How do anorexics eat? Diets of anorexics: for beginners, drinking and for legs What anorexics eat

IN modern world Slenderness is considered the ideal of beauty. One can notice that recently the cult of the body has been developing. Some girls get so carried away by this that they go to extremes and begin to lose weight too actively. Anorexia is a terrible disease, so we must remind you of the negative consequences. So, today you will learn about how anorexics lose weight.

How do anorexics eat?

The diet of an anorexic woman is rather meager and practically devoid of vitamins and essential nutrients. As a rule, anorexics consume certain foods no more than two or three times a week.

What do anorexics eat?

Basically, the menu includes anorexics. The recommended number of calories consumed per day for anorexics does not exceed 500. The fewer calories, the less weight will be. Girls who lose weight in this way increase the amount of fluid they consume: green tea and coffee without sugar speed up metabolism. Water can quench thirst, give strength and briefly deceive the feeling of hunger.

Many anorexics try to keep a food diary, write down everything they ate during the day and weigh themselves regularly.

If you are thinking about becoming anorexic, think about the health risks that could be caused. is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. Apathy, depression, weakness, mood swings, nervous breakdowns and fainting.
  2. Impaired functioning of the body and various organ diseases.
  3. Nausea, constant vomiting, food aversion.
  4. Hair and teeth loss, pallor, protruding bones and an unfeminine figure.

Think about whether it is as beautiful as some people imagine.

Do you know how anorexics get rid of excess fat? We know! Below are some “recommendations”.

  1. Drink as much as possible. Hot drinks make you feel full, cold drinks help burn calories.
  2. Include vitamin-mineral complexes, carnitine and a laxative in your diet.
  3. Brushing your teeth, diet soda, ice cubes, and chewing gum can help stave off hunger.
  4. Hang pictures of fat people and photographs of models in the kitchen, and try not to eat alone.
  5. Count your calories before you eat. Plan your menu carefully.
  6. Remember that there are no low-calorie foods. This is simply a deception of the manufacturers.
  7. Spend the money that would be spent on food to stimulate yourself on clothes, cosmetics, and beauty salons.
  8. Walk as much as possible. Forget about the existence of elevators.
  9. Weigh yourself often.
  10. If the urge to eat is overwhelming, eat. And immediately induce vomiting.
  11. How do anorexics eat? Most often they are vegetarians or vegans. They eat with their non-working hand (for right-handed people - the left), very, very slowly, never finishing eating and only until 15:00.
  12. Hide your chosen way of eating from your family and friends for as long as possible.
  13. Start playing sports. Get strength from energy drinks.
  14. Get as much sleep as possible. They don't eat in their sleep. But do not go to bed earlier than 3-4 hours after eating.
  15. Any alcohol is a strict taboo.
  16. The diet of thin girls always includes a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before meals.
  17. Distract yourself from thoughts about food with any activity. Find a hobby. At worst, just go for a walk. If it's cold outside, you'll also get rid of some calories.
  18. The less food there is in the house, the less you will eat. In principle, it should not be in your room.
  19. Change your entire wardrobe by purchasing clothes 2-3 sizes smaller.
  20. If you really want to eat, start walking in circles or spinning quickly around your axis. Dizziness and nausea will drive away thoughts of food.
  21. The main meal is breakfast. No more than 200 grams of food. Eggs are ideal.
  22. Before eating, do at least 50 squats or do abs exercises the same number of times. Drink as much ice water as possible.
  23. Set a goal and determine your ideal weight. To begin, subtract 120 from your height in centimeters.

What can you eat?

What do anorexics eat? Almost nothing. The amount of nutrients and essential vitamins is kept to a minimum. All more or less high-calorie foods are included in the diet a couple of times a week or even less often.

The anorexic woman's menu is mainly fresh fruits and vegetables. A girl is allowed no more than 500 kcal per day. The only thing there are no restrictions on is liquid (water with lemon juice, green tea and coffee without sugar). This helps stimulate metabolism and suppress hunger for a short time.

Everything eaten must be recorded in a special diary and carefully analyzed and counted. Weight is strictly controlled - weighings are carried out at least 3-4 times a day.

Where it leads?

The way anorexics eat is, without a doubt, a harmful extreme. These girls, with their fanatical attitude towards the cult of a slim figure, bring themselves to terrible consequences. As a last resort, even death is possible.

Specific negative consequences include:

  • Chronic loss of energy and fatigue, depression, fatigue, hungry fainting, nerve problems and sudden mood swings.
  • Metabolic failures and organ failures.
  • Rejection of food by the stomach, constant nausea and vomiting.
  • Deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and teeth, including loss, bad breath.
  • Painful pallor, transformation into a skin-covered skeleton.

Is it beautiful? Not at all. Is it worth it? Certainly not.

In conclusion - video:

Anorexia is a disease that can only be contracted by choice. A sincere desire for thinness, obsession, a feeling of aversion to food, can cause such a state. Turning to medical terms, anorexia is a completely meaningful refusal to eat food with the goal of losing weight to critical levels.

