Elena Shvedova project harmony. Video by Elena Shvedova. Trainings and lessons on acupressure and other alternative medicine methods. Free video course by Elena Shvedova “Living joints”

Elena Shvedova is a chiropractor, healer and master of acupressure. For more than twenty years of practice of treatment using alternative methods, Elena has helped a huge number of people recover from various kinds of diseases, whose grateful real reviews can be found on the Internet on relevant sites. Shvedova’s lessons also help to get rid of excess weight.

Currently, Elena Shvedova is the head of the multifunctional clinic of alternative medicine "Harmony" in Israel and runs the Internet project "Improve" (Improv). As part of the “Improve” project, Elena conducts online video trainings to help people get rid of ailments.

These video trainings, which are devoted to various topics of alternative medicine and the treatment of various diseases, have been conducted continuously for several years. They helped a huge number of people get rid of illnesses and gain health, youth and an excellent state of mind, who are very grateful to Elena for this and give the best reviews about her healing video trainings.

Recording of Elena Shvedova’s free webinar “7 secrets of youth”

Slow down the aging of the body!

Attention! The webinar is publicly available for a limited time.

Registration for Elena Shvedova’s training “Battle with kilograms” is open

Special personnel have been prepared for the training present. In order to receive an invitation to this training, leave your email when downloading any gift.

3 recipes for anti-cellulite wraps get rid of the “orange peel” in just 30 minutes a day.

Fast healthy light cocktail recipe for dinner .

2 herbal recipes that will help to completely cleanse the body from waste and toxins.

Elena Shvedova specializes in:

The most important advantage of treatment using the methods of a famous healer is that her treatment is very effective and does not give harmful side effects!

The relevance of Shvedova’s “live” trainings with author’s support and personal consultations is confirmed by residents of European countries to which these trainings have been broadcast for a long time. This is evidenced by the thousands of grateful reviews that Elena received from European residents.

The main topics of online courses that have already been conducted and that may still be conducted:

  • treatment of various diseases using ancient acupressure techniques (namely, treatment of joint diseases, restoration of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, correction of excess weight, restoration of metabolism, treatment of nervous system disorders);
  • how to improve cerebral circulation;
  • how to get rid of neck pain;
  • restoration of vision;
  • life without pain;
  • how to lose weight forever;
  • how to get rid of back pain;
  • women Health;
  • female beauty;
  • prevention and treatment of kidney diseases;
  • getting rid of diabetes;
  • magic diet pill;
  • female healer;
  • and others.

Online courses on other topics are also being prepared.

Unfortunately, there is not yet a Russian-language official website where you can see when Shvedova’s video training will be held on a particular topic.

But, you can subscribe to one of the free webinars or lessons of the Improv Training Center that interests you. And, you will receive information about upcoming online or recorded courses.

Also, information about registering for the next online training is given on the page of this site.


Free webinar “Lose weight forever”

7 steps to a slim figure, or a magic diet pill

Without painful diets, dubious pills and exhausting exercises

Learn about an effective system that has received a huge number of positive reviews from doctors and clients, which will help you seriously lose weight in a month, devoting only 30 minutes a day to losing weight.

Free webinar “Detox. Big cleanup."

Learn about a step-by-step method of deep cleansing the body on three levels.

Free webinar “Prevention and treatment of kidney diseases”

Find out how to solve urinary system problems and restore health at home in just two months.

Free webinar “Gall bladder: with and without it”

Find out how to solve at home problems associated with poor gallbladder functionality or its complete absence.

Free webinar “Clear Vision”

Find out how to restore your vision in just 14 days using Elena Shvedova’s method.

Also watch another free webinar on improving vision using the methods of Elena Shvedova.

Free webinar by Elena Shvedova “Improving vision and relieving eye strain live”

Free webinar “Healthy Spine”

Find out how to eliminate the cause of back and spine pain in just 4 days.

Free webinar “First aid for leg joints”

Find out why your legs hurt and get simple exercises that will allow you, by doing just ten minutes a day, to get rid of cracking joints and inflammation, as well as fatigue in your legs.

Free webinar “Life without borders - acupressure massage”

From this webinar you will learn how atritis of any localization is treated. You will also learn how to get rid of leg pain and restore the flow of energy in your body.

Free webinar “Healthy lifestyle” for those who suffer from chronic joint diseases

Attend this webinar and receive an invitation to online training on chronic diseases

Get a step-by-step method for treating chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, cervical osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.).

Other free online seminars by Elena Shvedova

Free webinar “9 principles of breathing for the health of key body systems. Manual techniques for restoring respiratory function."

Webinar. Learn about techniques and exercises that will help you improve your sexual health.

Webinar. Find out how to start living in harmony with yourself.

