Courses 1c professional. Frequently asked questions about 1C:Professional certification

Any self-respecting specialist in our field must constantly improve and develop. If you stop learning, you fall off track and cease to be a valuable specialist. Certification 8.3 is a simple and universal way to prove your knowledge in the field of 1C.

Answers and materials for exams:

1C has divided the certification into two qualification levels - Professional and Specialist. These levels are a test of knowledge of standard solutions and the 1C technology platform.

How to get a 1C Professional certificate

This type of test is the first level of testing the student’s knowledge. The exam is to test theoretical knowledge. To be admitted to testing, no preliminary approvals are required, unlike 1C Specialist.

The exam is conducted in the form of a test, which contains 14 questions. The time allotted for solving the test is 30 minutes, which is quite enough. It has two grades - pass/fail. The presence of 12 correct answers out of 14 is a reason for issuing you a certificate.

Main topics of 1C Certificates:

  • Knowledge of the 1C platform;
  • Enterprise accounting;
  • Trade management;
  • Salary and personnel management;
  • Accounting of a budgetary institution;
  • Manufacturing enterprise management;
  • Management.

In total, for each topic there are from 400 (platform) to 1500 (unit) questions.

Questions for testing 1C Professional can be taken from the disks.

Answers for testing 1C Professional can be found online if you search hard enough.

Qualification Specialist

Certification as a “specialist” implies the presence of serious practical skills of the examinee. Exams are conducted in the form of an in-person or remote solution to a “real” problem. Problem solving is always individual; there is no single correct solution.

The decision will take from 3 to 5 hours, after which you must be ready to justify your decision.

To obtain admission to the test, you must pass the appropriate “professional” qualification exam. An exception is that when passing the Professional test, you can be admitted to all types at once, except for the Platform Specialist.

1C certificates for this qualification are of two types: Consultant Specialist and Specialist.

1C Specialist

This type of certification is intended for masters of 1C 8.3 programming. It tests both programming knowledge and knowledge of the application solution.

There are five types of tasks:

  1. "" - test of knowledge and application of the 1C 8.3 technology platform (the most difficult).
  2. "" - exam for configuration and knowledge of trading solutions from 1C.
  3. "Accounting Specialist" - a certificate for understanding Accounting and programming.
  4. “Salary and HR Management Specialist” - the basics of personnel accounting and programming.
  5. “Specialist in Salaries and Personnel of Budgetary Institutions” - knowledge of personnel records in budgetary organizations.

1C Specialist Consultant

This certification implies knowledge of configurations and the ability to implement and configure a standard solution.

It is presented in five various types:

  1. “ ” - the ability to apply a trading solution according to the client’s requirements.
  2. “Accounting Consultant” - 1C 8.2 certificate for understanding Accounting and setting up the program.
  3. “Specialist-consultant on Payroll and HR management” - understanding of personnel records and office work.
  4. “Manufacturing Enterprise Management Specialist” - despite the absence of “consultant” in the title, here the understanding of the methodology for maintaining production accounting is checked.
  5. “Specialist consultant in Accounting of a government institution” - You must know the features of accounting in budgetary organizations.

1C Expert on technological issues

This certification is removed from the general list.

If you are starting to learn 1C programming, we recommend our free course(do not forget subscribe to YouTube - new videos are released regularly):

In December 2000, NPC INFA-Education, for the first time in Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory, received a new status - an authorized certification center of the 1C company. ()

What does 1C:Professional certification provide?

Looking through job advertisements for accountants and sales service managers, you can see that knowledge of the 1C:Accounting programs and other programs of the 1C:Enterprise system is becoming almost a standard requirement. As shown by the results of independent studies of the accounting labor market conducted by the Center for Economic Research and Development "Business Programs-Service", knowledge of 1C programs significantly increases the likelihood of a quick job placement for an accountant.

Certification gives the user: 1) official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most popular management and accounting automation programs; 2) advantages for promotion or hiring; 3) respect and trust of management and employees; 4) confidence in your knowledge and abilities.

Certification provides the enterprise with: 1) objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring employees, promoting them or rewarding them; 2) reducing the time and money spent on education and training of accounting and sales staff; 3) improving the quality of the enterprise’s work, minimizing risks and problems.

What does the 1C:Professional certificate confirm?

Certification exam

The exam is taken on a computer. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on various topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answer options are offered, from which you must choose the most complete and correct one. There is a general time limit of 30 minutes for answering all questions. At the same time, there is no time limit for answering each individual question.

