Consultation “What is mental arithmetic. How children learn mental mathematics: from what age, what are the advantages, why is it useful Mental arithmetic development

All parents dream that their heirs will succeed in dancing, sports, games, and music. Why not? Parents are ready to invest more and more energy in the mental and physical development of their children. Kids go to various trainings, early development, speed reading training, and also learn Abacus abacus.

The topic of today's conversation is mental arithmetic for children: at what age to study, what are the advantages of learning, as well as negative aspects, we will consider how lessons are taught for 4-5 years old and 6-7 years old, is it possible to teach at 12.

Do kids need to learn mental arithmetic?

There are a number of benefits for children who learn mental arithmetic. First and foremost, they are really, really good at mental arithmetic. Mathematics becomes a very easy science for them.

But more importantly, there are subtle benefits such as improved concentration, focus, memory, logical thinking. And this helps them do well in other subjects.

When a child operates an Abacus abacus, he or she uses both hands to move the balls of the instrument. The movement of the fingers activates sensors in the brain, the right ones are coordinated with the left side of the brain and vice versa. This, in turn, provides unlimited benefits for children's brains. Listed below are some of the benefits of using it for brain development.

Here are some of them:

  • Helps improve numeracy skills, making them better and faster than ever before;
  • Helps in improving children's problem solving ability. This curriculum is very effective for those who do not like to study mathematics;
  • Mental arithmetic teaches logical reasoning;
  • Helps in enhancing concentration and observation ability;
  • Strengthens mental visualization skills;
  • Improves photographic memory and also helps to read and write better;
  • One of the main benefits of teaching mental arithmetic is that it makes math meaningful, useful and interesting for children.

Ideal age for a child to learn mental arithmetic

In my opinion, any child who can read and write the numbers 1 through 99 is an excellent candidate for an introduction to mental math. In my experience, closer to 5-6 years is a good age as they have well developed motor skills to manipulate the Abacus abacus with confidence.

The more important question is, at what age will it be difficult for your child to start classes? If parents do not help in mastering the material, I would say that this is the age of 10 years. They have so many other activities and interests that it can be difficult to cope without help, especially when multiplication and division begin.

However, if the parent continues to engage with the child and works with them, the students show impressive results and develop mental abilities until about 12-13 years of age.

Is there a conflict between teaching arithmetic in school and mental math?

This begs the question, if Abacus arithmetic is not the same as in school and other memorization techniques are used, won’t there be problems in mastering school material?

There are two opinions and, accordingly, two answers to this question. So, numeracy teachers say that there will be no problems, since the children's brain is much more flexible and is able to process and filter a lot of information. In addition, the development of the two hemispheres of the brain will contribute to better memorization of school material.

There is also the opinion of parents who say that at first the child may get confused with calculation methods at school and in mental arithmetic lessons. But children quickly adapt and adapt and subsequently have no problems with this.

But if parents are worried that the baby will not cope with the workload at school and courses, it is recommended to try studying during the summer holidays. But the best option is if the baby started his studies before school.

How to quickly expect the first results?

Let me start with the fact that teaching mental arithmetic to children is a marathon, not a sprint. This means that learning to count and developing mental skills is a process that works best slowly with consistent practice.

Over-aggressive workouts won't produce long-term results any faster than consistent workouts week after week.

Visualization training develops over 12-24 months, followed by maintenance exercises once a week. This restructuring of the child's brain occurs gradually and abilities develop.

The classes give excellent results, but there is one thing. The most important thing is systematicity. That is, you cannot study for two weeks and expect a miraculous result from your child. This is work, you have to do it constantly.

How are mental arithmetic lessons going with little ones?

As a rule, schools have 12 levels. Each of them lasts 3-4 months. Classes are held twice a week and homework is also given.

Many teachers say that it is much easier to teach children who do not yet have knowledge of numeracy. They don't need to be retrained. But older students who already know how to count are not immediately ready to accept the system, since it has its own characteristics. These guys have to relearn.

The optimal age to start is 5-6 years. Some children are ready at 4 years old, everything is very individual. But this does not mean that at the age of 12-14 children will not be able to learn mental arithmetic. This is also quite real.

The peculiarity of the classes is that the student has to simultaneously work with both his right and left hands. And this in turn leads to the activation of two hemispheres of the brain, and all actions become more effective.

