We identify individual negative programs. Mental virus - negative programs in the subconscious “I will never succeed”

To be successful in life, both personal and professional, you need to be able to achieve what you want and attract the right events and people. If you cannot achieve what you want, it means that internal barriers, that is, mental-emotional programs, are interfering. Negative programs consist of wrong thoughts, beliefs, false ideas and motives that cause negative emotions. These formations settle in a person’s aura and, on the one hand, interfere with the flow of energy from higher planes, and on the other, they attract troubles. Therefore, if you cannot succeed at work, improve your material well-being, or find your other half, then you should analyze your internal state for the presence of these very negative programs.

The very first step you need to take is to find the program that is poisoning your life. It is easier to solve a problem when you know the cause, but to find the cause, you need to work hard. First, the initial condition for discovering the causes of your troubles is being truthful with yourself. Often people consider themselves truthful if they tell others the truth. But being truthful with yourself is much harder, because you have to admit that you thought and acted wrongly. If this condition is not met, nothing will work. A person who does not admit his mistakes and blames others for his troubles is doomed to defeat in advance, and nothing in his life will change. To be the master of your destiny, you need to stop thinking that someone is to blame for your problems, and take responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

To detect a negative program, you need to carefully examine the motive of your actions and aspirations. Ask yourself - why do I need this? What do I want to achieve with this? Why am I doing this? Who will win as a result? If, as a result of such an analysis, it turns out that you were striving for something not from good intentions, but from selfish ones, then this is a negative program. This is where awareness of the problem lies. You found the negative, pulled it to the surface, and now you need to work with it, remove it, neutralize it.

Awareness itself half solves the problem. Next, you should pray or in some other way switch your attention and raise it upward. In religion this is called repentance. That is, you realized that you acted, thought, and reacted incorrectly, and now, realizing this, you decided to improve. I want to note that repentance is not blaming yourself, you don’t need to scold yourself for being such a bad sinner, otherwise your repentance will turn into a program of self-destruction, which can lead to various diseases. It is better to focus on solving the problem and changing yourself. We are all imperfect. And they were born just to become better.

To remove the program, you can also replace the motive from negative to positive after its detection. The essence of each program, motivation, is captured, and subsequently the internal motive of actions, desires and thoughts when interacting with the outside world is tracked. And if a false, negative motive is detected, it is replaced with a positive motive.

For example, you strive for material well-being. Analyze why you need this. Think about what you will do when you receive the money. If you seek money to rise above others, to prove your uniqueness and talent, or to gain self-confidence, this indicates that you have the wrong motive. Next, you need to change the motive from false to true. For example, you may strive for money in order to achieve a higher goal - to help people, invest in the development of something, build something new, etc., or you want to have a beautiful wife or husband. If you strive for this in order to impress your friends and acquaintances, so that everyone will gasp and respect you more, then this means that the desire for a love relationship is motivated by the desire to increase your status. In this state of affairs, you need to understand that this is wrong and replace the false motive with a positive one. For example, you can also want a beautiful spouse, but be guided not by the desire to gain prestige, but by the desire to make him happy and give him everything you can.

Another fairly common situation is the desire for knowledge out of fear. A person is afraid of unforeseen events and wants to gain as much knowledge as possible in order to manage the situation and the world around him. The more knowledge is gained, the more a person knows how to avoid conflicts. From this it is clear that the desire for self-improvement is motivated not by the divine essence, not by love for the world, not by the desire to serve others, but by personal selfish motive. This is the problem of many advanced people. To solve this problem, constant monitoring of the motive of your actions, feelings and thoughts and discarding those that imply the priority of personal gain will help. It will also help to realize oneself as a soul in emergence, where the physical body and personality are seen as a tool for practical interaction with the material world. Then maintaining good health, striving for knowledge and developing abilities will be considered as improving this tool for more successful work.

