Exercises for pregnant women at 19 weeks. Physical exercise during pregnancy. When and what to do

And meeting your future baby. The 19th week of pregnancy significantly transforms the figure of the expectant mother During this period, many pregnant women find it difficult to bend over due to their pronounced tummy. The baby's movements in the womb become stronger and more confident.

Features of the 19th week of pregnancy

The child perceives the world through you, so draw, sing, create, read fairy tales and poems together. Do what your soul desires. You already clearly feel how your baby pushes with his legs and arms, subconsciously letting you know about his existence. And the expectant mother at such moments experiences only positive emotions and the unearthly joy of motherhood! Starting this week, a pregnant woman must attend courses for expectant mothers. If this is your first pregnancy, then you will learn a lot of useful things, for example, how to breathe properly and prepare for childbirth, how to care for an already born child, etc.

“Unexpected guests” may visit you at night. The reason for this is the formation and strengthening of the child’s bones.

Colostrum begins to be released from the nipples. You just need to wipe it with a napkin, but under no circumstances squeeze it out.

Remember to pay attention to vaginal discharge. Although they become more abundant, they should be odorless and colorless. If or bloody, immediately inform your gynecologist. Possible risk or development of infection.

Changes also appear in the skin area. Increased estrogen levels cause your palms to turn red. Pigment spots appear. Many areas of the body become darker, such as nipples, scars and moles, labia and inner thighs, under the arms, and the line from the navel to the pubic bone.

During this period, the joints relax, and as a result, your hips become visually larger. All this helps the baby to easily pass through the birth canal in the future.

In the blood of a pregnant woman, the level of leukocytes increases and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases. It is red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and vice versa, carbon dioxide.

During this period, when the tummy is growing rapidly, they may appear. Therefore, it’s time to buy a special remedy against them and use it until the end of pregnancy.

19th week of pregnancy - the onset of mild dizziness associated with the redistribution of the blood of the expectant mother. Sometimes this can be the cause of anemia, so you should definitely take a general blood test and a sugar test before a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic. Hemoglobin levels should be carefully monitored. The reason for the decrease in hemoglobin is an increase in the volume of blood plasma in the expectant mother. If your hemoglobin level is low, your doctor will prescribe iron supplements and multivitamins. Eat the following foods: beef kidneys, tongue and liver, buckwheat, peas and beans, rabbit, eggs, oatmeal, blueberries, peanuts.

Many people begin to suffer from hypotension - low blood pressure. The uterus puts its growing weight on the aorta and veins, thereby decreasing the pressure when lying on the back.

Achievements of the baby at 19 weeks of pregnancy

The child's growth slows down during this period and will reach approximately 22 centimeters by the end of the week. Weight is about 250 grams. The baby can be compared to the size of a small zucchini.

In the photograph, the fetus looks like a fully formed baby. The arms and legs are in correct proportions. The ears are already clearly visible. The rudiments of permanent teeth appeared in the gums, slightly deeper than the milk teeth.

The accumulation of adipose tissue continues. This is especially noticeable in the neck area, behind the lungs and around the fetal kidneys.

Bronchioles appear in the lungs, thereby improving blood flow to these organs.

The sebaceous glands secrete lubricant, protecting the baby's delicate skin from amniotic fluid. Original lubricant has the bactericidal property of protecting against harmful microorganisms. It collects in the armpits, on the face and head, behind the ears, and also in the places where the legs and arms bend. During childbirth, this lubricant will help make it easier to pass through the birth canal.

The skin continues to become covered with lanugo. The fuzz on the body will disappear gradually after the baby is born.

Your unborn baby is active: rolls over, swallows amniotic fluid, hiccups and makes faces, plays with the umbilical cord.

The first meconium begins to form, as a result of dead cells entering the stomach from the ingestion of amniotic fluid and bile.

The 19th week of pregnancy is a week of major achievements! During this period, the baby’s brain begins to actively grow and develop. Nerve cells and neurons are in the right places, so the child’s movements become more coordinated. Right now, five parts of the brain are being formed, responsible for hearing, taste, vision, touch and smell. Now the baby raises his head and can even turn it 180 degrees.

With help, starting from this week of pregnancy, it is possible to detect such a brain pathology in the fetus as hydrocephalus, in other words, dropsy, which prevents the growth of the brain. Fortunately, modern medicine can treat this disease even before labor begins.

The child already hears sounds well and reacts to them accordingly. He distinguishes the voice of his mother and father. Sing lullabies to him - the voice of his mother improves the child’s emotional state and calms him down.

Interesting facts about 19 weeks of pregnancy

Twins and twins, starting from this period in their mother's belly, can hold hands and find each other's faces.

If you are expecting a girl, then know that about 6 million initial eggs have already appeared in her ovaries.

The unborn child begins to develop a wakefulness and sleep pattern, like newborns: he sleeps for 18 hours and is awake for 6 hours.

The expectant mother began to notice that her usual shoes were pressing. This is due to the enlargement of the foot during pregnancy, and more and more with each new pregnancy. And she won’t be the same as before. The reason for this is the relaxation of the ligaments under the influence of secretions during pregnancy.

Talkative mothers give birth to smart children. Half an hour of conversation a day with your future child without extraneous stimuli and noise contributes to the development of mental abilities. The child will begin to talk earlier and do better at school.

Nutrition at 19 weeks of pregnancy

The hour has come when eating everything is strictly prohibited! At this stage of pregnancy, it should be completely balanced and as beneficial as possible. The foods you eat should contain iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamins A, B and C. Do not eat fried, smoked or spicy foods. Boiled or steamed is the best option for you and your future baby.

