The most successful women's hairstyles that hide the nose. Models with big noses: a list of some of the most sought-after models in the world Girl with a huge nose

TO Beauty is everywhere: eyes, lips, facial features, figure.... But there are problems with the nose: it’s not the right size.

However, famous models are in no hurry to worry about this, since plastic surgery brings life back to their beauty. An increasing number of plastic surgery clinics are opening in every city. And not only in big cities, but also in much smaller towns. Surgery (plastic) costs incredible amounts of money. And it is not known whether this is fortunate or unfortunately, since, for sure, most people would actively use the services of plastic surgeons if this procedure were affordable for “every mortal.” And how many extreme sports enthusiasts and “players” would “divorce” from life…. It's scary to even imagine. Yes, no one will imagine it: why “clog” your imagination with something that is not beneficial to think about or know?

Beautiful girls with big noses. Can noses that are catastrophically unlucky in size have “non-deceptive” attractiveness? This question undoubtedly often flashes through the minds of “unlucky” people with long noses. Although, according to many wise women, attention from the nose can be distracted by other outstanding details of appearance, for example.

Yes, big noses can be beautiful, but most often models try to get rid of such beauty. Now we will tell you about those famous models who were sincerely dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose, but corrected the situation with the help of rhinoplasty procedures. It’s just not like that, they just had to do it both during it and before it, since there is no clear opinion about whether it is safe or not. Someone hides the truth in order to make a profit, someone believes in “miracles” and does not want to be disappointed in them... Envious people, of course, advise taking a risky step in order not to lose even a drop of beauty.

But the nose does not ask whether it is ready for such tests, and whether it really needs it. Or maybe he’s doing well anyway? Maybe he is proud of his individual and unique parameters? If noses could talk, they would take revenge on us verbally and express in detail everything that they think about us.

Famous models with a big nose (photo).

It's hard to be a model. And even heavier - famous models. It is necessary to meet absolutely all the standards and parameters of Her Majesty Beauty. Oh, how difficult it is. Maybe celebrities wouldn’t be interested in any kind of plastic surgery, but where would they be without it if they need to be perfect? It’s not for nothing that models are called “puppets of social life”: walk right, stand right, eat right…. And then there are these “plastic things”.

Gisele Caroline Bundchen, who is considered one of the princesses of the modeling business. She is not only a stunning beauty, but also a pleasant, interesting conversationalist. This is how friends and acquaintances speak about her. And also those who had a chance to talk with her. She remembered about rhinoplasty when she decided to change, at least a little, her nose, since for a very long time it seemed really big to her.

Halle Berry(actress and model) changed her nose, as it visually spoiled her facial features (as she believes). Her nose seemed somehow big, and this did not suit her in any way.

Linda Evangelista– one of the most beautiful people in the world. She had rhinoplasty not only because she was unhappy with her nose, but also because she wanted to become even more beautiful. Linda's dream came true: the new nose “gave” a non-standard charm to her image.

Alyssia Duvall, a former English model, also, at one time, was not distinguished by her “nasal” attractiveness. So she thought it would be great to “ask for help” from a rhinoplasty surgeon. Rhinoplasty did its job, but everything did not go as well as expected and desired. However, Alissia is unlikely to agree to another rhinoplasty.

But, for example, Kim Bassinger, who, as you know, was a fashion model, decided to “play” with rhinoplasty to see if this procedure could work real miracles. Her nose was not huge; it was only slightly noticeable that its size was larger than average. But women's curiosity has no limits. This woman's curiosity won, with a score of one to zero. And plastic surgeons, in turn, had to work hard.

If, purely because of filming, you need to “hide” the large size of your nose, then you can safely turn to the camera and shoot the model from the front or “head-on”. Then the nose will not be conspicuous.

I hawk nose Whoopi Golberg, of course, did not disfigure her, but she had to change it literally beyond recognition, at the request of plastic surgeons and stylists who saw her “new” with a changed nose.