Negative programs can be represented as a kind of false personality living in a person. Maybe you've noticed that sometimes you have thoughts and emotions that you don't want to experience. This is the manifestation of false personalities, or negative programs. They exist as if by themselves, forcing a person to react incorrectly, condemn and criticize. And to get rid of them, you need to be aware. Being mindful means constantly observing yourself, your thoughts and emotional reactions. Watching yourself, track your false states and, with the help of your will, replace negative programs with positive ones.

With awareness, you deprive them of energy supply and thereby cleanse your subtle bodies. If you constantly inhibit the manifestation of false personality programs, they will gradually become exhausted and disappear. And the fewer negative programs you have in your aura, the higher your energy. And, accordingly, you can realize your goals faster and attract only positive events. Therefore, awareness is the most important quality of a person who has decided to follow the path of perfection and control his own destiny. When communicating with people, doing higher work or any other action, try to observe your inner state. And when you react to something, ask yourself: “What is happening to me?” By doing this you will bring your negativity to the surface. And once you pull it to the surface, it will be easy to deal with.


The evil eye is a direct energy breakdown inflicted on a person as a result of severe negative emotional impact. For example, in case of a strong quarrel or showdown. Often the main cause of the evil eye can be an envious look or an envious word.

The evil eye is the most common energy defeat. And if you feel lethargy, numbness, withdrawal, anxiety, your mood worsens, and physical weakness appears, minor troubles begin - know these are symptoms of the evil eye. The evil eye is also characterized by sudden changes in temperature, insomnia, large weight loss or rapid weight gain, long-term illnesses, troubles in personal life, and sudden injuries. Not only people, but also animals suffer from the evil eye, flowers and trees die.

The evil eye can be removed on your own, but if a person is not familiar with the methods of psychological protection and does not know the techniques for restoring his energy, then such a breakdown can last a long time and, as a result, lead to very unpleasant consequences.

A curse- this is a magical action aimed at causing (or wanting) all sorts of troubles without personal participation in causing harm, a program for destruction introduced into a person’s field. Usually a curse is “cast” as revenge or influence, but also for protection purposes. A curse is transmitted through words (spoken or mentally, or written) and through physical objects. It can wait in the wings for years and decades, activated under the right conditions and influence almost all aspects of human life. The difference between a curse and damage is that, although in both cases a destructive program is brought from outside, you will not receive it undeservedly. A curse is always preceded by a certain event that serves as the starting point.

Ancestral curse this is a curse that fell on a clan due to the activities of one of the members of the clan, transmitted by inheritance over many generations, and, depending on the severity, up to the total destruction of all members of the clan. May manifest as similar illnesses, deaths, weaknesses or misfortunes, infertility in the female or male line. The generational curse cannot simply be interrupted; the embedded program is triggered in each subsequent generation. When someone you know talks about a curse, you should know that in most cases it is just a series of certain events or bad heredity, an indicator that not everything is in order in the family. If this is really a curse, try to find the key event that served as the beginning, the starting point; in reality, this will help you understand how to atone for what you have done and undo the repeating destructive program.

Parental curses are imposed during family feuds, as a rule, at the moment of scandal, when emotions are running high, and represent uncontrolled statements. They carry the most terrible unpredictable consequences that work quite quickly. Children cursed by their parents are doomed to numerous life hardships and difficulties. Parental curses include not only curses from parents to children, but any within the family.

Program- widespread negative impact. Set automatically when interacting with energetically more strong man when he tries to instill his thoughts and desires into you. Symptoms: unnatural actions, discomfort, strange behavior. In everyday life, people influence each other randomly, aimlessly and meaninglessly, and they almost never enjoy the fruits of their influence.

Zombification differs from a program in that it is placed at the level of consciousness in the zone of attention of the object. It does not manifest itself energetically, but creates stable results.

North Koreans behaved like zombies after the death of Kim Jong Il

Zombification the ordinary presupposes a certain manipulative goal - to obtain some benefits by controlling the actions of another person, without taking into account the interests of the latter. This is the replacement of the individual part of each client’s awareness with one’s own programs in such a way that he (the client) considers someone else’s program to be his own. This is, first of all, advertising, social programming, the formation of public opinion, religious (patriotic, national and other) education. For ordinary zombies, the fulcrum and control lever are beliefs. Internet resources - “...Any belief binds a person, makes his worldview fixed and therefore vulnerable to attack. Destroy the person's fundamental beliefs, erase the boundaries, put forward powerful counterarguments to these beliefs, and when you succeed, you will see that the person is confused and disoriented, take the lead and control him.