Limit your consumption of sweets, flour and salty foods.

Try to eat small portions and not go hungry. Also, do not overeat to avoid further problems associated with it.

At this stage, the fetus is already sensitive to allergies. It can appear after birth if the allergen enters the baby’s stomach along with the mother’s milk. The most common causes of allergies are citrus fruits, strawberries and chocolate.

Medical calendar for the 19th week of pregnancy

At week 19, you will have to undergo mandatory tests to determine the level of hemoglobin and blood sugar, as well as protein in the urine.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a hormone test (in particular, progesterone, which increases during pregnancy).

If you have not yet had time to undergo screening in the second trimester of pregnancy, then you should hurry, since it can provide the most complete information before. The triple test will show the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

The second screening also includes an ultrasound examination. The heartbeat of the unborn child, its activity are monitored and pathologies, if any, are diagnosed. The size of the uterus and fetus and the condition of the amniotic fluid are also determined. If you wish, you will be able to find out the gender of your future baby if he is “not shy” and does not turn his butt around.

Now is the time to visit a dentist. He will examine your teeth and assess their condition, and if necessary, prescribe a course of treatment. You need to take this seriously, because then the infection from the oral cavity can be transmitted to the newborn.


Throughout your pregnancy, listen to your body. Any ailments or suspicious symptoms should alert you.

Sometimes the irreparable happens. Most often this occurs in the first trimester, which results in spontaneous abortion. But a miscarriage may not occur, then the woman carries a dead child under her heart for several more weeks. And this is very dangerous for her.

Only a doctor can detect this when examining a pregnant woman, as well as using an ultrasound. The uterus and fetus do not correspond to the sizes characteristic of the coming period, the heartbeat cannot be heard, and there is no fetal movement.

Therefore, if the child does not make the usual movements, immediately call an ambulance!

Also, the 19th week of pregnancy is at risk of placental abruption. If bleeding is detected, immediately seek help from a specialist.

The second trimester is the right time to pay attention to yourself

If you are not worried about poor health, and there are no threats of termination of pregnancy, then it’s time to go visit your family and friends and relax somewhere. Walk and move more often, exercise with your beloved spouse. Intimacy will benefit not only your husband, but also you. Do not deny yourself pleasure right now, when one of the calmest weeks of pregnancy has arrived.

Pain in the legs and back is a consequence of prolonged walking and sitting in an uncomfortable position. Do not sit on stools and chairs without a back, try to get up and walk around several times within an hour if your work involves long periods of sitting.

Try not to make sudden movements to avoid dizziness.

If you need to leave home for errands, take fruit with you to satisfy your hunger. Always have still water with you.

Add grated carrots, nuts, honey to your diet.

At this stage of pregnancy, you need to monitor your body’s reactions and conserve your strength. You will need them very soon.

Do you know anything else about the 19th week of pregnancy? Share with us!

The 19th week is the continuation of fetal development and a time of new worries for the expectant mother. The size of the baby in the “sitting” position reached seventeen centimeters (including legs - 23-25 ​​cm), and his weight was about 300 grams. Let's take a close look at all the changes together.

Now the child is comparable in size to a pineapple. He is playful, cute and very inquisitive. This is because brain development is in full swing. We can talk about establishing connections between millions of neurons. At its workplace are the cells that control the muscles.

The baby moves in the amniotic fluid in an increasingly orderly manner. A whole range of feelings manifests itself on his face. He squints his eyes, twists his mouth, smiles blissfully, and shows dissatisfaction.

His ears are already in place. They are what they should be. With ears. The foundation for the molars is formed. This is a reason for you to provide your body with calcium.

Let's now look at the baby's upper limbs. Let's be happy for him, because his arms have become fully proportional to his body. Now it's just a matter of growth. The proportions will now be preserved forever. But the growth of the entire body tends to slow down.

But fat grows on a child at a tremendous speed. This is very important now, because his body is growing and he needs his own heat protection. We may see the most fat in the neck, chest area and kidneys.

The so-called original lubricant continues to accumulate in places where friction occurs during movement.

This is, first of all:

  • neck area;
  • armpits;
  • ears;
  • bends of the limbs.

Internal organs. Development process

Our baby, meanwhile, reacts very well to light changes around him. He reaches for the light if its source appears nearby, and turns towards it, smiling and trying to understand what it is. But the baby’s eyes are not opening yet.

But he doesn’t have to limit himself in his movements. Look what he does! He loves to tumble, push, and show his growing strength. Mom increasingly feels the “kicks” of this ball of feelings and passions.

Let's start with the waist

She's almost gone. The abdomen becomes rounded. The body weight of the expectant mother also continues to increase. This is already a serious weight gain (4 – 7 kg). The fundus of the uterus is prolapsed. In relation to the navel, it is almost one and a half centimeters lower. But of the gained weight, only about 250 g is the fruit itself, the rest of the mass “works” for its development.


She reached approximately 160 g in weight. The weight of amniotic fluid is greater - 300 g, the same weight as the growing uterus.


The breasts increased not only in volume, but also in weight, and significantly - about 700 g of total increase.

The baby's baby teeth and molars are forming in their buds. It is vital for a pregnant woman to replenish her body with calcium, which is mostly spent on the development of fetal bone tissue. Its daily norm is not small - 1200 mg. Therefore, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe mineral and vitamin supplements, with a mandatory daily amount of calcium of 250 mg.

How is mom feeling at this time?