In one of his interviews, Whoopi Golberg frankly admitted that in her distant childhood, she was teased in every possible way because of her nose, they came up with more and more new nicknames and nicknames for her, and laughed at her. She was very offended, she was in great pain. Over the years, she got used to the reaction of her classmates to her nose and stopped being upset about it, since, despite the size of her nose, she had a lot of fans. Naturally, this fact gave her self-confidence, and she stopped feeling somehow flawed. Men noticed the person in her, her spiritual qualities, the beauty of the rest of her body, and this, so to speak, “compensated for Whoopi’s “long nose.” By the way, she did not deliberately play the role of someone in order to lure a man, “forcing” him not to look at her nose. This woman herself radiated tons of charm. Well, what man can resist her?

The celebrity recalls a very comical incident when she tried to make her nose smaller using a cream that removes and smoothes out wrinkles on her face. Yes, whatever you can come up with in order to achieve the desired goal. Experiments with creams and ointments are much safer than any elements of rhinoplasty.

Did you also “get it” for the same reason? Remember your school days with a smile, no matter what. Your nose is one of a kind. There is no other like it. Any nose “knows how” to be beautiful, if you look after it properly. He doesn't like acne, pimples and dryness. Save your nose from such troubles, and it will not remain in debt. Love your nose the way it was given to you from birth.

Next time, before you cry into your pillow because of your “crooked” legs,
humps on the nose or uneven teeth - remember that even star beauties,
which millions of men around the world dream of, cannot boast of...
perfect body. They just learned to disguise their cuteness
(and sometimes not so much) shortcomings or passing them off as advantages.
Megan Fox
Appearance defect: deformed fingers
While filming an advertising campaign for a new model for Motorola, the actress had to
resort to the help of a stunt double. Megan asked not to take close-ups of her... hands.
It turned out that the “sexiest woman on the planet” is beautiful, but not to the tips of her nails.
Megan suffers from brachydactyly (a congenital abnormality of the fingers),
because of which the thumbs on the hands grow slower than the rest
and their nails look underdeveloped.

Paris Hilton

Yes, Paris doesn’t want to change anything - can she really give up her sky-colored eyes and return to her natural brown shade? This is so “boring”!

Title="Paris Hilton
Appearance defect: lazy eye
Have you ever noticed that every time Paris poses for photographers... she squints her left eye?
Several years ago (possibly after unsuccessful plastic surgery), the famous blonde’s left eyelid began to seriously sag.
The defect cannot be corrected - the heiress's love for colored contact lenses has extremely depleted the mucous membrane.
Yes, Paris doesn’t want to change anything - can she really give up her sky-colored eyes and return to her natural brown shade? This is so “boring”!">!}

Lily Allen

Today, such a genetic anomaly appears in one woman in fifty and looks like a large mole.

Title="Lily Allen
Appearance defect: third nipple
“When you touch it, it gets hard,” Lily doesn’t miss a single opportunity to talk about her… third nipple.
As a rule, the matter does not end with stories alone - the singer is happy to demonstrate the “miracle of the body” to everyone.
Lily is lucky that this is the 21st century, because there were times when those with a third nipple were considered witches and burned at the stake.
Today, such a genetic anomaly appears in one woman in fifty and looks like a large mole.">!}

Kate Bosworth
Kate Bosworth always looks dazzling on the red carpet, but if you get closer to her, it looks like she... has mixed up her colored contact lenses. The actress has congenital heterochromia of the iris: one eye is brown, the other is blue. This symptom is often found in animals - dogs, cats, horses, but in humans it is rather an exception to the rule.

Title="Kate Bosworth
Appearance defect: eyes of different colors
Kate Bosworth always looks dazzling on the red carpet, but if you get closer to her, it looks like she... has mixed up her colored contact lenses. The actress has congenital heterochromia of the iris: one eye is brown, the other is blue. This symptom is often found in animals - dogs, cats, horses, but in humans it is rather an exception to the rule.">!}

Vanessa Paradis
Appearance defect: chipped
Don't rush to the dentist if you notice a gap between your front teeth. Thanks to the charm of Vanessa Paradis, perfectly straight teeth have long been out of fashion! Glossy magazines and giants of the beauty industry sing the praises of the gap, which not only does not spoil the face, but also gives it a special charm. Today it is believed that such a slit indicates a special sexuality and cheerful disposition. But dentists call it a diastema (bite defect).

