A gentle diet for weight loss. A gentle diet: how to get rid of fat and not lose health. List of products: allowed and prohibited

How to lose weight without harming your body is perhaps the most popular query in search engines today. Intrusive advertising tempts people with offers to lose 10-20 kg in a few days without any effort. To do this, you just need to include the recommended product in your diet, drink a magic pill or taste the divine nectar by eating ambrosia. All these wonders, of course, can be purchased right now on the advertiser’s website.

It is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of users turn to proven methods. But how can you choose from a wide range of different diets the one that does not require colossal material costs, will help you get rid of several kilograms, and maintain and increase your own health?

A gentle diet that fully lives up to its name will help you lose excess weight and acquire healthy eating habits. The domestic method attracts those losing weight with its simplicity and effectiveness, allowing you to maintain the acquired shape for a long time without exhausting the body with grueling starvation.

What is the essence of a gentle diet?

The nutrition system, known today as the “ShchD Diet,” was developed by Soviet doctors, in particular by the famous gastroenterologist Dr. Pevzner. The first domestic nutritionist became a victim of repression in the middle of the last century, and his clinic was disbanded. However, the fruits of the work of the author of the technique were not lost and, after the debunking of the cult of personality, they went beyond the hospital walls.

Therapeutic nutrition according to Pevzner exists today in several versions, each of which is given the name “table” and a serial number for ease of classification. Depending on the presence of certain diseases and the characteristics of the patient’s body, his optimal diet is compiled.

All types of gentle diets have simple requirements in common:

  • refusal of processed foods and fast food;
  • eating easy-to-digest foods that are crushed, boiled or steamed as much as possible;
  • avoiding excessively hot and excessively cold foods;
  • reducing the consumption of salt, spices and flavorings;
  • complete exclusion of products that excite the central nervous system (alcohol, energetic drinks, strong);
  • ban on flour and confectionery products;
  • fractional meals 5-7 times a day.

In order for food to truly become medicine, it is necessary to understand that fasting does not solve health problems and overweight. The essence of a gentle diet is to create an individual menu with minimal stress on the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole.

Therapeutic gentle diet

Dr. Pevzner’s technique is used by medical and health institutions during the postoperative period, to treat acute diseases and alleviate chronic ones.

The general requirements for all types of gentle diets are the same, however, the daily menu of patients can differ significantly depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease and its type (acute or chronic). The duration of the diet and the energy value of the diet also varies and is approved by the attending physician based on the available indications.

Indications Nutritional Features Calorie content of the daily menu
Stomach ulcer or exacerbation of peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis with high acidity Moderate portions, excluding foods that increase gastric secretion; reducing the load on the intestines and the likelihood of mechanical damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract; food that is as finely chopped as possible and has undergone heat treatment 2300-2600 kcal
Chronic gastritis with low acidity or colitis, postoperative period and recovery from infectious diseases Fractional meals excluding sauces, spices and other irritants; food that increases secretion and restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract; products are crushed and boiled, baked or steamed 2400-2800 kcal
Partial intestinal obstruction, constipation Consumption of foods that are rich and enhance gastrointestinal motility; exclusion of foods that can cause bloating, gas formation, fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines 2500-2900 kcal
Chronic colitis, acute gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea Provides a low-calorie diet with reduced consumption and; a strict ban on and spices; temporary avoidance of all irritants, including hot, cold, solid and spicy foods 2000 kcal
Diseases of the liver and gall bladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis) Exclusion of products containing purines, essential oils and extractives; ban on cold and fried foods; The diet is based on sources of fiber and lipotropic substances 2500-2900 kcal
Urolithiasis, gout Restrictions on the consumption of foods containing purine, meat and fish; food is boiled or steamed without the use of salt; it is recommended to drink more fluids 2400-2700 kcal
Renal and metabolic disorders, prevention of nephritis and edema Fractional meals with restrictions on the consumption of protein foods and salt; the amount of liquid is minimal 2500 kcal
Obesity, metabolic disorders Low-calorie menu, which includes reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, salt and; adding fiber-rich foods 1800-2000 kcal
Diabetes mellitus type 2 Strict adherence to diet, exclusion of sugar-containing products; moderate or reduced consumption of animal fats and carbohydrates 2400-2600 kcal

A diet that is gentle on the stomach provides for split meals in small portions 4-6 times a day and does not allow foods that can cause chemical or mechanical damage to the gastrointestinal tract. The food consumed should be neutral in taste, at room temperature, crushed and thoroughly cooked.

