What a holiday is October 22nd. October in history

October 22, 2017 - Sunday, day 295 of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. October 22 corresponds to October 9 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays October 22, 2017 in Russia

  • Day of financial and economic service of the Armed Forces. October 22 celebrates its professional holiday financial and economic service of the Armed Forces Russian Federation. It was established as an official holiday by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 437 of August 24, 2015. The date of the celebration on October 22 was not accidental. On this day in 1918, the Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the young Soviet Republic was signed on the establishment of the Financial Department. The approved Regulations on the Financial Department under the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic determined the structure and main tasks assigned to the newly formed body in the Armed Forces system. As before, currently the main tasks of the Financial and Economic Service include timely financial support for government bodies armed forces, as well as military formations.

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Holidays October 22, 2017 in Ukraine

  • There are no holidays on October 22, 2017 in Ukraine.

World and international holidays October 22, 2017

  • International Day of Stutterers. October 22 is celebrated annually as International Stuttering Awareness Day. This holiday appeared with the support of the International Association of People who Stutter, which was founded in 1995. It is dedicated to people with speech disorders such as stuttering. In medical practice, stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by frequent repetition of sounds or their prolongation, as well as repetition or prolongation of syllables and whole words. Stuttering is usually associated with logophobia - the fear of speaking. World Stuttering Day is a day to draw public attention to the problems of people who stutter.
  • International Mother-in-Law Day. Every fourth Sunday in October, the world celebrates an unusual, but undoubtedly the favorite holiday of any son-in-law - International Mother-In-Law Day. Although it does not yet have official status, it is already very popular in many countries. Originating in the 1930s in the USA as a joke (according to one version, as an alternative to Mother's Day), subsequently, every year, it gained more and more fans, including in other English-speaking countries. As a number of sources testify, this informal event began to be celebrated in 1934 with the “light hand” of the editor of one of the American newspapers in the state of Texas, who spoke in his publication about this “joke”, drawing a parallel with such respected holidays as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day . Stating that a mother-in-law is a second mother, he noted that it was fair that all mothers-in-law should have their own “professional” holiday.

Orthodox holidays October 22, 2017

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Memory of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council;
  • Memorial Day of the Apostle James Alfeev;
  • Memorial Day of the Venerable Andronicus and his wife Athanasia;
  • Memorial Day of the righteous Abraham the forefather and his nephew Lot;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Iuventin and Maximus the Warriors;
  • Memorial Day of Saint Poplia the Confessor, Deaconess of Antioch;
  • Memorial Day of St. Peter of Galatia;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyrs Konstantin Sukhov and Peter Vyatkin, presbyters;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Konstantin Aksenov, presbyter;
  • Finding the relics of the venerable confessor Sebastian of Karaganda (Fomin), archimandrite;
  • Korsunskaya; “Korsunskaya Enlightened” (“Shpilevskaya”) - icons of the Mother of God.

