meant immortality and purity of the soul.
  • Scorpios give determination and courage. And if flowers were added to the image of a scorpion, then this was a symbol of love and fidelity.
  • Cats are the personification of charm, grace, femininity, sexuality. The image of wild cats means strength and love of freedom.
  • The image of a portrait of a loved one is the embodiment of strong love and loyalty to a person. Some girls present such erotic tattoos as a gift to their lover.

A man's view of drawings in girls' intimate places

Many men remain committed to the opinion that intimate female tattoos should not be displayed on the body of their beloved!

For many representatives of the stronger sex, such tattoos are associated with accessibility and depravity. And some argue their dislike by the fact that with age, pregnancy, childbirth, recruitment excess weight, the image on the body will become a completely ugly sight in the appearance of your beloved. But there are men who love to look at the sexual designs of explicit tattoos on a woman’s body.

Girls, when deciding on an intimate tattoo, remember that choosing an image is a very important part of the procedure! Since some drawings are still perceived as symbols of easily accessible women!

Good afternoon, today I present to your attention a very interesting topic in the field of tattooing -

intimate tattoos, tattoos on intimate places and the meaning of intimate tattoos. Let's start in order.

Intimate tattoos and what they mean to us.

Why do we make intimate tattoos on our bodies? Just like an ordinary tattoo, just because you want it, and sometimes in order to stand out from the crowd. Women's intimate tattoos not only decorate but also excite our male imagination. Women's intimate tattoo is very beautiful and sexy, often young girls get such tattoos for their beloved men, let's say an intimate gift and for variety. By the way, intimate tattoos do not mean that the tattoo will be done somewhere in a sexy place; it can be done on the arm, back, neck and any other place. Girls usually get a wide variety of intimate tattoos, but mostly they are some beautiful flowers, a cat, a butterfly, an inscription with the name of a loved one, etc. Men's intimate tattoos, everything is much simpler here, mostly these are quite simple drawings, a sign of quality, an inscription, an image naked girl. It’s sad to say, but men’s intimate tattoos are not that interesting. And not many men have the desire to get an intimate tattoo.

The meaning of intimate tattoos.

Let's now talk about the meaning of intimate tattoos. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that intimate tattoos have some kind of meaning than an ordinary tattoo, I’ll tell you right away that this is not so, if for example you get a tattoo in the form of a butterfly on an intimate place, then the meaning of this tattoo will be the same as that of an ordinary butterfly tattoo, the meaning does not change anyway, that's how it is.

Excerpts from the story about intimate tattoos, as well as the place of their application.

In ancient times, tattoos on intimate places showed the opposite sex their readiness for sexual relations.

relationships, and paid attention to very specific parts of the body. Nowadays, the main reason why representatives of both sexes apply tattoos to intimate areas is the desire to stand out, draw attention to their body, and emphasize sexuality.
Intimate tattoos are applied using various colors and shades. In order to emphasize your individuality, an intimate tattoo may not be large at all.

Intimate places on a woman’s body that are popular when applying intimate tattoos are the chest, hips, pubis, and tailbone. Most often, the chest, pubis and tailbone are chosen for intimate tattoos.
Much depends on the physiology of the person himself. If a girl has small breasts, then why pay attention to them. Or vice versa, those with beautiful breasts can emphasize their dignity with an intimate tattoo.
As tattoo artists say, the most common design is paws with claws. As psychologists say, such a drawing expresses a woman’s readiness for passionate sex. Most girls get themselves a temporary colored intimate tattoo.

There are so many incredibly beautiful and sexy places on a woman’s body, so why not highlight them with a beautiful permanent pattern? You can get a tattoo on the forearm, leg or arm, or you can choose places that only a select few will be allowed to see. We have selected the 15 sexiest places for tattoos on a woman's body.

If you want to get a sexy tattoo, it is important to choose not only the location, but also the design. Before you go to the tattoo parlor, think about how you will feel with your new permanent piece of jewelry. Will a tattoo help you reveal your sensual side or, on the contrary, make you more daring and passionate? Having decided on a design that is 100% likely to make you even more seductive, you can go to a tattoo artist or tattoo parlor and choose a place to apply a permanent picture.

1. In the dimple near the collarbone

Girls love to decorate the seductive dimple between the shoulder and collarbone. Not everyone will notice a tattoo in this place, so it creates a special mysterious effect, making you want to look behind the light fabric of the blouse and examine the creation of the tattoo artist

2. Behind the ear

We rise a little higher, even higher... and find a scattering of stars, an oblong feather or an inscription right behind the ear

In this intimate place, few will be able to notice the unusual tattoo hidden behind her voluminous curls. It is not unreasonable to assume that it is intended for the eyes of a select few

3. On the shoulder blade

A light blouse with a deep boat neckline offers a most charming view of a whimsical design of a bird, a flying dandelion or a rose with thorns... Tattoos on the shoulder blade look great on girls who are not shy about exposing their back and shoulders. The procedure for applying a tattoo to this part is not very painful, so this is where you can start decorating your body

4. Along the spine

Back Tattoo The spine is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo. It is also the sexiest.

Girls who agree to get a tattoo on their back along the spine shed a lot of tears. But the result is worth it, because the only person who will be able to see permanent beauty all year round is the man he loves. And in the summer, everyone can see an unusual ornament, a Phoenix bird, a dream catcher or a flying arrow on the beach

5. On the sacrum

A rather boring place for a tattoo, the sacrum nevertheless remains in the top ten most desirable and sexy.

The fashion for tattoos in the tailbone area came around the same time when girls began wearing low-waisted trousers and jeans, and this happened at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Usually, unusual ornaments, vine branches with flowers, butterflies or just wings are stuffed here.

6. Side along the ribs

Getting a tattoo along the ribs is almost as painful as along the spine, but many girls agree to endure any pain in the name of beauty. The thing is that any design that starts just below the chest and seems to “embrace” the fragile female body looks very sexy and provocative. The most impressive look are voluminous airy patterns peeking out from under a dress with open back or a tank top with straps.

7. Lower abdomen

Tattoos along the bikini line are most often applied by lucky owners of a flat tummy and a beautifully protruding pelvic bone. This is without a doubt the most provocative and sexy place for a small tattoo. tattoo on the lower abdomen Be sure that not a single man will remain indifferent and will definitely want to look at the entire drawing.

8. Underbust

Representatives of the fair sex rarely decide to get a tattoo in this place. Firstly, it will be possible to show off the skillful work of a tattoo artist only in the summer on the beach. Secondly, a tattoo in this place will look impressive only if the breasts are no more than 2-3 sizes. Busty beauties are better off getting a tattoo elsewhere.

9. On the side of the thigh

Recently, girls have increasingly begun to apply tattoos to the outer surface of their thighs. In this place you can create voluminous, bright, story-based tattoos. tattoo on the thigh Large area sketches of birds, animals, natural and graphic motifs look amazing. You can get a tattoo that starts in the chest area, wraps around the whole body and ends on the thigh.

10. On the leg along the stocking line

Very frankly, very sexy and provocative... A tattoo tattooed on the front of the thigh, where stockings usually end, delights all men without exception. tattoo on the leg In this place, both voluminous drawings and barely noticeable inscriptions look equally good.

11. Along the foot

Tattoos placed along the foot look unusual and very beautiful. Drawings can be made in color or monochrome. Typically, such a tattoo completely follows the curve of the foot and emphasizes the elegance of a woman’s leg.

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