The main task of hard zombification is to break the will of the victim and thus increase the degree of his susceptibility to orders given to the subconscious. Those. Zombifying specialists, as a rule, influence not the consciousness, but the subconscious. That is why such negativity is very difficult to neutralize. It turns out that a person who has been subjected to such an attack sincerely and firmly believes in what he was forced to believe. At the same time, a person can not be in conflict with himself for a long time, since everything that he feels and does, he is aware of and agrees with it. Moreover, he himself strives to carry out the program imposed on him, believing that by carrying it out he is moving towards the right goal.

Coding- this is the introduction of an alien program into the subconscious or consciousness. The person is put into a trance and is subjected to psychological or hypnotic influence. In the process of psychological encoding, a “code” is introduced - a certain psychological program, which, under pain of death or serious illness, imposes a ban on unwanted behavior. As a rule, this program runs counter to a person’s preferences, and therefore fails after a while. Coding does not solve the problem at the causal level and is sooner or later rejected by the body.

Psychological blocks- energy jams of the mental body. They arise as a result of doubts and self-criticism. The most “popular” is low self-esteem, this is not a high opinion of oneself, the belief that life is unfair. “No one loves me...”, the state of “victim of circumstances.” It often develops into hatred of oneself and the world around one, when one is overwhelmed by resentment, guilt and remorse. A protracted conflict between intention and desire, against this background, the development of depression and stress occurs, which leads to complex damage to systems and organs, and the development of diseases.

Entities- inorganic formations that are aware of themselves, possessing glimpses of reason and a program of behavior. The movement of the entity is governed by a well-known universal law: like is attracted to like. Therefore, entities are attracted to clots of released energy that have similar vibrations and feed on them, provoking a person to an even greater release of energy that is tasty for them. The reasons for the appearance of entities may be the following: strong negative emotions, chronic anger, negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material wealth, sexual intemperance, vanity, fascination with scenes of violence, etc., as well as artificially created distortions of the energy field. Entities can cause restless dreams, recurring troubles, and accidents.

Egregor connection. Egregor- a set of unidirectional thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires of a large number of people. Includes thought forms and stereotypes of thinking. Is an independent entity. Egregors are intelligent, as they are generated by the human mind. Egregors are prone to constant saturation with energy and growth. The smallest egregor is the family one. There is a constant exchange of energy between the egregor and each of its members. Large and well-known egregors - the egregor of Christianity, the Muslim egregor, the egregor of money, etc. Any egregors completely replace the action of cosmic energies with their programs and flows. But there are egregors that actively destroy personality - black schools, sects (White Brotherhood, for example), the egregor of alcoholism and drug addiction. Without conscious human participation and deliberate systematic attempts to change inner world, cleansing from negative egregorial influence is almost impossible.

Vampirism- pathological energy exchange between people or unconscious pumping of energy to another person. Vampire suckers are established both by other people or objects, and by the person himself, for example, when he constantly thinks about bad, destructive things. In this case, there is a sharp deterioration in mood, physical weakness, the appearance of lethargy and apathy. An energy vampire is a person who, for some reason, finds himself “cut off” from the source of cosmic energy and is forced to pump energy out of the people around him. Very often, disabled, elderly or seriously ill people become energy vampires. Often after communication, a simple conversation on the phone with a person fueled by someone else's energy, you can suddenly feel a loss of strength, a headache, and a desire to lie down to rest. As a rule, vampires play on the pity and compassion of a person, on his feelings of guilt. If this does not succeed, they try in any way to cause irritation or manifestations of other emotions and begin to "pump" the donor's energy. The energy vampire does not calm down until he receives a portion of energy from the victim. There are people who vampirize quite consciously, these are the so-called "black vampires" they love to download energy from children, as well as from young healthy people men and women.