The emergence of a desire to become anorexic

Where does it all begin, the prerequisites for the desire to become anorexic? There are several factors influencing the desire to be thin:

  • Heredity. In the process of research conducted by scientists, a gene was identified that was responsible for a predisposition to anorexia. The presence of relatives suffering from alcoholism and depressive disorders is of great importance.

According to the definition, anorexia is a syndrome that manifests itself in a pathological lack of appetite, when the body still needs calories and food

  • Physiological features. Availability overweight.
  • Personal qualities. Perfectionism, low self-esteem, feeling like an inferior member of society, uncertainty.
  • Sociocultural factor. Full satisfaction of primary needs (typical of developed countries) leads to excessive enthusiasm fashion trends(trends).

The presence of one factor is enough to arouse in a girl the desire to become anorexic. As practice shows, there are usually two or more factors present.

Many people consider anorexia to be a purely female condition, but ten percent of anorexics are men. The age range of people with anorexia is from twelve to twenty-four years. Rarely older.

Stages and symptoms of anorexia

The development of anorexia occurs in several stages:

  • Initial. Duration – up to four years. Accumulation negative thoughts, ideas related to appearance. A joke or remark about weight or appearance is an impetus for the development of anorexia nervosa.

Visualization will also help in this case.

  • Anorectic. Using various methods to lose weight. Weight loss reaches fifty percent. Inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal dysfunction, and dizziness occur.
  • Cachectic. Cessation of menstruation, complete absence of subcutaneous fat, decrease in body temperature and blood pressure.
  • Reduction. The stage of anorexia, which manifests itself after treatment, when weight gain occurs. The emergence of the previous activity of the desire to lose weight.

According to the stages of anorexia, the presence of symptoms is distinguished:

  • refusal to maintain weight;
  • isolation from society;
  • compliance with special dietary rules: the habit of breaking food into small parts, excessively slow and prolonged chewing;
  • attacks of unreasonable anger, aggression;
  • muscle spasms;
  • insomnia;
  • deterioration of the condition of teeth, hair, skin;
  • weakness, loss of consciousness;

Anorexics often pinch or bite their arms or legs when they find themselves thinking about food.

  • feeling of resentment towards others;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • arrhythmia;
  • anemia.

For the desire to be thin you have to pay with your health. Before becoming interested in the methods and techniques of extreme weight loss, it is necessary to clearly understand the possible risks associated with this, and only then decide whether it is worth becoming anorexic.

How to become anorexic?

If, taking into account all the restrictions, health difficulties, the desire to lose weight remains, here is a list of tips and ways to quickly become anorexic:

  • Where to begin? The first thing is to set a goal. Keep a notebook, write down achievements, motivational thoughts, ideas for increasing the effectiveness of the weight loss process.
  • Food. Develop an aversion to food. Come up with a punishment for failing to diet (write it down in a notebook). Give preference to low-calorie foods. The number of calories is up to five hundred. Be sure to arrange fasting days. If you have a desire to eat more than normal, drink water.
  • Daily regime. The day must be loaded to the maximum, then there will be no time left to think about food. Full sleep.

You can personify food with something that causes nausea

  • Sport. Exercising will help keep your muscles toned. Additional waste of calories.
  • Idols. Images of ideals are inspiring.
  • Environment. Hide anorexia from your family. Leave dirty dishes, giving the impression that you are constantly eating. Look for like-minded people.

How long does it take to become anorexic, following the above tips? The timing is purely individual. Some will need a month, others six months. The result depends on the individual person, his desire and willpower.

Approximate menu for an anorexic woman

Nutrition is the most important component on the path to becoming anorexic. Only those who really want to become thin will be able to follow a strict diet, experiencing a sincere aversion to food. For extreme weight loss, the number of calories consumed per day should be no more than five hundred. The number of calories consumed should remain the same - about two thousand. The diet of an anorexic woman includes one or two fasting days a week, during which only water is allowed. All products must be low-calorie.

Sample menu for the week:

  • Monday– green tea (three hundred milliliters), egg, low-fat cottage cheese (two hundred grams);
  • Tuesday– low-fat kefir (five hundred milliliters), carrot, cabbage, celery salad (two hundred grams), green apple;
  • Wednesday– water (two liters);
  • Thursday– low-fat cottage cheese (two hundred grams), vegetable broth (two hundred milliliters), green tea;
  • Friday– low-fat kefir (five hundred milliliters), green apple, vegetable broth (two hundred milliliters);
  • Saturday– water (two liters);
  • Sunday– chicken egg, salad of carrots, cabbage, celery (two hundred grams), green tea (one hundred milliliters).

The total daily volume of products must be divided into five equal parts. The average number of calories is three hundred to four hundred per day. Following a diet while maintaining daily energy expenditure is guaranteed to make you thin and lead to anorexia in the shortest possible time.

Anorexia is a life-threatening condition that involves an almost complete refusal to eat. It is easy to understand that the diet of anorexics is extremely low in calories. Any of the proposed options should not be used without the consent of your doctor.