Problems with sleep organization continue. This applies more to those women who are not used to sleeping on their side or back. To solve this problem, the smartest thing to do is to buy a pillow for pregnant women in a special store, which will allow you to comfortably position your belly while sleeping.

At the same time, the loud bubbling process in the stomach begins to become “boring.” Be philosophical about this. Now even things that are much more harmless will irritate you. Try to find the most comfortable position for lying and listen to calm, soothing music to distract yourself. You must understand that all phenomena are temporary, and in the end result you will get much more. All your current inconveniences will be more than compensated, and instead of sounds from the stomach and intestines, you will soon enjoy the much more persistent and loud cries of your baby asking for another portion of milk.


A pregnant woman should not stay in the same position for a long time, especially in a standing position. You should also learn to maintain the correct position of your back while sitting, so to do this, use only chairs with a high, comfortable back, preferably with ergonomic padding.

When sitting, hold them straight, stretch them out, or place them on another chair. Avoid sitting with one leg on top of the other. Wear shoes only with low wide heels, such as wedges. During this period, convenience and a reasonable approach are much more important than pretentious beauty.

Rhythm of life

It is very important to switch to a new mode of life as quickly as possible, which is very difficult for those women who, by their nature, were previously prone to widespread activity. Now you need to shift the “speed” of life to a neutral position, giving your baby the opportunity to frolic inside the belly.

Our advice is to moderate your ardor and ambitions, work and rest alternately and in a leisurely manner, aimed not at results, but at relaxation. Learn to distribute all your energy and time in the most reasonable way. You need not to spray too much, preparing for a more intense period after childbirth.

Arterial pressure

Be aware that you may feel weak, tired, and even dizzy. This is not scary and is associated with the process of pregnancy development. Women now often experience low blood pressure due to progesterone, which is responsible for weakening the circulatory system. Therefore, try not to make sudden movements, bends, jumps, or quick steps. Learn to move smoothly and gracefully.

Get out of bed carefully and slowly. Try to do less physical work.

Many expectant mothers notice that it is difficult for them to inhale and exhale air deeply. This phenomenon is associated with the special location of the uterus, which now forces many organs to make room. It also makes it difficult for the diaphragm to work. To improve the functioning of your respiratory tract, you can ask your doctor to prescribe you a set of special gymnastics.


If you experience frequent or worsening headaches, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor to determine your blood hemoglobin level. This is important in order to exclude the development of anemia.

Problems of research in the nineteenth week of pregnancy

If you did not undergo certain types of examination in the second trimester of pregnancy, you will be prescribed:

  • blood pressure measurement;
  • measuring body temperature;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood tests.

Blues at nineteen weeks of pregnancy

Often women, accustomed to an active lifestyle, begin to feel sad that they now have to calm down their ardor. There is nothing surprising here. Women employed in business and services especially “suffer” from this. They are scared because their external luster is rapidly being lost, that they can no longer adequately represent their business interests, and in the meantime their competitors are not asleep.

Of course, these ideas are largely far-fetched and have no basis in reality. There is no need to worry that you will be left behind in a fast-paced life. This is wrong. Everything has its time. Time to earn money and time to give birth. You will easily catch up with your train later if you do not worry too much about projects and competitors. In the meantime, enjoy life and your belly growing every day. This fact will outweigh any important work or endeavor. Take a walk in the park, collect leaves in the fall, and drink tea with jam on the veranda in the summer. Anything. If only your nervous system does not suffer.

While your competitors are poring over plans and numbers, you are lying comfortably on the couch and dreaming of playing in the sand or swimming in the pool with your baby.

Is all the vigorous activity of the company worth one happy smile on your baby’s face?

Meanwhile, the father of the unborn child is becoming increasingly sad. He finally begins to understand how serious the project he and his wife have developed.

It’s also very difficult for him now, because he can only operate with abstract reasoning, and not with the logic of his inner feelings and experiences.

Let us list his complex of experiences:

  • wife's health;
  • favorable conditions for the development of the child;
  • material worries related to the wife’s pregnancy;
  • future problems after the baby is born.

Please support him during this time. Reassure and let them know that everything is fine with you, the pregnancy is going “excellent”, and the baby inside you is just very healthy. Answer all your husband's questions clearly, clearly, balancedly and calmly. Important problems that his mind has not yet reached, illuminate in detail yourself, without waiting for his bewilderment. We hope that by this time you have already solved your sexual problems? If not, read the available medical literature on this issue or consult a doctor.

Think together about all the upcoming technical and material problems. Show wisdom and balance. Expenses may have to be reduced in some areas of life. In hobbies, going to entertainment venues or on vacation trips. Forget about “partying” too. Now it's time for other worries!

But most importantly, be confident that everything will be fine, and that there will be more than enough money to cover all expenses. Positive people always find it easier to solve problems than pessimists.

Invite your husband to an ultrasound. He will be very interested in looking at his baby now, and not just later. Such an approach will help the husband finally transform his abstract ideas into a series of living and touching experiences of a visual order.

Additional Tips

Read the available literature on the Internet on the examination of pregnant women, in particular about ultrasound. Find out everything about the various areas of training for expectant mothers and fathers; perhaps there are courses suitable for you in your city. Contact their organizers and sign up for your first orientation session.

Partner birth

Do you already know about partner childbirth? What are the pros and cons of this type of birthing practice? Ask your doctor about them. Read the available articles about this or watch the “video”. This will help you make the right decision.


