Motivation to learn: how to create a desire to learn in a student? Motivating a child to study: learning with pleasure How to develop a child’s desire to learn

“Learning is light!” – many parents tell their children. However, these words alone are not enough. In order for a student to truly want to study, parents must help him not only understand the need to study, but also understand that it can be interesting.

Why doesn't he want to study?

The first step to success is recognizing the scale of the problem. If a child has had a difficult day, and he simply cannot find the strength to do his homework, this does not mean at all that it is time to “ring the bells” and give him a lecture that the profession of a janitor awaits him. The most important thing to do first is to understand why the child does not want to study.

The most common of them are the following:

Types of motivation

Psychologists distinguish two types of motivation: negative and positive.

  • Negative motivation to any type of activity presupposes the presence of a negative incentive. For example, it may be fear of punishment for refusing to engage in this activity.
  • Positive (constructive) motivation means orientation towards some positive stimulus.

Which type of motivation is most effective? To answer this question, let’s immediately make an association with the “carrot and stick” method. You probably already guessed that the stick is a negative motivation, and the carrot is a positive one.

The “whip method” is not acceptable in any situation, especially in relation to a child. Even if, for example, threats of punishment for bad grades make a child study better, this is only an external result. A feeling of discomfort and constant fear will constrain the child, and he will approach his studies formally.

Examples of negative motivation also include:

  • parents exaggerating the importance of grades;
  • positioning study as a duty;
  • tricks, blackmail and intimidation.

It is also necessary to constructively stimulate a student to study correctly, so it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on specific methods of positive motivation.

How to motivate your child to study

It is a mistake to believe that only the teacher should interest a child in learning. Each student is individual, the teacher simply does not have time to find an approach to everyone during the lesson, so schoolchildren must want to learn, only then will it be interesting for them.

What techniques should parents use to increase their child’s interest in learning activities?

The main thing a parent can give to their child is love and support. Only a child surrounded by sincere love will achieve success in any endeavor.

Read the advice of a psychologist in our material.

Psychologist Anastasia Ponomarenko will tell you simple rules that will help properly motivate a child who does not want to study. She will tell you what to do and what basic mistakes parents make when trying with all their might to force their child to learn his homework.

Anastasia Ponomarenko
psychologist of the “Way Home” Charitable Foundation

Parents often have to use force to persuade a child who does not want to study. I would like for my beloved child to do his homework on his own, without being reminded, to attend school with pleasure, so that the diary contains only excellent marks! However, parents often do nothing to motivate their child to study, to interest him in this or that subject. It is much easier to force students to study using blackmail and threats, but in late adolescence this method also stops working.

But to create motivation in a child to learn new things, to study, there are simple rules . Only parents must follow these rules, first of all. Of course, you will have to strain yourself mentally and physically, but the game is worth the candle.

Rules for successfully motivating a child to study

So, how to motivate a child who does not want to study.

Not a single child’s question should be left unanswered.

Never brush off his “why,” no matter how busy you are. By answering all his questions in detail and with interest, you form the attitude in your child that the process of learning new things is interesting, important, and you, as parents, encourage this.

Support all your child's educational interests.

If you like chemistry, buy an encyclopedia on chemistry; if you like music, write it down. Go together (this is important) to public lectures and exhibitions on topics that interest the child, taking into account the age. And then be sure to discuss what your impressions were, what you liked and what you didn’t.

Buy autobiographies of great people in areas that interest your child.

After reading the book discuss it . What interested you? What helped the main character in his professional activities? Could you do that? How could you help him with this?

Do not forget that a child is greatly influenced by his environment.

Create it! Enroll your child in an interesting section or club. Find out about various public organizations and clubs. Unobtrusively offer to go and have a look. If most of your friends are active and study well, your offspring will definitely try to be no worse - a law of social psychology.

Take an interest in the atmosphere at your child’s school.

Very often teachers have such a poor command of the subject, or are so rude to their students, that they kill any desire to learn. Go to parent-teacher meetings - it helps a lot in clarifying the atmosphere. And, if so, immediately transfer him to another school. And it’s better to seek justice later, when the child’s psyche is safe.

Also find out about the guys in the class.

Who is the leader? How many excellent students? How are they treated - do they mock “nerds” or respect them? The child’s environment should stimulate him to new successes. And if this is a weak class, he will not have the motivation to study - he is already the smartest.

Don't overreact.