Option number 1 (diet for 14 days)

Below is the diet for anorexics (by day):
1. Tea (green or white, but not black)
2. One percent kefir (1 l)
3. Mineral water without gas – 1-1.5 l
4. Big apple (1 pc.)
5. Low-fat milk – 1 l
6. Tea (green, white)
7. Low-fat milk – 1 l
8. Apples – 2 pcs.
9. Low-fat kefir – 1 l
10. Cucumbers – 2 pcs.
11. Tea (green, white)
12. Low-fat milk – 1 l
13. Apples – 3 pcs.
14. Mineral water without gas – 1-1.5 l

After completing the diet, you should very gradually expand the range of products. During the first week, it is recommended to introduce natural juices, boiled or steamed fish and eggs into the diet.

After this, you should supplement your diet with cereals and vegetable salads (you need to stick to this nutrition plan for another week). Starting from the third week, you can return to a full-fledged diet.

Option number 2 (anorexic diet for 12 days)

During this diet, you should eat 1 tbsp daily (in the morning). vegetable oil ( different types oils can be alternated at your discretion). Additionally, you need to drink herbal teas (without sugar).

Diet menu

Day No. 1: liter of kefir (2.5%)
Day No. 2: oranges (4-6 pcs.)
Day No. 3: 500-750 g low-fat cottage cheese
Day No. 4: squash caviar (0.5-1 l jar)
Day No. 5: dark dark chocolate (100 g)
Day No. 6: apples without peel (1-1.5 kg)
Day No. 7: hard cheese – 300 g
Day No. 8: vegetable salad and a liter of tomato juice
Day No. 9: boiled veal or beef (400 g)
Day No. 10: salad of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and plenty of greens
Day No. 11: 500-750 g low-fat cottage cheese
Day No. 12: plums (1 kg) or dried prunes

You cannot eat after 18.00. You need to get out of the diet slowly, gradually adding dietary dishes to the menu.

Option number 3 (drinking diet)

This diet suggests completely giving up solid foods and switching to a liquid diet. You can drink everything, from kefir and broths, to kvass and cocoa (alcohol is contraindicated). In addition to the fact that this diet removes excess weight, it also cleanses the body.

The optimal duration of such a nutrition plan: 30 days. During the first 10 days of the diet, the hollow organs are cleansed, then the process extends to the dense organs, and at the final stage the cellular composition is cleansed.

Every day you should drink 1.5 liters of still water (in addition to other drinks). At the first stages, the diet may seem unbearable - our passion for chewing food is too great. After just a few days, it becomes much easier - the feeling of hunger is dulled.

In dietetics, there are many options for losing weight, but not all of them can be called safe. A popular diet for anorexics includes drinking low-fat kefir, two liters of mineral water and one apple per day. This amount of calories is not enough for the normal functioning of the body, so a girl can easily undermine her own health.

What is the anorexic diet?

A dubious weight loss plan is being promoted around the world under the guise of an effective weight loss program. The Anorexic Nymph diet allows you to quickly achieve results, but complications often arise after it. However, with morbid obesity, fasting helps the body cleanse itself of toxins. Nutrition experts advise following an anorexic diet only as a last resort and with caution. Some recommend completely abandoning the torment of the body by fasting, choosing a more nutritious diet.

What is this program? The anorexic diet is a low-calorie diet that includes partial fasting. If you stick to a limited menu wisely, you can lose up to 7 kg in one week. However, you should not refuse to eat for a long time, because this will lead to loss of muscle mass, brittle hair, nails, fatigue, irritability and even depression. To avoid complications, it is better not to go on a diet for more than one week.

How the anorexic diet works

Some overweight girls wonder how to become anorexic. First, it’s worth understanding what lies behind this term. Anorexia nervosa is a disease associated with significant weight loss due to the consumption of a meager amount of calories. A dangerous condition contributes to the occurrence of psychological disorders and depression. It often affects teenage girls, but the disease can occur in adults of any gender and can lead to death.

The basic principle of the anorexic diet is to take 5 bites of an approved product at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Thanks to this, the body receives a small amount of calories and spends its own resources. The process leads to rapid weight loss, but there are pitfalls. Drastic changes in diet sometimes have the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate fat, experiencing shock. Metabolic processes may be disrupted and psychological illnesses may occur. To protect your body, it is better to consult a physician before agreeing to fasting.

Sample diet menu for anorexics

The diet for weight loss is not rich in choice. What do anorexics eat? One of the menu options: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and 2 liters of water per day. Some nutritionists advise adding white meat, fish and fruit, adhering to the “5 bites” principle. It is better to eat more vegetable salads, which should be seasoned with olive oil. You also need to drink a lot of mineral water - this will help the body maintain metabolic processes and receive vitamins. The main thing is not to exceed the threshold of 500-650 kcal per day. What foods and dishes are allowed to be consumed:

  • boiled carrots;
  • lemon, grapefruit;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • green vegetables (cabbage, celery, broccoli, herbs);
  • lean fish, meat.