National holidays October 22, 2017

  • Yakov Drovopilets. The national holiday "Yakov Drovopilets" is celebrated on October 22 (Old Style - October 9). In the church calendar, this is the date of veneration of Jacob Alpheus - one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. Other names for the holiday: “Tree sawyer”, “Yakov”, “Jacob”, “Jacob the cold”. On this day, it was customary to bake pies and treat them to your family and friends. It was believed that this would ensure prosperity and good health for the coming year. Very little is known about Jacob Alfeev. The biblical scriptures do not speak about him, but only list his name in the list of 12 apostles. It is known for certain that he was a simple publican and preached the Christian faith in Judea. Later, having become one of the apostles, he preached in the city of Edessa, then independently in Gaza and Southern Palestine. Due to confusion with other Jacobs, it is rather difficult to trace his path in the Christian tradition. In the villages at this time the time began to prepare firewood for the winter. Before Yakov (Jacob), Russian people did not start this activity. Firstly, in the summer there were always enough other worries, and secondly, it was believed that the autumn log burns the hottest, since all the juices have already left it. The wood harvested in summer was damp, sap, and more susceptible to rot. Procuring firewood was a responsible matter. How hot the stove would burn and how warm the house would be depended on how the owners tried. The Russian people have created many riddles about firewood and stoves. Among them are the following: “The closet is large, the doors are small, they put in white, take out black”; “Grandfather is old, all white; summer comes - they don’t look at him, winter comes - they hug him”; “In winter there is no warmer, in summer there is no colder”; “A fur coat in the hut, a sleeve on the street.” Small hail often fell on Yakov. “Yakov will come, he will send a grain,” people said. On this day, cereals also appeared on the tables: the peasants began to peel millet, oats, barley, and grind wheat. Therefore, for Yakov, the housewives first prepared porridge, which was served with butter or lard. They also baked pies with porridge and treated them to relatives and neighbors. “The guests are looking at the stove, apparently they want porridge,” our ancestors joked about this. But they also said: “Rely on someone else’s porridge, but you should have your own in the oven.” And they added: “I’ve made the porridge, so don’t skimp on the butter.”

Holidays on October 22, 2017 in countries around the world

  • Holiday in Australia October 22, 2017 - Wombat Day. Wombat Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated in Australia every year on October 22. It was first celebrated in 2005. Wombats are herbivorous marsupials, similar in appearance to small bears, which, like most marsupials, live exclusively in Australia. Wombats are the largest burrowing mammals. They spend most of their lives underground, only coming out at night to search for food. Wombats feed on young shoots of grasses; they also eat plant roots, berries, mushrooms and mosses. Thanks to its slow metabolism, a wombat can digest food for up to two weeks.
Published 10/22/17 00:24

Today, October 22, 2017, also celebrates International Day of Stutterers, Photocopy Birthday and other events.

On October 22, 2017, the Church remembers Jacob Alfeev, who was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and was the brother of the Apostle Matthew. The popular name of the holiday is Yakov Drovopilets. He was nicknamed so because on this day the preparation of firewood for the winter began.

Little is known about Jacob Alfeev. The biblical scriptures do not speak about him, but only list his name in the list of 12 apostles. It is known for certain that he was a simple publican and preached idhumkz Christian faith in Judea. Later, having become one of the apostles, he preached in the city of Edessa, then independently in Gaza and Southern Palestine.

According to one version of his death, he was stoned to death in Marmarik. Another tells that he was crucified on a cross in the city of Ostracina while he was on his way to Egypt. But despite the fact that his Christian path cannot be traced, due to the intertwining of information with other Jacobs (Zavedeev and the Brother of the Lord - the apostle of the 70), the memory of this saint remains unshakable.

In Rus', on this day they prepared various porridges from new grains and pies. Mushrooms - russula - were always placed on the table.

According to popular belief, if snow falls on this day, then the year will be successful, and if it snows for the first time on Drovopilets, then winter will come in 40 days. However, if the snow falls and melts, the harvest will fail.

The first icicles on Yakov Drovopilets mean a long autumn.

If the larch has not lost its needles, and the cherry tree has not dropped its leaves, then snow will not fall, and if it does fall on the ground, it will melt...

Traditionally, October 22 is celebrated as International Day of Stutterers. It is administered by speech therapists, pediatric neurologists and everyone suffering from this disease.

In 1995, the International Association of People who Stutter (ISA) was founded in Sweden. It was thanks to her activities that this day was established in 1998. Russia joins the international celebration.

Birthday photocopies

Photocopy's birthday is celebrated every year around the world on October 22nd. The holiday owes its appearance to Chester Carlson, a printer, physicist and patent specialist, who, thanks to his personal skills, was able to design and launch the first copier.

Abraham, Efim, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Yakov.