And do not compare your child’s successes with his siblings or classmates. Remember: in any situation you are his ally. Be sure to praise for good grades - create positive reinforcement. Ask about the bad ones: what prevented you from doing better. If you need help, help, but within reason. Agree, “help” and “do it for me” are two different things. Find the right balance of approval and control.

Make sure your child has adequate exercise

The fact that a child does not want to study may be due to a very high workload. In this case, it must be reduced to avoid a nervous breakdown. And in any case, there must be a balance between rest and exercise.

Don't judge your child's abilities by his grades.

Remember: smart doesn't always have good grades. And vice versa.

And most importantly: it is impossible to motivate a child to study with threats and punishments. You can only force memorize the material, and then only for a short time. Children are very smart, they will always find a way to deceive you.

The process of motivating a child to study is the daily work of adults, primarily parents. This is a constant psychological inclusion in the child’s life, in his interests, his aspirations. The parents' hand should constantly be on the pulse - what to suggest, what to protect from, where to encourage.

Now comes the time when you have to constantly learn, gain new skills in order to remain a professional. Previously, a person graduated from one institute, chose one profession, and worked in one place until retirement. Now times have changed, and many people have to relearn several times throughout their lives - the requirements for professional activities change so quickly.

Therefore, it is so important that a child believes even during his school years: learning new things is interesting, important, and brings pleasure. With such an attitude, he is not afraid of any conflicts in the labor market.

Both parents and teachers are thinking about increasing children's motivation to study, but few can offer anything specific. The author of the book "Cool Teacher" Nina Jackson can. How does she manage to instill in children a desire to learn and an interest in learning? Tips for teachers on how to increase motivation in children can also be useful for parents - especially in elementary school, when they are still actively involved in the learning process.

When I first came to work at school, one terribly funny boy said to me: “Apparently, you’re new, huh? I’ll tell you what... I’m writing the wrong thing, I’m on the drums!” And so his words stayed with me for the next twenty-five years. This is what is called - knowing what makes a child want to learn. Drums! And not spelling at all! At least in this child.

Therefore, before presenting the hundred best tips on how to develop a child’s motivation to study, reflect on the thesis that I consider decisive in this matter: in order to get children interested in learning, you need to know them.

You - both the teacher and the students - need to get to know each other and establish a working relationship, then the students will be satisfied with life and will begin to develop as individuals, which will certainly affect their internal motivation.

There are all sorts of students, and each has its own character and learning needs. And for everyone you need to choose from an extensive curriculum what suits him exactly. Some people like to perform, and the volume of such a student is usually set to maximum. And someone has the volume completely turned off, but if you praise him - personally and deservedly - he will surpass himself. After all, it is the quiet students that we often ignore, although they so need it - just like our support and praise.

Necessarily think about the seating arrangement. I myself never seat my children; I always allow them to sit with whomever and wherever they want, depending on their mood. On the contrary, some teachers prefer a fixed seating arrangement. (I’m not a judge here, because what’s good for one person is not an option for another.) Do as you see fit, just make sure that your students open up and get the most out of their learning.

What I am firmly convinced of is that it is necessary deal with the loudspeakers- otherwise they will eat up all your time. If you place “loud” students next to you, you will not only lose peace, but you will also feed their “loud” ego. Moreover, other students may think: since you pay so much attention to the “loud” ones, it means you encourage such defiant behavior.

With so many different individual learning needs, one size does not fit all students, and in this case I'm talking about worksheets (the bane of many teachers!). If you are giving them to children, then come up with differentiated exercises. After all, it’s not about the number of tasks, but about the content and methods.

There are children, say students with developmental disabilities or special learning needs, for whom worksheets do not inspire them at all, but only turn them off from learning. Create tasks for them that can be completed orally.

As for the more capable and talented, they are captivated by interesting developmental tasks, and not by regular written exercises. The better you know your students, the more you understand what motivates them and what doesn’t, for example, some may be inspired by assigned independent research, while others may benefit from a closer connection with you. Be that as it may, to maintain motivation and interest in such students, they need all the time slip something new in. If a student is idle, then he is bored, and a bored student disconnects from school faster than you can say “electricity.”

All students need to be approached with a whole arsenal of pedagogical techniques, and praise and encouragement are among them. The point is to create a learning dialogue between you and your students, no matter how small. Remember, small steps leave big footprints in the snow! Always look for the positive in their work, attitudes towards learning, personal achievements and/or academic success.