During the weight loss process, you can additionally take bio-supplements and vitamins, this will support the body during fasting. A sample diet menu for anorexics looks like this:

  1. Every morning you need to start with 2 glasses of still mineral water with lemon juice. This will speed up the fat burning process.
  2. You can eat only 30 minutes after drinking.
  3. On Monday you are allowed to drink several cups of tea without sugar. The drink should be warm, but not hot. You can add skim milk. It is recommended to drink a lot of still water (at least 2.5 liters per day).
  4. On other days, except weekends, the menu should consist of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. For lunch you can have a bowl of soup. For dinner - a glass of kefir.
  5. According to the diet, Saturday is a fasting day. Breakfast includes one large apple, lunch - grapefruit. For dinner you can only drink water.
  6. On Sunday, you are allowed to add a slice of whole grain bread and hard cheese to the established diet. White bread should not be consumed. It's better to eat some fruit for lunch.

Pros and cons of the anorexic diet

Following a strict weight loss program results in rapid loss of excess weight. However, this diet belongs to the category of the most harmful, so you should not rely on it entirely. First, you should understand what the pros and cons of the anorexic diet are. Main advantages:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • cleansing the body (if you follow the advice of a nutritionist);
  • strengthening willpower.

An anorexic diet does more harm than good. No wonder it is considered one of the most dangerous. If you torture the body every day for 2 weeks, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • apathy;
  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • mental disorientation;
  • muscle weakness;
  • aversion to food;
  • upset stomach, intestines;
  • disruption of the functioning of vital organs.


Consuming a small amount of calories forces the body to work harder, consuming nutrients. Therefore, the Dan diet is not recommended for everyone. It should be followed by healthy people who are overweight by more than 10-15 kg, and those who are obese. What are the contraindications to the anorexic diet?

  • chronic diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland;
  • poor functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • tendency to iron deficiency anemia;
  • weak immunity.

Video: Diet of anorexics


Natalya, 39 years old

Diet for anorexics is an absolutely useless waste of time. I stayed on it for a week, lost 6.5 kg, but then the weight came back again. From starvation, I became depressed, angry, and family relationships worsened. It’s good that at least my health didn’t suffer. I don’t recommend this diet to anyone, it’s better to choose a gradual and more effective method losing weight.

Anastasia, 26 years old

I was always chubby, and this was the reason for the complexes. I went on an anorexic diet because I was desperate. I fasted for 1.5 weeks and lost almost 9 kilograms. Then problems with the thyroid gland began, and I had to diversify the menu. The doctor prescribed me an individual diet, thanks to which I continue to pursue my dream without harm to my health.

Valentina, 42 years old

I never wanted to have an anorexic figure, but my husband hinted that it was time to go on a diet. I tried many different options, but lost a maximum of 1.5 kg. I had to starve. In a week I managed to get rid of 6 kg, but it was very difficult to deny myself goodies. But now I feel light, my husband also began to pay more attention.



In any pharmacy you can safely purchase the drug "Reduxin-Lite" - this is not a medicine, but a food additive (dietary supplement), the main active component of which is linoleic acid. The drug “Reduxin” is a completely different matter. This is a prescription drug. The active ingredient is sibutramine, an anorexigenic drug. The drug artificially induces a feeling of satiety, due to which an obese patient ceases to exceed the daily calorie intake. True, sibutramine can only be used in complex therapy, under the constant supervision of a doctor, and if other methods of combating obesity have not worked, and the patient is at high risk of developing diseases associated with excess body weight. Anorexics, of course, are not obese, but they are underweight. And this body, already weakened, is forced to deal with the side effects of sibutramine.

In the countries of the European Community, the use of sibutramine was suspended in 2010, when the European Medicines Agency published the results of studies on the risks of side effects of the drug: the drug should not be taken by patients who have ever had diseases of the cardiovascular system - it can cause tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and increased blood pressure , as well as convulsions, dizziness, dysmenorrhea and more than 20 side effects.


He's Prozac. This is not a weight loss drug, but a strong antidepressant, one of the side effects of which is loss of appetite. A person suffering from depression, when taking fluoxetine, will notice an improvement in mood, a decrease in anxiety and fear, and normalization of sleep. A pronounced effect will appear within a week of taking the drug. If fluoxetine is suitable for the patient. If not, then the impressive list of side effects of taking fluoxetine is not the worst thing. At one time, the pharmaceutical company that produced Prozac hid the fact that more than 2,000 people committed suicide while taking fluoxetine drugs. Despite the fact that before this, suicidal thoughts did not bother them, despite depression.


Hell's cocktail: ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin. Ephedrine is a psychoactive poisonous alkaloid, a raw material for the production of drugs containing methamphetamine and ephedrone. The storage, use and sale of ephedrine is prohibited in Russia, but this fact does not stop anorexics. It is impossible to find ephedrine in its pure form, but ephedrine-containing drugs are easy to find: for example, Broncholitin cough syrup. The standard composition of the cocktail is 25 mg of ephedrine, 250 mg of caffeine and 250 mg of aspirin. Girls take this mixture three times a day. Supposedly it helps burn fat at lightning speed. This naturally has an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system.