It's time to seriously reconsider your diet. It is very important. Your child risks being left without vitamins and microelements that are important for him. Pay attention, first of all, to calcium and iodine. Their disadvantage is the possibility of improper formation of bone and other important tissues in the baby’s body. Make sure your refrigerator is always stocked with seafood, green vegetables, easily digestible meat, milk and eggs.


Don't forget about hygienic bra pads. They should always be with you and in sufficient quantities. We hope that you already have a special pillow. Replenish your supply of cosmetic creams for your legs, belly and chest. Look at what's new in this regard on the market.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby grows to 20-22 cm and weighs about 230 g. During this period, the brain continues to grow and develop, millions of neurons are formed and communicate with each other, and lipoid nerve fibers grow.

The 19th week of pregnancy is accompanied by the formation of the baby’s ears and the beginnings of permanent teeth. The baby's arms and legs become proportional: for example, the ratio of the length of the foot to the length of the baby's lower leg is the same as that of a newborn baby.

The baby begins to deposit brown fat, which subsequently, especially after birth, will protect the child from the cold and serve to ensure thermoregulation. The presence of this fat is characteristic only of newborns; adults no longer have it.

The child’s growth at this stage is already slowing down, but he begins to grow in breadth and becomes much plumper. His eyelids are still closed, but the retina of his eyes is already able to distinguish between light and darkness. The baby is pushing quite noticeably, so you will finally be able to feel his movements - and the baby’s movements are more coordinated. However, if you are pregnant for the first time, you may feel the baby’s kicks a little later - by the 20th week of pregnancy. In addition, it is during this period that, as a rule, “fingerprints” appear on his arms and legs.

At this stage of development, the baby’s endocrine glands begin to secrete a special lubricant called “virginum,” which has a thick, greasy consistency similar to butter. This lubricant is needed to protect the baby’s skin from oversaturation with water, because the baby is completely in the amniotic fluid. In addition, vernix lubricant protects the baby’s skin from bacteria and the harmful effects of microorganisms, as it has bactericidal properties. In addition, this lubricant is a kind of “shell” for the child’s skin, protecting it from damage.

The baby’s nervous system also improves. The nerve fibers that penetrate the child’s entire body gradually begin to be covered with a special substance, also having a fatty consistency, called myelin. This is a kind of “insulator” that isolates the nerves and helps the nerve fibers send impulses to each other quickly and in a coordinated manner. By the way, poor coordination of movements of newborn babies (especially premature babies) is precisely a consequence of a lack of myelin in nerve fibers.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the baby's thyroid, parathyroid and gonads also develop and begin to produce hormones necessary for the growth and development of the baby. In addition, thanks to these hormones, all metabolic processes in the body occur.

At the same time, the development of the pancreas, adrenal glands and pituitary gland will continue. The bones of the fetus become stronger every day.

The nineteenth week of pregnancy represents an important time in the development of the five senses. The fact is that it is during this period that the areas responsible for each sense organ differentiate in the baby’s brain.

Woman's perception

The 19th week of pregnancy is the time when your tummy begins to grow rapidly. If you have a wide pelvis, your tummy may not have been noticeable until this time. But now you will not be able to hide your pregnancy even from those who had no idea about your situation.

The uterus is now located 1.3 cm below the navel. Over the previous 18 weeks of pregnancy, you have gained an average of 3.6-6.3 kg, which is distributed among the fetus itself (230 g), the weight of the placenta (170 g), the weight of the amniotic fluid ( 320g), the weight of your uterus (320g) and the weight of your breasts (the weight of both breasts has increased by approximately 360g). Women sometimes seem huge to themselves, but this is not the limit.

By this point, you will no longer be able to breathe as easily and freely as before. And you can’t really lie on your stomach anymore. The fact is that the growing uterus puts pressure on the lungs and, accordingly, makes breathing difficult. This is only unusual at first, but soon your body will adapt to your new state, and it will become easier for you. But for now, you can help your lungs with special breathing exercises. For example, try to breathe slowly (slow inhale - slow exhale), alternate inhalation and exhalation through different nostrils, try holding your breath while inhaling or exhaling. Try to do these exercises more often - because now your need for oxygen has increased, you need to saturate not only your blood with oxygen, but also the blood supplied to the baby.

The 19th week of pregnancy may be accompanied by some features of your well-being:

  • the child’s movements have become more noticeable;
  • a lot of leucorrhoea began to stand out;
  • They began to torture you;
  • you often suffer from heartburn, indigestion or bloating;
  • you are accompanied by headaches and dizziness, and sometimes you even faint;
  • you have frequent runny nose, nasal congestion and periodic nosebleeds;
  • your gums are bleeding;
  • your appetite has increased;
  • frequent leg cramps appeared;
  • appeared on the legs, arms, and sometimes on the face;
  • You have discovered varicose veins on your legs and rectal veins;
  • frequent tachycardia;
  • your back often hurts;
  • appeared on the stomach and face;
  • you are fully aware that you are pregnant;
  • your mood no longer changes so much and often;
  • you have become more irritable and distracted.

In the nineteenth week of pregnancy, pay closer attention to your body and make sure that you do not become exhausted. This is a rather undesirable factor for both the woman herself and the unborn child.

Change your work and rest schedule and try to properly distribute your strength so as not to overexert yourself. In addition, the ability to plan your day and distribute the load will be very useful in the future when you don’t know what to grab after the birth of your baby.

What to do at 19 weeks pregnant?

The 19th week of pregnancy is a time when you need to pay special attention to your back, as well as how you maintain your posture. After all, now your tummy will increase more and more, and your back will receive more and more load. To strengthen your back, try to do special exercises for your back every day, and in order to relieve your back, wear only comfortable shoes with stable heels.