Daily broadcast of Elena Shvedova’s free webinar recording “9 steps of total cleansing for 100% restoration of your body”. Starts at 19.00 Moscow time.

Open webinar “Health Code: Challenge to Heritage” .

A gift from the rejuvenation trainer at the Improve training wellness center, Yulia Manitsenkova, “Secrets of Cleopatra: forgotten features of body care for the complete saturation of your skin”

Photo stop from the rejuvenation trainer at the Improve training health center Yulia Manitsenkova

Test for the health of your skin.

Test and individual recommendations for protection from aggressive sun to get a beautiful and healthy tan.

Recipes with tips for restoring dry, sagging, wrinkled and pigmented skin.

TOP 5 cosmetics for a perfect beach holiday.

Gift from Yulia Manishchenkova "3 recipes for anti-cellulite wraps to get rid of the “orange peel” .

Free video lessons, techniques, methods and recipes from Elena Shvedova as a gift

Attention! Gifts from Elena Shvedova change periodically. Old ones can be removed and new ones added. Therefore, do not be surprised if when you click on the link you will receive a message stating that this gift is no longer available.

Two recipes from Elena Shvedova.

Four recipes from Elena Shvedova.

Two herbal recipes that will help you cleanse your kidneys of toxins and metabolic products and prevent the development of urolithiasis. .

Three herbal recipes for treating the liver and restoring metabolism, which will help you lose extra 5-7 kg in a short time. .

Three step-by-step techniques will balance your musculoskeletal system. For those who are tired of pain in their legs, neck and back.

Six recipes for delicious teas for weight loss.

Menu for a slim body for every day .

Technique . This simple technique will help you get rid of cramps, numbness and pain by improving blood circulation in your legs.

Ancient Old Slavic technique for restoring cartilage tissue and improving joint lubrication .

Free mini-course on spine treatment.

Technique .

Check list .

2 recipes that will help improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gall bladder.

"Eye deep relaxation technique". This technique also helps solve problems with posture and spine. This is a Chinese technique called “scalpotherapy,” which not only relaxes the eyes, but also improves blood circulation. A video is included with the technique.

“Ten Breaths Technique from the Monks of Tibet”. This technique will relieve you of neck, shoulder and arm pain in just 10 minutes.

Slavic self-massage technique surrounding tissues for instant relief from heartburn, bloating, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

A little-known but effective technique for back pain .

How to get rid of pain in 5 minutes, disperse depression and increase performance. Auriculotherapy technique(impacts on biologically active points of the auricle).

Technique "How to get rid of knee pain" .

Simple technique "10 swings" “Exercise against lower back pain” .

Recipe for healthy chocolates. These candies will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 1-2 sweets a day will improve your health and bring you a lot of pleasure. Immediately after downloading, you will receive video access to a system that allows you to find and eliminate the causes of chronic diseases and excess weight.

Recipe “We prepare healthy granola without sugar at home”. A tasty, crispy, filling, vitamin-packed breakfast will recharge you with energy and delight you with its combination of flavors, plus the video will help you find and eliminate the causes of chronic diseases and excess weight.

A recipe for a simple and affordable way to improve digestion, restore lightness and comfort in the stomach and body.

Recipe “How to put up a shield against infectious, fungal diseases, allergies, oncology and accelerated aging” .

Anti-aging composition. How to stop aging, wrinkle formation, dry skin, sagging muscles and even start losing weight using 1 recipe without cosmetologists and plastic surgery.

A recipe to combat insomnia, neuroses, colds, heart disease and diabetes. Plus a video that will help you get rid of excess ballast in the body and completely restore metabolic processes in it.

"Proven remedy for sleep disorders". Find out how to eliminate insomnia, create deep restorative sleep and forget about short temper and neuroses, reduced immunity, frequent colds and other diseases associated with the restoration of biorhythms during sleep.

Gifts from Elena Shvedova to improve vision

Technique of Chinese doctors to improve vision. Find out how in just 5 minutes a day, thanks to a special massage technique, you can improve the clarity and brightness of images and increase visual acuity.

4 points to relieve symptoms of eye diseases. Learn how to relax your eyes, improve picture clarity and visual acuity in just 3 minutes a day.

Kinesiological technique. Kinesiology techniques can help improve clarity of vision, relax the neck and relieve numbness in the hands.

Relieve tension from your eyes in just 4 minutes!

Free video course by Elena Shvedova “Living joints”

In the past, a teacher of biology and chemistry, Elena Shvedova has long been interested in human health and the peculiarities of the body’s functioning. Alternative medicine, according to Elena Shvedova, is an effective way to find balance in the 3 components of health: physical, chemical and emotional. In the alternative medicine clinic, she helps people regain their former health, youth and beauty.