Title="Vanessa Paradis
Appearance defect: chipped
Don't rush to the dentist if you notice a gap between your front teeth. Thanks to the charm of Vanessa Paradis, perfectly straight teeth have long been out of fashion! Glossy magazines and giants of the beauty industry sing the praises of the gap, which not only does not spoil the face, but also gives it a special charm. Today it is believed that such a slit indicates a special sexuality and cheerful disposition. But dentists call it a diastema (bite defect).">!}

Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson has never been shy about her small breasts, which in a bikini looked completely... boyish. “She’s the same size as me in the comedy White Chicks,” Marlon Wayans burst out when the strap of her dress treacherously slipped off her shoulder during the American Music Awards. “The main thing is not the opinion of others, but self-awareness,” the beauty waved it off. However, there are rumors that on her birthday, in April of this year, she enlarged her breasts to... size one.

Title="Kate Hudson
Appearance defect: lack of breasts
Kate Hudson has never been shy about her small breasts, which in a bikini looked completely... boyish. “She’s the same size as me in the comedy White Chicks,” Marlon Wayans burst out when the strap of her dress treacherously slipped off her shoulder during the American Music Awards. “The main thing is not the opinion of others, but self-awareness,” the beauty waved it off. However, there are rumors that on her birthday, in April of this year, she enlarged her breasts to... size one.">!}

Julia Roberts
A few years ago, Hugh Grant, recalling his joint filming with Julia Roberts, opened up and admitted that “when you kiss her, you hear a little echo.” Of course, the British heartthrob was joking! However, the “beauty’s” huge mouth really violates the ideal proportions of her face. However, would Julia have made her dizzying career without her wide smile (and endlessly long legs, of course)?

Title="Julia Roberts
Appearance defect: huge mouth
A few years ago, Hugh Grant, recalling his joint filming with Julia Roberts, opened up and admitted that “when you kiss her, you hear a little echo.” Of course, the British heartthrob was joking! However, the “beauty’s” huge mouth really violates the ideal proportions of her face. However, would Julia have made her dizzying career without her wide smile (and endlessly long legs, of course)?">!}

Hayden Panettiere
The beloved of Vladimir Klitschko is the unlucky owner of a problematic figure. Not only does she have to constantly struggle with being overweight and endure attacks because of her short stature, but Hayden’s legs don’t grow from her ears at all. In order to somehow hide the last flaw, Hayden carefully chooses his wardrobe, giving preference to shoes with stunning heels, and dates two-meter-tall gentlemen.

Title="Hayden Panettiere
Appearance defect: short legs
The beloved of Vladimir Klitschko is the unlucky owner of a problematic figure. Not only does she have to constantly struggle with being overweight and endure attacks because of her short stature, but Hayden’s legs don’t grow from her ears at all. In order to somehow hide the last flaw, Hayden carefully chooses his wardrobe, giving preference to shoes with stunning heels, and dates two-meter-tall gentlemen.">!}

Katy Perry
Before her wedding to Russell Brand, the 25-year-old star is desperately battling not only excess weight, but also problem skin. “I’ve always been pretty pimply,” she admits. “I even have scars after eating too much, which I am very embarrassed about and carefully cover with foundation.” This year, Katie declared final war on the red bumps on her face - she became the ambassador of the Proactiv Solution facial care line.

Title="Katy Perry
Appearance defect: problem skin
Before her wedding to Russell Brand, the 25-year-old star is desperately battling not only excess weight, but also problem skin. “I’ve always been pretty pimply,” she admits. “I even have scars after eating too much, which I am very embarrassed about and carefully cover with foundation.” This year, Katie declared final war on the red bumps on her face - she became the ambassador of the Proactiv Solution facial care line.">!}

Halle Berry
Year after year, authoritative men's publications include Halle Berry in the ratings of "the most beautiful women on earth" and this despite the fact that the actress was born... with six fingers. Doctors call this anomaly polydactyly. According to statistics, one baby in 5,000 is born with six fingers and usually the extra finger is immediately removed surgically. Curious why Holly's parents decided to keep him?