  • 1702 - Russian troops took the Swedish fortress of Noteburg.
  • 1883 - The Metropolitan Opera opened in New York.
  • 1938 - inventor Chester Carlson made a photocopy for the first time in history.
  • 1962 - the beginning of the Caribbean crisis - the confrontation between the USSR and the USA.
  • 1990 - the city of Gorky returned its historical name - Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Franz Liszt 1811 - Hungarian musician.
  • Sarah Bernhardt 1844 - French actress.
  • Ivan Bunin 1870 - Russian writer.
  • Georges Brassens 1921 - French poet.
  • Nikolai Dorizo ​​1923 - Russian poet.
  • Robert Rauschenberg 1925 - American artist.
  • Spartak Mishulin 1926 - Russian actor.
  • Lev Yashin 1929 - Soviet football player.
  • Catherine Deneuve 1943 - French actress.
  • Robertino Loretti 1947 - Italian singer.

On this date, people all over the planet can celebrate various special events.

World holidays October 22, 2019

International Day of Stutterers

Since 1998, such a holiday takes place annually on October 22. The idea of ​​creating such a date was born with the support of the International Association of People who Stutter, which was created in 1995.

According to the International Classification of Diseases, stuttering is a speech disorder that is characterized by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds, words and syllables. At such moments, people often stop their speech. The organization of an international holiday can be called not the only ISA project.

Every year on this date, different topics are discussed and conferences, meetings and seminars are held. All of this is aimed at raising awareness among the wider community about the difficulties and problems that people who stutter face every day. Other projects with the same goal include publishing a newsletter twice a year, raising funds for scholarships for people with disabilities, and maintaining a special website.

It is worth noting that such a speech impediment did not prevent many people from becoming famous in various fields. These could be bards, film directors, speakers, and so on.

Russian holidays October 22, 2019

Literary festival "White Cranes"

Such a literary celebration was created by the people's poet of Dagestan named Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov. This celebration is a celebration of spirituality and poetry. Today we honor the bright memory of those who died on the battlefields of all wars.

This literary holiday helps to strengthen the centuries-old traditions of the cultures of a multinational country and the friendship of peoples. Initially, the event was celebrated only in Dagestan. But after a while, it became widespread in other regions of Russia.

In the cultures of many nations you can find mention of a beautiful bird - the crane. The crane almost everywhere represents a positive and bright beginning. For example, in Japan, the image of a crane is a symbol of prosperity and longevity.

Very often in China the crane is associated with immortality. But among African peoples, such a bird is a messenger of the gods and a symbol of communication with the gods. On this holiday, meetings between representatives of numerous Dagestan peoples and people of other republics take place.

What do we celebrate according to the folk calendar on October 22, 2019

Yakov Drovopilets

Orthodox Christians celebrate the memory of Jacob Alfeev on this day. He was one of the 12 apostles and the brother of Matthew. Life tells us that before becoming a disciple of Christ, Jacob was a publican, and after that he gave sermons in Judea.

Very little information about his life has survived. But, some sources say that there is sometimes confusion in information about different Jacobs. In addition to Jacob Alpheus, you can also find Jacob Zebedee in the scriptures. At such a time, it was time for the villages to prepare firewood for the winter. Russian people had never started studying before such a day.

And all because in the summer there were enough other worries, and the autumn log burns brightest and hottest of all, because all the juices have left it. Collecting firewood was considered a responsible matter. After all, the heat of the stove always depended on how well the owners tried. The Russian people have a lot of sayings about firewood and stoves. Small hail fell on Yakov very often. On this day, cereals also appeared on the tables. After all, our ancestors began to peel oats, millet, wheat and barley.

Name day celebration October 22, 2019

Abraham, Efim, Konstantin, Maxim, Peter, Yakov.

Significant Events

  • 1702 – Russian troops took the Swedish fortress of Noteburg.
  • 1883 – The Metropolitan Opera opened in New York.
  • 1938 - Inventor Chester Carlson made a photocopy for the first time in history.
  • 1962 - the beginning of the Caribbean crisis - the confrontation between the USSR and the USA.
  • 1990 - the city of Gorky returned its historical name - Nizhny Novgorod.