Elena Shvedova's method for health and youth

Today, psychosomatics is a recognized psychophysiological factor influencing human health. This means that our brain often provokes diseases itself, making us believe in their existence. Trying to recover and get well, we use medications and resort to various medical procedures, not suspecting that the source of pain is concentrated in the head.

The essence of Dr. Elena Shvedova’s method is that the human brain is its greatest strength. She will show you the direct dependence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, circulatory movement, respiratory organs on the state of mind and thoughts. At Elena Shvedova’s Harmony clinic, patients not only get rid of physical pain and manifestations of disease syndromes, but also change attitudes that affect relapses.

Elena Shvedova's lessons will be useful for people with fatigue, stressful work conditions and any other activity. Training will help improve your overall health - without diets, plastic surgery or other interventions.

The complex consists of Elena Shvedova’s gymnastics, oriental medicine practices, hirudotherapy, and body cleansing courses. In addition, the author offers various trainings and practices to solve psychological problems and restore harmony.

Success story, biography of Elena Shvedova.

Shvedova Elena Vladimirovna did not always deal with the treatment of various diseases and pains. Circumstances forced her to become a specialist in alternative medicine. Biography of Elena Shvedova she is little known to us, we don’t know many facts, we know that she lived in Kherson, grew up in a standard intelligent family: dad was an engineer, mom was a teacher. She graduated from Kherson State University, becoming a teacher of chemistry and biology.

In 1992, Elena Shvedova moved from Kherson to Israel. But even there she did not immediately begin to manage the clinic; the secret of success did not fall from the sky to Elena and did not dream of it in a dream, like Dmitry Mendeleev’s table. She achieved this success through hard work and experience.

Elena Shvedova She always suffered from migraines, but at some point, plus her old inflammatory diseases worsened. Illnesses tormented her every day and she did not know how to cope with them. Despite the fact that she tried to find a way out using standard treatment methods, when one disease disappeared, another appeared. Everything was like a vicious circle: appointments with doctors, medications, procedures, nerves, worries, more appointments with doctors. Some kind of vicious circle...

But one day in 1997, Elena was advised to see a doctor who practiced alternative medicine. And although it looked like a miracle, he really helped her. Despite skepticism and doubts, the woman believed in this method, as it helped her cope with all diseases. It was this situation that determined Elena’s future path and her passion for alternative medicine.

System and methodology of Elena Shvedova I didn’t come to her in one day. The practices, techniques and exercises that she now practices have been collected over many years, developed by her and her clients. Now she runs her Harmony clinic in Israel, and has been practicing techniques and methods of alternative medicine for more than 20 years. She studied a lot, took various courses and trainings, and still continues to improve her skills with the best specialists in Russia, Israel, China and America. For example, I studied a lot with Dr. Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov and other famous specialists.

All knowledge gained doctor Elena Shvedova embodied in its powerful, complex system, affecting not only the body, but also life in general. Alternative medicine, in her opinion, is an effective way to find balance in the 3 components of health: physical, chemical and emotional.

Where can I watch Elena Shvedova’s video lessons? How to take courses and trainings by Elena Shvedova?

Working in Israel, of course, the doctor could not forget about her compatriots; she wanted to find a way that would allow her to apply her healing methods remotely. So I started releasing Elena Shvedova video lessons, trainings and courses on the treatment of certain diseases and ailments. People can study video lessons from anywhere in the world and apply them without the personal participation of a doctor. In absentia, online, sitting at home.

Are there any real reviews about Elena Shvedova? Are there any negative reviews?

On the Internet you can find a large number reviews about Elena Shvedova and her methods. Over her long practice, the doctor, using alternative methods, has helped a large number of people recover from various diseases and ailments, and this is evidenced by enthusiastic comments about her and grateful reviews. Elena Shvedova is not a scam or a deception, as those who do not believe in alternative medicine and consider all this quackery might think. In the modern world, the effectiveness of these techniques has long been proven, and Elena Shvedova successfully practices them and helps people recover physically and emotionally. There are many examples when traditional medicine did not help sick people, but alternative medicine became a salvation for them.

If you want to verify the effectiveness of these techniques, learn useful health tips, etc., then you can first download the doctor’s free materials, which are freely available. We have published links to them above. Health, women's health, treatment and cleansing of organs, restoration of the spine and joints, weight loss, restoration of vision without surgery... On these and many other topics, the author has a lot of valuable advice and working recommendations that will give a guaranteed result! And numerous positive

1. About Elena.

In our country, the name of Elena Shvedova is known to the broad masses of the population, since Elena is not only an excellent chiropractor, a doctor with a therapeutic bias, but also a highly professional acupressure master. Elena has more than twenty years of experience.

During this time, she provided treatment services to citizens using not only traditional but also alternative medicine. In addition, thousands of women are sincerely grateful to Elena, as she helped them get rid of excess weight and get into normal shape, and improve their health.