Title="Halle Berry
Appearance defect: six toes
Year after year, authoritative men's publications include Halle Berry in the ratings of "the most beautiful women on earth" and this despite the fact that the actress was born... with six fingers. Doctors call this anomaly polydactyly. According to statistics, one baby in 5,000 is born with six fingers and usually the extra finger is immediately removed surgically. Curious why Holly's parents decided to keep him?">!}

The nose is an organ thanks to which a person is able to breathe and distinguish smells, in addition, the nose is an individual feature and makes the face unique. A large nose immediately attracts attention, but, unfortunately, often only because it disrupts the proportions of the face and deprives it of harmony and charm. Women, more often than men, worry about the size and shape of the organ of smell, believing that a large nose, if not disfiguring, at least deprives a girl of attractiveness and makes her feel self-conscious about her appearance. Little consolation for the weaker sex is the opinion of experts who believe that people with large noses are better protected from allergens and infectious agents, transmitted by airborne droplets.

In fairness, we note that a large and wide nose does not always “spoil” the owner’s life and, for example, looks good on a wide, high-cheekbone face, and also organically combines with large eyes, wide eyebrows and plump lips. The situation changes radically if a person has small facial features and against their background the nose looks large, having an optimal ratio of length and width. It is no coincidence that rhinoplasty, during which the size and shape of the olfactory organ is changed, has been one of the most popular plastic surgeries for several decades. Experts say that bones and soft tissues grow up to 18 years of age, and sometimes the formation of the nose continues until 21 years of age, so before this age it is premature to talk about its size, especially since it is not worth correcting an organ that has not yet formed. Interestingly, with age, the nose begins to appear larger due to age-related changes in the face, including muscle ptosis and reduction.

Signs of a large nose

The size of the nose is usually judged by the ratio of the length, height and width of its individual parts - base, back, root, tip and by the correspondence of the organ to the face as a whole. A nose is considered large if its length is more than a third of the length of the face.. In addition, the external perception of the olfactory organ is influenced by its width and height. For example, A girl’s nose will look large and wide if its width exceeds a third of its length. Also looks big nose, if the back is more than 30 degrees with the plane of the face, especially against the background of a sunken (deep) bridge of the nose.

In addition to subjective size criteria based on visual inspection, there is also a scientific method for determining size - this is the so-called nasal index (used in anthropology). The nasal index is found by dividing the width of the nose by its length and expressing it as a percentage. Depending on the result obtained, there are:

  • up to 70% - small nose (leptoria);
  • 70-85% - medium-sized nose (mesorhinia);
  • 85-100% - large nose (chamarinia)
  • Over 100% - very large nose (hyperchamarinia)

Studies show that Europeans have relatively small noses, and large ones are more common among indigenous Africans and Australians, which is associated with the characteristics of maintaining breathing in different living conditions. It has been proven that the shape and size of the nose are largely hereditary in nature and are determined by the national characteristics of a particular people. Thus, Slavs are more likely to have high and thin noses, while Asians are more likely to have wide and flattened noses.

Physiological characteristics of large noses in men and women

Research conducted by American scientists led to the conclusion that people with large noses are less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases thanks to longer nasal passages, in which the air lingers a little longer, which means it has time to warm up and get rid of some of the pathogens. According to statistics, seven percent fewer microorganisms enter the body of those with large noses, as well as plant pollen, which provokes allergy attacks.

Video about nose correction methods

Surgical correction of a large nose

A large nose in men rarely becomes a source of discomfort; representatives of the stronger half of humanity, if they resort to rhinoplasty, are mostly in emergency cases, for example, to get rid of the consequences of fractures. But girls often worry about what to do if you have a big nose, because for ladies both the shape and size of the olfactory organ are of great importance! Modern plastic surgery, fortunately, can correct almost any defect, including shortening the back of the nose and narrowing the wings of the nose.

To give the organ the desired proportions, its osteochondral frame is reduced. “Unnecessary” soft and bone tissue is removed through incisions on the inner surface of the nostrils. Often, during the operation, the curvature of the nasal septum is corrected, that is, it is done.