Gentle diet for weight loss

The need to follow a diet in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract is obvious and beyond doubt. Healthy people who are overweight are concerned about whether it is possible to lose weight with a gentle diet and what type of diet should be preferred.

Based on the healing methods “Table 1” and “Table 8”, a gentle diet for weight loss was compiled for people with gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders. The optimal duration of the diet is 7-10 days, after which you can find on the scales 3-6 kg less than the original.

The daily diet of an adult weighing 70-80 kg as part of a gentle diet should be varied and may consist of the following products:

  • non-carbonated drinking or mineral – 1.5-2 l;
  • cereal porridge on water (,) – 150-200 g;
  • or bread crumbs of all types, except products made from white flour - 50-100 g;
  • lean meat and seafood – 100-200 g;
  • low fat or – 0.2 l;
  • egg – 1 pc. 2 times per week;
  • vegetables (fresh, boiled, steamed) – 300-500 g;
  • unsweetened fruits – 1-2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil – no more than 2 tsp.

The average daily allowance for such a menu is 2000-2500 kcal. If a person’s weight is below the above indicators, it is recommended to exclude baked goods or cereals. If you weigh more than 80 kg, you should add fiber-rich cereals. Weight loss occurs by giving up harmful products and reducing portions of food consumed.

This technique does not cause harm to the body, so there are gentle diets designed for a month (diet with celery, etc.). According to reviews, depending on the chosen program, you can lose up to 12 kg over a period, with virtually no restrictions.

You can repeat a one-week gentle diet no more than once every 1-2 months; a repeat diet course for 30 days can be completed only after six months.

How to create a gentle menu for the week

Healthy people who do not have any special indications for following a specific program should first of all pay attention to a balanced diet. The body must receive required quantity And . Otherwise, any restrictions will lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of an eating disorder and weight gain.

An example of a one-day menu for a gentle diet for a week:

  • breakfast - soft-boiled egg, porridge with milk without sugar, weak tea or drink from;
  • lunch – baked savory, a glass of juice;
  • lunch - soup with broth made from vegetables or lean meat, whole grain bread, freshly squeezed juice with pulp;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of low-fat kefir with unsweetened fruit or 100 g;
  • dinner - steamed fish with a side dish of vegetables, tea with milk.

Fasting during a bland diet is strictly contraindicated, but you need to eat small portions every 4-5 hours to avoid feelings of acute hunger. The first meal should take place within an hour of waking up in order to “start” the metabolism. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a glass of milk or juice diluted with water.

Recipes for a gentle diet

If you have kitchen utensils that allow you to grind food until smooth, it is not difficult to follow a diet that is gentle on your stomach. However, even without the necessary equipment, you can prepare delicious and varied delicate dishes from available ingredients.

A recipe for creamy rice soup for several servings will require 100 g of round rice, 2 eggs, 2 glasses of milk and 20 g. Cooking technology:

  • Boil the rice until sticky and strain it;
  • add 6 tablespoons of boiled rice to the rice broth obtained after straining and further simmer over low heat;
  • add milk and egg, cook for another 2-3 minutes;
  • Remove from heat, garnish with herbs.

During the summer period of abundance of fruits and vegetables, lovers of tasty and healthy snacks will like natural smoothies, which are also easy to make yourself and take with you. Combinations of fruits and dairy products There are many, but there are also purely dietary vegetable options for those losing weight.

The effectiveness of a gentle diet

Before moving on to assessing the effectiveness of the technique, it is necessary to draw the attention of those losing weight that, like any dietary program, a gentle diet requires a smooth exit. In cases where constant dieting is recommended, proper nutrition should become part of everyday life.

The advantages of a gentle diet include the absence of strict restrictions and contraindications, a gradual weight loss of up to 7 kg in 10 days and up to 12 kg in a month, individual selection of the optimal diet, balanced nutrition without overloading the gastrointestinal tract, the possibility of use during drug treatment, accelerated recovery after illnesses and relief of chronic exacerbations.