Motivator from the 40 kg community

Laxatives and diuretics

The principle of action of these drugs is clear: the first help to empty the intestines, the second have a diuretic effect - due to this, the illusion of weight loss is created. Naturally, neither the volume of muscle mass nor the volume of fat changes from taking these drugs. But problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin from the constant use of laxatives. Diuretics cannot be used at all without a doctor’s prescription: they remove potassium, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It is very difficult to restore their balance without the supervision of a doctor and under the condition of a semi-starvation diet.


The most popular two-week diet for anorexics contains practically no food at all: 6 apples and 2 cucumbers are the only solid food that is allowed to be eaten in 2 weeks!

1 day - green tea;
Day 2 - 4 cups of kefir;
Day 3 - 1 bottle of mineral water;
Day 4 - 1 apple;
Day 5 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 6 – green tea;
Day 7 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 8 - 2 apples;
Day 9 - liter of kefir;
Day 10 - 2 cucumbers;
Day 11 – green tea;
Day 12 - liter of milk;
Day 13 - 3 apples;
Day 14 - mineral water.

Motivator from the 40 kg community

On the so-called “drinking” diet, you cannot eat solid food at all. Liquid only. 10 days. For the most persistent - 14.

Between diets, the girls switch to a “healthy diet”: thin slices of whole grain bread, 20 grams of dark chocolate (99% cocoa), a pinch of oatmeal, seasoned with grated green apple for sweetness - the usual menu for the day.


Naturally, the body still tries to fight hunger, and girls, despite taking medications, have “breakdowns.” What they call “gluttony,” but which is essentially trying to eat a normal portion of regular food - after all, after a long fast, eating more than the usual portion is problematic. It hurts.

Motivator from the “40 kg” community

And failures always come with punishment. That is, self-torture. Posting photos of yourself with the caption “I’m fat” is the mildest possible punishment. You can also post the photo in an album for criticism and receive a dose of insults. You can punish yourself with a dry fast. Dry means you can’t even drink. No food, no water.

When obsessive thoughts about food arise, anorexics are advised to imagine something terrible instead of food: worms, rotting corpses or excrement. Do unpleasant things. Punish yourself with hard physical work.

And the last method is cuts. Anorexic women cut themselves (mostly their legs, many then post photos of cuts on their thighs online). In fact, the problem of self-harm is not the problem of anorexia. Self-harm is an unhealthy attempt to relieve emotional pain, intense anger and frustration. It can bring short-term relief both on an emotional and physical level: on the one hand, there is a feeling of control over one’s own body, on the other, the cut provides a surge of adrenaline, which, in turn, makes past experiences unimportant. But not for long. Then the feeling of guilt, shame and the return of previously experienced emotions comes again.

What can you eat?

What do anorexics eat? Almost nothing. The amount of nutrients and essential vitamins is kept to a minimum. All more or less high-calorie foods are included in the diet a couple of times a week or even less often.

The anorexic woman's menu is mainly fresh fruits and vegetables. A girl is allowed no more than 500 kcal per day. The only thing there are no restrictions on is liquid (water with lemon juice, green tea and coffee without sugar). This helps stimulate metabolism and suppress hunger for a short time.

Everything eaten must be recorded in a special diary and carefully analyzed and counted. Weight is strictly controlled - weighings are carried out at least 3-4 times a day.

Where it leads?

The way anorexics eat is, without a doubt, a harmful extreme. These girls, with their fanatical attitude towards the cult of a slim figure, bring themselves to terrible consequences. As a last resort, even death is possible.

Specific negative consequences include:

  • Chronic loss of energy and fatigue, depression, fatigue, hungry fainting, nerve problems and sudden mood swings.
  • Metabolic failures and organ failures.
  • Rejection of food by the stomach, constant nausea and vomiting.
  • Deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and teeth, including loss, bad breath.
  • Painful pallor, transformation into a skin-covered skeleton.

Is it beautiful? Not at all. Is it worth it? Certainly not.

In conclusion - video:

Anorexics: who are they?

Most often, people think that anorexic is a very thin person. Someone else adds details: bruises, a bald spot, protruding bones. But all these are consequences. First of all, anorexics are people with digestive and mental disorders.

They are obsessed with dieting, losing weight, counting calories endlessly, and always think they are too fat. They deliberately allow themselves to “cheat” - a planned gluttony for metabolism, and then go to induce artificial vomiting.

These girls have a calculator in their heads to calculate the number of calories they eat. They love to cook and feed friends and family, but they never allow themselves to eat an extra piece. And if they relax, then their conscience will torment them. Hunger is washed down with water.

In the end, nothing good comes out of this. The girls lose their temper, start eating everything they can get their hands on, and can’t control their appetite. They don’t feel full and gain a lot of excess weight – more than they had before the diet.

Why are anorexic diets so popular?

This diet is very difficult and strict with strict restrictions, but it works for everyone. There are several types of weight loss methods; they can be divided into blocks lasting from three days to two months.