Features of mental arithmetic classes with children 4-5 years old?

To start studying at 4 years old, a child must:

  • Fluently pronounce and write numbers from 1 to 99;
  • The baby must have good motor skills so that he can perform actions with abacus;
  • It is desirable that the child is active, not shy, and talkative. The more confident the baby is, the easier it is to work with him. But this does not mean that shy children will not master the material; the teacher just needs to find contact with such a child.

Classes from the age of 4 are primarily a game. Don’t put pressure on the little one, let him get carried away with these exercises.

Even if he wants to, at 4 years old the baby will not multiply or divide four-digit numbers in his head. But, you see, this is not the most important thing.

The main thing is to teach the child to use knowledge not only for counting (although this is paramount), but also for solving any logical or everyday problems.

Children will then move on to simple counting: first adding within 10 and then subtracting. Then the examples will become more complicated. And by the end of the first year of schooling, you can see this picture with your baby. In the video the girl is 3 years and 8 months old, look how she counts:

What does a 6-7 year old child study?

I think the age of 6-7 years is optimal for starting mental arithmetic. The baby can already accurately count within 99. He can write down these numbers. He is more diligent than younger children. And the brain is ready to accept new material.

The knowledge gained will help you study at school with ease. It will be much easier for your child to remember the information received, and there will be no problems with mathematics at all.

Examples of lessons: you will be surprised how quickly our little ones can count

Now let's see what little students who do mental arithmetic can do. Their results are simply amazing.

Conclusions: pros and cons of mental counting exercises for babies

It so happened that almost the entire article talked about how cool it is to do mental arithmetic. Are there really no negative aspects?

Of course they exist. I'll try to put them into a list:

  • Expensive. Yes, training is quite expensive;
  • For a long time. If you want to achieve good results, you won’t be able to work out for a couple of months, you’ll have to do it for several years;
  • Much depends on the teacher, how well he can interest children and find an approach to them;
  • If you want your child to succeed in mental mathematics, do it with him. Without your support the result will be much worse;
  • There are children for whom these lessons are not suitable. And this doesn't mean the system is bad, it's just not for you. Not everyone dances or plays chess. Each child has his own preferences and this must be treated with respect;
  • Even if you have completed all the levels and become an expert, you will have to constantly maintain your knowledge and constantly practice. It's like learning languages, if you don't practice, your knowledge is lost.

That's probably all for today. I look forward to your comments and additions to the article. Perhaps I forgot to say something, feel free to write to me, I will be happy to add useful information.

I came up with a unique technique a quarter of a century ago Turkish researcher Halit Shen. Today there are already more than five thousand centers for teaching this wisdom, located in 5 dozen countries around the world.

Racing with a calculator

Children who master mental arithmetic seem to be prodigies to those around them - after all, they juggle multi-digit numbers with ease in their minds: they add, subtract, divide, multiply literally in seconds. That is why they are invited to TV shows and boast about them to their friends. But you shouldn’t think that mental arithmetic is needed only to satisfy parental ambitions. After all, according to teachers at such schools, quick mental arithmetic is just a “side effect” of learning. The purpose of the technique is much broader. And it can be useful not only for techies, but also for humanists.

Knitting needles and knuckles

The founder of the method was inspired by the ancient Chinese abacus, known for more than 5 thousand years. In the Middle Kingdom this device is called an abacus, in Japan it is called a soroban. By the way, in the Land of the Rising Sun they are still used to this day to teach mental calculations in primary schools.

An abacus for mental arithmetic is a rectangular frame with rows of spokes that represent units, tens, hundreds, and so on. Each knitting needle has 5 bones, separated along the entire length by a crossbar. Counting is supposed to be done from left to right, that is, to get a two-digit number, you must first put down tens with your left hand, and then put down units with your right hand. Over time, hand movements become automatic.


When a child masters abacus calculations well, he moves on to the next stage. All that remains before the eyes of the young mathematician is an image of an abacus (the so-called mental map). Looking at it, the child learns to move the knuckles not in reality, but in the imagination. Then the need for this map disappears, and then children only imagine the abacus in their minds. At this stage, not only fine motor skills, visual memory and reaction speed develop, but also imagination, fantasy, and intuition. All training takes 10 steps, each of which lasts 2-3 months. The entire course can be completed in 2-3 years.