A gentle diet is not stressful for the body, so moderate physical activity and health procedures will also be beneficial. It should be noted that such a diet requires time from a week to a month, so you need to have a lot of patience so that your efforts are not in vain.

Any restrictions are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Young and elderly people can lose weight only after consulting a nutritionist if there are indications for following a diet.


  1. Zavistovskaya. Dietary nutrition for various diseases. 2003 M.S. Marshak. Diet food. M.: Medicine. 1967

Most of the diets that are offered to us on the Internet have strict restrictions that not many can adhere to. After all, when following them, as a rule, you feel a constant feeling of hunger, against the background of which depression and “malfunctions” in the functioning of the nervous system often occur.

There is no doubt that such diets give amazing results for short time, the weight comes off quickly, but it comes back as quickly as it goes away. And besides, such diets cause a strong blow to health. Due to constant food restriction, a deficiency occurs in the body useful vitamins and minerals, as a result of which internal organs and systems begin to “do their job” poorly, which leads to the development of many diseases.

A completely different matter is gentle diets, which are aimed at gradual weight loss, which means that the body will receive all the necessary micro and macroelements, which naturally will not affect the state of health, but on the contrary, will improve it. After all, a gentle diet is a rich diet that allows you to lose extra pounds that accumulate over many years.

There are a lot of options for gentle diets. Now we will look at several of them in detail. And you can choose for yourself exactly the diet that you like. So, let's begin.

This diet option is designed for, but if you have a lot excess weight, you can stick to it for much longer, because there are no strict restrictions in it that would harm your body. Even though the diet is gentle, it gives excellent results. In 10 days you can easily get rid of 4 - 5 kg, if, of course, you follow all the rules that we will tell you about now.

The first, most important rule is to completely give up flour and sweets, including sugar and honey. You can only drink green tea, naturally, not sweet.

You should have breakfast and lunch the same as before, but you need to avoid bread. If you cannot eat without bread, then you can eat a small piece of rye or black bread, but no more.

Every day you should have an afternoon snack, at about 16:00, it cannot be excluded. For an afternoon snack, you can eat some yogurt with no more than 4% fat, low-fat cottage cheese, or drink tea or freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice.

You will have to give up your usual dinner. It will have to be replaced with fruits or vegetables. And most importantly, starting from 17:00 you need to drink 3 - 4 glasses of water mixed with natural apple juice in a 1:1 ratio.

If for some reason this diet is not suitable for you, then you can use the following option of a gentle diet for weight loss, which is also designed for 10 days. However, this option requires strict adherence to the following regime:

  • 8:00 - first breakfast;
  • 11:00 - second breakfast;
  • 14:00 - lunch;
  • 16:00 - afternoon snack;
  • 19:00 - dinner.

For the first breakfast, you are allowed to eat muesli with low-fat milk, drink tea or weak coffee. For second breakfast, you need to eat some fruit, preferably a citrus fruit - an orange, a tangerine, or? grapefruit.

Your lunch should be complete. That is, you should eat a portion of soup, but it should be vegetable and without potatoes (potatoes contain a lot of starch, so they should be completely excluded from the diet), a small piece of boiled fish or chicken. If you do not want to eat fish or meat, you can replace them with one boiled chicken egg.

Your afternoon snack should consist of unsweetened green tea and 100 g of dried fruits, any kind. But for dinner, only a vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice, and a cup of green tea or a glass of kefir are allowed.

If you feel hungry before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir with 1% fat content and eat a small green apple.

A gentle weight loss diet for 30 days will allow you to lose up to 9 kg. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the menu. It cannot be changed.

We offer you 2 menus for the first week. They should be alternated, that is, the first day, you stick to the first menu, the second day - the second, the third - the first, etc.

Gentle diet menu No. 1

  • 1st breakfast: one glass of milk, you can warm it slightly and add 1 teaspoon of honey to it, and you can also eat a bun, but not a fresh one, but a stale one;
  • 2nd breakfast: one cup of unsweetened green tea and one small sandwich of black bread, spread with a thin layer butter, on top of which you need to put fresh celery leaves;
  • Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup, 200 g lean meat, except pork and lamb, vegetable salad of celery and cauliflower;
  • Afternoon snack: cracker and 2 medium-sized tomatoes;
  • Dinner: one small sandwich of black bread, greased with a thin layer of butter, topped with fresh celery and parsley leaves, as well as one glass of kefir with 1% fat content.