If it seems that he is constantly unable to cope and does not have time, then he will switch to something else, most likely to computer shooters, or to discussing who kissed whom on the weekend, or, worse, it will all end with calling his parents to the school and resolving disciplinary issues. And don’t forget that you need to praise children four times more often than criticize them.

It is also necessary to teach them to take responsibility for themselves - for this they must see that you trust them. Such a two-way relationship will awaken the most apathetic of students from their slumber.

Try using the four components of motivation:

  1. Interest in Students - Show that you as a teacher are interested in what each student is doing in the class and that you value each person as an individual, regardless of their needs, achievements, performance, behavior or personality.
  2. Relationship Model - Use a variety of fun activities and exercises to determine which relationship model works best. It is important to find a balance between your authoritarian control and their freedom of choice.
  3. Encouragement - Provide children with tasks and activities that pique their interest. For example, hang a “wonder board” on the wall and ask students to write on it what motivates them to learn. You'll see that they'll immediately start thinking about their learning experiences and then give you a ton of ideas and factors that influence their motivation.
  4. Feedback is only constructive, friendly and life-affirming, and for everyone. Then academic performance will increase and children will feel comfortable. And those who feel inner comfort are not afraid of any obstacles!

Here is a list of “spirit-lifting” words and expressions. Start with them, but don’t forget to add your own gems to the list.

  • Thank you
  • Cool
  • Brilliantly
  • Fabulous
  • Wow!
  • Class
  • Wow, I'm amazed
  • You exceeded my expectations, simply incredible
  • Super
  • Very successful
  • Great
  • How did you do this? Be sure to tell me - I'm delighted with your work, the content is fantastic


A lot still depends on the teacher and faith in the child. + the material should not be boring and understandable)

Everything is very beautifully written, how real is it?

The motivating words are rather weak, but all the reasoning is reasonable, and it’s even strange why other teachers don’t always resort to these methods - after all, it’s easier for the teacher himself..

Comment on the article "How to increase motivation to study? Advice from a good teacher"

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A good teacher - the subject is studied, a bad teacher - the subject is forgotten. There is no motivation to study at all. The desire to do something well, better than everyone else, beautifully, etc. Motivation to study. I would be very grateful for advice to mothers of such teenagers who do not want to study...

low motivation to study. Hello. I need advice or maybe someone can share successful experience. If teachers try to demand something from him, he begins to be rude. He dances well and loves to perform on stage, and therefore enjoys great prestige...

How to increase motivation to study? Tips from a good teacher. Both parents and teachers are thinking about increasing children's motivation to study, but few can offer anything specific. Do as you see fit, just watch...

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How to motivate students: 11 effective ways

One thing we know about children is that they have short attention spans and prefer not to procrastinate.

A teacher, like no one else, needs to know how to motivate students, because he is “at the forefront” of the educational process. He can influence students so that children understand that what is important is what happens here, now, today, in this class.

How to motivate students in the classroom and school

1. Do not skimp on praise

Praise them for their good work in class and leave praising entries in their diary, hold awards every week, highlight excellent students during class hours, publish notes in the student wall newspaper to appreciate the excellent work of students.

2. Expect perfection

Set high but realistic expectations. Be sure to voice them. Set short-term goals and celebrate achieving them.

3. Be enthusiastic

Show your interest in the subject being taught and, accordingly, choose specific and clear examples to help students understand the material. For example, I like alliteration. Before explaining the topic, we improvise on topics that interest them. Once they have learned about alliteration, students begin to create alliteration for their chosen words.

4. Experiment

This is the classic concept and foundation of differentiated instruction, but it must be said that using a variety of teaching methods engages all types of learners. By alternating methods in a specific order, you can also maintain order in the class. General outline of the lesson: 5 minutes for journaling at the beginning of the lesson, 15 minutes for explanation of the material, 10 minutes for group work, general discussion and 10 minutes for questioning and supervised work to complete the lesson. This way, students know what to expect in class and do not have the opportunity to fall out of the learning process.

5. Distribute work in class

Together with your students, create a list of assignments for the week. Let students choose their class work for the next week based on your criteria. The work should be relevant to their interests and skills.

Examples of classroom work

  • Post entries on the class blog.
  • Update calendar.
  • Supervise review games.
  • Select music.
  • Take care of a cool pet.
  • Maintain public relations (communicate with class visitors).
  • Perform routine tasks such as taking attendance, erasing boards, lifting chairs, etc.