The popularity of the anorexic diet is very easy to explain - it works for everyone and helps to lose extra pounds. The weight comes off quickly, but after finishing the diet it can come back just as quickly. The most important thing is not to overdo it and not bring yourself to a painful state.

The anorexic diet can give good result in losing weight while the body has nowhere to take the substances it needs for energy. But as soon as the diet is restored, it will again begin to replenish fat reserves in case of new stress - a strict diet.

From this we can conclude that such a diet is an unwise way to get rid of excess weight.

There are practically no advantages to such diets. This includes their low cost. Due to the fact that the amount of food consumed is reduced to a minimum and there is no variety of food, the diet turns out to be very cheap. There is no need to spend money on expensive products.

Another benefit is rapid weight loss. You can lose up to a kilogram per day. If you stick to the diet for the entire duration, you are guaranteed a slim figure, but what the consequences will be is unknown.

There are many more negative aspects of strict diets:

  • Stress for the whole body. Possibility of harm to health.
  • Weight return. Returning to a normal diet, there is a risk of gaining excess weight again, and more than before the diet.
  • Strict diets always have contraindications. These include heart disease, stomach problems and general weakness.
  • Constant feeling of hunger, dizziness, discomfort in different areas.
  • Chronic diseases may worsen.
  • There is an acute shortage of vitamins and other nutrients.
  • At fast weight loss the skin sags. It can be very difficult to get rid of this; you have to resort to salon procedures such as lifting.

The most popular diets for anorexics

Diet for three days

Express diet, when you need to lose a few extra pounds in a couple of days. Typically used before an important event to make jeans or a dress fit better than before.

During these three days, you are only allowed to drink. It can be kefir, water, low-fat broth, tea, coffee, kvass. And any other drinks. Solid food is prohibited. During the diet you can lose up to three kilograms.

500 calories

A tough weight loss option. The daily amount of calories should be no more than 500.

In the morning, coffee without sugar and an apple, preferably green, are allowed. One orange is eaten during lunch. For lunch, vegetable soup and vegetable salad. And for dinner, only one hundred grams of grated carrots.

Colored diet

The essence of this method is that on a certain day you can only eat food of one color:

  • On Monday everything is white - kefir, cottage cheese. Chocolate, of course, is not allowed, even if it is white.
  • On Tuesday everything is red – tomatoes, peppers.
  • On Wednesday, green color – cucumbers, zucchini.
  • Orange products on Thursday.
  • On Friday we will have to hold out on the purple color. Usually these are eggplants.
  • Saturday – yellow foods.
  • Sunday will be the hardest. You can’t eat anything, but you can drink, but only mineral water.


The diet is difficult, hungry, but allows you to lose significant weight in a couple of days. The recipe is very simple: add tea, regular or in bags, to hot milk. Brews for about 30 minutes. Then the resulting drink should be drunk from morning to evening. Typically, such a diet lasts no more than three days.

Menu for a beginner anorexic woman for a week

Time/day of week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast water with lemon and coffee without sugar water with lemon, about 30 grams of cheese and grapefruit water with lemon and unsweetened coffee water with lemon, three pieces of dark chocolate and coffee water with lemon, coffee, apple coffee, apple, lemon water Coffee and water
Dinner juice, preferably with pulp cottage cheese and juice apple, preferably green, and juice pineapple or grapefruit apple and banana toast and piece of cheese toast with cheese
Dinner kefir or natural yogurt glass of kefir kefir kefir yogurt plain water or tea with lemon kefir

Typically, a drinking diet lasts an average of seven days. Few people can withstand strict dietary restrictions for longer.

It comes in several types, depending on what liquid will be used. The classic option for anorexics is water, as it contains no calories at all. But this is a very difficult test for the body. Of course, sweet juices, cocoa, lemonades and fatty yoghurts are not suitable for such a diet.

Diet options:

Exiting such diets should be slow and careful. First, start with oatmeal in the morning, and leave lunch and dinner to drink. Then you can eat cheese or eggs for breakfast, and porridge and some fruit for lunch. And only after a week it will be possible to eat a certain amount of low-fat foods. A little later, add pasta, bread, potatoes.

Diet for anorexic legs

Diet for those who want to remove extra centimeters from the legs and hips. The result will be a plumb line of 3-5 kilograms and minus four centimeters from the volume.


  • On Monday you are allowed to drink only milk and water. If you don't like milk, you can replace it with kefir.
  • On Tuesday, about 200 grams of cottage cheese and a little juice.
  • On Wednesday you can drink only clean water and nothing else.
  • On Thursday, a little juice and a couple of boiled potatoes.
  • On Friday, the main food will be apples - about five pieces, which need to be spread out throughout the day.
  • On Saturday, a little juice and about 200 grams of lean meat - chicken fillet or beef.
  • Sunday - only kefir, maximum 1.5% fat content - one liter for the whole day.

You need to get out of the diet gradually, without overeating and without immediately relying on all the products available at home.


