Buy anthuriums by mail. Flamingo flower, caring for anthurium How to propagate anthurium at home

This expensive and capricious plant is liked by everyone without exception, but you have to try hard to make it constantly make you happy. Anthurium care at home not complicated - it is important to know everything from room humidity to temperature, but there are other factors that contribute to rapid flowering. Under the right conditions, you will achieve mutual understanding with him and get annual and long-lasting flowering. The plant's homeland is considered to be South America, the plant genus Araceae, there are about 900 species; in indoor conditions, Scherzer's anthurium, crystal and Anthurium Andre. The variety of colors and shapes of the leaves is amazing, from white to red and pink flowers, and they also captivate with their beauty in 2-color and even 3-color, with the most unexpected options.

Secrets of growing

Increased air humidity

The plant becomes especially sensitive when the heating is turned on; you need to either move it further away from radiators and heating devices or spray the plant in the morning and evening.

Anthurium flower loves to bathe in a hot shower, but this should be done after the main watering, when the roots are saturated with water, and only then water them and the leaves with a shower.


Anthuriums are epiphytic plants, so we select the mixture for growing with this in mind. Pine bark of a coarse fraction of 3-5 cm, fibrous peat, coal are perfect, and it’s great to add a little sphagnum moss, or you can simply put it on top of the roots for moisture, and don’t forget to lay drainage or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot so that excess water flowed into the pan.


Watering the Andre flower is necessary no more than once every 10 days; the same watering should be done for phalaenopsis orchids because they are epiphytic plants. You can navigate when watering by the leaves; if they droop, then the plant is ready for watering. You need to water the plant thoroughly, you can leave it in water for a few minutes, especially if it is large, the roots should all turn green, this is a sign that you have given the plant a good drink of water. This is the basic care of the plant.

The most common mistake made by beginning anthurium lovers is overwatering, which leads first to rotting of the roots and then to the death of the plant.


Basic care also includes feeding the plants; they should be fed no more than once a month. If you bought the plants in bloom, then forget about fertilizers for a while and let the plant adapt. And only as the leaf mass begins to grow at home, you can start using fertilizers a little.


Once every three years in the spring, it is advisable to refresh the flower substrate and replant it in larger pots, because your plant has probably grown.


For rejuvenation Anthurium Adre I do this - I wrap the stem with moss, and wrap it with a bag on top. Be sure to moisten the moss every day, and after a while you will have small roots, at which point the cutting can be cut and planted in a container and in a greenhouse for better survival.


It is better to shade athuriums from direct sunlight; western or northern windows are best suited for growth. The room temperature should be about +18 degrees. If there is a lack of lighting at home, the leaves of the Andre flower will lighten and fade, this will be your signal to move the plant to another location.

There are few city apartments where there would not be a pot with a plant on the balcony, on the windowsill or even on the desktop. At least there will still be a cactus! What can we say about the holidays, when the simplest, but at the same time the most unusual gift is flowers. However, the same cacti, roses, and tulips have already become classics and many have become tired of them. For such a case, there is an absolutely amazing flower, unlike any other and beautiful in its own way - anthurium. It is also called flower - flamingo.

The anthurium itself comes from South America (like the birds by whose name it is sometimes called). Green, burgundy, purple, yellow, pink, red, snow-white - anthuriums, despite the greatest popularity of red flowers, have a color to suit every taste. Modern breeders have even bred two-colored ones, with all sorts of inclusions and even with a mysterious black border of leaves. The scent can also be easily selected to suit every taste. The bouquet of aromas of this flower is incredibly diverse: from spicy to almost unpleasant and even nauseating, from cloyingly sweet that strikes the nose to barely perceptible.

Despite its incredible beauty, like Princess Nesmeyana, anthurium is quite capricious and not everyone will be able to keep it at home or, especially, in an office environment. It is also not recommended for owners of curious cats, dogs, rodents or any other animals who want to try a new flower to acquire such a plant - anthurium is extremely toxic. A person should also be careful with the juice of this unusual plant, otherwise a burn to the mucous membrane cannot be avoided.