6. Delegate some authority to students

If you give students more autonomy, they will complain less (even though we all know that they will never stop complaining completely). Conduct a survey: what do your students like to do most, what helps them learn, what would they like to do after school. If you already have a rough idea that the most popular answers will be “nothing” and “watch a movie,” offer them a choice from several answer options.

After summarizing the survey, implement the activities listed in your class or discuss how to do this together.

Let students systematically choose additional subjects themselves. They can introduce their favorite activities into the educational process if they have the opportunity.

7. Open Fridays

You can give students the opportunity to choose what activity they want to do that day as a reward. For example, students who have attended class all week, completed all assignments, and followed all rules will be able to choose what you do on Friday (say, choosing between a lecture, discussion, movie, quiz, acting out scenes from a play or historical events).

8. Relate lessons to real life

For example, when talking about buying Christmas gifts, choose stories about your city—students will be more likely to learn the material if they relate it to their daily lives.

9. Track improvements

Working in challenging classes feels like an endless struggle, remind students that they have come a long way. Set achievable, short-term goals, pay attention to progress, have students fill out individual assessment forms so they can compare results throughout the year, revisit difficult topics they have struggled with and finally mastered to give them confidence in their own abilities.

10. Reward good behavior outside the classroom too.

Schedule cultural events and extracurricular activities as rewards for extra credit or alternative assignments. Let the students who are engaged in describing the human environment calculate the angle of the cut board, count the number of nails in each step and, multiplying by the number of steps, get their total number; write an essay about their experiences as a volunteer, or about trying out for the basketball team, or any other creative topic of their choice.

11. Planning dream excursion trips

Work with your students to discuss options for field trips within your budget. You can earn money for a trip by good behavior, excellent academic performance, etc. Thus, academic performance can be tracked by the “scope” of excursions. Although students may not receive the reward immediately, they will be motivated by tracking their progress.

All-Russian Pedagogical Portal named after. Ya.A. Comenius

Why doesn't the child want to study? We bought him the promised bicycle, sent him to a private school, and do homework with him! Let's figure out what the reason is and what needs to be done so that getting a secondary education does not become a torment for the whole family, and the motivation to study among teenagers and primary schoolchildren increases.

Child motivation and its types

– this is what motivates a person to achieve a certain result. At the heart of any motive is a need that requires satisfaction. We are born and experience needs from the moment we are born. Over time, the motives that drive us become more diverse. A child's motivation changes as he grows. If a parent understands exactly how these changes occur, it is easier for him to establish contact with the child and help him achieve results.

For motivation to study, two types of meaningful motives are important:

  • the desire for knowledge that the child begins to show in early childhood;
  • the need to communicate with people and gain their approval of their actions.

The motivation itself, which forms the desire to learn, is divided into:

  • internal – developing interest in the learning process itself, the desire to learn new things;
  • external – stimulating the desire to learn in order to meet the requirements of people around (parents, teachers, classmates).

If you look at motivation from the point of view of the child’s emotional perception, then there are 2 types of it:

  • positive, creating pleasant emotions from the achieved result, reinforced by the child’s encouragement;
  • negative, associated with punishment or deprivation of a reward for the fact that the child did not perform any actions as required.

According to the method of achieving results, the following types of motivation are distinguished:

  • achieving success, in which the child strives to gain new knowledge, master a skill or skill, since a successful result is important to him, from achieving which he receives pleasure;
  • exclusion of failure when a child studies in order not to get bad grades and not be punished.

Many parents would like to see their children happily running to school, completing their homework with pleasure and independently, earning A's and certificates for academic success. But all this may disappear. Often adults themselves are to blame for the child’s decreased interest in learning:

  1. Parents are the main example for children. If adults themselves do not develop, do not read, have no interest in any specific activity, and their favorite pastime is computer games and television, then their children will get the same result in the future.
  2. Encourage your child's independence in learning. Overprotection will lead to the fact that doing homework will be a joint responsibility until graduation, and some students at the university will prepare for exams together with their parents.
  3. Do not compare your child with the more successful Lena, Ivan or Sasha. You need to compare the achieved results only with those achieved by the child himself, and not by his desk neighbor. Otherwise, an inferiority complex is guaranteed, and there will be no trace of motivation to study.
  4. Never reprimand your child in the presence of third parties. It’s better to remain silent, you will have time to express all your complaints at home.
  5. Do not offer your child ready-made solutions; let him look for options on his own. Help them find them, but in such a way as to develop search thinking.
  6. Less often the stick, more often the carrot. No one has canceled negative motivation, but education on fear did not bring happiness to anyone.
  7. The weather in your home is an important factor. If conflicts often occur in the family, adults argue with each other, sorting out relationships, children's cognitive activity decreases, being replaced by emotional experiences that they do not know how to cope with.