The exam result is assessed on a two-point scale “Passed” - “Failed”. To receive a pass grade, you must answer 12 out of 14 questions correctly within the time limit of 30 minutes. The order in which questions are answered, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made while answering questions, or repeated reference to the same questions do not affect the result. Early answers to all questions on the assignment are also not taken into account when evaluating results. If the test is unsuccessful, another attempt is given (no more than two attempts in total within the framework of one agreement - 800 rubles).

If the examinee does not agree with the result of the 1C:Professional exam, subject to certain conditions and procedures, it is allowed.

How to prepare for the certification exam

To prepare for the certification exam, it is recommended to use the documentation included with the software products, as well as a training manual for the corresponding program with example solutions. The names of specific tutorials can be read on the 1C website by and by. You can order a set of questions for testing 1C: Professional using the following link

You can pick up the ordered teaching aids at our center (see contacts). To be confident in your abilities, it is recommended to go to the 1C website.

Our center offers courses “Preparation for testing 1C: Professional on 1C: Accounting 8” and “Preparation for testing 1C: Professional on 1C: Platform 8” in the amount of 30 academic units. hours. More detailed information in the price list.

For preparation, you can also use the 1C: Educational Testing simulator. The cost of such training is 2100 rubles/month. By purchasing a payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" you can take any test unlimitedly within 30 days and at the same time remember (or learn, or mark in the purchased set of questions) the correct answers to the test. Please note that the correct answers are shown only for those questions that you tried to answer. The complete list of questions and answers is not available in the database; each new test is generated randomly from the database. You can order a payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" using the following link:

You can pick up the delivered payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" at our center. At your request, we can send you the PIN code of the payment card to your email within 2 business days from the date of payment.

Conditions for passing the certification exam

If you have any problems filling it out, please contact us (see contacts). Within one business day, the center receives a password for the test task, and you can undergo certification.

Certification takes place on-line only in our training center under the guidance of an administrator at the very time specified in the application. The password for the task is not sent by email and is transferred to the performer immediately before testing. The password gives access to the exam only once. Before allowing a user to take the exam, the administrator must familiarize him with the rules for taking tests. The administrator is in the room (next to the users’ workstations) during the entire examination period. It ensures that users taking exams comply with the following rules. The user is not allowed to:

  • Conversate with other users and outsiders and use their knowledge in any form,
  • Use notes, literature and reference materials, laptop computers and electronic notebooks, other media,
  • Bring briefcases, diplomats, bags, cell phones, pagers, and other unauthorized materials and things into the workplace,
  • Copy questions and/or answers, remove them from the testing area, or discuss them with other candidates.
  • At the end of the time allotted for passing the exam, or if completed early, the test result is issued. If the test is unsuccessful, another attempt is given. If the test attempt is successful, the certificate will be sent from 1C within 3-4 weeks. Simultaneously with the issuance of the first “1C:Professional” certificate, a 1C:Professional badge is issued, which looks like this:

    Payment Methods.

    For the convenience of our clients, we have implemented many payment methods for 1C: Professional testing. All available payment methods are listed on the Payment Methods page.

    If you cannot or do not want to visit our center for prepayment, you can visit our center only for testing. In this case, you can order 1C:Professional testing and pay for it online.

    INFA-Education → Certificate 1C:PROFES-SINAL

    ", and today I will give recommendations on which 1C Professional take it and how to prepare easier. Of course, the 1C Professional certification is the first step, but it is better to get it at the beginning of your journey for greater confidence in your knowledge and abilities.

    If you don’t know what programming is at all, then this is the place for you.

    What's happened certificate "1C: Professional"- this is an official confirmation of the 1C company that the certificate holder has the necessary knowledge and skills and can effectively use all the capabilities of the relevant 1C:Enterprise programs.

    Why do you need 1C: Professional?

    I’ll start right away with the fact that I’m against all sorts of crusts and cults starting higher education and ending with MBA and what else is there.

    The 1C company puts forward its own requirements, according to which certified specialists must work in franchising companies. I think this is correct, and while you are preparing for the exam, you will study the program better. And many employers are looking for certified specialists, and a certified one will have an advantage, albeit an imaginary one.