Gentle diet menu No. 2

  • 1st breakfast: one cup of unsweetened green tea and one piece of black bread, you can also eat parsley;
  • 2nd breakfast: vegetable salad of celery and beets, as well as 1 glass of 1% kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled fish, 2 boiled potatoes, sprinkled with parsley and celery, lettuce, meat broth;
  • Afternoon snack: you can eat 1 cookie and drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice;
  • Dinner: 1 glass of milk, a piece of black bread, greased with a thin layer of butter or honey.

For the second week there are also 2 menus, which also need to be alternated.

Menu No. 1

  • 1st breakfast: 1 glass of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice and 1 cracker;
  • 2nd breakfast: 1 glass of kefir and 1 slice of black bread, greased with a thin layer of butter;
  • Lunch: a serving of vegetable soup, 1 small cutlet made from lean meat, and 1 cup of unsweetened green tea;
  • Dinner: 1 glass of milk and 1 slice of stale black bread.

Menu No. 2

  • 1st breakfast: one cup of unsweetened black tea with milk and one slice of black bread, greased with a thin layer of butter;
  • 2nd breakfast: 100 g of boiled lean meat with 2 slices of black bread, as well as 1 cup of green unsweetened tea;
  • Lunch: a portion of dietary borscht, celery and broccoli salad, some boiled fish
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of milk and 1 cracker;
  • Dinner: one cup of unsweetened tea and 2 small pieces of cheese.

Menu No. 1

  • 1st breakfast: one cup of weak coffee and one slice of black bread, spread with jam or chalk;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 - 3 radishes, a soft-boiled chicken egg, a slice of black bread and 1 glass of 1% kefir;
  • Lunch: salad with celery, medium-sized cutlet made from lean meat, a serving of mushroom soup and one cup of unsweetened green tea;
  • Afternoon snack: any fruit, but not more than 200 g, and one cracker;
  • Dinner: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 stale bun, 1 glass of low-fat milk or kefir.

Menu No. 2

  • 1st breakfast: one glass of warm milk with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 cracker;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 medium-sized tomatoes, 2 sandwiches with low-fat sausage, one cup of green tea;
  • Lunch: stewed vegetables no more than 100 g, baked apples no more than 100 g, meat broth one medium portion;
  • Afternoon snack: any fruit, but not more than 200 g;
  • Dinner: two slices of black bread with boiled fish, one glass of 1% kefir, one medium green apple.

And finally, the menu for the fourth week of a gentle diet.

Menu No. 1

  • 1st breakfast: one cup of unsweetened green tea and one cracker, greased with a thin layer of honey;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with butter and celery leaves, 2 slices of cheese;
  • Lunch: medium portion of meat broth, boiled fish, no more than 150 g, jelly or kefir;
  • Afternoon snack: biscuit and one glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad of celery, boiled liver, no more than 150 g, one glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu No. 2

  • 1st breakfast: one glass of milk and one slice of black bread with butter;
  • 2nd breakfast: one soft-boiled chicken egg, one medium-sized apple, one slice of black bread with butter and celery leaves, unsweetened green tea;
  • Lunch: 100 g of beans in tomato, medium portion of meat broth, 1 apple, 1 glass of 1% kefir;
  • Afternoon snack: jelly and crackers;
  • Dinner: 2 sandwiches of black bread and pate, celery and beet salad.

With the help of these diets, you can lose excess weight without starving at all. But don’t forget that in order for diets to really have an effect, you need to exercise. Physical exercise by itself will not make extra pounds go away; it promotes weight loss, which is responsible for weight loss, and will also allow you to tone your body.

You can also familiarize yourself with the rice gentle diet from the following video:

And also, we have selected especially for you:

Video that explains how to properly exercise while losing weight

The word “diet” is familiar to many women and is associated with unpleasant restrictions and a spoiled mood. Having chosen a strict diet on their own, forcing them to eat only kefir, they bravely survive for several days and lose several kilograms, and then break down and regain their usual weight, and sometimes even more. The solution to the problem is practically on the surface: it is enough to choose gentle weight loss instead of constant restrictions in order to get rid of excess weight forever.