Necrotic Link this is a channel for the leakage of vital energy from a living person to a deceased person; most often it is formed when, after the death of a relative or friend, a certain emotional or psychological attachment remains, or regret about the loss. There are two types of such connections - “the corpse of a corpse”, when a person died a natural death, from old age, and for some reason remained in the cocoon of a relative; A “living corpse” is one disembodied at the wrong time; such dead people yearn for their pleasures, their loved ones, and therefore attach themselves to people in order to be able to indirectly experience life. It happens that necrotic connections are established purposefully, with the aim of causing harm, when soil from a cemetery is poured under the victim’s door or even into food, or a photograph and personal belongings of a living person are placed in the coffin of the deceased.

IN modern world Every second person has negative programs that dictate to the subconscious how to act. But few people know that such actions can lead to big problems in life.

Recently, more and more people have become interested in psychology, tracking their actions and applying positive thinking. And some are achieving some success in this area. In fact, not all negative programs can be easily tracked and their consequences eliminated. But if you set yourself such a goal, then with the help of special methods it is quite possible to get rid of such attitudes.

What are negative programs

How to get rid of negative programs

Most of these programs are easy to track down in a simple way. To do this, it is enough to control your thoughts and analyze what is happening around you. If some unpleasant situation happens to you, you don’t need to immediately panic and blame everyone. Take a few deep breaths and think about why this happened and what behavior you used to attract such events. Of course, such an analysis will not be the most pleasant thing in your life, but in order to improve the situation and start moving in the right direction, you need to go through it.

There are also deeper negative programs that extend from childhood. Moreover, at first glance this may seem so insignificant. For example, at school a classmate pulled your pigtails, thus showing his sympathy. But after such an act, the girl will be offended and decide that all boys are bad. This negative attitude can become stronger over time and in the future prevent a woman from meeting her soul mate and creating a strong family.

To correct the situation and change a minus to a plus, just use one of the methods you like, and after a few weeks you can notice significant improvements.

All methods are related to visualization and are a bit like meditation. Getting into a meditative state is quite easy. The main thing is to devote time to training.

First way

Take a comfortable sitting or lying position, close your eyes and turn off your phone. You can also turn on calm music. This is necessary so that nothing distracts you during the exercise. Take a few deep breaths and exhale, think about something pleasant to achieve inner harmony. Only when you have reached a state of peace should you begin this practice.

After you completely relax, remember your problem and imagine in detail the situation that happened to you. To change a negative program to a positive one, feel where exactly in the body is the reason that contributed to the creation of this situation. Imagine what it might look like and in what part of the body it is located. The more detailed you can look at it, the easier it will be to work with it further.

When you see a fairly clear picture, imagine how it begins to fade and dissolve. Let this process happen at your own pace and take your time. At this moment, everyone can experience different emotions and feelings. Allow yourself to live everything that is so eager to come out. If you feel like crying, don't hold back. After you feel that the picture has dissolved and you feel better, you can proceed to the final stage.

There is now an empty space in your body that needs to be filled. So imagine something positive. These can be either memories from the past or your cherished dream. Think about how you will feel when it comes true, what emotions and feelings will accompany it. Stay in this state of happiness for as long as you see fit. After this, take a few deep breaths and exhales and come to your senses.

Second way

This method is directly related to the heart chakra, anahata, which is responsible for the revelation of love and its acceptance. You need, just as in the previous version, to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax.

When you reach a calm state, imagine that a golden-colored sphere is formed in the area of ​​your heart, and with every breath it increases in size. After this, you need to think about your problem and also see where it might be located in the body.

When you find the place where the negative program is located, focus on your breathing. Imagine that you are inhaling air not through your nose, but through your heart chakra, and directing golden light from your sphere to the part of the body where the cause is located. Let the air escape through it. Breathe in this way until you see that the cause of failure has disappeared. After this, you should thank yourself for the work done, and the Universe for your help, and open your eyes.