    And so we get:
    1. Official confirmation from 1C company
    2. Advantage in hiring and promotion
    3. Self-esteem, confidence in your knowledge
    4. Respect for co-workers and management

    Which professional to choose

    Briefly about the exams:
    (948 questions included)
    Trade management UT ed. eleven(462 questions)
    Salary and HR management(928 questions)
    Enterprise accounting(615 questions)
    Manufacturing plant management(1098 questions)

    The easiest exam is UT11, and the hardest is Manufacturing Enterprise Management, which opens up the most opportunities for further certification as a 1C Specialist.

    Preparation materials

    On the 1C website in the Books, booklets, articles, exam questions section, there are sets with exam questions; you can’t do without them.
    Look at the Trial tests from the ITS disk
    You also need the 1C program for the test 1C Professional for platform 8.2 The “ ” version is also suitable.
    It will be useful "

    So, have you firmly decided to prepare for the Professional 1C exam?

    Let's find out what to prepare for and how to do it!

    Strategy for passing tests 1C Professional

    Please note that in these books you can only find a list of questions for the 1C Professional test, but not answers :)

    Please note that 1C versions for taking 1C Professional tests are periodically updated (previously taken using version 8.1, now 8.2, etc.), so you need a list of questions specifically for the version of the platform/configuration on which 1C tests are currently being taken Professional. It’s better to check which version is used directly where you plan to take the 1C Professional exam.

    Stage 2) Training on the topic

    Once you understand what you need to know, you need to obtain this knowledge.

    As we discussed earlier, the issue of training can always be solved simply:

    • Full-time courses (from 4000 rubles)
    • Internet courses (from 1000 rubles, ibid.)
    • Self-study using existing 1C and books.

    The purpose of such training is to obtain a general education on the topic and make sure that the knowledge is, in principle, there.

    Stage 3) Resolving issues 1C professional

    Despite the “general” knowledge of the topic, any tests have their own subtleties.

    The question may not be formulated precisely, with a trick, for example, “What objects are used in algorithms?”

    There may be questions that are required extremely rarely in life, for example, “In the full-text search mechanism, expressions are used to search, taking into account synonyms of the word ‘scarlet..’.”

    It is clear that no “general” education will provide accurate knowledge of the answers to such questions, or they are not contained in the RAM of the human brain. Therefore, before taking the 1C Professional test, it is necessary to at least solve all the questions of the 1C Professional test, and at a maximum, memorize the correct answers.

    Ready-made answers for 1C Professional tests do not “exist” - that is, they are not published or distributed officially.

    The following options are possible:

    Option 1) Self-check using 1C directly. The option is not very good in that 1C will not tell you that this particular answer option in the test is correct, and the questions, as already written, may be “with a trick”.

    Option 2) Studying ITS disks on which answer options are published, if you have access to ITS disks. However, less than 100 answers to questions are published on one disk, so you will need a lot of disks.

    Option 3) The list of answers can be indirectly obtained from the test (the Professional test is written above).

    Option 4) Search the Internet.

    Questions 1C Professional

    In order for you to quickly assess your knowledge to pass exams on the most popular 1C Professional exams, look at what 1C knowledge you should have.

    Questions 1C Professional - platform

    • What is a platform - thick and thin client, databases
    • Platform tools in enterprise mode and configurator
    • Configurator constructors
    • Development and Debugging
    • Configuration as a set of objects
    • Configuration as a set of database tables
    • Data exchange
    • Configuration Maintenance
    • Interfaces
    • Reporting
    • Accounting mechanisms for accounting, trade, payroll.

    Questions 1C professional - accounting edition 2

    • Configuration and administration of the 1C platform *
    • Chart of accounts in 1C *
    • Registers in 1C *
    • Working with 1C as applied to 1C Accounting
    • Cash
    • Fixed assets and intangible assets
    • Calculations
    • Nomenclature
    • Salary (in Accounting)
    • Production (in Accounting)
    • Income tax
    • VAT (in Accounting)
    • Other types of taxation
    • User work

    Where * is not indicated, the topic relates specifically to the 1C Accounting configuration, otherwise - to 1C in general.

    Questions 1C professional - trade management edition 11

    • Working with 1C as applied to Trade Management
    • Initial balances, directories and documents
    • Prices and sales rules
    • Procurement
    • CRM (in Trade Management)
    • Wholesale, commission, retail trade
    • Accountable persons
    • Stock
    • Planning (in Trade Management)
    • Cash (in Trade Management)
    • VAT (in Trade Management)
    • Income and Expenses (in Trade Management)

    Where * is not indicated, the topic relates specifically to the 1C Trade Management configuration, otherwise - to 1C in general.