With proper care, a flower can not leave the plant for two months, or even stay on it for a whole year with short breaks of about a week. The best way to prolong the flowering period is to fertilize with a mineral solution or organic fertilizer.

The main whim of anthurium is its strong need for warmth; it cannot tolerate either cool air or drafts during ventilation. A pleasant temperature for him is about 20-25 degrees.

However, in search of warmth, you should not place a flamingo flower on a sunlit window sill, as this can end extremely badly for it. He needs dim, diffused light. Moreover, the leaves of the mysterious plant turn after the heavenly body. It takes a lot of effort to adjust daylight hours in winter to the needs of the anthurium, which are strictly individual for each type of flower.

But in any case, wiping the leaves from dust and regular watering will be received with great gratitude by the plant.

It is necessary to carefully protect the plant from aphids, scale insects, thrips and scale insects. All kinds of fungal diseases are also dangerous, most often manifesting themselves in the form of expressive spots on the leaves. If the leaves become diseased, dry out at the edges, and if the infection is severe, the plant dies altogether - anthracnose is evident.

It is interesting that this flower ages very noticeably, completely losing all its exotic appearance.

In this case, the “rejuvenating apple” can be an increased (not to be confused with excessive) dose of fertilizer, but this is not always enough.

If your determination to acquire an exotic beauty is unshakable, then just go to the flower shop, be patient in advance and feel free to buy a “pet”!

And for those who really want to have this plant in their home at least for a short time, there is good news - anthurium is often included in beautiful bouquets, making them more elegant and interesting.

When purchasing such a bouquet, you can be sure that the anthurium in it will remain alive for two, or even three whole weeks, retaining all its brightness and beauty.

Flamingo flower (Anthurium)

Anthurium(lat. Anthurium) is a genus of evergreen plants of the Araceae family (Araceae). Homeland: tropics and subtropics of America, islands of the Caribbean archipelago.

The name is translated from Greek as Flower Tail - “anthos” - flower and “oura” - tail. Anthuriums are quite unpretentious in care and quickly recover from stress. The height of indoor varieties of anthurium reaches 60-90 cm.

Plant names: Anthurium, Flamingo flower.

Popular varieties:

  • Anthurium Andre(Anthurium andreanum) - the most popular variety, height up to 0.8 m. The stems are shortened, the color of the bract (spread or modified leaf) is pink, white, red. The flowers (tail emerging from the bract) are shaped like a white or cream-colored spadix. Flowering lasts for about a month; when flowering fades, the bract turns green.

You can buy Andre anthuriums in our store

  • Anthurium Scherzer(Anthurium scherzerianum) - Flamingo flower, the second most popular indoor variety. The name comes from the shape of the cob, similar to the neck of a flamingo. The height of the plant is up to 30 cm, the color of the bract is red, yellow, pink, sometimes white.
  • Anthurium crystal(Anthurium crystallinum) is a variety grown for its beautiful decorative velvety leaves. Short, thick trunk.
  • Anthurium climbing(Anturium scandens Engl). A green-leaved variety, a climbing epiphyte, intended for growing on a support. Shade-tolerant, can be placed near northern windows.

Purchasing and choosing a plant. Choose a plant with hard and glossy leaves. It is advisable that several buds be unopened.

Anthurium- Care

Lighting. Blooming anthurium requires dim, diffused light. It is optimal to place the plant near east and west windows. Anthurium does not tolerate direct sunlight well - spots and dots appear on the leaves. Anthurium tolerates partial shade (canopy varieties), however, with a lack of lighting, the leaves become smaller and turn yellow, and flowering may also stop.

Temperature. Anthurium is a heat-loving plant. Does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes. In summer, the optimal temperature is 20-26°C, in winter – not lower than 15°C. When the temperature drops below 12°C, the anthurium begins to hurt.

Air humidity. Anthurium needs high air humidity, especially varieties with beautiful leaves (Anthurium crystal). To increase humidity, the aerial roots of anthurium are wrapped in sphagnum moss and both the moss and the plant are periodically sprayed. It is recommended to spray 2 times a day. Do not spray on flowers to avoid staining them.