Logic and images

Mental arithmetic, according to the developer of the method, allows you to activate both hemispheres of the brain, while forming stable connections between them. It is believed that this helps the brain develop more harmoniously. As you know, the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right hemisphere is responsible for imaginative thinking. Accordingly, the technique, which first uses both hands (and therefore both hemispheres of the brain), and then also the imagination, develops not only logic and the ability to perform mathematical calculations, but also the ability to think creatively and non-trivially.

By developing both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously, the child becomes more attentive and self-confident, and it is easier to remember any material, which will be useful to him in his studies in all subjects. And in life too.

And grandchildren and grandmothers

It is better to start learning mental arithmetic from 4 to 12 years old, when the brain is most plastic. However, this technique will not be useless for adults, especially the elderly. After all, this is one of the ways to prevent senile dementia.

Classes are held 1-2 times a week. There should be no more than 10 people in the group. Lessons are structured in a playful way. Kids have the opportunity not only to count, but also to move, draw, and solve riddles and puzzles. After all, if the child is having a hard time or is not interested, there will be no benefit from the classes. Therefore, only certified teachers and psychologists should teach such courses. But it’s still better to attend the first trial lesson first (in many schools it’s free). If your child likes it and you like it, that’s good, but if not, send your child to a music school or chess, the benefits from this will be no less.

Expert opinion


Psychologist Marina Bogomolova:

Learning to count in the form of an entertaining game is better for developing motivation than something boring and serious. It also seems useful to have a gradual transition from operating with material objects to counting in the mind, which allows you to harmoniously transfer the skill to other types of activities.


Associate Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Candidate of Economic Sciences Mikhail Gladkov:

The method is quite controversial, since it is mainly aimed at obtaining a computational result, and not at solving the problem. Students may lose understanding of the meaning of actions. Subsequently, problems may arise with logical constructions and solving equations. In any case, this is not a universal technique.

The development of a child begins literally from the first days of his life. As he grows up, he needs the professional influence of teachers who can correctly assess the child’s potential and guide him in a creative direction. Mental arithmetic is one of the youngest and most promising methods of children's education. She is able to develop mental skills so much that any arithmetic problems will become simple and quick mental calculations for him. What is mental arithmetic: just another business idea or a useful training program?


The innovative technique was invented by the Turk Shen. It is based on the ancient abacus - an abacus invented in China five thousand years ago. Later, the Japanese improved them more than once, and today we use a technical modification of the abacus - a calculator. However, the device of ancient accounts, according to experts, turned out to be more useful for children. Their use in the educational process contributed to the formation of a new program, which was called “mental arithmetic”, or “menard”. It was first launched in 1993 in Asia. Currently, there are about five thousand educational centers in 50 countries that teach. The most active in this regard are schools in the USA, Austria, Canada, Australia, Thailand, China and the Middle East. Specialized centers are opening in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Thus, mental arithmetic has already achieved high results and ratings from parents in Astana and Moscow.

Why does a child need this?

It is known that in humans the right is responsible for creativity, perception and creation of images, and the left is for logic. Working with our left hand, we “turn on” the right hemisphere, and with our right hand, the left. The synchronized work of both hemispheres provides enormous potential for the development of a child. And the task of mental arithmetic is to involve the entire brain in the educational process. This is done by performing transactions on accounts with both hands. Mental arithmetic not only helps you master quick calculation skills, but also promotes development. If modern calculators relax mental processes, the abacus, on the contrary, trains and improves them.

How does menard work?

The mental arithmetic training program conventionally consists of two stages. They master the technique of counting with bones, using two hands at once for these operations. Involving both hemispheres of the brain in the counting process ensures quick execution and memorization of actions. With the abacus, children can freely add, subtract, divide and multiply, as well as calculate square and cube roots.

At the second stage of the program, students move on to counting in their heads, or at the mental level. Each lesson here involves gradually loosening the connection to abacus and stimulating children's imagination. perceives numbers, the right - a picture of abacus seeds. Thus, the child learns to make the proposed calculations in his mind. He imagines an abacus in front of him and mentally performs the necessary operations. That is, we work with an imaginary abacus. Now numbers are perceived as pictures, and the process of calculation is associated with the corresponding movement of the abacus tiles.