In the case of correction of a large wide nose in a girl or man, first of all, the nostrils are narrowed: part of the soft tissue is removed, after which the shape of the wings is formed. In addition, quite often during rhinoplasty of a wide nose the bridge of the nose is raised. In the event that the bridge of the nose is too wide (a fairly common physiological feature), part of the segments of nasal cartilage is usually removed, and then those that remain are sewn together. Large nose surgery takes up to two hours and is done under general anesthesia.

Attention! When rhinoplasty of a large nose, often covered with thick skin, it is more difficult to correct the tip of the nose, and not the back, as is commonly believed, and special skill is required in order to smooth the transition from the back to the tip. Some plastic surgeons use open access in such cases, believing that it allows maintaining the anatomical unity of all parts of the nose.

Photos of patients before and after correction of a large nose

How much does it cost to reduce a large nose? Cost of surgery in Moscow

Non-surgical ways to reduce a large nose

Only rhinoplasty can permanently eliminate a large nose. If it is not possible to have surgery, then it is worth trying to at least hide the real size of the olfactory organ using the following techniques:

Makeup. A girl with a big nose must correctly place “accents”, that is, distract from the nose and switch the attention of the interlocutor to other parts of the face. The best way to highlight your eyebrows is to enhance the color and give them a round or curved shape, as well as brighten your eyes. Makeup artists advise applying dark shadows to the inner corner of the eye and thereby visually narrowing the bridge of the nose - this technique is also good for correcting a wide, large nose. The length of the nose can be visually reduced if the tip is made a little darker (powdered with a dark shade of powder). Interestingly, girls with large noses should not highlight their lips, since the effect of switching attention in this case does not work.

Hairstyle. If a girl has a big nose, then soft, large curls and waves suit her. You should not style your hair in a straight parting (it will look like an extension of the bridge of your nose); it is better to opt for a side parting.

Glasses. Stylists know what to do if a large nose interferes with your life and advise you to choose glasses with original frames. The accessory will not only distract attention from the respiratory organ, but will also make the image complete and stylish; For owners of large noses, dark-colored frames with a narrow lens frame, preferably with pronounced angles, are well suited.

Big nose: interesting

There is an opinion that there is a connection between the size of the nose and male “dignity”. However, experts do not support this idea and claim that a man’s large nose is not a sign of remarkable sexual abilities.

Chinese sages recognized the nose as the ruler of the face and believed that its shape could predict a person’s fate. In their opinion, a large nose is more often found in serious, responsible and hardworking men, who are also generously endowed with creative abilities. There is a whole doctrine about noses and their connection with the character of people, called nosology, according to which a person with a large nose has a strong and courageous character.

The fact that the nose has at all times been considered the main “detail” on the face is confirmed by the names of works of art: the story “The Nose” by N.V. Gogol, the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose” by V. Gauff and the poem “Frost the Red Nose” by N.A. Nekrasov.

Writers had large noses: A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy.

Large noses have become the calling cards of many popular artists, such as Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbra Streisand, Uma Thurman, Gerard Depardieu and Jean Belmondo. Moreover, there are cases when, succumbing to the fashion for rhinoplasty, people, along with a large nose, lost their individuality and lost their careers. This happened with Jennifer Gray (the film “Dirty Dancing”) - the big one did not stop the actress from becoming the favorite of millions of viewers. However, after Jennifer shrank her nose and became like millions of pretty girls, the directors stopped filming her - they were not interested in this type.

Among Russian stars there are also many with big noses. Among the men, we will highlight A. Dzhigarkhanyan and V. Mashkov, and among the women, Lolita Milyavskaya and Alika Smekhova. Until recently, this company included Kristina Orbakaite, but several years ago the singer underwent rhinoplasty (in her words, due to injury): as a result, her nose was no longer large, but remained quite large.

“Big noses can be beautiful” - this is exactly the attitude journalist Radhika Sanghani decided to evoke in all big-nosed people when she launched a new flash mob on Twitter. For many years the girl could not look at her big nose without hatred, but she decided to pull herself together and prove to herself and society that people should love their big noses. And along the way, the journalist decided to break a couple of fashion stereotypes.