Get used to sleeping on your side, because now your uterus has enlarged, and when you rest, lying on your back, it can put pressure on large vessels and cause dizziness. You don't want to lose consciousness in your sleep, do you?! Therefore, the best sleeping position now is on your side.

Don't forget that if you have not yet undergone prenatal biochemical screening (triple test), you should do so within the next week. In addition, the doctor will probably recommend that you get tested again for AIDS, hepatitis, and Wasserman’s reaction. This is done because some infections may not appear immediately, so it is better to repeat the tests.

At this stage of pregnancy, a good solution would be to sign up for special ones. If for some reason you cannot attend such courses, you can always find video lessons on preparing for childbirth or answers to questions that are important to you on the Internet.

Knowing how childbirth goes, how to behave during childbirth, and also knowing the answers to all your questions about children and pregnancy is very important. After all, only calmness and awareness are the key to a normal pregnancy and successful childbirth. When a woman is happy and calm, practically nothing can threaten her well-being, so the fetus has nothing to worry about. At least at 19 weeks of pregnancy! There's still half way to go!

19th obstetric week of pregnancy- This is the end of the fifth month. The serious part of the journey is already behind us, but many more discoveries await the expectant mother.

At week 19, many people experience it for the first time feel the baby's movements and find out his gender. From this moment on, the connection between mother and child becomes especially strong, and pregnancy brings more and more joy every day.

Fetal size and development at 19 weeks of gestation

At the beginning of the nineteenth week of pregnancy, approximately fetal weight increases to 200 grams, and its size is 14–15 centimeters. The emotional connection between mother and child is strengthened. The baby continues to actively develop.

It is during this week that the child’s body acquires the proportions established at conception. There is an increase in adipose tissue. Now the blood vessels of the fetus are less visible, and the skin tone turns from red to pink. The child's fingers acquire an individual design.

Fetal location at the 19th week of pregnancy it can be anything: cephalic, pelvic presentation, transverse and oblique. The child has a lot of space and can change position at any time, therefore, any position is considered normal.

To this moment the heart is already fully formed. The strengthening of the immune system, development of the brain and nervous system continues. The child is already reacts to light and loud sounds. The length of the limbs allows him to bring his arms above his head. Gradually, the baby learns to consciously control his arms and legs, so it is during this week of pregnancy that many feel the first tremors of their baby.

If you pregnant with twins, then the growing belly at week 19 is already starting to cause you serious discomfort. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, and pain in the uterus occasionally occurs. Starting this week, mothers carrying twins are advised to use a brace and pay special attention to back health.

What happens to mom at 19 weeks

The woman's belly becomes clearly visible. You can see photos of mothers' bellies at 19 weeks of pregnancy above. On average, by this time a woman gains from 3 to 5 kilograms. It is interesting that of this amount the baby’s weight is only 200–250 grams. The rest of the mass is amniotic fluid and placenta. Also the buttocks and breasts of a woman.

The expectant mother notes that her skin becomes more sensitive, and her hair becomes thick and shiny. From the nipples maybe secrete colostrum. In this case, it is important to use special breast pads or wipe the nipple area with a soft cloth. You should not try to express colostrum - this can cause uterine tone and, as a result,... Read more about colostrum...

The uterus has already dropped 1–2 centimeters below the navel and began to put pressure on the internal organs, causing frequent heartburn and an unpleasant rumbling in the stomach. Mild pain may occur in the navel area. They are caused by the child's growth and pass quickly.

Many multiparous mothers notice baby's first movements. For first-time mothers, the baby’s movements will become noticeable a little later, so if you don’t feel the baby moving at 19 weeks of pregnancy, don’t worry.

Most women experience a slight decrease in blood pressure and general weakness of the body.

If you notice increased vaginal discharge at 19 weeks of pregnancy, there is no need to worry. This is a natural physiological process caused by the restructuring of the body. It is important to monitor the nature of the discharge: if it has a strong odor, brownish or green tint, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Read more...

This week of pregnancy is usually accompanied by feeling good and the woman's high spirits. This is caused by the active production of estrogen. left behind, the expectant mother is filled with energy. It is recommended to spend it on arranging your home and purchasing essentials for the baby. Psychologists also recommend spending more time with your other half.

Tests, examinations and ultrasound at the 19th week of pregnancy

During this period of pregnancy, doctors suggest that the woman undergo testing to identify chromosomal diseases. It includes biochemical blood test and ultrasound, where you can already see and make sure that the development of the fetus is proceeding normally. Above you can see a photo of an ultrasound of the fetus at 19 weeks of pregnancy

It will be useful. Their list must be agreed with the doctor.

This week you need to start carefully take care of your skin. Regular use of firming and moisturizing creams, oils and body lotions will help prevent stretch marks. It's time to look for a special support bra and bandage.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up. Instead of strength training and intense cardio training, which can tone the uterus, stick to gentler sports. pay attention to yoga for pregnant women and water aerobics courses for expectant mothers. Dosed physical activity will help you stay in shape and prepare for childbirth.

Increasing stress on the legs can become . Try to ditch the heels and buy compression tights. If you have a sedentary job, be sure to do a light warm-up every half hour.

Sexual relations at 19 weeks

High estrogen production leads to increased libido in a woman. Increased sexual desire can pleasantly surprise your partner. A pregnant woman's body takes on seductive shapes - the buttocks are rounded and the breasts are enlarged. Therefore, the passion that flares up will be mutual.