Watering. In the spring and summer, the anthurium is watered abundantly, and the water is drained from the pan. The top layer of soil should dry out slightly between waterings, but under no circumstances should it become dry. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced, approximately once a week. The water must be soft, without lime, preferably from a filter.

Feeding. From spring to autumn, anthurium is fed with a half dose of fertilizers for aroids once every 2-3 weeks. You can also use fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants.

In the autumn-winter period, you can feed flowering plants once a month.

Transfer. Since anthurium has a superficial root system, the pot should be wide and shallow. When replanting for the first time (plants from the store), carefully remove the substrate from the roots; they are quite fragile. Be sure to place drainage on the bottom of the pot. The substrate for replanting should be breathable and loose: 3 3 parts of a substrate based on high-moor peat and 1 part of sphagnum moss with the addition of pieces of bark. A substrate made from a mixture of leafy, coniferous soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5 is also suitable. The aerial roots of anthurium are covered with sphagnum moss.

Young plants are replanted annually, adults - once every 3-4 years.

Trimming and shaping. There is no need for pruning.

Bloom. Anthurium Andre blooms almost all year round. Other varieties - from spring to autumn. It is advisable to remove faded flowers so as not to weaken the plant.

Reproduction. Anthurium is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush (rhizome), lateral shoots, and apical cuttings.

Since the roots of anthurium are very fragile, the bush is divided only as a last resort. Divided plants should be kept warm and misted frequently. It is advisable to add Epin.

Lateral shoots near the roots are separated from the mother plant and planted in small pots with light, porous soil. This operation is best done in the spring.

Also propagated in spring by apical cuttings, removing 1-2 lower leaves and deepening the cutting to the first leaf. The soil should be porous and light. It is better to cover the cuttings with transparent material and place them in a warm place. After 2-3 weeks, plant in pots.

Attention: The stems and leaves of anthuriums are poisonous; use gloves when working. Make sure that children do not chew anthurium leaves and stems.

Diseases and pests. When flooded, the plant is damaged by root rot. At low air humidity it is damaged by scale insects and spider mites.

Anthurium in winter. In winter, the main thing is to maintain the temperature regime (not lower than 12°C) and protect the anthurium from drafts.

NOTE: Anthurium stems and leaves are poisonous. Don't let your cat chew the plant!



How to properly care for anthurium. Transplanting, growing anthurium.

Anthurium or flamingo flower: grown indoors

Anthuriums look very impressive and original, so phytodesigners often use them to decorate the interiors of apartments and offices. This exotic plant can be grown independently.

The homeland of the anthurium, or flamingo flower, as it is also called, is Central and South America. Anthurium leaves come in various shapes: heart-shaped, spatulate, round, and there are species with dissected leaves. The surface of the leaves can be matte or glossy. In tropical rainforest conditions, anthurium leaves have the unique ability to turn their leaves to follow the sun.

But the main advantage of this plant is the flowers of various shades, from dense lacquered rich red to snow-white, there are also purple, burgundy, and even green. In indoor cultivation, varieties with multi-colored and even black bracts have been bred. A brightly colored spathe covers the inflorescence spadix, which can be club-shaped, cone-shaped, spiral-shaped or spherical in shape and of different colors. The flowers themselves are densely located on the cob and look like diamonds and squares.

Flowers of different species smell differently, from a barely noticeable aroma to a very strong aroma, pleasant or foul.
Anthurium can bloom all year round (with sufficient lighting) and the flowers stay on the plant for a long time, up to a month and a half. When flowers are pollinated, you can get ripe fruits - yellow or orange berries with two seeds.
Over time, anthuriums age, lose their decorative properties, the leaves become smaller, and the plant develops a dry trunk with remnants of leaf petioles.

Anthurium flowers are great for cutting and can stand in water for 3-4 weeks or more, which makes them, together with their decorative properties, simply irreplaceable when making flower arrangements.
Anthurium Andre and Anthurium Scherzer are most often grown as indoor plants.

Care: Anthurium is a rather capricious flower; it is difficult to grow at home; many types of anthurium are intended only for heated greenhouses. Be careful when working with anthurium: it contains substances that irritate the mucous membrane.