It's easy to be popular on Instagram if it's enough to have. But what about those people who have not taken profile selfies for years because they are embarrassed by their huge noses?

Journalist Radhika Sanghani from London told Mashable that for many years she could not come to terms with the impressive size of her nose. Radhika had a lot of complexes and really hated her appearance, but one day the journalist decided to take a new approach to beauty and declared war on fashion stereotypes.

It's so liberating! No longer hide from profile photos and show your face as it is. So I really want women to share their profile selfies and start celebrating their noses.

To combat the hatred towards big noses, Radhika posted a profile selfie on her Twitter handle. Under the hashtag #sideprofileselfie, the journalist launched an entire campaign dedicated to big noses, urging users to stop dreaming of small noses and start loving their own.

Radhika Sanghani

Breaking the ban on big noses with my new campaign and #sideprofileselfie!! Let's stop hating our noses for not being tiny and a little snubby, and learn to love them by sharing our profile selfies.

The response to Radhika's call was more than impressive. It turned out that a large nose is considered a problem by many people. Dozens of women and men began responding to the journalist’s tweet, adding their profile photos to the comments.

Because of the societal stereotypes associated with large noses, some people have had some really sad things happen to them. So the boyfriend of one of the users told her that because of her big nose, the girl could never be beautiful.

Radhika was happy to know that there are people who love their noses without a special hashtag.

Men also did not stand aside, but approached their appearance with even more irony than women.

But most importantly, Radhika really managed to convince some users that big noses do not spoil their appearance.

The journalist hopes that the flash mob will become even more popular and will help people see the beauty of their noses, even if now they seem too big.

I just hope this helps some of them love their noses and show them that big noses can be beautiful.

However, some users did not dare to overcome their fears and sent photos to the journalist in private messages. Radhika responded to every photo sent, because the wrong attitude towards one’s appearance should not ruin anyone’s life. But what even very shy people should not do is contact plastic surgeons. In pursuit of the appearance of your dreams, you can turn out to be a person with a big nose

Meanwhile, the journalist hopes that her idea will reach the fashion and entertainment industry, and people with big noses will begin to participate more freely in shows and films, which seems increasingly possible, because today the most successful models are unusual people. Like an albino guy who fought all his childhood because of his appearance, and when he grew up, he was sent to a modeling agency.

Most actresses are standards of beauty. But among them there are those who cannot boast of a typical Hollywood appearance. Some have tiny breasts, others are very tall, and others are downright ugly. But all this did not hinder their charm and talent; they became famous throughout the world. This collection features eight of the most famous actresses with big noses, who made their “big” flaw the highlight of their look.

It is impossible to start this top with someone else. 76-year-old Barbra Streisand is perhaps the most famous actress with a big nose. However, she became famous not only for her amazing acting talent, but also for her vocal abilities. She was easily given roles in films and musicals, and her songs topped all sorts of charts for six decades.

Barbra was born into an ordinary Jewish family that emigrated to New York from Austria. Since childhood, far from being the most beautiful girl, she dreamed of being on stage, but her relatives did not approve of these ideas, primarily because of her unsightly appearance. However, as time has shown, neither this circumstance nor the huge hump nose prevented the true genius of a woman from revealing herself in all her guises.

We put 53-year-old Sarah in second place among the top actresses with big noses. By her example, she showed the whole world that such a disadvantage is a trifle. However, it is worth noting that the actress has problems not only with this part of her face. Various ratings from various publications have repeatedly placed her at the head of the most ugliest and unsexy women on the planet.

This, of course, may upset the American, but if she were a typical beauty, she might not have ended up in the cult series Sex and the City. Or maybe this project would not have been so iconic and successful if the main roles in it had been played by famous written beauties.

Meryl's acting skills are truly limitless. In what guises she appeared before the audience. But she was always real and convincing. So much so that her huge hooked nose didn’t even bother her. Actually, it was her atypical appearance that allowed her to make her way into the world of cinema during the period of dominance of identical doll “beauties” on the screens.

69-year-old Streep is still considered one of the greatest actresses of our time and has so many awards that the celebrity probably has a separate room for them. Among them, of course, there are three Oscars and nine Golden Globes.