Even though these methods may seem simple to some, they are an excellent tool in the fight against negative programs. Use them when the need arises to change something in your life. And daily affirmations will speed up the process. Believe in yourself, don't stop halfway and don't forget to press the buttons and

We continue the topic of deep subconscious attitudes.

Have you noticed that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we somehow fail to accomplish our plans or achieve our goals?

Why is this happening?

There could be a myriad of reasons. And each of us will find any excuses.

However, no matter how much we look for excuses for our own failures, we ourselves remain their main cause.

Let's figure out why this happens and how you can deal with it.

We unknowingly interfere with the implementation of our plans

For example, we have important but not very pleasant work ahead of us. Instead of getting rid of it quickly, we COMPLETELY CONSCIOUSLY find thousands of reasons and explanations WHY WE DIDN’T DO IT. And immediately a heap of urgent matters is revealed, postponing the work until the very time when the “roasted rooster” begins to sharpen its beak...

Many people decide to start a new life on Monday. We ASSURE OURSELVES that from Monday we will definitely START A NEW LIFE: we will go in for sports, quit smoking, give up beer/candy/favorite cakes (favorite drugs). But Monday comes, and the implementation of the plans is again postponed to the future. And often, “that same Monday” NEVER COMES...

Sometimes the body so actively resists actions or events that potentially pose a threat that a person may even get sick. Surely, some people are familiar with the situation when, before an important meeting, the temperature suddenly rises and the head splits. You can no longer go anywhere, do nothing.

The destructive work of our subconscious. Negative programs

It's all because of negative internal attitudes that block our efforts and erect obstacles on the path to success. Attitudes predispose a person to the same reactions and actions in repeated life situations. And, as the years pass, this “baggage” in the subconscious, which we drag along with us, becomes stronger and is replenished with new negative experiences.

In childhood, errors in education contribute to the formation. When critical comments are made to a child in the form of categorical generalizing judgments, such as “you’re always late,” “you’re good for nothing,” “your work is terrible,” “stupid,” etc., subconscious attitudes are formed that deny any possibility of success. and programming appropriate behavior patterns.

I call them negative programs.

Most often, negative programs in our country concern such pressing topics as health and money (there is also sex, but everything is simpler with it, and therefore I will not write about it).

For example, for people who have learned from childhood a prejudice against wealth, believing that it is synonymous with dishonesty, a negative attitude will subconsciously prevent them from achieving financial success.

A kind of psychological ban on wealth will be triggered.

Remember, rich people even in fairy tales appear as “dishonest deceivers.” And not to mention the “hated bourgeoisie” whom our valiant people defeated in the heyday of communism.

We have perfectly learned what is good and what is bad. Public morality took care of this at a very opportune time, introducing into our heads the idea of ​​what we need to be and what we shouldn’t be.

Can an honest person be rich?

Think about why such manipulation was created.

The same goes for health. We have been very cleverly programmed into what diseases we SHOULD get, and at what age THIS WILL HAPPEN.

You are sitting with the letter “Zu”! Your back is bound to hurt!

That is why, if we want to improve our health and get rich, we must overcome negative internal attitudes.

To prevent harmful attitudes from ruining our lives, we first need to identify and understand them. After all, as you know, in order to defeat the enemy, you must first detect him.

After all, sometimes we don’t even suspect that we are PROGRAMMED FOR FAILURE.

Let's imagine such a common life situation. A beautiful and smart girl is chronically unlucky with men. She considers herself a failure, but does not think about what exactly is preventing her from organizing her personal life. And the point, perhaps, is that it forms confidence in failure in advance, and disappointment does not keep itself waiting.

But, even if the presence of a blocking attitude is conscious, often we DO NOT WANT to admit it to ourselves. Indeed, it is easier to blame evil fate or fatal bad luck for failures than to try to break down psychological barriers to success.

How to identify negative programs in yourself?

The problem is that there can be many internal complexes and obstacles; they are often so closely intertwined that only a good shrink can unravel this tangle of contradictions.