Lighting: Bright diffused light or partial shade, anthuriums do not tolerate direct sunlight. In winter it needs to be illuminated for flowering. At the same time, the plants are quite shade-tolerant; they can grow in a northern window, but they will not bloom.

Temperature: Anthurium is a tropical plant, the optimal temperature for it is 20-25°C; in winter it can be kept in a room with a temperature of 16-18°C. Drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations are detrimental to anthurium.

Watering: Water regularly with lukewarm water, every 3-4 days in warm weather, in winter you can water once a week. Anthuriums are very demanding when it comes to proper watering. They cannot tolerate either drying out of the earthen clod or stagnation of water in the pot. Some time after watering, excess water from the pan should be drained. Do not water anthuriums with lime and cold water. Anthuriums need an acidic substrate, so if the water contains lime, their leaves turn yellow.

Air humidity: Anthurium comes from tropical rainforests and prefers high air humidity. It is advisable to spray the leaves regularly, but do not spray on the inflorescences - they become stained and fall off faster. Closer to the stems of the plants, it is recommended to place wet sphagnum moss on top of the pot. This provides moisture to the aerial roots and stimulates their growth.

Feeding: During the period of growth and flowering, feed 2 times a month with a mineral solution or organic fertilizer.

Transfer: Young plants are replanted every year in the spring. Adults are replanted every 2 years. The dish should be shallow and wide, and good drainage is necessary.

Do you want to have magic at home? Then Anthurium, the flower of family happiness and love, comes to you. Anthurium is a male plant, male happiness, as the people called him. In addition to its official name Anthurium, it is also called Flamingo Flower. Look at the photo of the flamingo. This exquisite bird looks like a flower petal (spread). The color of the blanket depends on the type of plant.

Really looks like a flamingo, doesn't it?

There are a lot of varieties of Anthurium (there are up to 1000 of them). To make caring for Anthurium at home simple, it is better to focus on the following types:

One of the most beautiful flowers. The leaves are heart-shaped, velvety, dark green or purple with light veins that shimmer with a crystal shine in the light. The cob is purple with a purple veil. He came to us from Panama.

Its dark green matte leaves have an oblong shape and small black spots. A yellow, orange or red cob wraps a blanket of the corresponding shade. He is originally from Costa Rica.

Baker's Anthurium. It has dense leaves with reddish-brown dots. The blanket has a leathery appearance, its color is pale green-yellow with a beautiful purple lining. The cob is creamy. His homeland is Guatemala.

It has this name because of the unusual shape of the dissected leaves with a wavy edge. A cream-colored bedspread with a green-beige cob. This flower was born in the north of Peru.

This plant has heart-shaped, shiny green leaves. The bedspread is distinguished by its lumpy white or red hue with a cream or red cob. This indoor Anthurium comes from Ecuador.

Anthurium blooms all year round, its flowers can retain their original appearance for 2 months, and cut flowers can smell fragrant in water for up to 4 weeks. The unique aroma of Anthurium can change throughout the day, and apparently depends on the mood of the flower. If you take proper care of him, his “mood” will be excellent all year round.

The soil

Freshly purchased Anthurium is needed immediately transplant into prepared soil. And this is not ordinary land, but special substrate. To grow it properly, use the following recipes:

  • Peat, chopped moss and turf soil (proportion 2:2:1)
  • Deciduous soil (humus), chopped marsh moss and turf (proportion 2:1:1)
  • Pumice pieces 1-3cm, pieces of pine bark 2-5cm in size, peat and horse manure (proportion 2:2:1:1)
  • Large expanded clay, peat and pine bark in 2-3cm pieces (proportion 1:1:1)

Substrate for plant transplantation.

You can add bone meal, moss, charcoal, and wood chips to the prepared substrates. But don’t rush to put everything in pots.

For capricious Anthurium, plastic pots that are shallow and wide are needed.

Successful flower growing is only possible with good drainage, as it absorbs excess water and does not allow the roots to rot. It can be a mixture of sand, charcoal and conifer bark. Place it on the bottom of the pot and fill it with substrate.


From March to September, fertilize once in two weeks. There is no need to fertilize in winter. To do this, use a mixture of humus and cow dung. Or buy fertilizers (but reduce the dose by half according to the instructions). You can also water the flower with an infusion of chicken manure once a week.