Which people have a birthday?

  1. Franz Liszt 1811 – Hungarian musician.
  2. Sarah Bernhardt 1844 – French actress.
  3. Ivan Bunin 1870 – Russian writer.
  4. Georges Brassens 1921 – French poet.
  5. Nikolay Dorizo ​​1923 – Russian poet.
  6. Robert Rauschenberg 1925 – American artist.
  7. Spartak Mishulin 1926 - Russian actor.
  8. Lev Yashin 1929 – Soviet football player.
  9. Catherine Deneuve 1943 – French actress.
  10. Robertino Loretti 1947 – Italian singer.

International Day of Stutterers

Every year on October 22, since 1998, the world celebrates International Day of People who Stutter, the idea of ​​which was born with the support of the International Association of People who Stutter.
Stuttering, according to the International Classification of Diseases, is a speech disorder characterized by prolongation of sounds or frequent repetition of syllables and words, hesitation in speech and frequent stops that interrupt the rhythmic flow.
In speech therapy literature, the term “stuttering” is interpreted as a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech as a result of a convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus.
Stuttering is often associated with verbophobia or logophobia - the fear of speaking, this is often the cause of stuttering.
On this day in different countries Seminars, conferences and meetings are held around the world, where social events are held to raise community awareness of the difficulties and problems that people who stutter face in their daily lives.
In the world, stuttering, like a disease, has not prevented many people from realizing themselves in areas where it is necessary to be able to speak beautifully and even become famous. Among them: Demosthenes, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Artemy Troitsky, Bruce Willis and others.

Unusual holidays October 22

Today, October 22, you can cheerfully celebrate Carnival of Miracles Day and congratulate your familiar dentists on Dentist Day.

Carnival of Miracles Day

On this day, October 22, everything that is most unusual and everyday changes places. This morning may begin with a bright shower of stars, and your strict boss may start dancing when he sees you, while waving his gypsy skirts. Huge sunny crocodiles can dance in all the windows today, and in the evening the moon lanterns will light up and the Carnival of Miracles will begin!

Dentists' Day

Today, October 22, is a holiday for dentists. As noted, most of them are Jews.
Jews are not only funny artists
and guests from other people's gardens,
there are Jews - dashing dentists,
that wisdom is being torn from the nations...

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Yakov Drovopilets

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of one of the Twelve Apostles - Jacob Alpheus, who was the brother of the Apostle Matthew.
Before becoming a disciple of Christ, Jacob, according to his life, was a publican for a long time, and then preached in Edessa and Judea. Very little information has been preserved about the life and work of this saint, therefore, in many sources there is often confusion in information due to the fact that in the writings, in addition to James Alphaeus, the “brother of the Lord” is mentioned - the apostle James of the seventy and the apostle James of Zebedee.
On this day in Rus', peasants in villages began to prepare firewood for the winter. Russian people with the name Yakov (Jacob) did not start this activity.
Procuring firewood is a responsible matter, because the warmth in the house depended on how hard the owners tried and how hot the stove burned.
Small hail in the form of grains often fell on Yakov. People said: “Yakov will come, he will send a grain.” On this day, cereals appeared on the tables of the peasants, because they began to peel oats, millet, barley and grind wheat, and the housewives first tried to prepare porridge, which was served with butter for breakfast and dinner. On this day they baked pies with porridge and treated them to relatives and neighbors.
The mushroom season closed on Yakov - the peasants collected the last of the mushrooms - autumn russula, which were salted or stewed with potatoes.
Name day October 22 from: Abraham, Efim, Constantine, Maxim, Peter, Jacob

October 22 in history

1702 Russian troops took the Swedish fortress
1883 The Metropolitan Opera opened in New York
1938 Inventor Chester Carlson made the first photocopy in history
1962 Beginning of the Caribbean crisis - confrontation between the USSR and the USA
1990 The city of Gorky returned its historical name - Nizhny Novgorod