Many men are afraid of harming the baby during sexual intercourse. In this case, a joint visit to the doctor helps, who will assure the future father that at this stage there is no danger to the child.

Don't miss the opportunity to be alone– the last weeks are ahead when you and your partner will be able to enjoy each other. Regular sex in the first two trimesters of pregnancy strengthens the emotional connection between future parents and has a positive effect on the psychological state of the woman.

The time has come to slow down the usual rhythm of life, give up rush jobs and delays at work. Get plenty of rest and try not to get nervous. To make your pregnancy easier and more enjoyable, following the following recommendations:

  • Make sure you get good sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping on your left side. A special pillow for pregnant women also contributes to proper rest. While carrying a baby, it guarantees a comfortable sleep, and in the future it will be useful when feeding the baby.
  • Master the technology of breathing exercises. It will help cope with shortness of breath, saturate the body's cells with oxygen and prepare for childbirth.
  • Read good literature and listen to classical music. The calmness and good mood of the mother contributes to the healthy development of the child.
  • Try to breathe fresh air more often. At week 19, the baby’s brain and nervous system are actively developing. To avoid it, you need to be in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Don't miss the opportunity without haste study the literature on childbirth and newborn care. It's time to make a list of things you will need in the maternity hospital, and also start collecting your baby's dowry.

Video about 19 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman is surrounded by many prohibitions and prejudices. They say that while carrying a baby you should not knit, hang out laundry or sit on the doorstep. And the recommendation not to buy clothes for a child until he is born greatly complicates the life of the expectant mother. After watching this video, you will not only find out what a woman feels at the 19th week of pregnancy, but you will also be able to decide Should you trust common signs?.

Pregnancy is a magical time in the life of every woman. The expectant mother is overwhelmed with emotions that she wants to tell the whole world about. Let's discuss these wonderful months together! Tell us how your pregnancy was or is going, share your experience and feelings with other readers.

Movement is life. This statement is familiar to almost everyone, and no one questions it anymore. But, unfortunately, today more and more people choose a sedentary lifestyle, but good physical shape is important for everyone, especially pregnant women.

In our society, pregnancy itself is perceived not as a natural state, but as a disease. Accordingly, a pregnant woman is obliged to behave like a patient: she needs rest and, in general, she must avoid any stress. But this is not entirely the right approach.

A pregnant woman should not completely give up exercise; it is enough to simply limit it. However, walking, walks in the fresh air, and also gymnastics for pregnant women will only benefit her.

Gymnastics for pregnant women are special sets of exercises designed taking into account the loads permissible for pregnant women. There are a huge number of different complexes aimed at solving specific problems and designed for different situations.

You can do gymnastics for pregnant women at home on your own, or you can do it with an experienced trainer. The main thing is to follow the simplest safety rules.

The first thing to remember is that pregnancy itself is not a reason to give up physical activity, however, unfortunately, during pregnancy there are various complications and pathologies in which exercise may indeed be contraindicated.

Therefore, before you start doing gymnastics for pregnant women, you need to consult your doctor. He should tell you whether the activity is acceptable in a particular case, and also help you decide on the appropriate set of exercises.

In addition, do not forget that different exercises are suitable for different periods. This is due not only to acceptable physical activity, but even to basic convenience. From trimester to trimester, a woman’s belly grows, and many exercises in later stages are simply impossible to perform. Therefore, there are gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

Pregnant women worth avoiding Abdominal exercises, jumping, and also do not use any strength training equipment during training.

If during exercise a woman feels unpleasant sensations, for example, pain or a pulling sensation in the abdomen, or her pulse becomes too fast, then the exercise should be stopped immediately and be sure to consult a doctor again. A rapid heartbeat during exercise may indicate excessive exercise.

You should not immediately start doing the exercises at full strength. Especially if the woman was not particularly trained before. It is better to increase the load gradually.

All movements of a pregnant woman should be smooth, gradual, and in no case sudden. If you need to lie down or, conversely, sit up from a lying position, then you need to do this gradually and carefully.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

Before starting to get acquainted with physical exercises for pregnant women, it is worth talking about breathing. Breathing exercises for pregnant women are necessary for a number of reasons. First of all, proper breathing helps you relax and calm down, and this skill is extremely important for a pregnant woman. She has absolutely no use for various stresses and nervous tensions.

In addition, the ability to control your breathing is very useful for a woman during childbirth. The correct breathing rhythm is the easiest and most natural way to relieve pain from contractions. And it won’t hurt to relax at this moment either. It’s not for nothing that any school for expectant mothers always covers the topic “Breathing exercises during childbirth.”

Proper breathing is also useful for a woman during pregnancy exercises, which is why you need to start with breathing exercises. In addition, proper breathing and breathing exercises help improve blood circulation in the placenta, which means the baby will receive more oxygen.

Today the most popular is breathing exercises for pregnant women with Svetlana Litvinova. The beauty of this gymnastics is that it is simple and understandable, and most importantly, it is designed according to the needs of the mother and child.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Chest breathing: place your hands on your ribs and inhale air through your nose as deeply as possible. In this exercise you need to breathe, of course, through your chest. After the chest is completely filled with air, you need to exhale slowly;
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing: in this exercise, one hand should be placed, as in the previous one, on the ribs, and the other on the stomach. We take a quick breath through our nose, the diaphragm should go down and stick out the stomach. Then exhale through the nose or mouth. Between breaths you need to take a short pause of 1 second;
  3. Four-phase breathing: First you need to inhale through your nose: 4-6 seconds, then you need to hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, exhale: 4-5 seconds, and hold again. In this way you need to breathe for 2-3 minutes;
  4. Dog breathing: you need to get on all fours and stick out your tongue. Then we begin to breathe like a dog: through the mouth, and as often as possible.