In the period from 4 to 12 (sometimes up to 16) years, the most active development of the human brain occurs. Therefore, the acquisition of basic skills should be carried out during this period. That is why experts recommend that at this age children study foreign languages, master playing musical instruments and other types of activities. Mental arithmetic also fits harmoniously into this list. This kind of brain stimulation makes further learning easier and more productive.

Goals and results

The main goals of menara are concentration, development of photographic memory and creative thinking, logic and imagination, hearing and observation. With a professional approach and successful achievement of goals, the child can perform complex arithmetic tasks in his head. For example, you can add 10-digit numbers in a few seconds, as well as solve more complex computational problems faster than a calculator.

The program not only covers the mathematical area, but also helps the child in other educational areas. She gives him confidence, gives him the opportunity to cope with several things at the same time.


Today, thousands of private educational children's centers around the world include mental arithmetic in their system. Training (classes at all levels) usually lasts from two to three years. In addition to the stages of the methodology for mastering menara, there are 10 levels, each of which the student completes in 2-3 months. Of course, in different schools the program is built individually. But there are still general rules. Groups are formed according to the age of the students. For example, there are three main types: kinder, kids and junior. Classes are taught by experienced and qualified educational psychologists who have undergone appropriate training and certification.

Teacher training

In addition to centers teaching menara to children, there are schools for training specialists in this field. As a rule, a teacher of mental arithmetic is a person who already has the education of a teacher, psychologist and experience in this field. Because in the process of teaching this subject, not only mathematical knowledge and skills in using the abacus are very important, but also methods of teaching menara, awareness of the psychological level of development of the child.

In addition, teacher training centers regularly conduct seminars and trainings that allow you to maintain a high level of skill and monitor the statistics of teachers and their students in the subject “mental arithmetic”. Training for teachers involves certification in the form of exams and obtaining certificates and diplomas. Such documents help parents assess the level of qualifications of the teacher and make the right choice.

Manuals and textbooks

Many training centers have their own methods. In general, they differ slightly from each other. Children aged 4-10 years are very active, and the subject requires perseverance and attention. Therefore, the system of approaches to teaching menara to children is based on the psychological, age-related characteristics of the student’s perception of information. Without this, the teacher’s practice will turn into dry memorization of rules and will not bring positive results.

There are two categories of educational materials: manuals for teachers and textbooks for schoolchildren on the subject “Mental Arithmetic”. The manuals include methodological collections, video lessons and explanatory brochures for textbooks. They are constantly updated and supplemented with auxiliary materials.

The textbook on mental arithmetic is classically presented in two versions: theoretical and practical. Thanks to the first, the student learns the rules and techniques of computational operations on ancient abacus and operations with bones. The workshops provide exercises to sharpen and consolidate theoretical knowledge. The textbooks are clearly divided by program levels and student age.

A popular method of teaching and developing children came to us from Asia - teachers in Japan and China have been practicing mental arithmetic for a long time. Experts are convinced that abacus (abacus) classes will help young students develop talents and improve their performance at school. Do you want to know if your child needs mental arithmetic? Then this article is for you!

Mental arithmetic - what is it?

Many parents ask why mental arithmetic is needed and what it is. Mental arithmetic is a unique method for the comprehensive development of a child, based on mental calculation. The ability to count in your head is an effective mechanism for achieving high results, but not the main goal of training. The goal of this technique is to fully develop the child and promote active manifestations of his abilities and talents.

The Japanese method of mental arithmetic has existed for more than 2,000 years. Currently, it is very popular not only in Asian countries, but throughout the world. Classes using this method contribute to the development of both hemispheres of the brain in children, that is, they fully reveal their intellectual potential.

During learning, the child uses both hands at the same time. He calculates on the abacus (ancient Japanese abacus) with both hands, stimulating the work of both hemispheres. At the same time, children solve arithmetic problems, imagining the abacus in their imagination. Thus, the right hemisphere, responsible for images, and the left, responsible for logic, work.

Why do children need mental arithmetic?