Today, Elena lives in the beautiful country of Israel and runs a well-known clinic that deals primarily with non-traditional areas of medicine. Being far from her homeland, Elena still does not forget about her compatriots and conducts online trainings and seminars with her compatriots.

These trainings, held quite often, are devoted to a huge variety of methods of restoring health - through alternative medicine, Elena has been conducting them for several years. These trainings help people get rid of many ailments, gain youth and become more beautiful, which is why Elena has a huge number of grateful and appreciative clients.

2. Information about Elena’s working methods

The main types of Elena’s specialization are such techniques as:

    Manual methods of therapy (kinesiology, osteopathy, classical chiropractic);

    Therapeutic treatment of all internal organs;

    oriental medicine (electrotherapy, acupuncture, moxa cigar, cupping);

    seminars related to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general;

    healing, and specifically, treatment using herbs, crystals, methods to restore energy and balance in the body);

    hirudotherapy methods.

Elena is loved and respected by thousands of people not only in our country, but all over the world. Elena is an example of femininity, health and longevity. Many of my friends, including myself, respect Elena and her methods of work and I can confidently say that her methods and the information offered helped me radically change my life. I began to look better, I began to feel better. My life has turned three hundred and sixty degrees, my life has meaning, I have become more independent, I have met my love, and now I am achieving balance in all aspects of my life. I finally became a happy person. Absolutely all of this is the merit of Elena. That is why, seeing the dramatic changes in me, many of my friends and acquaintances also decided to become adherents of Elena’s method, and they are also happy, since their lives have changed dramatically, just as it happened to me. Elena is a very open and responsive person, which is why the help provided to her reaches the most hidden corners of the hearts of her followers and people get positive results from communicating with Elena. I definitely recommend working with Elena to all women.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

Video review


Elena Shvedova is an expert in the field of alternative medicine, the author of methods and courses on the topic “how to maintain health”, the owner of the Israeli clinic “Harmony”. Uses different directions in treatment: manual therapy, oriental medicine, hirudotherapy, healing, therapy of internal organs, etc.

Herson city

Get free access to the recording of the webinar on the topic " 8 Reasons for Your Vision Deterioration” to avoid the most common eye pests.

  • About the Expert

Elena Shvedova who is this

Elena Shvedova’s technique, of course, did not appear immediately. Circumstances helped the woman find herself in alternative treatment methods. Her life began in Kherson, where she grew up with an intelligent family. At that time, my father worked as an engineer, and my mother worked as a teacher. After graduating from Kherson State University, the future doctor becomes a teacher of chemistry and biology.

Since 1992, Elena Shvedova's scenery has been replaced by Israel instead of Ukraine. At that time, the girl suffered from migraines, and inflammatory diseases began to appear. All this brought daily pain, which could not be avoided by conventional means of treatment. The maximum she sought was the disappearance of one disease, which was immediately replaced by a new one. Doctors' appointments and endless procedures began to become a habit.

Then in 1997 she was advised to another specialist who worked in alternative medicine. As you can already guess, the new approach turned out to be much more effective. Turning a blind eye to her skepticism, Shvedova believed in this approach. It was after this moment that her interest in unconventional treatment sparked.

The healing technique became a distillation of all the knowledge that she had collected bit by bit over decades. Today, Elena Shvedova’s Harmony clinic helps hundreds of people. Elena herself has been practicing her techniques for over 20 years. During this time, she completed many courses, but even now she continues to adopt the knowledge of the best doctors in Russia, Israel, China, and the USA.

I used everything I knew to create my own complex system. As a result, there is a positive impact not only on physical health, but also on life in general.

Another technique is also very well known. “Miracle point” by Elena Shvedova will relieve pain in the buttock, legs and lower back. And the most important thing is that the effect of treatment comes very quickly. Courses for restoration of vision, health of the spine, joints, etc. are also in demand. What could be more pleasant for a sick person than to regain his precious health, youth, beauty, without using pills and complex operations.

How to stay healthy

Happy is the one who takes care of his health from a young age. This is what everyone wishes for each other first of all on holidays, what allows a person to live a long, happy life, and what is usually paid attention to at the last moment. Everyone has enough examples from life to understand the value of health. And here Elena Shvedova’s trainings come to the rescue. The author of the course is confident that alternative medicine allows you to achieve balance in the three elements of health: chemical, physical, and emotional. They are all interconnected and can only function normally together.

The author’s advice will allow you not only to say goodbye to pain in different places of the body, but also to get to know your own body better. The classic topic of losing weight is also covered by the doctor. A special recommendation goes to those people who have already tried to cure their illness in the usual way, but to no avail. The trainer has free materials that anyone can use. The same applies to those people who are accustomed to reading only negative reviews about someone.

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