International School Library Day

On October 22, at the initiative of UNESCO, International School Library Day is celebrated. The tradition of focusing on general educational literature for school-age children dates back to 1999, when Blanche Woolles, head of the International Association of School Libraries, proposed celebrating this kind of holiday, but International School Library Day acquired official status only in 2005. Three years after the holiday was recognized and began to be celebrated in many countries around the world, UNESCO representatives went further and decided to devote a whole month to the school book. Since 2008, International School Library Day has transformed into a month. During the period from October 22 to November 22, events dedicated to school libraries are held all over the world, and monthly book collections are practiced. In Russia, the most striking event of Library Month is the large-scale Forum of School Librarians, which is held annually in Mikhailovsky.

White Crane Festival

On October 22, Russia celebrates the White Crane Festival, dedicated to the memory of people who died on the battlefield during wars and armed conflicts. The annual celebration of this day was initiated by the poet Rasul Gamzatov. The purpose of the White Crane Festival is not only the Christian veneration of heroes who gave their lives for the glory of the Motherland and the patriotic education of youth, but also to strengthen the traditions and foundations of the inhabitants of Russia, the unification of people of different nationalities living in the territory of a large country. The holiday got its name thanks to the popular poem “White Cranes” by Ruslan Gamzatov, the lines of which were set to music and performed by Mark Bernes. In Dagestan, the White Crane Festival has been celebrated for decades, and only relatively recently did it become an All-Russian holiday. The crane is a wise, kind and loyal bird; it is not surprising that it has become a symbol of friendship and unity, courage and devotion. In every country in the world, no matter where it is, in the East, South or West, the white crane is glorified and protected. In Japan it is a symbol of longevity and prosperity, in China - immortality, in African countries - a messenger of the gods, in Christian countries - it symbolizes patience and humility.

Ephesus (Korsun) Icon of the Mother of God

In the Orthodox calendar, October 22 is known as the feast of the Icon of the Mother of God of Korsun (Ephesus).
The famous icon of the Korsun Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke; many Christians dreamed of praying in front of it, but not everyone had such an opportunity. At the end of the first millennium, the icon, which belonged to the brush of Luke, was brought by Prince Vladimir from Korsun to Kyiv, then it “lived” in Novgorod and Moscow, so that the Slavs had the opportunity to touch the miraculous relic. There was another image of the Mother of God of Korsun, the appearance of which in Rus' in 1162 was thanks to the Venerable Euphrosyne from Polotsk; an outstanding woman exchanged it for rich gifts from the Greek emperor. This icon received the name Korsun due to the fact that on the way from Greece it spent almost a year in the city of Korsun.

October 22 in the folk calendar

Today, according to the folk calendar, is Jacob the Woodcutter's Day; it became the starting point for collecting firewood for the winter. It was believed that before Jacob, it was impossible to cut down trees and store firewood in a shed; there would be no sense in such an activity. Folk sages believe that the reason for this behavior of the peasants is not at all mystical, but practical, the villagers had too much work in the summer and the first autumn month, there was simply not enough time to prepare firewood. In addition, when burned, autumn logs emit much more heat than summer logs, since all the juices leave them. You should not think that timber harvesting is a simple and not troublesome task; every peasant knew how important and responsible this activity was. People have many riddles and sayings related to the preparation and use of firewood: “The cabinet is big, the doors are small, put in white, take out black,” “It’s not warmer in winter, it’s not colder in summer.” It was customary for Jacob to prepare porridge, which was served with butter or lard; pies with porridge were also baked. The day of October 22 is the beginning of activities such as threshing wheat, peeling millet, barley and oats. Mushrooms often appeared on Yakov’s table; they were stewed with potatoes and salted in barrels. Everyone knows that October is the time to collect autumn mushrooms.

Name day October 22

Abraham– a very active and active person, sociable, can always find contact with the interlocutor, even if they have almost no common topics for conversation.