Why do we need mental arithmetic? The fact is that the modern school education program focuses on the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry, forgetting about the development of the child’s creative abilities. Drawing or music lessons fade into the background, the little student quickly gets tired of boring subjects, begins to be lazy and does not show any interest in new knowledge. The right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the child’s creative streak, lags behind its neighbor on the left, thereby overloading the left hemisphere. Academic performance decreases, reaction and attention slow down, and problems begin with learning new material. Mental arithmetic allows you to harmonize the work of both hemispheres and improve your skills. During classes:

  • memory and thinking develop;
  • initiative and independence appear;
  • leadership qualities are developed;
  • creativity opens up;
  • self-confidence increases;
  • observation and analysis skills are improved;
  • imagination and creativity develops;
  • concentration improves.

The child learns to think creatively, find creative solutions to ordinary problems, and does not succumb to stereotypes. Successful results are achieved through mixed learning: exercises on the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Children are taught to count on the abacus, young students do calculations in their heads, developing logic and thinking. Teachers dilute complex tasks with creative ones, pay attention to ingenuity and imagination, stirring up children’s interest in classes.

Is there a conflict between teaching arithmetic in school and mental math?

This begs the question, if abacus arithmetic is not the same as in school, and other memorization techniques are used, won’t there be problems in mastering school material?

There are two opinions and, accordingly, two answers to this question. So, numeracy teachers say that there will be no problems, since the children's brain is much more flexible and is able to process and filter a lot of information. In addition, the development of the two hemispheres of the brain will contribute to better memorization of school material.

There is also the opinion of parents who say that at first the child may get confused with calculation methods at school and in mental arithmetic lessons. But children quickly adapt and adapt and subsequently have no problems with this.

But if parents are worried that the baby will not cope with the workload at school and courses, it is recommended to try studying during the summer holidays. But the best option is if the baby started his studies before school.

How to quickly expect the first results?

The SMARTUM Child Development Academy employs professionals - experienced teachers who are well versed in child psychology and know how to find the right approach to each student. Based on this, not one child is left without attention.

Considering the main advantages of well-thought-out classes, every parent and future student can familiarize themselves with the learning results:

  • The first lesson is marked by the fact that children are introduced to the specifics of working with abacus abacus.
  • Children aged 5 years and older, after the first month of active learning, will be able to count and solve given examples in their minds.
  • Children aged 7 years and older, after the first month of training, can do mental math faster than the average adult.
  • Children aged 7 years and older, after two months of training according to a given program, can do two things at the same time - recite any verse from memory and at the same time solve a given example in their mind.

Do young children need mental arithmetic?

Many mothers and fathers wonder why mental arithmetic is needed for young children. We answer: abacus lessons will be very useful for the development of children 5-6 years old. Kids can already count to 10, and it’s time to begin the active development of both hemispheres of the child’s brain. At this stage, there is no need for just playful activities - the child is ready to absorb new knowledge like a sponge, so it is important to skillfully choose the right form of presenting the material. At Smartum, all students are divided into age groups, and teaching is conducted taking into account the psychological characteristics of children.

Smartum Academy invites young geniuses from 5 to 16 years old to take mental arithmetic lessons. Systematic group lessons with a teacher, as well as independent homework, will help develop the student’s logical thinking and improve his performance in all subjects. Positive results will lay the first foundation for your child’s successful future and will give a strong impetus to development and self-realization in adulthood. Experienced specialists are ready to unleash children's potential, taking into account the individual age and psychological characteristics of each little student. Take advantage of a free trial lesson - teachers and psychologists will answer all additional questions.

In today’s article we will talk about mental mathematics, which has recently become popular, we will understand what mental arithmetic is, its pros and cons according to reviews from parents and teachers, and we will also give recommendations on how to organize mental arithmetic classes at home. Free video lessons on mental arithmetic, presented at the end of the article, will help you organize mental arithmetic classes for your child at home.

Recently, there has been an increasing tendency for parents to increase the requirements for their child’s education. Fathers and mothers want their child to be not just smart, but also to have special skills and knowledge that will always be useful in one area or another of life. For this reason, many send their children to specialized colleges and centers, where training is carried out using specific methods that are not similar to school ones. Mental arithmetic at home for a child who is 4 years old is of great interest. It is at this age that unusual activities should begin.

What is mental arithmetic and how does it help develop thinking skills and creativity in children from an early age? Basic education begins at age 4 and continues until age 16. In the Russian Federation, the method has just begun to spread and is gradually becoming more and more popular. The main goal is to teach children to rationally use the capabilities of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Any inclinations that are genetically inherent in a little person, thanks to this training, receive active development. Mental arithmetic originates in ancient Japan, where even then, with the help of abacus and special abacus, children could improve their memory, perform complex calculations in their minds, and train attention and concentration.