Reviews about the effectiveness of diets for anorexics vary:

Julia, 21 years old, Kaluga

Katerina, 18 years old, Astrakhan

Video with a diet for losing 10 kilograms in a week:

Of course, diets for anorexics are very effective, as they allow you to lose extra pounds in the fastest possible time. If you treat them without fanaticism and do not strictly adhere to the deadlines - no more than three days, then you will not do much harm to your body. Another thing is a complete refusal of normal food and constant calorie restriction, which over time can lead to serious problems.

Anorexia is not a death sentence, nutrition is life

An excessive desire to lose weight without receiving vital nutrients into the body leads to exhaustion of the body and a dangerous lack of body weight, the disease anorexia - losing weight without your will

Symptoms and signs of anorexia

The first signs of the development of dystrophy are when your weight is 45 kg; daily weight loss occurs without your will by 300 - 400 g. It is almost impossible to cure your weight below 33 kg;
- Externally, anorexia looks like loose skin, lack of muscles, sunken eyes and stomach, spots on the body, unnatural pallor, dental caries;
- When consuming even a small amount of food, a person constantly freezes, the pulse becomes rare, anemia (oncology) develops, the person suffers from convulsions, it is difficult to move, if he is not sent to a hospital, death is inevitable

Classification of anorexia according to criteria

Pathologies of the lungs, stomach, female problems, endocrine disorders lead to symptomatic anorexia;
- A mental type of illness, manifested by schizophrenic attacks

What the facts say about anorexia

Condition - 45 kg with a height of 160-175 indicates that the pancreas produces enzymes that break down proteins (pepsin), fats, carbohydrates by 50%, thinning of the receptors of the small intestine has also occurred; absorption of nutrients occurs by 50% - little time remains, so that it turns into a pipe;

Many young people who were constantly interested in diets and struggled with overweight, are at risk of getting anorexia;
- Anorexia nervosa occurs very rarely in cases where you break up with your loved one and begin to get carried away with fasting. Parents are not an authority for them;
- For many years, she has been eating watermelons, with a height of 175, her weight is 45 kg, there are signs of anorexia, but for her, vegetarianism has become a “lifestyle”, while everything is compensated, she was comfortable and when asked about the consumption of products of animal origin, she can answer - you are losers and even cooler.
- With a weight of 45 kg, under vegetarianism, a few weeks are enough for irreversible biochemical changes to occur, as well as changes in the functioning of internal organs;
- Unfortunately, all cases of recovery are silent about the fact that people who have had anorexia are already disabled for the rest of their lives. So it’s not worth risking your health to become a soup kit;
- Think about your loved ones, about your future children, there are many ways to lose weight, and vegetarianism and hunger strike are not a friend, but an enemy

What happens to a person when he switches to vegetarianism?

Vegetarianism definitely carries serious health risks;
- When we eat food consisting of foods containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, their breakdown occurs;
- From proteins fatty acids are obtained (fats are necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins);
- Fats can be considered one of the main sources of energy for the functioning of the body;
- Carbohydrates - The body converts glucose to produce energy. As soon as we use up all the reserves of carbohydrates in our body, fat comes to the rescue as an energy source.
- No fat reserves our body will literally begin to eat itself, destroying tissue and muscle for the necessary energy. Food affects metabolism

Anorexia and psychology

A man is what he eats. This makes literal sense. In order for changes to take place for the better and results to be achieved, material is needed. These building materials are water and food;
- Nutrition is one of the most powerful ways of personality transformation.
- The condition of a person is to maintain his weight 45 kg, height 175 cm
can be avoided, you need to change your thinking and set yourself up for a fight and a positive attitude

How to stop the weight loss process without your will

The task of a person who has symptoms is to increase body weight, and to prevent irreversible cell necrosis from developing, to prevent fluid loss, to restore balance and blood circulation;
- Anorexia considered a serious physical illness - exhaustion of the body; (for example, weight up to 32 kg with height 160-175), is a pathology
On a note. Without animal products, muscle cells cannot be built;
- To take foods correctly, you need to know how to properly prepare and eat while preserving nutrients: vitamins B, B12 and trace elements: iron, magnesium, manganese, etc.;
Interesting . Uncontrolled intake of protein products; (unspecified doses of meat) metabolism is completely disrupted, as protein not processed by gastric juice enzymes, entering the small intestine, begins to release toxins; one can only guess at the consequences
On a note. vegetable protein from nuts and dry cereals is absorbed by 35%, from boiled cereals by 60%

Until weight loss begins for the worse and your weight is still 45 kg with a height of 160 -175 and the metabolism is functioning, but only a few days remain, the person does not notice it.
-Immediately take foods containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, exactly in the quantities that your physical condition currently absorbs;