What is a “soft diet”?

A gentle diet does not involve giving up half of the diet, but revising the entire nutrition system. The abundance of dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers has led to the body becoming addicted to high-calorie sweets, fast carbohydrates and fast food. It’s tasty, fast and brings a lot of “empty” energy, which is not wasted, but is deposited on the sides and hips.

Many popular diets offer quick and impressive results: from 5-7 kilograms per week of serious diet reduction. Indeed, by eating only cucumbers and salad for a week, you can get rid of this weight, but few know that excess water and very little muscle will go away. The fat will remain in its place, and after completion it will also increase.

Gentle weight loss is based on the principle “the slower you go, the faster you go.” The weight will decrease smoothly, even imperceptibly at first glance, but it will not return, and the developed habit will not allow you to break down and return to the beginning. Even at home, without playing sports, and acting carefully, you can change your appearance beyond recognition in six months to a year, and the first results will be noticeable within a month.

Basic rules for gentle weight loss

Like any other, a gentle diet for weight loss has several rules. Even if you follow only them, you can gradually improve your figure without any problems.

  • It is necessary to minimize the amount of fatty, floury, sweet and fried foods. This doesn't mean you have to live your whole life without sugar and fried potatoes, it's all about your attitude towards food. Healthy food, steamed or boiled, allows you to feel the real taste of the dish, not overpowered by seasonings.
  • The same thing happens with sugar and other sweets: if you exclude tea and coffee with sugar from the menu of a gentle diet, after just three weeks you will not be able to return to them again, and milk and white chocolate will seem cloying and too sweet, unlike dark and bitter.
  • You need to reduce the amount of salt if you are used to consuming it in excess. A gentle menu for weight loss does not require a complete rejection of this seasoning, but an abundance of salt leads to fluid retention, swelling and strained kidney function.
  • You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Water is necessary for proper metabolism, activation of metabolism and the rapid removal of waste products from the body. In addition, water can help distinguish false hunger from true hunger. When you feel the urge to snack, drink a glass of water and wait 10-15 minutes. In half of the cases, the body mistakes thirst for a desire to be full, causing overeating.
  • Try to eat high-calorie foods and sweets in the first half of the day. A gentle diet does not require a complete renunciation of usual joys, but you should not indulge your desires either. If you really want a piece of cake, promise yourself that you will eat it in the morning. In most cases, you will no longer want cake in the morning, and if the desire remains, you will have time to burn extra calories during the day.
  • When creating a menu for a gentle diet, focus on your taste. Many diets are characterized by unprecedented severity: not a step aside, otherwise all your work will be in vain. Don’t get hung up on this: if you don’t like cottage cheese, rule it out; if you’re not ready to give up fast food, go, but not more than once every 2-4 weeks. When the body gets used to the fact that everything is possible for it, the nutritional pattern will improve itself.
  • Gradually reduce the number of servings: take a couple of spoons less, eat one candy instead of two, give up a bun for second breakfast, replacing it with a banana. The fast day diet is based on a smooth and gradual transition, without sudden jumps. Trying to change your life all at once will not end well.

By the way, in order for the body to get used to certain conditions, it only needs 3 weeks. That is, the most difficult thing is to endure exactly 21 days, then you will get used to it and will not want to live differently.