For the first few times, it is better to do all the exercises only 2-3 cycles, then gradually increase the duration of the sessions. In general, this gymnastics is enough 10 minutes a day.

Breathing exercises are no less popular. Strelnikova, although initially this set of breathing exercises had nothing to do with pregnancy: it was intended to develop the voice and vocal cords.

However, it has shown its effectiveness in many other situations, including during pregnancy.

Positional gymnastics for pregnant women

Positional gymnastics is very useful for pregnant women. It is also designed keeping in mind the needs of a pregnant woman. The task of positional gymnastics is to prepare a woman’s body and her muscles for childbirth, as well as help during pregnancy. Therefore, positional gymnastics is aimed at training the muscles of the back, abdomen and pelvis, as well as the perineum.

  1. Cat: Starting position - on all fours. First, round your back and lower your head as far down as possible, and then vice versa, lift your head up and bend your back as much as possible;
  2. Butterfly: You need a net on the pier, bend your legs and connect your feet. Hands should be placed on your knees. Using your palms, press lightly on your knees to feel a slight stretch. Please note that there should be no pain;
  3. Twists: You can sit or stand as desired. The body must be turned first to the left, then to the right, opening your arms to the sides. The pelvis should be motionless during this exercise;
  4. Kegel exercises: this exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the perineum. It helps you learn to control these muscles, as well as make them more resilient and elastic. It is done simply: you need to try to tense your muscles, as if you were trying to stop urination, and then relax them.

Fitball for pregnant women

Gymnastics for pregnant women using a fitball is no less effective. Exercise on a ball is easier and more effective for pregnant women. Please note that in the first trimester of pregnancy, loads should be minimal. If you have never exercised before pregnancy, then you should not start at all until the safer, second trimester.

Hand exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wider and place them on the floor. Take small dumbbells weighing no more than 1 kg in your hands and lower them along your body with your palms facing forward. Without lifting your elbows from your body, begin to alternately bend your arms at the elbows and straighten them back. 6 - 8 repetitions for each hand;
  2. The starting position is the same, but the arms should be turned towards the body and slightly bent at the elbows. Raise your arms up to shoulder level and lower them back. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  3. Sitting on the ball with your feet wide apart, bend your body slightly forward. Place one hand, empty, on your knee, and the other, holding dumbbells, bent at the elbow 90 degrees. Pull your shoulders and elbow back. Start straightening and curling your arm with the dumbbells. 6 - 8 repetitions on each hand.

Chest exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, fold your legs cross-legged, take a phytoball in your hands. Your arms should be bent and your elbows pointing out to the sides. You need to press on the ball with your palms, trying to squeeze it. 10 - 15 repetitions;
  2. Sit on the ball again and take dumbbells in your hands. Bend your arms at right angles in front of you, in front of your chest. Without straightening your elbows, move them to the sides and bring them back. 10 - 15 repetitions.

Exercises for legs and buttocks:

  1. Lie on your back, bending your right leg and placing your foot on the ball. The left one is also bent, but stands on the floor. Straighten your right leg, roll the ball forward, and then bend your leg again. You can make circular movements with your foot. 6 - 8 repetitions with each leg;
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. The left leg, free from the ball, is active. You need to make the same movements as if you were pedaling a bicycle. First in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. Then switch legs. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  3. The original is the same. Raise your left leg, free from the sword, bend at the knee so that the shin is parallel to the floor. Rotate your foot in one direction or the other, and then change legs. 6 - 8 reps.

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a ball is also good because it prevents the occurrence of varicose veins, which often develops in pregnant women who do not pay attention to physical activity. The reason for this is the increased load on the legs.

Knee-elbow gymnastics for pregnant women

Starting from week 20, doctors can advise a woman to do decompression or knee-elbow exercises for pregnant women. Of course, you can’t call it gymnastics in the literal sense of the word, but the benefits a pregnant woman’s body receives when performing one single exercise are very great.

What's the point? It’s simple, you first need to get on all fours, and then lower yourself onto your elbows, and stand like that for 5 minutes to half an hour. Gynecologists advise taking this position several times a day. What are the benefits of the knee-elbow position?

By the second trimester, the uterus of a pregnant woman is already quite impressive in size. And it puts a lot of pressure on the organs surrounding it. If a woman stands in the above position, it automatically relieves pressure on the kidneys, bladder and ureters, intestines and other internal organs.

Gymnastics for pregnant women by trimester

As already mentioned, gymnastics for pregnant women should be different at different stages. It is not difficult to understand why this is so. After all, different processes occur in a woman’s body at different times, which means the approach must be individual. The beauty of this set of exercises is that it is also suitable for those women who have not previously taken special care of their physical condition.

Exercises for the first trimester

The complex begins with a short warm-up:

  1. As you inhale, lift your shoulders up and lower as you exhale.
  2. Also, as you inhale, move your shoulders back, and as you exhale, move your shoulders forward;
  3. Make circular movements with your shoulders forward and then back;
  4. Tilt your head first back and forth, then from side to side;
  5. “Roll” your head over your shoulders, chest and back, alternately in both directions.