    Good afternoon, colleagues!

    Testing system 1.1

    The “Testing System 1.1” configuration is a continuation of the development of the “Testing Simulator 1.0” (description of the simulator below under the spoiler), the functionality has been expanded by connecting a section of users.


    The configuration can be used for certification of employees, students, schoolchildren and for other purposes where testing is necessary.

    Full-fledged functionality has been added to record actions in the user’s system; all answers to questions in all modes are recorded by user.

    A time limit has been added for testing.

    The concepts of testing are divided into preparatory and scheduled testing. The user can carry out preparatory testing independently a certain number of times. Assigned testing - a user can take it only once; testing is assigned based on the course and users.

    The remaining configuration options are inherited from Testing Simulator 1.0:

    • Three modes for conducting preparatory tests: Questions, Intensive and Testing.
      • Questions - all questions in the context of the course and section.
      • Intensive - a series of questions previously defined in the “Questions” mode using the corresponding button.
      • Testing is a full-fledged test with random generation of questions, limited by time of completion (time limit is only available in the configuration of Testing System 1.1 and higher).
    • Entering questions (video instructions are shown below in the description of the testing simulator).
    • A section is a group of questions that will be used for random generation of testing. The number of sections is not limited.
    • It is possible to use pictures in questions.


    The interface has undergone many important changes. Everything related to the “Testing System 1.1” configuration has been moved to the “Testing” subsystem, divided into four blocks: Testing, Preparation for testing, Settings and Reports. Two blocks: Settings and Reports are available only to the testing system administrator.

    New reports allow you to analyze the success of user certification.

    The “Administration” subsystem is available only to the system administrator and is used for configuration.


    The current version of the “Testing System 1.1” configuration is

    Minimum requirements: Platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

    The transition from the “Testing Simulator 1.0” configuration to the “Testing System 1.1” configuration is carried out by updating through comparison and merging. First, be sure to make a copy of the database. After the update, you need to disconnect all objects from the “Management” subsystem and delete it. When testing the update, I did not find any errors.

    The Test Simulator 1.0 configuration option remains available for download for single-user use. If you need to use the configuration for corporate purposes, you must download the “Testing System 1.1”.

    The configuration does not contain nested tests from 1C

    The backstory of how it all started...

    I, like many of you, am a beginning programmer on the path to certification. Some people are disdainful of certificates, but with them, alas, you look more attractive to an employer!

    1C produces its own simulator, but after looking at it from a friend, I realized that it does not suit me on the following points:

    • There is no “Intensive” mode - when I can set/select questions on which I would like to run tests, excluding questions that are not a problem for me, in the context of a course and section.
    • No convenient results reports.
    • There is no reset of results.
    • No PC version.
    • Quite expensive.

    I came up with the idea to create my own simulator. But before you create something, you need to check if it’s already on Infostart? There are several simulators on Infostart, but they are even less attractive than the development from 1C.

    Description of the version "Testing simulator 1.0"

    This simulator turned out to be universal, it can be used not only for obtaining 1C: Professional certificates, but also for creating any other tests, this can be school testing, preparation for passing traffic rules, consolidation of corporate training and much more.

    1. “Testing” mode - the mode is set by the number of questions and the number of correct answers.
    2. “Intensive” mode - only questions that need to be covered intensively.
    3. "All questions" mode. In terms of the course.

    1. It is easy to enter questions - through special processing.
    2. Image support in question.
    3. Unlimited number of questions during testing (you can create a test for 100,500 questions).
    4. “Intensive” mode in the context of a course or course and section.

    1. You will learn how to dynamically create managed form elements.
    2. How to load pictures (images) into the 1C configuration.
    3. Option to parse text line by line.
    4. Working with a dynamic list.
    5. Formation of drop-down lists on a managed form.
    6. Working with random generation of a list of questions.
    7. Much more.

    • Add time in “Testing” mode.
    • BSP - recruit users and other opportunities.
    • Offer your ideas, I will implement them if possible.

    This simulator does not contain any database of questions, all matches are random!

    The only location of the simulator is this publication, the rest of the publications are not legal.

    Changes in versions

    Version (09/27/18)

    The configuration includes a BSP. The interface has been redesigned. New reports have been added to analyze user experience. The concept of testing is divided into two: scheduled and preparatory. The preparatory test includes three testing modes; the assigned test has one option and one attempt.

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