The fact is that, unlike such a well-known device as a calculator, which can only inhibit brain activity, abacus or sorbana, on the contrary, increases mental development.

You should understand in more detail the concept of mental arithmetic, what it is in comparison with mathematics studied in the school curriculum, how classes are conducted and whether they can be done at home.

Since we are talking about raising and educating a child, it is important for parents to know what the benefits of a special program are.

Having mastered the basic knowledge of the ancient discipline, the child will receive the following benefits:

In addition to learning, during classes children learn to communicate correctly. The development of sociality makes it possible to work actively and fruitfully, to be adapted to modern society, to feel needed and significant for others, while at the same time helping the weaker. A witty, sociable person is successful at work, is able to create a good family, and benefit his state.

Based on all the listed advantages, it is extremely useful for a child to learn the basics of mental arithmetic. This is necessary not only to improve academic performance, which is quite natural when undergoing a developmental program, but in order to awaken his interest in understanding the world around him. At the same time, children learn perseverance, hard work, responsibility for their affairs and actions.

Where to buy abacus abacus for mental arithmetic

After parents have decided to study mental arithmetic with their child at home, a completely logical question arises - where to buy abacus abacus for mental arithmetic? Inexpensive abacus can be purchased, which is what I did when I decided to do mental arithmetic with my children.

Mental arithmetic: pros and cons

When the question arises whether it is necessary to study mental arithmetic, parents have to calculate the advantages and disadvantages of the method. After all, an important decision must be made taking into account all the pros and cons.

The specific benefits are as follows:

However, there are some disadvantages that parents note, in addition to the high fees for tuition and abacus. At first, a child learning according to the Japanese method may temporarily become less attentive and make mistakes even in simple tasks.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is reversible, since the reason lies in the fact that the child is in a hurry, trying to show himself as best as possible, despite the fact that knowledge is still clearly lacking. Some experts, in general, believe that children with mathematical abilities should be educated. Then the results will be more pronounced, and the child will not have such unpleasant failures.

But this fact has not yet been scientifically proven, and not only children with a talent for mathematics have managed to show clear success, so most parents are inclined to believe that in such a discipline as mental arithmetic, the pros and cons are not as clear as they seem at a superficial glance. Only time can show the effectiveness of these activities, however, different children will experience different levels of progress due to their individuality.

How is training in mental mathematics carried out?

Currently, training in mental arithmetic takes place in fifty-two countries. There are about 70 such specialized centers in Russia. There are 10-12 levels that a child must complete in 12 years. Typically classes are held once a week. In addition to computational exercises, children can engage in drawing, dancing, and singing. The combination of mental and physical activity does not allow them to get tired, and they are always interested in discovering something new. To learn how to operate with numbers, each student at an educational institution must have his own abacus, which his parents purchase for him.

Over time, the levels become more difficult, but this is done gradually so that the child can adapt. After just six months, you can notice positive results - easy mental calculation of complex mathematical problems, increased communication skills, and concentration.

As a rule, the interior of a classroom for children is carefully thought out. The desks and chairs are comfortable for the child, and the visual aids are chosen to arouse interest and a desire to learn as much as possible about unfamiliar subjects.

A prerequisite is high qualification of teachers. After all, they have to not just dryly present information, but lead the student along, give not only knowledge, but also food for thought. Young children get tired quickly and become distracted. To prevent this from happening, children are given the opportunity to actively move - play, jump and dance. In general, the atmosphere of the class is always cozy and friendly, so children are always happy to rush to class, because this is a completely new interesting world for them.

It is important that the teacher does not scold the student if he makes mistakes while completing the task. The peculiarity of the development program is that the child must find them himself and correct them on his own.

Also, teachers from a developmental institution give homework assignments. Even the youngest children should learn to make them without the help of mom or dad. A child’s reluctance to do homework for school, in most cases, is explained by a psychological barrier that arises from the fear of doing something wrong.