After finishing the warm-up, you can begin the main set of exercises:

  1. First, walk in place for 1-2 minutes;
  2. While continuing to walk in place, bend your elbows and move them back, and then bring them together in front of your chest. The exercise is also performed for 1 - 2 minutes;
  3. Stand up straight with your back straight. Place your hands on the back of your head and bring your elbows together in front of you. Then, while inhaling, spread your elbows to the sides, and as you exhale, return to their original position. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. As you inhale, turn your body to the side and raise your arms; as you exhale, return to your original position and do the same in the opposite direction. 3 - 5 times;
  5. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, and place your hands on the floor behind your back. As you exhale, bend your legs, and as you inhale, spread them apart, bringing your feet together. As you exhale, bring your knees together again, and as you inhale, lower your legs to the starting position. 6 - 8 repetitions;
  6. This exercise can also be done while sitting. Hands rest on the floor on opposite sides of the body. Slightly laid back. You need to put your left leg on top of your right, and start making circular movements with your foot in both directions, and then take the starting position and do the exercise with the second leg. 5 reps with each leg;
  7. Lie on your side, put your hand under your head, legs extended. Bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach as you exhale, while inhaling, straighten your legs again. 3 - 4 repetitions.

Final part:

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Without raising your head from the field, lower your chin to your chest, while doing so, the back of your neck should be tense. As you exhale, press your shoulders to the floor, spread your arms to the sides, close your eyes;
  2. Then lower your feet to the floor one by one. Stretch and tense them, spread your toes slightly to the sides;
  3. Take a deep breath, and at the end of the exhalation, press your back, buttocks and the back of your head into the floor as hard as possible.

Exercises for the second trimester

Since the woman’s condition stabilizes in the second trimester, you can allow yourself slightly greater loads and more complex exercises. This is reflected in this complex. The warm-up and finishing part can be the same. Main part:

  1. 2 - 4 minutes of slow, calm walking in place;
  2. Stand up straight, raise one arm up. The second one - take it aside. As you inhale, lift one leg back without bending it at the knee, and as you exhale, return it to the starting position. Repeat with the second leg. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  3. Stand up straight. Squat down slightly, move your arms back, then return to the starting position. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  4. Stand up straight. Take your hands back and clasp them together. Lower your arms and arch your chest forward, then return to the starting position. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  5. Sit on the floor and spread your legs, put your hands on your waist. As you exhale, try to touch the toe of your left foot with your right hand, and as you inhale, return your hand to your belt. Then repeat the exercise with your left arm and right leg. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  6. The cat again, as you can see, we can’t live without it. 4 - 6 repetitions;
  7. Get on your knees, then lower your pelvis onto your heels, resting your hands on the floor. This movement is done while exhaling. Then move your hands behind your back and lift your hips off the floor, supporting yourself with your hands. This is done while inhaling. Return to starting position. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  8. Lie on your back, bend your knees and extend your arms along your body. As you inhale, lift and spread your legs, and as you inhale, place your feet on the floor. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  9. Again 2 - 4 minutes walk.

Exercises for the third trimester

In the third trimester, breathing exercises become especially important. But it is better to reduce the intensity of training again. It is very important to do the exercises slowly, smoothly, calmly, without sudden movements. In this complex, the exercises partially repeat the first 2 complexes.

  1. 2 - 4 minutes walking in place;
  2. Perform exercise No. 3 from the complex for 1 trim;
  3. Complete exercise No. 6 from the complex for the 1st trimester;
  4. Sit on the floor, put your hands behind your back and lean on the floor. Move your left hand to your right with a turn of the body, repeat the exercise in the other direction. 3 - 4 repetitions;
  5. And again a cat, she will accompany the woman throughout her pregnancy;
  6. Get on all fours. As you exhale, sit on your heels, and as you inhale, return to all fours. 2 - 3 repetitions;
  7. Lie on your side, bend your lower arm at the elbow and place it in front of you, extend your upper arm along your body. As you inhale, leaning into the floor, lift your upper body, as you exhale, return to the starting position for 2 - 4 repetitions, then turn to the other side;
  8. Complete exercise No. 7 from the complex for the 1st trimester;
  9. 2 - 4 minutes of slow, calm walking.

Gymnastics for breech presentation

All types of gymnastics listed above are aimed at preventing complications and preparing the body for childbirth. What should those women who have already encountered any complications do? There are also specific types of gymnastics for pregnant women. In particular, gymnastics for pregnant women with a breech presentation of the fetus.

Usually the fetus itself takes the correct position: with its head towards the exit of the uterus. However, in some cases the baby ends up in a sideways or pelvic position. Usually, women are explained that up to 36 weeks the baby can roll over on its own, and are offered special gymnastics to help him with this.

To achieve the result, you will need the same knee-elbow position. It is the starting point for all corrective gymnastics exercises.

  1. Get back to the starting position. Inhale as deeply as possible, and then exhale equally deeply. 5 - 6 repetitions;
  2. Next exercise: while inhaling, begin to lean forward, try to touch your chin to your hands, and then return to the starting position. All movements should be done slowly and smoothly. 4 - 5 repetitions;
  3. Raise one leg to the side and straighten it. Touch the toe of your foot to the floor and return your leg to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the second leg. 3 - 4 repetitions with each leg;
  4. The only exercise that is done not from the knee-elbow position, but while standing on all fours, is the cat that is already familiar to you.

This gymnastics for pregnant women is performed from 30 weeks to 37-38 weeks. You need to do the exercises 2 times a day, after meals, after 1-1.5 hours.

There is another method of influencing the position of the fetus. There is only one exercise, and it is performed before meals 3 times a day. You need to lie on the bed and slowly turn onto your right side. Lie like this for 10 minutes, and slowly roll over to the other side and lie for another 10 minutes. Repeat 3 - 4 times.


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