The list of actresses continues with Uma Thurman. This is now a 48-year-old woman - a star of the first magnitude. But her first attempts to become famous turned into failure. In addition to her prominent nose and not the most beautiful appearance, she is also considered and one of the highest in Hollywood. The height of Quentin Tarantino's muse is 181 centimeters.

The breakthrough at the beginning of her career was her role in a rather explicit film. She suddenly woke up as a sex symbol in America, which appreciated that sexuality was not a woman’s standard virtues. And then came an acquaintance with Tarantino and a role in the iconic “Pulp Fiction.”

This actress with a big nose continues the selection with dignity. The 55-year-old woman, whom the world knows for her participation in such films as “The Silence of the Lambs,” “Taxi Driver,” “Panic Room” and “Illusion of Flight,” began her career at just three years old. And by the age of thirty, the angular owner of a rough appearance and an impressive nose had already received two Oscars.

The fact that she is not the standard of beauty has always worried the least of the actress. Men rarely paid attention to her, but she didn’t need it - Foster is an open lesbian and is happily married to a famous actress-photographer. Unconventional sexual orientation, by the way, did not prevent Jodi from giving birth to two sons.

She is mistakenly considered a French actress with a big nose. Perhaps it has something to do with her name. But she's from Spain. In this collection, she is frankly the scariest. But it was her appearance and talent that allowed her to shake the usual ideals of beauty.

53-year-old Rossi might still have sung and danced in Madrid cafes if Pedro Almodóvar had not noticed her. The director was so impressed by her talent and off-screen appearance that he gave her very good roles, which she handled brilliantly. And then she entered the world of fashion as a model and muse for famous designers. Palma is so respected in the world of cinema that in 2015 she even sat on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival. So this one with a big nose is rightfully in our top.

The 49-year-old Australian actress also has a completely untypical appearance for a star. A particularly prominent part of her face is the large But she never thought about rhinoplasty. Having started working in the theater, she quickly reached unprecedented heights, after which film roles followed. One of the most famous is in the film "Elizabeth". After this picture, Blanchett gained worldwide fame.

Everyone noted the amazing acting, but no one paid attention to her appearance. Then came other cool roles, two Oscar statuettes and even getting into the top 50 in the world according to People magazine. The ability to present herself, charm, charisma and energy made the daughter of a teacher and officer a real star of our time.

Bursting onto the music scene in the late 2000s, Stefani Germanotta became a superstar almost overnight. But after rapid success there was also a rapid decline in popularity. Gaga exploited her freak image by showing her fans ("monsters") that we are all born beautiful. This was probably how she tried to justify her large hooked nose, unattractive appearance, small stature and unsightly figure with sagging breasts.

Now the 32-year-old artist gravitates more towards cinema. After failures in music, she began to move more and more into cinema. It is not yet clear how well she succeeds, but it is worth giving her credit - she made a splash in her time. And neither her big nose nor anything else bothered her. By the way, in October the film “A Star is Born” will be released, which will be the debut directorial work of actor Bradley Cooper. Actually, this will be a debut of sorts for Gaga - this is the first full-length film where she played the main role.

with a big nose

Of course, our stars are far from all of the above. But among them there are also those who managed to successfully use their disadvantage to their advantage. For example, Ekaterina Varnava. In the show "Comedy Woman" the number of jokes about her huge "shnobel" is difficult to count - in almost every episode this highlight of hers became the object of ridicule. But this does not prevent Varnava from acting in films and advertising, leading television projects, and being beautiful and attractive. Although initially appearance was clearly not her weapon.

Another Russian actress with a big nose is the daughter of the diva Alla Pugacheva herself - Kristina Orbakaite. She played her first role at the age of 12 in Rollan Bykov's film "Scarecrow". And she got it not because of connections, but because she played well and was really downright ugly. All this did not stop her from starring in more than thirty films and becoming a real pop star.

Looking at the photos of actresses with big noses, I would like to note that there are many not the most attractive women in the above list. But they all have magnetism and are incredibly talented performers of their roles. Perhaps all this is somehow connected. So, but people still love ordinary people on screen. The kind you might encounter in line at a clinic or buying bread.

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