Sample menu of a gentle diet

A gentle menu for weight loss does not have an exact list of dishes and portion sizes. Instead, they invite you to use general recommendations and start creating on your own. No instruction can replace your desire and interest in the process.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, before breakfast, you should first drink a glass of clean water, which will improve your metabolism, before eating.
  2. Breakfast is an important meal that should not be skipped. A gentle version of the diet involves eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates: oatmeal with fruit, toast and crackers with butter, cheese or ham, fruit salads, yogurt. You can choose an omelette or scrambled eggs with bacon. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with a huge supply of energy, which takes a very long time to “digest.” Unlike simple carbohydrates, which are found in sweets and white bread, complex carbohydrates take several times longer to digest. That is, within 3-4 hours you will receive energy without delay and will not get hungry.
  3. Second breakfast is also included in the menu of a gentle diet, but not everyone pays attention to it. It may include unsweetened yogurt, juice, fruit or nuts. This meal is necessary to replenish your energy reserves without overeating. It's kind of a snack.
  4. Lunch is not for nothing considered the main meal of the day - it accounts for the most food. Meals should combine protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber. The main dish is meat, poultry or fish; stewed vegetables, pasta made from durum wheat or cereals are suitable as a side dish. A salad of fresh vegetables will complement your lunch.
  5. It is also not recommended to skip the afternoon snack: the fast day diet assigns it the same importance as the second breakfast. The menu remains the same: yogurt, fruit or juice.
  6. Dinner ends the day and should be as light as possible. Protein predominates in the dishes: meat, poultry, fish or cottage cheese; vegetables or fruits are suitable as a side dish. It’s better to give dessert to the enemy: a tired body will react poorly to carbohydrates.
  7. In some cases, a gentle diet for weight loss recommends including another meal - a late dinner. It should consist of a glass of low-fat kefir or a few tablespoons of cottage cheese. Such a snack will allow you to have no harm to your figure and sleep.

Athletes probably know that protein is extremely important for muscle formation, but not everyone knows about its importance for losing weight in the abdomen, waist and other parts of the body. Unlike carbohydrates, protein is not converted into fat and even promotes its burning. The body is forced to spend a lot of energy digesting protein, taking energy from carbohydrates or fat reserves. Having a protein dinner, you will not only fill yourself up until the morning, but also allow your body to work a little on reducing the volume of your stomach or sides.

A small conclusion about a gentle diet

By getting rid of excess weight step by step with the help of a gentle diet, you act in several directions at once.

  • First, you rebuild the body, allowing it to return to its natural needs.
  • Secondly, you slowly and surely lose weight, losing not muscle and water, but excess fat.
  • Thirdly, you get used to eating healthy and in small portions. To feel full, you no longer need huge portions and high-calorie foods, since the body does not consider gentle weight loss a hunger strike and easily tolerates it.

As a result, within a month you will notice the first results of changing your diet, and in six months you will fit into a dress a couple of sizes smaller, without having time to notice how this happened.

Video: Gentle diet for weight loss

A gentle diet is tolerated as comfortably as possible in comparison with other nutritional systems aimed at losing excess weight and eliminating fat deposits from the abdomen and sides. It is suitable for women and men of any age, even children. In addition, such a diet will have a beneficial effect on your health:

  • for diseases of the stomach and intestines, including ulcers - the drinking regime, a set of products and the diet improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing the microflora and eliminating problems with stool;
  • for pancreatitis - the standard menu of a gentle diet for inflammation of the pancreas should be adjusted to suit therapeutic diet“Table 5” by cutting carbohydrate foods to a minimum; as you recover, slow carbohydrates should be returned to the menu;
  • for diseases of the nervous system, the symptoms of which are apathy, disruption of healthy sleep patterns and sudden mood swings;
  • for hormonal imbalances in girls who are addicted to strict diets;
  • During the recovery stage after surgery, a gentle diet menu is suitable, but it must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

In addition to the fact that a gentle diet has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, it helps to improve the functioning of literally all body systems. If it is followed, cleansing occurs: waste and toxins are removed, and consequently the liver and blood vessels are cleansed.

Basic Rules:

  1. 1. Dietary meals should be fractional - at least 5 meals a day in small portions: about 300 g for breakfast, lunch and dinner and up to 200 g for snacks.
  2. 2. It is important to maintain a drinking regime, which consists of drinking plain clean water in an amount of at least 8 glasses. At the same time, you cannot drink during a meal, you need to do it 20-30 minutes before and 1.5 hours after. Maintaining such time intervals is justified by the peculiarities of digestion: when water enters the stomach along with food, it affects the composition of gastric juice, which slows down the process.
  3. 3. It is important to eat only healthy foods: unprocessed cereals, products made from oatmeal, rice, chickpea and whole grain flour, lean meat, all types of fish and seafood, eggs, vegetable proteins, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cold-pressed vegetable oils, bran and meal.
  4. 4. Strictly exclude sugar and all products containing it, products made from white flour, fast food, snack stores and sauces, alcohol, salty, smoked foods, sausages and sausages.
  5. 5. Proper weight loss requires a daily calorie deficit of no more than 20% of daily calories. To do this, they calculate their norm using a special formula: subtract 300 from the resulting number and form an individual diet based on this figure.
  6. 6. For cooking, it is strictly prohibited to use any oil for frying; baking on a non-stick coating is allowed.