Efim– a very gentle and sensitive child, requires a lot of attention, often stutters in childhood and has problems with digestion (as a rule, such phenomena occur from fear or excessive inhibition). Efim is a very reliable person, his work colleagues respect him and never suspect him of a dirty trick. By nature, a person with this name is very artistic and can become a good actor or pop figure. Despite the fact that there are always a lot of people around Efim, he is conservative and selective in his friendships; close people for him are those with whom relationships have been tested over the years.

Konstantin– a person for whom the definition of “cautious” is suitable; he often experiences a feeling of anxiety, and sometimes he himself does not know what the reason is. He loves to spend time with his family, but at the same time his wife should not relax, since Konstantin is so accustomed to tension that he cannot imagine his life without it. It doesn’t hurt for a wife to warm up her husband’s feelings from time to time and make him jealous; without acute feelings, Konstantin can go in search of shelter in the arms of another woman.

Maksim– an independent person from early childhood, he does not cause trouble for his parents. If mom and dad want to make their son’s life brighter and get him interested in something, there is no better solution than taking the boy to the theater. Maxim’s difficulty is that the science of understanding people is quite difficult for him; a person with that name is easy to deceive; he believes too much that only good people. A person named Maxim is very purposeful and can achieve success in almost any activity without much difficulty.

Yakov- a very prudent person, he follows the proverb “Measure twice, cut once”, rashness is clearly not his strong point. Jacob's practicality brings results - people with this name are hardworking and successful, often succeeding in commerce.

Born on October 22:

Franz Liszt(1811) - an outstanding Hungarian composer, pianist and conductor. During his difficult creative career, the musician wrote about six and a half hundred works, among which the symphonies “Faust” and “Divina comedia”, Hungarian Rhapsodies, as well as piano concertos gained world fame.

Сapa Bernard(1844) - an outstanding French actress and singer who played in the largest theaters in the world, became famous for performing both female and male roles. Thanks to the magnificent performance of Sarah Bernhardt, the opera La Traviata, written by Verdi, appeared. In Paris, the theater on the Place du Châtelet was named after Sarah Bernhardt.

Ivan Bunin(1870) - Russian writer and poet, author of the collections “Poems”, “Under the Open Air”, “Falling Leaves”, three-time winner of the Pushkin Prize, spent many years in exile, where the famous literary masterpieces “Mitya’s Love”, “The Case” were written cornet Elagin", "The Life of Arsenyev".

Catherine Deneuve(1943) - French actress who became famous throughout the world after her leading role in the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, winner of the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival (1964). Another outstanding work of Catherine Deneuve is Demi in the film “The Girls of Rochefort”. The best directors in the world dreamed of seeing the French actress on the stage.

Spartak Mishulin(1926) - satire theater actor, starred in the program "Zucchini 13 Chairs", many understand him by the role of Carlson, which he played for forty years.

Outstanding events in the history of Russia that occurred on October 22

October 22, 1721– after the victory over the Swedes in the Northern War and the return of numerous lands to the rule of the Moscow state, the formation of the Russian Empire took place, headed by the All-Russian Emperor.

October 22, 1730– the 117-kilometer Ladoga (Petrovsky, Staroladoga) canal was built, which made it possible to carry out transport communications along the shore of Lake Ladoga; it connected the Neva and Volkhov rivers.

October 22, 1842- the outstanding jeweler Gustav Faberge, whose works still excite the minds of millions of people thanks to their incredible beauty and sophistication, opened a jewelry workshop in St. Petersburg. Today, the best museums and connoisseurs of rarities around the world strive to add to their collection items created by the hands of a unique master.

October 22, 1966– The Soviet Union launched the satellite, Luna-12, which was an incredible achievement for the domestic cosmonautics.

October 22, 1987- an outstanding poet who emigrated from the Soviet Union and lived for many years in the United States of America, Joseph Brodsky was awarded a prestigious award - the Nobel Prize in Literature.

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