How to create the right motivation for learning in younger schoolchildren?

It is important to develop an interest in learning from an early age. It’s too late to form it at 6-7 years old. It should be formed in preschool age. If this does not happen, you will have to work hard. But in any case, most children perceive 1st grade and school as a new step that is interesting to them for its novelty.

Study atmosphere

A proper learning environment needs to be created at home. The child should like his home workplace: a comfortable table and chair, bright stationery, a beautiful briefcase, comfortable book shelves. It is undesirable to have a running TV or a constantly turned on computer in the room. The lighting should be sufficient and the lamp should be attractive.

Attention! Many children like it when their parents change the style of the nursery before sending them to first grade. Thus, they emphasize the responsibility of a new stage in the child’s life.


It is important to teach your child to plan his day: create a schedule, explain how much time he should have for rest, and control how exactly he spends his time. This is especially important in cases where a student studies lessons late into the night and does not get enough sleep. As a result, academic performance decreases, and in the absence of a positive result, interest in educational activities will begin to fall.

Bad grades, how to react?

Definitely don’t scold from morning to evening for bringing a deuce or three. You will completely discourage the desire to study, or you will instill the habit of studying for the sake of a good grade, and not for the sake of knowledge.

To understand how to help a child, it is important to know why the child received a bad grade. Try talking to your baby and solving the problem together.

Praise any positive change in grades. And together analyze how he was able to achieve improved results.

We encourage you wisely

You shouldn’t promise to buy a toy or scooter for every A you receive. Based on the results of the year, you can reward for good achievements.

But you need to praise often and discuss achievements at home. Sometimes what is more important for a child than candy is looking at an A in a diary together or praising him for a drawing that was made in class at school.

Constant communication

Talking, discussing and analyzing school situations, talking about your work is important. But from communication you need to exclude stories about what an unprofessional leader you have, or discussions about whether the teacher did the right thing.

Control or freedom?

Both unlimited freedom and total control - both of these trends are unacceptable. A good middle ground. Do I need to check the lessons? It depends on the general situation in academic performance, but even if it is quite good, you need to take an interest in the lessons: look at your diary, workbooks, in order to at least be aware of how the learning process is going.

Accustoming a child to the fact that lessons need to be learned together with a parent, or solving problems for him or her, is a way to reduce motivation to study. Try to connect when there is a good reason for this. And when helping to complete the exercise, do not do everything for the child, but show directions for thinking and finding a solution.

Primary school age is a period when it is necessary not to interfere with development, but to create conditions for this. Motivation to study should be shaped towards the child’s internal desire to learn and enjoy the process. External motivation should only help develop internal motivation.

How to increase motivation to learn in teenagers?

If you managed to calmly survive the junior grades, it’s too early to relax. In middle school, adolescents' motivation to study begins to change. And all because other needs and motives become leading. Now the thirst for new knowledge fades into the background, and is replaced by the desire to self-actualize in one’s environment, to be recognized by classmates and friends. The difficult teenage period begins to affect not only relationships with parents, but also educational results.

Interests and hobbies

The motive of self-realization should become the main driving force in educational motivation. The teenager begins to pay more attention to his surroundings, evaluate who has achieved what results in life, and imitate his idols. In order not to let the situation take its course, you need to be aware of what the child is interested in, what hobbies are the most important for him.

Passion should be used so that the teenager begins to explore the world of professions and determine which subjects need special emphasis. Only a few students are successful throughout the entire school curriculum. The vast majority of teenagers choose subjects that are most interesting to them in the context of continuing their education and choosing a professional future.

Class and its influence

If the class is weak and the child gets good grades, this does not guarantee the objectivity of his high results. Compared to the others, he is the best. But in fact, in a strong class, his results can drop sharply. In such a situation, you should send the child for additional training to tutors, or talk with teachers so that they do not lower the bar when assigning grades. The situation needs to be corrected now, and not when the time comes to go to university.

Increasing motivation to study is not an easy process. Even if not all recommendations can be followed by parents for various reasons, but even if some of them are taken into account, this will help both adults and their children learn with pleasure, achieving the necessary results.

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