The centers of mental arithmetic have a completely different approach to this problem. Teachers explain to students that they have the right to make mistakes, but they are obliged to identify them themselves and then correct them. This creates a different, more responsible attitude towards learning. And if you teach your child from childhood, he will not have a negative attitude towards homework and will be able to perfectly control himself.

Starting mental arithmetic classes

As a rule, the first lesson in most development centers is free,

indicative. The teacher needs to take a closer look at the child, understand his desires and needs. This is a kind of diagnosis, recognition of a child’s inclinations towards one or another type of activity. In addition, it is important for the teacher to feel that the future student feels comfortable, is psychologically ready to study, and does not feel embarrassed or even afraid of his teacher. The main principle of work of the team of mental arithmetic teachers is calm mutual understanding between student and teacher, the absence of any pressure.

Main points of the first lesson:

  1. Introducing the teacher to the students;
  2. Children will learn what an abacus is - an abacus;
  3. The teacher talks about the number “5” and shows how to put it together on an abacus.

Not all adults will immediately be able to understand how to count using this device, but children grasp the essence very quickly.

First, the child learns to place increasingly complex numbers on the abacus, then to count on an abacus. Gradually getting used to the image of abacus in his head, in the future he can completely do without them, carrying out calculations mentally.

When working with children, it is important to teach them to concentrate, because this is what makes it difficult for schoolchildren to study. First, the teacher conducts a special exercise that helps to cope with hyperactivity, calm them down, and set them up to perceive new information.

Abacus exercises aimed at developing the motor skills of each finger and the hands as a whole give good results. At the same time, the brain is trained. Studies have shown that the method of mental arithmetic has a beneficial effect on increasing neural connections in the cerebral cortex of children. And the age from 4 to 16 years was not determined by chance - during this period, intensive formation of its tissues occurs.

During exercises, children learn to alternately raise and lower their fingers without confusing them. When movements reach automaticity, we can talk about some progress.

On average, after a year and a half, children are able to solve computational problems with 5-digit numbers. However, experts note that mental arithmetic at home is undesirable for a child who still has little understanding of the basics of working with numbers. Training, at least at the very beginning, should be carried out by a professional. Later, when dad or mom can master the features of the program themselves, it is possible to teach the child at home. At the same time, you need to understand well how and what needs to be done so as not to harm your own child.

In our country, this subject is taught by specially trained people. Lessons are held in development centers, schools and even on the Internet. These people understand the peculiarities of teaching, as well as the psychology of children, which is why in some cases vocational training is preferable. But parents are different, and home lessons also have a right to exist.

Programs for young children and schoolchildren

The system for acquiring knowledge in a non-standard discipline is carefully thought out - each age has its own development program. If a schoolchild already has an idea of ​​numbers, then children at 4-5 years old only have to develop this knowledge.

The initial task is to teach the child the concept of number and a systematic transition from counting on the abacus to the mental representation of abacus. At first, when children begin to do calculations, they instinctively move their fingers through the air, but soon counting becomes easier and easier and they no longer resort to this. It takes about a couple of years to master mental calculations. Preschoolers learn addition and subtraction in the first year, and division and multiplication in the second year.

At an early age, children are very susceptible to the perception of different types of creativity, so the study of numbers is combined with other activities. For example, a teacher can ask a student to pronounce his actions in English or German when counting. Thus, a child in a natural environment simultaneously comprehends two subjects at once. It is noted that he does this with great pleasure and enthusiasm.

The gaming moment is very important, both for young students and schoolchildren. During games, they come up with something themselves, construct something, in fact, learn to generate new interesting ideas. And when this happens unobtrusively on the part of the teacher, the process of assimilation is much more successful.

In classes that last 2 hours, the child, in a playful way, covers several disciplines at once, except for mental arithmetic:

  • Drawing with pencils and paints;
  • Modeling from plasticine;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Physical education classes;
  • Dancing and singing.

The teacher can additionally include other subjects that are interesting to children of a certain age. Very often they are sincerely disappointed that the lesson is already over.

Among those who come to learn mental arithmetic, there are many children who do not like mathematics. Of course, this program is far from classical school discipline, but teachers manage to completely change their attitude towards this issue in a few lessons. And, as a result, schoolchildren significantly improve their performance in their least favorite subject.

Compulsory homework is given only to those who are already studying. But the fact is that all the children are happy to do them themselves. The only requirement is that their parents do not help them. The child, feeling a certain responsibility, will very soon learn independence.