“I feed it with iron (Ferrovit) and Kemira Lux,” our reader writes her reviews, “there are no pests at all, only scale insects, which I got rid of with Aktara. My beauties delight me with their blooms all year round!”


You can successfully grow a flower at 20-28°C in summer and in winter at 18-20°C. Protect the plant from drafts and hot radiators.

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By the way: If you offer Anthurium a dormant period from September to January (keep it at 15-16°C and limit watering), then it will bloom more actively. In January, gradually increase the temperature to 20-25°C, and then the plant will bloom earlier.

When the temperature drops for a long time, it does not bloom at all.


Needs watering moderate and regular. Make sure that the soil does not dry out completely; you need to water when the top of the soil has time to dry out.

  • In summer, water the flower every 3-4 days
  • In winter once a week

Need water boil and stand. Indoor Anthurium loves water, so wipe its leaves with a damp sponge. But don't touch the branches! If water gets in, they may become stained. After watering, remove excess water from the tray.

This is what the seeds of this flower look like.


The plant loves penumbra, so try to keep it out of direct sunlight. The best place for a flower is windows located in the east and northwest. It will also survive on a north window, but will not bloom. If there is not enough light for it, Anthurium does not bloom, and its leaves become deformed.

Lovers of coniferous plants have long appreciated their excellent qualities - they easily tolerate cutting, are not too whimsical, and have many decorative varieties that are pleasing to the eye even in the harshest winters.

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Anthurium transplantation occurs from February to August. Just be careful - the leaves and roots are fragile. Young Anthurium needs to be replanted annually as soon as the pot becomes too small for it. And older plants every 3-4 years. Always renew the soil and compact it during this procedure.


Why can't you replant anthurium into a pot that is too large? How to spray a plant correctly?


Anthurium propagation occurs in three ways:

Friendly shoots emerged from the sown seeds.

  1. Division. In late spring, carefully separate several side shoots from the mother stem and transplant them into a separate pot.
  2. Cuttings. You need to cut off part of the stem with roots, cut the lower part into 5-10cm pieces and plant it in a small bowl under glass. After 2-3 weeks, fresh roots will appear. We transplant them into the ground.
  3. A flower reproduces by pollination (apply pollen from one flower to another with a soft brush). This needs to be done for several days. In a year there will be berries with seeds. Remove the seeds and immerse them in a weak manganese solution for 2 hours. To grow them, place the seeds in a bowl on top of a damp foam sponge and cover with glass. After two weeks they can be transferred to a container with substrate. Sprouted seeds still need to be replanted 2-3 times. When the sprouts reach 7 cm, plant them in pots. The first flowering will occur after 4 years.

“Together with my daughter, we propagated Anthurium artificially. We used a soft brush and chose larger flowers, our reader writes to us, and soon we were picking beautiful burgundy berries. I immediately warned my daughter to be careful, because Anthurium juice is poisonous and can cause allergies, so she worked with gloves. After washing, we put the seeds in moss and a plastic bag. Our seeds sprouted after 3 months and we transplanted them into a pot. Now we already have three Anthuriums!”

Possible problems

Anthracnose is on the leaf, it's time to apply fungicides.

If you notice:

  • Yellow spots on wrinkled leaves. The aphids did their best here. Apply tobacco infusion to the affected areas
  • Sticky discharge on the leaves, this is a matter of scale insects. Treat the leaves with karbofos. Karbofos also helps to destroy mealybugs (they are clearly visible on all parts of the plant)
  • The leaf turns yellow and curls- too dry air, draft or direct sunlight
  • The leaves are drying at the edges is a result of the disease Anthracnose. Systemic treatment with a fungicide is necessary here.

“I was very upset when I saw dried leaves on one of the flowers! I have two Anthuriums and the second one was fine. I didn’t understand what was going on when my grandfather came to the rescue. He began to put the used tea bags into the pot. And what do you think? About a month later my Anthurium came to life!” - our reader writes to us.

We carefully store all reviews; by the way, much of this article was written based on letters in which our readers tell us about caring for this delicate, exotic plant!

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