I recommend turning to specialists in such matters: trainers and coaches, or, as a last resort, practicing psychologists (“dismiss the armchair” and “room” psychologists right away, I’ll tell you from personal experience, often such guys cannot restore order in their lives). But they are good at teaching others about life)

However, you can try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, you need to master several simple psychotechnic techniques. I will help you with this.

Ways to identify negative programs

1. Visualization.

Mentally imagine the area of ​​your life in which you are facing the greatest difficulties and work through them. This will allow us to figure out what unconscious fears are preventing us from putting things in order in this area.

Let's look at an example of one of the most common financial problems today.

Sit back comfortably. Take a deep breath. Relax.

Start imagining.

Imagine that you have become the owner of a lot of money.


Now think about what problems wealth will bring you. And write down everything that comes to mind: envy, which you will certainly feel; worsening relationships with friends and girlfriends; possible danger to your loved ones; maybe they will even want to rob you, etc. Then think about whether the unpleasant consequences that your subconscious mind warns you about are really that bad. Try to mentally write a positive scenario of your actions, imagine in detail how you cope with the difficulties that arise.

2. Analysis of the environment.

To identify psychological attitudes, it is useful to look around and try to understand what stereotypes of thinking are characteristic of our environment. Because, most likely, they are inherent in us.

The influence of the environment on a person: family, friends, neighbors is very great. Often people who constantly communicate with each other develop similar internal attitudes, identical programs. Therefore, if you find stereotypical ideas and prejudices among your loved ones and friends, perhaps these same harmful attitudes are interfering with your life.

3. Analysis of authority, media, films, books.

And one more exercise.

We analyze on paper our favorite movie characters, favorite book heroes, a fictional self (who you like to be in your dreams), authorities (those you would like to be like). Such an analysis will answer important questions: with whom we tend to identify ourselves, what type of behavior is a role model.

Most likely, you will find certain psychological attitudes or thought patterns in your favorite “heroes”. And, therefore, you will be ready to identify negative programs and overcome them in your subconscious.


Get your analysis in WRITING. Go through three exercises and write everything down on sheets of paper (if you really started working on yourself, there may be a lot of sheets - and that’s normal).

At the same time, write everything down as it is! Write curse words if necessary. Don't hold back.

Don't be fooled!

Write down all negative attitudes! Because right now, you will receive a technique that will allow you to CHANGE your LIFE.


The listed exercises are aimed at finding internal attitudes. Once they are discovered, we will begin to consciously get rid of them. We will try to break our thinking patterns and overcome negative attitudes using the special “BSFF” technique. We will also work on creating new positive attitudes and behavioral mechanisms that can lead us to success in life.

However, before you begin the actual work, you must learn something else.

On this difficult path, many serious difficulties and obstacles await us.

Firstly, we may experience pressure from our immediate environment. After all, having changed our behavior model, we continue to be in an environment that is characterized by old attitudes. And this must be fought. That's why,


Try to communicate more often with positive, goal-oriented, successful people and like-minded people. Change the environment that negatively affects you.

Secondly, attacks of bad mood and lack of confidence in one’s strength may periodically occur. This is absolutely normal and happens to everyone. Just as in nature there are ebbs and flows, so in human life periods of energetic activity are replaced by periods of decline and calm. However, such psycho-emotional destabilization in your life needs to be minimized.

Therefore, it is important to understand what is happening HERE AND NOW, never give up, don’t give up trying to change your life for the better and constantly develop.

Dissatisfaction with yourself is only a sign of growth if you are ready for change.

When working on yourself, it is very important to strive for positive thinking (not the “positive thinking” of pop psychology, but the correct positioning of yourself in the world). There is no need to think about the bad, prepare for failures in advance. You should not waste your life on fruitless worries and worries. The energy of our thoughts is a powerful force. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the bright sides of life more often, making plans and WISHING FOR YOUR SUCCESS.

The fight against negative internal attitudes is the first, and at the same time a very important step on this path.