Mental arithmetic at home for a child

The early development of their beloved child has long been of interest to many parents - everyone wants happiness and success for their child.

Mental mathematics at home is quite feasible. But first of all, parents must ask themselves what goal they are pursuing. If the point is only to feel proud of the abilities of your son or daughter and show everyone your miracle baby, then such motivation does not entirely correspond to the psychological aspect of learning. First of all, it is necessary to respect the wishes and needs of the little person. In a developmental school, he will receive much more than simply calculating complex numbers in his head. And this will help him adapt as best as possible to modern society.

Many experts in this field are against homeschooling. This can be explained very simply - children cannot always perceive their father and mother as their teacher. Because of this, the quality of achievements may be lower than when studying with a professional and, at the same time, a stranger.

Moreover, parents will need to first study the methodology themselves and know it thoroughly. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the desired success. The emotional aspect must also be relegated to the background. Any irritation or pointing out mistakes will put an end to the child’s normal psychological state, and then there is nothing to say about his desire and interest.

Mental arithmetic reviews from parents

Parents have different opinions on the issue of developmental programs. If you look at it on the one hand, the goal of the teachers is a noble desire to develop a versatile personality in the child, to prepare him for the difficult conditions of modern life, to teach him to make non-standard decisions in situations when another person simply gives up.

But do not forget that all this is not done for free, and teachers are just like living people who need to earn their living from something. That is why many fathers and mothers perceive the new trend more as a business idea for squeezing out money.

Not every parent, with all their love for their child, will be able to shell out 5-6 thousand a month, not counting the cost of various textbooks and abacus. In big cities, competing centers also charge higher prices. And everything would be fine, but such training does not always achieve its goal. It is much more difficult for children who do not have mathematical talents to comprehend this science. They begin to get nervous and study worse.

When discussing such a concept as mental arithmetic, the reviews of many parents are frankly negative. In our country, even without unusual methods, many great and brilliant people have grown up, only thanks to personal determination and perseverance.

Sometimes there is even some resentment, because it turns out that wealthy citizens can afford to make prodigies out of their children, and the rest of the children must continue to vegetate in this cruel world, where there is no longer any honor left, and the main value is money.

But if you look at the situation differently, is it generally right to impose your own desires on a child, trying to make him into what we want? Isn’t it better to ask him himself what he wants, is such a life interesting to him?

Many fathers and mothers, being in this position, enroll their child in all sorts of courses, sometimes just because it is fashionable now. Or maybe you shouldn’t deprive him of simple joys and playing with his peers in his home yard for the sake of the unpredictable results of advanced learning. Who knows what this study will turn out to be, especially for a baby who is only 4 years old?

Trying to protect their child from the dangerous and bad influence of the street, parents are increasingly ensuring that restrictions force him to protest and make a lot of mistakes in the future. The constant spirit of competition between parents can bring the child’s psyche to sad consequences, and then there will be no need to show off the unique abilities of the daughter or son to others.

The growth and development of a child is ideally thought out by Mother Nature, and it is very easy to harm him by imposing certain attitudes. Instead of genius, you can get the exact opposite result. This is confirmed by authoritative scientists in the field of psychology, because everything is good in its time.

Mental arithmetic at home can become an important stage in the development of a child’s personality or disrupt the normal course of his development. That is why experts always warn about a certain risk and advise proceeding from the genetic capabilities of children.

Mental mathematics is not a separate subject, as it seems at first glance. This is a harmonious system for the harmonious, natural development of children. Thanks to mental comfort and the absence of pressure, they can fully unleash their creative potential, broaden their horizons, and make maximum use of their brain function.

Gradually becoming a versatile personality, the child gets the opportunity to choose one or even several professions, which raises him in the eyes of society and improves his quality of life. In the future, the emergence of such specialists in the country will help to significantly increase progress in all areas, so teaching mental arithmetic should not be underestimated.

However, it should also be overestimated, and before sending your child to a developmental school, you should think carefully about the possible consequences. And for those parents who would really like, but cannot, send their child to the school of geniuses, I would like to quote the words of the famous Italian writer M. Bontempelli “A truly outstanding person can only be one who is able to remain an ordinary person in everyday affairs.”

Mental arithmetic: video lessons

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