Take foods in doses

Squirrels. The pancreas processes 10 -12 g of protein (protein), beef, beef, and lamb liver contain 10 - 12 g of protein. for 70 - 100 g of product;
Interesting. If you don't trust manufacturers, finding environmentally friendly products nowadays is not a problem;
- Fats, which should be consumed at a time: flaxseed oil - 10 g (1 tsp), sour cream - 1 tbsp, butter 10 g, lard - 10 g. You should take fats with beets, carrots, any greens. This approach ensures the health of both mother and child. Daily fat intake: 30 g
- Carbohydrates. Any 30 g bread contains 10-12 g of carbohydrates, which the body converts into 12 g of glucose, and the pancreas also processes it with its enzymes at a time - this is a 1 hour dose of ideal slow absorption by the body;
On a note . 30 g of bread can be replaced with 70 g of fruits, berries or any porridge, 70 g or 250 g of carrots, beets. The daily carbohydrate intake is 30 g, visually 6 teaspoons of granulated sugar. Own weight 60 - 80 kg

Preventive four-course menu that will help prevent the development of anorexia

On a note. We accept ingredients from the menu according to the list;

We take foods very slowly, in small quantities, based on the formula, we eat more, less absorption rate. Physical warm-up 5 minutes, before breakfast - at your discretion

The morning diet consists of:

Water, green long leaf 100 - 200 ml;
Start drinking water: 100 ml at 70 degrees, then a glass of green long tea
Fruits and berries: banana, feijoa, black currant 30 - 40 g, grapefruit 1 slice
spices: ground cloves 5 buds, allspice black pepper 5 peas, 1/4 part of a cinnamon stick;
vegetable stew: tomato and onion 50 g;
boiled hot red pepper 10 g;
sprouted lentils 20 - 30 g;
bran - 1 tbsp. l;
fresh vegetable salad consists of: green, red pepper, carrot, cucumber, asparagus, tomato 50 g, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of homemade sour cream;
greens: dandelion, parsley, lettuce, dill 5 -10 g;
chicken liver 40-50 g;
buckwheat jelly made from flour 30-40 g, cook until the consistency of sour cream for about 5 minutes). To give the jelly a piquant taste, add 1 tbsp. l sautéed onions, taken without oil, as an independent dish;
Cut the chicken liver into pieces, place in a heated frying pan without oil, stirring continuously with any object for 5 - 7 minutes. This method allows you to prevent overheating inside the meat above 60 degrees, thereby preserving 50% of the nutrients in the steam and 20% of trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, etc. B vitamins, B12.
We start breakfast with fruits and berries, add spices, then stewed vegetables with hot peppers, add sprouted lentils and bran;
We eat salad;
After 30-60 minutes, we take chicken liver with simple herbs: parsley, dill, dandelion leaves, lettuce, nettle and white varieties of any cabbage (raw), alternating with buckwheat jelly;

Rabbit liver with broccoli and asparagus We drink, drink water 100 -150 ml after 60 - 90 minutes, after another 5 -10 minutes 100 ml decoction bay leaf with cinnamon;

Decoction of bay leaf with cinnamon and cloves Nutritional value of breakfast: proteins - 8 g, carbohydrates - 12 g, fats - 5 g; energy value - 120 K/cal. “Cost” in grain units is 1 XE.


Fruits: avocado, feijoa;
salad of fresh vegetables and herbs: carrots, beets, dill, parsley, basil, chard 50 g, add three buds of ground cloves or 1/5 teaspoon of cinnamon stick, season with quail egg yolk;
Pea jelly 30 - 50 g, add 1 tbsp sautéed onion;- After 30 - 60 minutes, take lightly salted herring 50 g with 1 slice of lemon and plain herbs;

We drink 100-200 g of water after 60-90 minutes, temperature 70 degrees

Afternoon snack

Fruits and berries: banana, green gooseberry 50 g
Fresh vegetables: beets, carrots, 50 g greens seasoned with 0.5 tsp flaxseed oil, add spices: 3 buds of ground cloves or 1/5 teaspoon of cinnamon sticks and sprouted lentils 30 g;

The afternoon tea meal includes, after 20 minutes, any seafood product: cod, flounder, hake, pollock 40 g with a slice of lemon and plain herbs;

Cod with lemon and herbs - Cooking by continuously turning over in a hot frying pan without oil for 4 - 6 minutes (see above);
After 60-90 minutes, drink 100-200 g of water, temperature 70 degrees


Avocado, feijoa
We take 40 g cottage cheese with any greens, add 30 g of sprouted lentils;

- Then a salad of fresh vegetables: tomato, cucumber, radish onions, garlic 50 g, seasoned with 1 tbsp sour cream (homemade);

After 60-90 minutes, drink 100 - 200 g of water, temperature 70 degrees

What foods should not be consumed at the same time?

Chicken liver should not be eaten with purple vegetables and herbs: basil, chard, contain the microelement magnesium, which binds iron in liver meat.
You can’t eat sweet vegetables at the same time: beets, carrots, red bell peppers, fruits, berries and fats.
- You cannot consume foods containing proteins with thermally untreated spices at one time. This is due to the fact that the purple substance contains manganese, which binds the microelement iron
On a note. A decoction of bay leaf with cinnamon and cloves increases the activity of insulin in the body's cells to insert glucose, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol

Tags iron ascorbate vitamin B in foods vitamin B12 in foods B12 vitamins in foods hormone pepsin in foods iron in foods bay leaf decoction with cinnamon liver benefits four-time preventive menu

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