The fact that there are a huge variety of diets is no secret. Many of them are aimed at losing weight and getting ideal results, but such diets do not always guarantee absolute safety for health. In order to take care of the health of their body, some resort to the so-called gentle diet for weight loss, because it not only gives good results in effective weight loss, but also eliminates the possibility of stress on the body.

A gentle diet usually more gently cleanses the body of harmful substances and promotes gradual weight loss, reducing body sagging. Fractional nutrition at the same time allows you not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, and protein foods ensure that there is no muscle wasting. This method of losing weight ensures uniform, gradual burning of fat and maintains vitality body at a high level.

However, a gentle diet minimizes the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, reducing the nutritional value of the daily diet. If it does not last too long, then fat burning occurs very slowly, and the diet becomes not so effective. In order for a gentle diet to bring maximum benefit, it must be based on the principles of proper nutrition, but with some exceptions.

In order to maintain muscle tone, it is also necessary to perform exercises to lose weight and relax muscles, adhering to a properly formulated diet. Keep in mind that breakfast should provide you with energy for the whole day, and for lunch you are allowed to consume no more than half of your usual portion. During a gentle diet, it is recommended to start dinner no later than 5 pm. The portion also needs to be halved.

The menu of a gentle diet for weight loss should include the most healthy foods possible, so never exclude fish, lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meat from your diet. After achieving the desired result, you need to return to a balanced proper nutrition, because a gentle diet cannot become the norm in your lifestyle.

Options and menu for a gentle diet for weight loss

This diet is useful for anyone who wants to get rid of a few extra pounds without forcing the body to starve. There are two main options for a gentle diet. Let's look at them in more detail.

Option 1. According to the principle of this version of a gentle diet, meals are provided 4 times a day. This diet will allow you not to feel hungry throughout the day. In addition, the gentle diet menu in this case alternates. The amount of food eaten is usually not indicated, so you can eat as much food as your body needs to feel full without overeating. At the same time, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week.

1st sample menu for this diet option:

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, fresh green salad, tea with milk, several unsweetened rye toasts.

Second breakfast: rye bread, slightly dried in the oven, a slice of ham, 1 fresh tomato, a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Lunch: lean borscht, vegetable salad with fresh carrots and herbs, low-fat meatballs with a small amount of durum wheat pasta. As a dessert, you can eat natural currant jelly without added sugar.

Dinner: a cup of green or herbal tea, lazy cottage cheese dumplings with tomato juice.

2nd sample menu for this diet option:

Breakfast: cottage cheese pasta with fresh tomato, a slice of rye bread, coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat kefir or milk, unsweetened biscuit, and any fruit of your choice.

Lunch: milk soup with any cereal, vegetable salad with spinach, lean roast beef (no added fat), boiled potatoes in their jackets.

Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with a spoon of vegetable oil, rye bread crackers, lean fish aspic.

If desired, the second breakfast can be replaced with an afternoon snack, especially if you do not feel hungry in the morning.

Option 2. This version of a gentle diet is designed mainly for consuming large amounts of protein foods, almost completely excluding carbohydrates and fats from the diet. During this period, you should be sure to take a multivitamin and drink enough water daily. You should follow this type of gentle diet menu for weight loss for no more than a week. As a result, you can lose up to 7 extra pounds.

Sample diet menu for the day:

Breakfast: a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese or hard cheese – 40-50 grams.

Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 120 grams of boiled lean meat without added fat, 20-30 grams of low-fat hard cheese.

Afternoon snack: unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with olive or vegetable oil, 120 grams of stewed or boiled lean meat.

Before bed: a glass of herbal tea with mint.

If desired, you can add 1 teaspoon of natural honey to your tea or coffee for breakfast, but in the evening you should avoid sweets in any form. While eating, try not to drink any liquid. It is better to drink tea, coffee or any other drink only half an hour after a meal. Rate this article

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