Today I want to touch on a very deep topic. Let's talk about a person's inner beliefs, or as they are also called - programs. How they affect our lives and why not all people can free themselves from negative beliefs. Read the article to the end and you will find out what is the main secret of effective transformation of negative programs, which 90% of people are unaware of.

A belief or program is a subconscious construct that controls our life, pushes us to make certain decisions, choose certain people. The function of the program, as a rule, is to protect us from something bad that our subconscious thinks can happen.

The most obvious example of a negative belief or program has to do with money. So, many people in Russia have a negative belief that money is evil. It is this inner conviction of a person that pushes money away from him and prevents him from increasing his income level. But once this program served for the benefit of the family - it protected the ancestors from a very real danger.

Where do negative beliefs come from?

Someone in your family had a lot of money, but at some point suffered from it. For example, he was dispossessed. This was followed not only by deprivation and humiliation, but even by the death of loved ones. The energy field stores all memory, all the events that occurred in the family. And if the event was strong and difficult, it is deeply imprinted in the memory of the entire family.

But new times are coming, no one is killed because he has more money than others. They don’t take away the cow, they don’t burn the hut, they don’t send him to Siberia. But the “Money is evil” program is still stored and active in the human genetic program. And no matter how hard you try to increase capital or earn more money, all attempts are in vain. And all because your program acts on you in such a way that you do not earn more money and, accordingly, do not expose yourself and your loved ones to mortal danger. The Money Is Evil program protects you in this way.

How to free yourself from a negative program?

The very first thing to do is to recognize the existence of the program. And only then - work it out. The easiest and most accessible way to do this is to seek help from theta sessions or learn the basics of theta healing yourself.

But even without mastering the theta healing method, you can right now weaken the influence of negative programs. To do this, simply track the repeated destructive behavior that deprives you of abundance and happiness. Turn on awareness, analyze your life and the lives of relatives you know. Think about how your destinies are similar, what problems unite you, and whether there is anything common in the trends of your lives. This kind of work will already give positive progress!

How the genetic program interferes with a person

Now many people already know about the negative impact of attitudes, and are even trying to work through them. But very often the program appears again. Why is this happening? To answer this question, it is important to know about the genetic memory of the family. Each program is not only imprinted on the memory of the clan, it deprives the clan of the opportunity to know HOW IT IS to live abundantly.

Our mind is very cunning. It is much easier for us to think that someone else is to blame for all our troubles. Chance, luck, parents. Anyone but ourselves. The reason for this behavior is often the fear of taking on this very responsibility. And also, not knowing what it’s like to live in full responsibility for everything that happens to you. After all, then it turns out that the man who cut you off is not such a fool after all. And it turns out that you yourself are to blame for this... But our mind does not want to put up with this.

The problem of NOT knowing how to live in full responsibility for what you do is perfectly solved by loading feelings. With the help of downloads in theta healing, we teach our body new feelings that were unknown until this moment.

Just imagine, several generations live with the “Money is evil” program. From generation to generation, this program is passed on in the form of a genetic program - people do not know how to earn big money, are not able to attract financial success, their vibrations are not tuned to the flow of accepting opportunities and abundance.

And so one of these representatives decided to end or cancel the “Money is Evil” program. But simply canceling is not enough! It is also important to teach cells that have no idea how to live according to new, new feelings. A feeling of acceptance, abundance and joy from the opportunity to have a lot of money. If you don’t help the cells rebuild in a new way, then there will be no effect. The program may come back again.

That is why very often the development of programs by psychologists does not produce a tangible effect. You have understood what is slowing down the flow of money into your life, but you have not taught your cells how to live richly, happily and abundantly. This is why thetahealing gives such quick results. Because we not only remove negative programs, but also teach cells new programs - abundance, joy and happiness.

And after you have trained the cells with new feelings, it is important to maintain a high level of energy in order to constantly be in the Flow of luck and abundance. And to help you transition to this Flow, I’m holding an amazing event especially for women! Follow the link below and find out how to let Abundance into your life and attract what you want easily, playfully and femininely ↓

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